Jalang’o defended by peanut gallery after ODM expulsion

The ODM Party National Executive Council (NEC) has approved the removal of five rebel MPs from the party. The five MPs are Elisha Ochieng’ Odhiambo (Gem), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Tom Ojienda (Senator of Kisumu County) and Phelix Odiwuor Kodhe (Lang’ata).

The NEC has instructed the party to remove the five MPs from the party register for supporting rival political parties and opposing the party’s decisions.

The decision was made at a meeting of the NEC that was convened by ODM leader Raila Odinga. The meeting was held in response to a report by a disciplinary committee that had been set up to investigate the allegations against the MPs.

The report found that the five MPs had violated the party’s constitution by associating with President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza alliance. The report also found that the MPs had opposed the party’s decision to support Raila Odinga for president in the 2022 elections.

The NEC’s decision to remove the five MPs from the party is a significant development in the run-up to the 2022 elections. The decision is likely to weaken the ODM Party and could benefit Kenya Kwanza.

The five MPs have denied the allegations against them and have said that they will appeal the NEC’s decision.

Baby yo
@akotheekenya ati bby yo 2027 home hapata kusalita baba yetu 😂😂😂😂 akothe 2027 peaa jalango akuwe bodyguard wako wewe uko na pesa mingi😂😂
@akotheekenya Volume 35 for just hot air
Strong My Brother 👊👊👊 You are Jalas … You got this 💪💪💪
I am relatively apolitical, but I will still support you my brother, when I went through a rough patch you supported me.
marksteveke's profile picture
@jalangoo Tough times never last, but tough people do 🙏

Jalang’o opens up about being addicted to drugs and alcohol

Felix Odiwuor, also known as Jalang’o, a member of parliament, made a stirring speech to the youth of the Lang’ata constituency in which he underlined the value of escaping the grip of drug addiction.

Speaking alongside Rachel Shebesh, the Nairobi Women Representative, Jalang’o praised Shebesh’s dedication to the welfare of young men and urged them to take a transformative path.

Jalang’o described his own path from the depths of drug and alcohol addiction to rising to prominence in Kenyan culture.

“Today, I want to express my gratitude to our esteemed leader, Mama Shebesh, for her unwavering support of young men. In the past, the spotlight predominantly shone on women’s concerns, but she has extended her nurturing hand to our nation’s young men. I implore you, young men, to seek a path free from the clutches of drugs.”

Jalang’o’s moving statement served as a motivational rallying cry as well as a monument to his own personal growth.

“I was once ensnared by the grip of drugs and alcohol.

But through the grace of God and my determination to change, I stand before you today as living proof of what is possible. To attain your aspirations, you must initiate change within yourselves.”

Jalang’o emphasized the wide-ranging effects of quitting addiction with confidence in his voice.

“Transformation is the key to unlocking your potential. It is the gateway to realizing your dreams and ambitions. By altering your course, you pave the way for a brighter future, one filled with purpose and achievement.”

The Lang’ata MP’s message went beyond personal success to cover interpersonal relationships as well.

“True change not only enriches your life but also affects those around you. It molds you into a suitable partner, a responsible individual capable of building a family. Aspire to be the kind of man who can provide and protect, a man deserving of a loving wife and children.”

Jalang’o Questions the Legitimacy of Worldcoin

Lang’ata Member of Parliament Phelix Odiwuour, popularly known as Jalang’o, has questioned the legitimacy of Worldcoin, a digital identification platform that is currently trending in Kenya.

In a video posted on his Instagram Stories, Jalang’o said that he believes Worldcoin is a scam and that people who participate in it are likely to lose money.

“Ni mimi tu ama hii worldcoin ni utapeli? Naona watu watalia,” he said, which loosely translates to “It’s just me or this Worldcoin is a scam? I see people will cry.”

Worldcoin is a project co-founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. The platform’s goal is to provide every individual on Earth with a verified digital identity, backed by a unique cryptocurrency token called Worldcoin (WLD) and a crypto wallet app.

To participate in Worldcoin, people must have their eyeballs scanned. This has raised concerns about privacy and data protection.

In an interview with Mpasho, a Worldcoin agent who wished to remain anonymous said that the process of recruiting people for the project has been “good so far.”

“We are helping Kenyans cash out,” the agent said. “Times are tough and they need money in their pocket. It’s useless to give people crypto when they have never heard about it.”

The agent said that they approach people and explain to them what Worldcoin is and how it works. They also explain that cashing out is not as easy as people think and that there is a risk of losing money.

“You convince them and help them out and you retain your commission,” the agent said. “Everyone goes home happy.”

The agent acknowledged that there are privacy concerns associated with Worldcoin, but they said that change is inevitable.

“The bottom line is people need money and there is money being offered by billionaires,” the agent said. “Why not take it?”

Jalang’o’s concerns about Worldcoin are shared by many people. The project has been criticized for its lack of transparency and for its potential to be used for surveillance.

It is important to do your research before participating in Worldcoin or any other new digital currency project.

Prophet speaks doom into Jalang’o’s future for political betrayal

A Kisumu-based pastor, Prophet Dr Samo Mtishiby, has warned politicians who have betrayed opposition leader Raila Odinga that they will pay for their betrayal.

Mtishiby said that these politicians may have money to eat today and protect themselves, but it is their future generations that will pay the price. He specifically singled out first-time Member of Parliament Phelix Odiwuor alias Jalang’o, who represents Langata Constituency.

Mtishiby said that Jalang’o used to be able to walk with pride in Kisumu, but now he would be killed if he tried to do so. He also said that other politicians who have betrayed Odinga will be pointed fingers at and their reputations will be ruined.

Mtishiby contrasted Jalang’o with Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino, who he said has continued to walk under the guidance of Odinga. Mtishiby said that Owino is quickly forgiven by Odinga when he makes a mistake, and that this is why he is still popular in Nyanza.

Mtishiby also warned Jalang’o and other ODM rebels that their defections have created rifts in the party. He said that these rifts are opportunities for the enemy to study what is within the party and plot an attack.

Mtishiby’s warning comes as the political landscape in Kenya is increasingly polarized ahead of the 2022 elections. Odinga is the leader of the Azimio la Umoja coalition, while President William Ruto is the leader of the Kenya Kwanza coalition. The two coalitions are vying for control of the government.

It remains to be seen how Mtishiby’s warning will affect the political landscape in Kenya. However, it is clear that he believes that politicians who betray Odinga will be punished.

Jalang’o Addresses Controversy Surrounding His Relationship With ODM After Being ‘Chased’

Lang’ata MP Phelix Odiwuor, popularly known as Jalang’o, has clarified that he has not left the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party, despite allegations claiming otherwise.

Jalang’o, who was elected on an ODM ticket in 2017, said that he has faced consequences within the party following a meeting he had with President William Ruto at State House. He said that he was subsequently removed from all ODM communications channels, leaving him uninformed about party affairs.

Jalang’o described the situation as difficult, feeling like an orphan within the party that once sponsored him. He said that he has been prevented from meeting Raila Odinga by individuals close to the former prime minister. He lamented the lack of opportunities to engage with Raila and expressed disappointment in being treated as an outcast within the party.

However, Jalang’o said that he remains a loyal member of ODM and that he is committed to supporting the party’s agenda. He said that he is hopeful that he will be able to meet with Raila Odinga soon and that he will be able to clear the air about his relationship with the party.

Jalang’o’s comments come at a time when ODM is facing a number of challenges, including internal rifts and declining popularity. The party is hoping to unite ahead of the 2022 general election, but Jalang’o’s case is a reminder of the divisions that still exist within the party.

It remains to be seen whether Jalang’o will be able to reconcile with ODM and whether he will be able to play a role in the party’s future. However, his comments have certainly raised eyebrows and have put ODM under the spotlight.

Jalang’o reveals he was richer as a radio personality than as an MP

Lang’ata MP Phelix Odiwuor, popularly known as Jalang’o, has revealed that he earned more during his radio career than he does now as a member of parliament.

In an interview with NTV, Jalang’o said that he used to earn Ksh 1.2 million per month as a radio presenter, but his salary as an MP is only Ksh 820,000 after tax.

Jalang’o said that he donates a significant portion of his salary to community projects, which means that he has less money left for himself.

He also said that the expectations of constituents are different from those of radio listeners. As a radio presenter, he was expected to amplify the concerns of Kenyans through the media. As an MP, he is expected to address and resolve those concerns himself.

Jalang’o said that he is committed to serving the people, but he acknowledged that there are limitations to what he can do as an MP.

He said that he is still learning the ropes of politics, but he is determined to make a difference in the lives of his constituents.

Jalang’o’s decision to enter politics has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised him for using his platform to advocate for the people, while others have criticized him for abandoning his career in the media.

Only time will tell whether Jalang’o will be successful in his new role as an MP. However, one thing is for sure: he is a man with a big heart and a passion for service.

Jalang’o kicked of ODM WhatsApp group! Perhaps he can ask to be added to UDAs?

Phelix Odiwour, also known as Jalang’o, a Lang’ata Member of Parliament, claims he remains in the dark after being blocked from all ODM contact channels, including WhatsApp groups.

The first-time MP admitted that he is unaware of party activities and only learns about the party through rumor in an interview with NTV on Monday, July 10.

He claimed that working with President William Ruto was the beginning of his problems.

“Sasa hivi nimetolewa kwa communications zote za chama. So hata kama kuna chochote chama inataka tu support, siwezi jua. Labda upate kuskia kupitia fununu pale bungeni… Ni wakati mgumu kwa maana upo tu kama yatima pale.

Wale majaji wasaba wote waliposema rais ni William Ruto na baadaye nikaanza kuona maono yake na mambo ambayo anajaribu kufanya, nikasema this is the direction I want to take, I want to work with the President na sitarudi nyuma.

Baba Raila Amollo Odinga na chama ya ODM na muungano wa Azimio, sijatoka chama, sipangi kutoka na sitatoka.

Isiwe ni vurugu, isiwe ni chochote. Mimi I’m an independent mind na sio kukiuka chama ama dharau yoyote, nimeamua kufanya kazi na Rais William Ruto.”

Ledama Ole Kina, a senator from Narok, requested last week that the ODM rebel MPs who had sided with the Kenya Kwanza government quit.

The ODM members’ State House visit enraged the Narok Senator, who advised them to go back to the voters and ask for a new mandate through the Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

“This constant State House visits by rogue ODM legislators who signed a covenant with the people through the party is so grotesque! I wish they would just man up and resign from their positions and seek the people’s mandate through their newfound concubine!” Ole Kina tweeted.

The end is near: Jalang’o fired from ODM position

Jalang’o, an ODM MP, has been fired from the party’s communications team. He claims that he was unfairly dismissed and that he does not know why he was removed. He also denies feeling like a traitor, as he has not betrayed anyone.

Jalang’o is one of nine ODM MPs who have rebelled against the party and have been openly working with President William Ruto. The other MPs are Gideon Ochanda, Caroli Omondi, Elisha Odhiambo, Mark Nyamita, Paul Abuor, and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda.

In a recent meeting with Ruto, the group reaffirmed their allegiance to the Kenya Kwanza government and pledged to continue working with him. Jalang’o also reaffirmed his support for Ruto on Twitter, saying that they meant it when they pledged to support him.

On July 5, the ODM Management Committee resolved to trigger the formal process that would lead to the expulsion of the rebel MPs from the party. The meeting also decided that the process would begin from the grassroots, as required by the ODM party Constitution.

Kenyans’ responses to the affectionate photo of Jalang’o and William Ruto

Phelix Odiwuor, a Lang’ata Member of Parliament, has alienated more and more of his supporters after being photographed with President William Ruto.

Since he was seen operating against the party’s wishes in favor of the Kenya Kwanza government, the member of parliament who was elected on the ODM party ticket has come under fire as a party dissident.

Jalang’o requested individuals who didn’t like him to save a photo of him whispering to President Ruto that he had shared on Tuesday night. Only God knows, so save this image for the future.

The responses were swift and harsh, with the majority criticizing the former Kiss100 anchor for his choice to contact closely with his party leader’s competitor.

bensase This Guy will be Next President. What Ik about Jalang’o is a go Getter. ????????

ibruzlee9 Weka mzuri hii utaonyesha kamene goro pale Kameme fm Mr One term mp????

2mbili You replacing GACHAGUA soon

kipkemboiteddy In all fairness, resign from ODM and vie on a UDA ticket

byronemark Yes it will be for future use, it will be used to remind you that you betrayed Raila as you pack and go home

obyzyy So you think you will be President one day???…BullSHIT!!!

iam_marwa Raila can’t bit Ruto,in the next election facts ; so honestly where should you be?

His contentious stance on how event jobs in Lang’ata ought to be distributed sparked uproar the day before.

It should be recalled that earlier this year, the member of parliament broke ODM’s party rules by visiting State House to see President William Ruto as Raila Odinga and his supporters were preparing to organize a demonstration against Ruto’s rule.

Additionally, Jalang’o was one of the Kenya Kwanza lawmakers who voted in favor of the 2023 Finance Bill in June, despite ODM and Azimio declaring their strong opposition to the bill.

Kenyans React To Photo Of Jalang’o ‘Bonding’ With William Ruto

Lang’ata Individual from Parliament Phelix Odiwuor has progressively rankled his political devotees subsequent to being seen with President William Ruto.

The individual from parliament who was chosen on the ODM party ticket has been referenced as a party rebel lately, particularly after he was seen acting against the desires of the party for the Kenya Kwanza government.

On Tuesday night, Jalang’o shared an image of himself murmuring to President Ruto and asked the people who could do without him to save the image for what’s in store. “Save this image for the future…Only God knows!”
The responses came firm with most impacting the previous Kiss100 have for his choice to intently associate with his party chief’s opponent.


Netizens reacted differently upon seeing the photo;

kipkemboiteddy In all fairness, resign from ODM and vie on a UDA ticket.

byronemark Yes it will be for future use, it will be used to remind you that you betrayed Raila as you pack and go home

obyzyy: So you think you will be President one day???…BullSHIT!!!

_cptbensase: This Guy will be Next President. What Ik about Jalang’o is a go Getter. ????????

ibruzlee9: Weka mzuri hii utaonyesha kamene goro pale Kameme fm Mr One term mp????

2mbili: You replacing GACHAGUA soon

Jalang’o’s New Directive on Event Staffing Sparks Mixed Reactions

Lang’ata Member of Parliament (MP) Phelix Odiwuor Khodhe, popularly known as Jalang’o, has sparked controversy after announcing a new directive that will affect all events held in his constituency.

In a statement, the first-time MP said that all events held in Lang’ata will have to source 50% of their manpower from his constituency. This includes bouncers, ticketing staff, cleaners, casual waiters, and stewards.

According to Jalas, any event organizer who fails to adhere to this new directive will be forced to look for an alternative venue out of Lang’ata. The venues affected by the MP’s announcement include Carnivore Grounds, Uhuru Gardens, and Nyayo Stadium.

Jalas said that the directive was aimed at giving young people in Lang’ata a chance to find employment. He argued that many young people in the constituency are unemployed and that this directive would provide them with an opportunity to earn a living.

However, the new guidelines have elicited mixed reactions from netizens. Some have praised Jalang’o for his initiative, while others have argued that he is overstepping his authority as an MP.

Those who support the directive argue that it is a positive step towards addressing youth unemployment in Lang’ata. They point out that the directive will provide young people with much-needed job opportunities and that it will also help to boost the local economy.

Those who oppose the directive argue that it is unfair to event organizers and that it will ultimately hurt the businesses that rely on events held in Lang’ata. They also argue that the directive is unenforceable and that it is unlikely to be implemented effectively.

Only time will tell how the new directive will be implemented and whether it will achieve its intended goals. However, it is clear that the directive has sparked a debate about the role of MPs in promoting economic development and job creation in their constituencies.

Jalang’o Criticized for Paying Bus Fares for Constituents After Supporting Fuel Price Increase

Langata Member of Parliament (MP) Phelix Odiwuor, popularly known as Jalang’o, has been criticized for paying bus fares for his constituents after supporting the recent increase in fuel prices.

The criticism came from Pauline Njoroge, a Jubilee Party allied digital strategist, who expressed her disapproval after a viral video emerged showing Jalang’o paying bus fares for his constituents heading to town.

Njoroge raised concerns about the MP’s recent support for the Finance Bill, which has increased the price of petrol and contributed to the high cost of living in Kenya.

In a tweet directed at Jalang’o, Njoroge highlighted the irony of his actions and questioned the sustainability of his philanthropy towards his constituents.

She pointed out that the MP had supported the increase of fuel prices to Ksh 195.53 through his vote in parliament, thereby affecting the cost of public transportation.

Njoroge questioned how Jalang’o would be able to finance daily fare payments for his constituents and how many people in the entire Lang’ata constituency he could cater to on a regular basis.

“You go to parliament and vote for fuel prices to be increased to Ksh 195.53, therefore affecting fare prices. Afterwards, you go hopping from one matatu stage to another, paying fare for people.

How long will you sustain this, and in the entire Lang’ata constituency, how many people can you cater for every day? This is madness!!” Njoroge tweeted.

Njoroge’s criticism comes in the wake of the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) revising fuel prices, resulting in a significant increase.

With a 16 percent Value Added Tax (VAT) taking effect, EPRA announced a rise in petrol prices by 13.49 Kenyan shillings, diesel by 12.39 shillings, and kerosene by 11.96 shillings in Nairobi.

The increase in fuel prices has been met with widespread disapproval from Kenyans, who have taken to social media to express their anger and frustration.

Jalang’o has not yet responded to Njoroge’s criticism.

In September 2022, in a display of compassion and support for his constituents, Jalang’o extended a helping hand to the residents of Silanga following a devastating fire incident in Lang’ata constituency.

The MP facilitated the affected individuals with construction materials and offered some form of compensation to assist them in recovering from their losses.

What Jalang’o did for Diamond that earned him a lifelong friend

Phelix Odiwuor, better known by his stage as Jalang’o, a member of Lang’ata, recalls how his connection with East African music icon Diamond Platnumz started more than ten years ago after returning home.

Jalang’o claimed to have met Diamond when he was only starting to gain notoriety and had only three songs when they first met in an interview with SPM Buzz over the weekend.

The Member of Parliament related how, at the time, Diamond was invited to perform in Kenya’s coastal regions but lacked a team member.

When the promoter tricked them and put them in difficulty after the concert where they first met him, they got to know each other better and have remained friends ever since.

“Diamond mara ya kwanza kukutana, tulikuwa tumeitiwa shoo Malindi. Ilikuwa inaitwa Mr na Mrs Coast…kitu kama hiyo. Mfadhili akatutoka, mimi na Diamond tukapanda Voxy mpaka Mombasa. Alikuwa na ngoma kama mbili, tatu watu walikuwa wanajua. Hiyo ni miaka mingi sana iliyopita, Zaidi ya kumi sasa, 12 hivi kama sijakosea,” – Jalango.

The artist thanked Jalang’o throughout their travel for their generosity and assistance on that special day.

“On that day he told me I’ll never forget what you did to my life. And from that time we’ve always been friends. I don’t burn bridges. I always make sure that every person who has been around me and has had a positive impact on my life remains a part of it.


Jalang’o rebrands “Bonga na Jalang’o”, fires employees, gets back to content creation

The sole person recruited to run the well-known Jalang’o TV station ‘jokes’ way too much, thus it hasn’t been operational.

According to Jalang’o, who stated that he fired them to make room for responsible workers.

“Vijana wakamua kupiga sherehe sana. Wakaanza kucheza na channel, na channel inafaa ilete pesa iwalipe.

You’ll pity a channel that was making millions. Now we need to come back. I cannot give you money that you’re not making. Any business must only pay you what you are making, the value. Its called ROI, that is where bado tuko na issue. they have refused. I have told them 50 percent of what you make, so if you make ten shillings, I take five and you three take the other five.

So mjue hesabu ni rahisi coz YouTube ikilipa mnanitumia yangu, nyinyi mnakula yenyu.

You know me Im an open person. Me I dont lie. I come out straight and I come out correct so you people must tell me, is that salary ok. I’m the owner of the channel. The beginner, even now when it was dead and not working, we were still not making money. So it is for you guys to push it and make your own money. I will not go to my pocket to pay you guys. You people must make money to pay yourself.”

Jalang’o defies ODM disciplinary measures

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has begun disciplinary proceedings against 28 lawmakers who defied the party’s position and voted for or abstained from the Finance Bill 2023 vote in parliament.

The party’s secretary general, Edwin Sifuna, said that the lawmakers had been given 48 hours to respond to why disciplinary action should not be taken against them.

Those who have not yet responded include Lang’ata MP Phelix Odiwuor alias Jalang’o, Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo, and 11 other pro-President William Ruto MPs.

Sifuna said that the responses so far received are being processed in accordance with Rule 11 of the ODM Disciplinary Committee (Practice and Procedure) Rules, 2022.

The party has also expressed regret for incorrectly placing Tom Joseph Kajwang, a member of parliament for Ruaraka, on the list of opposition MPs who opposed the Finance Bill, 2023.

The disciplinary action against the 28 lawmakers is the latest in a series of moves by the ODM party to crack down on dissent within its ranks.

In recent months, the party has expelled several members, including former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko and former Kakamega senator Cleophas Malala.

The party’s disciplinary committee is expected to make a decision on the 28 lawmakers in the coming days.

Embarambamba blasts Jalang’o for generalizing content creators

Kenyan gospel musician Christopher Mosioma, aka Embarambamba, has criticized Lang’ata MP Phelix Odiwour aka Jalang’o for his recent remarks concerning taxation of content creators.

Jalang’o had said that he has no defense for content creators who do not want to be taxed, as they are well known for their flashy lifestyles. He specifically named Eric Omondi, Eve Mungai, and Steve Mboya as content creators who earn millions from their work but are reportedly hesitant to pay tax.

Embarambamba disagreed with Jalang’o’s generalization, saying that not all content creators earn a huge amount of money from their content. He pointed out that some content creators may not even make enough money to cover their living expenses, let alone pay taxes.

Embarambamba also said that Jalang’o should not speak on behalf of all content creators, as he does not represent the entire industry. He urged Jalang’o to do his research before making such generalizations.

The taxation of content creators is a complex issue, and there are many different viewpoints on the matter. It is important to have a nuanced discussion about this issue, and to avoid making generalizations that could be harmful to the content creation industry.

In addition to the above, here are some other points that could be included in the rewritten article:

  • The government of Kenya has not yet announced any specific plans to tax content creators.
  • There is a growing debate about the taxation of content creators in Kenya and other countries.
  • Some people believe that content creators should be taxed, while others believe that they should not.
  • There are a number of factors to consider when deciding whether or not to tax content creators, such as the amount of money they earn, the type of content they create, and the impact of taxation on the content creation industry.

Jalang’o Advises Nyako To Change Her Ways

Popular Kenyan politician and radio presenter Jalang’o has advised Tiktoker Nyako to change her ways if she wants to continue being his friend.

Nyako has been known for her foul language and for always ranting and calling people names. She has also been accused of being disrespectful to other celebrities, including Jalango’s sister Akothee and TV presenter Lulu Hassan.

In a recent interview, Jalango said that he had spoken to Nyako about her behavior and that he had advised her to “sanitize her mouth” and to “respect others.” He also said that he had asked her to apologize to Hassan.

Nyako has since apologized to Hassan and has said that she is working on changing her ways. She has also said that she is grateful for Jalango’s advice and that she is looking forward to continuing their friendship.

It remains to be seen whether Nyako will be able to change her ways, but Jalango’s advice is a good start. If she can learn to control her temper and to be more respectful of others, she could become a positive role model for her fans.

Here are some of the things that Nyako can do to change her ways:

  • Be more mindful of her words. When she is feeling angry or frustrated, she should take a deep breath and count to ten before she says anything.
  • Be more respectful of others. She should remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that she should not judge others based on their appearance or their social status.
  • Be more positive. She should focus on the good things in her life and try to be more optimistic about the future.

If Nyako can make these changes, she will be well on her way to becoming a positive role model for her fans

Jalang’o Among Top 20 Performing Parliamentarians

Lang’ata MP Phelix Odiwour, popularly known as Jalang’o, has been ranked among the top 20 performing parliamentarians in Kenya, according to a research by Leeway Africa Research Agency.

The research, which was conducted in the first eight months of the lawmakers’ terms in office, found that Jalang’o was ranked 10th with a 67.4% rating.

Jalang’o, who is a first-time MP, thanked the residents of Lang’ata for their support, saying that he was committed to working hard to improve their lives.

“No 10 is not bad for a first-time MP in 8 months! I am sure tukiendelea hivi we will soon take our rightful position! Thank you my Langata people! Hapa ni kazi tu! Congratulations Hon Babu Owino,” he tweeted.

The research found that Embakasi East MP Babu Owino was the top-performing MP with a 75.6% rating. He was followed by Runyenjes MP Karemba Muchangi (72.7%), Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro (70.2%), Mogotio MP Reuben Kiborek (70.1%), and Tigania East MP Mpuru Aburi (69.8%).

The bottom five MPs were Wajir South MP Mohammed Abdikheir (64.7%), Lugari MP Nabii Nabwera (64.3%), South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro (63.9%), Nyakach MP Aduma Owuor (63.7%), Bahati MP Irene Njoki (62.0%), and Kajiado North MP Onesmus Ngogoyo (62.5%).

Of the 290 constituencies, only three female MPs out of the 29 elected made to the list. They include Kisumu West MP Rozaah Buyu (65.8%), Rangwe MP Lilian Achieng (65.2%), and Bahati MP Irene Njoki.

The research comes after a similar study by Politrack Africa, which also found that Ndindi Nyoro was the top-performing MP, followed by Babu Owino and Kimilili MP Didimus Barasa.

The research by both Leeway Africa and Politrack Africa is a reminder that Kenyans are paying attention to the performance of their MPs and that they are willing to hold them accountable.

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Chris Brown shares hilarious Jalang’o video

Renowned US singer Chris Brown has shared a hilarious throwback video of Lang’ata Member of Parliament (MP) Felix Odiwuor alias Jalang’o.

The video, which has been circulating online for years, shows Jalang’o giving a blunt and honest take on the concept of inner beauty.

“If you’re ugly, you’re ugly,” Jalang’o says in the video. “Don’t try to sugarcoat it by saying you have inner beauty. Men don’t have X-rays to see your inner beauty.”

Jalang’o’s comments have sparked a debate on social media, with some people agreeing with him and others saying that he is being too harsh.

“He’s right,” said one Twitter user. “Inner beauty is great, but it’s not the only thing that matters.”

“He’s being mean,” said another. “Not everyone is born beautiful.”

Ultimately, whether or not Jalang’o is right is a matter of opinion. However, his comments have certainly struck a chord with many people, who are divided on the issue of inner beauty.

What do you think? Is Jalang’o right or wrong?

Jalang’o reacts to fire that razed Lang’ata

Lang’ata residents have once more been the subject of a fire that has gutted a slum within the estate and this time, it has fallen to their area MP, Jalang’o to come and lead the way.

Jalang’o graduates

Taking to his social media he sought to reassure and console residents who lost their belongings or were otherwise affected by the inferno saying:

Sad day in Langata! Kijiji southlands goes up in flames! We have contained the fire and we thank God we dont have any death of Injuries but we have lost properties and livelihood for a number of families, my office is already intouch with the families and we will be donating Building materials, foodstuff and household equipment to enable the affected families to resettle as soon as possible!

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Jalang’o Meets Again With President Ruto

Lang’ata MP Jalang’o has once again met up with president Ruto despite being called a betrayer by ODM party’s supporters the last time they met.

Despite the heavy denigratory statements against him, The MP said he is committed to ODM, and that his support for his Party leader, Raila Odinga, is unwavering.

He denied ODM Party’s claims that he and other lawmakers who visited President William Ruto at State House previously are betrayers.

Today, Jalang’o has once again met up with Ruto, calibrating the agenda for their meet-up. He took to his Instagram and wrote;

”Today the president was in Langata South C at LapFund affordable housing that will see 2500 houses built in the next 44 months. We have agreed to have our youths in south c to be employed at the site and our local artisans to be involved in making doors, windows and other fabrications. Hapa langata ni kazi tu!

After being criticized before, it’s imminent that Jalang’o will also be on the receiving end this time too, by Azimio supporters.

Akothee’s dedication to Jalang’o is heartwarming

See what you will about singer an influencer Akothee, but the one thing you must say about her is that she is loyal to her friends. A close friend of hers, Lang’ata Member of Parliament, Jalang’o turned 40 and her dedication to him was quite touching.

Akothee Sends Stern Warning To Andrew Kibe Over Remarks On Her Bedroom Skills

Jalang’o graduates

Check out what she said below:

From Fish monger to MHESHIMIWA ????????????????


From jaus Rech to Mheshimiwa.
Eee osiepna, this was not by chance or by mistake . Its pure resilience, determination, passion ,dreams ,goals ,directions routes and DESTINATION. if someone told you this days of lupo that you will one day be a movement, you probably might have thought they are movking you . Dear bro ,friend ,Osiepna ,ji osetemo wuodhino ,to ok ochopo kata half. What you have done to even most of us its only God who can reward you. Isiepna ma otinga gi gari ,otera e arus miel to nyiero iweni inyuomo nyamingi mane olewo. Eee ikowa ee arus mondo kik aduogo.
While battling depression you always picked up my calls , still called me for LUO FESTIVAL.
OSIEPNA ma mita Cheque ka adhi Turkana Akothee Foundation nyaka chung . Babyna ma wachoni Agochoni ka aae e bunge , kendo obiro gocho
“Iwacho nango babi” aaaaa osiepnani.
Heavy J pango Arus moluonge wendo. Osiepnani to wenauru .

Nyasae ongeyo

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‘Never Thought I Would Be Here’-Jalang’o Celebrates 40th Birthday

Lang’ata MP Jalang’o is today celebrating his 40th birthday, and he has penned an encouraging message to self via Instagram.
This far I thank God! Never believed or thought in my wildest dreams that we would be here where we are at 40! Life has shown me all but I know and I believe there is more! Let life begin! I have won , I have lost, I have laughed I have cried! I have learnt! I NEVER GAVE UP! Iam Forever indebted to the people, the community that has given me soo much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!” GOD GOT ME!
Celebrities lined up on the comment section to help wish Jalang’o a happy birthday.
DJ Mo wrote;
”Happy birthday Brejen ????.. the best is yet to come. .”
DK Kwenye Beat wrote;
”HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEAVY J ????????????????”
Jalas, who has done several jobs ever since his arrival in the City, has been an epitome of grass to grace over the years. From acting, to a radio presenter, and now to an MP. There’s definitely more in store for Jalas. Happy Birthday to him.

Andrew Kibe and Jalang’o finally clash!

Kibe and Jalang’o have had a long-running feud and they finally came face-to-face yesterday on the former’s Instagram live where they addressed their enmity and the latter even asked how he had wronged him.

Kibe Reveals Why He Wasn’t Emotional On His Wedding Day (Video)

What is interesting is the fact the two had both previously worked with Kamene Goro with Kibe eventually turning against her and Jalas preferring to act as her older brother and would give her advice to try and stop her more destructive nature.

Jalang’o graduates

The two eventually laughed everything off and seemed to arrive at a detente though Kibe was more than willing to escalate things while Jalang’o seemed to realise he would lose face and opting to de-escalate.


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Ida Odinga blasts Jalang’o and Jakakimba

Ida Odinga was in attendance at Akothee’s star-studded wedding and while there, she was asked to make a speech and greet the people in attendance. This is keeping in line with the Kenyan custom of giving the “biggest people” in the room the chance to acknowledge the host.

The day Jalang’o insulted Raila about why he moved to Ruto’s camp

And while speaking about her relationship with Akothee, Ida Odinga decided to also acknowledge some other celebrities in attendance with whom she shares a political journey and they were Jalang’o and Jakakimba.

“I am so happy to see some of my best friends, and some of them were best friends until the elections. One of them is Jalang’o.”

Fans tear Jalang’o a new one for “betraying” Raila

She used a story to tell Jalas to return home telling the crowd that she and he are neighbours in the village and he knows the road they share.

Jalang’o looking dapper as he beats the morning cold

“You know the road, the Kisumu-Busia road separates your home from my home, and we come from the same village.”

Check out the video of that conversation below:

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The day Jalang’o insulted Raila about why he moved to Ruto’s camp

Let’s drag up some old sentiments. Jalang’o has been accused by staunch ODM supporters, the guys who voted him into the seat as Lang’ata Member of Parliament of being a traitor after he went to the Statehouse to have a meeting with President William Ruto.

Fans tear Jalang’o a new one for “betraying” Raila

This is something that flew in the face of the very position his party and the coalition they are a part of stand for. And it runs the risk of making him a 1 term member of parliament just like Jaguar, yet another celebrity who became Starehe Constituency’s MP.

Multi-talented media personality, Felix Odiwuor aka Jalang’o

When he was taken to task for his reasons for visiting and eventually allying himself to the very opposite of his political party, risking his career for the same issue, and he defended his decision in a rather cheeky manner, mocking his party leader, Raila Odinga, the godfather of Kenyan politics by saying,

Jalang’o has sealed his political fate

“I went to (President) Ruto for advice on how to win elections.  You know the President has never ever lost in an election so there is a lot to learn from him because he always wins whether he does it by stealing or any other means. I am now picking useful tips with the aim of becoming the first person from my community to become the President of Kenya. One day you will remember me as that young man from Gem constituency who became the President of Kenya.”

And you wonder whether or not he has shot himself in the foot thinking after he gets bundled out of ODM, Kenya Kwanza or UDA will be willing to turn their back to Nixon Korir in favour of Jalang’o.

Jalang’o advises Raila to step down in 2027

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