Njugush and Abel Mutua’s Hilarious New Series, Anda Kava

Kenyan comedy powerhouses Abel Mutua and Njugush have teamed up for a new YouTube series titled “Anda Kava.” The show has quickly taken the internet by storm, with viewers praising the duo’s comedic genius.

In the series, Njugush takes on the role of a waiter who is unexpectedly recruited by Abel Mutua for a mysterious mission. Together, they embark on an undercover operation to investigate an Instagram influencer. Their comedic antics, including a hilarious disguise as women, have left fans in stitches.

The series has been met with overwhelming positive feedback, with many viewers commending the actors’ exceptional performances. It’s clear that Abel Mutua and Njugush’s dynamic partnership is a winning formula.

Njugush opens up about his difficult childhood and suicide attempt

Comedian Timothy Njugush Kimani, commonly known as Njugush, has shared the story of his challenging upbringing, revealing a difficult childhood despite his current success in the entertainment industry.


Content Creators Should Learn From Njugush and Monetize Their Audience Directly

Born 33 years ago, Njugush initially lacked the ability to speak due to a condition called ankyloglossia, where the tongue is tethered to the floor of the mouth by the frenulum. In his memoir, “Whispers from My Childhood: Through Thick and Thin,” Njugush explains that this condition raised concerns about his ability to develop speech and limited his opportunities. His mother noticed something was wrong when he was about a month old, as he didn’t cry like other infants. After three weeks of observations and tests at Meru County General Hospital, doctors diagnosed him as tongue-tied. A procedure was performed to correct the issue by releasing the frenulum.

This was just one of the many challenges Njugush faced growing up. He also struggled with emotional instability, which led him to attempt suicide in April 2005. Njugush describes feeling lonely and out of place after his family moved to Joska, Machakos County, leaving him behind in the village to stay with his aunt while he finished school. He expressed uncertainty about his motivations at the time, questioning whether he was overwhelmed by the rapid changes in his life or if it was a symptom of melancholy.


Commentator and his girlfriend discuss insights gained from Njugush and Celestine Ndinda.

Njugush also recounted his struggles with bedwetting during childhood. His mother addressed this issue with a reward system, giving sweets to the child who did not wet the bed—a system that motivated him and his brother to stay dry.

Despite these challenges, Njugush has become a prominent comedian in Kenya, earning significant income from ambassadorial and brand deals. His success is so notable that even President William Ruto once joked that Njugush and fellow comedian Butita earn more than he does.

Content Creators Should Learn From Njugush and Monetize Their Audience Directly

The influencer economy has exploded, transforming individuals into digital powerhouses with immense reach and influence. Yet, despite their substantial impact, many influencers find themselves at the mercy of intermediaries – platforms and brands – when it comes to monetization. It’s time for a paradigm shift. Influencers must seize control of their audience and explore direct monetization strategies. With his many TTNT shows, Njugush has shown that this is very possible even in Kenya.

Traditionally, influencers have relied on sponsored content, brand partnerships, and affiliate marketing as primary income sources. While these methods can be lucrative, they often involve complex negotiations, performance metrics, and a percentage of revenue shared with intermediaries. Moreover, it limits an influencer’s autonomy and potential earnings.

Direct monetization empowers influencers to capture the full value of their audience. One effective approach is creating and selling exclusive digital products. This could encompass anything from ebooks and online courses to personalized coaching sessions or virtual meet-and-greets. By offering tangible value to their followers, influencers can generate recurring revenue while deepening their connection with their audience. Njugush does this by selling his TTNT viewings online for a small fee while protecting against copyright infringement using temporary links.

Another avenue is events. By providing events, influencers can cultivate a loyal fanbase willing to pay an entry fee to see them in person. Several comedians and podcasters have been doing this. Njugush, Kennar and Abel Mutua come to mind. This not only ensures a steady income stream but also fosters a stronger sense of community among subscribers.

Merchandise is a classic monetization tactic that has gained new momentum in the digital age. By creating branded merchandise that resonates with their audience, influencers can tap into fan loyalty and generate substantial profits. However, it’s crucial to offer high-quality products that align with the influencer’s brand identity to ensure long-term success.

While direct monetization offers immense potential, it’s essential to acknowledge the challenges. Building a sustainable income stream requires careful planning, marketing expertise, and a deep understanding of the target audience. Additionally, influencers must invest time and resources in creating high-quality products or content to justify the price point. But it is worth the effort, considering it even gives you massive leverage when negotiating sponsorship deals on the other end. You can basically say that you are worth x because if you were to go directly to your audience, they would give you x and so a sponsor should give you more.

In conclusion, the influencer landscape is evolving rapidly. To maximize their earning potential and achieve financial independence, influencers must explore direct monetization strategies. By cutting out intermediaries and building direct relationships with their audience, they can unlock new opportunities and take control of their financial future. 

Ngujush dismisses the idea of entering politics

Online skit comedian Njugush, who has recently been vocal about governance and political issues, has ruled out the possibility of entering politics.

Njugush, known for his sharp critiques of the government, appearances on TV programs for commentary, and sketches imitating politicians accused of poor governance and corruption, maintains that despite his deep involvement in the country’s affairs, becoming a politician is not in his plans.


Kenyans React as Njugush and Abel Mutua Defend Butita

“I don’t think I can be a politician; it’s not in my place. I am not cut out for leadership. Everyone should stick to what they do best. I am powerful in what I do with skits, and that’s where I can make an impact. I can’t go into leadership because it’s not my thing. That’s the problem we’re facing in this country – people who are not qualified are in those positions,” Njugush explains.

The comedian recently released a book titled Whispers from My Childhood, which details his journey growing up.

Celebs who could be voted into government if they vied

With celebrities coming together to condemn the recent Finance Bill, it got me wondering, which of these celebs could actually vie for office to make a change from within? Here is my list of celebrities who I think could actually be voted into government if they vied:

1. Eric Omondi

The man has recently rebranded into a philanthropist and nothing connects with Kenyans like some well meaning generosity. Babu Owino has already come out in public to state that ODM is preparing a seat for him in Nairobi

2. Lynn Ngugi

The “Oprah Winfrey of Kenya” has been blazing a trail with her videos uncovering the trials and tribulations ordinary Kenyans pass through. As one of the most respected and influential digital personalities in the country, she has also been known to mobilize funds for the needy through her YouTube channel. This is one of the main things voters would look for in a leader

3. Njugush

Much as he is a comedian, his content is extremely relatable with the common mwananchi. He also takes breaks from comedy every now and then to give some activist commentary on the state of Kenyan leadership, which implies that he might be looking to transition into that arena some time in the future

4. Andrew Kibe

The man already tried once to vie for the Lang’ata MP seat and failed. He might want to try again now that he is one of the most notorious Kenyans around. He would have big support from a section of men but he would struggle to gather votes from women as he has bashed them heavily in the past

5. Churchill

The expert storyteller is one of the few celebrities around who has been able to mobilize crowds across the country with his Churchill Show tours. He has also had a slot on prime time national TV for the past 17 years, which gives him name recogniti0n across the country on the same level as some of our biggest politicians

Kenyans React as Njugush and Abel Mutua Defend Butita

Over the weekend, Butita sparked controversy on social media platform X for his ambiguous stance on the Finance Bill 2024, leading to speculation about his government affiliations.


Eddie Butita blasted after finally announcing his stand on the 2024 proposed Finance Bill

Amerix’s provocative post directly addressed Butita: “BUTITA, I am talking to you. The future of your creative works is in your audience. Listen to your audience. Don’t explain. Go to YouTube and create a 10-minute promo that rejects the Finance Bill. That is what artists do. I am not begging you. CHANGE or PERISH.”

This pressure prompted Butita to respond, eventually rejecting the finance bill amid intense scrutiny. His friends, Abel Mutua and Njugush, humorously came to his defense, leaving fans in stitches.

Abel Mutua declared, “On Tuesday, we will be one soldier heavier. Welcome to the streets @eddiebutita. Your mistake wasn’t joining the government. For change to happen, we need to influence from within. Delaying the rejection swayed the public, but we are good now. See you Tuesday.”


Abel Mutua’s playful jab at Eddie Butita with his ‘White House’ comment has left Kenyans laughing uproariously


Meanwhile, Njugush took a lighter approach in his post: “1. This is a warning to @eddiebutita to never shave again!!!!!!! 2. I know guys with huge media and social influence have been shying away from political-related issues (mostly informed by the audience)… However, issues touching on people’s lives have since stopped being political, and everyone should be able to pronounce themselves for a better nation. So with that said Butita Tuesday kuja na maji na duster na nini ingine nimesahau?”


Fans reacted with a range of comments:

  • Hataamini: “😂😂 Yeye kwanza ndio akuwe hapo mbele with a placard akianza chant 😂😂 na abebe gloves za kurudisha teargas canisters.”
  • thee.tribes: “Akujee na tropicals apee kila mtu.”
  • nasrayusuff: “True dat!!!!🔥🙌”
  • silva_kido: “Akuje grao 🙌😂.”
  • its_al_fred: “Kama wakoloni walirudi ngambo, kwani SUGOI SHI’ NGAPI? #REJECTFINANCEBILL2024.”
  • ammuomo: “Anakaa ruto.”
  • blissshiva: “Anakaa ruto kiplani 😢.”
  • phil_director: “Na nilijua mnapoteza huyo kijana 😂.”

The banter continued with comments like “Wale wamemsunguka si ni wewe? 😂😂” and “Meanwhile let’s report KRG, he’s pretending to be a musician 😂.”

“He was misunderstood” Njugush defends Abel Mutua after the ‘Tanya’ confession

Njugush has finally addressed the rumors about his friend Abel Mutua allegedly using his scriptwriting skills to fulfill a long-term desire to kiss Sarah Hassan, who played Tanya on the TV show “Tahidi High.”


Celebrities Married To Rich Men

In a recent interview with Nairobi News, Njugush clarified that the viral clip circulating was taken out of context by individuals with malicious intent. He emphasized that Abel was referring to his character, Freddie, on “Tahidi High,” not himself personally.

Njugush pointed out that if the full video had been posted, people would have understood Abel’s true meaning. Fans of “Tahidi High” are aware of the genuine relationship between Tanya (Sarah Hassan) and OJ (Dennis Mugo).


Sarah Hassan displays flawless body in tiny bikini (Photo)

According to Njugush, Freddie (Abel Mutua) had always admired Tanya, a humble high school student who did not reciprocate his feelings. Tanya was known to have a crush on OJ, who was not the best choice for her. To add a twist, scriptwriter Abel Mutua decided to give Freddie a happy ending, allowing him to at least get a kiss from Tanya, despite her choosing the wrong partner initially.

Njugush further explained:

“Towards the end, everyone wanted Tanya to be with OJ and would make it difficult for Freddie. Everyone was against Freddie being with Tanya. So, when Abel had the chance to write the ending, he decided to add a twist, not for Sarah Hassan, but for Tanya. People have taken it out of context.”

Njugush Educates Citizen TV on the 2024 Finance Bill

Comedian Timothy Kimani, known as Njugush, surprised viewers with his insightful commentary during Citizen TV’s discussion on the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

Njugush displayed an impressive understanding of the bill’s intricacies, particularly highlighting the government’s difficulty in conveying the proposed tax measures to the public.


When Njugush and Wakavinye reveal their new minibus, Tugi, Abel Mutua and the crowd respond.

He voiced his frustration with the perceived inefficiency in tax collection, citing scandals like the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) corruption case.

“The government experts are failing to communicate clearly,” Njugush remarked. “Our problem isn’t collecting taxes, it’s spending them!”

He also argued that higher taxes would negatively impact sectors like content creation, which depend on Kenyans’ disposable income.


Njugush’s Spoof of Kuria’s Cooking Oil Remarks Has Fans in Stitches

Njugush’s articulate analysis struck a chord with viewers, earning him praise for making complex economic issues more comprehensible. Social media users lauded his clarity:

“Even Njugush explains it better than so-called economists!”

“Thank you, Njugush, for making it clear! The KRA guy should step down.”

Watch his full interview below:

Njugush demands government transparency regarding taxation of Kenyans

Renowned comedian Njugush, whose real name is Timothy Kimani, has been outspoken about the government’s taxation policies, particularly those affecting Kenyan citizens.

In 2023, Njugush criticized the government’s proposal to impose a 15% tax on content creators, emphasizing the financial strain it would place on individuals in the creative industry.


Comedian Njugush Leaves Fans With Admiration After His Educational Video- A Real Man!

He also expressed concerns about the housing levy included in the proposed Finance Bill 2023. Njugush argued that while building affordable housing is a commendable goal, it should not take precedence over other urgent national issues.

“Building affordable houses is a commendable initiative, but there are critical aspects that need clarification,” Njugush said.

Initially, the government proposed a 3% contribution from all employees to the housing fund, which was later revised to 1.5%, with employers matching this contribution for each employee.

In a recent interview with Nairobi News, Njugush clarified that his criticisms were not directed at specific individuals but were instead meant to advocate for the welfare of the Kenyan people.

“The president does not have time to question my opinion about the government and why I say what I say. Just as we have an opposition, as creatives we should stand up for our people,” Njugush explained.


When Njugush and Wakavinye reveal their new minibus, Tugi, Abel Mutua and the crowd respond.

When asked what he would like to see the government do, Njugush emphasized the need to tackle corruption and ensure transparency in the use of taxes, which would address public concerns.

“What I want the government to do is tackle corruption. It is not that Kenyans do not like paying taxes; they are just concerned about where the money goes. If corruption was tackled in Kenya, paying taxes would not be an issue,” he said.

Njugush highlighted the potential benefits of effectively using tax revenues to improve health and education services, underscoring the importance of accountability and public trust in government institutions.

“You will be happy to pay taxes if you are sure that when you go to the hospital, you will not have to pay for treatment and if that money can be used to improve the quality of our public schools.”

On May 13, President Ruto stated his intention to raise the country’s average tax rate from 14 percent to 16 percent by the end of 2024, with a target of reaching between 20 and 22 percent by the end of his term.

Comedian Njugush Leaves Fans With Admiration After His Educational Video- A Real Man!

Wife of popular comedian Njugush, Celestine Ndinda recently shared an educational video on her social media page that has gone viral. The clip features Njugush teaching the importance of using natural manure, a stark contrast to the chemical fertilizers many people rely on today.

Njugush’s dedication to his farm, evident in the video, has sparked a wave of admiration from his female fans. Many have showered him with praise for his hard work and knowledge of agriculture, calling him the epitome of a “manly man.”

One fan, Georgina, commented,

“Mama Tugi [Celestine’s nickname], you found yourself a real man. Kimani [Njugush’s real name] was raised well!”

Another admirer expressed her desire for a partner like Njugush, highlighting the impact his work ethic and character have had on his audience.

Manzi Wa Kibera’s Elderly Boyfriend Passes On

This outpouring of appreciation comes shortly after Njugush and Celestine launched a new business venture – a minivan operating on the Kitengela route. This is just one example of the “low key hustles” the couple tackles together.

The Wakimani’s story resonates with many, particularly those who admire their rise from humble beginnings. Their dedication to hard work and commitment to their family serves as an inspiration, especially for their two sons.

When Njugush and Wakavinye reveal their new minibus, Tugi, Abel Mutua and the crowd respond.

Comedian Timothy Kimani, known as Njugush, and his wife Celestine Ndinda, also known as Wakavinye, have expanded their business ventures into the matatu industry.

The couple has acquired a new minibus, which they have named after their firstborn son, Blessed Tugi. This minibus will operate under the famous Super Metro Sacco, covering the Nairobi to Kitengela route, which is relatively new for the Sacco.

Njugush and Wakavinye officially unveiled the minibus on Thursday, marking the occasion with a dedication ceremony and prayer before commencing operations.

Inside the minibus, the couple has adorned the interior with pictures of Njugush’s friends and close business associates, including Eddie Butita and Philip Karanja, among others.

Njugush’s friends have extended their congratulations to him on achieving this new milestone in their business endeavors.

Abel Mutua

“WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!! I see nothing to write home about. @blessednjugush @celestinendinda I wish mngeniconsult,” Abel said sarcastically.


“Hii move nayo imeninice mbaaaaaaya👏🏼👏🏼 Eeeeeish Mabeste zangu wamenichora kwa mathree👑 @abelmutua usijali naongea na @blessednjugush tuone kama tutaongeza picha yako kwa Kabat @celestinendinda ashakubali,”

Adding; “Congratulations @blessednjugush and @celestinendinda 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I am happy @abelmutua hajachorwa ndani ya hii gari😂😂��.

Phillip Karanja

“KABAT!! 🚌🚌 Congratulations @blessednjugush and @celestinendinda. Nyi ni wanoma! Super Proud of you!!👏🏾👏🏾🙌🏾,”.

njorothecomedian KABAT🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥congratulations to the Njugunas 🙌🙌🙌

luvusi_bruce your friendship is one for the books!!! we as your fans are always proud 🙌

mollykabuteh We don’t play about God here!!!!!

kabiez_trendy_babies_and_mums This is what real friendship looks like. It’s reciprocal, positive, supportive, loving and most of all hopes &prays you do better in every stage of your life

princearakaki However told you grass to grace doesn’t exist tell them shame on them! God is the lifter of Men!

l.i.z.b.o.n Hapa naenda Kitengela na nirudi 😂😂😂 .. congratulations 🎉 Baba na Mama Tugi

rionita8 Congratulations to this power couple 🎉🙌

bencyco Congratulations bana👏😂

misskithinji Congratulations 👏👏

Was it because of this Abel Mutua comment that Njugush sold his Sh3.9 million Prado?

Comedian Njugush appears to have responded playfully to filmmaker Abel Mutua’s recent banter about his car, sparking reports that Njugush has put his Toyota Prado TX up for sale.

The banter initiated when Abel Mutua humorously referred to Njugush’s car as a ‘wardrobe’ in a video that quickly went viral.

In the video, Abel Mutua jokingly remarked, “The guy you see here is Timothy Kimani Ndegwa driving his clean wall unit, being followed by a machine… a cabinet follows the machine – a Range Rover Evoque driven by his wife.”

This lighthearted exchange seemingly prompted Njugush to list his car for sale.

A Twitter user with the handle @Mickey0T, known as Petrolhead, shared the news on social media, stating, “Abel Mutua and others teased Njugush until he decided to release the TX.”

According to the details provided, the car is a 2014 Toyota Prado with a 2700cc engine featuring a sunroof and 7 leather seats.

The asking price for Njugush’s well-maintained unit is Sh3.9 million, as revealed by Petrolhead in his tweet.

This isn’t the first time that Abel has poked fun at Njugush. In May last year, Abel acquired a new Land Rover Discovery 4, bidding farewell to his beloved Mercedes Benz E250 after five years of ownership.

While picking up his new car, Mutua playfully asserted that his latest ride surpassed Njugush’s Toyota Prado.

“Timothy Kimani Ndegwa do not talk to me. In case you need to say something, write an email, and we will respond in three to five business days. Kimani, it is over for you,” teased Abel.

Earlier, Mutua had announced on social media that he was parting ways with his Benz, posting a heartfelt message and a video showing the cherished car being loaded onto a truck.

In the caption, he expressed gratitude for the unforgettable memories and experiences he had shared with the vehicle over the years.

He affectionately nicknamed the car Miss GT (God’s Time).

Kenya’s Vocal Stars: Celebrities Turn Political Critics in a Time of Discontent

Kenya’s political landscape is witnessing a surge of unexpected voices: celebrities. Beyond their usual roles of musicians, comedians, and social media influencers, these personalities are emerging as vocal critics of President Ruto’s administration. Using their platforms and influence, they challenge policies, question decisions, and amplify public concerns – transforming mere observers into shapers of the national discourse.

From Scathing Verses to Bold Declarations:

  • Huddah Monroe: Once a supporter, the renowned influencer made a dramatic shift, labeling Ruto “Kenya’s worst president” due to economic woes. Her blunt criticism resonated with Kenyans facing rising costs of living.

  • Njugush: This comedian uses satire to skewer the government’s claims of free education and affordable healthcare, highlighting the stark reality of high prices and unemployment. He also criticizes the appointment of wealthy politicians amid inflation.

  • Madtraxx: The musician accused Ruto of deliberately “oppressing the country” to justify potential authoritarianism. While later advocating for prayer and support, his initial outburst echoed public anxieties.

  • Khaligraph Jones: In his hit song “Minimal Pressure,” the rapper critiques the failed “bottom-up” economic strategy and calls out perceived hypocrisy among creators who met with the president about taxation. His bold lyrics resonated with Kenyans struggling under economic hardship.

Beyond Entertainment: A Shift in Role:

These celebrities’ actions represent a significant shift. By stepping beyond their traditional spheres and engaging in political discourse, they:

  • Amplify Discontent: They give voice to widespread frustration with the government’s economic policies and perceived lack of action on pressing issues.

  • Challenge Narratives: They question official pronouncements and offer alternative perspectives, fostering critical thinking among the public.

  • Hold Power Accountable: They use their influence to scrutinize the government’s decisions and demand transparency, pushing for better governance.

This trend raises crucial questions:

  • Can celebrity involvement in politics effectively bring about change?

  • Will it polarize the public or encourage constructive dialogue?

  • How will it shape the future of political discourse in Kenya?

One thing is certain: the emergence of these vocal celebrities marks a new chapter in Kenyan politics, one where entertainment and activism increasingly intertwine. Time will tell how their influence will shape the nation’s future.

Njugush’s Spoof of Kuria’s Cooking Oil Remarks Has Fans in Stitches

Comedian Njugush has had his fans laughing out loud with a skit in which he spoofed Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria’s remarks about cooking oil prices.

In the skit, Njugush plays a fitness coach who is counseling his wife, Celestine Ndinda, who is unhappy with her lack of weight loss.

Ndinda tells Njugush that she has been working out for months, but she has not seen any results. Njugush asks her where she got weighed, and she says she went to the Nairobi CBD.

Njugush then tells her that she should have gone to Ruiru, where the prices are lower. He says, “Everything is lower in Ruiru. Sugar has dropped, madam, let go of those worries. Who’s the coach here, you or me? Who checked your sugar levels? In Ruiru, everything has gone down. Have you become the coach?”

The skit is a parody of Kuria’s remarks during a recent interview on Citizen TV, when he challenged the accuracy of the figures presented on cooking oil prices. Kuria said that the prices had significantly decreased since his appointment and challenged the journalist to make random calls to supermarkets to verify his claims.

Kuria also insisted that the journalist send another crew to Ruiru to investigate potential lower prices.

Njugush’s skit has been a hit with his fans, who have praised him for his comedic timing and his ability to skewer Kuria’s remarks. The skit has also been shared widely on social media, where it has been viewed by thousands of people.

Njugush Responds To Criticism Of His Comedy Style

Comedian Njugush has responded to criticism of his comedy style, saying that he only takes feedback from people who know what they are talking about.

In an interview with fellow comedian Oga Obinna, Njugush said that he has received feedback from people who say that he should add more to his comedy. However, he said that he only listens to feedback from people who have seen his shows and know what he is capable of.

“A cow cannot take criticism from a dog, an elephant cannot take criticism from a fish,” Njugush said. “This is the point, I take criticism, but not the one of, ‘Hii inawork wacha!’ Tunataka hii reowork hapa nje na haikuwork huku nje uifanye.”

Njugush’s comments come after he was criticized by a section of Kenyans and even veteran rapper Jua Cali, who said that he didn’t find his style of comedy funny. However, Njugush’s loyal fans have come to his defense, and even fellow celebrities like Abel Mutua and Kate Actress have spoken out in his support.

Njugush said that he is not bothered by the criticism, and that he will continue to do what he does best.

“I changed a lot of things from TNTT 1,” he said. “For example, people said we want Wakavinye more on stage, those are people who said. So we’ve been gradually adding her time on stage, so I listen to such criticsm.”

Njugush’s comments have been met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised him for his confidence, while others have said that he is being arrogant. However, one thing is for sure: Njugush is not going to let the critics get him down.

Njugush fires back at Jua Cali and Australian audience

Comedian Njugush has returned to Kenya after a tour in Australia to promote his stand-up comedy show TTNT 4. He has been criticized for his show by the public and Genge artist Jua Cali.

In response to the criticism, Njugush said that art is subjective and that everyone has their own opinion. He pointed out that his previous shows, The Real Housewives of Kawangware and his digital comedy, were also criticized before they became successful.

“We I have been told that even with family members, so what about people I don’t know (laughs). He said we are boy but we have met only once. But it’s his own sentiment s and that is what he thought and everyone has his opinion, but his opinion doesn’t prevent me from telling people to go and by Links from my Website and watch all  the TTNT’s.

“Art is very subjective and relative. Tulikuwa apa tukianza Real Housewives wakasema hakuna mahali tunaenda. Everyone has their own opinion but that doesn’t stop me,” 

Njugush said that he is not bothered by the criticism and that he will continue to produce his comedy shows. He challenged his critics to go and watch his shows and then form their own opinions.

“After we sold out all those shows from TTNT 1-4 mnataka kusema sai ndio mmerealise sio poa, do you know how hard it is kujaza nje?”

Njugush Unbothered By Jua Cali’s Remarks, Thanks Fans For Support

Njugush has responded to Jua Cali’s remarks about his comedy tour in Australia, saying that he is “unbothered” because art is subjective.

Jua Cali had criticized Njugush’s performance, saying that it was “not funny” and that he was “disappointed.” However, Njugush said that he was not bothered by Jua Cali’s comments, saying that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

“Art is subjective, and everyone is entitled to their own sentiments,” Njugush said. “I am grateful for everyone who has supported my comedy special, from the first instalment of ‘Through Thick & Thin (TTNT) 1’.”

Njugush also thanked his fans for defending him and making Jua Cali apologize for his remarks.

“I would like to thank my army of fans who stood up for me and made Jua Cali apologize for his remarks,” Njugush said. “I am grateful for their support.”

Njugush’s comedy tour in Australia was a success, and he has received positive reviews from critics and fans alike. He is one of the most popular comedians in Kenya, and his work has been praised for its humor and relatability.

Njugush’s response to Jua Cali’s remarks is a reminder that art is subjective, and that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, it is also a reminder that the opinions of others can have a significant impact on our work. It is important to be thick-skinned and to not let the opinions of others get to us. However, it is also important to listen to feedback and to learn from our mistakes.

Bien Defends Njugush After Jua Cali’s Comments

Bien of Sauti Sol has defended Njugush after Jua Cali questioned his comedic talent. Jua Cali had said that he did not find Njugush funny, despite the fact that he has sold out shows in the UK.

Bien responded to Jua Cali’s comments on Twitter, saying that he has “nothing but respect” for Njugush and his wife. He also said that “legacy over everything.”

Jua Cali’s comments sparked a debate on social media, with some people agreeing with him and others disagreeing. Some people said that Njugush is not funny, while others said that he is a talented comedian who is still growing.

Jua Cali has since apologized for his comments, saying that he is a fan of stand-up comedy and that he did not mean to offend Njugush. He also said that he believes that Njugush has the potential to be one of the greats in stand-up comedy.

The controversy has brought attention to the art of stand-up comedy in Kenya. It has also shown that there is a difference of opinion about Njugush’s comedic talent. Only time will tell whether Njugush will become one of the greats in stand-up comedy.

Njugush Explains Why His Son’s YouTube Channel Has Been Inactive

Popular Kenyan comedian Timothy Kimani, popularly known as Njugush, has finally explained why his son Tugi’s YouTube channel has been inactive for the past two years.

The channel, which boasts over 142,000 subscribers, was known for its comedic skits featuring Tugi and his mother Celestine Ndinda. However, the channel has not uploaded any new content since 2021.

In a recent interview, Njugush said that the channel’s hiatus was due to a combination of factors, including school and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“When we started the channel, Tugi was still in primary school,” Njugush said. “He was finding it difficult to balance school work and creating content for the channel.”

The COVID-19 pandemic also made it difficult for Tugi to create content, as schools were closed and he was spending more time at home.

“During the pandemic, we were all at home, so it was hard to find time to film videos,” Njugush said.

Njugush said that he and Tugi are now planning to start uploading new content to the channel soon.

“We’re now back in school and things are getting back to normal, so we’re planning to start uploading new content soon,” Njugush said.

He also said that he and Tugi are planning to make some changes to the channel, including adding new features and improving the quality of the content.

“We’re planning to make some changes to the channel,” Njugush continued. “We want to add new features and improve the quality of the content.”

Njugush’s fans are excited to hear that the channel will be making a comeback. They have been eagerly awaiting new content from Tugi, and they are looking forward to seeing what he comes up with next.

Njugush Responds to Ruto’s Remarks on Content Creators’ Earnings

Content creator Njugush has responded to remarks by Deputy President William Ruto that he and fellow comedian Butita earn more than the Head of State.

Speaking during an interview on Hot 96, Njugush said that while there is money to be made in content creation, some people do it for the love of it.

“When the DP said that Butita and I earn more than him, I knew there was a problem,” Njugush said. “I don’t know where he got his information from, but it’s definitely not true.”

Njugush said that content creators are not paid millions of shillings for their work. In fact, he said that many content creators struggle to make a living.

“We do this for the love of it,” Njugush said. “We don’t do it for the money.”

Njugush’s response comes after Ruto made the remarks during a rally in Kakamega on Saturday. Ruto said that content creators were making more money than the government, and that this was a sign of a broken system.

Ruto’s remarks have been met with mixed reactions. Some people have defended the DP, saying that he was simply speaking the truth. Others have criticized Ruto, saying that he was trying to divide the country.

The debate over the earnings of content creators is likely to continue. However, Njugush’s response has put the issue into perspective. Content creators are not making millions of shillings, and they are not a threat to the government. They are simply people who are passionate about their work.

Njugush Reveals Origin of Wife’s Nickname

Award-winning comedian Njugush has revealed the origin of his wife, Celestine Ndinda’s nickname, Wakavinye.

In an interview with Mwende Macharia, Njugush explained that the nickname came from the fact that Celestine used to own a Toyota Vitz, which he would call Kavinye.

“Cele used to own a Vitz so I would call it Kavinye,” Njugush said. “That is how I ended up calling her Wakavinye, which means ‘the owner of Kavinye’.”

Njugush praised his wife as an important part of his successful career and said that their partnership will continue into the future. He also defended his decision to work with his wife, despite some critics who have advised him to stop.

“The only person and I keep saying it, mtapanda, mtateremka, but I will never stop working with Cele,” Njugush said. “She is the only person who trusted me when no one else did. Hata hawa wanapiga makelele they were nowhere to be seen and now all of a sudden …don’t work with your wife!!”

Njugush added that his wife has the training and experience needed for the role, having gone to school to study the same.

“She is a content creator, she is a producer, she is a director,” Njugush said. “She has the training and the experience. So why would I not work with her?”

Njugush and Celestine have been married for over 10 years and have two children together. They are one of Kenya’s most popular celebrity couples and their work together has been praised by many.

No more babies for Njugush says, wife Celestine Ndinda

Celestine Ndinda has been concentrating on raising her children and, of course, hustling with her husband since giving birth nine months ago.

With stories about parenting her boys, the mother of two has charmed her admirers. She is pleased that after having her first child, she has developed into her position.

She is under considerable pressure to expand her family, though. Celestine has reminisced about how she learned about her second pregnancy on her YouTube channel.

Celestine summarized her experience having baby no. 2 and added

“There’s a video I did baby number two there was so much speculation of baby number two. People were asking those questions, so thats what made me do a video. There were so many questions. I kept wondering if there was a jackpot for baby number two the way I was being pressured. Anyway baby number two came, and there was no jackpot. Hakuna kitu mlikuwa mnataka, hakuna jackpot iliekelewa, turia is now nine months.

There are no more babies, please hehe, no. There is so much power in kutamka, but I am so happy.”

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Njugush celebrates wife’s 30th birthday in style, thanks her for remaining loyal

One thing about Njugush is that he has always been honest about his humble background. He is open about getting financial support from his wife back in the day when they were dating and did not have much to offer but promises.

From what he says is that his now wife, Celestine Ndinda still stood by him and believed in his dream and years later….the two are running the entertainment industry with comedy shows. So far – from my judgement, I believe both Njugush and wife together with the Mkurugenzi’s have replaced Churchill show.

Anyway having come so far, Njugush couldn’t help but celebrate his wife’s 30th birthday in the best possible way, that is – appreciate her;

Njugush and wifey, Cele

Happy birthday nyina wa iana ciakwa (mother of my children). Yani ni mimi na wewe mpaka mwisho…


Thanks for always trusting the process…. it’s slow but sure… Thanks for always being real. Always living the moment whether good or bad, look at us now! Happy birthday my Kamúikaba.

Trust the process

As usual, Njugush shared a throwback photo remencing on the tough but fun moments he went through with Celestine – way before he had money to support her. Speaking about this tbt photo the comedian said;


This day tulikua tunaenda kutafuta my 1st house in Nairobi nihame kwa mathe Joska, Kamulu. Tukapata nyumba pale Transami courtesy of nyina wa ciana. We got 4th floor of a flat ilikua na mabedsitter tupu… Shida yangu kubwa ilikua nitamwaga wapi maji ya sufuria ya ugali…the villager in me got schooled by you.

And years later, the fella has not only made her proud with her success but has proven the hardships were not for nothing.

Njugush unveils old photo from back when he was a chick magnet, describes himself as ‘What ladies want’

We can all agree that Celestine Ndinda bagged herself a good man that most women secretly wish they had. Well, simply because Njugush is funny, humble, tall dark and handsome – or rather cute and above all….has never been dragged in any scandals painting him as a cheat.

Blessed Njugush 

Clearly these are qualities that make him a perfect chick magnet – and he knows it! Joking about this, the comedian recently unveiled an old photo captured back when he used to act as Njugush on TRHK.

If you remember the show well, actresses Jambi and Matilda were head over heels for Njugush – who on the other hand didn’t know who he wanted…but all in all – he kept these two glued to him throughout the show.

Reminiscing back when he was a chick magnet, Njugush unveiled the old photo to which he captioned;

What ladies want???????????????? This was one omy best scenes pale Ungwaro…… @njambitrhk x @starchebet

Njugush back when he was a hottie

Njugush and Abel Mutua quit TRHK

Despite this being one of the best shows produced in Kenya, it suddenly flopped following the exit of Njugush who was the main character and of course Abel Mutua who part of the production team.

Abel Mutua with bestie, Njugush

With these two out, TRHK somehow became basic – maybe because Njugush moved his projects online and was now entertaining his fan base with funny clips on social media and YT.

Abel Mutua ‘Mkurugenzi’ forced to publicly apologize to Wife after awkward viral video

This past weekend was quite eventful with the many ceremonies held to celebrate Easter. However we all know Nyashinski’s concert,the Shin city concert that saw fans from all over attend.

So apart from the electric performance given by the artist, content creator Abel Mutua’s wife Judy Nyawira also happened to trend on social media courtesy of the event. This is after she was caught on camera appearing rather lonely and confused – while their friends Njugush and wife, Celestine Ndinda coupled up singing along to Nyashinski’s song at the event.

Abel Mutua’s wife, Judy with Njugush’s wife Celestine Ndinda

With such an awkward moment caught on camera, fans were quick to express their concerns about Abel Mutua’s whereabouts and finally, looks like we have an answer.

In Abel Mutua’s defense – turns out he was present all along, only that – the cameras were directed towards his wife, Judy – just when he had stepped out for a minute.

The Njugunas

Mkurugenzi speaks

In a video shared by wife, Judy Nyawira – the content creator joked about his wife’s lonely moment saying he was out ‘hitting’ on other girls with Njugush.

His bff however dodger him (which explains why Njugush was with wife on the video) but initially – went back to their hunting mission. But all in all Abel Mutua made it known that his wife is his first priority; and went on to apologize for the awkwardness she’s since experienced since the video surfaced.

Abel Mutua with wife, Judy Nyawira

The Mutua and Njuguna’s families have been friends for over 7 years now – a simple relationship that started off after Abel gave Njugush a chance at his production.

Since then, the two have worked together on different projects, aiming to elevate each other in life. And as you’ve heard – yes, they remain an inspiration to many.

Skinny comedian Njugush flaunts jaw-dropping body transformation (Photo)

Njugush is definitely spending all his time in the gym and the good thing is that after 2 years; we finally get to see the crazy transformation he has been working on.

Abel Mutua with buddy, Njugush

Celebrating his new body as seen on Instagram; we understand the the newly acquired abs and toned body took him 2 years in the gym; and boy does he look like a healthy bag of vegetables!

Showing off the new body, Njugush wrote;

Njugush flaunts newly acquired body

Ukiamua amua!!!!!!! @fk_fitness254 its been a journey bana….2 years and counting!!! Goodmorning @abelmutua

His new ripped and toned body comes years after he was popularly known for his 1gb structure; but ‘strong’ being the new trend – Njugush had no option but to work on himself.

Njugush flaunts body

The happy and healthy star recently shared a photo showing off his gym-honed ‘curves’ leaving his fans drooling and obsessing over his tightly packed tightly packed abs and well-toned arms.

Njugush with Phil

Fans (mostly females) in the comment section could not hold back from applauding funny man Njugush; male fans on the other hand appeared ready to take notes from Njugush’s workout routine – because wow…he just looks amazing.