KTN TV´s former ¨Jicho Pevu¨ has been an eye opener to the ruthless and gross chain of events that those in power take citizens through and is now set to stage its major comeback.
Former KTN journalist, Mohammed Ali has shared this to his network after he left our screens in a bid to contest for the Nyali parliamentary seat, which he bagged home.
The youthful MP revealed that they have been working on the project which is gracing its final stages and will be on our screens in couple of months.
He further shares that the documentary will be staging its comeback on a un-announced TV station.
A Camera as Revolutionary as you are! I am Coming.
New station, new deal. Guess whose coming to dinner?
A Camera as Revolutionary as you are! I am Coming. New station, new deal. Guess whose coming to dinner? pic.twitter.com/O7IwF1TzHe
¨Jicho Pevu¨ is an incisive investigative series that featured personalities of all scales by the famous Moha and later took in, John Allan Namu.
The two will be remembered for their brave and authentic move towards bringing to the light injustices and brutal murders that took place behind our backs.
The duo might have been forced to go under and seek for refuge couple times after high-ranking state officials and personalities threatened their life safety.
Mohammed Ali worked as former KTN lead investigative journalist before embarking on his journey to the world of politics.
Now, all eyes are on the popular documentary!
However, fans of the popular investigative piece soon after tabled mixed reactions:
You sold your credibility for thirty pieces of silver to William Ruto.
Hata ladha hatuna tena…..
Waiting eagerly!
Nani hajui itakuwa k24..if you know u know
As always u have been a great journalist and an eye opener to the society. U played a big role in educating and informing the public on so many issues. Always believe in u bro…go go go! Super talented young man.
Mohammed Ali finally released the much await exposé – ‘Dunia Gunia’. The Nyali MP had promised a comprehensive investigative piece but sadly it didn’t live up to the expectations.
The first episode covered the killing of Independent Electoral and Bounders Commission (IEBC) ICT boss Chris Msando while the second episode highlighted the spate of violence that preceded August 2017 general election.
Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) expressed their dissatisfaction with Moha’s exposé. Most people say there is nothing new that they didn’t know that the investigative is telling them.
Some even blasted the Nyali MP claiming he was using the new investigative piece to cleanse his image in the wake of several allegations that have hit him.
Of late Kenyans on social media have been castigating Mohammed Ali. The Nyali MP rubbed Kenyans the wrong way with his actions which indicate he as abandoned the cause he was elected on.
Moha recently met Boniface Mwangi in a bid cleanse his image, but the Rights Activist ended up criticizing the Nyali MP after their meeting.
Kipchumba Murkomen came out to offer Moha a shoulder to lean on in the wake of unending online criticisms. The Elgeyo-Marakwet senator advises the Nyali MP to focus on his constituents and forget the criticisms online.
“My friend @MohaJichoPevu once you join politics you must forget completely depending on the opinions of keyboard warriors. Serve your constituents diligently they will mark your report card in 5 years. Only service to the people will win you elections&give you lasting legacy,” Murkomen tweeted.
Boniface criticized Moha after their meeting, he said that the Nyali MP was only running back to Kenyans after benefiting from the proceeds of corruption.
“Trust is like virginity; you lose it once, and Moha lost our trust after he started hanging out and praising William Samoei Ruto, a man perceived by Kenyans to be the most corrupt politician in office today. So, Ruto’s son is coming back to us, to the side of Kenyans, the people who defied political parties and supported and voted for him as an independent. l hope, this time, he stays. #TeamCourage #SemaUkweli,” wrote Boniface Mwangi.
Mohammed Ali quickly responded to Boniface in a post on social media, he said that he didn’t need his validation.
“My Bro @bonifacemwangi Im not desperate for your validation. Home is Kenya. Asante! #DuniaGunia,” wrote Moha.
Mohammed Ali was the most promising MP when he joined the August House. But somehow he also became greedy and started doing the very things he condemned MPs for doing while he was still a journalist.
Moha was among lawmakers who traveled to Russia to watch the 2018 World Cup at the expense of Kenyan taxpayers. He also sought political dalliance with DP William Ruto and even started carrying the infamous brown envelope.
The Nyali MP has since become one of the most hated lawmakers in Kenya after he disappointed millions of Kenyans who thought he would be their savior in parliament.
Boniface Mwangi reveals that he received a call from Moha requesting a meet. The Rights Activist met the Nyali MP and he posted what they discussed during their meeting:
Mohammed Ali and Boniface Mwangi
Trip to Russia
On his trip to the FIFA World Cup in Russia, he said he went because the Speaker gave him a letter to do so and he only watched two games, but other MPs were there for a month. I found that excuse very lame, but he added that he spent a good part of his time meeting Kenyans living there and, in the process, learned about their suffering and the fact that our Embassy in Russia is run by Russians. He claims he did a report about the same and l look forward to that report being made public.
Corruption in parliament
He told me about the stories of bribery in Parliament and how parliamentary journalists must be bribed to write certain stories. Almost every single MP is corrupt and he said he finds himself totally isolated.
Association with DP Ruto
What about his closeness and association with the Deputy President, William Samoei Ruto? He said that came about because he wanted development for the people of Nyali. I inquired whether he had received any bribe or money from the Deputy President, or from any other person? He replied, “No”.
He claimed that he takes home Sh75,000, after paying his mortgage and monthly living expenses, which includes the lawyer representing him on his just concluded election petition.
So what does Moha want?
Legal and public support to expose the rot. This documentary he will be releasing in the coming days, he said, will be the beginning of many more to come. He said that without public support, the corrupt will eat him alive. I promised him my support if the documentary is legit and called a few organizations who can provide legal support. We shall also watch the documentary this coming week and if it’s legit, as he claimed, provide the legal support to ensure that it airs.
Mohammed Ali was quickly referred to as William Ruto’s spanner-boy after he handed over the DP’s brown envelope during a fundraiser in Mombasa.
The DP was in Mombasa a week ago and the Nyali MP was with him at every function he attended. Ruto donated a whopping Kes 5 million to a church during his visit to Mombasa.
The money was handed to the church leadership by Mohammed Ali, he was carrying the brown envelope containing the cash which he handed over when the DP announced his generous contribution.
Mohammed Ali has since come out deny claims that he is the DP’s spanner-boy. In an interview with the Standard, Moha explained that he was seated on the front row when the DP’s handlers tapped him to pass the brown envelope across.
“I was seated at the front row of the church and I was tapped on my shoulders by his handlers to pass it across to him. If this is a crime so be it,” said Moha.
Mohammed Ali has fast become one of the most loathed political leaders in Kenya if reactions from Kenyans on Twitter is anything to go by.
The Nyali MP disappointed most Kenyans after he sought political dalliance with the William Ruto. Moha was condemned severely when he was seen carrying the DP’s infamous brown envelop.
Moha once again attracted the wrath of Kenyans on Twitter when he came out to endorse Eddy Muok Ratego for senator in Migori by-election. The by-election was necessitated by the death of Senator Ben Oluoch on June 19.
Eddy Muok Ratego kwa mtazamo wangu tayari umeshinda, ushindwe ama ushinde.Jinsi unavyozingirwa na kupigwa vita kwa sababu wewe ni kijana inadhihirisha wazi kuwa wewe ni kipenzi cha watu wa Migori.Usiogope unapozingirwa Mungu ni Mkuu.Wana-Migori andikisheni historia! Kila la kheri pic.twitter.com/1u4elyLoAB
People really change when they get to parliament, Mohammed Ali has shocked Kenyans by his behavior since he was elected to the August House as Nyali MP.
Moha was the beacon of hope for millions of poor Kenyans whose only wish is for MPs to be accountable for public funds and stop being greedy.
The former KTN investigative journalists vowed to fight for poor Kenyans from within parliament. But now it’s obvious Moha has joined the greedy MPs, he is one of them.
Moha was among Kenyan legislators who traveled to Russia to watch the World Cup on taxpayers money. Can you imagine how hot the exposé would have been if he was still a journalist?
Moha’s friend Boniface Mwangi called him out over his behavior as an MP. The rights activist reminded Moha that he is the people’s last hope in parliament.
Mohammed Ali and Boniface Mwangi
“As someone who has known @mohajichopevu as a friend, comrade for over 10 years am extremely disappointed by his behaviour as an MP. He has four more years to go and l pray that he doesn’t forget why he was elected by the people of Nyali. He was our last hope in parliament,” wrote Boniface Mwangi.
Nyali MP Mohammed Ali has been on the forefront in the fight against graft. But shockingly Moha doesn’t want leaders to be forced to explain their source of wealth as directed by president Uhuru Kenyatta.
Moha recently clashed with Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru after he released fresh list of 10 people and 40 companies linked to the NYS loot.
Anyone would expect Moha to support lifestyle audit since he desperately wants to see the big fish in NYS scandal put behind bars. But surprisingly Mohammed Ali doesn’t want leaders to explain their source of wealth.
Speaking on JKL Live on Citizen TV on Wednesday night June 20th, Moha argued that lifestyle audit will cause chaos in Kenya since everyone is not clean.
“When you investigate someone you don’t tell him. Do you remember when you bought your suit? Do you have the receipts? Some politicians are businessmen. “Lifestyle audit is a good idea, I agree with the president but it won’t work. It will cause chaos in this country. Honestly 99% of the entire people in the system have issues. We will be divided along tribal lines,” said Mohammed Ali.
Mohammed Ali has dragged back Anne Waiguru’s name into the NYS scandal, the Nyali MP wants the Kirinyaga governor to be investigated for her involvement in NYS loot.
Waiguru was at the helm of Devolution Ministry when Kes 791 million was looted. Mohammed Ali has released a list of 10 people and 40 companies linked to the NYS loot.
Waiguru, Health CS Sicily Kariuki, businessman Gor Semelang’o, former DCI Ndegwa Muhoro are among who Ali linked to the NYS scandal.
Demand letter
Waiguru has since threatened to institute legal proceedings against Mohammed Ali for what she terms as defamation. Through her lawyer Mohammed Muigai, the Kirinyaga governor termed Ali’s words as defamatory and meant to cause her to be ridiculed and treated with contempt and disdain.
Waiguru demands that Moha writes unconditional and unreserved apology failure to which she will institute legal proceedings against him.
“In light of the above, our instructions are to demand a written unconditional and unreserved apology, an immediate admission of liability further which we shall address the question of damages and your express undertaking not to utter any defamatory words against our client,” Waiguru’s lawyer demanded.
Most Kenyans believe Mohammed Ali is compromised, and that he can no longer go after the lords of corruption like he used to when he was still an investigative journalist working for KTN.
The Nyali MP took to Twitter to express his frustration with the list of NYS looters. Moha claims only small fish are being prosecuted whereas the big fish are being protected.
Mohammed Ali further threatens the name and shame the real kings and queens of corruption when parliament reopens on June 5th.
“Huwezi funga penalti kwa kichwa. Wafisadi WAKUU wa NYS lazima pia wachukuliwe hatua za kisheria. Bunge litafunguliwa tarehe 5. Msipowataja tutawataja hadharani. Msione tumekimya ila twafuatilia kwa makini. Twataka pia kuona wezi wakubwa waliotoa idhini kizimbani. Mwizi ni Mwizi!” Wrote Mohammed Ali.
KOT reacts
Kenyans On Twitter (KOT) quickly dismissed Ali saying his association with DP William Ruto betrays his quest to fight corruption.
Mohammed Ali says Joho and his family have been running smear campaign against him. Ali says the genesis of his beef with the Joho isn’t his decision to vie against the governor’s kin Said Abdalla Saido.
Ali explains that he fell out with Sultan when he dropped an exposé on drug barons. He says that the governor was shocked when his name was included in the list.
“Wengi mumetaka kujua tofauti zilizopo kati yangu, Abubabakar Joho (ABUU) na Ali Hassan Joho Gavana wa Mombasa.
“Wanajigamba pwani kwa kudhalilisha watu hadi kufikia mmoja kujiita ‘mungu eti Alpha’. Wangapi matajiri wapo pwani na bado wanaheshima zao pasi kuwafanya wengine watumwa? Kwani cheo na pesa ndiyo tiketi ya kudharau na kukandamiza haki za wengine?.
“Tofauti zao kwangu na familia yao zilianza nilipohatarisha maisha yangu baada ya kuona wananchi wa kitaabika na kufariki kupitia jinamizi la madawa ya kulevya nilipofanya Makala ya upekuzi JICHO PEVU DAWA ZA KARAHA. Upekuzi ambao uliwaacha wengi vinywa wazi na kukumbatiwa kwa asilimia kubwa na Wakenya. Ripoti ya Saitoti ilitia huzuni familia ya ‘Alpha’ baada ya jina la Joho kuorodheshwa katika kikosi cha walanguzi wa dawa za kulevya nchini.
Smear campaign
Ali says Joho and his family have been showing him in bad light. The Nyali MP explains that Johos did everything within their means to block him from vying for the Nyali constituency seat.
“Sasa hapa Mohammed Ali alionekana msaliti, mshenzi na adui kisa na maana upekuzi wake umewaletea shida. Kilele cha chuki zao kwangu ni pale walipopata taarifa kuwa mkombozi wa wanyonge Mohammed Ali ameingia katika ulingo wa siasa. Walitumia kila mbinu kuhakikisha ima najitoa katika eneo bunge la Nyali au nipiganie ubunge sehemu nyingine kama vile Jomvu au Changamwe.
“Juhudi zilipogongwa mwamba ndipo walipotangaza vita vya mitandaoni eti ‘Mimi si mpwani’, ‘Mimi nimemtenga babangu hata ya wao bila kujua alifariki mwaka wa 2007, ‘Mimi ni kibaraka’. Lakini walisahau mimi sikutumwa Nyali, mimi nazijua shida za Nyali na mimi sitanunuliwa kuisaliti azma, ari na ndoto ya kumkomboa mwana nyali.”
Joho reports Moha to Baba
Mohammed Ali claims that Joho feed Raila Odinga with crap about him. The Nyali MP further states that Raila refused to believe that Joho was telling him. Apparently Baba told Joho that Moha was not only a leader but a liberator.
“Kwa haraka alikimbia kwa ‘Baba’ Raila Odinga kwa lengo la kunipaka tope na kutaka usaidizi lakini alishtuka alipofahamu kwamba Raila anafahamu mchakato wangu wa kupigania haki. Raila anajua hatua nilizopiga kuangazia na kufichua mabaya. Ndipo Raila alimuambia “yule kijana ana kila sababu za kuwa mkombozi wacha tu kiongozi’’. Jibu hili lilimtoa upepo na hakuwa na lakusema ikijulikana fika alitaka ukuruba na Raila ndio ajipatie umaarufu na kujijenga kisiasa. Alimleta karibu Raila sio kwa kuamini falsafa na sera za baba bali kwa kujijenga.”
Mohammed Ali took his beef with Joho too far and KOT decided to make him toe the line. The former KTN journalist fell out with Sultan during ODM primaries.
Ali alleged that Joho and his family orchestrated his defeat during ODM party nominations in Mombasa. Ali faced off with Joho’s kin Said Abdalla Saido whom he crushed in August general election.
Old photos cause trouble
Someone used old photos of Moha casting his vote to allege that he voted in October 26th repeat election. Moha caught a major one and decided to fire at Joho whom he claims was behind the bad joke.
“We are busy focusing on National issues na wewe una post vitu za kijinga. @HassanAliJoho na Abuu Joho sio Mungu kutulazimishia ndugu yao!” Moha tweeted.
Kenyans on Twitter quickly reacted by blasting Moha whom they accused of showing Joho in bad light. KOT claims Moha has been dragging the governor’s name in unnecessary tweefs.
See the reactions from Kenyans on Twitter in the screenshots below:
The death of Vihiga High School student highlighted how police had turned into savages. The form four student was shot and killed by the police as he walked home in Kondele, Kisumu after buying ice cream on Monday October 16th.
The Star says that the student died on the spot after being shot in the neck from behind. Two witnesses who were quoted by the daily says police slit the boy’s throat to remove the bullet which would have been evidence.
Graphic photo of the slain Vihiga High School student were widely shared on social media. The photo shows the student’s throat wide open with his lifeless bloody lying in a pool of blood.
Mohammed Ali promises investigations into the boy’s death
Nyali MP Mohammed Ali shared photos of the slain Vihiga High School student on social media. Ali promised to drop an exposé on the brutal death of the student. Ali also condemned police killings in Nyanza.
“Jicho Pevu Loading……The killings must stop come what may. No more Killing Kenya!” Ali captioned photos of the Vihiga High School student.
Mohammed Ali was among several politicians who decided to vie as independent candidates after they were dissatisfied with party primaries that were characterized with chaos and claims of rigging.
Ali’s relationship with ODM party leader Raila Odinga was however not affected even after the party ruled against him in the dispute with Said Abdalla over party nomination in Nyali.
Speaking to the Nairobian, Ali revealed that it was Raila who introduced him to politics, he explained that he still views him as a father. Ali stated that Raila was a man he admires for his ideologies even after what happened during party nominations.
“Raila is my political father. When I was joining politics, I had a four-hour talk with him about it. He took me through his political journey. He allowed me to vie in Nyali and irrespective of what happened in ODM primaries at Nyali, I still view Raila as a father and a man I admire for his ideologies. I want to follow his footsteps to keep his legacy,” Moha said.
Moha further absolved Raila from blame saying that cartels orchestrated his downfall in ODM primary in Nyali constituency.
“I won the nominations, but the cartels didn’t want me to be Nyali MP. I joined ODM because of its ideologies, but I learnt that some people in Mombasa were using Raila’s name to benefit themselves.
“I raised the matter with the ODM tribunal and they were to hand me the certificate, but instead the ticket was given to Governor Hassan Joho’s brother, Said Saido, who was my closest rival. I had no alternative but to go independent.
“The electorate was behind me and my victory is proof that I was rigged out of the nominations. Even during the elections, my name was missing from the IEBC register and I didn’t vote!”
Mohammed Ali stepped on many people’s toes when he was still an investigative journalist working for KTN. Jicho Pevu earned Ali enemies that were keen to assassinate him.
The most eminent death threats came when he dropped the exposé on Track It company. He rejected 1 million bribe to ran the story putting his life in danger.
Speaking to Nairobian, Ali revealed that he was forced to flee to Germany because Track It investors were out to finish him after he exposed their scam.
“Our exposé on how Track It company was conning motorists had Namu and I flee to Germany for several weeks. The company, with offices in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa, collapsed and investors wanted us dead. Paruwanja la Mihadarati is another story that forced Onsarigo and I to run to Norway. But in our assignments, we were cautious,” Mohammed Ali opened up.
The former KTN journalist also addressed the issue of prejudice, he was accused many times of being biased especially in Muslim related exposés
“When doing stories, I focused on every wrong irrespective of religion, tribe or race. I ran stories on the killing of Jacob Juma, lawyer Willy Kimani, Erastus Kirui Chemorei and all was well.
But when I did the stories on Westgate mall attack and killing of Sheik Aboud Rogo, I was branded unpatriotic, sympathiser of terrorists and some State officials wanted me arrested.”
Mohammed Ali was sworn in as Nyali MP on August 31st and Nyali residents are already reaping from his impressive work while the rest of Kenyans are still waiting to get to Canaan.
The former KTN MP has proved that he’s there to deliver his promises to his constituents, Ali kick started various projects in Nyali constituency.
In just two days Ali visited 5 schools (Pentrose community school, Kengeleni Primary, Frere Town primary, Mlaleo primary and special school in Frere Town ward) to distribute shues to pupils under a campaign dubbed ‘Valisha Mtoto Kiatu’.
“Today marked the launch of the second phase of the “VALISHA MTOTO KIATU” campaign. The second phase will see into it that all students and schools which never benefited in first phase do benefit. The first beneficiaries of the second phase were Pentrose community school in Mkomani ward and Kengeleni Primary school in Kongowea ward. We will cover all schools in the entire Nyali constituency in the second phase, Mohammed Ali wrote.
Nyali MP Mohammed Ali has once again claimed Joho’s family is out to derail his performance in the constituency just a fortnight after he attended the swearing in ceremony for Mombasa governor.
Kenyans thought Mohammed Ali and Hassan Joho had buried the hatchet, this was after Ali attended Joho’s swearing in ceremony and was also in attendance at a meeting chaired by Raila Odinga.
Well, apparently Moha still has issues with Joho’s family. The Nyali MP claims Joho’s family plans to file a petition at Mombasa High Court to challenge his win.
The former KTN journalist, who vied as an independent candidate, defeated Joho’s cousin Said Abdalla of ODM to carry the day in Nyali constituency.
“Abu Joho must understand and respect the will of the people. I was not selected, I was elected. If they have a culture of selecting leaders in Mombasa, that culture is done and dusted. The culture that is here is the will of the people and he must respect the will of the people,” Moha said while speaking to the press at Lotus Hotel in Mombasa on Tuesday.
Corruption has been rife in the Kenyan parliament for decades, most MPs elected based on integrity easily fall into the trap. John Allan Namu is however confident that his friend Mohammed Ali won’t be corrupted by parliament’s underdealing.
Sometimes in June this year, Sirisia MP John Waluke admitted to taking bribes. Waluke confessed that corruption had been rife in the 11th and previous parliaments; he admitted that he received money and had never refused to take bribe when offered.
Influential politicians and oligarchs usually offer MPs handouts in the guise of lobbying them to debate or vote in a way that favors their interests.
John Allan Namu is however confident that Nyali MP Mohammed Ali won’t fall into the trap of accepting bribes to promote the interests of a few people.
John Allan Namu and Mohammed Ali
Namu cited the case of his investigative story with Mohammed Ali where officials from Track It company (car tracking company) offered them $10,000 or Kes 1 million bribe to kill a story.
“Eleven years ago Moha and I did a story that would transform our careers forever. The conversation that preceded the clip from which this screenshot was taken was one of the most memorable of the many we’ve had since. I won’t go into the details but on that day I became even more convinced that Moha was doing his thing for the people. He could have very easily taken the money. Now he is in a house where inducements like these will be far greater than the 10000 USD we were offered to kill this story all those years ago. I am still convinced that @mohajichopevu won’t be swayed by them. Now it is me who has to draw a line between friendship and keeping this young man accountable. Good luck Moha, we will be watching!” John Allan Namu wrote.
Mohammed Ali has finally made peace with Mombasa governor Hassan Joho. The two clashed during the electioneering period as Joho supported his kin who vied for Nyali seat.
Ali accused Joho’s family of many things including castigating his defeat in ODM primary and even buying drugs for young men in Mombasa.
Well, Joho was sworn in yesterday August 22nd and Nasa leader Raila Odinga flew to Mombasa to attend the ceremony. Guess who else attended Joho’s inauguration? Mohammed Ali.
There was a meeting that was chaired by Raila before Joho took the oath of office for the second term. Ali was among the attendees in the meeting.
Moha and Babu Owino at the meeting which was chaired by Raila Odinga
“In a meeting chaired by my Party leader HE @RailaOdinga and my DPL @HassanAliJoho among other Mombasa leaders,” Embakasi East MP Babu Owino tweeted.
It’s believed Mohammed Ali and Hassan Joho buried the hatchet after the closed door meeting with Raila Odinga.
Kipchumba Murkomen was quick to send a message of congratulation to Mohammed Ali when news broke that he had won Nyali parliamentary seat.
“Congratulations @MohaJichoPevu As the elders said, if a child washed his hands he could eat with kings.Tea on me in Bunge✌️,”Murkomen tweeted.
Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) were however quick to share screenshots of 2015 tweets by Murkomen in which he looked down upon Moha claiming that he would never amount to anything as a politician.
Some Kenyans warned Moha never to associate with Murkomen, they advised him to steer clear of the Elgeyo Marakwet senator and other corruption cartels in parliament.
Independent candidate Mohammed Ali trounced ODM candidate Saidi Abdalla popularly known as Saido to carry the day in Nyali constituency.
Moha ditched ODM following a flawed nomination that saw him rigged out and Joho’s cousin – Saido given the nomination certificate. The former KTN journalist opted to face Saido as an independent candidate.
Joho and Saidi Abdalla
And Nyali voters rewarded Moha by electing him their MP. Saido conceded defeat early yesterday morning as Moha was leading him with a big margin, 24,201 votes against 14,790.
“I would like to congratulate my opponent Mohammed Ali on winning the Nyali MP seat. I sincerely thank all those who took their time to come out and vote for me yesterday and I am extremely greatful. I also thank all my team members for all their hard work. It is my hope that development in Nyali will be a priority as had been my wish, Thank you all very much,” Saidi Abdalla concession speech.
Former KTN journalist Mohammed Ali has made damning allegation against his main rival Said Abdalla Saido and his brother Hassan Joho.
Ali is facing off with governor’s kin for Nyali constituency seat. The journalist clashed with Said and Joho after he was trounced in ODM nominations even though Ali still maintains he was rigged out.
Ali has since written an open letter to Joho and his brother issuing warning to them. The former KTN journalist claimed the duo was buying young men drugs and were also dispensing news that he was a Jubilee candidate.
Below is Ali’s open letter to Joho and his brother:
Today I have woken up to the most laughable piece of fake news that I have ever seen. In an attempt to save his candidate, Abuu Joho has fallen back on the claim that I, Mohamed Ali, am a Jubilee candidate! It is funny, but also sad.
Sad because rather than campaign on the real issues in Nyali, my competitor Saido, and the real person behind him, Abuu, can only use fake, irresponsible and just silly tactics to compete. Here is free advice from me, STOP WASTING TIME, if you really have something to tell the people, tell them. STOP HIRING THUGS to disrupt my meetings. STOP BUYING YOUNG MEN DRUGS so that they can do your bidding. THEY ARE NOT SLAVES, AND YOU ARE NOT THEIR SULTAN. All you are doing is injuring the very people whose votes you want. If you choose to bribe people, bribe them with the truth; tell them how you will solve their problems, as I have been doing. You know Saido, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. My campaign is about improving the lives of all Nyalians. Today I am offering to improve your life as a resident of Nyali too; campaign peacefully, compete with honour, and SPEAK to the people. Msikubali akili ndogo kutawala akili kubwa. Uzeni sera!
Mohammed Ali has been intimidated for a while now, this time round the threat came from a knife-wielding man who infiltrated a meeting he attended.
The former KTN investigative journalist blames Governor Hassan Ali Joho and his family for his woes. Moha claimed Joho and his family rigged him out of ODM nominations for Nyali parliamentary seat.
Moha faced off with Joho’s brother Said Abdalla Saido in ODM nomination before he quit to vie as an independent candidate.
Moha was among several other independent candidates in Mombasa who attended a meeting at Frere Town, Kisauni to strategize on their plan to win against aspirants sponsored by major political parties.
The meeting was however disrupted by a young man who was out to spill blood, he managed to get into the meeting with a knife concealed in his clothes.
The knife-wielding man was seized by security before he could cause any harm, he was dragged out of the hall amid screams and shouts from the crowd.
“Aliyetumana watu wadungwe visu poleni. Usalama wetu tumemwachia Mungu. Iliobaki ni Amri ya Mungu,” Mohammed Ali said after the incident.
Mohammed Ali has officially quit ODM but not without exposing the Governor Ali Hassan Joho and his brother Said Abdalla Saido.
The former KTN journalist is blaming Governor Joho’s family for interfering with ODM nominations in Nyali constituency – he claims Said Abdalla Saido and his brother Joho rigged him out.
Mombasa governor Hassan Joho and his brother Said Abdalla Saido.
Mohammed Ali however assured Governor Joho that his name will be on the ballot papers come August 8th general election.
“@AliHassanJoho has stamped his authority 2make sure im not given Odm ticket.I will meet ur bro on 8th.I would rather win or lose with honor,” Mohammed Ali wrote.
Moha is vying for Nyali parliamentary seat as an independent candidate, he announced his decision as he exposed the dirty under-dealings of Joho’s family.
Below is what Moha posted online:
You, the people of Nyali deserve a leader, not a surrogate. You deserve a leader who will listen to your issues, work with you on your problems, and together, deliver the promise of better livelihoods for you and your children. I believe this even more today as I did when I announced that I would be running to represent you as your MP on an ODM ticket.
On the 22nd of April, ODM nominations were conducted in my hometown of Nyali constituency, and in keeping with my desire to serve and my ideals, I chose to contest, so as to serve you, my people better and much closer than in my previous role as a journalist. I chose ODM because it is the party that most closely shares my ideals, and its party leader, Raila Odinga, still is, I believe, the leader that Kenya deserves.
Unfortunately, powerful and destructive elements within the ODM party are keen on building a legacy in Mombasa with its foundations in nepotism, personal and family benefits. My challenger for the nomination, Said “Saido” Abdallah, I believe, is keen to represent this legacy in Nyali. I had warned of the likelihood of irregularities sponsored by “Saido” and his team in the run up to the primary, and when the primaries did take place, my worst fears were confirmed. The Nyali primaries were marred with such deep and blatant irregularities that clearly favoured a Saido victory. Voter bribery, intimidation, ballot stuffing and general interference in the election by Said Abdallah and his relative, current Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho, robbed Nyali’s residents of the chance to make a real choice. It was to be a “selection”, not an election – a slap in the face of everything that ODM stands for. So blatant were the irregularities that the ODM national elections tribunal delivered a judgment nullifying the election on these grounds, and recommending that the National Elections Board select a candidate between Said and I. Their choice to hand the certificate to Said, in spite of the mountain of evidence that he cheated his way to victory, confirmed to me that the elements I have spoken about managed to triumph again by subverting the course of justice. But the will of the people will not be denied.
I have chosen to stand as an independent candidate because I know in my heart that you, the people of Nyali now have a clear choice. It is a choice between a man who would do anything, including steal his way to power, and a man who has stood by justice all his life, and will do justice for you. This election offers you a choice between a candidate whose family’s legacy in leadership is tainted by all manner of scandals, and a man who would rather fight for what is right and win, or lose, with honour. Make no mistake, I am in the race to challenge those who want Nyali to fall into the hands of the corrupt, but I will do so with my ideals, my morals, and my belief that come rain, shine or so called Sultans, I will do my utmost for you.
I want to make one thing clear, that even as I tender my resignation from the ODM party to run as an Independent Candidate, I still firmly believe that Raila Odinga is the man who can change Kenya. I fully support his candidature to become the fifth president of this great republic. Those who sought to deny democracy a chance to survive in Nyali, alongside our opponents in Jubilee, are the real threat to good leadership. They seek to undermine the gains made by Kenya’s only national party, and hoodwink its leadership. I will run against them, and will not be a part of their evil plan. Win or lose, I will do it with honour.
To my people in Nyali Constituency, I will be the leader you deserve. I remain in this race because of my will to serve. I will rely on your support to make this happen. On August the 8th, vote with your conscience, and together we can make Nyali constituency the envy of all of Kenya.
Dennis Itumbi suspended party politics to offer a frank advice to Moha, he penned an open letter to the disenfranchised journalist.
Itumbi, the Director of Digital Director of Communications in the Office of the President, encouraged Moha to keep fighting, he used the example of President Uhuru who lost elections twice to encourage him further.
“Good afternoon, Moha of Jicho Pevu,
“We do not agree on many things, that is obvious. Read that you lost the nomination to Joho’s Cousin – I have no facts on whether you lost fairly or not. But my brother I write to congratulate you for standing up, submitting your name and fighting to win an election. I will not join those laughing at you or mocking you, it takes courage, emotion and lots of investment to campaign and seek votes.
“For that Heko, the political journey for you has just started and losing is not the end, President Uhuru Kenyatta lost his bid for MP in 1997 and for President in 2002. Kalonzo Musyoka lost his MP bid in 1983 or thereabout, he rose to be VP. One of the greatest USA Presidents – Abraham Lincoln lost so many times but he kept going.
“The future of our country does not belong to those unwilling to fight for a chance to transform it, but to brave souls like you who are willing to jump into the mud and begin the journey, the hurdles not withstanding.
“If you are certain you are not going to contest as an independent, I would suggest you concede in a major press Conference, you may not support the person who beat you, but throw weight to your supporters mobilize them to continue with the hope of a transformation…live to fight another day, “For the attempt –Congratulations,” Itumbi wrote.