“I have always known how bright your star is!” Heartily, Ken Mijungu informs Victoria Rubadiri

KTN journalist Ken Mijungu shared a heartfelt message for his former colleague Victoria Rubadiri, who recently made the transition from Citizen TV to international broadcaster CNN.


Victoria Rubadiri Joins CNN With A New Role

Mijungu expressed his pride in Rubadiri’s achievements, recalling how he always believed in her potential, even during their time together at NTV.

“I’ve always known your star was very bright,” he affirmed, congratulating her on her new journey.


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A post shared by Ken Mijungu (@kenmijungu)

Adding a touch of humor, Mijungu shared a funny anecdote from their time on set together, reminiscing about the time Rubadiri mispronounced his name as “MenKijungu” instead of Ken Mijungu during a live broadcast.

He concluded his message by sharing throwback photos of their time together at NTV, emphasizing the importance of looking back to see how far they’ve come.


Victoria Rubadiri proudly wins BBC’s Komla Dumor Award

Meanwhile, CNN International correspondent Larry Madowo also extended a warm welcome to Rubadiri, celebrating her as she embarks on her new role at CNN.

Joining Madowo in congratulating Rubadiri were other celebrities such as Betty Kyallo, Mashirima Kapombe, Chef Ali Mandhry, Jamila Mohamed, Lillian Muli, Smriti Vidyarthi, and Willis Raburu.

“Hang in there!” Kenyans hilariously console Ken Mijungu after thugs sweep his house clean a second time

Ken Mijungu is an angry man after witnessing burglary at his home on two consecutive occasions, the first incident was a subtle move but the second time, thugs swept his house clean!

Having just lost his NTV job and trying to find his niche in the legal space, in the face of dark times due to Covid-19, Kenyans are at the least bit impressed by such kind of inhumanity.

Media personality, Ken Mijungu

Taking to social media, a dear Mijungu penned:

Lightning don’t strike twice but thieves do, so the first time they broke my reinforced glass window with a sledge hummer or equivalent, carted away all electronics.

Also read: 100k per post! Azziad Nasenya’s exaggerated online rates leaves Kenyans in shock

Same time, same place, they return but this time, bigger and “better”.

Weeks later they came with a pick-up, or Canter truck and carried away everything else, even ripped curtains off!

This did not leave no shallow wound in Ken Mijungu who is currently counting losses with rooms empty you’d think he’d just relocated.

Also read: Wild reactions after Kamene Goro and Jalang’o are spotted working from home together following Kiss 100’s new directive (Photo)

Kenyans across the board walked in his shoes, with words of comfort, offering shoulders to lean on and the promise of a better tomorrow.

Others took it on a light note.

Boss Moves! Ken Mijungu reveals his next big project after he was fired from NTV

Ken Mijungu was unfortunately among the fired news anchors from NTV Kenya. The journalist then confirmed rumors about his exit from the station in a post shared on his social media pages.

He went on to thank everyone he had been working with a post where he wrote:

The axe fell @NTVnewsroom and I was on its way. 7 years in those corridors summed up in a two-page letter of termination. We live to fight another day. Thanks to God, He remains the greatest, thank you @ntvkenya for the opportunity and thank you for always staying tuned.

Ken Mijungu fired

However unlike some of his colleagues, Ken Mijungu already had a plan B that will not see him go broke in a few months; or even years, that is if he is now venturing into law permanently.

Law firm

As seen on his latest post, it appears that the former NTV news anchor is now planning to join his law firm identified as Ken Mijungu Legal Consultancy; The firm will not only deal with Immigration, Finance, Property, imports and Exports but any legal matter a client has.

He accompanied his post with a short caption from the scriptures where he wrote;

Ken Mijungu’s law firm

Believers will always be believers Matthew 6: 26-34

Ken Mijungu and Dennis Okari

Although he remains best friends with Dennis Okari; the sad part is that these two will no longer be working together like before.

Rumor has it that these two men also started attending the same church and since then, they have become closer than ever.

This was proven by Mijungu who came out to bash Betty Kyallo for not appreciating Dennis Okari on her post; where she talked about Ivanna’s health scare back in 2019.

According to Ken Mijungu Betty and her family should have acknowledged Dennis Okari’s presence at the hospital; instead of making him look like a deadbeat dad.

Ken Mijungu fired by NTV

NTV news anchor Ken Mijungu is among the 50 Nation Media Group (NMG) employees who have been sent home in a move that was necessitated as a result of the decline in revenues due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a Twitter post, Mijungu, who is a trained lawyer, thanked  NMG for giving him an opportunity to work at NTV, he also showed his gratitude to his fans and supporters for always staying tuned.

Ken Mijungu

He was, however, shocked that his 7 years of service to the media house was summed up in a two-page termination letter that was handed to him earlier today.

Earlier this week, NMG sent out a circular to its staff that stated that the media house will be realigning its business and gravitating towards a digital strategy.

“It is an extremely difficult decision in view of the prevailing circumstances and we understand the impact this will have on those affected and their families. The exercise will be carried out with utmost respect to our affected colleagues and in adherence to the Kenyan labour laws,” the statement reads.

The layoff comes at a time when most media houses are downsizing to survive the COVID-19 pandemic disruption. About a fortnight ago, Mediamax sent home nearly 100 employees while Royal Media Services sent home about 50 staff.

“That Somali guy took care of the baby in absence of her biological father!” Mercy Kyallo claps back after Ken Mijungu’s tribal statement against her sister’s new man

The Kyallo’s are quite disappointed with Ken Mijungu and Dennis Okari’s latest move on Betty Kyallo.

Apparently Ken Mijungu decided to call out Betty Kyallo for not giving her ex, Dennis Okari any credit in her latest post where she opened up about her daughter’s condition that saw her get admitted at the ICU for one month.

In the post, Betty Kyallo narrated how she faced a tough year but all in all was grateful to have made it this far. However turns out that Ken Mijungu felt that Betty Kyallo should have at least thanked Dennis Okari and his wife who also joined them at the hospital and even contributed some money to baby Ivanna’s hospital bill.

Shame on you Ken Mijungu

In his post, Mijungu also happened to mention about Betty Kyallo’s new lover – a statement that very many Kenyans viewed as tribal!

Betty’s sister on the other hand refused to stay quite as she opted to respond to Mijungu’s post. According to Mercy Kyallo….the so called ‘Somali guy’ has actually been playing the role of a good father to baby Ivanna!

According to her, the Somali guy has proven to be more of a father to Betty’s daughter than Dennis Okari will ever be!

Mercy Kyallo’s post
Mercy Kyallo

Ken Minjugu fired just hours after being promoted and asked to fill Larry Madowo’s job

Hours after being give a new show and expected to fill Larry Madowo’s shoes, details have come out to show that Nation Media Group has fired Ken Minjugu before he even started.

Ken had been announced as the man who will fill Larry Madowo’s position and even host Side Bar, a show which Larry had been hosting.

“All things said and done you have to acknowledge that the course of things can change but as for now am preparing to go live on air,” Ken said on Thursday.

Word has it that Ken was fired because he was a bully and didn’t get along with Muraya Kariuki, the managing acting director according to sources.

“He has been reported several times by at least six reporters including anchors but nothing has materialized,” said a source who spoke to Kenyans. 

“The editor does not have soft skills and he is a bully to almost everyone in the station,” the source indicated.


Ken Minjugi fills Larry Madowo’s spot

NTV news anchor Ken Minjugi has come a long way to become the anchor he’s currently is right now.

After Larry Madowo moved to BBC, Minjugi will now fill his position and will be hosting SideBar on NTV.

Ken Mijungu


SideBar is the show many remember after Larry Madowo hilariously banned Miguna Miguna for being too aggressive and cocky.

“From social to political, legal, economic even religious issues here is where the real conversations happen,” Ken said in the promo video of the talk show.

Well, let’s wait and see who Ken will be forced to ban now in the show after taking over.

Photo of an emaciated Chris Kirubi prompts NTV anchor to pour out his heart to him

Billionaire businessman Chris Kirubi was flown to US for specialized treatment in November 2017. For four months Kirubi’s whereabouts remained unknown to the public until a day ago when his photo surfaced on social media.

The photo depicts the extend Kirubi has suffered from the undisclosed illness. The billionaire looks gracefully thin in the photo he posed with Radio Africa chairman Kiprono Kittony.

Chris Kirubi with Radio Africa chairman Kiprono Kittony
May the Lord heal you

NTV anchor Ken Mijungu was moved by the latest photo of Chris Kirubi. He said a prayer to the sickly tycoon after the photo emerged.

“You said, come here we have to take a picture, it’s not so clear but such is life sometime all we see is a mirage, I chose to see the real you. The passion in whatever you did, the man behind the name and even as you recover may the good Lord, the only judge hold your hand and heal you my friend @ckirubi get well soon and get back to having fun!” Wrote Ken Mijungu.

Ken Mijungu and Chris Kirubi in an old photo

“I’m gutted to see him leave” Larry Madowo, Ken Mijungu, Smriti Vidyarthi react to Linus Kaikai’s exit from NTV

NTV’s General Manager Linus Kaikai has quit his job and the junior staff is sad about his exit. A feeling of sadness and despondency engulfed the Kimathi street-based media house after Kaikai’s exit was confirmed.

Kaikai is said to be heading to Citizen TV to fill the position left vacant by Faridah Karoney who was appointed Lands Cabinet Secretary by Uhuru.

Kaikai had a disagreement with Chief Editor Tom Mshindi last month over the covering of Raila Odinga’s swearing. Police ‘hunted’ Kaikai together with Larry Madowo and Ken Mijungu in regard the swearing in and TV shutdown.

Also read: Human rights groups stop police from arresting Larry Madowo, Linus Kaikai and Ken Mijungu

A boss like no other!
Larry Madowo and Linus Kaikai

Larry Madowo, Ken Mijungu and Smriti Vidyarthi have all praised Linus Kaikai upon his exit from NTV. Madowo says he is gutted to see Kaikai leave NTV.

“I owe my whole broadcast career to @kaikailinus; the best boss a journalist can ever ask for. I’m gutted to see him leave @ntvkenya today.‬ ‪It’s the end of an era here. It will never be the same again. Goodbye and good luck!‬” Wrote Larry Madowo.

Linus Kaikai and Smriti Vidyarthi

“A boss like no other! One I will never forget. @kaikailinus thank you for everything. Wishing you the very best in your future endeavors. You will be missed. @ntvkenya,” wrote Smriti Vidyarthi.






“They stole from me and now want to kill me to cover it up” NTV’s Ken Mijungu cries out

Ken Mijungu has once again found himself in precarious situation. The NTV anchor was recently being pursued by police together with his colleague Larry Madowo and his boss Linus Kaikai.

The three moved to court to block police for arresting them over their comments about government crackdown on media. Just when Mijungu thought he was out of the woods, two people start ‘hunting’ him.

The NTV anchor has raised alarm about two men he says are out to kill him. Mijungu exposed the faces of the assassins on his twitter handle.

“The two crooks who want to kill me Delano Longwe Kiilu of phone numbers 0712044555, 0727934001 and Saleh Wachuli Mung’ang’a of phone numbers 0724341808 and 0724726514,” Ken Mijungu tweeted.

They want to silence me

Mijungu says the two men together with other accomplices stole from him. He explains that they want him dead so that they can cover their crimes.

“Good people two days ago i asked you to help me inform some people here to call me, Thank you for your inboxes and contacts. They did and i have since gathered more about them. They masquerade as professionals, they are white collar thugs. Emotionless, empty souls who will see you go to your grave and feel nothing. Together with West European Group S.A.R.L
Weng Fu Limited, West European Group S.A.R.L, Coast Development Authority, Kwale County Government they have conspired to kill me. The man behind this is one Delano Longwe Kiilu of phone numbers 0712044555, 0727934001 and Saleh Wachuli Mung’ang’a of phone numbers 0724341808 and 0724726514. Through their fictitious company shelter Solution limited, they stole from me and now want to kill me to cover it up. If i wake up tomorrow, i will post all the messages, voice recordings and Whatsapp chats. In the meantime call them and plead for my life if you can. Thank you,” Ken Mijungu explained.


Human right groups stop police from arresting Larry Madowo, Linus Kaikai and Ken Mijungu

Last evening plainclothes officers were at Nation Center to arrest Larry Madowo, Linus Kaikai and Ken Mijungu. News about the impending arrests sent panic within media circle.

NTV and several NMG journalists sounded the alarm about the impending arrests on social media. Apparently police were right outside Nation center waiting for the three to come out.

Linus Kaikai was to be apprehended over his statement that the government is muzzling the media. Larry Madowo and Ken Mijungu were also being sought for openly speaking about government shutdown of NTV and Citizen TV.

Human right groups spring to action

Human rights crusaders and journalists rushed to Nation Center after word went round that police were waiting to arrest Kaikai, Madowo and Mijungu.

The presence of human rights groups and journalists stopped the police from making the arrests. The shutdown of the TV stations has sparked fears the government is rolling back media freedom.


NTV’s Ken Mijungu responds to claims he’s being targeted because he’s from Migori County

Ken Mijungu has been warned that he’s being targeted for doing his job. The NTV anchor learnt that he was a target through social media posts.

Kenya has been divided between two political affiliations. You are either Nasa or Jubilee because currently there is nothing like being neutral.

Even some journalists have openly picked sides. Journalists who to try to be neutral are being trolled and threatened based on their ethnicity or who between Raila or Uhuru people think they support.

All I do is my work

Ken Mijungu has found himself in an awkward situation for being neutral. The NTV anchor was recently trolled after it was established that he hails from Migori County. Some people however says Mijungu is being threatened because he is openly challenging the system.

Mijungu says he doesn’t understand why anyone would target him. He states that he would challenge anyone for the truth because that’s what matters to him.

“I don’t know why someone would think I am targeted and bring it to my attention. All I do is my work, I don’t entertain mediocrity on my shows and I call anyone exhibiting such out. I think that is what our viewers want. For me it’s not his Side and the other side. It’s the true side. On being targeted I believe only God offers true protection to us and to me,” Ken Mijungu said.



NTV anchor Ken Mijungu threatens to resign within 7 days if his demands are not met

On Sunday 8th October 2017 will be a moment of truth as NTV anchor Ken Mijungu will either resign from his job or turn a blind eye to his promise.

Mijungu threatened to resign if the Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet does not take action against General Service Unit (GSU) who raided University of Nairobi hostels and clobbered students protesting the rearrest of Embakasi East MP Babu Owino.

On Thursday September 28th anti-riot police stormed into University of Nairobi hostels and harassed and senselessly beat up students. Several videos surfaced online showing police police frogmarching, beating and generally harassing students.

Mijungu’s threat came before Boinnet was interviewed on NTV by Linus Kaikai on Sunday October 1st and denied that there was police brutality in the service.

“As a Kenyan citizen I am taking a moral high ground on police brutality. After watching several of the video especially of the police tear gassing students in their hostel, I am asking the IG Boinnet to take action on the police within 7 days, arrest and prosecute. If he doesn’t I will resign. There is no moral obligation to continue reporting on the same thing time and again without translating to something. It’s useless and frustrating,” wrote Mijungu on social media.




This is how Ken Mijungu and his new bride are spending their honeymoon

NTV’s Ken Mijungu’s and his wife Laureen exchange their vows this past weekend at Fuschia gardens in Limuru making them the newest couple in town.

Their wedding became the talk of the week as he officially quit the bachelor club and from how he looks at his new wife, there is no doubt that this is the best decision he has made in his life so far.

Ken Mijungu's wife
Ken Mijungu’s wife

Also read: This is how NTV’s Ken Mijungu said I do to the love of his life over the weekend(photos)
Just like most celebrity weddings, he also decided to keep his union on the low allowing only close friends, family and colleagues to come witness this special day.

Anyway, he is now enjoying his honeymoon at an undisclosed place outside the country and from the video he shared on his social media page we can tell that he is having the time of his life.

Unlike most newly weds, Ken Mijungu has been pretty active on social media and this is how we have come to know he is spending his honey moon.

Checkout the video below from his official instagram page:

A post shared by Ken Mijungu (@kenmijungu) on Apr 26, 2017 at 1:50am PDT

Dennis Okari among groomsmen at Ken Mijungu’s wedding… He looked dapper than the groom himself (Photos)

Dennis Okari’s physical appearance at the wedding of NTV news anchor rekindled memories of Men in Black – the movie…he slayed in a black suit and sunglasses.

Ken Mijungu married his longtime sweetheart Laureen in a colorful wedding ceremony held at Fuschia Gardens in Limuru on Saturday April 22nd.

The wedding was attended by Mijungu’s colleagues at NTV; Larry Madowo, Linus Kaikai were in attendance.


Dennis Okari, Travor Ombija and Andrew Ochieng were the groomsmen at Ken Mijungu’s nuptials. All eyes were on Okari who has maintained a low profile since November last year.

Okari looked dapper in his fancy suit, his smile and general body language were a remiscient of his own wedding last year.

NTV news anchor Ken Mijungu clashes with rogue kanjos after his Prado was clamped outside Nation Centre

City county askaris were on a serious mission Tuesday morning – they clamped any vehicle that had not paid parking fees even if the owner had just parked it a few seconds ago.

NTV’s Ken Mijungu was one of the motorists who fell victim to these rogue kanjos, his Prado was clamped as he watched.

The NTV journalist was trying to make the parking payment online only to discover kanjos were clamping his SUV which he had just parked outside Nation Center.

Ken Mijungu’s prado clamped by kanjos outside Nation Center Photo/Nairobi news

He tried to stop the kanjos convincing them that he had only arrived and was making the parking payment but rude city county askaris clamped his Prado anyway.

Mijungu decided to record the incident in video as evidence that incompetent kanjos clamped his vehicle while he was standing right there trying to make the payment.

Another victim was NTV Swahili editor Francis Mutegi, his car was also clamped despite bearing a sticker indicating that it’s driven by a person with disability. Persons with disability are allowed to park anywhere in the city centre.

Francis Mutegi car clamped outside Nation Center Photo/Nairobi News