Honestly, we have been waiting for Samidoh to speak up after Karen Nyamu announced she had decided to end her relationship with Mugithii singer Samidoh; now that she has realized her love for him is making her come off dramatic and just a troubled lady.

Okay….we agree that this time around she is making sense but the unfortunate bit is that she had to be dragged in mud for her to learn; and although she says kitu hananga ni haya – trust me, Karen Nyamu must have felt sh!+y after learning that her own baby daddy asked bouncers to throw her off the stage.
Yaani, mtu wako. Your own pillar of strength asked security to kick you out…ata kama she was drunk, dramatic, wild? Thats the mother of your kids. But then again, if not that situation – probably miss Nyamu would have continued hanging on, hoping she too would get recognition from Samidoh….but machooos!

Samidoh responding to fans
Anyway days after the incident, Samidoh’s fans continue to troll him now that he got dumped by Senator Karen Nyamu; and as seen online, one of his followers wrote:
Samidoh wacha kujifanya hujui uliachwa na Nyamu (stop pretending as if you don’t know Nyamu has left you.)
To which Samidoh hit back with;
Mtu akijua nalipwa aje? (so if one knows how will that pay me?
A response i feel was unnecessary especially since it came off abit ‘sensitive’ kidogo aumwe na roho kinda situation; and with this – i can bet he is not going to let this slide without a huge apology……but question is – Senator akona nguvu ya kusema no?