KRG da Don is back to chat a lot of BS about what he intends to do should anyone ever say anything about the next woman he will marry and start a new family with. For some reason, he believes that he can scare anyone by trying to imitate the Will Smith energy and all we can do is laugh at what he is saying.
For you to understand what I am prattling on about, allow me to set the stage: Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock for a joke he made about Jada Pinkett’s bald head. The moralists and feminists are claiming he was defending her honour given she suffers from female pattern baldness so he was justified but the cuck is still a cuckold in the eyes of many a man.

KRG decided that this is going to be the type of time he is on with a comment and then later a post on social media in which he warned the world to be on their best behaviour the next time he introduces his lady love and Kenyans have shown him just how little they care for his threats and his chest-thumping.
The comments actually back up every ounce of the sentiment I have towards him and his drama:
For my wife I would do even crazier things ???????????? next time I introduce my future wife to the public and then I hear someone playing with her name just know it’s gonna be a whole movie ???????? itakua #FullKisunzi
Bro ungeambia huyo makaga/conductor wa ummo mwenye akona wife wako????????????♂️????♂️????♂️????♂️@krgthedon
@krgthedon bibi yako malaya watu wengi wanamfanyia crazy things????????????
@krgthedon ????????????????acha tutakiche ‼️utajipata 6feet deep
And at this point we have to pause and ask ourselves two questions: The first being, “Why does KRG expose himself to such shenanigans?” and the second being, “Why does he delude himself into thinking he is a beast when the entire country knows he is soft?”
The second question is the easiest to answer. Men need to have an edge of danger and unpredictability to them. We know this from an almost animalistic level of understanding. It is in our instincts. However, civilisation has tamed many a man to the point of them becoming as docile and domesticated as an obese Runda dog, even performing tricks for the amusement of women.
This is probably something KRG da Don is aware of as he watches his estranged wife, Linah Kiruthi galavanting with some of the roughest men she can find and it hurts his soul. So now he wants to change the narrative about him being soft.
And now onto the first reason: why does he expose himself to this barrage of insults on a daily basis. That is a more difficult question to answer. Perhaps it is down to him being a glutton for punishment and humiliation. Or perhaps it all comes down to him not being the origin of his thought process. he thinks what everyone else thinks about him is more important than what that little voice in his head thinks of him. However, that is something for KRG and a therapist to sort out.
Still, KRG is not that gangsta that we are all afraid of. He isn’t the boogeyman of the entertainment scene. If Khaligraph said he would deal with someone, we would be terrified for that person because he genuinely exudes that vibe. Not Bwana Karuga. And there is no shame in the fact. he is a father and businessman and permanent upcoming artist. That is where he should invest his energy.