“Please forgive me for not fulfilling my duties as your father,” said Jahmby Koikai’s dad

In a heartfelt tribute, Ambassador Daniel Koikai asked his late daughter, Jahmby Koikai, for forgiveness for any shortcomings as her father.

Family and friends gathered at Nairobi Chapel, Ngong Road, on Thursday, June 13, to honor the life of Jahmby Koikai, a beloved media personality and women’s health advocate.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

The memorial service was filled with touching tributes from her family, highlighting her relentless spirit and profound impact on many lives.

Ambassador Koikai shared reflections on his relationship with Jahmby, acknowledging the complexities and long absences due to his professional commitments.

“A time has come for me to atone for my acts of omission and commission. It has been one of the most difficult episodes in my life, especially for your close family, your mum, sisters, aunts, uncles, colleagues in the media, and friends in and out of the country,” he expressed.

He recounted their early years, beginning in 1985 when Jahmby was conceived and her birth in 1986, during his time at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The family of the deceased television personality, Jahmby Koikai, is requesting financial aid.

“She visited me in the office to inform me of the pregnancy and later, after she gave birth to you, she came back to see me. At that time, you were about four months old, and that was my first encounter with you as a child,” he reminisced.

However, their interactions were brief due to his postings abroad. “Though our encounter was short-lived and we never saw each other after that as I was posted outside the country, your mum and other family members took care of you,” he added.

They reconnected when Jahmby was in high school. “It is only when you got to Form One and I was back in the country that we were able to meet when you came to the office to look for me.”

Despite the distance, he ensured he provided for her education and supported her in various ways. “From the time I accepted you as my daughter, I never stopped paying for your education and supporting you in other ways. I would also support you from different parts of the world, especially when I was in Nigeria and London,” he said.

In an emotional moment, Ambassador Koikai asked for forgiveness for any shortcomings as a father. “I take this opportunity to thank her family for being there for her when I was absent… I’ll remember you in many ways. I ask here in public, where I may have not fulfilled my duties as your dad, please forgive me, forgive me, forgive me,” he pleaded.

He concluded his tribute with a prayer for her soul, hoping for eternal peace until they meet again. “I pray that your soul will rest in eternal peace till we meet again. Bye bye!”

Jahmby’s close family members also shared glowing tributes, emphasizing her relentless spirit and the power of her influence. They remembered her as a strong, inspiring figure who touched many lives through her work and advocacy.

Jahmby Koikai will be laid to rest on Friday, June 14, 2024.

Njambi Koikai’s father shares the final message she sent him before passing away

Mr. Daniel Koikai, father of the late Mary Njambi Koikai, also known as Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai, has shared the final heartfelt moments he had with his daughter.


Khaligraph Jones Opens Up About Past Mistakes That Led Him To Custody

In a funeral program obtained by Mpasho, Mr. Koikai reflected on his relationship with Njambi, describing it as a mix of good and bad times. He revealed they only met when Njambi was in high school due to his work abroad during her childhood.

“When times were good, we would go shopping and have lunch at some restaurants in the city, and you enjoyed meeting me very much. I deeply miss the good times we shared together.

During the bad times, we would go days or months without talking, something I blame myself for and will always regret as I’ve lost the chance to make things right with you,” Mr. Koikai wrote.

The businessman shared a message Njambi sent him just a day before she passed away. In her message, Njambi, who was in the hospital, expressed her gratitude to her father and listed a few items she wanted him to bring her.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

“Hi Dad, I hope you got home safely. So I would need a red berry orange water from Del Monte and fresh orange and passion fruit juice. The doctors are here, so I’ll have to go and we’ll talk tomorrow. It was good to see you and reconnect,” Njambi’s message read.

Mr. Koikai also recounted a special message Njambi gave him and her mother, Ms. Stella Wambui, on the night she passed away. She emphasized unity and appreciated her father’s presence.

“In the hospital near your bed with your mother, the night you left us, you told me that we are one blood and you were happy I came. We reconnected and I hope we will reconnect again one day,” Mr. Koikai shared.

Njambi’s father concluded by wishing for his daughter’s soul to rest in eternal peace.

Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai’s funeral arrangements announced

A funeral program has been announced for the late media personality Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai, who passed away on June 3 at the age of 38.


A large number of fans gather to mourn the passing of Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai

On Thursday, June 13, family and friends will gather at Nairobi Chapel, Ngong Road, for a memorial service. Larry Asego and Jackie Nyaminde will serve as the Masters of Ceremony.

The funeral will take place the following day, Friday, June 14, at Langata Cemetery at 8 am. Larry Asego and Mbusii will be the MCs for the day. The program is expected to conclude by 1 pm.

Njambi was hospitalized on May 30 after falling ill and had appealed for blood donations. Her mother Stella Wambui Kanogo and sister Barbara remembered her as a fiercely protective and supportive family member.


Khaligraph Jones Opens Up About Past Mistakes That Led Him To Custody

“Njambi was more than just a daughter and sister; she was our protector. As a sister, I remember her vigilance whenever I went out, asking for phone numbers of everyone I met and ready to call if I wasn’t back. She was my biggest cheerleader, and her pride in all my wins was boundless,” shared Barbara.

Her father reflected on her dedication to education, saying, “Your sudden and unexpected death cut short your bright and promising career, especially as you had entered the political arena, contesting for Member of Parliament for Dagoretti South in the 2022 elections where you achieved an impressive fourth place.”

Celebrities and reggae fans come together to honor Jahmby Koikai at a special fundraising event

Celebrities and reggae fans will come together to honor the late media personality Mary Njambi, known as Jahmby Koikai, at a special fundraiser on Wednesday, June 12, at the Quiver Club on Thika Road. The event will have an entry fee of Sh500, with all proceeds going towards covering Jahmby’s hospital bills and funeral arrangements.


Khaligraph Jones Opens Up About Past Mistakes That Led Him To Custody

Many celebrities have shared the event poster on their social media platforms, showing their support. Friends from the industry will also pay tribute to her on June 12, dedicating the entire day to celebrating her vibrant spirit and passion for life.

Jahmby Koikai passed away on June 3 at Nairobi Hospital after a long battle with endometriosis. In an emotional interview during the funeral service at All Saints Cathedral, Jahmby’s mother reminisced about her daughter, calling her a mentor and friend to many. “We should be brave in her name. Jahmby loved you, and you loved her. Thank you so much for that,” she said.

The family has announced that Jahmby’s funeral will take place on June 14 and are currently fundraising to cover the costs. They aim to raise Sh3 million, and contributions can be made using the pay bill number 600100 and account number 242424.


A large number of fans gather to mourn the passing of Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai

A memorial service is planned for Thursday, June 13, with the venue to be announced soon. Explaining the family’s decision regarding her final resting place, Jahmby’s father said, “The memorial service will be on Thursday, and more details will be announced before the funeral on Friday at Lang’ata Cemetery. She will be buried there because her grandmother is buried there, and the family wanted her to be buried close to her.”

He also highlighted Jahmby’s commitment to her community, expressing her wish for her projects to continue posthumously. “She said if her projects could continue, she would be happy. That was her reason for running for the parliamentary seat of Dagoreti North.”

The touching reason behind Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai’s burial at Lang’ata Cemetery

The late Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai’s mother has announced the date and location of her daughter’s burial.

In an interview with local media, she shared that the beloved MC and radio presenter will be laid to rest on Friday the 14th at Lang’ata Cemetery.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

Njambi’s father explained their choice of burial site, stating that since her late grandmother is buried at Lang’ata Cemetery, they wanted Njambi to be buried near her grandmother’s grave.

“The memorial service will be on Thursday, with more details to be provided before the burial on Friday at Lang’ata Cemetery. We chose this location because her grandmother is buried there, and the family wanted them to be close,” he said.

Njambi’s mother added that the memorial service will be held on Thursday and encouraged those who wish to contribute to send their donations to pay bill 600100, account number 242424.

In another part of the interview, the grieving mother spoke fondly of her famous daughter, listing Njambi’s many qualities.


Khaligraph Jones Opens Up About Past Mistakes That Led Him To Custody

“As Njambi’s parent, we won’t put her in a box. She was many things—a scholar, a Christian, an artist, a politician, and a member of the reggae fraternity. Njambi was a mentor.

“This is how I knew my daughter, from how she interacted with her fans. Njambi was larger than life. So, Njambi was all of these things.”

She emphasized that Njambi didn’t want to be confined to a single identity and was truly a woman of the people.

“Njambi didn’t want to be put in a box by anyone. She served everyone individually and never confined herself to one identity. She was a person of the people.”

Gachagua pays tribute to the late Njambi Koikai during The Bahati’s Empire Show launch

At the launch event of The Bahati Empire reality TV show on Thursday, June 6, a special tribute was paid to the late Njambi Koikai. Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, serving as the Chief Guest, led the audience in observing a minute of silence to honor her memory.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

During his address on stage, Mr. Gachagua expressed his gratitude for the evening’s festivities and hoped for more enjoyment ahead. However, before continuing, he acknowledged the recent passing of Njambi Koikai, a beloved artiste and DJ. He requested everyone to stand up and pay their respects with a moment of silence.

Mr. Gachagua’s gesture was widely praised by Kenyans and was captured in a video shared on his YouTube channel.

Njambi Koikai, who was 38 years old at the time of her passing, had been battling Endometriosis, a gynecological condition characterized by tissue similar to the lining of the womb growing outside the uterus. This condition had led her to undergo 21 surgeries over the years.


Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Hosts Family Of Late Singer Ally B

Although Endometriosis itself is not typically fatal, it can lead to severe complications in rare cases. Symptoms include intense pelvic pain, fatigue, and heavy menstrual periods. In some instances, the condition can affect other parts of the body such as the lungs, brain, and skin.

The family of the deceased television personality, Jahmby Koikai, is requesting financial aid.

The family of the late renowned TV and radio personality Mary Njambi, also known as Jahmby Koikai, is reaching out to the public for financial assistance to cover her hospital bills and arrange her funeral.


A large number of fans gather to mourn the passing of Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai

Jahmby, admired for her lively presence on screen and passion for reggae music, tragically passed away on Monday while undergoing treatment at Nairobi Hospital. Her unexpected demise has left her family grappling with both emotional and financial burdens, especially considering her prolonged battle with endometriosis.

Senator Gloria Orwoba has taken to social media to mobilize support, urging Kenyans to extend a helping hand during this challenging time. She emphasized that any contribution, regardless of size, would be immensely valuable to Jahmby’s family.


Dennis Itumbi’s heartfelt open letter to the late Jahmby ‘Njambi’ Koikai

Providing details on how individuals can contribute, Senator Orwoba encouraged donations to be sent to Barbara, whose contact information was provided. She appealed for a heartfelt send-off to honor Jahmby’s memory.

While the family is currently overwhelmed and unable to provide further information, they implored Jahmby’s fans and well-wishers to direct their contributions to the provided contact number.

Meanwhile, Kenyans continue to offer condolences to Jahmby’s family and close associates. DJ Double Trouble of Ghetto Radio shared the final moments of Jahmby’s hospitalization before she succumbed to her illness. According to him, Jahmby was urgently transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) as her condition worsened. Despite efforts, she eventually lost her battle with endometriosis.

DJ Double Trouble also disclosed that Jahmby had to be placed on life support due to her deteriorating health. Having bravely fought stage IV endometriosis for over two decades, she endured immense suffering, including multiple lung collapses and damage to vital organs, necessitating numerous surgeries.

May her soul find eternal peace.

My final conversation with Jahmbi Koikai – Philip Etale

The reggae and media communities are deeply mourning the tragic death of Mary Njambi Koikai, widely known as Jahmby Koikai.

The heartbreaking news was announced by ODM spokesperson Philip Etale on Tuesday, June 4.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

“Farewell, my friend, sister, and simply the best friend Fyah Mummah Jahmby Koikai. Your beautiful smile, our phone calls about many things, including our days at KBC, your mastery of the Maragoli language, and the happy moments you shared with everyone. You had a large family, just a big family…go well, my friend,” Etale posted on X.

Speaking to Nairobi News, Etale paid tribute to the beloved media personality.

He expressed regret for not reaching out during her blood donation appeal.

“A close mutual friend informed me of her passing,” Etale said. “She was full of life, outgoing, happy, and very understanding. She had a big heart and was very kind, never holding a grudge. I knew her since 2001. She was also very prayerful. One of the things she always talked about was her grandmother, who she was named after and who was her source of inspiration. She used to wear and talk about a dress from her grandmother.”


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

Etale recounted his last conversation with Jahmby in May when she told him she was not feeling well.

“She said she was not feeling well. She had just started performing again. She was a crowd-puller.”

Radio Jambo presenter Mbusi described Njambi as a peaceful colleague.

“Working with her was genuine work, and her advice was always truthful. We hadn’t seen each other for a while because she was unwell, but we kept in touch. We have lost a true reggae fanatic, and may her soul rest in peace.”

Two weeks ago, Jahmby sent a health proposal to President William Ruto, who was on a three-day national tour of the United States at the time.

Using her social media accounts, Jahmby urged President Ruto to consider treatment for endometriosis and emphasized the importance of investing in healthcare.

“This is a sincere call for help to some Kenyan leaders, but allow me to address this first to President William Ruto as he embarks on his visit to the United States. Honourable President, one of the key areas of your visit is investment in healthcare,” she said.

“Atlanta, Georgia is a dream city for every young girl and woman who has ever battled this terrible disease called endometriosis. There is a center dedicated to restoring the lives of girls and women who have been crippled by this disease, the @centerforendocare,” she explained at the time.

Jahmby also mentioned specific places she would like President Ruto to visit to better understand the disease and potentially help many women in Kenya.

“As you begin your tour of the United States, I would like you to visit places that would help millions of Kenyan women who are silently battling this disease, such as the Endometriosis Care Centre and the Women’s Centre at Northside Hospital,” she explained.

Jahmby’s legacy as an endometriosis warrior and vibrant media personality will continue to inspire many. Her advocacy for better healthcare and her passion for helping others will be remembered and cherished by all who knew her.

Enraged entertainers retaliate against Kriss Darlin following comments about Jahmby’s passing

Kriss Darlin claimed that those currently sharing Jahmby Koikai’s posts had not done so when she needed help.

The passing of reggae entertainer and endometriosis warrior Jahmby Koikai has sparked a wave of mourning and remembrance across the entertainment industry. However, amidst the expressions of grief and support, Kriss Darlin, a popular reggae entertainer, has stirred controversy with remarks that have left many disheartened.


DJ Moh Spice takes over reggae show weeks after NTV fired Kriss Darlin

In an Instagram post offering condolences for Jahmby Koikai, Kriss Darlin’s words triggered a backlash from colleagues and fans.

“It’s now TIME to POST PICS with the DEPARTED but when she asked and needed BLOOD DONATIONS & HELP NOBODY POSTED PICS,” stated Kriss Darlin.

DJ Xclusive didn’t hold back, expressing his dissatisfaction with Kriss Darlin’s viewpoint. “So now you’re dictating how people will mourn? Surely 😒😒😒 people show support in different ways, not everyone has to donate blood… some may choose to pray for her or send an encouraging message… I’m sure this sounded smart when typing but it’s not,” DJ Xclusive remarked.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

Publicist Anyiko Awoko also chimed in, emphasizing the positive aspects of honoring Jahmby’s memory. “Jahmby doesn’t deserve this odd comment. Many people and friends posted about the blood request and have helped in other instances. There are also people who help but don’t post. Let’s just celebrate her and stay positive. That’s what she would appreciate,” Awoko emphasized.

The sentiment of disappointment was echoed in the comments, with Hillas Hillary highlighting the personal nature of mourning. “I’m disappointed that you would even think like that. For the past 17 years, she battled the disease. Were you the only one who supported her or what are you saying??? So we can’t mourn regardless?? Mourning is personal, and many people were always championing for her,” Hillary expressed.

DJ Moh Spice added to the conversation, labeling Kriss Darlin’s post “irresponsible” and emphasizing the variety of support methods. “Such an irresponsible post… People help others in different ways. Just because it’s not posted online doesn’t mean it’s not happening…!!! Do good and move on. Smh! #Disappointed,” DJ Moh Spice remarked.

Fans also voiced their discontent with Kriss Darlin’s comments, with many questioning how he personally aided Jahmby.

A close friend reveals the final moments of Jahmby Koikai

Celebrated TV and radio personality Mary Njambi, also known as Jahmby Koikai, passed away on Monday while receiving treatment at a Nairobi hospital.

In the wake of her untimely demise, Kenyans from all walks of life took to social media to mourn the beloved media figure.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

Ghetto Radio’s DJ Double Trouble was among those who mourned Jahmby, revealing her final moments in the hospital before she succumbed to her illness.

According to DJ Double Trouble, Jahmby was rushed to the ICU on Monday after her condition deteriorated, but sadly, she lost her battle with endometriosis.

“She was in the HDU but is now in ICU. The blood donation was a success, people came through, but the problem is that she is in critical condition. Now we are praying she feels better,” DJ Double Trouble shared.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

DJ Double added that Jahmby had been placed on life support after her health took a turn for the worse.

The former co-host of The Trend had courageously battled stage IV endometriosis for over 20 years. The disease caused her immense suffering, including 12 lung collapses, damage to vital organs like her lungs, bowel, and diaphragm, and countless painful surgeries.

Endometriosis is a chronic and debilitating condition where tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, causing severe pain and complications.

In Koikai’s case, endometriosis spread to her lungs, heart, appendix, teeth, and spine, shifting her organs to the left.

Koikai’s battle with endometriosis turned her into a fierce advocate for women’s health. She courageously shared her journey on social media, detailing her struggles, treatments, and the emotional toll of living with a chronic illness.

Dennis Itumbi’s heartfelt open letter to the late Jahmby ‘Njambi’ Koikai

Digital strategist Dennis Itumbi has written an open letter to the late Mart Njambi Koikai, shortly after the announcement of her passing.

In his social media posts, Itumbi mourned Jahmby, celebrating her as a warrior and a fighter who endured over 21 years of pain.


Khaligraph Jones Opens Up About Past Mistakes That Led Him To Custody

He reminisced about the good times he shared with Jahmby, reflecting on how she inspired him to strive for greatness.

Itumbi expressed regret for not knowing that Njambi’s first name was Mary.

“You were a good person with a pure heart. A fighter par excellence.

It is only now that I learn your first name was Mary. On a light note, I wish I had the chance to call you Mary. Maria, and use the different Mary jokes on you,” Itumbi mentioned.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

Jahmby Koikai sadly passed away on Monday after a prolonged battle with Endometriosis.

The late Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai Image: Instagram

Here is Itumbi’s Letter to Jahmby:

Njambi Koikai,

Go well.

The lamp you hold reminds us of the light you shone on the darkness of the pain many girls face.

Thanks for pushing me even when I didn’t fully understand what you were fighting for until I did. Okay, not completely, but mostly.

21 years battling pain.

10, 15, 20 surgeries +

Fighting for others, even as your pain intensified.

You leave, having left a visible footprint next to everyone who witnessed your journey.

You tried to take me to a reggae dance-out—you really tried. That one failed.

But you introduced me to Bob Marley and his quote, “You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.”

In your final days, you pushed to understand and raise awareness about the dilemma many girls face—Thoracic Endometriosis. You died educating and motivating me.

Thank you for allowing me into your life.

Travel safely, Fyah Mumaah!

Paul was writing about you, you have indeed fought a good fight, you have finished the race!

To your family and friends, I pray for comfort and blessings.

You were a good person with a pure heart. A fighter par excellence.

It is only now that I learn your first name was Mary. On a light note, I wish I had the chance to call you Mary. Maria, and use the different Mary jokes on you.

Let me conclude with this: “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch, but on its own wings.”

Njambi, fly into God’s arms of love and no pain.

A large number of fans gather to mourn the passing of Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai

The esteemed reggae emcee and advocate against endometriosis, Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai, has passed away. Jahmby breathed her last at Nairobi Hospital on Monday, around 9 pm.

According to a source at the hospital, she was in the ICU at the time of her passing.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

The reggae icon, also known as Fyah Mummah, had recently been admitted to the hospital and had made a plea for blood donation.

“Hi fam, I’m currently admitted at the Pioneer Ward Nairobi Hospital and I kindly need Blood O positive. Kindly asking for blood donors for Mary Njambi Koikai,” she posted on her Instagram stories.

Having struggled with endometriosis for nearly two decades, Njambi was a beloved figure in the reggae community.

Following her passing, many of her fans expressed their sorrow and condolences:

celestine ndinda😢😢😢

flossytrukidRIP njambi faya mama😢💔💔

sorgon_38Rest in peace fayah mama

nelly.remaShe really fought the good fight, Rest easy Jahmby

brianbabuShe fought the good fight 🕊️

jackieewaitheraShe has really fought 🥺😭

wyckie_ireriOMG 😱

d.ngashofficial😢😢😢 Rest Well Jahmby

peekay_01May she rest in peace. Really really 😔 sending prayers to the family and friends.

rickoohShe’s fought … Rest Easy Jahmby..

mor_e_wayne💔noo way


sarah_sylvia_diangaDamn! This hit hard 💔. May her soul find eternal peace 🕊️

mosesnjorogemungai001Whaaa this is sad…my condolences

g4gach_Shine oyw fayah mamaa💔🕊️

Rest in peace: Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai has passed away

The sad news has come that Mary Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai, known as Fire Mama, has passed away. The passionate Reggae enthusiast had been undergoing treatment at Nairobi Hospital and had made a plea for blood donation just last week.


Jahmby Koikai to finally come home after almost two years abroad 

In an Instagram post, she wrote, “Hi fam, I’m currently admitted at the pioneer ward Nairobi hospital and I kindly need Blood O positive. Kindly asking for blood donors for Mary Njambi Koikai.”

Jahmby was known not only for her love of Reggae but also for her advocacy as an Endo warrior and Thoracic Endometriosis Survivor. She had recently called on President Ruto to prioritize investment in healthcare during his visit to the US.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

In her plea, she highlighted the significance of Atlanta, Georgia, as a city with specialized centers dedicated to treating Endometriosis. She explained the nature of the disease, where tissue similar to the uterus lining grows on other organs, causing severe health complications. Jahmby shared her personal journey of enduring collapsed lungs, numerous surgeries, and the spread of the disease to various parts of her body.

She emphasized the need for awareness, as many women suffer in silence due to societal stigmas surrounding menstrual health. Jahmby’s advocacy shed light on the challenges faced by Endometriosis patients globally, urging for better education, diagnosis, and treatment options.

“You will pay for oxygen per gram,” EndoWarrior Jahmby Koikai warns doubting Kenyans on the harsh impact of COVID-19

Masses hardly believe until they hear it from the horse’s mouth. It may just be human nature but when you’re told, you better listen.

COVID-19 is a situation that became part of the Kenyan narrative in March 2020, sending the nation into a dilemma.

But many are yet to realize the harsh impact of the deadly virus on the human body.

Also read: Jahmby Koikai narrates horrifying moment her gum got cut off and teeth plucked out to help curb endometriosis

Jahmby Koikai tells her story

For those still in doubt, renowned Kenyan Endo warrior, Jahmby Koikai has come out to tell her story of a similar situation she was in, for at least 3 solid years.

Media personality Jahmby Koikai

“2015-2018 were the hardest years of my life. It was common occurrence to check into the hospital I used to go to and wait for a bed. Yes wait, because the hospital was full,” her open letter starts off.

“Thankfully God was always on my side, there’d be someone on the discharge. The discharge process doesn’t take 10 minutes. It takes hours while I’d be seated on the bench trying to catch my breath and there was no pandemic then,” Jahmby attests.

EndoWarrior Jahmby Koikai
EndoWarrior Jahmby Koikai

All she had been queuing for at the time, was a supply of oxygen. Yes, oxygen.

“The most expensive thing in our Kenyan hospitals is OXYGEN,” she continues.

“My people, listen here, you will pay for OXYGEN per GRAM. It will be more expensive than your medication. I didn’t have a virus. I had Thoracic Endometriosis,” Jahmby warns the Kenyan mass.

Jahmby Koikai

At the time of her battle with endometriosis, she was admitted to a hospital in the US where her treatment proved successful in 2019 when she finally returned to Kenya.

The warning

“Now, with COVID-19, better be extremely careful. Do not do things because others are doing it. You will end up ALONE, NO HOSPITAL BED, NO OXYGEN, NO DOCTOR, NO NURSE,” she forewarns.

Jahmby Koikai

“I’ve fought this fight for years. Lung disease is not easy to recover from. It leaves you with other issues and could leave you on medication for life,” Jahmby continues.

“Don’t be reckless because you’ll go through some crazy unimaginable pain. Concerts, parties, political rallies ain’t going nowhere. They’ll be back. Your life comes first,” her letter closes off.

There you go!

Video of Njambi Koikai’s massive body transformation after years of battling endometriosis lights up the Internet

Endo warrior, Njambi Koikai returned to Kenya mid last year from the US, where she had been receiving treatment, looking quite skinny and week but barely months later, her body has massively adjusted and she looks adorable.

The Reggae fanatic decided to treat fans to a cute video of her working out and keeping her body in shape, attesting her journey to her mom’s traditional porridge recipe that has seen her slowly get back to her former state.

Thoracic Endometriosis Survivor, Njambi Koikai

Also read: Njambi Koikai narrates horrifying moment her gum got cut off and teeth plucked out to help curb endometriosis

Having enrolled into coaching sessions with one of her trainers locally, Njambi looked pretty excited, vibrant, strong, so beautiful in her tights and sleeveless top that if you had indeed watched her journey, you’d admit it is indeed a miracle.


Her crop top allowed room for her visibly well-chiseled abs, her pants hinting she had added some fair weight, a true testament that her progress is beautiful and the future promising.

Also read: ¨For the first time since I got back, my menses have no pain¨ Endowarrior, Njambi Koikai rejoices

Interestingly enough, Njambi wasn’t even indulging in lots of carbs or junk foods, she was in fact doing uji every single day and sticking to her routine workouts.

Jahmby Koikai slowly getting back to shape

The media personality battled the condition secretly for 19 years and spent close to 2 years in the US for treatment before flying back into Kenya on August 28, 2019 and her journey has since be transformational.

Blessed to have maintained her natural mtaani accent despite the years overseas, Njambi lit up the internet, so warm, so free, so energetic and so happy at life, doing it by her rules.

nonsiziagnes You look great dear????❤️


mercy.jeff Abbs nazo????


winnie_cheruto A true living testimony.. God above all… Looking Good.. ❤️❤️????????


stlyamumo You look great…❤️❤️❤️


mcjacci Watu WA kifua kikuu wataeza kuruka ruka ama ni ngori????????


ms_yunis Wow! Looking good Fayah Mama. #progress ????


penny_chowder You look so strong ???????? Glory to the most high ????


kevoh_undercover Looking good Njambi!