Jimi Wanjigi Promises Confrontation with President Ruto Over Missing Allies

Businessman Jimi Wanjigi has issued a stern warning to President William Ruto over the alleged abductions and disappearances of his associates. At a press conference on September 3, Wanjigi accused the government of being involved in recent kidnappings, including those of his close associates, and pledged to seek justice.

Wanjigi, who was recently arrested during anti-government protests, voiced his frustration and worry over the safety of those who visited him after his detention. Among the missing are Bob Njage and the Longman Twins, reportedly abducted by police three weeks ago, with no trace of them since.


Setting the tone for 2027: Shortly after his release, Jimmy Wanjigi delivered a message to Ruto

“We stand in solidarity with the families searching for their loved ones who have been abducted and disappeared. I am deeply troubled by this situation, especially after Bob Njage and the Longman Twins came to see me in Kamukunji. They were taken by the police, and there has been no trace of them for three weeks,” Wanjigi said.

He criticized President Ruto, accusing him of failing to uphold the constitution and allowing the country to stray from its democratic values. “William Ruto, I am coming for you,” Wanjigi declared. “I am coming for you in the political arena, in the legal arena, and I am coming for you with the constitution of Kenya. Know it today and every day that you pretend you are the president of this state.”

Joshua Okayo, a student leader from the Kenya School of Law, also shared his ordeal of being abducted on June 26 and released two days later. “I stand with the families and friends of those who are missing,” Okayo said. “Had it not been for public pressure, I might have been found dead. I urge Kenyans to continue advocating for the release of these individuals.”


“If you want a supportive wife, marry a Kamba woman” says Jimi Wanjigi

Okayo further criticized the administration, stating, “This is part of the process to eventually hold you accountable, Mr. President. The voices of the people of Kenya will ultimately be heard.”

The alleged abductions have sparked widespread concern and calls for a thorough investigation into the disappearances of Wanjigi’s associates and others.

Setting the tone for 2027: Shortly after his release, Jimmy Wanjigi delivered a message to Ruto

Tycoon Jimmy Wanjigi is back in the headlines, not only for his recent arrest and release on cash bail but also for the message he delivered to Kenyan President William Ruto.

Speaking to the press outside the court earlier today, Wanjigi expressed gratitude to his family for their support during the ordeal with the police. He then addressed President Ruto directly, challenging him to confront him on the political stage instead of targeting his family.


Wanjigi Aligns with Odinga: Calls for Street Protests Against Rising Cost of Living

“I want to address William Ruto. The courts today have upheld the constitution, yet you seem to be stuck in a bygone era. William Ruto, why do you fear me? If you’re truly a man, face me properly on the political field, not by terrorizing my family or through the courts. You are afraid because we are redefining the politics of this nation,” Wanjigi stated.

He concluded by asserting that he remains undeterred and should be met on the political battlefield.

Currently, Jimmy Wanjigi has been released on a personal bond of Ksh10 million after being arrested and detained at Kamukunji Police Station on Monday. He appeared in court on Tuesday, where he was ordered to surrender his passport pending a ruling scheduled for September 12 on whether he will enter a plea.


“If you want a supportive wife, marry a Kamba woman” says Jimi Wanjigi

“You think giving birth is eating bread and butter” Kenyans shame Tycoon Jimi Wanjigi for asking them give birth to many children

Ignoring the fact that businessman Jimi Wanjigi has only two kids and is a billionaire, he still believes Kenyans can grow richer if they get more kids.

Wanjigi was recently slammed by Kenyans after his statement urging Kenyans to give birth to many children. Many Kenyans doudbted his statement and believe he was just another greedy business man looking to make extra profits.

Family planning

In a video doing rounds on social media, Wanjigi tells Kenyans to have more kids because there is strength in numbers and that the country has enough resources to take care of children.

“Over the years Wazungus have told us about family planning, don’t make many children, everybody two-two, you don’t have the money, land or food. It is fake. China is great because of numbers. Don’t let anyone lie to you. Let us make babies in the family unit, if, unfortunately, we do not succeed, we do it elsewhere. These children are our power today. We want many children in this republic,” he said.

Kenyans, however, believe the billionaire is just lying to increase his profits otherwise he should have done it himself.

“Billionaire Jimi Wanjigi is a father of two kids but he is telling poor Kenyans to give birth to more than two children can he first give birth to another one?” said one person on Twitter. 

“You think giving birth is eating bread and butter, then up bring of the child our children needs the best, be an example to us. Bado hujafika menopause continue siring kids in your own house,” stated Bobi.

“Yet he educates his only two kids in the world’s most expensive school found in Switzerland at a whooping 15 million per year. Very misleading remarks,” he said. 

“Jimmy Wanjigi obituary was planted and not a mix-up” Former Nation editor Patrick Mayoyo spills the beans

Jimmy Wanjigi’s obituary published on Daily Nation is still causing jitters. Former Daily Nation editor Patrick Mayoyo claims the death announcement was a veiled threat against the tycoon.

Mayoyo wonders why Nation editors failed to notice any trickery in the obituary. He blames senior editor at Nation who he says has is behind the stories appearing in NMG publications.

Everything just wrong!

The photo used and the words in the death announcement clearly indicated that Jimmy Wanjigi was the dead person in question. Patrick Mayoyo says editors should have noticed that Jimmy Wanjigi’s parents and company were mentioned in the obituary.

Below is Patrick Mayoyo’s post on Facebook:



The obituary with a picture of Jimi Wanjigi was clearly planted and aimed as serving as a veiled threat against Jimi Wanjigi.

Investigations the Nation Media Group (NMG) says it has launched  should start with one of its senior editors said to be the owner of a public relations company called 360 Media Consulting said to be behind the stories appearing in NMG publications. Nation cannot afford to have an editor who is also a PR practitioner if it wants to be objective.

There was no mix-up in the obituary carried in the Daily Nation. This was a cleverly placed advert and a veiled threat against Jimmy Wanjigi.

The obituary claims the so called James Richard Wanjagi is the son of James Maina and Wambui Maina. These are Jimi Wanjigi’s parents. It adds that this so called Wanjagi owner of Kwacha industries. Jimi owns Kwacha Group. NMG should such for the solutions for the problems  it is facing from within and start with senior editor who wants to bring this public listed publisher down! THE JIMI OBITUARY IN DAILY NATION WAS PLANTED AND NOT A MIX-UP.

KOT reacts angrily to Daily Nation publishing death announcement of Jimmy Wanjigi

An obituary of Jimmy Wanjigi published on Daily Nation has sparked uproar on Twitter. Tweeps believe the death announcement was not an accident but rather a well calculated move with ill motive.

Government crackdown on opposition leaders is thought to be the reason behind Jimmy Wanjigi’s obituary on Daily Nation.

The businessman who is closely associated with Nasa was among the people whose passports were suspended. Jimmy Wanjigi, James Orengo, Hassan Joho were among Nasa leaders that the Department of Immigration Services asked to surrender their passports.

Photo of Jimmy Wanjigi used in the obituary on Daily Nation

Nation Media Group has since issued an apology for Jimmy Wanjigi’s death announcement. The media house says it has already taken action against the people responsible for the placement of the obituary.

“We refer to the publication of a death and funeral announcement of James Richard Wanjagi bearing the picture of Mr. Jimi Wanjigi that was erroneously published in the Daily Nation of February 7, 2018,” read part of the statement from NMG.

KOT reacts

Tweeps have expressed their frustrations with the obituary, see the reactions below:


Top 10 things Kenyans have been searching on Google… Miguna Miguna’s ‘Demagogue’ tops the list

Google has released the results of top searches in the month of October 2017. Interestingly the word ‘demagogue’ was the most searched entity on Google.

Demagogue was popularized by Miguna Miguna who said Uhuru Kenyatta was a demagogue. The word demagogue is defined as a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.[sic]

Dennis Oliech

Kenyan football legend Dennis Oliech also appeared on top Google searches. Kenyans were eager to find out what was happening with Oliech following the incident at Carnivore Grounds.

Jimmy Wanjigi, Akombe and Sharon Mundia

Roselyn Akombe also features on top Google searches. The former IEBC commissioner caused a stir when she fled from the country and flew to US where she resign.

Roselyn Akombe

Jimmy Wanjigi was the 9th most search entity on Google in October. The incident at Wanjigi’s home created a lot of curiosity.

Sharon Mundia appeared on the top search because of her alleged threesome lesbian orgy. The fashion blogger was allegedly busted by her husband having sex with Patricia Kihoro and Fena Gitu.

Below is the full list of top 10 searches on Google:

2.Harvey Weinstein
3.Dennis Oliech
4.Bet numbers prediction today
6.Las Vegas shooting
7.Sharon Mundia
8.Mashujaa Day


Jimmy Wanjigi resurfaces from his strong room as police finally leave his compound (Photos)

Police on Tuesday October 17th raided Jimmy Wanjigi’s Muthaiga’s home. The billionaire wheeler-dealer was however nowhere to be found during the raid.

Reports indicate Wanjigi had locked himself in a strong room in the house. Photos and videos of police using heavy equipment to comb through Wanjigi’s house further appeared to validate this theory.

 Armed police keep guard at Jimmy Wanjigi's house in Muthaiga
Armed police keep guard at Jimmy Wanjigi’s house in Muthaiga
Police seen bringing in equipment at Wanjigi's residence
Police seen bringing in equipment at Wanjigi’s residence

Raila Odinga visits Wanjigi’s home at night

Nasa leader Raila Odinga last night visited Wanjigi’s home in Muthaiga. Raila is said to have stayed over to ensure the government does not frame the business mogul any more than they already done.

Raila Odinga with Jimmy Wanjigi's father, former Cabinet Minister Maina Wanjigi, at JimmyWanjigi's Muthaiga residence
Raila Odinga with Jimmy Wanjigi’s father, former Cabinet Minister Maina Wanjigi, at JimmyWanjigi’s Muthaiga residence

The billionaire resurfaced early today morning when police left his residence. Jimmy Wanjigi was seen taking selfies with friends after armed cops left his residence at 5am.

Jimmy Wanjigi and friends taking selfies at his house after police left
Jimmy Wanjigi and friends taking selfies at his house after police left


Jimmy Wanjigi laughs with friends at his house
Jimmy Wanjigi laughs with friends at his house


5 AK-47 rifles and 93 bullets found at Jimmy Wanjigi’s home during police raid (Photos)

Jimmy Wanjigi’s home in Malindi was raided by the police on Monday October 16th. The billionaire oligarch has been on police radar ever since it was revealed that he was financing Nasa.

Last month Jimmy Wanjigi reported that he was being trailed by unknown people. The billionaire wheeler-dealer wrote to the Inspector General of police Joseph Boinnet claiming that his life might be in danger.

Jimmy Wanjigi

Police raid at Wanjigi’s house in Malindi followed a court order to ransack it. The raid was carried out by a heavily armed multi-agency team.

Deadly assault rifles found

Police found 5 AK-47 rifles and 93 bullets during the raid. Apparently police suspected Wanjigi had been working with several people to bring guns into the country using different entry points.

Police in Nairobi also raided Wanjigi’s house in Muthaiga. Nothing dangerous was reported to have been found at the billionaire’s house in Nairobi.


Billionaire oligarch Jimmy Wanjigi brought to his knees by a stalker

The rich also cry! Onetime National Super Alliance (Nasa) financier Jimmy Wanjigi is having sleepless nights thanks to a stalker who has been shadowing his movements.

The billionaire wheeler-dealer has written to the Inspector General of police Joseph Boinnet claiming that his life might be in danger.

Jimmy Wanjigi through his lawyers Githinji and Karoki advocates explained in the letter that he (Jimmy) had noticed persons unknown to him were following him.

The billionaire’s lawyers revealed that on Friday September 8th 2017 a senior State House official personally visited Jimmy at his residence to warn him of real imminent threat to his life

Wanjigi strongly believes that the systematic onslaught against him is due to his political affiliations. He has been seen to be supporting NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga and was also said to be the main financier of Nasa.

Raila Odinga, Sirisia MP John Waluke and Jimmy Wanjigi view the body of Jacob Juma at Lee Funeral home. Jacob Juma was assassinated on May 5th 2016


With the era of political assassinations, Wanjigi took no change and decided to request Inspector General of police to provide him with adequate police protection.

Below is the letter Wanjigi wrote to the police IG (Credit: Robert Alai):


Babu Owino trolled over his brown teeth as he poses with billionaire oligarch – Jimmy Wanjigi (Photos)

Some netizens found it amusing that Embakasi East MP Babu Owino had tooth discoloration. He showed his teeth while he was posing with Nasa financier Jimmy Wanjigi.

Babu Owino appears on our TV screen regularly but not so many people seem to notice the color of his teeth or the tattoos on his arms from his photos on social media.

Babu Owino with his kid. Notice the tattoos on his arm

Well, a section of Kenyans trolled the Embakasi East MP when they noticed he had tooth discoloration from the photo he posed with billionaire oligarch – Jimmy Wanjigi.

Babu and Wanjigi exposed most of their teeth as they smiled for the camera during a photo shoot in Karen after Supreme Court nullified the results of August 8th presidential election.

Babu Owino and Jimmy Wanjigi

Below some of the reactions from Kenyans after they saw Babu’s teeth:

pesh_kibe_wanjiku: Hiyo ni meno jamani

duncan.dunco: @pesh_kibe_wanjiku hahahaha


lattymarcelo: Hiyo meno muheshimiwa

pesh_kibe_wanjiku: Explain what kind of meno is that to me @duncan.dunco

princess_lynnetMoney:  money….make sure you he uses all his money to protect our votes.



richiekairo:Salute Mr JMW.

slyviv:My mp

princewalterharry:The big boss Jimmy wanjigi my boss.


jamesnabaala:Tialala,,, tibiim

paulmilowa:92Canaan we came

johnny_we:demandTell wanjigi his support to NASA is appre na raundi hii ni time yetu

lopez.asha:Canaan here we come

theshakazulu:tell Joshua to campaign ama Tena mtaanza kuria

tamekamerina:Mr campaign funding ???



captainharrisjnr: Tibiiiiiiimmmmmm Ndaaani ndaani kabisa…. change is a good thing