Ladies please style up or you will be humiliated, if a man gives you a car also demand to be given the log book. Remember that happened with the pretty anchor when the governor repossessed the Porsche Cayenne? Jaguar’s friend also learnt the hard way when she was forced out of ‘her’ Mercedes by ex boyfriend.
Tanzanian singer Lulu Abbas popularly known as Lulu Diva was rumored to be dating Jaguar but she explained that they are only friends.
In a recent interview, Lulu revealed that she had already recorded a collabo with the Starehe MP and that it would be released any time. Watch the interview in the video below:
Anyway, Lulu Diva was humiliated last Thursday night September 7th when she was she was driving home from Rhapsody’s restaurant in Dar es Salaam.
Lulu together with her current boyfriend Madee were cruising in her Mercedes Benz when her ex drove past them at Salenda area and blocked the road.

The ex demanded to be given the Mercedes’ key as he asked Lulu and her boyfriend to step out of the German machine. The ex said he was repossessing the car because he and Lulu were no longer an item.
Lulu’s ex, who was in company of his friend, instructed him to drive the Mercedes he repossessed, and followed him while he drove the other car.
The Tanzanian singer and her boyfriend Madee were forced to ride a taxi back home after the embarrassing incident.

“Unajua mambo mengine ni wivu tu wa kimapenzi ni kweli alinifanyia hivyo kwa ajili ya Madee, wakati huyo ni kama kaka yangu lakini nashukuru Mungu baada ya hali kutulia amenirudishia gari,” Lulu Diva confirmed the incident when she was asked by Global Publishers.