Where was Hassan Joho when Raila Odinga was making the big announcement on Wednesday? Well, he was somewhere in Dar es Salaam having fun.
Joho is number two in ODM after Raila Odinga. With the Nasa leader declaring that he won’t run again, it is expected that the Mombasa governor should be at the center of ODM activities since he’s expected to takes up the mantle from Baba once he officially retires.
But this is not the case, Joho was conspicuously missing in action as Raila and his Nasa brigade held a press conference on Wednesday August 16th to announce that they had decided to challenge the results of 2017 presidential election at the Supreme Court.
So where was Joho? The Mombasa governor was having a good time in Dar es Salaam with his BFF Alikiba and Mvita MP Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir.

The Mombasa governor had earlier announced that there would be no party to celebrate his re-election as he stood in solidarity with Raila over the disputed presidential election.

Joho however opted to fly to Dar for binge, a move that some Nasa supporters interpreted as betrayal and a clear demonstration that he is unfit to fill in Raila’s shoes as ODM party leader.