Janet Mbugua reveals why she underwent another surgery shortly after her C-section

Janet Mbugua recently welcomed her second baby boy, Mali but unlike her first pregnancy things did not go so smoothly.

In a video shared on her YouTube channel, Janet Mbugua revealed that she had opted for a normal delivery; but after her labor got so intense she had to be wheeled in for a C section.

Baby Mali arrived safely and was even discharged after 5 days. However when they got home the former media personality started feeling unwell and had to go back to the hospital.

On arrival she underwent several test and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Her doctors however decided she needed to be readmitted just to make sure that everything was okay.

Janet Mbugua back to hospital

In her video the mum of two narrates how she kept on battling with her on and off fever for a few days.

Before her doctors decided that she was going in for surgery, Janet says she developed Jaundice; which actually might have saved her life since it helped doctors know was wrong with their patient.

The celebrated media personality reveals that she had to undergo another surgery to remove her gallbladder due to gallstones. Watch her full detailed video below!

Janet Mbugua opens up about her breastfeeding experience with her new born

Former news anchor Janet Mbugua recently welcomed her second born child called Mali. Thanks to a video shared on her YouTube channel we understand that she gave birth via C-section; just like her first baby boy Huru.

However in the vlog Janet Mbugua says that she had earlier prepared for a normal birth; but after having series of long contractions for almost 10 hours, she then opted for surgery.

Also read: “Its okay kwani who said this is the last child I’m having?” Janet Mbugua speaks of disappointment at the delivery room

Her new young boy was delivered safely but we understand that Janet Mbugua had to go back to hospital for another 1 week. The media personality revealed this in her first section of her #myfirst28days with a newborn series on her social media pages.


Breastfeeding struggles

Just like most new mums, Janet Mbugua reveals that she had quite a challenging time breastfeeding her newborn the first 3 days. She went on to reveal saying;

I’m still having breastfeeding struggles but I’m trying for it not to get to me because even last time it took about three days for the milk to flow,”

Anyway baby Mali is doing great as far as we know and we can’t wait to see his face soon!


Janet Mbugua opens up about health scare after giving birth to her second child

Janet Mbugua and her husband were blessed with a bouncing baby boy Mali Mwaura Ndichu on 17th September 2018. The couple already has a grown boy Ethan Huru Ndichu who will be turning 3 on October 27th.

Baby Mali was born at 1.42PM weighing in at 3.8kg, according to his father Eddie Ndichu. The baby was in perfect health but things were not good for Janet after the delivery.

The mother of two had health scare after she gave birth to her baby, Janet reveals that she underwent a surgical procedure with her baby next to her.

“I underwent a surgical procedure next to my newborn, and it was insane. I had multiple meltdowns and I thank my family members both mine and my hubby’s for being supportive. They were there for me. Most incredible families,” said Janet Mbugua.

Janet Mbugua
Janet Mbugua

Janet further discloses that she spent two weeks in hospital recovering after the surgery. She is now recuperating at home, her condition has greatly improved.

“I was hospitalized for two weeks and been on a recovery journey for one and a half weeks. It has been really tough, but I’m back getting healthier.”




Janet Mbugua’s husband talks of possibility of baby number three barely a month after they were blessed with second child

The Ndichu family is quickly getting bigger, currently there are only four members but if Eddie Ndichu’s words are anything to go by then it’s only a matter of time before a new member arrives.

Janet Mbugua and her husband were blessed with a bouncing baby boy Mali Mwaura Ndichu on 17th September 2018. The couple already has a grown boy Ethan Huru Ndichu who will be turning 3 on October 27th.

Baby number 3

Eddie hinted that they might be having more children on his post on social media. He took to Instagram to announce that his wife will document her motherhood journey on her Vlog.

“#WCE ❤ Thanking God for bringing back her health and cute goofy self.I guess she will tell you her journey at some point, as she always does. ❤ #MamaBoys #MamaHandM #MamaHUMA P.S. I think we should keep having babies to grow her hair and sell it!” wrote Eddie.




Enough is enough! Janet Mbugua comes out to defend girl child in the wake of Sharon Otieno’s murder

Sharon Otieno’s death elicited mixed reactions, some people claim she risked her own life by fooling around with a sponsor and are not emphatic about her passing.

Janet Mbugua decided to weigh in on Sharon’s death because of the patronizing and sexist comments that followed on social media.

“There’s been a lot on my mind this week…I think for a lot of us! The brutal death of #SharonOtieno (and the sexist, mean, cruel comments that followed),” wrote Janet Mbugua in part.

Will no longer keep quiet

Janet says she will no longer keep quiet about all sexist comments on social media, she says she is not afraid of the backlash for speaking against a vice that should be condemned.

“The intrinsic sexism on social media is on another level. What does it help if we’re quiet? What, we’re scared of the backlash we’ll get for speaking up? BS. This madness has to stop. We speak, we begin to change this #nothingchangesifnothinchanges,” wrote Janet Mbugua.



Janet Mbugua worried that her relationship with her first will be affected by the arrival of the second? She opens up

There are a few common concerns that parents can have when when considering or expecting a second child.

Well, Janet Mbugua who is a former news anchor hinted this on her Instagram page after sharing a photo from her recent maternity shoot.

The lady who is expecting her second child anytime from now went on to reveal that she somehow feels ‘disloyal’ to their first-born (Huru) by bringing another child into the family.


She went on to describe the feeling as bitter-sweet but all in all it’s clear to see that she is excited to meet her young one.

Janet Mbugua’s pregnancy journey

Apart from being quite active on social media during her pregnancy; the second time mum to be took time to share a few tips with new mums following her.

Anyway despite sharing her pregnancy journey with fans, Janet Mbugua is yet to reveal her unborn baby’s gender.

Baby wants to come out! Janet Mbugua experiences false labour 

Janet Mbugua became a mother for the first time on October 26th 2015. The former TV girl delivered a bouncing baby boy Ethan Huru Ndichu through caesarean section.

Currently, Janet is heavily pregnant with baby number two, this time round she wants to have a whole new experience while giving birth.

Janet doesn’t not want to go under the knife again to give birth, she is really looking forward to push her second baby out of her.

Due date
Janet Mbugua flaunts her baby bump
Janet Mbugua flaunts her baby bump

On Tuesday August 28th Janet updated her fans on her pregnancy, she revealed that she has been experiencing false labour in the past few days.

“I’m feeling like it will be much closer than it was said to be but then again I know sometimes that is what happens. I’m due very soon and so I’m trying to get my hospital bag ready and have done shopping,” Janet Mbugua said.

In a past update, Janet revealed that her due date is towards the end of September. She is almost clocking 37 weeks but due to the false labor, she might give birth anytime.




No more caesarean section! Janet Mbugua expresses desire to push baby naturally as her due date fast approaches

Janet Mbugua became a mother for the first time on October 26th 2015. The former TV girl delivered a bouncing baby boy Ethan Huru Ndichu through caesarean section.

Currently, Janet is heavily pregnant with baby number two, this time round she wants to have a whole new experience while giving birth.

Janet doesn’t not want to go under the knife again to give birth, she is really looking forward to push her second baby out of her.

Janet Mbugua breastfeeding her son Ethan Huru Ndichu
Janet Mbugua breastfeeding her son Ethan Huru Ndichu

“I want to push this baby… this time I’m being so intentional about pushing. Really for me the main reason is that I don’t want to go through another surgery, it’s really that simple. However, if that’s God’s plan, I’m not going to fight it,” said Janet Mbugua.

September it is

Janet also revealed that she has about two month to go before she finally delivers her baby, she said her due date is towards the end of September.

“My due date is sometimes towards the end of September, it’s almost here but there is still quite a while to go,” revealed Janet.




“Bathing him, washing his feet for me I don’t mind” Janet Mbugua agrees with blogger who wants women to wash their men

A few days ago Kenyan blogger residing in Nigeria Lisa Gaitho set tongues wagging when she released a video advising women to be submissive to their men in all aspects.

“If he wants to go take his bath, literally wash him. Scrub him, don’t let him do anything, wash him, clean his ears, like how you would if he was a baby. Dry him and oil him,” said Lisa.

The blogger admits that she can’t afford the expensive she lives, she submits wholly to her Nigerian boyfriend so that he gives her what she wants.

“I cannot afford to fly to amazing places or buy certain things, I cannot even afford my lifestyle, I have to face reality because I’m not there yet and will rely on a man to do it for me,” Lisa revealed.

Conditional submission

Janet Mbugua partially agrees with Lisa Gaito on submission. The former TV girl says she doesn’t mind washing her husband on special occasions.

“By the way bathing him, and washing his feet, for me personally i don’t see if it’s a bad thing if it’s on some occasions, on his birthday, valentine’s day…by the way there are some women who don’t mind doing it everyday. In some cultures some women generally feels that’s their love language,” said Janet Mbugua in an Insta-story video.

Janet however disagrees with Lisa on submission based on monetary benefits. The mother of one explains that submission based on material benefit can lead to abuse.

“I have a problem with submission when there are elements of physical and emotional abuse. I don’t think that’s worth it. Lisa didn’t say that. The only part of Lisa’s video that I had a problem with, was the exchange of services, where a woman does acts of service just to get money. There has to be love in the relationship,” said Janet.



Janet Mbugua: My son has totally changed ever since I became pregnant 

Janet Mbugua reveals that her son Ethan Huru Ndichu is fully aware that he will have a brother or sister soon. Speaking to her fans on her vlog, Janet explains that her son constantly wanted to be with her ever since she explained to him that he will have a sibling.

“Huru has totally changed, especially after we explained to him about it. I noticed that there is a difference and he constantly wanted to be with me. I tried and explained to him so that he does not get too shocked. But I was told that the transition would be a bit tricky, and that in the first few months there may be a little bit of jealousy. So what I should do is include him in washing the baby and even changing diapers,” said Janet Mbugua.

Boy or a girl?

Janet Mbugua refused to disclose the gender of her unborn baby when asked by her fans. He neither confirmed or denied if she is pregnant with twins.

“I can’t reveal that now guys, maybe at some points,” said Janet Mbugua.



“Thank you for catching me” Julie Gichuru thanks William Kabogo for saving her from a humiliating incident

Julie Gichuru is forever grateful to former Kiambu governor William Kabogo who saved her from a humiliating incident which was almost caught on camera.

The former Citizen TV anchor opened up about the embarrassing incident during an interview with Janet Mbugua on her YouTube show.

Janet asked Julie what was the craziest thing that had happened to her during interviews. She responded by narrating how Kabogo saved her from embarrassing herself on live TV.

He caught me midair

Julie recounted the incident in 2013 when Kabogo saved her from literally falling to the ground. She said the camera would have caught her falling if Kabogo hadn’t saved her.

“So Citizen we have just had big tough interview with Kabogo 2013. And i had been seating with my legs crossed, I didn’t realize I had pins and needles. So when I stood up at the end of the interview I literally fell. Kabogo has the presence of mind to first look see the camera on and then grabbed me before I hit the ground. Thank you for catching me,” said Julie Gichuru.

Watch the full interview below:



Comedian Awinja finally shows son’s face after hiding him for a good one year 

Comedian Awinja AKA Jacky Vike was blessed with a kid 12 months ago with the love of her life, however the baby’s identity remained a secret.

Now that he is all grown up, Awinja shared his photo on her Instagram page leaving many wowed by how gorgeous he looks. Though his face was not yet to be unveiled their is no doubt that the actress has a handsome boy.

It’s been an year

The actress has now revealed her son for the first time ever and he’s such a handsome boy. She posted a nice messsage while unvailing her face.

She said

“A day like today, after 8 hours of labour (uuuuwi!!) God Blessed me with our Son, a gift that changed my life , I have learnt patience, Sacrifice, priorities,forgiveness and appreciation of life in so many ways. He has made me become more closer to God . And I thank the most high for his guidance through this motherhood journey HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOSI . I love you so much! ❤❤❤❤ I remember we had not chosen any name by the time he was born and since he was born on Saturday, his Dad suggested MOSi from jumamosi or One how cute! And yes you can call me Mama Mosi. Salute to all parents, its not not easy but best job ever.



Zari and Janet Mbugua join forces to help Kenyan women

Zari Hassan will be in Kenya in a month’s time for charity works. The Ugandan socialite revealed she has joined hands with Janet Mbugua to help Kenyan women.

For years Janet Mbugua has been on the forefront to help needy women access basic needs. Her foundation Inua Dada has helped needy girls get sanitary pads and access to education.

Zari Hassan has also decided to do something noble for Kenyan women. The mother of five has joined forces with Janet Mbugua to address women’s issues.

Free cancer screening

Zari will be in Nairobi on 12th May to host a concert which will offer free cancer screening for all ladies. The concert is aimed at encouraging women fighting cancer.

“Join me and Janet Mbugua and other notable ladies as we talk about women issues .’Plight of women in the society. With Over 3million women battling cancer today, colour purple concert plans on encouraging so many women out there who are still in the thick of it,who are yet to fight this fight,that you can do it, you can get through this one step at a time. #FREECANCERSCREENING #FREETALKSHOW AND CONCERT

“Myself and a team of doctors at Uhuru Gardens on 12th of May will educate you on this and offer free screening for all ladies. And later in the evening I will be your HOST….” Wrote Zari Hassan.



Janet Mbugua and husband expecting baby number 2! (photos)

Former Citizen TV’s news anchor Janet Mbugua is with child! The mum of one revealed the good news this past weekend while on an interview on the Trend with Amina Abdi.

All excited, the soon mum to be couldn’t help but show off her baby bump now that she is almost done with the first trimester. In  video shared on her Instagram page Janet Mbugua reveals that this pregnancy has been nothing but a challenge for her due the morning sickness.

Anyway, her 2 year old son baby Huru will soon be getting a play mate as Janet Mbugua is set to welcome her baby around October.

Janet Mbugua expecting twins?

Also read: “I want twins!” Janet Mbugua tasks her husband with making sure she is pregnant with twins

Well, her announcement comes a few days after the lady revealed that she was looking forward to having twins; especially since she has a twin brother and so does her husband.

So far Eddie Ndichu’s brother, Paul Ndichu has a set of twins and recently welcomed another baby girl with his new wife.

As we wait for Janet’s announcement, we hope that she is indeed with twins!

“I want twins” Janet Mbugua tasks her husband with making sure she’s pregnant with twins

Janet Mbugua is already talking about having a second and a third child. The former Citizen TV anchor is a proud mother of a two year old baby boy Ethan Huru Ndichu.

Many people anticipated Janet Mbugua to give birth to twins back in 2015 when she was expectant. I mean the twin genes are deeply embedded in their family.

Janet Mbugua has a twin brother called Timothy Mbugua. Her husband Eddie Ndichu also has a twin brother Paul Ndichu who is the father of Grace Msalame’s twin daughters.

Janet Mbugua with her twin brother Timothy Mbugua
How come Eddie missed?

Eddie’s twin brother Paul got twins the first time he became a father. Janet Mbugua’s husband however could only manage one on his first trial.

Paul and Eddie Ndichu

Janet and Eddie are now keen to get twin babies the next time they get pregnant. Janet opened up about their desire to have twin babies while responding to a question from one of her followers on her Q&A video on YouTube.

“We love being twins. We want twins, by the way, if it is in God’s plan,” Janet Mbugua said.






Janet Mbugua’s husband: I became Mr. Janet after marrying her

Former news anchor Janet Mbugua and her husband Edward Ndichu have finally answered their fans who wanted to know the teeny tiny little details about their marriage.

Fans have been posting a lot of questions on Mbugua’s social media pages wanting to know how their marriage works and how they’ve managed to handle different pressures that have been cracking up other famous couples.

Questions from fans

Mbugua had promised fans she’ll drag her hubby in one of her vlogs for the chat. In the video, fans wanted to know things such as if the two couples fight, whether Mbugua gets insecure and how Ndichu sees Mbugua in the relationship considering how famous she is.

“So this is part 1 of my husband tag. I got a ton of questions on my Facebook and we only got through a few so we’ll do another soon! Enjoy,” said Mbugua.

Ndichu and Janet have been together for almost four years now and have been blessed with one kid.

Watch the video here 

Janet Mbugua talks about friendship after the incident between Betty Kyallo and Susan Kaittany

Janet Mbugua has shared a secret to keeping a healthy friendship. Her advice comes a few days after Betty Kyallo broke up with her BFF Susan Kaittany.

Betty and Susan’s split took many by surprise considering how tight they were. The breakup was ugly as the KTN anchor even got Susan arrested by the police.

Janet Mbugua has since shared her thought about friendship. The former Citizen TV anchor states that most people don’t have one’s interest at heart.

Keep your circle small
Janet Mbugua

Janet says the secret to a healthy friendship is keeping a small circle of friends. She further states that one shouldn’t put their faith in other people.

Janet’s sentiments echoes what Betty Kyallo said about the lesson she learnt after the nasty breakup with her former BFF Susan Kaittany.

Also read: Betty Kyallo shares fascinating message after she got her former friend Susan Kaittany arrested 

“Over time I’ve learnt that a lot of people, for their own reasons, don’t have your best interests at heart. Be on good terms with people as far as possible but keep your circle small, share your deepest truths with a very select few and in as much as it may hurt when people do you wrong, don’t put your faith in man. #WednesdayWisdom ✨ #ItShallBeWell!” Wrote Betty Kyallo.


“This is a journey and a half” Janet Mbugua’s sister-in-law speaks of her growing baby bump

Evaline Momanyi is expecting her first baby in a few months time. The expectant mother has shared her latest photo showing how her baby bump has grown big.

Evaline married Paul Ndichu in May 2017 at an invites-only garden wedding. Paul is the twin brother to Eddie Ndichu, husband to media personality Janet Mbugua.

Paul Ndichu is also the father of Grace Msalame’s twin daughters. He is now expecting his third child with his new wife Evaline.

Respect to all mummies

Evaline Momanyi says the journey is getting harder and harder as she approaches the final stage of her pregnancy. She saluted all women who have in her shoes before.

Below are photos of Evaline at different stages of her pregnancy:




How Eddie Ndichu celebrated his wife’s 34th birthday

Janet Mbugua is happy to have married the love of her life Eddie Ndichu. Well, he doubles up as her husband and best friend as revealed on most of her posts.

Former news anchor Janet Mbugua

After quitting her job as a news anchor, Janet Mbugua seems to have occupied herself with new projects to keep herself busy.

Apart from all her busy schedule, the lady is full time mum and wife to her young family. As she celebrated her 34th birthday, her husband Eddie Ndichu could not hold back from appreciating her through his Instagram page.

The lovely Janet Mbugua

The catchy message

Though the message written by Eddie Ndichu was brief, one can’t help but notice how grateful he is to have Janet Mbugua in his life. He describes her as his best friend and greatest gift from God. He wrote saying;


“I greatly admire and look up to you” Janet Mbugua’s sister-in-law Everline Momanyi opens up her heart to her

Apparently Everline Momanyi looks up to Janet Mbugua. The two women are married to twins Eddie Ndichu and Paul Ndichu.

Everline reveals how much she adores Janet Mbugua as the former Citizen TV anchor turned a year older. Janet and her twin brother Timothy Mbugua turned 34 on Wednesday 10th January.

Janet Mbugua and her twin brother Timothy Mbugua

“I greatly admire and look up to you” Janet Mbugua’s sister-in-law Everline Momanyi opens up her heart to her

Happy Birthday to my sister

Everline Momanyi opened up up her heart to Janet Mbugua during her birthday. The expectant mother told her sister-in-law that she admires her so much and that she also looks up to her.

“A very Happy Birthday to my sister, my friend, and a woman I greatly admire and look up to!! May God bless you @officialjanetmbugua and wishing you many more with blessings galore!!! Love you sana ???! See you later!! ?,” wrote Everline Momanyi.


Janet Mbugua and Everline Momanyi

Janet Mbugua’s husband Eddie Ndichu quits KCB after landing a lucrative job with multinational corporation

Eddie Ndichu has started a new year with blessings galore. The father of one has secured a top managerial job with a leading multinational corporation.

Janet Mbugua’s husband used to work for Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB). He served as the head of digital finance service and mobile payments at KCB.

Eddie quit KCB to join global mobile browser – Opera. The multinational corporation announced Eddie’s appointment on January 2nd 2017.

Vice president for Africa

Janet Mbugua and her husband Eddie Ndichu

Opera has appointed Eddie Ndichu as its managing director and vice president for Africa. Eddie’s appointment is the first step in Opera’s plans to have a Kenyan office which will become the East African hub.

“For years Opera has invested in bringing fast and affordable internet access for all. For this reason I am honored to be part of the team that seeks to grow with the African internet ecosystem, thus we are seeking local partners to integrate value-added service, fintech products and data bundling into its browser platform,” Eddie Ndichu spoke at his appointment.




Janet Mbugua returns to KTN but not as a news anchor

Janet Mbugua had a breakthrough while she was working at KTN several years ago. The mother of one has since returned to KTN but not as an anchor.

Janet Mbugua was only 23-years-old when she made her first debut on television as a news anchor reading the late night news.

Farida Karoney approved Janet’s screen tests and she satisfied she was ready for her big break on KTN. Janet worked at KTN from 2007 to 2009 when she left for South Africa to join eTV.

Janet quit eTV in 2011 and returned back to Kenya to join Citizen TV. She worked at Royal Media for six years before she decided to quit TV altogether.

Top story

Janet Mbugua has returned to KTN as a judge on a reality show airing on the station. The 33-year-old has joined John Allan Namu and Chaacha Mwita as the judges on ‘Top Story’ season two which started airing on Thursday December 21st.

Top Story judges Chaacha Mwita, Janet Mbugua and John Allan Namu

Top Story is an investigative journalism competition that brings together the best journalism students from Kenya’s leading universities. These students are then trained and put through different tasks and real outdoor challenges and are expected to do actual stories which then forms the basis for the competition.

“It’s such a privilege passing on your skills and knowledge to a group of young people who are looking to break in to the industry. Top story on KTN, keep it here for details!” Wrote Janet Mbugua.



Betty Kyallo’s Posh Palace or Wahu’s Afro Siri? Janet Mbugua picks her favorite Salon 

Salon wars will be the next reality show on Kenyan television. A handful of top female celebrities have opened beauty parlors as their side hustle.

Wahu Kagwi was the first celeb to open her own salon way back in 2013. Wahu’s Afro Siri  is located Krishna Centre in Westlands.

Betty Kyallo partnered with lawyer Susan Kaittany to open Posh Palace in December 2016. The executive hair studio and spa is located at Sifa Towers along Ring Road in Kilimani.

DJ Creme’s wife Denise King’ang’i has also opened her own salon. Denise launched Surabhi Spa in December 2017, it is located at Krishna Centre in Westlands.

Posh Palace or Afro Siri?

Janet Mbugua has openly revealed the salon she prefers. The former Citizen TV anchor attended the launch of Posh Palace in December 2o16 but surprisingly Betty’s salon is not Janet’s favorite.

Anne Kiguta, Betty Kyallo and Janet Mbugua during the launch of Posh Palace in December 2016

Janet says she prefers to get her hair done at Wahu’s Afro Siri salon. The mother of one was recently at Wahu’s salon in Westlands.



Janet Mbugua’s husband shares an adorable photo bonding with his son back at their rural home

Former Citizen TV’s news anchor Janet Mbugua must be proud of her two ‘boys’ (hubby and son). In past photos we have seen both the father and son spend time together but now the two have graduated to having road trips to their home village.

This past weekend Eddie Ndichu shared an adorable photo with his son at Central province. From his caption, it is quite evident to see that the former News anchor’s husband was proud to have visited his ‘shagz.’

Unlike many celebrities who enjoy traveling abroad or probably to the coast during the December holiday, seems like this time around Janet Mbugua’s family was planning to spend more time in Central province. In yet another photo Eddie Ndichu shared the first stone house build back 1945 before he even existed. He captioned the photo;


Janet Mbugua and Eddie’s son

On October 26th baby Huru turned 2 years and judging from his latest photos, we can all agree that he is definitely going to be as tall as his daddy.


22 year old Janet Mbugua showing off acres of skin in a miniskirt and boots

Former Citizen TV’s news anchor Janet Mbugua has always been stylish. Just recently she shared a never before seen photo from her college days looking sassy and sexy in her tiny black dress.

The photo taken in her early 20’ has left fans ogling at her fine looks, as she appears more playful than ever. Janet Mbugua went on to caption the photo saying that at this time she was a very naïve lady enjoying her youth. She wrote saying:

This #ThrowbackThursday has me feeling introspective. I came across these images of me (more to follow later). I’m 22 years old in this particular photo. Playful, naive, contemplative still. If I could, I’d tell this young lady to begin self-love very early on, that she’s on a journey that will shake her and rattle her but ultimately leave her blessed, wiser, more loving, more lovable. That people will persecute her and celebrate her all at once and that’s ok, she’ll strike a balance within herself so that the noise all around her won’t shake her from her roots. That being a #LadyInBloom is a wonderful thing and she should never stop dancing! ??What would you say to your younger self?

Young Janet Mbugua
Young Janet Mbugua

The now Janet Mbugua

Well, the former news anchor has matured into a fine lady making money through the lucrative deals she has been landing. She also juggles her projects with taking care of her son and though it may be stressful, she is managing to pull it through.

Janet Mbugua and hubby celebrate their son as he turns 2 years (Photos)

Former Citizen TV’s news anchor Janet Mbugua and her hubby, Eddie Ndichu are proud parents to see their young boy turn a year older. Just like last year, the couple shared adorable photos spending time with their son on his birthday but since this year his birthday landed on the same day Kenyans held their second election – Janet and her husband chose to have a chilled out celebration.

Through their social media pages Janet Mbugua and her husband shared touching messages as they announced their son’s second birthday. Janet Mbugua wrote saying:

Also read: Former News anchor Terryanne Chebet welcomes bouncing baby girl! (Photo)

When your son turns two but you make the turn up about you ? Happy 2nd Birthday son, you make us so proud and you’re every little heart beat in me. God keep you always ??❤#HuruIsTwo #AdventuresOfHuru It’s a big day for Kenya, may all go well!

Baby Huru turns 2 years!
Baby Huru turns 2 years!

She went on to add…

Just a regular morning at our place; messy home, pajamas and a mum playing dress up, leaving her son slightly bewildered but ultimately amused! Beyond that is the picture of a young boy who changed his mama and papas lives two years ago in the best, most profound way. Thank you for teaching us love, thank you for BEING love. Happy birthday son ?

Eddie Ndichu on the other hand went on to appreciate his baby boy by writing;

Baby Huru turns 2 years!
Baby Huru turns 2 years!

Whose birthday is it is again? God’s favour.Thankful. #HuruTurnsTwo

And added to say,

I Bless you Son. May you continue to have God’s favour throughout your life. #HuruTurnsTwo