Jeff Koinange tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday, July 20, asymptomatic but away from work forcing him to self-isolate at home until further notice.
Also read: Jeff Koinange miraculously recovers from Covid-19 days after testing positive for the virus
For the first JKL on that Wednesday, he was turned into a guest in his own show while his colleague, Victoria Rubadiri took over.

He was the one to tell us what has been happening, how he has been feeling and how he is coping with his condition.
That came and went. Following Wednesday, July 29, it is not until the 9pm news when we heard his voice and we were utterly shaken. We were like, is this virus a joke or what exactly is it?
Also read: Jeff Koinange’s untamed reaction after his second round of Covid-19 results come out (Photo)
Only for it to turn out he was doing a home edition of his own show. Had everything set prior to and took up the show running. Same case as his Aug 5, JKL show that saw him do it from the comfort of his home library.
However, the following morning his second round of Covid-19 results came out and he tested negative – 17 days after he tested positive for the virus and he could not believe he had just beaten what he called “a monster”.

Couple of days later and he is back on set, Live, co-hosting the 6 am- 10 am breakfast show on Hot 96 with Professor Hamo; shaking hands, all excited and prepping up for the session.
Jeff however seemed a little beat weak and worn out from the virus as he announced:
We are baaack! 3 weeks!!! Twende kazi!
Well, that means he will be hosting tonight’s JKL show from the Citizen studios, where he last stood roughly 3 weeks ago. Let’s wait and see.

But either way, we are glad he overcame the battle.
His return was welcomed with mixed reactions from fans, some excited, others doubtful.
tonny50200 Someone from isolation na unasalamia hamo na mkono????????????. muache kutuchezea. Ukweli yenye iko you had no corona but you were paid to fake it????????????????
nashiluni Welkam back Jina kubwa Jeff????????????❤️❤️
j_jackson_t Mask is for covering mouth and nose not mouth alone ????
bnjogu64 Back in action ????????????????????
dj_sillioh Oooh my!!! Keep it done ????