Comedian Njugush might be a funny man but he’s also a dedicated father. The joker recently took to Instagram to share the first photos of his baby.
The photos are so heartwarming and left many in disbelief. Njugush also made a nice post when sharing the photos, which included honoring his wife.
Here is what he said:

“Hi boy boy…..i hope i’m not too late, kwanza wacha nikupe mushene….there is this lady , i hear the call her mama wa kavitz….i promise you are the 1st born..can cheat can lie, vitz sio mtoto wake…now sina time kabla you decide to KO (by the way hapa itabidi tuskizane, sitakua nikiwacha mwanaume kwa kitanda,tutoke tupigwe na baridi sote nkt) now now i see you already talked with your mother about who you gonna take after okay ata siskii vibaya ati youve taken after her good looks..(tears) yaani huwezi pata mahali unifix ata kama ni hii mapua yangu……i know its not late.

“I’ve realised you smile alot….that means your laughter nikama ya mama kavitz (mschwees)
Your heart seems as clean n kind as your mother’s…please i beg ongeeni mnifix mahali ata kama ni hii kiherehere yangu utachukua priiiis…. Hi wewe!! Weweeee (slaps knees) yani ulishalala nkt….haya basi ukiamka il tell you how your mum is my number one Cheerleader…il also squeez in about how genuine and deliberate she is….also well have bilateral talks of how true she has been over the years……and please usome so that you go to a good Uni where they not only give the best education but have wholesomely sexxy women like your mum, ill take you through a course i call ponyoka na first year……….haya basi fix me somewhere!