Well, that iconic first day in high school.
Ain’t we all bursting with energy, ambition and purpose-driven desire to make our folks proud? Grand dreams to achieve and rise as a trail-blazer for younger kids we have left behind in the village?
You are giddy and high on inspiration from pep talks from a successful uncle. It matters little that he’s had the godfather role thrust upon him for the virtue of being the sole doctor in the region. Oh, he ain’t a medical doctor, just that he’s some PHD.
One is truly psyched to conquer the world.

Barely into the first week in high school, you realize that life and the world aren’t possibly orbiting on the same line.
No laws of God or Science can explain what happens on the first week in high school. It’s just a week in real time, but the week leaves a complete paradigm shift on an entire life’s trajectory.
A naïve, innocent lad from some tiny village in some obscure village learns entire life basics in a week.
Like, being mean for no reason can make you the bigger person. Not necessarily a better person, but the bigger person. For high school life is akin to life in the kingdom of apes – bigger is better than better.
For some reason, older boys will forfeit rest and sleep to make yours impossible.
Is this really an institution of learning, or did you make a wrong turn to end up in a boot camp for imbeciles, bullies and child soldiers?
What intellectual gain is there in making fake calls to your relatives from a smelly shoe? How boring will life in school be, if a crowd of seniors will find it funny enough to burst in laughter for every word you utter in a feigned call?
The first week teaches one the benefits of association.
It pays to make connections and network with influential people in the society.
On that first week, to be familiar with someone influential saves you loads of pain and discomfort. If the main school bully comes from your village, or shares the same last name – you are safe. It’s fruitful on first glance, but that association may end up messing your entire future – not just in high school.
It pays to have money, or exist from a lineage with money.
However, very few people are born into a rich lineage. The good thing is that it’s not an exclusive class. One can always work from scratch, or poverty to be rich. One first becomes rich, then works on to become wealthy.
It requires financial discipline and money management skills to be successful. The basic rule is always earn more than you spend – and the balance is secured in savings. The saving discipline is hard to teach, and requires infinite patience and ambition.
The best way to instill or learn the saving discipline is to teach it to kids early. Once this concept is grasped at an early age, the values are carried onto adulthood.
Presently, there is a financial institution with an incentive that’s proved to be a useful tool in imparting financial knowledge to kids.
The Jumbo Junior Bank Account, with Co-op Bank.
This is a transitional account from Co-op Bank that’s designed for children below the age of 18 years.
It’s an ideal teaching tool in the general basics of finance, and the value of building savings.
This account also gives your kids instant membership to the elite Jumbo Junior Club.
To sign up, or learn more about Jumbo Junior, visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch, or click here.
The Big Bank Account….For Little People!