Sometimes in October the nation woke up to shocking news about a 13-year-old boy in Mukurweini, Nyeri County who had been savagely assaulted by his foster parents.
The boy was beaten to pulp on the night of October 20th for seeking shelter in a neighbor’s house after running away from home. He suffered injuries to the head, face and legs and was treated at Mukurweini Hospital.
The 13-year-old claimed his foster parents had been assaulting him and denying him basic needs, forcing him to drop out of school and seek shelter in the woods and sometimes with neighbors.
The suspect who battered the boy -Wachira Njambuya went into hiding after the boy’s predicament was aired on national television channels.

New ugly twist
The boy was supposed to be placed in protective custody but apparently this is not the case. Royal Media journalist Mike Njenga has come out to sound the alarm about how the boy has been turned to a suspect and thrown in remand instead of children’s home.
Njenga, who was moved from Citizen TV to Inooro TV, took to social media to narrate how the boy had been slapped with rape allegations and had spent a week in remand.
The journalist says money exchanged hands and the suspects who battered the boy have now accused him of rape. Njenga is calling on the police to investigate to matter.
Below is what Mike Njega wrote on Instagram:
Remember this boy who was beaten to pulp few weeks ago in Nyeri?
Well it seams in Kenya justice is not for the poor I got this message and it really got me sad
Hi Mike, you remember the kid who was assaulted in Nyeri? The “adopted” kid. Story was twisted that last week on 6th during the case mention, which was supposed to be the case of Foster parents V Karuru. The boy was treated as a criminal and ended up in a remand. The boy shouldered a heavy Rape allegation, something that has never been reported at School,chief’s camp, AP post, Police station, church, or anywhere else at the village.
There was no witness or evidence provided from the village.
Karuru ended up in a Children’s Remand in Nyeri.
He will be taken back to Mukurweini Court tomorrow. He’s meant to be taken to a Children’s Rehab Centre. He has spent a WEEK in a Remand.
Nothing to do with Child Negligence was Mentioned on 6th.
It’s alleged that Money exchanged hands.#Ifikiematiangi National police service @kenya_police