For some reason, Kenyan celebrities seem to believe that being in a relationship is a badge of honour. Those that are in relationships flaunt them and those that aren’t fake the funk.
As a result, we have seen a lot of Kenyan celebrities pull pretend relationships as publicity stunts when they’re about to drop a project. The trick is old and the trick is worn out yet they still persist in trying to fool our intellect.
And some of the more egregious pretend relationships, you know, the celebs who form the unlikeliest of pairs; relationships that lasted all of two minutes, and lies that we saw right through, include the following bozos:
1. Jovial and Willy Paul
These two full absolutely no one. I mean right from when willy Paul started posting fake social media posts talking about wanting to get with her, right up to the poor pretended to have fallen for his wily ways, absolutely no one was buying those wolf tickets.
It was all a scam and a crappy one at that!
2. Stevo simple boy and his fake love
We all wanted for Stevo to have found oh so badly! The perfect story he had been dumped by his ex who was constantly harassing him on social media and he had rebounded with a certified hottie. Sadly it was all hype for a song.
3. Maxwell Mwamburi and his sugar daddy
Did anyone really fall for this LGBTQ fake love? Or more importantly other than Edgar Obare, did anyone care? He was making money from this content and to the rest of us it was an interesting peculiarity for all of three seconds.
4. Carol Sonnie and her fake mystery man
She had a fling or a situationship, and prayed to her gods that it would turn into something more. She wanted to hurt her ex, Mulamwah, claiming she had found better than he had, claiming she had upgraded get all it was was a pump and dump. Sad!
5. Maureen Waititu and her phantom lover

We decided to save the saddest for last. And truly has was the saddest. After she ended things with her baby daddy, Frankie Just Gym It, she flew to the complete other end of the world and faked selfies. A lot of feminists bought into the hype and to this day refused to acknowledge that they were duped.
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