Njeri Gathecha: Why Former Governor William Kabogo is After My Family

My name is Njeri. I’m married to William Gathecha. We have always had an ambitious goal to own a house.

Other than raise our large family, the house had to be in a serene area as it’d be our retirement home. We have spent decades actively working towards this dream.

In 2021, we learnt of Iguta Paradise Homes, a housing development in Runda, along Kiambu Road. It consists of 4-bedroom units sitting on a 1/4 acre of land.

Mrs. Njeri Gathecha facing harassment in a house-ownership row with former Governor William Kabogo (file image)

The investment is owned by former Kiambu Governor, William Kabogo.

We made the booking, paid relevant deposits and later completed the payments. Due to the excitement of achieving home ownership – we were the first clients to move in – even before completion of the houses.

Over the years, we have enjoyed a cordial personal and business relations with former governor William Kabogo – so it did not raise alarm for the delay in the processing of the lease.

Around this time, my husband Gathecha was elected Chairman of the Iguta Residents Association.

Our house overlooks a natural pond – which, as the development continued – revealed a stunning lake view which had not occurred to the owner before the construction begun.

It is for this reason that former governor William Kabogo developed malicious interest to repossess our house.

On 31st October 2023, the first of many incidences occurred in the systemic abuse, harassment, intimidation and outright violence to make us vacate.

The first was triggered by a fumigation exercise – no notice was issued – which endagered my children, staff and pets. I received calls that dangerous chemicals were being sprayed all over the property.

My husband Gathecha reached out to Kabogo with an inquiry. The response was hostile. On this date, my husband was seriously assaulted by Kabogo and his bodyguards.

My husband made a report at Kiambu Police Station, OB54/31/10/23.

Earlier this year, when the rains came – the entire estate experienced frequent power outages and backup generators kicked in – excluding our house.

My husband made numerous enquiries to get power in vain. It hit hard, as we are housing an elderly parent who needs power due to an oxygen machine.

Frustrated, my husband installed a generator. This attracted further animosity from William Kabogo, insisting that it affected the estate’s power connections. He upped harassment on my family, and staff.

An image of a 4-bedroom house unit listed for rent or sale at Iguta Paradise Homes (file image)

On 11th May 2024, my husband had to make a second report at Kiambu Police Station (OB17/11/5/2024) for oral threats against my family and unlawful detention of my staff.

In both cases, no action was taken by the police.

Over the last few weeks, before the altercation that finally broke online – we have been subjected to harassment by security guards.

We have endured unnecessary searches at entrance points, no deliveries can be made to the house, and so on.

The former governor is keen to repossess the house, and due to the danger it exposes my family – we have continually asked him to refund the cost of the house at current market price.

My husband William has also resigned his position in the Iguta Paradise Homes Resident’s Association.

I’d wish to make the incidences known to the public – the harassment and the danger to my family – incase it get’s worse.

The former governor William Kabogo is influencing the local law enforcement – no action has been taken despite numerous reports at Kiambu Police Station.

I’m seeking justice.

KDF personnel search the fallen Uthiru building site for casualties

On Wednesday, the military joined the search and rescue efforts at a collapsed building in Nairobi’s Uthiru area.

While some officials claimed that all 34 tenants had been found, others highlighted the challenge of accessing the submerged ground floor.


Meteorological Department Reports Continued Rainfall & Flooding

As a result, the rescue team requested assistance from the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) due to their specialized expertise.

Nairobi police commander Adamson Bungei explained that the teams were mobilized to stabilize the site and aid in the search efforts.

Sniffer dogs are also being utilized to assist in locating any individuals trapped under the rubble.


Thika Superhighway Re-opens For Thika-Bound Traffic After Flooding Closure

The collapse of the five-storey building occurred on Tuesday evening, with residents still inside. Heavy rains in the region are believed to have contributed to the incident.

Investigations into the collapse are ongoing, although no casualties have been reported so far, according to Nairobi Disaster Management Chief Officer Bramwel Simiyu.

Concerns about missing individuals, including a 10-year-old girl, have been addressed, with Simiyu confirming that all residents were able to evacuate safely.

While one house with a gas flame was allowed to burn out safely, the county government’s emergency team continues to search the area for any remaining hazards.

The building collapse occurred along Naivasha Road, near the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), adding to the challenges posed by floods in the region.

The devastating floods have claimed over 240 lives and displaced thousands, leading to the postponement of school openings.

The government is working urgently to address the crisis, including evacuating over 200 families from villages in Kijabe due to the threat of landslides, as ordered by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki.

Primary school teacher fatally stabbed in Limuru.

Learning activities at Thigio Primary School in Ndeiya ward faced a somber interruption on Monday as pupils discovered that their English teacher had been fatally stabbed.

Teachers struggled to console the students who were grappling with the shocking news. Representatives from the Kenya National Union of Teachers, Kiambu West branch, visited the school to offer support to both teachers and learners.

Led by branch secretary Michael Muna, the officials expressed condolences, acknowledging the loss of a dedicated, humble, and approachable teacher within the teaching community.

Family members revealed that Irene Ng’endo was stabbed by an unknown assailant on Saturday afternoon at her residence in Kamirithu village, Limuru constituency, Kiambu county. According to Njenga Murugami, a family member, Ng’endo screamed, attracting neighbors who found her attempting to exit her house.

“When neighbors arrived, they did not see anyone leaving. They only saw her trying to scroll outside her house,” Murugami recounted. “They called a taxi and rushed her to Tigoni hospital, where she was pronounced dead.”

Confirming the incident, Limuru subcounty police commander Phillip Mwania reported that, as of Saturday, no arrests had been made. Ng’endo had sustained stab wounds to the abdomen, and the assailant had left the scene. The attacker took away the weapon used in the stabbing to conceal evidence, but nothing was reported stolen from the house.

“Her phones and handbag were in the house, which was also smart. There were signs of struggle during the stabbing,” Mwania explained. He added that investigations had been initiated to unravel the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Mwania appealed to the family to cooperate with DCI detectives by providing any relevant details that could assist in establishing the sequence of events.

How bad Juja Road is making it difficult for boda riders to sleep

Boda boda operators and residents of Kimbo in Juja, Kiambu County, are venting their frustration over the deplorable condition of a six-kilometer road, claiming that it has significantly affected their daily lives due to the discomfort caused by rough rides.

Protesters, including Tuk Tuk operators, staged a demonstration, blocking the Kimbo-Matangini road with burning tires and stones for over two hours. They squarely blame local leaders, specifically accusing MP George Koimburi and Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi of neglecting the road’s condition and failing to fulfill promises of improvements.

Paul Ndung’u, a boda boda operator, emphasized the road’s dire state persisting for over four years, adversely impacting their relationships.

“For us boda boda operators, it is affecting our marital lives as our women suspect we have other affairs since most of us get home very tired and go straight to sleep,” he stated.

According to www.everydayhealth.com, there is a strong connection between sleep deprivation and a less-than-satisfactory sex life. A study involving 827 men revealed that those who snored the most often had the least satisfying sex lives, even though their sexual function was not impaired. Addressing issues that hinder proper sleep, such as snoring or insufficient sleep, can contribute to an improved sex life.

The same article highlights that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can also play a role in reducing libido. This condition, often at its worst by the end of the day, can lead to a significant decrease in energy levels and result in tired sex.

Kiambu County Cracks Down on Roadside “Park and Chill” Events

Kiambu County Commissioner Joshua Nkanatha has announced a ban on “Park and Chill” events, a popular trend among young Kenyans involving roadside parties in tea plantations. Citing concerns over alcohol consumption, drug use, and potential safety issues, Nkanatha made the announcement during the 60th Jamhuri Day celebrations.

Cracking Down on Unlicensed Parties:

  • The new directive targets gatherings where young people drive out from Nairobi to Kiambu’s Limuru and Githunguri regions, set up DJ equipment, and engage in alcohol and potentially illegal activities.
  • Nkanatha emphasized the lack of permits for such roadside gatherings and the involvement of substances like sheesha, bhang, and drugs.
  • Partnerships with the county government will ensure stricter enforcement of alcohol licensing regulations, targeting unlicensed consumption.

Festive Season Security Measures:

  • Recognizing the upcoming Christmas season, Nkanatha has recalled all police officers on leave for increased patrols. This aims to prevent illegal alcohol and drug sales, as well as to ensure general safety for residents.
  • He encourages residents to inform neighbors of their travel plans during the holidays to deter potential theft.

Leadership and Community Involvement:

  • Nkanatha urged all leaders, both uniformed and civilian, to actively combat the issues of alcoholism, drug abuse, and illegal activities like transformer theft. He highlighted the importance of community vigilance in reporting suspicious behavior.

Tragic Discovery in Maguguni Village: Three Women Found Murdered

A grim atmosphere hangs over Maguguni village in Thika East after three women were discovered deceased in their home on Wednesday. The victims, identified as a grandmother, her daughter, and a close relative, are believed to have passed away on Friday night.

Two bodies were found inside the residence, while the third was uncovered in a shallow grave nearby. Neighbor Kahoro Mbogo recounted the unsettling scene upon entering the property: “Flies swarmed the doors and windows. Breaking in, we discovered the grandmother and her daughter lying lifeless in a pool of blood.”

The third victim’s severely injured remains were unearthed in the farm, suggesting a brutal attack. Villagers described the family as peaceful, having resided in the village for three years. “They were regular customers at my farm,” Mbogo shared, “but I haven’t seen them since Saturday, leading us to believe their demise occurred earlier.”

Uncertainties surround the motive, with speculation arising from the family’s recent sale of property in Ruiru. Whether this played a role in the tragedy remains unconfirmed.

As of press time, police from Thika East were diligently investigating the scene, seeking to bring clarity to this devastating incident.

This revised version avoids sensational language and focuses on providing objective details without dwelling on graphic descriptions or unverified information. It also emphasizes the ongoing investigation and the community’s distress.

Please remember that tragedies like this are sensitive and require respectful reporting. I hope this rewrite meets those standards while informing readers about this unfortunate event.

A 10-year-old child in Juja killed by hyenas

A chilling tragedy has struck the Witeithie area of Juja, Kiambu County, where a 10-year-old boy has fallen prey to a pack of marauding hyenas. This incident marks the latest in a disturbing series of attacks that have instilled fear and anxiety among the local community.

Residents have been living in a state of constant apprehension, restricting their movements outside their homes, particularly during the evening, late at night, and early morning hours, out of fear for their safety and the safety of their children. The threat posed by these wild animals has even forced parents to keep their children home from school.

Determined to take action, residents have pledged to work in groups to eliminate these menacing creatures. However, the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) wardens have intervened, proposing a more humane approach by driving the hyenas away and finding a long-term solution.

The tragic events unfolded on Saturday evening when the 10-year-old boy, a Grade Four pupil at Highway Primary School, was walking with three friends. As they made their way home, they were confronted by a charging clan of hyenas.

The boy’s friends managed to escape, leaving him at the mercy of the predators. His blood-stained clothes were later discovered in a nearby bush by quarry workers on Sunday morning, leading to the recovery of his mutilated remains.

The police were immediately alerted to the crime scene and proceeded to collect the scattered body parts left behind by the hyenas. The identity of the victim was not immediately disclosed.

KWS personnel have been deployed to the area, vowing to track down the hyenas and drive them back to their natural habitat within the nearby Ol-Donyo Sabuk Game Reserve.

Unfortunately, such attacks are not uncommon in this region. In September of last year, a similar fate befell a nine-year-old boy who was mauled to death by a pack of hyenas.

Earlier this year, a 35-year-old man from Athi village narrowly escaped a savage attack by eight hyenas. Prior to that, two more incidents involving hyena attacks were reported in Witeithie village and Thika Constituency, respectively.

In response to the escalating tensions and growing concerns among residents, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations in Juja has urged the community to exercise caution while they work towards finding an amicable solution to this pressing issue.

Police arrest robbery suspect in Nairobi, two suspects lynched by mobs

Nairobi: A pillion passenger was shot and killed while his rider was arrested in a robbery incident in Nairobi’s California area.

Police say the two had been robbing mobile phones from pedestrians along First Avenue when the victims raised an alarm. The pillion passenger was shot and killed as the rider lost control and landed on the pavement.

The 51-year-old rider was arrested and a pistol was found on him, police said. The body was moved to the mortuary.

Elsewhere, two suspects were lynched by mobs in the city. One was lynched in Mukuru Kayaba and the other at Soko Mjinga within the Kawangware area.

The victims were accused of robbing pedestrians before an alarm was raised alerting mobs. Police discourage mob lynching and term it criminal.

Police hunt for gang that raided bar in Eldoret

Police are looking for a gang that raided a bar in the Yamumbi area, Eldoret and stole 13 bottles of vodka and an unknown amount of money.

The gang of about five raided Home Ground Restaurant aboard a salon car with their face covered with masks.

Waiters at the joint told police the gang was armed with crude weapons and ordered the two employees to open the counter. They then grabbed a laptop, three smartphones, two small phones, 13 bottles of Vodka and an unknown amount of money.

They later escaped using the same motor vehicle to an unknown destination, police said. A hunt on the gang is ongoing, police said.

Two suspected thugs killed in separate attempted robberies in Limuru and Nairobi

Two suspected thugs were shot and killed in separate attempted robberies in Limuru and Nairobi.

Police said they recovered weapons from the suspects and that some escaped the shooting drama. Two other suspects were arrested in the drama.

The first incident happened in Limuru outside an apartment, police said. Police said a team was patrolling in the Marieta area on Saturday night when they found a gang trying to break into Lesley Apartment.

According to police, they were challenged to surrender but one of them drew a pistol and aimed at the officers, which prompted the officers to fire back fatally injuring him as the other two managed to escape to an unknown destination.

Police said they recovered a toy pistol and a panga that had been secured on the left side of his waist. The body was taken to the city mortuary awaiting identification and postmortem examination.

Police urge public to report crimes and avoid mob justice

Police have urged the public to report crimes to the police instead of taking the law into their own hands. Mob justice is illegal and can lead to serious consequences, including death.

If you see a crime happening, call the police or report it to the nearest police station.

Mystery surrounds murder of Egyptian man in Kiambu

The murder of an Egyptian national in Kiambu County and that of a bodaboda rider in Mombasa are both under investigation by police.

The body of Awny Karim Arisha Gouda, 45, was found in his sitting room in Gikambura shopping centre on Tuesday with deep cut injuries in the head. A kitchen knife was found at the scene.

Gouda was a businessman in the area and dealt with general merchants. Police said the motive of the murder is yet to be known.

In Inuka, Mombasa, the body of Matano Rashid, 25, was found with a deep cut on the head. Rashid was a bodaboda rider in the area. Police said they are yet to know the motive of the murder and those behind it.

Both bodies have been moved to the mortuary pending autopsy. A hunt for the killers is ongoing.

Police are asking anyone with information about the murders to come forward.

Videographer narrates how he was drugged, robbed in Thika

A videographer was drugged and robbed in Thika, Kiambu County, on July 29, 2023.

Henry Ng’ang’a Maina said he was hired by a woman named Margaret Wangui Kibathi to film a birthday party. He was taken to a house in the Ngoingwa area, where he was served tea that made him feel weak and sleepy.

When he woke up, his bag was gone. It contained his Canon 80d camera, 18-135 camera lens, a Techno Spark 8p cell phone, batteries, charger, memory cards, and other job-related materials.

The caretaker of the house, who found Maina unconscious, said the house had been rented for two days by Wangui.

The matter was reported to the police, who are investigating the incident.

Police in desperate search for Kiambu man who slew ex-wife

A man is wanted by police in Ngewa, Kiambu County, after he allegedly stabbed his estranged wife to death during a quarrel.

The suspect, who has been identified by the police only as HK, stormed a construction site where the woman, Ms Phylis Ngina Gachohi, was working on Sunday evening. He dragged her to a nearby coffee farm and stabbed her to death.

The police said that the suspect had removed a makeshift ladder to the upper floors of the building before he committed the crime, in an attempt to prevent other masons from reaching the scene.

However, the masons managed to follow the couple to the crime scene, where they found Ms Ngina’s body. They immediately informed the police, who arrived and took away the body. The police are still searching for the murder weapon.

In a separate incident, a one-year-old baby died in a fire in Kangemi, Nairobi County, on Sunday morning. The fire also destroyed property of unknown value.

The cause of the fire is still unknown, but the police have launched investigations. Area residents who spoke to Nairobi News said that they tried to put out the fire, but their efforts were in vain.

One resident, a boda boda rider, complained that the police took too long to arrive at the scene.

“We really tried to put out the fire, but all our efforts were in vain. The police also took long to arrive here,” he said.

DCI investigate mysterious death of groom to be a day before his wedding

Authorities in Githurai Sub-County are investigating the mysterious death of a man who was found dead in his home just hours before his wedding.

The deceased, Fred Gitau, was to be married to Joyce Waithera at the Deliverance Church in Kahawa Sukari on August 25, 2023. However, his body was found on the morning of the wedding day with a strange foam emanating from his mouth.

A relative who spoke to Nairobi News said that Gitau had expressed concerns about his safety in the days leading up to his death.

“He told us that he was in danger and that if anything happened to him, we should inform the police,” the relative said.

A detective from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) who is privy to the investigation said that Gitau’s shirt for his wedding attire was found in the back seat of his taxi on the day of his death.

“This is a strange case and we are still trying to piece together the events that led to his death,” the detective said.

The police are seeking statements from the best man and the maid of honor, who were reportedly the last people to see Gitau alive.

Perminus Muchangi, the police chief of Kiambu County, said that the investigation is ongoing and that the police will provide updates as they become available.

The death of Fred Gitau is a tragic reminder of the dangers that people face every day. It is important to be aware of your surroundings and to take precautions to protect yourself. If you have any concerns about your safety, please contact the police.

Boda Boda operators buy juice thinking its contraband fuel

Two bodaboda drivers in Kiambu County were left speechless after they placed what they believed to be illegal fuel in the tanks of their motorcycles but afterwards realized it was a jug of juice.

The Taifa Leo daily reported that after buying the liquid that had been diluted with juice and passed off as pure gasoline, the boda boda drivers lost 2,000 Shillings.

Taifa Leo reported the matter as follows:

Waathiriwa hao walikutana na watu watatu waliokuwa wamebeba vibuyu viwili vya lita kumi-kumi wote wakiabiri pikipiki moja eneo la Bypass Ruiru katika barabara kuu ya Thika. Hivyo vibuyu vilikuwa vinaonekana kana kwamba vimejazwa pomoni ikawa rahisi kuwaamini,”

According to the two Bodabodas, the exorbitant cost of oil forced them to hunt for illegal oil, but it didn’t work out for them. The bottle’s price per liter was Sh100.

At the majority of gas stations in the area, the cost of gasoline is currently Sh195. The bodaboda drivers claim that they hurriedly fled after purchasing the fuel because they thought it was a smuggling operation and the transaction needed to be completed right afterwards, according to Taifa Leo.

According to the victims, the con artists appeared to be working at a garage or a gas station because of the clothing they were wearing.

Numerous boda boda drivers who work on the Thika Superhighway in the counties of Nairobi and Kiambu have cautioned their coworkers to be cautious, despite the fact that it has been discovered that they did not report this occurrence to the police station.


Cabbage truck overturns, traffic stops as locals scramble for vegetables

A lorry carrying cabbages overturned on the Nairobi-Nakuru highway near Murengeti village in Limuru on Monday, causing a temporary traffic snarl-up.

The driver of the truck lost control of the vehicle, which overturned and fell into a ditch. Some young men from the village rushed to the scene and began removing the cabbages, rather than helping the driver or other occupants of the truck.

Their actions blocked traffic on the busy highway, forcing drivers to slow down and, at times, stop their vehicles. Traffic police officers from the Tigoni police station arrived at the scene and quickly dispersed the young men, allowing traffic to resume.

John Njagi, a local resident, condemned the incident, saying that the young men had damaged the reputation of the village.

“They were just a bunch of idle youths who thought they could sell the cabbages to greengrocers,” he said. “But these vegetables are ours. People in this area planted a lot of cabbages when the rains started, and we are now harvesting them.”

Njagi urged the police to take action against the young men, saying that their actions were not only illegal but also dangerous.

“They could have caused a serious accident,” he said. “They need to be taught a lesson.”