I know we have talked about it so many times and truth is; Maryaprude will never share any true information about her dating life especially judging from how her last ended.
However fans following her on social media will never stop asking whether she has finally found a person to love; while others continue to encourage her on the importance of not giving up on love.

Well, we are back again to the same question ‘who is Maryaprude dating’ thanks to a new QnA held on her IG. Judging from how Marya responds to questions related to her dating life; it’s obvious to tell that this is a topic she enjoys but again, doesn’t want to spill out too much attention.
Good girl gone bad?
Although some of the responses Maryaprude have in her latest QnA posts; it’s clear to see that she was being sarcastic and mean -ish but can we blame her though?
Responding to one of her fans who asked;
Are you ready to date? Or are you seeing someone?
Prude on the other hand sarcastically responded by saying;
I’m not seeing someone. I’m seeing people.
A statement that could be mean two things… like seeing people with her eyes; and the other one – of course the Kanairo style. So which is which?
But again, there’s no reason to give into society’s pressure; meaning there’s no reason to answer the dating questions — at least not seriously.