Stories are there to be told, pasts that were not all glossy but pasts that we look back at and remain grateful to those that held our hands as we slipped off the edge and told us it can still get done.
Let’s get straight to the point. One of today’s widely celebrated comedians, MC Jessy tells of his past – when he would raid closets and take off with clothes because times proved too hard for him to fund the basic need.
Pretty emotional, the Churchill Show host unearthed a throwback photo of himself wearing the same T-shirt won by Nameless before admitting that he stole it himself.
Today I just want to appreciate one person who has seen every step of my life.

At the time, the kid could only afford 2-3 T-shirts and your guess is as good as mine, you can wear these shirts only so many times, before people mark you with them.
Also read: MC Jessy set to give Jalang’o a run for his time and money after unveiling next big project
So, Jessy would take to Nameless’ closet and bag himself whatever he needed for his survival – ofcos with the artist’s permission.
At one point of my life when I had 2-3 t-shirts to wear,this man @namelesskenya allowed me to raid his closet and pick anything I wanted.

Telling of his story, the popular TV personality revealed he would depend on blue-collar jobs from one of his friends just to drop something into his stomach.
How they met
So, Nameless and the MC met through this friend of Jessy’s who would work on the musician’s dreadlocks.
I used to be mtu wa mkono for this good friend of mine Juvinaris Chalo (extreme left). We used to go and roll dredi za Nameless and that’s where we knew each other.

But never did Nameless ever show Jessy contempt for his kind of life. Instead, born David Mathenge, would readily offer a lending hand to MC Jessy’s needs and this is something the comedian lives to remain grateful for.
If there’s one generous family I have come across is the Mathenges. @wahukagwi I still miss zile Tumbukiza zako ????Thank you for believing in me.

Impressed and still humbled that he assisted where he could, a dear Nameless commented:
Buuuda!!hii pesa imekusaidia ????????????…blessup my brother!!!
Today, Jessy drives the kind of cars he wants and lives a much better life than his past.