Magix Enga, who’s one of the most sought after producers in the country at the moment, has proven yet again that he is jack of all trades after dropping a new jam dubbed Gwala.
Also read: Magix Enga has taken Kenyan music to the international stage
Basically, this song is about a beautiful lady that the beat maker-cum-singer is interested in and says he will go out of his way to make her his.

I am sure most of the guys who are reading this have found themselves in similar situations before. You spend all the money that you have thinking it’s the best way to win a lady’s heart and impress her but it really isn’t.
Anyway, I really love this track. It’s so infectious and as you listen to it, you can’t help but notice that Magix Enga has an amazing voice, gender notwithstanding. This dude can really sing.
As you listen to him, you can tell that there is a lot of sincerity in his voice so much so that you would think that some beautiful lady out there is giving him sleepless night and you would not be wrong.

The beat is also impeccable. It slaps really hard, especially if you listen to Gwala on a good system or with some good earphones.
The video concept is simple. I, however, feel that it works for this song. To add to that, there is a hot vixen that I can’t takes my eyes off of.
Watch Gwala below and tell us what you think. Enjoy!