Kelvin Kinuthia, a well-known cross-dresser, is a content creator, TikToker, YouTuber, and influencer who identifies as ‘she.’

On Relationships and Friendships
Kinuthia believes that involving parents too much in romantic relationships can create boundary issues and strain the relationship.

Reflecting on past experiences, Kinuthia shared that the longest relationship lasted two years. However, despite widespread speculation, Kinuthia clarified that there was never a romantic relationship with Sam Waweru—they were simply best friends.

Regarding their friendship fading, Kinuthia explained that they didn’t have a falling out but naturally grew apart over time. Additionally, Kinuthia denied leaking Sam’s private photos, stating that while aware of the situation, it wasn’t a story to share.

Addressing public perception, Kinuthia expressed confusion over why people found the friendship with Sam unusual, emphasizing that they were always just close friends.

On Parenthood and Body Enhancements
The idea of having children has never been a priority for Kinuthia, but if it were to happen, two children would be the limit.

Kinuthia has also considered undergoing a breast augmentation procedure but was surprised by the cost, which ranges between KSh 1.3 million and KSh 1.6 million—equivalent to a down payment on a new car. If the funds can be raised, Kinuthia is determined to go through with it. However, there are no plans for a butt enhancement, as the natural shape is satisfactory.

Additionally, Kinuthia has undergone laser treatment for permanent beard removal, noting that while some say baby girls don’t have beards, they do have facial hair.


Kelvin Kinuthia is a well-known cross-dresser, content creator, TikToker, YouTuber, and influencer who identifies as ‘she.’

She believes involving parents too much in a romantic relationship can create boundary issues and potentially harm the relationship.

Reflecting on past relationships, Kinuthia shared that the longest one lasted two years. However, she clarified that Sam Waweru was never a romantic partner but rather a best friend. Their friendship naturally faded over time, but there was no formal breakup.

Addressing past rumors, Kinuthia denied ever leaking Sam’s private photos, stating that while she knows the full story, it is not hers to share. She also expressed confusion over why people assumed their friendship was unusual, emphasizing that they were simply close friends.

On the topic of children, Kinuthia admitted that the idea has never crossed her mind, but if she ever decided to have kids, she would likely have no more than two.

She has considered getting a breast augmentation but was shocked by the cost, which ranges between 1.3 and 1.6 million shillings—enough for a down payment on a new car. However, if she can afford it, she plans to proceed with the surgery. In contrast, she has no interest in enhancing her backside, as she is satisfied with its natural appearance.

Kinuthia also underwent laser treatment to permanently remove her beard, humorously noting that “baby girls don’t have beards, they have facial hair.”

Kinuthia’s Outfit at Nebz and Nyathira’s Ruracio Captivates Netizens

Cross-dresser Official Kinuthia showed his support for friends Nebs and Nyathira by attending their traditional wedding this past weekend. The couple celebrated Kikuyu customs in a ceremony known as Ruracio on Saturday, the 21st.

Affectionately known as “Baby Girl,” Kinuthia wore a stunning Kitenge-style gown, complemented by blue high heels and a black handbag. His bridal jewelry added to his elegant look. Kinuthia was excited to see the bride and made a memorable entrance to her room, where a team of bridal experts were ensuring she looked perfect.


Kinuthia Discusses Breast Enlargement Procedure in Preparation for Parenthood

“Nyathira is such a cute bride,” he remarked, adding, “She was so beautiful.” The joy Nyathira displayed upon Kinuthia’s arrival led fans to comment on his unwavering support for his friends.

The trio has shared a close friendship for years and is well-loved by their online followers. Here are some comments from Kinuthia’s fans highlighting his supportiveness and how great he looked in the dress:


Kinuthia Shuts Down Rumors of Dating Shiphira: “I Don’t Do Girls!”

– **za.mzam657:** “Kinuthia, you’re slaying! The pressure is on, and the products we bought are running out! 🤣🤣🤣”
– **mirie_shiro_kariuki:** “You’re so brave to wear that at an event! 👏👏”
– **kairetu_ka_mwangi8:** “You look fabulous! Blue really suits you. 😍❤️”
– **aloo_wendy:** “You look amazing and walk so comfortably in heels, while I’m struggling with my balance! 😢 Anyway, you look great! 😍”
– **Angelina:** “Kinuthia is a genuine friend. Nyathira really loves him! ❤️”
– **Micky pink:** “Kinuthia is such a true friend! ❤️”
– **QUEEN🔹️MOH:** “Nyathira is beautiful with a kind heart, just like you, Kinuthia. Stay blessed! 🙌❤️”
– **Tiktoker:** “Kinuthia shows up for his friends—he’s a true friend for sure! ❤️🥰”
– **Jackline254:** “A friend to keep! 🥰”
– **Akinyi Pam:** “Wow, you’re such a true friend! 🔥🔥🙏”


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A post shared by Kinuthia Kelvin (@officialkinuthia_)

TikTok Star Kinuthia Receives Dream Gift From His Family Worth Hundreds Of Thousands (Video)

Kenyan TikToker Kelvin Kinuthia was overcome with emotion after his family surprised him with an incredible gift.

Kinuthia shared a clip on Instagram showing his mom and sister presenting him with a bouquet of flowers. But the real surprise was hidden inside – a brand new iPhone 15 Pro Max with a whopping 1TB of storage!

The phone was clearly something Kinuthia had been dreaming of, and he couldn’t fight back tears of happiness. “They got me!” he said in the video. “Thank you, Mom! Thank you, Maureen! This is amazing!”

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Kinuthia expressed his gratitude to his family, saying they “performed a miracle” and that he’s a “brand new user of the iPhone 15 Pro Max.” He added that he’s so happy he has no words to describe his joy.

“Weeh, today is the day 😩❤️ Finally, I got the surprise feeling 😩❤️ My family performed a miracle. Brand new user of the iPhone 15 Pro Max 1TB, the year 254 ❤️ Thank you to my mom and sister for this wonderful and beautiful surprise ❤️ I am so happy, I don’t even have words to express or describe my joy,” he added.

Kinuthia’s mother has been among the few people who have supported him over the years. Kinuthia once revealed that his mum helps him to buy his ‘deras’ which he wears often.

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Kinuthia is among the young most sought after content creators and the i-phone gift will definitely equip him with a better camera & storage for his content.

Kinuthia mentioned that he couldn’t remember the most recent occasion he wore boxer shorts

TikTok sensation Kelvin Kinuthia, known for his unique fashion sense, has acknowledged that he cannot remember the last time he wore traditional men’s underwear.

Kinuthia disclosed this detail while addressing questions from his followers, noting that queries about his choice of clothing, including underwear, are frequently raised.


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In explaining his situation, Kinuthia admitted to having difficulty recalling the last instance he wore boxer shorts.

“It’s hard to answer this, honestly, because I genuinely can’t recall the last time I wore boxer shorts,” Kinuthia remarked.

The TikTok star, who gained prominence in early 2022, has consistently attracted attention for his distinctive style.


Kinuthia finally answers whether he is gay

Despite being male, Kinuthia often defies gender norms by opting for attire typically associated with women, alongside makeup.

Recently, his preference for women’s clothing drew criticism from Pastor Robert Burale, who questioned Kinuthia’s attire and urged him to reconsider his choices.

Although Kinuthia himself did not respond directly to Burale’s remarks, his friend Mtumba Man addressed the issue on his behalf, asserting that wearing such clothing should not be stigmatized, as it is simply a means of livelihood and nothing more.

Kelvin Kinuthia discusses gender, spirituality, and future aspirations for children in actual terms

“Nikitaka kuhave kids it’s very easy,” TikToker Kelvin Kinuthia revealed during a Q&A session with fans on his YouTube channel. Here’s a summary of what he shared:

When questioned about his gender identity, Kinuthia encouraged people to stick to the gender they know him as, without delving further. “Si I think this is normal so hata hakuna mtu anfaa kumiuliza mimi ni gender gani… Wewe ile gender unajua I am, just stick to that. Usiende kwa ingine,” he said.


If you ever encounter transgender Kinuthia, here’s what to call him

He expressed comfort in his choices, even when dressing in female attire while retaining his male name, Kinuthia. “Huwa sifeel weird because si ni mimi nimeamua na kichwa yangu mzuri nitavaa wig, nitavaa dress na nitoke nje? Why should I feel weird?” he stated.

Kinuthia emphasized that names are not confined by gender and that he sees no issue in expressing oneself authentically. “Kitu watu hawahaelewi ni that even a girl can also be called Kinuthia. Could be a sir name ama jina yake ya tatu. Kuna watu wanaitwa na jina ya their fathers. Mi sionangi kiwa big deal because it’s a name of a person,” he explained.


Joanna Kinuthia celebrates the love of her life, Chris Kaigga

While Kinuthia expressed openness to the idea of having children, he stressed the importance of timing. He humorously suggested that fans would know he’s ready for kids when they see him acquiring multiple cars and building his own house. “Mbona mmeuliza hiyo swali? Si nikitaka tu kuhave kids its very easy. Yes I would really like to have my own kids in the future, when am ready. Mkiona nimenunua a collection of three cars and nimejenga nyumb ayangu mjue sasa am ready…But it’s maybe one or two. Lakini msiniulize aje,” he said.

In a surprising revelation, Kinuthia disclosed that he considers himself a very prayerful person. Despite not actively participating in organized religion, he believes in God and cherishes his faith. Kinuthia attributed his blessings to his prayerful nature, underscoring the significance of spirituality in his life. “I think am the most prayerful person. Na hata pia things that God has done for me should tell you that am one of the most prayerful people I know. Najijua kivyangu. I might not go to church or do things for church but for me, I know I believe in God and I acknowledge Jesus higher,” he expressed.

Kelvin Kinuthia Brushes Off Questions About His Sexuality

Kenyan content creator Kelvin Kinuthia has termed questions surrounding his sexuality as outdated. Recently, a fan asked him on Instagram if he is gay, probably due to his style of wearing feminine clothes.

Kinuthia jokingly replied that the question is “out of date.” He has previously said that he is a man, but he is not ready to stop acting as a woman because that is his livelihood. He claims that the female role that he plays has made him get jobs doing ads for women’s clothing and cosmetics.

The content creator has also hinted that he plans to have a family in the near future, but not for about 10 years. He said that he is not looking to venture into marriage soon because he wants to focus on his career.

Kinuthia’s mother has previously said that she would be very happy when her son sends her a daughter-in-law. However, Kinuthia has made it clear that he is not ready to settle down anytime soon.

It is important to respect people’s privacy and allow them to share their own stories on their own terms. We should not speculate about people’s personal lives, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like sexuality.

Kelvin Kinuthia Opens Up On His Pastor Father

Content creator Kelvin Kinuthia’s journey to social media is all thanks to the popularity Azziad Nasenya was gaining which boosted his confidence to also give it a shot.

Kinuthia talked about his ascent to popularity on the Reke Ciume na Ene show with Ala C.

He told that his most memorable video as a cross dresser procured him the most horrendously terrible cyberbullying that saw him leave web-based entertainment.

The maltreatment was profound. I’m simply from school and confounded assuming that what I was doing was off-base. However, I came to discover that there are furious Kenyans”


“My mom was concerned to such an extent that she requested me to quit presenting on leave web-based entertainment and spotlight on different things.”

He was in Secondary School at that point. His most memorable brand bargain was sh70k. He was enlivened to accomplish more. His star has since been rising.

He likewise got serious about his folks and childhood. Kinuthia was raised by an exceptionally severe strict father.

His father was the Administrator of the Congregation.

“I was raised by strict parents. My father was the Executive of the Congregation, so going to chapel and being strict was important for my life.”

They carried on with a decent life, that Kinuthia has no bad things to say about. He was brought into the world in Karen, Kerarapon.

He has extremely affectionate recollections of his dad.

Kenyan Content Creator Kelvin Kinuthia Opens Up About Weight Loss Journey

Kenyan content creator Kelvin Kinuthia has opened up about his weight loss journey, revealing that he underwent a gastric balloon procedure in November last year but did not see significant results due to his lack of discipline in following the diet and workout recommendations.

Kinuthia, who is known for his witty videos and skits on social media, said that he had always been comfortable with his weight but decided to try the gastric balloon procedure after being encouraged by a friend.

The procedure involves swallowing a balloon filled with saline solution that takes up space in the stomach, making it feel fuller and reducing food intake. Kinuthia said that he lost 5 kilograms in the first five days after the procedure, but his weight loss plateaued after a few months when he stopped following the diet and exercise plan.

“I don’t have the discipline to follow strict diet restrictions,” Kinuthia said. “I was also required to go to the gym to workout, but I wasn’t eating that well, so it was hard and I got tired.”

Kinuthia said that he is now back to his original weight and is not planning to undergo any further weight loss procedures. He is instead focusing on eating healthy and exercising regularly.

“I’m learning to love my body the way it is,” Kinuthia said. “I’m not perfect, but I’m working on it.”

The gastric balloon procedure is a popular weight loss option for people who are obese or have a BMI of 30 or higher. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia. The balloon is typically inserted through the mouth and into the stomach using an endoscope. The balloon is then inflated with saline solution and left in place for 6 to 12 months.

The gastric balloon procedure is not without risks. The most common side effects include nausea, vomiting, bloating, and heartburn. The balloon can also slip out of place or rupture. In rare cases, the procedure can cause more serious complications, such as infection or perforation of the stomach.

The gastric balloon procedure is not a magic bullet for weight loss. It is most effective when combined with a healthy diet and exercise program. People who undergo the procedure are typically able to lose 10 to 20% of their body weight. However, the weight loss is not permanent and people may regain some of the weight they lost after the balloon is removed.

Kelvin Kinuthia Reveals Why He Won’t Be Having A Baby Soon (Screenshot)

Tik-Tok sensation Kelvin Kinuthia has opened up on his plans of whether he’s ready to have children soon or not. The 21 year old cross-dresser conglomerates complete fashionable wigs and high heels. Not forgetting the long manicured nails he often spots. He is among the few men in Kenya who choose to cross-dress and at times act like a woman, all in the name of content creation.

Born in Karen, Kinuthia’s mum is his greatest supporter. And as a matter of fact, she does shopping for him and helps him choose women’s wear.

Despite the fact that the prominent dancer declined his attempts, it appears that Kinuthia is striving to find love. But he’s tied to falling in love with celebrities; perhaps he does not want to date average people.

He recently turned to Instagram after David’s rejection to reveal that he is “wary” of being alone, claiming that he is unmarried and actively seeking a partner.

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Baby Plans

Sharing via his Instagram, Kinuthia responded to one of his fans, and claimed he’s not ready to sire kids anytime soon; claiming his priority is getting a car before a kid.