Mammito Hits Back at Cyber Bullies Over Comments About Her Breasts

As one of the leading stand-up comedians in the country, Eunice ‘Mammito’ Njeri reveals that her career has been marred by a significant amount of online criticism. The comedian and actress has faced consistent trolling focused on her body, particularly her breasts and neck.


Mammito humorously shares the challenges she faces while dating a white man

“People often make fun of my breasts for being saggy. But what’s the issue with that? Many women feel insecure about their bodies, but I’m not one of them. It’s disheartening to see women altering themselves to fit others’ expectations, especially when those people don’t know their full story. My sagging breasts are a result of significant weight loss that I chose consciously. I’ve embraced myself as I am,” Mammito explains.

Despite the negativity, Mammito advises that people should think twice before attempting to roast her, as she feels uniquely equipped to handle such comments.

“I was born a comedian, which makes me extremely hard to roast. People should do their homework before targeting me. Growing up in the ghettos where roasting was a daily occurrence has honed my skills. I view trolls’ comments as insignificant, and if I respond, it will be in a way that might truly impact them,” she warns.


Mammito’s Content On Jowie Irungu’s Life Sentence Faces Backlash

Mammito also notes that the trolling of her physique began long before the online era, starting during her school days.

“The criticism didn’t originate online; it began in school, where students would mock my neck, a trend that persists today. I’ve trained myself to have comebacks, and I’ve always been prepared to defend myself,” she adds.

Mammito humorously shares the challenges she faces while dating a white man

In her latest skit, comedian Mammito delves into the complexities of dating and marriage, humorously asserting that while dating is tough, marriage is even tougher.

“Marriage is a beautiful thing, but it’s hard to grasp fully. You get the certificate before you’ve had any training—nothing to prepare you. That’s why many marriages fail, in my opinion. I think something needs to change,” she joked.


Amid criticism after the Jowie sentence skit, Mammito addresses

Mammito also touched on her experiences in the dating world, including her ventures into relationships with white men.

She humorously described her challenges with language barriers: “I can’t argue in English because I’m always translating—translating from sheng or Kikuyu. If you hear me say ‘ahe eh,’ just know I’m buffering.”

She recounted her difficulties with arguments, saying, “Arguing was tough. He would make me mad, and when people asked what happened, I’d say, ‘It’s this one, ana nini, ameni kiria,’” she laughed, prompting chuckles from her audience.

Mammito continued with her story, noting, “White people can be tricky with their open-mindedness. They’d ask, ‘Baby, are you open-minded?’ And I’d think, ‘What’s that? Jamani Wanjiru, I will never open my mind again!’”


‘Am In Hot Fire Now’-Mammito Responds To Criticism On Her Video About Jowie Irungu’s Life Imprisonment

She also expressed her discomfort with some of the cultural differences, questioning, “Why should you suck someone’s toes? Mwah mwah—have you seen our roads? Have you seen that pothole? Seriously, for a visa?”

Mammito, known for her private nature, has piqued her fans’ curiosity with these candid revelations about her personal life.

Amid criticism after the Jowie sentence skit, Mammito addresses

Comedian Mammito, also known as Eunice Wanjiru Njoki, has broken her silence following the uproar over her controversial comedy skit addressing Joseph Irungu’s recent death sentence.

Her social media post, which touched on Jowie and his conviction, ignited intense debates and criticism across Kenya, with many calling for its removal.

However, Mammito responded today, expressing a surprising sentiment. She claimed that her skit had achieved an unexpected outcome – uniting the people of Kenya.

In her statement, Mammito said:

“I have witnessed a very rare occurrence, something that has not happened since 2002: people from every background uniting together for a reason, to criticize me. It gives me hope for the future that one day we shall unite and fight against corruption and other issues ailing our country. I am in hot water now, my soul quivers. I am but a small, thin woman with no buttocks and am not as attractive. How dare I joke about a person accused of such a serious crime? But your unity, how it fills my soul!”

While some found her skit amusing, others expressed outrage and disappointment, labeling it as insensitive to the severity of the matter.

The backlash on social media was swift, with comments condemning Mammito’s comedic approach to such a grave subject.

Comments ranged from labeling her actions as “high-class insensitivity” and “heartless” to questioning her empathy towards Jowie’s family in such a trying time.

Amidst the criticism, some offered a different perspective. Others hinted at the possibility of Mammito being supportive of the verdict due to personal connections.

The controversy surrounding Mammito’s skit comes after Jowie’s sentencing to death by Justice Grace Nzioka of the High Court of Kenya for the murder of businesswoman Monicah Kimani in 2018.

Mammito’s Content On Jowie Irungu’s Life Sentence Faces Backlash

Kenyan comedian Eunice Mammito, known for her humorous skits, has faced criticism online for her recent content regarding Joseph Irungu (Jowie).

Jowie was recently sentenced to death for the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani.

Mammito posted a video with lyrics offering lighthearted advice to Jowie about his situation.

The lyrics of the song go: “Jowie, Jowie, Jowieeee… Don’t you cry because you got a death sentence… See it as an opportunity to scam us… When you go to prison, you will find a man who loves you so much… You will perform your songs in the prison talent show and you will kill it, Jowie

Public Response

Netizens have expressed mixed reactions to the video, with many criticizing the content as insensitive.

Critics argue that the lyrics trivialize the gravity of the situation and disregard the immense grief experienced by Jowie’s family and the victim’s loved ones.

Mammito’s attempt at humor is perceived as inappropriate and lacking due consideration for the emotional weight of the circumstances.

Mammito Eunice’s Cry For Change- Comedienne Blasts Politicians As Femicide Protests Rock Kenya

Amidst the nationwide outcry against femicide in Kenya, popular comedienne Mammito Eunice launched a powerful broadside at the country’s politicians, accusing them of empty promises and indifference towards women’s safety.

Speaking to a local news outlet, Mammito expressed her outrage over the stark contrast between politicians’ fervent pursuit of votes and their lack of action in addressing critical issues like femicide.

“When they want our votes, they crawl at our feet, even offering us mandazi [doughnuts]. But when we demand change, they disappear. We don’t want handouts, we want leaders who implement change that protects our community,” she declared.

Mammito’s passionate words resonated with many Kenyans, particularly those participating in the ongoing protests against femicide. Thousands have taken to the streets, united in their grief and anger over the recent surge in violent killings of women. Protesters, armed with placards and unwavering voices, demanded swift action from security agencies and a commitment to safeguarding women’s lives.

The comedienne’s call resonates deeply with the frustration and disillusionment gripping the nation. Citizens yearn for leaders who go beyond lip service and actively implement policies that prioritize the safety and well-being of all, particularly women who face ongoing threats and vulnerabilities.

Mammito’s bold statement serves as a reminder that empty promises and political maneuvering hold no value in the face of human lives lost. It urges citizens to demand more from their elected officials and empower themselves to hold them accountable for their actions.

The fight against femicide in Kenya requires collective action and unwavering commitment. Voices like Mammito Eunice’s are crucial in amplifying the collective demand for change and ensuring that the cries for justice and protection are heard loud and clear.

Mammito Urges Empathy For Conjestina Achieng: “Recovery Takes Time, Not Ultimatums”

Kenyan comedian Mammito Eunice has thrown her support behind boxing champion Conjestina Achieng, calling for compassion and understanding as she undergoes treatment for mental illness. This comes after former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko admitted Achieng to the Mombasa Women’s Rehabilitation Centre, his third attempt to help her along the road to recovery.

While Sonko framed his intervention as a “third and last chance,

” Mammito challenged this approach, pointing out the complexities of mental health and the individual pace of healing. “Mental illness is intense,” she wrote on social media, “and it takes time for someone to recover fully. It’s a process, and you can’t limit when someone will fully recover.”

Emphasizing the importance of compassion, Mammito urged, “Her willingness to go to rehab is a step, so be kind. Let her heal at her own pace! Don’t be harsh where kindness and love are needed.” This perspective offers a counterpoint to Sonko’s ultimatum, highlighting the need for ongoing support and patience in Achieng’s journey.

Sonko expressed his own regret regarding past efforts, stating that they “were watered down,” and admitted Achieng back into the rehab center with the hope that fresh treatment under specialists can help her achieve lasting recovery.

Mammito’s intervention raises important questions about how we approach cases like Achieng’s. By advocating for empathy and understanding, she reminds us that mental health recovery is rarely linear, and that offering unconditional support can be just as crucial as medical treatment itself.

Mammito discusses being abandoned by her father

Eunice Wanjiru Njoki, known as Mammito, is a shining star in the East African comedy scene. Her unique humor and captivating stage presence have captivated audiences across the region.

Nurtured by Motherly Love and Street Experiences:

Mammito’s journey began in Kibera, one of Kenya’s largest informal settlements. Her mother, a devoted supporter of her comedic aspirations, played a crucial role in shaping her talent. “My mother always loved comedy and supported my mission,” Mammito shares.

From her early days performing in church at the age of five, she honed her skills in various artistic groups, including ‘Pillars of Kibera’ which exposed her to traditional dance and diverse art forms. The vibrant street life also served as an inspiration, where she performed and composed poems reflecting the realities of her community.

Rising Above Challenges:

Mammito’s life wasn’t always easy. Having never met her father, she learned resilience and self-reliance. “My mother raised me alone, and we didn’t miss anything,” she says, acknowledging her mother’s dedication to providing a loving and supportive environment.

Perseverance and the Power of Dreams:

Mammito’s passion for comedy continued throughout college, where she actively participated in talent shows. Despite facing initial challenges and stage fright, she never gave up on her dream.

Her perseverance paid off when she finally secured a spot on Kenya’s renowned ‘The Churchill Show’. This platform catapulted her to stardom, establishing her as one of the most celebrated comedians in the country.

A Multifaceted Talent:

Beyond stand-up comedy, Mammito has successfully ventured into entrepreneurship. Her artistic talent has taken her to international stages, performing in South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania, Eswatini, Uganda, South Sudan, Dubai, and Rwanda.

Mammito’s story is an inspiration to aspiring artists and all those facing adversity. It’s a testament to the power of perseverance, talent, and a supportive community. Her journey from the streets of Kibera to the international stage serves as a reminder that with dedication and passion, anything is possible.

Maureen Waititu responds to Frankie Just Gym It’s sexy photo with Mammito

Frankie JustGymIt, a fitness instructor and father of four, posted a photo on his Instagram page yesterday with comedian Mammito. The two were posing together in what looked like a club, and they both looked very comfortable in each other’s presence. Mammito was wearing a red miniskirt, and Frankie had on black leather pants and a flowery open shirt.

The photo was met with mixed reactions in the comments section. Some people were supportive of the two, while others warned Mammito that she could become Frankie’s third baby mama. Frankie’s ex-partner, Maureen Waititu, also commented on the photo, writing “Weuh!🤣” This suggests that the former couple may be in a better place now than they were when they split up.

Overall, the photo sparked a lot of discussion about Frankie’s love life. It remains to be seen whether Mammito and Frankie are just friends or if there is something more going on between them.

Mammito refuses to promote bleaching creams

Mammito, a popular Kenyan comedienne, has said that she will not endorse skin bleaching or whitening products, no matter how much money she is offered.

Mammito, who has over 1 million followers on social media, is known for her humorous content and her advocacy for self-acceptance and self-love. She believes that everyone is beautiful in their own skin, and she does not want to contribute to the pressure that people feel to conform to unrealistic beauty standards.

“I love my skin, I love black everything,” she said. “I won’t judge you for doing your little thing, but that isn’t just for me. I wouldn’t like to make somebody else feel like they need to do something to themselves to change their appearance to look a certain way.”

Mammito’s stance is echoed by her friend and fellow comedian, Terence Creative. Terence has also refused to endorse harmful products, such as alcohol and gambling, due to his own personal experiences with addiction.

“I have lost a lot of money through gambling,” he said. “I lost a car and a lot of money that I was supposed to use to buy land. I don’t want to be a part of anything that could hurt someone else.”

Mammito and Terence’s decisions are a reminder that influencers have a responsibility to use their platform for good. By refusing to endorse harmful products, they are setting a positive example for their followers and helping to promote body positivity and healthy choices.

Mammito Vows To Never Spend A Penny On A Man

Kenyan comedienne Mammito has said that she will never spend a penny on a man. She made the vow during a quickfire interview with Mpasho, where she also shared her thoughts on dating non-funny guys and her favorite foods.

Mammito said that being a comedian and dating a man who was not funny was one of the hardest parts of being a comedian. She said that it was difficult to find a man who could make her laugh as much as she made other people laugh.

The star also shared that after becoming a star, she could no longer indulge in her favorite meals, such as “mandazi choma,” because she was too busy working. She said that she had to learn to cook at home in order to save money.

The comedienne said that she would never spend money on a man again because she had learned her lesson the hard way. She said that she had once dated a man who was not funny and who also expected her to pay for everything. She said that she was never going to make that mistake again.

When asked what her ex-boyfriend would be if he was food, Mammito said that he would be cake, chocolate, and lobster. She said that he was sweet, delicious, and expensive.

Mammito’s vow to never spend a penny on a man is a refreshing change from the traditional expectations that women should pay for dates and gifts. It is a reminder that women should not be expected to financially support men, and that they should be free to spend their money on themselves and their own interests.

Mammito Responds To People Criticizing Her Small Bosoms

Honor winning jokester Mammito has communicated her disappointment with netizens who have been censuring her over her appearance, especially her bosoms.

Because of the negative remarks she got in the wake of sharing in the background film of a photoshoot, Mammito chose to defy her faultfinders head-on. She clarified that she wouldn’t permit body shamers to direct the way in which her body ought to look.

“Indeed, sijakataa boobs zangu zimelala, however wewe unataka ziamke zikufanyie kazi gani ama ziende wapi? Mbona unaziamsha wachana nazi zilale. Ama zimelala kwako?” Mammito intensely countered, testing the people who were attempting to disgrace her.

She further cleverly stressed that her bosoms play had an essential impact in her life, even in the battle against gloom.

“Hizi boobs zimekuwa cutting edge ya kufight misery, satisfying individuals. Mtu anakuja na stress, unauliza ni nini baba, ni charges, shika.” she said.

Mammito solidly accepts that her body ought to be praised instead of oppressed. She contended that her bosoms have proactively done what’s needed and ought to be permitted to rest

Mammito Eunice’s new hairstyle suits her

Mammito is an outlier when it comes to hair. A note whenever a woman cuts her hair she looks horrible and that is why the insults about being bald-headed is one personally just ask Jada Pinkett Smith.

But in this case, comedian Mammito is actually rocking the hell out of her new hairdo. For whatever reason, she decided to let go of all her hair and whether this was India Arie inspired or whether she’s going through something all we know is that she is looking good.

And this is a fact she’s well aware of it has been celebrating her new hairdo -or lack thereof. Check her out below:

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Mammito explains why she’s single

For a long time, Mammito denied being in a relationship with Eddie Butita even though we all knew she was flowing around denying what we could all see rather clearly. It was equally, if not more hilarious when she revealed that she was  now a single lady having broken up with a man she was not even dating to begin with.

Mammito takes shots at Butita saying she dated the wrong person

Butita since we’ve moved on now and he’s dating a model even though Edgar of barrier thinks otherwise and he has grown from strength to strength not just getting contracts for shows but also building a media house; SPM Buzz.

Brown skin girl Mammito looking like a goddess

Mammito on the other hand has also grown from strength to strength stage in her own stand-up comedy when experiencing a resurgence of social media. It was interesting to see her reference the fact that she is still single while her ex has moved on.

Mammito Narrates How Caroline Mutoko Supported Her In Time Of Need

Taking to her IG account she revealed why she thinks she’s single with a rather hilarious video this is what she had to say:



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Mammito Narrates How Caroline Mutoko Supported Her In Time Of Need

Comedienne Mammito has narrated how she received immense support from radio personality Caroline Mutoko while she was beginning her comical journey.

The jester through a podcast was showing gratitude to Caroline for the support and claimed that she greatly contributed to her success.

”Caroline Mutoko bought 10 tickets.(for Mammito’s show).

Mammito claimed that even though Mutoko did not make it herself to the show due to going abroad, she still supported her.

”She was out of the country.”

Mammito had mimicked Caroline’s voice on how she presents news on radio. And Mutoko got impressed by the antics.

Mammito is currently among the bigwigs in the entertainment industry; with close to 2 million followers on her Instagram.

Watch Mammito’s video below;

Reasons why Butita and Mammito’s love boat is finally drowning after years of dating

Okay….before i even say anything – Butita says he never attended Mammito’s event…yet there are those who claim they saw him at the venue and infant in the company of Mammito. So who do we believe?

Or wait…could they teaching us how to mind our business? Because one minute iko ivi and the next...mara oh ni uongo…but can’t say we’re not learning, right?

Eddie Butita with Mammito

Anyway whether together or not, below are a few reasons I feel may have led to the facing challenges in their romantic relationship; which then led to the alleged breakup.

No growth

From what we know is that Butita and Mammito have been dating for years, their relationship remains at the same position. No growth in terms of engagement, marriage or even a baby – and this is an obvious red flag since you just can’t be a boyfriend or a girlfriend for more than 5 years – and you dont know where its headed.

Celebrity status

Can you imagine the kind of pressure these two have been putting up in their DM’s. Well, looking at how fine Butita is, i am pretty sure he has a few ladies in the DMs giving him sleepless nights lol….and Mammito – well, shes a beautiful woman – so imagine the tycoons who have been eyeing her. Another major reason as to why celebrities avoid dating fellow celebs.

Butita with wife, Mammito


Just like other relationships, chances are that these two eventually outgrew each other after years of dating; and now that they have evolved and mingled with many other people – chances are that they’re no longer compatible as lovers.


With Butita having 30 and Mammito having clocked 29 years…..mmmmh, I can say they are agemates and as you already know….this type of relationships never end up in marriage and as you can see…these two might have ended a beautiful relationship after years of dating.

‘I Have Gained Weight’- Mammito Confirms Break-Up With Eddie Butita

Comedienne Mammito has finally divulged she’s no longer in a relationship with her fellow jester Eddie Butita. The two had kept this information under wraps for several months; leaving fans speculating their break-up. For now, the allegations have been confirmed by Mammito, who revealed in vernacular during a recent interview.

The jester admonished men to slide in her DM, connoting that she’s ready to mingle.

“I do not have a man in my life. I am single and any single man who is interested can hit my DM,” she said.

She continued to add that she has gained more weight and even become more beautiful than before;

Read also; “Hawapitishangi five” Oga obinna on ladies real body count

Mammito, Butita End Their Relationship

Eunice Mammito

The fact that Butita hasn’t been talking about the dissolution of their relationships shouts a lot. The jester has been ignoring the question for months; and to be honest, chances are, he’s probably the guilty one; considering he has been eschewing response on the same.

On the flipside, during his birthday, Mammito ignored him but Butita said he was unaware of any potential issue and that perhaps Mammito had forgotten to wish him a happy birthday.

Of course, the sentiments are just bluffs. And there’s no way she could have forgotten to wish him a happy birthday, unless they were not in good terms- which has been confirmed by Mammito. For now, the comedienne is searching for another boyfriend.


“Usiniletee makasiriko yako” Mammito responds to Andrew Kibe’s trolls

For some reason Andrew Kibe has lately been the hot topic in town; and I must admit, his YouTube videos are the reason he remains relevant to his fans despite being away.

Just a few days ago we saw him have a bitter exchange with Eric Omondi; after he accused the comedian of being a cross dresser. While at it, fans got to learn about Kibe’s alleged 57 year old Kenyan sugar mummy; who apparently sponsors the former Kiss FM presenter’s life.

Eric Omondi cross dressing

Also read: Mapoko! Andrew Kibe Disses Amber Ray And Huddah (Video)

With the information out, one would expected Kibe to maintain a low profile; but ooliskia wapi – guy is a savage and continues to troll celebrities on social media.

And of course by now you known he talked about Mammito parading her boobs online to get attention.

Mammito hits back

Having coming across the video where Kibe insulted her; looks Mammito couldn’t hold back from giving him a piece of her mind -but not so directly.

Comedienne Mammito and Kibe

Also read: Kamene Goro Hits Back At Andrew Kibe For Criticizing Her (Screenshot)

Responding to the radio presenter’s harsh comments about her showing boobs; Mammito decided to share a video of her one hit song dubbed Makasiriko.

In the song, Mammito asks Kibe to keep his bitterness to himself; something that fans seem to agree with.

Anyway not quite sure why Kibe keeps beefing with fellow celebrities; but chances are that he isn’t planning on coming back home anytime soon; so yea, why not make the most of it – to remain relevant?

Mammito serving slim thick body goals while vacationing in Zanzibar (Photos)

Comedian Mammito has lately been living the life – and come to think it; things have been really smooth for her since the pandemic begun and the good thing is; it actually keeps getting better.

For her 28th birthday word has it that the top female comedienne was treated to a special birthday vacation in Zanzibar; and of course we have confirmed this through the new bikini photos shared on her page.

Mammito’s 2020 birthday bikini wardrobe malfunction

Also read: Who’s laughing now? Tanasha Donna shares twerk video weeks after comedian Mammito mocked her poor dancing skills

Unlike last year when she suffered a nasty bikini wardrobe malfunction; this year Mammito decided to go all out with new fancy photos and of course a coverup to conceal behind.

28 and winning

Seeing some of the achievements like, being named top 20 most influential women in the country among others; clearly Mammito’s path in the rib cracking business has turned successful and it’s just the beginning.

Anyway to celebrate the new added year, the lady shared a couple of new photos flaunting what her mama gave her.

Mammito’s birthday dinner in 2020

Also read: Mammito makes history! Becomes the most followed stand up comedienne in Africa

And as we wait for the dinner photos to be shared later on; let’s hope fans won’t ask the stylist to get fired – because last time – that red dress didn’t do her good.

Eunice Mammito’s 2020 dinner birthday outfit

Bikini photos

Mammito bikini photos
Comedienne Mammito marks 28th birthday on style

Mammito reveals why she does not wear underwear

Comedian Mammito recently went to Tz for an interview with Diva the bawse on Wasafi TV’s Lavi Davi show; and judging from how the interview went – all I can say is that Mammito is one big joker.

Yes, the lady was definitely born to be a comedian and so far, Mammito is entertaining East Africans quite well; and the best part is – Tanzanians seem smitten by her broken Swahili jokes.

Comedienne Mammito

Well – what can I say; the girl brings something new to the table; and unlike before, Mammito seems to be taking over a male deminated industry.

Mammito opens up

Although the interview went on for about 30 minutes (of Mammito struggling to keep up with Tz Swahili); at least we learnt that she has been with Butita for 4 years and counting.

So far we understand that they’re are so fond of each other to a point she apparently even takes a dump in front of him. Talk about real love, right?


Anyway during the same interview Mammito got a question from a fan inquiring how many pairs of underwear she owns; and to our surprise – turns out that she actually doesn’t wear panties! Okay…I know it’s a thing with women but yoooh – who saw that coming!

Responding to the fan, Mammito’s went on to say;

Mimi sipendelei kuzivalia. Nikivaa labda ni mara moja baada ya siku nyingi. Huwa zinaleta joto sana.

I know right….but again – we said it, Mammito isn’t your average comedian; and will keep spicing up things for her fans. Anyway watch the full interview below courtesy of Wasafi TV.

Starting: 1hr 19minutes.


Mammito explains how boyfriend, Eddie Butita contributes to her success

Mammito who is a popular and celebrated female comedian recently held a candid interview with YAZA; where she opened up about her journey in the entertainment industry and of course her back ground.

Since we all know that she came up from nothing – growing up in Kibera – moving in with her grandmother; Mammito says that these are some of the things that helped build the person she has since become.

Comedienne Mammito

Apart from that – the lady also confirmed that being a female in a male dominated industry can also be very challenging; however, in her case, she opted to turn this energy into a positive thing – hence being named as the top female comedian in Africa.

But, Mammito does not take all the credit as she revealed how the love of her life, comedian Eddie Butita contributed to her success.

Showers Eddie Butita with praises

unlike most people who date for looks or money; Mammito revealed new information about her man, Eddie Butita who has also contributed to her success.

Eddie Butita and Eunice Mammito

For those wondering how their relationship has managed to last for so long; turns out that Mammito picked right! Yes, she was attracted to his smart brain. How he thinks and how he has managed to keep her grounded for the many years they’ve been together.

Apart from being lovers, these two are friends and business partners; that is according to the interview where she went on to say;


He’s always had this big dream. We make a good team. I’m the one that gets excited and carried away by good ideas while he is the grounded one, the one who sits me down and tells me that we need a plan first,”

Speaking about their SPM company, the lady went on to add;

We are working with other artists teaching them to sell their art without relying on the bigger brands and making sure they know how to spend their money wisely. We’ve had enough of artists making it big and then being broke just months later because they couldn’t handle their finances.

Credits: YAZA

Comedienne Mammito Elated After Being Named Among Top 20 Most Influential Women In Kenya

Kenyan comedienne Mammito Eunice has made a name for herself through her rib-cracking comedy. The 27 year old is one of the funniest females and most women who want to venture into comedy are looking up to her.

Stand-up comedy was previously dominated by men for quite a  long time. Mammito was just among the few ladies who proved that what a man can do, a woman can do better. She has now been named among the top 20 most influential women in the country. Other women who were listed include media personality Caroline Mutoko, musician and entrepreneur Akothee, among others.

The comedienne shared the good news with her online fans and encouraged women not to give up. Mammito also thanked her fans for the support.

She wrote;

”Who would have thought? I mean,I truly do strive to put in the work. But YOU are the reason I’m here today. Thank You for your unending support. Those ????????emoji on my comment section everyday keep me going!

And to see that I am on this list with such powerful women, I am earnestly grateful for this recognition.
This goes out to any woman who feels her efforts go unrecognized, Be Patient and keep doing your best. One day you shall tell your story to the world.
And to @WomanKenya I am truly honored. Thank You for this motivation!”

Raised in Kibera slums, Mammito’s success story is truly motivational.

10 Kenyan online comedians who cracked our ribs in 2020

One of the things that kept Kenyans entertained during the self-isolation period were the skits that were made by online comedians.

Also read: Kenyan online comedians and the significant role they have played during the pandemic

As such, we decided to make a list of Kenyan online comedians who cracked our ribs this year and left us asking for more.

Here they are:

1. Crazy Kennar – If you’re an avid social media user I am sure you know Kennedy Odhiambo, alias Crazy Kennar. He is so funny. I spoke to him some time back and he told me that he is the content cartel and to be honest, he is.

2. Flaqo Raz – I recently discovered this guy’s real name is Erastus Ayieko Otieno because he looks like a Kevin or a Brian. Anyway, he also makes some dope skits that will definitely leave you on the floor.

3. Cartoon Comedian – Some of you might know this lass because she often appeared on Churchill Raw, some of you might have no clue who she is but you should definitely check out her content if you want to have a good laugh.

4. Mark Mwas – He does skits about high school or college experiences that I am sure many of you can relate with. You’ll even wonder if ever high school or college is exactly the same.

5. Seth Gor – This lad has been making comic skits for sometime alongside Sharon Mwangi and George Kimani and the truth is that they are absolutely hilarious.

6. Blessed Tugi – He is so funny. If you thought Njugush is bonkers then you should meet his son. You know that common saying that an apple does not fall far from the tree, I have never found a place to apply it better than here.

7. Mammito – She is without a doubt the funniest female comedian in Kenya. She is just naturally funny. I always on her Instagram page because I want to be among the first people to see her content.

8. YY – This guy who was once a regular on Churchill Show also makes some short skits which are so hilarious. You start watching one of his videos and you just can’t stop.

9. Brendah Jons – this lady is popularly known as Mama Kingston is also very funny. Her skits always put a smile on my face.

10. Eric Omondi – Of course this would not be complete without naming the president of comedy in Africa, would it? This guy has always been funny and will always be.


Honorable mentions: DJ Shiti, Njugush, Mulamwah, Alex Mathenge, Shiru Filliper, Victor Naman, Sammie Kioko, Shigwan Shiqo, Henry Desagu, Terrence Creative, Natalie Githinji, Alpha Mwana Mtule and Chebet Ronoh.

Proud mother! Meet the stunning woman responsible for Mammito’s existence (Photo)

Mammito has come from far. In fact thanks to her latest interview with boss, Churchill fans finally get to learn more about this successful comedienne; who has been motivating young women through her career.

In a detailed post, we learn that Mammito’s mum gave birth at only 15 years; but this did not stop or hold her back from being a good mum. Having been brought up in Kibera, Mammito says her mum was forced to relocate her back to her village, Muranga where she grew up with her grandmother.


Of course life was not as easy due to the sudden change of environment; but just like any selfless mother – we are pretty sure Mammito’s mum only wanted to have her daughter raised the right way.

Like mother, like daughter

And as you know – there is no tougher life than that of a single mum. However as the years have gone by, Mammito’s growth in the industry has now left her mum feeling proud as her daughter was recently named as the most followed female comedienne in Africa. Bravo!

As a single mum, I bet Mammito’s mum must be proud of the fat her daughter has since come. And although she was never raised with a dad present; the comedian has proven to be wise in terms of selecting a responsible life partner.

Anyway, as we await for her wedding with Eddie Butita – allow us to introduce the special woman who gave birth to the hot Eunice Mammito.

Mammito’s mum

Sorry ladies! Comedienne Mammito publicly declares her undying love for Eddie Butita

We all love Mammito and can’t seem to get enough of her jokes as seen on her social media pages. Well there are also those who love her for her curves and although her tailor may have let her down with the red birthday gown; her bikini photos confirmed that she indeed has a body like a Maserati!

Unluckily for her admires, it appears that Mammito will not be single in this life; probably in the next but only if Butita will not be there. Well, the two continue to prove that they remain in love through their special posts shared on social media.

This time around the two have given fans and haters a reason to talk and just when we thought they were done parading their love; Mammito dropped a bomb leaving many single ladies dying with envy and the single fellas feeling challenged!

Also read: Mammito tired of hiding her relationship with Butita (Photos)

True Love

For the kamati ya roho chafu I guess mtawachana tu  remains as a phrase since Mammito already confessed her undying love for Butita.

The comedienne revealed this in a post directed to Eddie Butita as he marked yet another year in his life. Through her instagram page Mammito unveild a sweet photo with her lover to which she captioned;

Happy birthday engineer himuselfu. To many more. I love you @EddieButita

Mammito to Eddie

Also read: “There is no way I can be pregnant. I always use protection” Churchill Show comedian Mammito comes clean after word she’s heavy with a baby

At this rate we should probably be preparing ourselves for a wedding as this two continue to prove that relationships are not all about publicity; but achieving lifetime goals! Anyway let’s see how the relationship goes.

Mammito tired of hiding her relationship with Butita (Photos)

Mammito and Eddie Butita have been dating for years; but unlike couples who enjoy parading their relationships on social media – these two have always preferred to stay low key.

Although their they hint about their romantic relationship, the two have never publicly admitted to be involved with each other! Well if anyone missed the signs Mammito was throwing this past weekend; then just know I got you!

Mammito unveils new photos

While Lokole and Tanasha were busy exchanging bitter words on social media, Mammito was sharing photos from her mini vacation with her bae, Eddie Butita.

The Butita’s

As seen on the photos these two comedian compliment each other in ways many can’t explain; and the fact that they met at work leaves many wondering whether they crack up each other while chilling together.

The Butita’s

With the new photos taken from their getaway we can confirm that indeed Butita and Mammito are officially on a lifetime journey together!

For this reason I bet it wouldn’t hurt if they at least dropped a child or two to show us whose genes are stronger in terms of looks and of course the funny character!

As they say, a couple that hustles together – stays together then I guess this is true since these two are always out trying to get creative on social media.

Although they rarely work together, I can promise you that they help each other in the background; whether in recording, editing or sharing their videos on social media.

Congratulatory messages

Anyway thanks to Mammito’s new photos, fans on social media have congratulated Butita for bagging himself a fine lady who is not only beautiful; but has a money making mind and probably one that hustles more than him.

Below are the photos of the couple thanks to Mammito who by the way – must be proud to finally cuddle her man in front of people without hiding.

The Butita’s

Kenyan comedians should stay away from music!

If you are keen enough, I’m sure you’ve noticed that almost every Kenyan comedian has crossed over to music. It’s almost as if that was the endgame for all of them. Wasn’t it though?

It started with Eric Omondi, soon enough the likes of Fred Omondi, DJ Shiti, Mulamwah, Eddie Butita, Mammito, soon joined in.

Eric Omondi
Eric Omondi

Sometimes I ask myself why they all decided to make this predictable move. Like, did they stop to think that we were already tired of their lame and tribal jokes. I guess not.

In as much as some of them are talented, (I give it to them, some can sing but  I won’t mention any names) why did they imagine that they would have any impact as musicians? What did they really want to achieve?

I bet it all began when they realized that they had lost relevance as comedians, that people were not cheering them as they used to so jumping ship and music seemed like the best option.

In my opinion, if you have established your career in a certain line, you should try your best to perfect it not to cross over to another career and fail terribly at it.

Eddie Butita

I’m aware that some of them try to include a comical aspect in their songs to show us that they can still do both but I don’t think anyone really cares.

It’s a fact that most of comedians are just trying to remain relevant by maintaining active fan bases but should they torture our eardrums while at it?

Whichever way you see it, Kenyan comedians should get back to terrible jokes that we were all used to and stay away from release music because let’s be honest, the country has enough musicians!