“There is no rest for the wicked!” Lilian Muli tells stalker

Lilian Muli seems to be dealing with a stalker who recently took a photo of her car for his personal use.

According to Ms Muli the stalker tried to pull a malicious move on hoping to gain something; but our TV girl has been praying hard making it impossible for her enemies to succeed!

As seen on her post, Lilian Muli went on to remind the unnamed person that they failed miserably; leaving most of her fans wondering whether all is well with her or has she been making enemies on her off days?

Through her Instagram page the mother of 2 wrote;

Lilian Muli throws shade at stalker

Don’t worry. There is no rest for the wicked. I am passing this message to you who took a photo of my car and tried to use it for your pathetic malicious gain. You failed miserably. Again I repeat. There is no rest for the wicked!

Baby daddy drama

This comes barely 3 months after Ms Muli came out to share one of her biggest regrets in life. Through her social media pages the lady admitted to having settled for less; yet she could have had it all!

Ms Muli’s post

Although the post seemed to point at various things like job, marriage, friendship; Ms Muli gave fans a chance to speculate – and of course many fans couldn’t help but wonder whether she was facing some marriage crisis.

No one can confirm this for now, but all we know is that Lilian Muli never holds anything back whenever she is angry. The last time we saw the lady expose her baby daddy for being a community husband.

I am officially single and will now focus on raising my boys.As public figures, we meet all sorts of people and most just want trophies so be very careful who you allow into your life, don’t go giving your heart to everyone.

The journalist went on to accuse her baby daddy of having a string of women in his life; something that she could not work with. She went on to conclude her community husband post saying;

They will keep you entangled in their web of lies and you will be one of their many victims. when you actually believe someone is true only to find out they are community husbands you are safer stepping aside.


4 Kenyan TV news anchors who are also involved in the music industry (Videos)

Many have talents but the professional path does not always correspond with one´s in-born talents and skills. More often that not, individuals draw a line between their professional life and their side gigs if I´d put it so.

Unfortunately, we hardly get to realize what someone is gifted in until it blows in our faces. It turns out that a couple of Kenyan TV news anchors are also music artistes and producers, away from the screens.

We don´t need to go far. Check out the list below:

1. Dann Mwangi

Dann has been introduced to us as a business anchor and reporter at NTV. One who puts on a serious face and for you to spot him smiling or laughing, you must have worked your muscles out.

Husband and journalist, Dann Mwangi

However, away from the screens, the NTV journalist is also know as ´Number 8, the Poet´ for his skill in Spoken Word.

Dann is actively involved in the gospel industry, a passion he grew ever since his campus days at Kenyatta University where he rapped with Nairobi Senator John Sakaja which saw them become members of Mission Driven group.

In 2011, the journalist-cum-rapper produced a spoken word piece dubbed Flush It, regards the common culture among people to engage in casual s*x. In 2016, the group produced a beatbox cover of urban gospel songs. Listen:

2. Lofty Matambo & Fridah Mwaka

The two media professionals affiliated with KTN News are apparently gospel artistes.

Fridah Mwaka´s stage name is ´Kichuna cha Mwaka´ and Lofty goes by the nick name ´Mtoto wa Mfalme´ doubling up as a presenter of Sunday show dubbed Shangwe on Radio Maisha from 6am to 11 am.

Husband and journalist, Lofty Matambo

The Kiswahili Prime Time news anchors surprised Kenyans with their release dubbed Weh Corona on Tuesday, June 2. A song whose title speaks for itself and one under gifted Kenyan producer, Saint P.

Funny enough, the two revealed they had thought about it while in the newsroom, before reaching an agreement and later approaching the producer.

Wife and journalist, Fridah Mwaka

All in a bid to create emphasis to Kenyans on the importance of observing stipulated Covid-19 measures as per the Government´s directives. Mwaka expressed:

We are both gospel artistes and we thought, why not have a corona song? We visited Saint P who owns a studio-Sasa Muziki and shared the idea with him. It was a done deal and we started writing the song. I put my verse in Giriama because the three of us come from the coast.

Here is the Kiswahili tune.

4. Lilian Muli

The Citizen TV sensation has severally appeared in music videos as a vixen, with the most recent being a Kamba gospel track dubbed Kyaa Kya Ngai loosely translated as ´What belongs to God belongs to him´.

Husband and journalist, Dann Mwangi
Wife, mother and journalist, Lilian Muli

A song done by local artist Kasolo and a music video where the TV girl appears for a couple of seconds on numerous occasions, dancing and lip syncing to the song´s lyrics.

Check out the Kamba melody released on Feb 15, 2019.

Trouble in paradise? Lilian Muli reveals her biggest regret in life!

Citizen TV’s Lilian Muli has lately been opening up through her social media pages; and while others think this is weak, turns out that it is actually therapeutic in a way!

In her latest post, Ms Muli has left tongues wagging as fans wonder whether she is facing some challenges in her marriage. This is because the mother of 2 went on to open up revealing her greatest regret in life which is settling down for less.

Although this post is ambiguous, most fans went on to link it to her marriage; since this will not be the first time she is ranting about her life regrets that continue to drag her behind.

This time around she however went straight to the point as she revealed the only regret in life; which is settling down for less when she could have done better.

Lilian Muli

The only regret I have in life is settling for less when I could have had so much more. Set your standards and stick to them unapologetically.

Community husband

Back in 2019, Lilian Muli went on to rant about her baby daddy Jared Ombogi where she called him out for being a polygamist!

Not only was she disgusted by this but the anchor went on to refer to him as community husband; a name that has since stuck and might not be going anywhere soon. She went on to write saying;

Lilian Muli with her community husband, Jared Nevaton

I’m officially single and will now focus on raising my boys. As public figures we meet all sorts of people and most just want trophies whether you are well known or not be very careful who you allow into your life don’t go giving your heart to everyone.

Muli went on to conclude saying;

Sociopaths will keep you entangled in their web of lies and you will be one of their many victims. When you actually believe someone is true to you only to find out they are community husbands you are safer stepping aside.

Lilian Muli´s blunt exposé on the plight of the girl child goes viral (Screenshot)

Society seems to have come up with a way to define the ´ideal´ African woman.

With attributes penned to the character and traits a woman displays, her role in the family and her background which greatly determines whether she is deserving of a man and a home.

It makes you wonder: Who is to be the judge? Can man question fellow man? Is there like a benchmark of what makes a woman fully respected and her work acknowledged in society?

Questions for thought.

Popular Kenyan TV journalist, Lilian Muli has given her two cents on what certain categories of women have been painted as, in today´s day and age.

Celebrated TV personality, Lilian Muli

The list

Titled ´Being a Woman´ the bubbly TV girl openly explained how for most divorced women, society would look at her as someone who can´t keep a man.

Ironically, for those that lack children in their marriage are considered barren while for women who endlessly bear children are termed ´vision-less and lacking self control´.


Divorcée : She can’t keep a man
Raped: What was she wearing?
Childless in Marriage: She is barren
Fertile in Marriage: She lacks, vision and self control, she wants to make their son a pauper.

Citizen TV prime time anchor, Lilian Muli

For the single mothers, they are ´wayward´ while for the popularly embraced financially independent women, society believes they are ´spoilt, bossy and lacking of humility´.

Childless in Spinsterhood: She has had countless abortions.
Single Mother: She is loose or ‘wayward’. Many women will do anything to keep him.
Rich and Independent: She is a ‘Runs Girl’
Bore a non conformist / somewhat difficult child: It is all the mother’s fault because she spoils him.
She speaks her mind: She is bossy and too proud.

Also read: “Never settle for breadcrumbs when you can have the whole meal!” Lilian Muli inks moving letter to abused women


Let´s move on to the kinds who remain unmarried in their late age – 30s or 40s who are tagged ´irresponsible´ but for those already married, they are considered ´subordinate´ to their husbands.

Bubbly TV girl, Lilian Muli

Wait! Really?

Unmarried in her 30s/40s: She is irresponsible.
Married: She is her husband’s property and has no right to have an independent thought or opinion.

Let´s move on to women married to cheating husbands who are accused to be the ones at fault and for those who stand up and walk away from their marriages, they cannot allow ´submission´ just like their mothers.

Cheating spouse: Its her fault. She must’ve done something wrong somewhere. She made him do it.
Separated: She is out of control, socially maladjusted and ungovernable. Probably like her mother.
Widow: she didn’t mourn her late husband properly.
Domestic Abuse: What did the woman do? Her mouth is too sharp, she doesn’t know how to talk. She doesn’t submit.

The list goes on and on but who has decided what a woman should be or how she should behave?

Comment section

A true revelation that sparked mixed reactions from both her male and female fans some feeling remorseful for the girl child, others brushing off the reality.

rey_wambui Whoever will say all this to a woman is sadly, a fellow woman ???? woman’s greatest enemy is a woman????


syombuaosiany Oh Siiiis!! This is so on point. I feel for #GirlChild


coco.soboo.moto FEMINIST TO THE CORE ????????????

Eish madaaaaaam, walk on us we are your carpet????…you look gorgeous babe ❤️

wangigi_People will always judge,do you????
kadacyiah Why we should all be feminists by chimamanda ngozi adichie we all have to watch that clip or read the book …lilian keep up , thanks for the wisdom
nellydannine Well said ????
doreen_obanda How the world works
tephy_achapa This is deep!!!????

“I am not the one who hurt you!’ Lilian Muli unapologetically claps back at male fan 

Lilian Muli is not your average next door neighbour! Unlike many know, she started hustling while still young and thanks to her hard work and determination; the lass has managed to get her name out there.

Even with such success Lilian Muli still has to deal with her various fans who can sometimes leave the lady showing the public her bad side. Don’t get me wrong but Lilian Muli is no different from any other human being.

And those who get to leave petty comments on her post like Makori Malema get to face her wrath whether in public or in the DM. Well, the fan went on to leave ‘a not so well thought’ comment under Muli’s post where she celebrated her old friend, Pastor Burale.

Makori wrote trash talking Lilian who he claims has become a psycho thank to Kisii ex/current husband. The young man wrote;

“Indeed our Kisii Community Husband Made you a psycho lol.”

Lilian claps back

Seeing a man old enough to be somebody’s father leaving such comment on the post; left Lilian Muli feeling not just angry but sorry for him. While replying to the comment Lilian Muli not only insulted the guy but challenged him to face her. Lilian went on to write saying;

So i usually delete such crap and move on! But let me make this sissy famous! Excuse me Toad come and say this to my face idiot! I hate spite and i hate mean people. Sorry bro i’m not the one who hurt you.
How is this in any way something you should post coz i wished my friend a Happy Birthday!

Makori’s apology

Seeing that she publicly called him out, the young man was forced to issue an apology for his dumb move that almost made him famous on social media. Muli on the other hand accepted the apology but with a warning. She wrote;

Ndienda wana. Also i can be so petty when i am upset! Good manners dont cost anything…Apology accepted!

Well it seems Makori was not prepared to face this other side of Lilian Muli and from now on I bet he will not be making the same mistake!

Wife duties? Lilian Muli reveals how her husband likes his meals prepared!

As the proverb goes, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

This simply means that many women have managed to win their men through their cooking skills!

However it is not every woman who likes to spend her time cooking in the kitchen!

Probably because most never learnt how to cool while growing up or others have house managers who can do that for them!

Lilian Muli shares a moments with her new lover

Well, Lilian Muli recently responded to a question posed by one of her fans who reached out asking the journalist to name some of the favorite meals she likes to prepare for her husband!

Muli’s shocking response

Well, turns out that Ms Lilian Muli is not a fan of cooking and unlike most wives she does not make any meals for her husband!

Lilian Muli reveals she will give birth to 3 more children

The lady revealed this to a fan who went on to ask;

Which is the favorite meal you like preparing for your hubby?

To which Lilian Muli went on to respond saying;

I rarely cook

Lilian Muli

We are not quite sure why she doesn’t prepare meals for her husband Jared Ombongi; but this could be because of her tight schedule and job that demands her for full attention!

Planning for baby number 3

One other important question Lilian Muli responded to is whether she will be having another baby soon.

Now that she has two boys to raise; one of her fans went on to ask whether she was planning on adding more kids to which she responded saying;

For now no


Lilian Muli sends herself a love message on Valentine’s Day, Claps back at fan asking about Mr Ombogi

Lilian Muli is all about self love! As the world marks Valentine’s Day the lady has gone ahead to shower herself with love in a well detailed post.

Ladies, do it yourself this Valentines – Lilian Muli

The mother of two started of by telling fans that self love is more important than waiting around for someone to love them.

According to her, Love starts from within and if a person doesn’t value themselves then it is useless to be loved by others. She went on to post saying;

Ms Muli

I believe in Love and most importantly Love of self. Happy valentines to all of you who are struggling to pick yourself up after lost Love…dust yourself up; you will Love again; but trust me until you Love yourself first nobody will ever complete you. @njeriphotography

Mr Ombogi?

Lilian Muli shares a moments with her new lover

One of her followers could however not understand why she did not post her husband’s photo instead; to show him some love.

Where is Mr Ombogi ????? Madam Muli?

Lilian Muli

However, being a private person many were not expecting the Citizen TV news anchor to share her man’s photos or her sons. Therefore in response to this question Lilian Muli hit back saying;

In my heart

Back in the day photo of Lilian Muli before the fame and money

Lilian Muli has given fans a reason to talk after  sharing one of her throw back photos that has left many talking on social media.

Judging from the photo, it’s evident to see that this must have a been a decade ago when she was still adjusting to the confusing western sense of fashion.

Lilian Muli reveals she will give birth to 3 more children

Dressed in a denim jacket and hipster jeans, the skinny Lilian Muli seen on the photo was undeniably turning heads back then; and even with two children now – Lilian Muli continues to give many sleepless nights!

Back in the day simple girl

As times have changed so has Lilian Muli who is now ranked among the most stylish news anchor in East Africa.

Unlike back then when she preferred synthetic blonde hair; she is currently known for black bouncy human hair that leaves many questioning whether she is growing Indian hair on her head.

Below is the gorgeous photo that has left her fans drooling over the young innocent Lilian Muli!

Lilian Muli tbt

Jared is and always will be my husband – Journalist Lilian Muli strongly affirms

Lilian Muli has faced controversy especially following her love relationships that seem wobbly.

On a random day, Lilian unleashed her true colors after exposing the kind of friends who are here to do nothing but suck ´blood´ out of your veins.

Meanwhile, a curious fan, trying to catch up on the latest developments regarding Lilian´s relationship to a dear baby daddy, Jared Ombongi posed:

@lilmuli kwani Ombongi amekuwa ex. Hawa wakamba

Lilian Muli with her hubby, Jared Nevaton Ombongi

However, quite on alert, Lilian was quick to deny any split, actually affirming that their marriage is greener than ever.

@benkenyan1 no he is and always will be my husband infact nowadays i live in kisii ????

Elated fans lauded the couple in praise, commenting:


@lilmuli ariririririiii… My sisto in law Nzisa…. Gakiii eeee bono, unikujie na amarabwoni ????

While some were quick to express their disappointment.


@lilmuli ????????????

The news presenter´s affirmation comes barely a year after she branded hubby, Jared Nevaton as a ´community husband´.

¨Too many people out here pretending they care!¨ an irked Lilian Muli bashes fake friends

Lilian Muli decided to go on a public rant over fake friends who are like ticks on cattle´s skin.

The riveting journalist called out on people who only show up at your funeral, your wedding or at that epic bash.

…too many people out here pretending they care either when you are Dead, getting married or throwing an epic Bash!

The mother of two went ahead to explain how they actually do it.

When you are Dead (They post your pics and say how awesome you were; yet you hadn’t seen or heard from them in years)…

When they hear you are getting married ( they want the juice on who you are marrying and why in Gods name that person is marrying your crazy ass lol also they want an invite if it’s a high society wedding)…

oh dont get me started on the bashes…on your broke days you will regret spending so much on people.


Giving it a close, she declared:

…if we don’t talk or hook up often we won’t hook up on Birthdays or Funerals or weddings

The Citizen TV news anchor seemed irked by people who claim ´they care´ while in real sense, they are here to watch your every move and question every happy moment in your life.

Fans and followers could not agree more with the 37 year old lauding:

wangarinick Word ????????????????????


jbmarube That’s true true


donnakadambi Couldn’t agree more..wake up call..????????


kuijw Thank you. Well said….. ????????


itsthomask ???? sisemi kitu ????☺️

Check out Lilian Muli´s new hairstyle that is turning heads [photo]

TV girl, Lilian Muli is known for her long, wavy and other times, straight wigs, until she stepped out in a short bob-kind of wig that brought out a different side of her.

Yesterday, the Citizen TV news anchor shared a photo of her new, sleek hairstyle that is a sight for sore eyes.

Some sort of strawberry blonde color, pretty well done bob cut and a cut on her left side, Lilian captioned:

Monday bring it on!

Lilian Muli´s new hairstyle turns heads

Gives her more of a tomboy kind of look but it also explains a daring, open-minded and mature ´girl´.

Well, the photo itself blew off the minds of her followers as fans gushed:

Swagger ????????


Lovely god bless you love ????????




Sexy Muli????


????????????????hotter in short



Mixed reactions after Lilian Muli suggests she will have 3 more children

Citizen TV´s hottie, Lilian Muli already sired 2 boys with her baby daddies but she is not done yet, she looks forward to having 3 more kids before she closes the chapter.

The beauty has all reasons to be called a campus girl after unveiling her youthful looks that never seem to fade away despite the years and being a mother of two.

On a random day in Nairobi´s lavish Lavington estate, Lilian who prefers the name Nzisa shared an Instagram post, looking all glammed up, leaving nothing to chance.


Simple caption:

Caption is NZISA

It is obvious her fans sent lots of love her way because you just can´t help it. However, this particular fan could not fathom how a mother of two still looked like a snaaaark!

baristapharma Lol with two kids and still looking hot ????????????

Lilian on the other hand believed motherhood had just started for her, quickly replying:

@baristapharma i will have 3 more and look hotter

Her comment sparked mixed reactions as the fan commented:

@lilmuli lol ???????????? you are hilarious! But it’s true!

Fans soon after flocked the comment section lightly expressing:

@lilmuli That is a cool joke, isn’t it….you be like 10 kids and the whole town will be at your fence throughout just peeping


@lilmuli u testing good too…teasing tooo


@lilmuli Ngai nyenyekea????????????

She got justly served for her charming looks:

Damn girl????….. You killing it❤️


Haiya this is too much sauce????..deleting Instagram????


They should have called you “kasugwa” instead


Hooooooot ????




Mimi kaa ungekuwa mamangu imagine saa hii bado ningekuwa nanyonya.

Watch Citizen TV’s Lilian Muli getting down to Mugithi with her girlfriends

Lilian Muli this past weekend gave her fans something to talk about after stepping out with her girlfriends for the County Music Sundown’ show at Valencia Gardens on Saturday night.

From a poster shared by the organizers of the show we understand that the events highlight was Kenya’s country music artiste Sir Elvis who was present to perform for his fans.

Being a huge country’s music girl, Lilian Muli availed herself for the gig and judging from the video shared on her Instagram page it’s evident that Lilian Muli knows her music and moves quite well.

Video of Lilian Muli getting down


Her online fans also went on to cheer her on for showing her Mugithi moves that no one knew she had in the first place.

After welcoming her second born son, Lilian Muli has lately been showing her fans her fun side that many knew nothing about.



They grow up so first! Adorable photo of Lilian Muli’s son at his 1st birthday party

Lilian Muli’s second born son Liam finally 1 year this past weekend and to mark this special event, his parents threw him a lit birthday party!

Although Miss Muli has slowly been sharing photos from the event, we managed to get one of Liam hanging out with his daddy at the party.

Judging from the photo, it’s obvious to see that Liam is growing into a fine young man and has probably taken after his daddy.

Baby Liam turns one in style!

Photos from the party

Citizen TV’s anchor Lilian Muli however seems reluctant in sharing photos from the birthday party; but thanks to the few photos below we can all agree that Liam turned one in style!

Meet Lilian Muli’s youthful mum

This past weekend Citizen TV’s new anchor Lilian Muli was joined by family and friends to celebrate her second son’s birthday at an undisclosed area.

Among those invited was her young looking mum, Peninah Muli Mwende. Judging from the photo shared by the anchor it’s obvious to note that Lilian Muli definitely got her fine looks from her mama.

Although Mama Liam prefers to keep her private life on the low seems that this time around she couldn’t help but flaunt her hot mum.

Lilian Muli with her mum

Liam’s 1st birthday

We also understand that Lilian and her hubby celebrated their son’s birthday this past weekend although photos from the event have not yet been shared online.

As for now the photos shared below are the only ones we have managed to get from the lit party.




Photos: Lilian Muli goes all out, shows deep cleavage and thunder thighs in racy pics

News anchor Lilian Muli recently celebrated her birthday in style. The mother of two has just turned 35 years old and still looking hot as ever.

The news anchor shared a number of photos on her social media pages flaunting how her party went down. Judging from the pictures seems that this was a girls affair as no men are seen anywhere on the photos.

Since Lilian Muli is a private person, seems that this was an invites only party; as she decided to fly her close friends to Mombasa to celebrate her 35th year on earth.


The Citizen TV news anchor also flaunted her body, showing Kenyans she has really snapped back after giving birth last year.

The sexy screen’s dress was an off shoulder with thigh-high slit designed to fit her curves and the photos have left Mafisi drooling for sure.

Here are the photos:


‘Don’t settle for crap please’ Lilian Muli begs ladies not to be side chicks

Citizen TV news anchor Lilian Muli loves being the main girl and is urging other ladies to avoid falling to number two.

Taking to social media, Muli posted a message asking ladies why they prefer being woman number two while they can easily be number one.


She captioned the screenshot saying that it was time women completely ditch that Idea. She further hinted that she’s very much single but still hopeful she might get a man who will love her.

“I believe it’s possible; relationships should be exclusive and uncluttered and there are good men and women out there who don’t have time for monkey business so don’t settle for crap. My king hasn’t been born yet. But I’m forever hopeful lol. Ladies what do you think??? I think we can all do better.” she said.

Lilian Muli finally comes out to explains why he called her hubby a community husband: December was a very dark month for me 

During Christmas, as other were busy destroying their plate of Nyama, drinking and catching up with family, sassy Citizen TV news anchor Lilian Muli was crying and cursing.

Crying on social media and cursing her husband Jared Nevaton, who she had just fathered a baby with, for cheating and neglecting her.

Her post was shocking as she tore her man a part asking Kenyans never to associate her with him ever again.

But just a month later, Muli was back to him.

She has now opened up on the incident saying December wasn’t all merry for her.

December was a very dark month for me I felt broken beyond repair; but God is fixing that. I decided to celebrate myself because I realized we seek the validation of people so much and sometimes forget that self-Love is key. I therefore dared to do things differently and I purposed to shout to the world that I am so proud of what I’ve achieved over the years and I’m determined to do even better. I have started a new journey of self-discovery and I invite you to walk with me as I unveil my new projects. Keep it here for the unveiling. LILLIAN MULI The Brand,” said Lillian Muli.

New woman

In another post, Muli hinted the same saying she made peace with what happened.

“I’m not going to please everyone; not everyone’s going to like me. I accepted that a long time ago, and if I had to shed a tear every time Someone hated on me, believe me, I’d be severely dehydrated ?. I made peace with myself and I’m so in Love with the woman I’ve become. Fearless!” she said. 


Lilian Muli back to working out after doctor’s green light

Citizen news anchor Lilian Muli is back to the gym six months after delivering her second baby.

Lillian Muli gave birth to a bouncing baby boy named Liam on July 22nd 2018 at the Nairobi hospital and she has been struggling to lose baby-fat since then because she delivered through cesarean section which takes time to heal.

New show

The news anchor shared that she has now fully recovered and she will be hitting the gym to flatten her tummy. She hinted that she might be starting a new show to document her journey.

“I had a CS my Baby will be turning 6 months next week. Losing my tummy has been a struggle because after a cesarean section you have to be careful not to hurt yourself as the healing process takes a while. I’m excited the Doctor says I can now go full out,” wrote Lillian Muli.

I’m broken and ready for fixing- Lilian Muli tells Maina Kageni after her split to polygamous baby daddy

Citizen TV news anchor Lilian Muli didn’t call Classic 105 FM to talk to popular presenter Maina Kagaeni about her collapsed relationship. Instead, she found other ways to reach him and share things are tough.

Muli took to social media to applaud Maina’s post, a sermon from the renowned pastor TD Jakes, saying that it touched her.

“Inspired by Bishop TD Jakes!!! “You know the story as well as I do, about the boy with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, then the Miracle begins to occur…. He’s blessing something that is just not enough!!! You see, until you can be thankful for that which isn’t enough, then what you have CANNOT be multiplied into what is more than enough!!!” “We are CERTAIN that he had 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, without question…. then HE blessed it… when HE blessed it, HE BROKE IT… that’s when we lose count… we need to understand, therefore, that THE BLESSING IS IN THE BREAKING!!! THAT, THAT WHICH REFUSES TO BE BROKEN, REFUSES TO BE BLESSED!!!! IT IS THE BREAKING OF LIFE, THAT PRODUCES THE BLESSING OF LIFE!!!!” “I have noticed, in my life, that the most BLESSED people I’ve ever met, have all gone through something that broke them!!” Maina posted.


Muli, who is coming off an ugly break up with baby daddy Jared Nevaton who cheated on her with multiple women, confessed to Maina on Instagram the post moved her.

“@mainawakageni this has only made sense today. Wow what a revelation. I’m Broken and so are many of us but that’s where the fixing begins. Things can only get better. Thankyou for this Maina.”


Fashionably late! Lilian Muli joins Vloggers Janet Mbugu and This is Ess with new YouTube channel 

Despite being a well-followed, and controversial figure, Citizen TV news anchor Janet Mbugua has never had a Vlog.

The popular news anchor took to instagram recently to share that she’s however planning to join a list of other media personalities that have joined the vloggin business with her very own YouTube Channel.

Muli plans to start an online show that will discuss biting social topics. The show will not only have a panel but also a small audience.

“Hey guys. I’m a late bloomer but finally working on content for my YouTube channel. I’m so excited because finally I can put out content on issues I’ve always felt needed a platform to be discussed without holding back. Dm me your profile if you wanna sit on my panels as we have started filming. I will select you for conversations that fit your profile. Hugs and kisses.” She announced on social media. 

Pregnancy journey

Previously, Muli highlighted her second pregnancy on Citizen’s streaming platform Viusasa where she had a show dubbed “Pregnant with Lilian”. She will now join Janet Mbugua, This Is Ess, Miss Mandi Vera Sidika among others as media personalities with a YouTube channel.


Lilian Muli shows off her amazing figure months after welcoming baby number 2!

Citizen TV’s news anchor Lilian Muli recently welcomed her second child but looking at her photos you wouldn’t tell.

In her latest post the lady is seen looking hotter in her black on black outfit that has left her fans ogling at her fine features.

Unlike most women who struggle with baby fat seems that Lilian Muli doesn’t fall in this category. She appears to regained her old body before the pregnancy and yes, Lilian is rocking it too.

Judging from the comments looks like her fans were also interested knowing the secret behind her gorgeous figure.

Lilian welcomes baby boy

It has been a few weeks since the TV personality welcomed her second son and so far things seem to be running just smoothly.

we are however yet to see the young man but for now I bet Lilian will continue keeping him on the low until he is older.

Sexy back! Lilian announces she’s now ready to get back to the gym just a month after delivering

Though Kenyans were recently impressed by Lilian Muli’s body just days after giving birth to her second child, Lilian Muli is promising more is on the way.

The Citizen TV new anchor has announced she’s ready to hit the gym just a month after having Liam.

“So excited finally starting my fitness journey with @smartgymske @vinitaotieno Fitness just got affordable #EveryBodyIsWelcome #FollowMeToFit I’m looking forward to the results #revengebody” shared Lillian Muli.

Some Kenyans however, wondered why she’s rushing to do it. Some claimed it was too early for her to focus on her body yet she has a very young baby.

kemusheila @lilmuli sweetie is it not too early pressure ya nini? Breastfeed and enjoy food kidogo you have a nice body that will snap back.” said one fan.

Mind you business

Kenyans have closely followed Muli’s pregnancy from the word go. Many were wowed after learning that the news anchor might have spent almost Ksh 500,000 to deliver her baby. She was however not impressed by the fact that people were speculating how much she might have paid.

“If you wanted to know how much I spent you should have just walked into Nairobi Hospital and asked how much it cost trust me if you are upset about 250k that’s a GROSS UNDERESTIMATE! It was much more so prepare to get even more upset because you are talking crap out of ignorance healthcare in this country is very expensive. And then again I wonder how much you contributed to my bill that gives you the right to have an opinion on my life!!!” she said. 


Lilian Muli to Kenyans: I paid more than 250k so stop being jealous 

Lilian Muli has fired back at all those unimpressed after hearing she might have paid at least Ksh 250 to give birth.

In a long Instagram post, the Citizen TV news anchor attacked Kenyans who were complaining because she parted with such a figure.

“I’m only going to give this my attention because it’s becoming BORING. If I could spend 10 million or more that God has given me the ability to afford to spend I would spend it to give my baby the best experience…if you wanted to know how much I spent you should have just walked into Nairobi Hospital and asked how much it cost trust me if you are upset about 250k that’s a GROSS UNDERESTIMATE!” she said.

She went on:

“It was much more so prepare to get even more upset because you are talking crap out of ignorance healthcare in this country is very expensive. And then again I wonder how much you contributed to my bill that gives you the right to have an opinion on my life!!! I will never under any circumstances shy away from enjoying the blessings that come my way and YES my children are such a big deal to me if I want to shout that they are from the mountain top or everywhere I can I will.”

And finally adding:

“If it hurts you pole sana you could just choose to look away or not listen! Don’t hate me coz I’m Blessed pray for the same to come your way! Jealousy is the same thing as witchcraft it is evil check yourself! The next time you talk about me just know you are exposing how bitter you are about your life! All the bad things you’ve ever wished me will never come to pass it’s wishful thinking and I suggest you give up. I keep saying Hate has become the veil that frustrated people use to cover up their own insecurities don’t be mad at me I’m not the one who hurt you. That’s the last time I will ever address this nonsense.”

Lilian Muli returns to social media with this sweet post after giving birth

It’s almost three weeks now after Citizen TV news anchor Lilian Muli took a break from Instagram to prepare for delivery. Muli delivered her second child, a boy, on July 22 and she’s glad everything went as planned. The news was first announced on Citizen TV and their social media platforms.

“Congratulations @lilmuli on the birth of Baby Liam. #CitizenLipoJambo,”  posted Citizen TV.


Muli has now officially returned to social media and yesterday, she made her first post thanking God for her son, Liam.

“To God be the glory…for the things he has done,” she posted.


Anerlisa: I’ll start posting whatever I want Kenyans are just haters, Lilian Muli: You go girl 

In the last few weeks, rich kid Anerlisa Muigia has found herself explaining a lot to Kenyans on social media. From why she was dumped to never lending money to a few people, Anerlisa has been trying to show Kenyans she’s not the bad guy but Kenyans always end up persecuting her.

Time to ignore them

Anerlisa was recently on social media to share that she’s tired of explaining and Kenyans can bully her all they want. She doesn’t care any more.

Lilian Muli, who has also experienced cyber bullying several times, supported her decision to ignore what guys are saying.

“I have decided to be posting whatever i feel like, my page is not only a business platform. Most people follow me because of different reasons, some follow me because of my weightloss journey,my business, my lifestyle, because maybe i am tabitha’s daughter,my hair, my dressing style and some maybe just follow to see views and comments from others. 
So that said, today i want to discuss about hate on social media. Somebody asked me how am i able to always smile with so much hate around me?

“And i answered them ” why shouldn’t i smile?” I realised that no matter how good you are, someone is always going to be against you, you have to be who you want to be and not care about what others think. Some people have so little going on in their lives, they would rather discuss yours. Funny thing is none of your haters would face you, infact when they see you they bow down or act like fans.


“You should know that haters are cowards and insecure people who put others down to raise themselves up. Sometimes they might not even hate you, they hate themselves and take it out on you….. so the only thing i decided to do is be great at what i do, focus on what’s important and always keep God first. I have so many things i want to achieve before the end of this year.so paying attention to certain issues will only drag me behind. Anything i feel is not making me progress, i eliminate immediately . We are role models, we are expected to set good examples and that’s exactly what i want to be. Wishing you a good day. #PositiveVibesOnly

Lilian Muli commented:

“Go girl! Don’t even stop being you. Live life to the fullest and post post post, why should you hide your blessings?”