Singer Muthoni Drummer Queen has finally unveiled the face of the man that makes her heart beat faster than normal!
The lady who is popularly known for her music and passion for entertainment went on to introduce her handsome man; but at the same time hurting those who may have been hoping to shoot their shots.

Unfortunately for them, Muthoni already has a man making her happy; and if anything, this relationship is here to stay. Introducing him via her social media pages, the popular singer based in Europe went on to praise her in her caption as she wrote;
#MCM for life ❤️ Forever and one day my love.
Just from how the queen held on her man shows that indeed she is comfortable and blessed to have found a man like Musa Omusi as identified on social media.
Music and projects
For years now, Muthoni has not only made a name for herself in the entertainment industry; but has build a brand through her music and gigs.
Back in the 2014 to 2017 the singer created a platform ‘Wine and Blankets’ where local and international acts got to meet and blend with their fans.
Through this event many got to meet the likes of Thandiswa Mazwai, Micasa, Oliver Mtukudzi among other big African acts.
Anyway, fans in the comment section went on to ask the lady to bring back Blankets and Wines immediately after the pandemic; and hopefully this is what shall happen.