Matatu Driver Dazzles High School Students on Career Day

My son recently sat for his KCSE paper. Well, it happens that a few weeks prior, the school organizes a Career Day.

I’m a member on their WhatsApp group – but, who really reads those memos?

The typical Kenyan, I arrived late. I had thought it’s a regular parent-student clinic day. I was ushered into the hall, picked a chair at the rear.

Backbenchers, hooray!

Former Governor Mike Sonko pictured with a Matatu driver on the streets of Nairobi. (Image: Files).

Someone in a suit and tie was speaking at the front, behind a glass lectern. Felt like church.

“….think of a baby just born, struggling to breathe. They have super tiny lungs. As a pediatrician, I have to step in and save that child’s life. It’s much more than just about medicine …..”

The guy was a pediatrician. He had the students hooked on every word. In another lifetime, that doctor would have made a terrific politician.

Flawless delivery.

Next up was a soldier, retired. He’s usually very vocal on regular clinic days, popular for a ‘bad boy’ image. He had to be urged off the stage, after his slotted half hour.

We listened to teachers, community health workers, a priest (he had a nephew), a chef, the local MCA and a few businessmen.

Now, the MC spotted me – and, since my boy was the school’s Head Captain, I had to make a few remarks.

For context, I’m a driver. A Matatu driver.

The boys started to cheer. The walk to the front seemed like a mile long. My mind was spinning – I had to improvise. Fast!

Suddenly, I thought – ah, let’s have a Q&A session. It worked.

Surface to say, that I got double the half hour slotted for each speaker!

Boy 1: How long you been driving?

Me: I’ve been driving since I was 22. Now, been 25 years. I’ve been on the road longer than you guys been alive! Wangapi wa Rongai? (Cheers!)

Boy 2: Ever had a fight on the streets?

Me: (Looking serious) Fighting is never an option, but, hey – the streets are not kind to weak men. Sometimes, you have to protect your territory. Son, do not fight, though. Try to walk away. If not …. (I theatrically punched the air).

Ah, the hall erupted into a loud cheer. Alas, I was getting more popular than the soldier, even!

Boy 3: How many Matatu’s do you operate?

Me: Six. I run with one. The other five have different crews.

Boy 4: How much money do you per month?

Me: Well, it depends a lot on the season, the days. For example, there’s more on back-to-school days and weekends.

Also it depends on how hardworking each crew is. I just check accounts every Friday to see how each is doing. 

Boy 5: So, the crews have to bring you money every evening? That’s awesome!

Me: Nooo! I don’t meet them. Every Matatu has a separate account at KCB Bank. They just place their earnings in an envelope and deposit through a KCB ATM at any Express branch along their routes.

I later check how much has reflected on each account.

I could see new respect for my kind in their eyes. It was mad fun for me.

No offense, but 75% of the kids in that hall suddenly had a career prospect that was actually within their reach.

Only a few would make dentists, priests, architects or soldiers. I tried to make it as real as possible.

Media personality Janet Mbugua tries out a Matatu in an undated image. (Image: Files)

I showed them that a basic grasp of business skills is enough to turn any occupation into a success. Not just drivers – but, farmers, green grocers, et al.

All through, I tried to ignore my son on the front row, screaming silently at my exaggerations! I had earned him crucial points in the popularity meter.

His friends kept slapping him on the back!

Boarding primary schools should be abolished

There has been a debate raging in the country regarding boarding schools and I for one stand with the people who intend to have primary boarding schools banned. This is due to my belief that children especially those in the age group typically associated Primary School education need to be around their parents for guidance.

Mike Sonko Is Right About Boarding schools

There are several reasons that have been raised as to why parents who would seek to enroll their children into primary schools that are boarding facilities as well and former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko was quick to lift them.

Some of the reasons he gave included parents who are incapable of providing food and sustenance for their children adequately, single-mother households in which the mother is a sex worker, households where they cannot afford to hire a house help or nanny.

Sonko’s Hot Daughter Thicky Sandra Pens Elating Message To Him On His Birthday- ‘You Are My Inspiration’

However, my rebuttal to these arguments is the fact that it seems to be a situation in which parents want to delegate their responsibility over their children onto teachers. Because when it comes to early child development parents are very important. A child needs to understand that they are safe and secure not only materialistic but emotionally as well: Children need to feel loved and primary boarding schools deny them this.

So what options are available to them? What children do when they find themselves in a situation where they are robbed of their parents presence is they replace them with either an authority figure (teachers) or fellow students.

These two schools have produced the most Kenyan celebs

I shouldn’t have to explain to you just how devastatingly ruinous this could be. This is where peer pressure question and any figure of authority who happens to be a Predator could easily take advantage of the trust the child has placed in them. That is why when you hear about such schools offer the children who attended primary boarding schools were exposed to sex and sexuality far too early for their well-being.

And when the children pick up on negative habits by the time the parents noticed them they are often well-entrenched into the children’s behavioral patterns.

For more thought-provoking opinion pieces, click here. And be sure to like our Instagram page.

For once, Mike Sonko has something to say worth paying attention to

Mike Sonko decided to try his hand at being an agony aunt and he gave some advice to Nairobi and Kenyan youth about life and ambition. Much to my pleasant surprise, his advice was actually fantastic.

Mike Sonko’s piece of advice to youths looking to make quick and easy cash!

If you’re familiar with Nairobi’s governor, you know he is first and foremost a clown. And then after you see past his clown antics, you realize that he has a criminal history and it is unclear how he managed to come clear of that demon.

Mike Sonko
Mike Sonko

That is, if you have an IQ above room temperature and are capable of not being bamboozled by his many antics or the fact that he hands out money to “help” members of the public. Politics of poverty I have heard men wiser than myself call it.

Meet the light skinned hottie rumored to be dating Mike Sonko’s 19 year old son (Photos)

But he decided to share some advice with young men that everyone who knows or has a young man in their life would do well to inform them of. You see, Mike Sonko is aware that younger men are under immense pressure. The will to work is present, the energy is but in a shithole country like Kenya, there are often precious few opportunities to actually put in the work.

Mike Sonko

As a result, FOMO (fear of missing out) become a real issue. And Mike Sonko has touched on this feeling because it then leads to desperation to make money by any means necessary. This has led a lot of young men to seek less than reputable sources of income. And there is always a toll to be paid whether it be immediate or procrastinated. At the end of the day, you will eventually have to answer for your actions and decisions.

Mike Sonko embarks on weight loss journey, years after letting his body go!

Men are forged in fire and unfortunately, there is often a lot of pressure you have to deal with to make yourself a successful man. You have to put in the work and grind through your twenties because the longer you take to build your foundation, the harder it will be for you to lose what you have built up.

Mike Sonko
Wealthy Mike Sonko

Let me share this…To our young men, under 30. Look my dear brothers fortunes and success in life are results of hardwork. If you by any chance angukia and become rich you have cheated in life, and most definitely you will fall back to zero. The best diamond passes through hot fire.

Mike Sonko mocked after stepping out in fake designer outfit (Photos)

These are the few times I tell people to actually ignore the source of the wisdom but focus on learning the advice. On this matter, the saying that a broken clock is right twice a day is proven true. Mike Sonko has kicked some solid advice.

Hizi deals za usiku kucha and you start spinning Porsche Panamera which you can’t tell how you earned, will dig you an early grave. The sweetest success has a story. You start a business, tried and failed, tried and failed, tried and failed and so on and so on until business teaches you enough money lessons.

For more thought-provoking opinion pieces, click here. And be sure to like our Facebook page.

Octopizzo’s rant over Conje’s heartbreaking condition should be a wakeup call for the state

One of Kenya’s leading freestyle rapper is in the news again, but for a noble cause.

Octopizzo is a self-made entertainer and rapper with roots in the sprawling Kibera Slums, Nairobi. He has steadily risen to win awards, and command an enviable following in hip hop as a recording and performing artist.

The artist’s roots have hugely influenced an entrepreneur spirit, and notably, his passion in humanitarian activities.

No wonder, then, that the deplorable condition of one of Kenya’s best female pugilists has drawn his attention.

Sports Personality Carol Radull on a recent visit to the former champion
Sports Personality Carol Radull on a recent visit to the former champion

Conjestina Achieng is a former Kenya champion before a gradual but steady slide into obscurity. For a few years now, Conje has battled depression and a mental breakdown that has seen her attend rehabilitation stints. She has repeatedly slid back into the dark abyss, and her present condition is heartbreaking.

Conjestina popularly known as ‘Hands of Stone’ has an impressive boxing record, and boasts one of the most detailed Wikipedia page in the world of sports. She has had 27 fights, winning 17 with 8 wins by knockouts. She has drawn in 4 fights, and lost narrowly in 6 fights.

Conje is without doubt one of the greatest female boxers Kenya has ever had. Or, perhaps, ever have. What then, went down?

Rapper Octopizzo took this issue at hand, on an engaging Twitter thread. In the post, Octopizzo slams the government for ignoring a retired sports icon – after building, branding and feeding off her exploits in the ring for years.

The rapper particularly took issue with the indifference the government treats legends, in favor of ineffectual matters – The infamous Githeri Man case, for instance. The individual shot to fame in the last elections when a camera man captured him on a queue with boiled githeri in a paper bag.

The Githeri Man received a Head of State Commendation (HSC) Award.

The thread has raised an uproar. A large section of Kenyans blamed her downfall on a lot of issues, and non-issues bordering on tribe, and politics.

A few public personalities have been assisting the ailing boxer for a while. The Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko has at a point funded her rehabilitation. Recently, sports journalist Carol Radull has been making personal visits to the former champion.

Octopizzo in a file image
Octopizzo in a file image

Rapper King Kaka also joined the discussion, and seeks suggestions for a lasting, sustainable solution to the Conjestina problem.

Kenya owes a lot to Conjestina Achieng, and she deserves a bit of attention. It’s not an armchair discussion of the choices, or lack of, she made during her career.