Miguna Miguna’s wife speaks after her husband’s arrest and deportation

Miguna Miguna’s wife, Jane Miguna recently opened up about her husband’s arrest.

Speaking to a popular Canadian Macleans Magazine, Jane revealed her fears especially after there were no reports about her husband after his arrest.

She told Macleans Magazine that for the few days she did not hear from her husband, she “was frantic with worry, since the police failed to produce him in court as ordered, after several Kenyan media reports emerged speculating that her husband had been killed.

She went on to add;

“From Sunday to yesterday, the case manager at the Canadian high commission in Nairobi could not even be able to tell me if Miguna was dead or alive.”

This is after Miguna Miguna was arrested on Friday last week; but his details where kept on the low until just when he was deported to Canada. Mrs Miguna went on to add;

“That really worried me, because the commissioner was not even able to get information from the Kenyan government to assure her that they are holding him and he’s alive. Really, although she may have information but she is not giving it to me. At least somebody should be able to tell me, yes, he’s alive. But no. I was not told anything. They just say they are aware of the case and they are working on it.”

Miguna’s children

The lady went on to reveal that she avoided revealing did not tell her 3 teenagers about their dad’s where they dad was.

“Miguna didn’t want them to worry, so I didn’t tell them about their father’s arrest, but I was afraid they would learn of it from social media. They are already asking why didn’t Daddy come, and I am just telling them he has an engagement,”

However the family is now satisfied to have their father home and safe.

Savage: Miguna Miguna deported wearing a pair of slippers, Kenyans react!

Miguna Miguna was deported yesterday in the wee hours of the night after refusing to take plea on the case filed against him.

His deportation however left many shocked as no one was expecting the government to pull such a stunt.

Word has it that Miguna Miguna he was sent away wearing the same clothes he had worn during his arrest.

Miguna deported with no luggage

Looking at the photos making rounds on social media, the fella is seen wearing the popular red bathroom slippers. This has left many on social media talking especially after the savage move.

Others where quick to assume that the fella had not showered for 5 days hence the memes.

Miguna Miguna arrives in Canada to a heroic welcome (Photos)

Nasa general Miguna Miguna was warmly welcomed to Canada by Kenyans residing there. The government hasty deported Miguna over his involvement in the swearing in of Raila Odinga.

Miguna was arrested on February 2 from his Runda home by a team of more than 30 heavily armed police officers. He spent the next 5 days in different police stations before he was finally presented in a Kajiado court.

Miguna was freed by the court only to be arrested again by the police. The Nasa general was forcibly placed on a late night KLM Royal Dutch Airlines flight from Nairobi to Amsterdam.

Miguna Miguna in a Dutch Airlines flight from Nairobi to Amsterdam. He was wearing slippers
Grand reception

Miguna connected another flight from Netherlands to Canada where he was deported to. Kenyans residing in Canada flocked to the airport to receive the Nasa general.

The Kenyan diaspora community carried placards at the airport in support of Miguna Miguna. See the photos below:





Larry Madowo, Hassan Joho, Donald Kipkorir breathe fire on the government for deporting Miguna Miguna to Canada

Miguna Miguna was forcefully forced into a flight and deported to Canada by the police. The deportation came hours after he was released from police custody following his dramatic arrest on Friday February 2nd.

Miguna’s illegal deportation was announced by his lawyer Cliff Ombeta. In his tweet Cliff says Miguna was forced into a KLM flight for Canada via Amsterdam at 7 pm on Tuesday.

Miguna Miguna when he was presented in a Kajiado court
Angry reactions

Mombasa governor, lawyer Donald Kipkorir and Larry Madowo quickly condemned the illegal deportation. The three fear things could be getting out of hand with the government ignoring court orders.




Photos from Miguna Miguna’s house after it was attacked earlier this morning

There are new photos circulating on social media media showing how Miguna Miguna’s house looks after it was bombed. According to a text sent to Blogger Robert Alai; Miguna Miguna revealed that his home in Runda had been attacked by a special unit out to arrest him.

This is however not surprising as he recently sent out a tweet daring Fred Matiangi to arrest him.

First, TJ Kwanjang was arrested and arraigned in court for consenting to administer oath to Raila Odinga on 30th January.

Miguna Miguna’s property destroyed

Miguna Miguna who proceeded the ceremony has now been left fearing or his life after the attack. Looking at the photos from his house, it’s clear to see that most of his property was destroyed.

It is however not clear to whether he has been arrested or is still in hiding. Check out the photos below:

“They have bombed my house and probably want to kill me” Miguna Miguna sends Robert Alai alarming message

Blogger Robert Alai has shared a message he claims came from Miguna Miguna earlier this morning. According to the text, Miguna Miguna reveals that his Runda home has been attacked by an assissination squad.

Also read: Miguna Miguna denies rumors claiming he was arrested, says he is not afraid

He goes on to reveal that they have bombed their way into his house and broke things as they search for him. The controversial lawyer goes on to give directions to his home hoping that the Youths will come to his rescue.

Larry Madowo, Linus Kaikai and Ken Mijungu wanted

Miguna Miguna’s cry comes a few hours after NTV’s journalists were forced to camp inside Nation Centre as they feared being arrested.


The 3 are accused of airing an illegal ceremony even after the government warned them. Linus Kaikai is also wanted for a statement he released for accusing the government for trying to control the media.

Miguna Miguna denies rumors claiming he was arrested, says he is not afraid!

After ‘swearing in’ Raila Odinga there have been reports indicating the government is now after those who participated in the illegal ceremony.

So far Ruaraka MP Tom Kajwang was arrested; and taken for questioning at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) as revealed.

This left many wondering who be next especially now that no one knows where Raila Odinga is. However, a few reports on social media claimed that Miguna Miguna would be detained for questioning after illegally swearing in Raila Odinga.

Miguna Miguna responds

Through his official Twitter page, the controversial lawyer responded to the rumors saying he was safe and sound.

Miguna Miguna went on to add that he was not afraid of the government for threatening to arrest him. He wrote;

Anyway let’s see what happens next!

“I love your hands Migush” Lady gets rude shock from Miguna Miguna after she makes romantic advances to him

Miguna Miguna is a cold-hearted man. The opinionated barrister rudely shushed a slay queen who tried conquering him with love.

Miguna Miguna has made it clear countless times that he doesn’t tolerate sideshows. The former Prime Minister aide demonstrated utmost savagery when a lady distracted him while he was conveying an important message.

Miguna took to Twitter to inform Nasa supporters about Raila’s return to Kenya. He invited Nasarites to JKIA to welcome Baba back home from his trip in US.

“ANNOUNCEMENT: The #NRM and @CoalitionNASAKe invite millions of patriots to walk to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and welcome THE PEOPLE’S PRESIDENT @RailaOdinga to Kenya from the USA on Thursday 16 November 2017! Take over Nairobi on that day! #DemocracyNotDictatorship,” tweeted Miguna.

I love your hands Migush

A certain Muna_Ali‏ (@lelita_lelii) replied to Miguna’s tweet showing how much she loves him. The tweep asked Miguna whether he would be at JKIA when Baba returns so that she could feel his hands.

“awwww ?? will you be there too Migush!!?? I love your hands ? Maybe I’ll get to shake them ?,” Muna Ali tweeted.

The lady got a rude reply from her crush and KOT couldn’t help but laugh at her. Miguna told her off saying that she should be reasonable and remain focused.

“How will you find me amidst one million people; let’s be reasonable and be focused!” Miguna Miguna replied to Muna Ali.


Top 10 things Kenyans have been searching on Google… Miguna Miguna’s ‘Demagogue’ tops the list

Google has released the results of top searches in the month of October 2017. Interestingly the word ‘demagogue’ was the most searched entity on Google.

Demagogue was popularized by Miguna Miguna who said Uhuru Kenyatta was a demagogue. The word demagogue is defined as a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.[sic]

Dennis Oliech

Kenyan football legend Dennis Oliech also appeared on top Google searches. Kenyans were eager to find out what was happening with Oliech following the incident at Carnivore Grounds.

Jimmy Wanjigi, Akombe and Sharon Mundia

Roselyn Akombe also features on top Google searches. The former IEBC commissioner caused a stir when she fled from the country and flew to US where she resign.

Roselyn Akombe

Jimmy Wanjigi was the 9th most search entity on Google in October. The incident at Wanjigi’s home created a lot of curiosity.

Sharon Mundia appeared on the top search because of her alleged threesome lesbian orgy. The fashion blogger was allegedly busted by her husband having sex with Patricia Kihoro and Fena Gitu.

Below is the full list of top 10 searches on Google:

2.Harvey Weinstein
3.Dennis Oliech
4.Bet numbers prediction today
6.Las Vegas shooting
7.Sharon Mundia
8.Mashujaa Day


“Ruto is a liar!” Miguna Miguna cries after the Deputy President blocked him on Twitter

The king of blocks on Twitter Miguna Miguna finally got a taste of his own medicine after Deputy President William Ruto blocked him on Twitter following what he claims as harassment on the social media platform.

Miguna Miguna who could not believe this went ahead to tweet about being blocked by the DP saying;

 “Mr. @WilliamsRuto has blocked me for criticizing him. He is not a private citizen. He sucks billions from my taxes. #NoReformsNoElections”

Miguna’s tweet

However instead of feeling sorry for him, KOT took this as another funny incident on twitter where they laughed off at the guy since he is well known for blocking most people on the social media App.

As ironic as it sounds yes the former Nairobi gubernatorial candidate experienced the bitterness of being blocked on social media – something he had probably never experienced before.

Anyway, on Sunday, the DP Ruto had the chance to speak on KBC during an interview where he came out to reveal the main reason he blocked Miguna Miguna. According to the DP, Miguna had been attacking his family for a while now and since he got fed up with this he chose to vlock him. He said,

“I don’t allow negative people on my timeline, when I find people who consistently cross the line I block them,”

As if it wasn’t enough Miguna came out again to refute the allegations by calling the DP a liar in yet another tweet where he wrote saying:

Miguna’s tweet

DP William Ruto explains why he had no choice but to block Miguna Miguna and Cyprian Nyakundi on Twitter

Deputy President William Ruto decided to deal with popular blogger Cyprian Nyakundi and vocal lawyer Miguna Miguna by blocking them on Twitter.

Ruto blocked the fierce Miguna Miguna on Monday September 18th when the former PM aide went HAM on him in his tweets. Miguna kept firing at the DP even after he was blocked.

Twitter bigwig Cyprian Nyakundi was blocked on Sunday September 24th. Nyakundi is known to be very critical of Ruto’s political activities.

Speaking during an interview on KBC on Sunday September 24th, the deputy president explained that he was forced to blog the two critics because they were intruding into his family.

Ruto said he blocked Miguna because he had crossed the line by constantly attacking his family and him, something he doesn’t take lightly.

The DP made it clear that he does not like negative people on his timeline and when he finds someone who consistently cross the line they are blocked. He emphasized that tweeps needed to differentiate between him as a politician and him as a family.




Miguna Miguna gives Raila Odinga a simple formula to beat Uhuru Kenyatta in repeat election

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has set a date for the repeat presidential election as ordered by the Supreme Court last week. According to IEBC, the repeat exercise will be carried out on October 17th 2017.

Raila Odinga’s former aide Miguna Miguna has however cautioned that the country is heading to another rigged election if IEBC remains as it is.

Miguna advised Raila to make sure IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba and Chairman Wafula Chebukati are removed from office if he wants to beat Uhuru Kenyatta in a free, fair and credible election.

“You got it wrong with Kivuitu, Isaack Hassan, Wafula Chebukati and Betty Nyabuto. Don’t repeat the same mistake 5 times,” Miguna said.

The former Nairobi gubernatorial candidate further explained why the repeat presidential election is doomed in a series of tweets.

“Sonko remains functionally illiterate convicted drug dealer” Miguna Miguna takes final dig at Sonko

Miguna Miguna has categorically stated that he will NEVER recognize Mike Sonko as his governor. He said Nairobians have elected a convicted drug dealer and a looter.

IEBC interim results show that Mike Sonko is leading incumbent Evans Kidero with over 167,500 votes in 3251 out of 3378 polling stations; Sonko 838,858 (53.52%), Kidero 671,270 (42.83%).

With these results so far, Mike Sonko is only a step closer to become Nairobi’s second governor. The prospect of Sonko becoming the next boss of Nairobi is a bitter pill for Miguna Miguna to swallow.

Miguna took to twitter to throw tantrums at the Nairobi governor-elect; he compared Sonko to other dictators including Adolf Hitler warning that Sonko wouldn’t transform Nairobi.



Miguna Miguna destroys KTN presenter and makes him look totally stupid on TV

Miguna Miguna was very rude and disrespectful during TV interview on KTN, the interviewee felt belittled as the interview heated up.

The controversial Nairobi gubernatorial aspirant was interviewed by Micheal Gitonga on KTN Morning Express on Wednesday July 26th.

Miguna harassed Gitonga when he asked him questions, he fired at the KTN presenter saying he was asking him questions that didn’t hold water.

“You are used to mediocre leaders that you can bamboozle, and you can’t do that to me,” Miguna told Gitonga he asked him to clarify on how he plans to deal with water problem in Nairobi.

Miguna’s tirade got out hand and at some point the two started arguing before Gitonga gave up and allowed Miguna to just talk.

Watch how the drama unfolded in the video below:

Savage! Itumbi totally destroys Miguna Miguna and Kenyans are loving every minute of it

Thought Miguna Miguna was immune to online onslaught? Well, Dennis Itumbi’s jibe made him to ‘catch feelings’ for days.

The beef between Miguna Miguna and Dennis Itumbi started on Monday on the night of presidential running mates debate.

Miguna, who was a commentator in the debate, told Itumbi to stop overstepping his mandate when he issued a press statement on behalf of state house explaining why DP Ruto couldn’t make it to the debate.

Miguna said Itumbi’s mandate was limited to tweeting and Facebooking but not issuing press statements on behalf of the government.

Itumbi caught a major one and he decided to fire back tactfully; he posted a map of Miguna’s campaign trail which showed the Nairobi gubernatorial aspirant was only campaigning at TV stations.

Itumbi’s tweet opened a door for Kenyans on Twitter to poke fun at Miguna Miguna asking whether he was a serious candidate.

Miguna however responded by posting photos and videos showing how he was campaigning on the ground in various parts of Nairobi.

Citizen TV producer threatens and abuse Miguna Miguna on WhatsApp messages

Nairobi gubernatorial aspirant Miguna Miguna has come out to strongly condemn Citizen TV after its producer sent him threats via WhatsApp messaging app.

The controversial wannabe Nairobi governor says that Citizen TV producer only known as Sam sent him abusive and unprofessional messages.

“The @citizentvkenya “Producer,” Sam has just sent me very abusive and unprofessional messages on @WhatsApp. I don’t beg to appear on TV,” Miguna Miguna tweeted.

Kenyans on Twitter put him to task to share screenshots of the abusive WhatsApp messages but Miguna stood his ground saying wouldn’t publish defamatory statements.

Miguna only offered comprehensive explanation to Ekuru Aukot‏ – former Secretary of the Committee of Experts on Constitution Review, who inquired why he was grumbling.

See the conversation below:

Juda$254‏: please share the screenshots. We need to roast him

Governor Miguna‏: That would be tantamount to repeating and republishing defamatory statements and would undermine my legal action against him.

NguGi‏: how was the message defamatory if it was sent only to you? jst asking

Governor Miguna‏: The words would be “defamatory” when repeated or republished. Unlike you, I am extremely careful with what I write. Re-read my messages.

nguGi‏: defamatory when repeated or republished is defferent from repeating or republishing defamatory statements which is what you had twitted 1st

Governor Miguna‏: You are allowed to continue practicing your churlish tongue twisters. #MigunaDraintheSwamp

Ekuru Aukot‏: Janyando what are they saying. Our  media is  sinking low .

Governor Miguna‏: The man threatened that he will not allow me to appear on @citizentvkenya and called me names that I would rather not repeat here, Chief.

Ekuru Aukot‏: Noooo these guys @citizentvkenya get alot of free content that increase their ratings   from some of us .

Governor Miguna‏: They prefer to stage-manage politics where they can prop-up mediocre criminals as “leaders” and perpetuate the culture of impunity.

Alphonce Juma‏: U need main stream media 2reach the masses pls tone down & use their platform for ure own good.

Governor Miguna‏: That’s self-defeatist. The so-called mainstream media is corrupt & incompetent. We shall triumph in spite of them. We’ll not be compromised.

martinothigo‏: Share the message ama we’ll just treat it as attention seeking

Governor Miguna‏: Do what you like.