Ex-CS’s Remarks After Being Sacked by the President

Last week, President William Ruto made a significant decision to fire all his cabinet secretaries amid widespread protests against bad governance and incompetence.

While most of the dismissed CSs have remained silent about their job losses, some have expressed their feelings publicly.

Kithure Kindiki

The former CS of the Ministry of Interior, Kithure Kindiki, has shown solidarity with the Gen-Z protestors. He stated, “Hii nchi, hatuezi endelea namna hii, lazima tuchague kama tutarekebisha nchi yetu isiharibike zaidi ama tutakaa na wewe na hio mambo yako.” He emphasized that he stands with the citizens and the nation.

Moses Kuria

The former Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Performance, and Delivery Management, Moses Kuria, has been vocal about the nationwide protests. He remarked, “President William Ruto was right to dissolve the defective cabinet,” and alleged that “some people wanted to carry out a coup.” Kuria praised the Gen-Z protestors and apologized for previous insults he made against them.

Penina Malonza

Penina Malonza, who served as the Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of EAC, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands and Regional Development, also shared her sentiments. On her X account, she stated, “It was a great honor to me and I shall forever remain beholden to him and Kenyans at large for bestowing upon me the onerous duty of serving our great Nation in a most honorable responsibility. @WilliamsRuto”

The ex-CSs have conveyed their thoughts and emotions as the nation continues to navigate through challenging times.

Moses Kuria Defends Jacque Maribe Over PSC Appointment

Public Service CS Moses Kuria has defended media personality Jacque Maribe after PSC chairman made a statement denouncing the appointment of Maribe as head of communications.

In the statement, the chairman stated that PSC was in no way involved in the appointment of Maribe, adding that the social media posts by Moses Kuria were null.

Moses Kuria Defends Maribe

Following the latter., Kuria has now come in defence of her friend, whom he claims has been a good friend for 16 years and that he’ll stand with her during this trying time.

“Meanwhile I stand with Jacque Maribe, my friend for the last 16 years and I will stand with her just like I stood with Gov Kawira Mwangaza in the wake of unjustified bullying,” he added.

On Thursday, the PSC as the Head of Communication in the Ministry of Public Service, Performance, and Delivery Management.

Ambassador Anthony Muchiri, the chairperson of the PSC, made it clear in a recent press release on Thursday, March 14, that the commission has not made such an appointment, nor has it received any request to employ Maribe for the role.

Femicide Concerns Spark Crackdown On Unlicensed Short-Term Rentals

In response to the alarming rise in femicide cases linked to short-term rental spaces, Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has announced a crackdown on illegal operations. The government’s primary target: individuals renting out such spaces without proper certification or outside registered platforms like Airbnb.

Kuria’s statement, released on January 28, 2024, underscored the government’s deep concern about the “growing cases of crime and murders, mostly targeted at women in short-term rental spaces.” He pointed out that many of these rentals, including those involved in recent female murders, are deceptively labeled as “Airbnb” while transactions occur outside the platform’s secure framework.

This bypasses crucial Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols, leaving authorities without vital information on renters and operators. In light of this vulnerability, Kuria declared, “The government will crack down on people offering such services outside the Airbnb or other authorized and licensed platforms.”

The rise in femicide cases within these unregistered spaces has become a chilling reality. One such case involved Starlet Wahu, whose tragic death sent shockwaves across the nation. Responding to a distress call, police discovered her lifeless body in a short-term rental booked and paid for outside a licensed platform.

Kuria’s initiative aims to prevent similar tragedies by instituting stricter regulations and enforcing mandatory platform registration. With verified identities and clear transaction trails, authorities will be better equipped to ensure the safety and security of renters, particularly women, who often face heightened vulnerability in these transient accommodations.

The crackdown signals a commitment to protect lives and hold landlords accountable. While platforms like Airbnb have implemented safeguards, the existence of unregulated spaces poses a significant risk. This decisive action by the government reflects the urgency of addressing this issue and prioritizing the safety of all, especially those seeking temporary lodging.

Moses Kuria trashes impeachment bid

Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has dismissed calls for his impeachment, saying he is focused on his work and will not be distracted by such “noise.”

Kuria’s comments come in response to a motion filed by Senator Edwin Sifuna seeking his removal from office over allegations of misconduct and disrespecting the Senate.

“I am not shaken by the calls for my impeachment. I am focused on my work and delivering on the promises I made to the people of Kenya,” Kuria said.

“I will not be distracted by the noise from a few individuals who are trying to score political points.”

Kuria has been a vocal critic of the Senate, accusing the body of overstepping its authority and interfering with the work of the executive.

“The Senate is not a court of law,” Kuria said. “It is a legislative body, and it should focus on its core mandate of making laws.”

Kuria’s supporters say that he is a strong and independent leader who is not afraid to speak his mind.

“Moses Kuria is a breath of fresh air in Kenyan politics,” said one supporter. “He is not afraid to challenge the status quo, and he is always fighting for the interests of the common people.”

Kuria’s critics say that he is a loose cannon who is more interested in self-promotion than in serving the public.

“Moses Kuria is a liability to the government,” said one critic. “He is constantly making headlines for the wrong reasons, and he is damaging the reputation of the Kenya Kwanza administration.”

It remains to be seen whether Kuria will be able to weather the storm of controversy surrounding him. However, one thing is for sure: he is not going to go down without a fight.

Moses Kuria Brushes Off Calls For His Impeachment & Removal From Office.

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has brushed off calls for his impeachment and removal from office.

Kuria, who has been embroiled in a series of public spats with Senators and journalists, said he is not fazed by the criticism and is focused on his job.

“Which hot seat? I am 52 years old, and out of which I have only been a minister for only one year, it is not a big deal,” he said in response to a question about his job security.

Kuria also denied allegations that he is disrespecting President William Ruto, saying he is a busy person working for the betterment of the country and would not want to engage in such discussions.

“I am not going to engage with those senators. They are still in session. Right now, the Senate is not a Senate, it is not a legislative house, it is a quasi-court, so out of respect for the laws of this country, let me not engage these people,” he added.

Kuria’s comments come after Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna called for his impeachment, saying he was embarrassing the Ruto administration.

Sifuna had accused Kuria of being “a national shame” and said that he should be removed from office for his “incorrigible” behavior.

“Mr. Speaker, even after your communication, the CS who should be asleep took to Twitter for another comment. Action must be taken,” Sifuna said.

“It casts very serious doubt on the appointing authority. First, he came for the media, and now he has come for the Senate.”

Senator Cheruyiot also weighed in on the matter, claiming that Kuria was an embarrassment to the Kenya Kwanza government and President William Ruto.

“Speaker, I agree with members of this house who have brought a motion of censure before you to discuss the conduct of this particular minister because every given opportunity, he has done nothing but embarrass the appointing authority,” he said.

“In fact, it is my submission, that the earlier CS Moses Kuria is let off his duties, the better for this administration because in every single day, in every action that he undertakes, he continues to embarrass the President and the People.”

Homa Bay Senator Otieno Kajwang also joined the chorus of criticism, calling Kuria an “embarrassment” to the country.

“He is an embarrassment, not just to the government, but to the Republic of Kenya and the entire East Africa,” Kajwang said.

Despite the mounting criticism, Kuria appears to be unfazed. He remains defiant and focused on his job, confident in his ability to weather the storm.

Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot Calls For Sacking Of Moses Kuria

Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot has called for the dismissal of Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria, accusing him of embarrassing the government and undermining the Senate.

Senator Cheruiyot made the statement on Wednesday, November 11, in response to CS Kuria’s public criticism of the Senate’s handling of the ongoing impeachment proceedings against Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza.

The Majority Leader expressed disappointment in CS Kuria’s conduct, saying that his remarks were “becoming increasingly unbecoming of a Cabinet Secretary.”

He particularly took issue with a tweet by CS Kuria in which he called senators “cognitively impaired”.

Senator Cheruiyot said that CS Kuria’s behavior was not only disrespectful to the Senate but also reflected poorly on President William Ruto.

He called on the President to dismiss CS Kuria, saying that his continued presence in the government was an embarrassment to the administration.

Senator Cheruiyot’s comments come amid growing calls for CS Kuria’s resignation. Several other senators have also expressed concerns about his conduct, and there is a growing consensus within the Kenya Kwanza coalition that he should be removed from office.

Moses Kuria and Mudavadi beef plays out in office drama

In a recent statement, Secretary of Government Strategic Communications Kibisu Kabatesi has dispelled any misconceptions about government office assignments following the recent cabinet reshuffle.

He clarified that the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs (OPCS-MFDA) had temporarily occupied the Treasury Building while awaiting the completion of renovations and refurbishments at his Railways Headquarters office.

Kabatesi emphasized that the Treasury Building was not designated as the office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, but rather as the office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Public Service.

He also cautioned against any public servant attempting to allocate ministerial locations or portfolios, emphasizing that this function belongs solely to the President.

Kabatesi’s statement is a reminder that the government’s organizational structure is hierarchical and that portfolio designation is the prerogative of the President.

ICYMI: MOses Kuria reacts to being “demoted”

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has pledged to serve the Kenyan people regardless of his cabinet assignment under President William Ruto.

Kuria, who was appointed to lead the Public Service Ministry in a cabinet reshuffle on October 4, 2023, spoke about his new role and his commitment to public service during the launch of the Garissa County Aggregation and Industrial Park.

He said that he initially considered sending his Principal Secretary to represent him at the event, but decided to attend in person after a conversation with Garissa Governor Nathif Jama.

Kuria emphasized that the government never sleeps and that the Cabinet has a duty to assist the President in delivering his duties, regardless of their specific roles. He said that he would do his best to serve the people of Kenya in the Public Service docket, just as he did in his previous role as Trade CS.

“The government never sleeps and keeps on working, regardless of where we work. The Cabinet has a duty to assist the president in delivering his duties. Now, I will be in the Public Service docket, handling service delivery, and performance contracts. But even if I was given the Gender docket, I would still do it exceptionally because even the women want to be served, and all Kenyans need effective service delivery.”

Reflecting on his achievements as Trade CS, Kuria highlighted the launch of 15 industrial parks and efforts to boost local manufacturing through international agreements. He expressed pride in the progress made during his time in office and expressed optimism about the future.

“I leave this ministry with my head held high,”

In summary, Kuria has pledged to serve the Kenyan people regardless of his cabinet assignment. He is committed to delivering effective public service and is optimistic about the future of Kenya.

Trade CS Moses Kuria Apologizes For Controversial Fuel Price Remarks

Kenya’s Trade and Investment Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has apologized for controversial comments he made regarding the country’s fuel prices.

On September 15, Kuria sparked a nationwide debate when he suggested that fuel prices were likely to increase in the coming months due to global dynamics. However, he has now expressed remorse and retracted his earlier statement.

In his apology, Kuria acknowledged that his earlier remarks were incorrect, insensitive, and arrogant.

“On Friday 15th September I made some comments indicating that the price of fuel is likely to go up in the coming months owing to global dynamics. I have since been advised by people like Dr Boni Khalwale and his master that the statement was incorrect, insensitive and arrogant. I am made to now understand that the price will come down. I apologise profusely since to err is human,” he said.

Kuria’s apology has divided public opinion, with some Kenyans questioning its sincerity.

Others also wondered who the CS was referring to as “Khalwale’s master”.

The apology comes amidst growing tensions over the rising cost of fuel and concerns about government officials’ interactions with citizens.

Kuria’s initial comments were widely criticized, with many Kenyans accusing him of being out of touch with the realities of life for ordinary citizens. His apology has been welcomed by some, but others remain skeptical, given his track record of making controversial statements.

It is unclear who Kuria was referring to as “Khalwale’s master” in his apology. Some have speculated that he was referring to former President Uhuru Kenyatta, while others believe he was simply making a general point about the importance of listening to advice from others.

Whatever the case may be, Kuria’s apology is a reminder of the importance of government officials being mindful of their words and actions. The public expects them to be honest and transparent, and to avoid making insensitive or arrogant statements.

Moses Kuria “apologises” for mocking Kenyans

Moses Kuria mockingly apologizes to Kenyans for saying fuel prices would keep rising

On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, Investments, Industry, and Trade CS Moses Kuria sarcastically apologized to Kenyans for his earlier statements that the price of fuel would continue to increase until February of the following year.

Kuria claimed that he was advised to apologize by people like Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale and his boss, who told him that his earlier statements were “incorrect, insensitive, and arrogant.”

However, Kuria’s comments appeared to be directed at Khalwale, who has been calling for Kuria’s firing in response to his statements.

Speaking in Kakamega, Khalwale also demanded the dismissal of Ruto’s economic adviser David Ndii and Energy CS Davis Chirchir for their controversial comments on the price of fuel.

Kuria received criticism on Saturday for advising Kenyans who were unhappy about high fuel costs to drill their own oil wells.

Kuria’s apology has been met with mixed reactions from Kenyans. Some Kenyans have praised him for apologizing, while others have criticized him for being sarcastic and for not taking responsibility for his statements.

Ukishinda umesema bei ya mafuta imeongezeka kutoka asubuhi mpaka jioni, si uchimbe kisima chako? (When you keep on complaining that the prices of fuel have gone up, why don’t you just drill your own oil well?)”

Kuria also linked issues related to climate change to growing gasoline prices.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua asked all government representatives to refrain from speaking arrogantly to Kenyans after his address.

Njugush’s Spoof of Kuria’s Cooking Oil Remarks Has Fans in Stitches

Comedian Njugush has had his fans laughing out loud with a skit in which he spoofed Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria’s remarks about cooking oil prices.

In the skit, Njugush plays a fitness coach who is counseling his wife, Celestine Ndinda, who is unhappy with her lack of weight loss.

Ndinda tells Njugush that she has been working out for months, but she has not seen any results. Njugush asks her where she got weighed, and she says she went to the Nairobi CBD.

Njugush then tells her that she should have gone to Ruiru, where the prices are lower. He says, “Everything is lower in Ruiru. Sugar has dropped, madam, let go of those worries. Who’s the coach here, you or me? Who checked your sugar levels? In Ruiru, everything has gone down. Have you become the coach?”

The skit is a parody of Kuria’s remarks during a recent interview on Citizen TV, when he challenged the accuracy of the figures presented on cooking oil prices. Kuria said that the prices had significantly decreased since his appointment and challenged the journalist to make random calls to supermarkets to verify his claims.

Kuria also insisted that the journalist send another crew to Ruiru to investigate potential lower prices.

Njugush’s skit has been a hit with his fans, who have praised him for his comedic timing and his ability to skewer Kuria’s remarks. The skit has also been shared widely on social media, where it has been viewed by thousands of people.

CS Moses Kuria Claims Cooking Oil Prices Have Been Lowered By Government- Kenyans Dispute

Investment, Trade and Industry Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria made contradictory remarks about cooking oil prices on Wednesday night.

Responding to a presentation showing the prices of cooking oil on live TV, Kuria claimed that the prices listed were not factual and that the prices were actually lower than what was projected. He went on to claim that President William Ruto’s administration had lowered the price of cooking oil by 50 per cent.

However, when tasked to state what the current prices are, the CS claimed that the prices had been reduced to Ksh240 per litre.

A spot check at a local supermarket revealed that the prices of cooking oil per litre were selling at Ksh355, Ksh347, Ksh325 and Ksh307, which is higher than what the CS had claimed.

Kuria’s claims have been disputed by many, including Kenyans on social media, who have pointed out that the prices of cooking oil are still high.

Some have accused the CS of being out of touch with reality, while others have called on him to be more honest about the situation.

The controversy over cooking oil prices highlights the challenges that the Ruto administration is facing in addressing the high cost of living in Kenya.

Moses Kuria’s misery as a Cabinet Secretary

Moses Kuria has had a turbulent time as a Cabinet Secretary. His controversial and combative style has landed him in hot water on several occasions, both domestically and internationally.

In June 2023, Kuria was involved in a spat with the media after a local media house exposed a corruption scandal in his Ministry. Kuria responded by insulting the media house and its journalists, and threatening to withhold government advertising from them. He also advised his colleagues in government not to cooperate with the media house.

In July 2023, Kuria was locked out of a meeting with top American trade officials. The American representatives reportedly insisted that he was an unwanted host because of his extremist remarks. Two other high-profile meetings that Kuria was set to attend were also cancelled.

Kuria has also been criticized for his consistent use of foul language on social media. He has been known to insult opposition politicians and to make careless remarks about international affairs. For example, he called for the bombing of Khartoum during the war in Sudan.

In August 2023, Kuria was locked out of a Performance Contract Signing meeting at State House. President William Ruto reportedly demanded that Kuria and his colleagues write him a letter explaining why they were late, and ordered them not to mention the traffic menace in Nairobi as a reason.

Kuria’s woes have led to a decline in his popularity. He is now seen as a liability by many, and his future in government is uncertain.


Moses Kuria’s time as a Cabinet Secretary has been marked by controversy and scandal. His combative style has alienated many people, and his use of foul language has been widely criticized. It remains to be seen whether he will be able to weather the storm and maintain his position in government.

Miguna Miguna Warns Moses Kuria Against Using Mother Tongue on Twitter

Lawyer Miguna Miguna has warned Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria against using his mother tongue on Twitter, saying that it is inappropriate for a public official to do so.

Miguna said that Kuria, who is the Cabinet Secretary for Industrialization, Trade and Investment, should only speak in his mother tongue at home, not on his official social media pages.

“You are a Cabinet Secretary for the Republic of Kenya. You occupy a public office on behalf of 50 million Kenyans. Not only for the Agikuyu! Therefore, all your public communication including on your Twitter handle must be in English or Swahili. But you are free to communicate in your mother tongue in your household,” Miguna said in a tweet.

Miguna’s warning comes after Kuria made remarks in his native language on Twitter that were deemed to be offensive by some Kenyans.

Kuria is known for his controversial remarks, and his social media posts have often been the subject of national debate.

In 2020, Kuria was banned from Twitter for violating the platform’s policies on hate speech. He was later reinstated, but his account has been suspended several times since then.

It is unclear whether Kuria will heed Miguna’s warning. However, the lawyer’s comments have drawn attention to the issue of public officials using their mother tongues on social media.

Some people believe that it is perfectly acceptable for public officials to use their mother tongues on social media, as long as their comments are not offensive. Others believe that public officials should only use English or Swahili on social media, as these are the languages that are most widely understood in Kenya.

The debate over whether or not public officials should use their mother tongues on social media is likely to continue.

Kuria Stands by Slur on Media

Trade CS Moses Kuria has refused to apologize for his recent slur on the media, saying that he knows the difference between a media house that is being used and one that is doing its job.

Kuria, who is a former media owner, made the remarks on Wednesday during a press conference. He said that he has worked in the media and knows how it operates.

“I know the difference between a media house that is being used and one that is doing its job,” Kuria said. “I will not apologize for calling out a media house that is being used.”

Kuria’s remarks have been met with mixed reactions. Some people have supported him, saying that he is right to call out the media when it is not doing its job. Others have criticized him, saying that his remarks are an attack on press freedom.

The CS also affirmed that he is very much in support of the media, but that he will not tolerate the media being used to spread misinformation or to attack the government.

“I am very much in support of the media,” Kuria said. “But I will not tolerate the media being used to spread misinformation or to attack the government.”

It remains to be seen whether Kuria’s remarks will have any lasting impact on the media. However, his comments have certainly sparked a debate about the role of the media in Kenya.

“I am not apologising. My friend, I have been a media owner before. I have been a writer in your newspapers and all that before. There’s nobody who is pro-media more than me but I know the difference between media and what Stanley Baldwin called the Prerogative of the Harlot, the exercise of power without responsibility,” Kuria said.

Minority Coalition Walks Out Of Senate Chambers On Moses Kuria’s Presence

The Minority Coalition in the Senate staged a walkout on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, following the arrival of Trade CS Moses Kuria. The senators, who are allied to the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party, left the House when Senate Speaker Amason Kingi allowed the CS to proceed with answering questions in regards to his docket.

The senators claimed that the House lacked a quorum and was in violation of Standing Order 41. This standing order states that a quorum is deemed to be present when two-thirds of the members of the House are present. The Minority Coalition argued that there were not enough members present to constitute a quorum.

As a result of the walkout, no business could be conducted in the House. The senators also objected to CS Kuria being questioned about his criticism of the media and the controversy surrounding the edible oil purchase deal.

The walkout comes at a time when the Senate is deadlocked over a number of issues, including the budget and the electoral bill. The Minority Coalition has accused the Speaker of favoring the Kenya Kwanza Alliance, which is the coalition of parties that CS Kuria belongs to.

The Speaker has denied these allegations, but the walkout has further strained relations between the two sides. It remains to be seen whether the Senate will be able to resume business in the near future.


The walkout by the Minority Coalition is a significant development in the ongoing political crisis in Kenya. It is a sign of the deep divisions within the Senate and the country as a whole. It remains to be seen whether the Senate will be able to resume business in the near future, but the walkout has further strained relations between the two sides.

Kuria Stands By Slur on Media, Says He Will Not Apologize

Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has insisted that he will not apologize for his recent slur on the media, saying that he knows the difference between a media house that is being used and one that is not.

Kuria, who is a former media owner, made the remarks on Wednesday after appearing before the Senate plenary to answer questions raised by senators.

“I am not apologizing. My friend, I have been a media owner before. I have been a writer in your newspapers and all that before. There’s nobody who is pro-media more than me but I know the difference between media and what Stanley Baldwin called the Prerogative of the Harlot, the exercise of power without responsibility,” Kuria said.

Kuria’s outburst followed an expose by NTV, a station under the Nation Media Group, where it alleged that Cabinet Secretaries were responsible for the drop in the price of edible oils. The move allegedly made the taxpayer lose about Sh5.6 billion.

Kuria has accused the Nation Media Group of propelling negative stories about the government, and he has threatened to sack any government official who advertises with the media house.

The media group has denied the allegations, and it has said that it is committed to providing accurate and unbiased reporting.

The Kenya Union of Journalists has also condemned Kuria’s remarks, saying that they are an attack on press freedom.

It remains to be seen whether Kuria will face any consequences for his remarks. However, his comments have sparked a debate about the role of the media in a democracy.

CS Kuria: Any 250ml Bottle Of Liquor Sold Below Ksh250 Should Be Labeled As Illegal

Investment, Trade and Industry Cabinet Secretary (CS) Moses Kuria has said that any 250ml bottle of liquor being sold below Ksh250 should be labeled as illegal.

Kuria made the remarks on Monday, June 12, 2023, while addressing a crowd during a multi-agency meeting at Kirubia Stadium in Tharaka Nithi County.

He said that the move is aimed at counteracting the production rate of illegal alcohol in the country.

“Any liquor vendor selling alcohol at the price mentioned above should immediately be treated as a suspect,” Kuria said.

He added that the government will be working with the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and other relevant agencies to ensure that illegal alcohol is taken off the market.

Kuria’s remarks come at a time when the country is grappling with a high rate of alcohol-related deaths.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol is a major risk factor for death and disability in Kenya.

In 2016, alcohol-related deaths accounted for 5.3% of all deaths in the country.

Kuria’s move is seen as a step in the right direction in the fight against illegal alcohol.

However, it remains to be seen how effective it will be in curbing the production and sale of illegal alcohol in the country.

Kiambu Women Rep offers to admit Moses Kuria to a rehab center following his scathing attack on president Uhuru

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria took many by surprise when he attacked president Uhuru Kenyatta during a new year eve party at Thika Stadium.

Kurua sensationally claimed that Uhuru had neglected Mount Kenya region in terms of development. The controversial MP said that the president was focused on developing other regions.

“As we enter 2019, you (voters) must think … our responsibility is not just to vote and after voting, the government that we form takes development to other regions. That kind of nonsense must stop. We were with him in Kisumu where he commissioned a road project, but when he visits (Kiambu), he only issues certificates to recovering alcoholics,” said Moses Kuria.


Kiambu Women Representative Gathoni Wamuchomba however claims Moses Kuria was drunk when he made the remarks. She said Uhuru commissioned the construction of major roads in Kiambu county including Wangige-Ngecha, Uplands-Githunguri-Ruiru-Moi among others.

Wamuchomba further offered to admit Moses Kuria to a rehabilitation centre. She said she had sent Kuria a text message requesting him to join Mama Care Rehab Centre in Karuri, Kiambaa constituency which she founded.

Watch the clip below:




Malice or just a concerned boss? Waititu sends Moses Kuria’s brother on compulsory leave… But Kabogo smells mischief

Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu has instructed Moses Kuria’s brother John Ngigi Kuria to go on a compulsory leave starting January 2nd.

In a letter to John Ngigi who serves as Chief Officer in charge of Agriculture, Crop Production, Irrigation and Marketing in Kiambu county, Waititu notes that Kuria’s brother hasn’t been taking his annual leave as required.

The Kiambu governor orders Kuria’s brother to surrender all county property before taking the compulsory leave with immediate effect.


Former Kiambu governor William Kabogo was quick to sneer at Kabogo’s letter to Kuria’s brother instructing him to go on a compulsory leave.

Kabogo took to Twitter to suggest that Waititu was hitting back at Moses Kuria by sending his brother on a compulsory leave. His claims that the letter to Moses Kuria’s brother is some sort of retaliation.

“Mimi nikiongea kitu kidogo huwa nashikwa” Moses Kuria questions why NCIC hasn’t yet arrested Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina

The ongoing skirmishes in Njoro, Molo and Olposimoru have partly been blamed on inflammatory remarks made by local politicians.

Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina raised eyebrows when he fueled the recent clashes by inciting the Maasai community against the Kipsigis tribe.

On Monday ole Kina appeared before the county security committee to record statements over claims of inciting tribal clashes in Mau forest.

No arrest, why?
Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina
Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina

Moses Kuria wonders why National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) hasn’t arrested the Narok senator yet. The Gatundu South MP says NCIC is usually quick to arrest him and lock him in police cells for days whenever he makes inflammatory remarks.

“Na wale watu wanaitwa NCIC, jana ati wanamwandikia barua ya mapenzi Seneta wa huko Narok, mimi nikisema hata kitu kidogo nashikwa nawekwa Pangani. Yeye anaambiwa tafadhali wacha kuongea namna hiyo, mbona mimi sibembelezagwi? Mimi nikiongea kitu kidogo huwa nashikwa lakini Seneta wa Narok Ledama alitumiwa barua za kimapenzi, ati wacha kufanya hivi baba yetu, kijana yetu. Kwa nini yeye hashikwi anaandikiwa barua, kwani ni principal wa shule anamwandikia mtoto?” Moses Kuria ranted.






“I regret dining with you when I knew very well you had three rape cases” Moses Kuria shreds Miguna Miguna

Drama unfolded on Twitter when self declared NRM general Miguna Miguna picked a fight with Gatundu South legislator Moses Kuria.

Miguna took to Twitter to blast ODM lawmakers for condemning the brutal death of Sharon Otieno yet they were dining and wining with Chris Musando’s murderers.

“Those who tortured and murdered Sharon Otieno are as inhuman as those who tortured and murdered Chris Msando. Yet, those now loudly mourning Sharon Otieno, especially @TheODMparty members, are dining with Chris Msando’s killers such as @HonMoses_Kuria and @UKenyatta,” Miguna Miguna tweeted.

You’ve three rape cases

Moses Kuria hit back at the NRM general saying that he also regrets dining and wining with Miguna Miguna when he knew very well that he had three rape cases.

“The same way I regret dining with you when I knew very well you had, not one, not two but three rape cases in Ontario,” Moses Kuria tweeted.

Miguna went on to dismiss Moses Kuria’s claim as a fictitious cases;





The handshake is real! Moses Kuria receives heroic welcome in Kisumu, strolls around the city without bodyguards (Photos)

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria was loathed by the Luo community before Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta shook hands. No one would imagine Kuria strolling down the streets of Kisumu, but he did last Saturday.

The controversial lawmaker was in Kisumu over the past weekend for the homecoming ceremony for ICT PS Jerome Ochieng and also to raise funds for Kusa Catholic Church.

Kuria opted to ride boda boda to the city center when he touched down in Kisumu. The Gatundu South MP was treated to a warm reception by lakeside dwellers as he crisscrossed the city.


Mashemeji Derby

Moses Kuria also rubbed shoulders with Raila Odinga at Kasarani stadium on Sunday July 22nd during Gor Mahia and FC Leopards derby.

Obama in trouble! Moses Kuria, Wetangula and Boni Khalwale launch scathing attacks on former US president 

Barack Obama’s recent trip to Kenya as a retired US President has not been without controversy. Several politicians are displeased by Obama for doing too little for Kenyans.

Former Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale was the first politician to fire shots at Obama accusing him of deliberately refusing to bring development in the country of his father’s birth.

“Dear BarackObama, I believe u have landed safely in South Africa, and hope that this finds u well. With tremendous respect Sir, can u tell us why while u were in the most powerful office (of the world’s biggest economy) u refused to bring development to ua home, Kenya?” Boni Khalwale tweeted.

Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Kuria adds fuel to the fire

Moses Kuria also faulted the former US President claiming he disrespected local leaders by subjecting them to security  screening in Kogelo. Kuria also claims Obama’s sister Auma Obama disrespected Luo leaders forcing Luo kingpin Raila Odinga to skip the event in Kogelo.

“Lakini Africans especially Kenyans are a weird lot. Barack Obama was President of the United States for 8 years. The most powerful person on earth, with unfettered access to the awesome American ecoomy and the nuclear codes. He did practically NOTHING for Kogelo, Kenya or Africa. Nothing! Zero! Today as a Eunuch former President he visits Kenya, we close all the roads for him. He then proceeds to Kogelo, body-searches host Governor Cornel Rasanga and reduces my good friend and Lupita Nyongo’s daddy into a spectator. The skinny kid with a funny name then delivers a 7 minute hollow speech with a curtain raiser from his sister Auma who sets the stage by giving a scathing and condescending indictment of Luo Nyanza leaders. No wonder Baba Raila Odinga skipped the event, rightly so. Meanwhile the Chicago benefactor goes on to open a US $ 200K obscure centre for God knows what. The guy found Bill Clinton’s Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) in place. The same was expanded by President George Howard Walker Bush . Obama did nothing, absolutely ZERO to expand AGOA. Today he launches a US $ 2OOK whatever in Kogelo. Nani alituroga??” Wrote Moses Kuria on Facebook.

Barack Obama during his recent visit in Kogelo
Barack Obama during his recent visit in Kogelo
Weta can’t agree more

Bungoma senator Moses Wetangula also called out Barack Obama for doing little for his people. Weta called on Obama to encourage the US government to engage Kenya in areas of development.

“We want to say that Obama’s continued engagement with Kenya is something that we cherish and appreciate because it gives the country the necessary positive visibility, but we also wish he did much more for Kenya when he was president of the most powerful country and he did not. We hope that all is not lost and that you will continue to encourage your compatriots and your government to engage Kenya in every aspect of development particular in areas of tourism and trade,” said Moses Wetangula while to journalists in Bungoma County on Tuesday 17th July.



Moses Kuria sends message to Kirinyaga deputy governor caught with someone’s wife at a cheap lodge

Kirinyaga deputy governor Peter Ndambiri has been the talk of the nation ever since a video surfaced online showing how he was busted with someone’s wife in a lodge.

The one minute video shows a group of men roughing up the deputy governor who was in his birthday suit together with the woman he was chewing.

Kirinyaga deputy governor Peter Ndambiri with the woman he was caught with in a lodge
Kirinyaga deputy governor Peter Ndambiri with the woman he was caught with in a lodge

The men that busted Peter Ndambiri forced him to confess while they recorded the video. They slapped the deputy governor several times when he refused to answer some of their questions.


Moses Kuria says the men who busted Peter Ndambiri were members of an extortionist cartel notorious for blackmailing men. Most people are convinced the Kirinyaga deputy governor was set up.

The Gatundu South MP says the cartels are rampant in Kiambu county. He advise Kirinyaga deputy governor to report the matter to police.

Kirinyaga deputy governor Peter Ndambiri in a past public function

“I always say it is nonsensical to pay anyone so as not to give a story to the media. That breeds extortion and encourages criminal networks to thrive. It is a pity that the Kirinyaga DG did not immediately report such extortionists to the police. If it were me I would simply have paid them off not with money but with the middle finger. These cartels are rampant especially in Kiambu county. I still urge him to report to the police. It is the right thing to do,” wrote Moses Kuria.


Ready to join politics? Ngina Kenyatta accompanies Moses Kuria to a rally in Gatundu (Photos)

Ngina Kenyatta has shied away from the public for close to seven months. President Uhuru’s daughter is once again making headlines after she accompanied Moses Kuria to a function in Gatundu South constituency.

The last time Ngina made headlines was when she accompanied her mother to a rural village in Kapenguria, West Pokot county. She made tongues when she was seen doing domestic chores.

Also read: 5 photos that prove Ngina Kenyatta is ripe for marriage

Soft spot for women

Just like her mother, Ngina loves helping women. She attended the function in Gatundu with Moses Kuria to present cheques to women groups.


“Today I presented cheques to 17 women groups, beneficiaries of the Gatundu South Uwezo Fund. The groups are members of the Inuka Women Self Help Initiative which was founded and has been nurtured by the Kenyatta Trust,” wrote Moses Kuria.