Kenya Power: Breaking Down the Token Meter Update Exercise

Kenya Power has launched the ‘Update Token Meter Yako’ campaign. This is an initiative that targets 7.4 million prepaid (token) meters across the country.

The objective is to ensure all customers continue to enjoy uninterrupted access to electricity by updating their meters.

Here are the details of this critical update and what you need to do.

Kenya Power customers updating their token meters during the launch of the exercise (file images)

Why is it necessary to Update your KPLC Token Meter?

The STS Update

The KPLC ‘Update Token Meter Yako’ initiative is part of a global exercise targeting all prepaid meters using the Standard Transfer Specification (STS).

STS is a universal method for transferring tokens to prepaid meters.

STS also upholds the security and integrity of the generated tokens.

Understanding the Token Identifier (TID)

Whenever a KPLC customer need to recharge their prepaid meter, they purchase and enter a 20-digit token.

This token contains a unique value called the Token Identifier (TID).

The TID helps the meter determine the validity of the token by pinpointing the date and time of token generation.

This ensures that the token value is accepted and power units reflect on the meter.

How to Update your KPLC Token Meter

Customers will receive an SMS from Kenya Power informing them that their meter is due for an update.

They SMS will ask them to buy tokens of any amount. They will then receive the two codes plus their token.

  • The first code is the Reset Code.
  • The second code is the Update Code

Updating the Meter

Armed with the two codes in the SMS from Kenya Power, grab your token meter, then:

  • To Reset, key in the first 20-digit code into token meter, press ENTER.
  • To Update, key in the second 20-digit code into token meter, press ENTER.
  • Then, enter your token. You will know the update is successful once your meter accepts the token

Useful Details to Remember

  • Please ensure to load any unused token before you update your meter. Failure to do so will render the token invalid.
  • The ‘Update Token Meter Yako’ process is completely free. If someone attempts to charge you, that’s fraud – Dial *977# to report.
  • The update will not affect existing tokens. This means tokens already loaded into the meter will remain, and shall be used normally.

What is the Deadline to Update KPLC Token Meter?

  • The global deadline for the STS update is 24th November 2024.
  • Locally, Kenya Power has the deadline at end of August 2024.

Update your KPLC prepaid token meter to continue enjoying seamless electricity service.

Keep checking your phone messages so as not to miss the SMS from Kenya Power with your Reset and Update codes.

While Kenya Power is on a spirited countrywide outreach, kindly spread the word in your community to ensure everyone benefits from the important update before the deadline.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the update, kindly visit the nearest Kenya Power office.

Alternatively, you can contact customer service via the company’s social media handles by clicking:

Counties Facing Power Outages Today, Thursday

Several areas across four counties will experience power outages today, Thursday, for up to eight hours. Kenya Power announced in a public notice on Wednesday evening that the affected counties are Nairobi, Nyeri, Samburu, and Kiambu.

“Good Evening. The listed areas will be affected by planned power interruptions tomorrow, June 27, 2024. The interruption is part of network maintenance.”


  • Affected Areas: Jogoo Road, Lucky Summer, Dandora, parts of Ngara, and Parklands.
  • Outage Time: 9 am to 5 pm
  • Details:
    • Jogoo Road: Buruburu Phase 5, Muguna’s Supermarket, Naivas Supermarket, Uhuru Market, and adjacent areas.
    • Dandora: Parts of Lucky Summer, Tiba and Ngunyumu primary schools, Dandora dumpsite, Co-operative Bank, and the entire Dandora Phase 2-4.
    • Ngara and Parklands: Museum Headquarters, Westlands Road, UoN Law Campus, Chemilil Road, part of Kipande Road, Mushembi Road, and parts of Ngara Market.


  • Affected Areas: Kamakis, Nyacaba, Maraba, Gatong’ora, Raini, and Loreto.
  • Details:
    • Establishments: Buffalo Estate, Magic Stone Quarry, St George School, Kabati, Kwa Magu, Kangoki, Kimucu, Muthara, and adjacent areas.
    • Around Kamakis: Silicon Valley, the whole of Mashinani, By-Pass Corner, Green Valley, Tiverton, Gwa Kairu Riverside, Kiratina, Thome, part of Kihunguro, Miti Kenda, St Linda, Gatong’ora, and neighboring areas.
    • Additional Areas: Varsity Ville, Naivas, Quickmart, Mutonya Dispensary, Kwa China, Sewage, Kwihota, Gituamba Water Project, Kasphat, Boma Road, Kiamara Misanana, Ibonia, Turitu, part of Ksangoya, Loreto Kiambu, and adjacent areas.


  • Affected Areas: Suguta, Posta, and Churo.
  • Details:
    • Mugie Ranch, Churo, Tangulbei, Suguta Marmar, Maralal town, Maralal Water Supply, Polo Radar station, Kisima, Loosuk, and adjacent areas.


  • Affected Areas: Chaka Ranch and Milimani Chaka.
  • Outage Time: 8 am to 5 pm
  • Details:
    • Installations: Chaka Brookside, Roben Aberdare, Kirinyaga Construction, Ceprene Industries, Milimani Clasher, Nyewasco Gatei Plant, Mathina, Kwa Gideon, and adjacent areas.

Residents in these areas are advised to prepare for the outages and make necessary arrangements to mitigate any inconvenience caused.

List of counties experiencing power outages today, Tuesday

Kenya Power has announced planned power interruptions for five counties on Tuesday, June 25. These outages are scheduled to occur at various times between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. The affected counties are Kisii, Nyeri, Murang’a, Kiambu, and Kitui.


  • Kiango GSU Camp
  • Kinago Market
  • Mara T/Fact
  • Nyangusu S/Center
  • Akemo Valley Hospital
  • Nyaboere
  • Gesabakawa H/Center
  • Bokimai


  • Naromoru Town
  • Naromoru River Lodge
  • Blue Line
  • Mwichuiri
  • Bastian Hotel
  • Leisure Lodge
  • KWS
  • Warazojet
  • Munyu
  • Mountain Lodge
  • Kimahuri Karkuret
  • Naromoru Girls
  • Adjacent customers


  • Mununga S/Center
  • Kiamara
  • Nyakahura
  • Michuki Technical
  • Iyego
  • Nyangiti
  • Ihiga
  • Gitugi Market
  • Kambara
  • Gakurwe
  • Kiambugi
  • Gaturi
  • Adjacent customers


  • Rujwasco
  • Ruiru Deliverance Church
  • Zetech University
  • Rainbow Hotel
  • Rainbow Wholesale
  • Waki
  • Agape
  • Mijicare
  • Part of Kihunguro
  • Mark Hotel
  • Bederin Hotel
  • Wonder Church
  • Imani House
  • Total Petrol Station

Additionally, the following areas in Kiambu will also experience power interruptions:

  • Banana
  • Karuri Hospital
  • Njoro
  • Ndenderu
  • Rumenye
  • St. Tito
  • Karura
  • Kanyungu
  • Part of Gacharage
  • Rueno Police
  • Adjacent customers


  • Mutyangombe Market
  • Masavi Market
  • Mathuki Market
  • Mui Market
  • Miambani Market
  • Musukini Market
  • Masasini Market
  • Kawala Market
  • Kaliku Market
  • Nguni Market
  • Nuu Market
  • Mutito Market
  • Ukasi Market
  • Ngomeni Market
  • Endau Market
  • Malalani Market

KPLC Announces Power Interruptions in Four Counties Today

Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) has scheduled power outages for Monday, June 24, affecting various regions from 8 am to 5 pm. The affected counties are Nairobi, Kericho, Murang’a, and Bomet. Here are the specific areas and times:


  • Jogoo Road: Makongeni Secondary, parts of Kaloleni Estate, Ojimbo, Makongeni World Bank Quarters, and adjacent customers (9:00 am – 5:00 pm).


  • Chepsengeny and Changoi Junction: South Rift Hospital, Jericho, Kapsuser Market, Chebown Market, Changoi Road Junction, Tegat Market, Kaptebeswet Market, Chebungongon, Kipsolu, and adjacent customers (9:00 am – 3:00 pm).


  • Affected Areas:
    • Bomet Town
    • Stegro Tea Factory
    • Motigo Tea Factory
    • Greenfields Tea Factory
    • Kisyet Tea Factory
    • Kapkimolwa Quarry
    • Ajiwa Mulot
    • Mara Fairmount Hotel
    • Famous Gates Hotels
    • Korokwony Millers
    • Longisa Hospital
    • Tenwek Mission Hospital
    • Tenwek CTC
    • Kapkwen Market
    • Chebunyo Market
    • Siongiroi Market
    • Kabolecho Market
    • Marty Market
    • Lalela Farm
    • Sigor Market
    • Makimeny
    • Mogor
    • Labotiet
    • Silibwet Market
    • Merigi Market
    • Kembu Market
    • Mulot Market
    • Longisa Market
    • Chemaner Market
    • Tegat
    • Chelymos Hospital
    • County Government Offices
    • County Commissioner’s Office
    • Meja
    • Lenana
    • Kapoleseroi
    • Kataret
    • Kamaget
    • Olbutyo
    • Sachora
    • Fair Hills Hotel
    • Willis Hotel
    • Kipsarwet
    • Koibeyon
    • Cheboigong
    • Siloam Hospital
    • Kaboson Market
    • Lelaitich
    • Kabolwo Kitoben
    • Mugango
    • Njerian
    • Bomet East
    • Bomet Central
    • Chepalungu
    • Adjacent customers (8:00 am – 5:00 pm).


  • Affected Areas:
    • Njunu
    • Ndakaini
    • Chomo
    • Kahunyu
    • Njunu Tea Factory
    • Kigoro Water
    • Kanunga
    • Rukungu
    • Ndakaini
    • WaKabuku
    • Gituro
    • Kiruga
    • Kiawangenye
    • Kirika
    • Nduti Tea Factory
    • Kiangari
    • Kimandi
    • Wanyaga
    • Ndiara
    • Kimotho
    • SK
    • Adjacent customers (9:00 am – 5:00 pm).

KPLC periodically conducts these planned power outages to upgrade and maintain its powerline systems to ensure improved service delivery.

These 4 counties will face power interruptions today

Kenya Power has announced scheduled power outages in four counties today, Friday. These planned interruptions will occur between 8 am and 5 pm to facilitate system maintenance.

The affected counties are Makueni, Uasin Gishu, Migori, and Nyeri. Below are the specific areas that will experience power outages:


  • Sultan Town
  • Sultan Police
  • Holy Ghost Schools
  • Kalimbini
  • Ngokomi
  • Kwothithu
  • Kiongwani
  • Kima
  • Kiu
  • Salama
  • Kautandini
  • Malili
  • Enzai
  • Nunguni
  • Kilungu
  • Kavatanzou
  • Mitini
  • Kyambeke

Uasin Gishu:

  • Kapseret
  • Lemook
  • Mosombor
  • Shajna and Quarry
  • Chinese Quarry
  • Nilkath Quarry
  • Kapteldon
  • Adjacent customers


  • Macalder
  • Osiri
  • Sibuoche
  • Nyakweri
  • Lwada
  • Sori
  • Karaminde
  • God Oloo
  • Muhuru Bay
  • Bande
  • Otoch Rakwom
  • Namba Condelo
  • Gachola Center
  • Gogo Power Station
  • Ayego
  • Othoro
  • Mori Center
  • Oria
  • Aduongo
  • Ombo
  • Midida
  • Kuna


  • Chaka Market
  • Maisha Floor
  • Kiganjo Market
  • Kirichu Market
  • Rosa Academy
  • Ndurutu
  • Kiganjo NYEWASCO Sewerage
  • Karundas
  • Mbiriri
  • Maragima

These 4 Counties Will Experience Power Interruptions Today

Kenya Power will conduct scheduled system maintenance on Thursday in selected areas across four counties. The utility company announced that the interruptions will occur at various times between 8am and 5pm to facilitate network maintenance.

The affected areas are located in Nairobi, Kiambu, Nyeri, and Laikipia counties.

Nairobi County:

  • Embakasi East
  • Garrison
  • Baraka East
  • Nearby customers

Kiambu County:

  • Ndume
  • Forthsmith
  • Vetlab Golf
  • Uthiru Gichagi
  • Uthiru Girls
  • Uthiru
  • Genesis
  • Alternative Energy
  • AVOIL Industries
  • Kamenu East
  • Corners 1, 2, and 3
  • Kimunchu Police Station
  • Kimunchu Primary
  • Jua Kali
  • Mali
  • Kiang’ombe East
  • Burudika
  • Athena
  • Kwa Ali
  • Kenyatta Primary
  • Steph Joy Girls
  • Kagia Farm
  • Acre Tano
  • Thamanda
  • Zambezi
  • Gitangu
  • Kiambaa
  • Kerwa
  • Heka Moja
  • Utafiti
  • Kanyanjara
  • Kahuho
  • Universal
  • Rubi’s
  • Kamuguga Dairy
  • Nearby customers

Nyeri County:

  • Endarasha
  • Mweiga
  • Bondeni
  • Solio Ranch
  • Kieni Dairy
  • Watuka
  • Charity
  • Kimunyuru
  • Kanyagia
  • Kamatongu
  • Mwereri
  • Mweiga Blooms
  • Ambone
  • MJR Garangi

Laikipia County:

  • Mukima
  • KHE
  • Professor Mugambi
  • Nyariginu
  • Murungai
  • Balungi Farm
  • Kwa Mwaura
  • Mukima Primary
  • Beisa Hotel
  • St. Jude
  • Surrounding areas

KPLC – 8 Counties Facing Power Interruptions Today

The Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) has announced scheduled power outages in eight counties on Wednesday.

In a statement released on Tuesday evening, KPLC detailed that these planned interruptions will occur at various times between 8 am and 5 pm.

Here are the affected counties and areas:

Nairobi County:

  • Areas affected: KCC Village and adjacent customers.

Kisumu County:

  • Areas affected: Wildor School, Kochieng’ Centre, Kalusi Market, Nyamonge, Mayienya Secondary, Chiga Market, Obumba School, Kasese Market, Masawa, Kasarani, Hera Church, Rweya, Bungu, and adjacent customers.

Meru County:

  • Areas affected: Greenwood Mall, Nkabune TTI, Gitimbine, Camsupreme, Gikumene Girls, Equator, Gatimbi Market, Nchaure Market, Kirigara, Ruiga, Mutego, Mukiria Polytechnic, Kariene Market, Nkando Boys, Mutharene Market, Ukuu Girls, and Mutuune Market.

Murang’a County:

  • Areas affected: Ngararia, Kibereke Market, Kandara Town, Karima Mwaro S/Centre, Mukoye, and adjacent customers.

Kiambu County:

  • Areas affected:
    • Kwamaiko Shops, Osho Grain, Mega Pipes, Kambui Girls, Miguta Mission, Gateiguru, Mitahato, Gathirimu Girls, Riuki, Mchana East, Manila, Ndundu East, St. Monica Catholic, Karoa East, Coffee Research, Nginduri, Thuita Secondary, Nembu Shops, Nembu Secondary, and Marige.
    • Additionally: Kibichoi, Kigumo, Hurlingham, Gititu, Gathugu, Komothai, Gathiru-ini, Githioro, Mutati, Kahuguini Shops, Kahuguini Sec, Karangi Est, Wauguthuko, Oaklands, Ruiru Mills, Ruiru Water, Miguta, Ndathini, Kambara, Riakahara, and adjacent customers.

Nyeri County:

  • Areas affected: Ihururu, Muhoya Secondary, Miaguyuini, Karunaini, Burton, Kanjora, Kahaigini, Elcer Limited, Nyamaguyu, KBC Nyeri, Mathari Hospital, and adjacent customers.

Nyamira County:

  • Areas affected: Chebilat, Kijauri, Manga, Metamaywa, Isoge, Mecheo, Nyasiongo, Matutu Police, Tinderet, Simbaoti, St. Kizito, Nyasiongo Mission, and Eronge.

Homa Bay County:

  • Specific areas to be affected were not listed in the statement.

KPLC urges all affected customers to plan accordingly and apologizes for any inconvenience caused by these necessary maintenance activities

Scheduled Power Interruptions in Five Counties Today

Kenya Power has announced planned power outages for maintenance in five counties today. Here are the affected areas and scheduled times:

Trans Nzoia County:

  • Areas Affected: Kinyoro, Cheptumbelio, Gumo farm, Molem, Kimwondo, Elgon Tea, Muroki, Saboti, Gitwamba, Panocal, Soy Mining, Bull Station, Sabwani ADC, Kapkoi, Katuke, Suam Chepchoina, Endebess, and adjacent areas.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Nyeri County:

  • Areas Affected: Munyu, Kimahuri, Blue Line, Gitinga, Munyaka, Aguthii, Kakuret, KWS Mt Kenya, Kiriakor, Soweto, Naromoru Girls, Judea, Meree, Lusoi, Warazo, Ndathi, Mapema, Munyu Aguthii, Warazo Jet, Kabaru, and adjacent customers.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Meru County:

  • Areas Affected: Tulivu Gardens, Mitunguu Market, Tunyai Market, Mitunguu Dispensary, Mitunguu Police Station, Kaurone, Mitunguu Booster, Kithatu Sisters and Hospital, Kibuka Primary School, and adjacent customers.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Murang’a County:

  • Areas Affected: Makuyu, Kakuzi Staff Quarters, Greenland Limited, Kamahuha Market, Saba Saba Township, Kandani Market, Kaguku Village, Githembe Market, Ndonga Village, and adjacent customers.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Kiambu County:

  • Areas Affected: Kiambaa S/Centre, Chief Koinange Girls, Wanguthu, Redhill, Maramba, Njiku, Laini S/Centre, Norbrook Factory, Higgins, Acme Containers, Kentmere Club, St Ruth Academy, Hill House, Lady Wood Farm, Echuka, High Wood Farm, Valley Dam, Kentmere Gardens, Raphaelites, Merellies Farm, Maramba Tea, and adjacent customers.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

KPLC: Power Outages Planned for 7 Counties on Monday

Kenya Power has scheduled power interruptions in various areas across seven counties on Monday, June 10. The outages will occur at different times throughout the day.

Here are the affected counties and specific areas:

Nairobi County

  • Area: Lang’ata Road
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Affected Areas: Hansard Heights, Laxminarayan Apartments, Part of Kodi Rd, T-Mall, School for the Blind, Wilson Airport, AMREF Wilson, Sunshine School, Weston Hotel, Langata Primary School, Nairobi West Prison, Amref University, Dam Estate, Uhuru Gardens, Jonathan Ngeno Estate, Breeze Estate, and nearby customers.

Bomet County

  • Area: Koiwa, Cheptalal, and Siomo
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Affected Areas: Koiwa Market, Kobel Tea Factory, Kaptebengwet, Rorok Tea Factory, Kitala, Siomo Tea Factory, Koiwa Health Centre, Chaptalal Dispensary, Kiptenden, Sotit, Berekwek, Meswondo, Tuiyobei, Besiobei, Bosto, and nearby customers.

Kisii County

  • Area: Kegati, Rianyamwamu
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Affected Areas: Kegati Market, Kiogoro, Rianyamwamu, Nyanguru, Itumbe, Nyaguta, Riabamanyi, Kegati Fisheries, Karmel Park, and nearby customers.

Homa Bay County

  • Area: Kawonda Andiwo
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Affected Areas: Kawonda Market, Singenge, Kayanga, Andiwo, and nearby customers.

Nyeri County

  • Area: Thuguma and Meeting
  • Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Affected Areas: St. Jude, Swahili Village, Oilcom, Ibauini, Kagayu, Thunguma, County Assembly of Nyeri Offices, Beatrice Court, PG Murrithi, Ruringu, Beavers, and nearby customers.

Murang’a County

  • Area: Kahani and Bendor
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Affected Areas: Branan Estate, Bedor Estate, Githumbuini Estate, Golden Pearl Estate, Kahaini Market, OLA, Enkasiti Flower Farm, Kwa Nyoka Estate, Simbi Roses, Koorali Estate, Kahoya Estate Houses, Silver Oak, Gatoka Estate, Ngararia Girls & Ngararia Market, Kiunyu, Kiama Estate, Gatoka, Gatunyu, Kimatus, Mabanda, Ithangariri, Gatanga, Kirwara, Kihumbuini, and nearby customers.

Kiambu County

  • Area: Kenyatta Road
  • Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Affected Areas: Mama Ngina University, Mutomo Market, Ichaweri Market, Kiamwangi Market, Gatitu School, Gitare Dispensary, Gitare Market, Mundoro Market, Theta Tea Factory, Gathiru School & Village, Kiganjo Market, Kiganjo Coffee Factory, Githembe Coffee Factory, Ha Ndege Market, Wangui Market, Gachika Market, and nearby customers.
  • Area: Kagwe, Pascha
  • Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Affected Areas: Fresha Dairies, Githunguri Town, Githunguri Law Courts, Beta Care, Thakwa Village, Kamburu, Matimbei, Kagaa, Kagwe Shops, Gatamaiyu, Gachoire, Nyanduma, Kamuchege, Pascha Dairies, Nyamuthanga, Gitwe Girls, Kambaa Factory, Matuguta, Mungu, Miumia, and nearby customers.

Areas that will experience power outages today, Friday

Kenya Power has informed customers in three counties about a scheduled electricity supply interruption on Friday to facilitate system maintenance.

The planned outage will impact parts of Uasin Gishu, Kisii, and Kiambu counties.

In Uasin Gishu, affected customers are located in Kapseret Lemook. Power will be switched off from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm in Kapseret, Mosombor, Shajna & Quarry, Chinese Quarry, and Nilkath Quarry. Adjacent customers will also be affected.

In Kisii county, the outage will affect areas within Nyamataro, Nyakoe, and Mosocho. Establishments impacted include Nyagena Hospital, Nyabururu Complex, and Cardinal Otunga. Additional areas such as Kiamwasi, Nyakoe, Mosocho, Riotoigo, Matieko, part of Runga, Ongicha, and nearby customers will be without power from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

In Kiambu county, residents and business owners in Kiambaa and Waguthu will experience an eight-hour power interruption from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Affected customers include those in Mugomoini, Nduota, Kwahai, and along Waguthu feeder road and adjacent areas. Kiamba Boys High School, Karuri County Offices, Waguthu Police Station, Waguthu Water, and Gichi Factory will also be without power during this period.

Here is a list of six counties that will experience power outages today, Thursday

Kenya Power will conduct scheduled maintenance on Thursday in selected areas across six counties. The utility company announced that the power outages will last for eight hours, from 9am to 5pm.

Affected counties include Nairobi, West Pokot, Nyeri, Busia, Kiambu, and Mombasa.


Power will be out in Garden Estate Road and surrounding areas.

West Pokot

Affected areas include Makutano, Kapenguria, Kapenguria County Hospital, Lelan, Murkwijit, Kesogon, Kapkoris, Karas, Safari Hotel, Korelach, Kapkoris, Kamatira, and nearby locations.


Outages will affect Kamatongu, Muthiga Garden, Gen Karangi, Honi Resort, Aberdare County Club, Mwireri, Jersey Farm, Mweiga Blooms, PCEA Honi Prayer Centre, and Flora Farm.


Parts of Busia to experience outages are Butula, Bumutiru, Murumba, Oloo Market, Benga University, Tingolo, and Masende Bale.


The entire Tola, Kiahuria Shopping Center, Metro, parts of Ngoingwa, Compuera, Mpesa Academy, Muiri, Albbizia, Vincentian, and Kiahuria will be affected.


Affected installations include Ngoroko FEM, Ngoloko Primary School, Ngoloko Seagas, Sultan Palace, Msumarini, Mferejini, Vipingo Beach Properties, Vipingo Bureni, Rea Vipingo, Junju, Gongoni, Mapawa, and Kolewa.

List of six counties expected to have power outages today, Wednesday.

Kenya Power has announced planned maintenance power cuts for areas within six counties on Wednesday.

In a public notice issued Tuesday evening, the company stated that the affected counties are Migori, Nyeri, Meru, Kiambu, Mombasa, and Kakamega.

The power interruptions will occur between 9 am and 5 pm.


Affected areas in Migori include parts of Awendo, Rongo Town, Kanyawanga, Kitere Centre, Rongo University, Kanga High School, Kanga Centre, Kokuro High School, Kokuro Center, Nyatambe, Ondome, Siruti, Rakwaro, and surrounding areas.


In Nyeri, the areas to be affected are Kiawara, Belle View, Chinese Crusher Mataopeni, Njoguini, Kamiruri, Wangata, Karinguini, Muhonia, Birisha, Karimenu, St Lassele, Ruirie, Mahinga Meru, Egas Nairutia, Marina, Laikipia Vocational Training College, and adjacent areas.


Affected areas in Meru include Gankere, Maskan, Nchiru Market, Meru University, Kunene Dispensary, Uringu Girls, Kunene Market, Kimachia, Kagaene Market, Kithiiri Market, Mbeu Hospital, Kibuline Market, and Machagene Market.


In Kiambu, parts of Limuru Town, Karanjee, Kwambira, Kamirithu, KBC Kwambira, Auto Springs, Tharuini, Step Joy Boys, Rwacumaria, Mutarakwa, Kamonoru, Ndiuni, Nyataragi, Thigio, Bo-roti, Gichungo, and Kiriri will be affected.

Additionally, areas around Murera Sisal, Matangini, Hamundia, Theta, PCEA Matangi, Magomano, Ndarasha, Ndururumo, Ruiriro, Pherie, Corner Brook, St. Dominic, Space & Style, Juja South Estate, Selecta/kpp Production, Mastores, and Abba Salama will experience outages.

KPLC also mentioned that Juja Farm shopping center, Juja Farm Police Station, Gikumari shopping center, Air Harries/Kwa Mzungu, Kwa Wamuini, Kwa Wamumbi, Juja Farm Zone P, Mwireri shopping center, Kwa Mirage shopping center, Kwa Ruhi, Athi shopping center, PCEA Tumaini, St. Michael Secondary School, Athi dispensary, and Mukuyuini shopping center will be affected.


In Mombasa, affected areas include Nyali Cinemax, parts of Mkomani, Kongowea, Ratna Square, Kongowea Methodist, Kongowea Market, Arti Villa Kongowea, Kengeleni, Nyali Bridge, Dog Section, Safaricom, Jocham Hospital, parts of Msomoroni, Kisauni, Sayyed Fatuma, Mlaleo Twiga Rd, Nyali DCC Office, Kongowea Catholic, Makaburini, Maweni, Simba Estate, and Nyali Plaza.


In Kakamega, Muduma, Bushiri Market and Health Centre, Shironyanga, Lower Ingotse Market, Shirakwe Market, and Simuli Secondary are some of the establishments that will be affected by the planned power interruption.

Five counties will experience power outages today, Thursday

The Kenya Power and Lighting Company has announced planned power outages for Thursday, May 30, 2024, affecting various areas in five counties.

In a statement on their social media platforms, Kenya Power informed customers about scheduled power interruptions in Nairobi, Mombasa, Nyeri, Tharaka Nithi, and Kiambu counties. These interruptions are set to last for at least eight hours, from 8 am to 5 pm, to facilitate system maintenance.

Here is the full list of affected areas:


Area: Utawala

  • Gesora Rd
  • V Mall
  • Kijani Court
  • Empire Court
  • Quickmart Utawala
  • Part of Kiguath Rd
  • Shooters
  • Superking Apts
  • Mima Met
  • Naivas Utawala
  • Total Petrol Station
  • Astrol Petrol Station
  • AP Training School
  • GSU Training School
  • Muthokinju Paints
  • Parts of Eastern Bypass
  • China Construction Company and adjacent customers.


Area: Wamagana Mbaaini

  • Mbaaini
  • Stainer School
  • Wamagana
  • Uithirandu
  • Wamagana Safaricom Booster and adjacent customers.


Area: Kiraro, Kianjagi

  • Chogoria County Office
  • Chogoria Boys
  • Chogoria Girls
  • Kamara
  • Makori Girls
  • Kabeche
  • Chogoria KCB and adjacent customers.


Area: Ndula, Kolping

  • Ndula
  • Kilimambogo Teachers
  • Magogoni
  • Kiboko Farm
  • Kenchic
  • Makutano
  • Jawabu Quarry
  • Helena Quarry
  • Delmonte
  • Rubiru
  • Fourteen Falls Market
  • Kenchic
  • Dimken Farm
  • Duka Moja
  • Ngoliba Market
  • Ngoliba Secondary
  • NYS
  • Kithimani Market
  • Kabaa Market
  • Wings Quarry
  • Valem Quarry
  • Macvast Market
  • Kwa Jimmy Market
  • Chui Rapids
  • Kahonoki
  • Nginyi Pumps
  • Twin River Estate and adjacent customers.

Area: Nyacaba, Maraba

  • Kangoki
  • Buffalo Estate
  • Kabati
  • Kwa Magu
  • Magic Stone Quarry
  • Budhia Quarry
  • Nyacaba Police
  • St. George School
  • Muthara
  • Kimuchu and adjacent customers.

Area: Ondiri, Karai

  • Ondiri Police
  • Ondiri Catholic
  • Karai
  • Lusigetti Market
  • Lusigetti Hospital
  • Nachu and adjacent customers.

Area: Riabai, Migaa

  • Riabai
  • Kirigiti
  • Migaa
  • Muhugu Farm
  • Bwanji Farm
  • Kiora and adjacent customers.


Area: Miritini, Bonje, Mazeras

  • Doshi Miritini
  • Miritini Estate
  • Bonje Shell
  • Mazeras Water
  • Alpha Logistics Bonje and adjacent customers.

List of 9 Counties Facing Power Outage Today, Wednesday

The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited (Kenya Power) has announced power interruptions in areas across nine counties scheduled for Wednesday.

According to a public notice issued on Tuesday evening, the interruptions will occur from 9 am to 5 pm to facilitate system maintenance.

These planned power interruptions are periodic and advance notices are provided to allow customers to plan accordingly.

The affected areas include parts of West Pokot, Kisumu, Migori, Nyamira, Nyeri, Laikipia, Kiambu, Kitui, and Mombasa.

West Pokot: Impacted areas include parts of Sakas, Murpus, Chewoiyet, Kamuino, Talau, Chepkoti, Sirikwa Safaris, Murkwijit, Karaus, Namanjalala, Kesogon, and nearby customers.

Kisumu: Affected areas include Boya Water, Katolo, PS Nalo, Masara, Masogo, Ombeyi, and adjacent customers.

Migori: Parts of Migori Town, Oruba, Nyikendo, Magina, Aroso, Ombo Mission Hospital, Huduma Center, Migori Referral Hospital, Life Care Hospital, Oasis, Aga Khan, Salah, and nearby customers will be affected.

Nyamira: Affected areas include Ikonge Market and Secondary, Ekerenyo Market, Kebabe Girls Secondary, Obwari, Nyamusi Market and Dispensary, Gekendo Secondary, Mabariri Market, and adjacent customers.

Nyeri: Areas to be affected include Kanyama Junction, Kiamaina, Unjiru, Kiawarigi, Ichuga, Gathumbi, Kaanjata, Kiangurwe Primary, Karingaini, Gachuiro, Gathuini, Highlands, General China, Itiati, Kianjuguma, Kihuri, Gikore, Gitunduti, and nearby customers.

Laikipia: Affected areas include Gathiru Ammunition Depot, Ngarariga, Mirera, Buens Luger, Toll Station, Huku, Tigers and Ichuga CCM, Equator Girls, Nabosa, St. Teresa Catholic, and Nanyuki Boarding.

Kiambu: Areas impacted include Zetech University, Rainbow Hotel, Wholesale Rainbow, Waki, Agape, Mijicare, Part of Kihunguro, Mark Hotel, Bederin Hotel, and Mijicare.

Kitui: Customers affected are in areas around Ikuuni, Waita, Kamuongo, Gaai, Kanduiwa, Kyuso, Katse, Kimangao, Ciampiu, Kora, Mivukoni, Tseikuru, Kaningo, Usueni, Kamisiliu, Mikauni, Ngungani Markets, Kiambere Water Supply, and Wikithuki.

Mombasa: Areas to be affected include Shell Petrol Station Nyali, Moyne Drive, Green Wood Drive, Nyali Police, Nyali Beach Hotel, Voyager Hotel, Mombasa Beach, English Point Hotel, Showground, Mkomani, and adjacent customers.

Kenya Power has announced that the prepaid token system will be unavailable from Sunday to Monday

Kenya Power has advised its customers using the token facility to top up in advance as it will soon undergo maintenance.

In a statement, Kenya Power announced an interruption in the prepaid system to facilitate an upgrade.


KPLC has released a list of areas experiencing power outages today.

“We wish to inform our customers that the prepaid token vending system will be unavailable from 10pm Sunday, 2nd June to 10pm Monday 3rd June to enable us to upgrade our systems for improved service delivery,” the statement read.

It continued, “During this period, customers will not be able to buy electricity tokens from all vending points, including Kenya Power offices, MPESA paybill number 888880, Airtel Money, and banking channels.”

“We therefore advise our prepaid customers to buy enough tokens beforehand to avoid any inconvenience.”

“We appreciate your understanding and cooperation,” the alert concluded.

List of Counties Experiencing Power Outages Today, Wednesday

Kenya Power has scheduled power interruptions in four counties on Wednesday.

The interruptions will occur between 9 am and 5 pm in specific areas within Nairobi, Siaya, Migori, and Kiambu counties.

These periodic power interruptions are necessary for system maintenance.


KPLC To Pay Over Ksh 500 Million Following Massive Fire That Killed 30 People

In Nairobi, affected areas include Githurai 45, Co-op Bank, Naivas, Kingdom Sacco, Mt Kenya, Kimbo, MwanaMukia, Clanne Academy, Kassmatt, and Fountain Junior. Additionally, Kwa DO, Mukinye, Army Barracks, Sukari B, Mwiki School, Kimbo Police, part of Mwihoko, Farmers Choice, part of Clay City, and adjacent customers will experience power outages.

In Siaya, areas such as Mbaga Mission, Mbaga Girls, Nyachwinya, Futro, Mulaha, and Lwala Kaor are scheduled for power interruption.

In Migori, the affected locations include Gogo Primary, Macalder Center, Okenge, Got Koule, Got Olango, Sibuoche, Midida, Got Kwach, and adjacent customers.

In Kiambu, power interruptions will impact residents and businesses around Gitaru, Kanyariri, Kanjeru, Chura, Gikuni, Nyathuna, Rukubi, Ruku, and adjacent customers.

Areas scheduled for power outages today, Friday

Kenya Power has announced planned power interruptions in select areas across two counties on Friday.

A public notice issued Thursday evening stated that the power outages would occur between 9 am and 5 pm.

The affected areas include parts of Kisii and Murang’a counties.

In Kisii, the interruptions will impact Ogembo Sports Club, MRF Tyres, Junior Farms Ogembo, Getare Primary, Gituno TBC, and nearby customers.

In Murang’a, the affected areas are Shade Net, Maporomoko, Karangaita Coffee East, IPM Farm, Penta Flowers, SIMBI Roses, Ngoingwa East, and adjacent customers.

KPLC has released a list of areas experiencing power outages today.

The Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) has issued a warning regarding power interruptions scheduled for Thursday, May 16, in various regions across the country.

According to an announcement made on Wednesday evening, the power outages are expected to occur in specific areas of five counties in Kenya from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM.

The affected counties include Nairobi, West Pokot, Kisumu, Nyeri, and Laikipia.

In Nairobi County, neighborhoods such as Parklands, Mutuini, and Kabiria will experience power disruptions from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM.

Certain sections of Ortum and Sigor areas in West Pokot County are also slated to encounter power outages during the same period.

Parts of Obumba and Chiga Hospital areas in Kisumu County will be affected by power interruptions from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

In Nyeri County, areas like Marua and Muruguru are expected to face power cuts between 6:00 AM and 11:00 PM.

Additionally, several localities in Mukima, Khe, and Nyariginu in Laikipia County will also be impacted by power disruptions.

Power interruptions are expected to affect nine counties, according to KPLC

Kenya Power released a public announcement detailing the areas set to undergo power supply interruptions on Tuesday.

According to the company, the interruptions are scheduled to occur between 7:20 am and 5 pm in selected areas spanning several counties.


KPLC To Pay Over Ksh 500 Million Following Massive Fire That Killed 30 People

The affected counties include Nairobi, Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Siaya, Kisii, Nyeri, Kilifi, Lamu, and Tana River.

In Nairobi, the affected areas encompass sections of Kimathi Estate, Jerusalem, Jericho, Metro Villas, Harambee Estate, Uhuru East, part of Buru Phase 1, Buruburu Primary, and neighboring customers.

For Uasin Gishu, the impacted areas include Kapseret Lemook, Kapseret, Mosombor, Shajnaand Quarry, Chinese Quarry, Nilkath Quarry, Kapteldon, and surrounding customers.

In Nandi, areas such as Emdin Lelmokwo, Kwa Philip Magut, Kipkongorwa, and adjacent customers are set to experience interruptions.

Siaya areas affected include Simenya, Kodiaga, Maliera School, Sirembe, Lundha, Gogo Market, Nyangweso, Siriwo, and neighboring customers.

Kisii areas slated for interruption include Embonga Hotel, Kisii East Garage, CITAM Church, Senti, Botori SDA, Marshpark Hotel, Bosongo Hospital, Le-Premier Hotel, Kisii Junction Hotel, and Mwenzangu Building.


Nimrod Mbai arrested for assaulting KPLC engineer

Nyeri will see interruptions in Mureithi, Kagayu, Thunguma Market and School, Ndunyu, and nearby customers.

In Kilifi, affected areas are Marereni, Gongoni, Krystalline Salt, Kensalt Salt, Marafa, Malindi Salt, KEMU Salt, Mwembe Resort, Savanna, Adu, Ngomeni, Kabicha Water, and surrounding customers.

Lamu interruptions will encompass the entire Lamu Island, Mpeketoni, Hindi, Mokowe, Witu, Kipini, MOA Village, Nyongoro, Kenya Navy, and KPA Lamu.

Tana River areas to be affected include Garsen, Hola, Masalani, Bura, Mango Plant, Makutano, Mau Mau Secondary, Charidende Market, and nearby customers.

Counties on the list that will be without electricity today, Thursday

Kenya Power has announced scheduled power interruptions in three counties on Thursday.

The interruptions will occur between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm in selected areas within Kiambu, Murang’a, and Tharaka Nithi counties.

In Kiambu, affected areas will include Witeithie, Ndarugu Academy, Kenya Athena, Ndarugu Motel, Kwa Kigwe, Highpoint Kuraiha Primary, Ndarugu Plantation, Mangu High, Gachororo Dispensary, and neighboring customers. Additionally, power will be interrupted in Kiambu Prison, Ndumberi, Kangoya, Kihingo, parts of Riabai, Kiambu Hospital, Kiambu Mall, Karambaini, Kiambu Police, KIST, Kiambu Law Courts, Rednova, and Ruuii.

In Murang’a County, interruptions will affect Githambo T/Fact, Githambo Market, Kiruri Secondary School, Tuthu TBC, Mwisho wa Raha, Kiawambogo Market, Kanyanyaini Market, Kanyanyaini T/Fact, Mathioya Water Supply, Rwathia Secondary School, Gitugu Market, Kenyanjeru, Kiamwathi Market, Muberethi, Karia, Giakanja Secondary, Kiunyu, Ikumbo, Karibaini, Karichen, and nearby customers.

Tharaka Nithi County will see interruptions in Kariakomo, Igwanjau, Ikumbo Ntumu, Ndunguri, Ngeru Mukui, Ngaita, Kiriani, Munga, Kabui, and surrounding areas.

There will be an electricity outage in eight counties today, Wednesday

Kenya Power has released a public announcement detailing the areas slated for power supply interruption on Wednesday.

The company stated that the interruption will occur between 8 am and 5 pm in specific regions across various counties for network maintenance purposes.

Affected counties include Nairobi, Uasin Gishu, Busia, Kisii, Migori, Homa Bay, Nyeri, and Kiambu.

In Nairobi, affected areas encompass Ridgeways Lane, Castle Gardens, Garden Estate Academy, Rubies Garden Estate, Samaki Drive, Mountain Mall, Blue Springs, Quiver Lounge, Homeland, and nearby customers.

Uasin Gishu residents in Moi University Main Campus, Talai Estate, Cheboigwa, Tulop Village, and neighboring customers will experience interruptions.

Busia customers residing in Lubiri, Khungukhungu, Mundika, Budokomi, Matayos, Igero, Nambale Boys, Siekunya, Busidibu, Okoa Market, Lung’a, Makobio, Sigwata, Mujuru, Nasewa, Buyama, Lung’a Fisheries, and adjacent areas will also be affected.

In Kisii county, Nyabururu Complex, Matoke, and nearby customers will experience power outages.

Migori residents and businesses in Uriri, Kamsaki, Koigo, Bware, Kisangura, Kolwal, Kakrao, God Jope, Oyani, Ugari, Warisia, Stellah, Magongo, Rayudhi, Nyasare, Chamkombe, Pinnacle Plaza, Kimadui, and surrounding areas should prepare for the scheduled power outage.

Homa Bay areas to be affected include Denis Obara Secondary School, Orera Primary School, Ramula Market, Ramula Sub-County Hospital, Ramula Subcounty Offices, Ramba Market, KANU Market, Mawego Complex Nad, Lida Market, Ongilo Primary School, Odino Dispensary, Akwara Market, and Bware Secondary School.

In Nyeri, Blue Line, Kakuret, KWS Mt Kenya, Kamburaini, Kiriakor, Soweto, Naromoru Girls, Judea, Meere, Lusoi, Warazo, Ndathi, Mapema, Munyu Aguthi, Gitinga, and adjacent customers will be affected.

Lastly, in Kiambu county, parts of Ruaka Town, Gertrude’s Ruaka, Gacharage Primary, Joyland, Decimo, and nearby customers will also experience interruptions.

List of Counties Without Electricity Tuesday, this week

Kenya Power has issued a notice to customers in specific areas across Nairobi, Nyeri, and the Coast region regarding planned power interruptions scheduled for Tuesday to facilitate system maintenance.

According to the public notice released on Monday evening, the electricity supply will be temporarily suspended for eight hours, from 9 am to 5 pm.


42 open positions in government agencies are announced

In Nairobi, the interruptions will affect customers in Riverside Drive, Githogoro, and Karura. Riverside Drive areas, including the German High Commission, Uganda High Commission, and Riverside Mews, among others, will experience interruptions. Similarly, installations along part of Mzima Springs Road, Tende Drive, Strathmore School, and various residential and commercial properties will also be affected.

In Githogoro, homes and businesses along part of Northern Bypass and Githogoro village will experience interruptions. Additionally, offices in Karura Forest, such as Kenya Forest Services and KEMFRI, will be affected.


The government posts 64 positions at three state-owned companies

In Nyeri County, areas around Ring Road and Ngangarithi will experience interruptions, including parts of Nyeri town, Kamukunji, and various educational institutions and commercial establishments.

At the Coast region, only customers around Mtondia, including Tezo, Chumani, and Mtondia Quarries, will experience interruptions.

Kenya Power emphasized the need for these interruptions to facilitate essential maintenance work and apologized for any inconvenience caused to customers.

There will be a power outage in Nairobi and Kiambu on Thursday

Kenya Power has announced scheduled power outages on Thursday in specific areas within Nairobi and Kiambu counties.

According to a notice released on Wednesday evening, the power interruptions will occur at various times between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm in selected areas within the two counties. These outages are necessary to facilitate system maintenance conducted by the company’s engineers.

In Nairobi, the affected areas include Dandora Phase 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, sections of Councillor, Opundo Road, Gitare, Marigo, a portion of Lucky Summer estate, Kogocho, and nearby customers.

In Kiambu, the affected regions during the specified period encompass Murera Coffee, the entirety of Mugutha, Toll Station, Ruiru Golf Club, and Shell Toll station. Additionally, customers in the vicinity of Courtesy Beach, Titanic, Green Ridge, Mugutha Secondary, Murera Primary, Tumaini Catholic Church, Mugutha One Four will experience power interruptions.

Kenya Power also mentioned that Mukuyu Road, Judea East, PCEA, Mugutha Police, Neema East, River Line East, Dam Ridge East, Ruera Dam, Makaburi Village, Wakariuki, Apollos, Behind Spur Mall, and adjacent customers will be affected.

Other affected areas include Guango, Nguruwe, Muchatha, Kigwaru, and neighboring customers.

KPLC: A list of locations where power outages are expected on Tuesday

Kenya Power has announced planned power outages on Tuesday in specific areas of Nairobi and Busia counties for network maintenance purposes.

The interruptions are scheduled to occur between 9 am and 5 pm, affecting various locations.

In Nairobi, sections of Outering, Kamunde Road, Jumuia Hospital, and neighboring customers will experience power interruptions. Additionally, properties along Lenana Road, Nyangumi Road, Jabavu Road, Kasuku Road, Makuyu Lane, Theta Lane, and nearby areas will also be affected.

In Busia, residents in Lwero Village, Amerikwai, and Mapenzi Road have been notified of the scheduled power outages.

The notice also includes areas around Limara, Aget, Angorom, Alupe Market, Alupe Hospital, and Emuria FM in Busia, where power interruptions are expected from 9 am to 5 pm.

KPLC: On Thursday, there will be a power outage in nine counties

Kenya Power has announced scheduled power interruptions on Thursday in specific areas within nine counties to facilitate system maintenance.

In a public notice issued on Wednesday evening, the utility company outlined Nairobi, Machakos, Kiambu, Embu, Busia, Bomet, Nyeri, Kirinyaga, and Migori as the affected counties.

In Nairobi, areas affected include South C, encompassing Bellevue, Toyota Kenya, Ole Sereni Hotel, KNEC, Khalsa schools, Kenya Re, Nextgen Mall, Eka Hotel, and adjacent customers. Power will be suspended from 9 am to 5 pm in these locations.

In Kiambu, the affected establishments are situated within Thika Green phases 1-3, Githingiri, Memorial Hospital, Kari, Kalro, and Government View Estate, with power interruption scheduled from 9 am to 1 pm.

Residents and businesses around Chesilyot and Kaplong in Bomet County, as well as Embu’s Kivwe, Makengi, Kivote, Ena, Kithimu, and Rukira, will experience power interruption from 9 am to 4 pm.

In Kirinyaga County, areas around Kianjiru and Mururi markets and the Governor’s office will be affected. These include part of Kutus town, Chinise-Site Daraja ya Mungu, Kwa Kibera, Kutus Municipality, and adjacent customers.

In Busia County, residents around Nambale DC, Lugulu, Madende, Namahindi, and Mungatsi will experience power outage from 9 am to 5 pm.

Similarly, residents along Kangundo Road, Joska, and Malaa in Machakos County, as well as parts of Athi River including Nova Pioneer, Welding Alloys, Greatwall 3-5, Kongoni Godowns, Riverpark, and Paradise Park estates, will be without power between 9 am and 5 pm.

Parts of Machakos town, including the Industrial Area, Muthini Estate, Civil Servant’s Estate, Bomani, and adjacent areas, will also experience power interruption during the same period.

In Migori County, residents of Gogo and Rapogi will have power suspended from 8 am to 2 pm. Additionally, parts of Awendo, Uriri, Lwanda, Sori, Pinyo Owanjo, and Osiri Gold Mine will also be affected.

In Nyeri County, areas such as Blueline, Munyu, and Kimahuri will experience power outage from 9 am to 5 pm. Similarly, power will be cut in KWS Mt Kenya, Soweto, Kiriakor, Naromoru Girls, Judea, Meree, Lusoi, Mapema, and Ndathi during the same period.

Residents and businesses in Kiawambogo, Kianguru, Nyagatugu, and Wanjerere will also be affected, with power scheduled to be cut from 8 am to 5 pm in these locations and adjacent areas.

Counties where there will be a power outage today: KPLC

Today, Kenya Power has announced scheduled power interruptions affecting various areas in Kiambu and Bungoma counties.

In Kiambu, the planned interruptions will occur between 8 am and 5 pm, impacting several locations including BTL Police, Kenya Tents, Ruai Prison, Redland Roses, parts of OJ, Shell OJ Petrol Station, Membley Riverside, Sweet Water, Little More, Tatu City, Crawford International School, Hardy Kenya, and adjacent customers.

Meanwhile, in Bungoma, the affected areas include Webuye Town, Webuye Sub-County Hospital, Nabuyole Water Treatment Plant, Site and Service, Milo, Kakimayi, Khalumuli, Matulo, Sango, Pan African Chemical, Matete, Chebwayi, Mbande, Kuuywa, Nabwala, Mang’ana, Johari Maize Mill, Hongera Maize Mill, Lufwindiri, Nzoia Lurare, St. Paul’s Nzoia, Munyikana, Malaha, Wenyila, Bunjosi, Sirisia, Jaggery, and adjacent customers. The power outage in Bungoma is scheduled from 9 am to 2 pm.

Kenya Power has clarified that these interruptions are part of routine maintenance and upgrade works aimed at improving the reliability of the power supply infrastructure.