Jacque Maribe: I am a single mother let me go see my child

Citizen TV Jacque Maribe has asked the court to grant her bail because she’s a single mother and should be taking care of her four-year-old son.

Maribe, who has been given another week in remand after the court set her bail hearing to October 24, filed an affidavit pressing the court for bail stating that her son is young and she is a single mother.

“I am a single mother of a child aged four who solely depends on me for social and financial upkeep. He is of tender age and will deeply suffer if I remain in custody until the conclusion of the murder trial which might take long,” she said. 


She told court that she would not jump bail because she’s famous and everyone knows her. She asked the court to let her see her son who is only four and might be suffering.

“There are no compelling reasons whatsoever that can deny me bond. I’m a well-known TV journalist. Most Kenyans are conversant with my job and can easily spot me anywhere; therefore, making it impossible to jump bail,” said Maribe.

“I was not involved in the murder, was not at the scene of the murder, and had no knowledge of (Monica) or any person known to her. Any association alleged against me with the murder is wholly weak circumstantial association with Irungu,” she added. 

Lawyer Corazon Kwamboka explains why Jacque Maribe is likely to spend the rest of her life in prison with her fiancé

Citizen TV anchor and reporter Jacque Maribe faces a murder charge for being an accessory in the killing of businesswoman Monica Nyawira Kimani.

Jacque recently pleaded not guilty when she appeared in court on Monday October 15th alongside her fiancé Joseph Irungu. The two partners in crime are being incarcerated at Lang’ata Women Prison and Industrial Area Remand Prison.

Socialite Corazon Kwamboka has come out to comment on Jacque’s case. For starters, Corazon graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Law (Second Class Upper) in 2014 from the University of Nairobi.

She joined the Kenya School of Law after her graduation from UoN and was admitted to the Roll of Advocates by Chief Justice David Maraga in 2016.

Accessory to crime
Jacque Maribe and fiancé Joseph Irungu in court on October 15th
Jacque Maribe and fiancé Joseph Irungu in court on October 15th

Below is Corazon’s explanation on why Jacque Maribe is likely to spend the rest of her life in prison:

corazon_kwamboka#legaltuesdays #celebritylawyer #askcorazonlaw.
ACCESSORY TO A CRIME In criminal law, helping or contributing to a crime is as criminal as actively and actually commiting the crime.
You can be criminally prosecuted along with the perpetrator(the person who did the criminal act) for
1. Coming up with the idea
2. Commanding someone to commit a crime
3. Hiring someone to commit a crime for you
4. Instigating a crime
5. Giving advice on how to commit a crime
6. Covering the crime, whether before or after it’s done.

So what do you do if you are aware that your partner is about to commit a crime or has committed a crime to avoid being an accessory avoid prosecuted?

1. Make a report to the police.
2. Convince the ‘criminal’ to go forward.
Do not try to be ride or die or you will be riding together to prison. In case you failed to make a report here are some of the defenses
1. Mistake of fact; where you a genuine mistake as to what you friend or partner did or was about to do. E.g they asked to borrow a knife and you give them thinking they are going to chop tomatoes but they butcher their wife with it.
2. Abandonment; if you stopped offering you help on time and therefore making it hard or impossible for the principal to commit the crime.
3. Withdrawal; ‘ I didn’t help because it was wrong, and I tried to take away the gun so he wouldn’t kill her.

Dennis Itumbi prays for Joseph Irungu to be thrown in prison while Jacque Maribe to be freed so they could ride into the sunset together

Dennis Itumbi has stuck on his guns on defending Jacque Maribe. The Secretary of Digital Innovation and Diaspora in the Office of the President Dennis took to social media to pray for the Citizen TV anchor.

“It has always been said and I agree that, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Though it tarries, be sure that Justice will be done my dear friend Jacque Maribe. So shall it be done for Monica and Family. So, graciously hear me Lord. Good week all,” wrote Dennis Itumbi on Facebook.

Still feels a thing for Maribe
Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe
Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe

Itumbi engaged Facebook fans who raised several questions. From her responses, it was clear he only wants Maribe alone to be acquitted because he still feels something for her.

Read some of the responses below:

Dabuke Jela: This is vintage Dennis Itumbi… Quoting Martin Luther King Jr to moralize a murder most foul. Shouldn’t it be the other way round? The family of Monica that is grieving the loss of a daughter first, then your friend Jacque Maribe whose judgement seems to have failed her?

Dennis Itumbi: charging an innocent person in any case is the greatest injustice in any criminal prosecution. That is why they say, you would rather have 1,000 guilty people freed, than one innocent person Jailed. That is my position

Rita Nemayian Oyier: you are taking this case too personal, I hope its not your ladder to climbing back your way to her disintegrated heart. Brother, I will advise that you stop giving this girl false hopes, and focus on looking for another damsel who will love you for real. Ladies are funny, you can try to catch her attention with all this beautiful nonsense yet her heart is probably with another Tarzan out there which may include Jowi the spiderman. I wonder why you don’t speak like this for all ladies implicated in such cases. All said bro, you will never understand women!

Dennis Itumbi: It is personal

Stewart Moses: You’re always not mentioning Jowie anywhere in your prayers. God doesn’t answer such prayers

Dennis Itumbi: I do not remember posting my entire prayer here. Unless you overheard me pray

Sue Kerama: In this case, justice for Monica comes first

Dennis Itumbi: Justice is just that Justice. It bears no positions or time just one thing called Justice at the fall of the hammer. I however agree with you that Monica’s family deserves and should be served with Justice and therefore closure

Jujuh Gal:  Am glad she looks strong today. Dennis Itumbi why ain’t you in court bro?

Dennis Itumbi: i was right there

Zachary Maina: Dennis you have clearly avoided mentioning Jowie because you would have want him rot in jail for a clear reason….

Dennis Itumbi:  to Jowie too, Justice

Stephen Masudi: We believe in this gracious Lord of miracles, when your prayers shall be answered Dennis, on that day, take this gal and marry her you are the only man who can truly love and help guide Jacky in this life. On that day do not even wait for your pastor to come and join you in fact, do not even think of harusi. You remember that birthday cake you gave her on a live national TV, wacha hiyo isimamie cake ya harusi. Continue praying for her, justice will be done and more justice will be served to her when you will marry her. Wish you well and may our gracious Lord be with you.

Dennis Itumbi: Stephen Masudi hahaa you win!

Ndirangu Wa Marcus: imagine Monicah was your sister?

Dennis Itumbi:  she is my sister and I pray to God who know exactly what happened to ensure Justice is served. That is my prayer.

At least leo kamepaka makeup! Jacque Maribe looks presentable in court for the first time since she was arrested (Photos)

Jacque Maribe literally looked like a troubled cage animal when she was first presented in court on Tuesday October 9th to face murder charges.

She looked weak and delicate, she didn’t even apply any makeup on her face. And when she shed tears in the courtroom everybody thought she was regretting the day she met Joseph Irungu.

Jacque Maribe and fiance Joseph Irungu in court on Tuesday October 9th
Jacque Maribe and fiance Joseph Irungu in court on Tuesday October 9th

Prison life better?

Jacque Maribe however appeared presentable and full of life when he appeared in court on Monday October 15th to take plea. Both Maribe and her sweetheart Jowie pleaded not guilty to the charge of killing Monica Kimani.

Jacque Maribe looking all composed in court on Monday October 15th. Joseph Irungu is besides her
Jacque Maribe looking all composed in court on Monday October 15th. Joseph Irungu is besides her

Maribe had spent days locked at Gigiri Police Station when she was first presented in court on Tuesday October 9th. It seems prison life is much better for her since she appeared in court with makeup on, she had spent 5 days at Lang’ata Women prison before being presented in court on Monday.

Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) also commented on Jacque’s look;


Jacque Maribe pregnant with Joseph Irungu’s baby?

Jacque Maribe’s woes continue, the Citizen TV anchor is facing murder charges for being an accessory to the murder of Monica Kimani

Robert Alai reports that Jacque is also pregnant with Joseph Irungu’s baby. The controversial blogger asserts that he has his facts right having told Kenyans that Brian Kasaine (Jacque’s neighbor was the third suspect in Monica’s murder) would be released days before he was actually released.

“10 days ago, we had the facts. Brian Kasaine was to be released after he agreed to be witness —>> Jacque Maribe is Pregnant with Jowie’s Child, Brian Kasaine to be Prosecution Witness,” Robert Alai tweeted.

Fit to stand trial

Meanwhile Jacque Maribe on Thursday October 11th underwent a mental assessment to determine whether she was fit to stand trial.

The medical report indicates that she is mentally fit to stand trial. Jacque and her fiance will take plea on Monday October 15th.

Jacque Maribe and fiance Joseph Irungu in court on Tuesday October 9th
Jacque Maribe and fiance Joseph Irungu in court on Tuesday October 9th





Cathylene Maribe sends her sister Jacque Maribe uplifting message after she broke down into tears in court

Jacque Maribe’s family is standing with her through thick and thin. Her elder sister Cathylene Maribe and father Mwangi Maribe have shown her full support ever since she was summoned and subsequently arrested.

Jacque’s woes started on September 27th when she was summoned to Kilimani police station to record a statement in regard the brutal murder of Monica Kimani.

She was accompanied to the station with her father, Kenyans were wowed with how her father literally shielded her from journalists eager to take her photos.


Jacque and her fiancé Joseph Irungu were presented in Milimani Law Courts on Tuesday October 9, 2018. The two lovebirds were slapped with murder charges after DPP reviewed the evidence gathered by detectives.

The Citizen TV anchor shed tears when she appeared in court. Cathylene Maribe sent her kid sister uplifting message after her day in court.

Jacque Maribe with her father Mwangi Maribe in court
Jacque Maribe with her father Mwangi Maribe in court

“The pain that I feel in my heart is beyond this world…. But my spirit is calm because I know that this is God using us to show that he is Jehovah…,” wrote Cathylene Maribe.


Jacque Maribe briefly reunites with fiancé Joseph Irungu before she is shipped to Langata prison to join Ruth Kamande (Photos)

Jacqe Maribe and her fiancé Joseph Irungu were presented in Milimani Law Courts on Tuesday October 9, 2018 for their charges to be read.

It was the first time the two lovebirds were presented in court together since they were arrested. They were being held at separate police stations.

Justice Jesse Lessit ordered that the two suspects be detained until Monday next week after a mental assessment was ordered for Jacque Maribe.

Prison it is
Jacqe Maribe and her fiancé Joseph Irungu
Jacqe Maribe and her fiancé Joseph Irungu

Jacque and Irungu were being held at Gigiri and Muthaiga police stations respectively. The two lovebirds have now been sent to prison until Monday when they take plea.

Jacque was shipped to Lang’ata Women Prison while her sweetheart was taken to Industrial Area Remand Prison. They will now have a taste of prison life for five days as they will be interacting with hard-core criminals.




It’s a sad and happy moment! Jacque Maribe likely to miss BFF Terryanne Chebet’s wedding as all hell breaks loose for her

Poor Jacque Maribe has been slapped with murder charges for the death of Monica Kimani, now all her energy will be focused on saving herself from the death sentence.

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji gave the green light for Jacque to be slapped with murder charges after reviewing the evidence gathered by detectives.

Also read: Shock as Jacque Maribe faces the hangman’s noose as DPP officially charge her with murder


It’s a sad and happy moment for Terryanne Chebet who will walk down the aisle soon, but possibly without her BFF Jacque Maribe at her wedding.

Terryanne announced wedding plan when she took to social media to reveal that she had been sampling bridal wedding gowns.

“This happened a couple weeks ago, got overtaken by events. Late post… Thanking @aurniacarlislebridals for a wonderful experience as we checked out their bridal gowns. Spoilt for choice! Help!!!. 1, 2 or 3?” Wrote Terryanne Chebet.

It’s even more sad to know that Jacque and her fiance Joseph Irungu might be getting married behind prison bars now that they have both been charged with murder.


Shock as Jacque Maribe faces the hangman’s noose as DPP officially charge her with murder

The die has been cast, Jacque Maribe now has God and her lawyers to save her from facing the death sentence for the murder of Monica Kimani.

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji has given the green light for Jacque to be slapped with murder charges after reviewing the evidence gathered by detectives.

“I have independently reviewed the evidence so far on a record and ma satisfied that there exists prima facie case to warrant criminal prosecution against the following individuals, for the offence Murder contrary to section 203 as read with section 204 of the Penal Code.
a) Joseph Kuria Irungu alias Jowie;
b) Jacqueline Wanjiru Maribe,” wrote the DPP.

Capital offense

Murder, treason, oathing for criminal activities by proscribed criminal outfits, robbery and attempted robbery with violence are the five crimes classified as capital offences in Penal Code.

The law prescribes death as the only sentence for convicts of such five offences. If found guilty by the court, Jacque Maribe will likely to spend the rest of her life in prison because the last people to be hanged were 1982 coup plotters.

In June 2018 Miss Lang’ata Prison Ruth Kamande who stabbed her boyfriend multiple times was handed the death sentence by the court.





Jacque Maribe’s father: My daughter reported Monica’s murder on Citizen TV, how callous can she be to participate in a murder and have courage to read the news?

On Friday September 21st, news about Monica Kimani’s death had been widely reported on all stations. Jacque Maribe was anchoring news on Citizen TV that Friday and she reported Monica’s death knowing or not knowing that her fiance was the alleged monster who killed Monica.

Also read: Monica Kimani’s death big irony! How Jackie Maribe reported the murder on Citizen TV knowing or not knowing her fiance was the alleged killer

Jacque Maribe’s father Mwangi Maribe also questions how his daughter could have participated in Monica’s murder and still had the audacity to read the news on Citizen TV.

“The day after Monica’s murder, my daughter read the same piece of news at Citizen. How callous can she be to participate in a murder and have the courage to read the news? That is not the girl we raised,” Mwangi Maribe said in an interview with the Nation.

Police seeking fame
Mwangi Maribe with his daughter Jacque Maribe
Mwangi Maribe with his daughter Jacque Maribe

Mwangi Maribe also claims that police have arrested his daughter because they want to become famous. He said the only mistake Jacque did was falling in love.

“Police want to become famous by nailing a celebrity. That is why my daughter is in custody. Her neighbour, Brian Kassaine, also has a partner. Why is she not in custody? Her biggest mistake was falling in love,” said Mwangi Maribe.




Only Kirigo Ng’arua tried warning Jacque Maribe after noticing Jowi was a very strange guy -Friends

Citizen TV news Jacque Maribe is currently in hot soup after the murder of Monica Kimani who he was killed by his fiance Joseph Irungu aka Jowi.

Irungu and Maribe were lovebirds for almost six months but now things have emerged that the relationship wasn’t rosy at all.

According to Maribe’s friends, former Citizen TV news anchor Kirigo Ng’arua had tried warning her from Jowi after over hearing an argument from the two.

According to Word Is, Kirigo saw through Jowi’s lies and warned Maribe early enough and it tainted her relationship with Jacque’s man.

“Kirigo was the only one who saw through Jowie for who he was. There was a time she had a public altercation with him because Jowie found out she was telling Jacque he is not worth her love. This altercation coloured their relationship going forward.” said a source. 


The source then went ahead to explain that Jacques proposal occurred while Kirigo wasn’t around and she was left with only congratulating her.

 “After all what could she do, they are friends first before Jowie was in the picture and even after he leave, she will still be close to Jacque,” the source said.

When reached by Word Is and asked about this, Kirigo refused to open up on the issue.

“Who is that giving you that information? Then ask them their thoughts as well. I don’t want to comment about that.” she said. 

Jacque Maribe decides to save herself and testify against fiancé Joseph Irungu?

Detectives have built a watertight case against Joseph Irungu and now it’s up to Jacque Maribe to decide whether she play loyal and sink with her fiancé or save her own skin.

Jacque’s lawyer Katwa Kigen hinted to Saturday Standard that his client was considering cutting a deal with the prosecution that could see her testify against Irungu.

The defense team is also considering filing an application to demand the release of Jacque on grounds that she is no longer a person of interest in Monica Kimani’s murder.

They are basing the application on grounds that detectives are yet to take DNA samples from Jacque as they requested in court.

She will readily assist police
Joseph Irungu
Joseph Irungu

Katwa Kigen told Saturday Standard that Jacque will readily assist police if called upon to say whatever she knows. The lawyer, who was visiting Jacque at Gigiri Police, didn’t immediately confirm that his client would testify against her fiancé.

“If our client is called in by the police to say whatever she knows, she will readily assist. Some of the details they were looking for are whether our client knew Monica. It has been established that they did not know each other. This automatically removes her from the scene of crime,” said Katwa Kigen.






More trouble! Jacque Maribe’s kitchen knife could be the murder weapon used to slice open Monica Kimani’s throat

The late Monica Kimani was found murdered in her house on September 20th. Her throat had been slit wide open, her mouth had been covered with tape, her legs bound and hands tied at the back.

The killer left her lifeless body in the bathtub with the water running. The deceased’s phones were thrown in the bathtub, the assailant locked the house after killing her and left with the apartment keys.

Jacque Maribe’s fiance Joseph Irungu is the main suspect in Monica’s murder. He was arrested alongside the Citizen TV anchor and a neighbor Bryan Kassaine Spira.

Murder weapon
Jacque Maribe's house in Lang'ata.
Jacque Maribe’s house in Lang’ata.

A knife from Jacque Maribe’s kitchen has been subjected to scientific testing to establish if it is the weapon that was used to slice Monica’s throat.

Results of DNA analysis on samples collected from Monica’s house are out and detectives are certain they have pinned the killer.

Details of the results have been kept confidential because the outcome is part of evidence to be used in court by the prosecution.

A source told Nation that police have concluded that Monica’s killer slit her throat with the precision of a highly trained assassin.



Eric Omondi: Am not the father of Jacque Maribe’s son, but I know the baby daddy

Eric Omondi and Jacque Maribe dated years ago before they broke up sometimes in February 2015. Jacque indirectly announced the breakup when she was seen publicly exchanging saliva with Dennis Itumbi.

For years there have been rumors that Eric Omondi is the one who fathered Jacque’s son Zahari. A little bird told Nairobian that the comedian comedian has been footing child support bills for the Zahari since 2014.

According to the Nairobian tabloid, Eric and Jacque decided not to publicly speak about the paternity of Zahari for their own interests.

“Her baby daddy is Eric Omondi but he bailed out on her and this profoundly affected her,” a source told the daily.

Jacque Maribe with her son Zahari
Jacque Maribe with her son Zahari
Not the right time

Eric Omondi however denied fathering Jacque’s son when he was contacted about the paternity of Zahari. The comedian revealed that he knew the kid’s father but wouldn’t want to reveal who he is because the timing is bad owing to the fact that Jacque is currently facing criminal charges over her involvement in the murder of Monica Kimani.

“I know the baby daddy, however, it is not a good time to reveal him since Jacque is undergoing a difficult time,” said Eric Omondi.






This is what you call a family! Cathylene Maribe comes out to show her little sister Jacque Maribe full support

Jacque Maribe’s family is standing with her through thick and thin. Her elder sister Cathylene Maribe and father Mwangi Maribe have shown her full support ever since she was summoned and subsequently arrested.

The Citizen TV anchor was summoned to Kilimani police station on September 27th to record a statement in regard the brutal murder of Monica Kimani.

She was accompanied to the station with her father, Kenyans were wowed with how her father literally shielded her from journalists eager to take her photos.

Jacque Maribe with her father at Kilimani Police Station when she was summoned on Thursday September 27th
Jacque Maribe with her father at Kilimani Police Station when she was summoned on Thursday September 27th
You’re going to make it

Cathylene Maribe has also been sharing motivational posts on social media to show her kid sister support. She recently shared a picture of happier times with Jacque to remind her all will be well.

“Faith tells me that no matter what lies ahead, God is already there,” wrote Cathylene Maribe.

She also shared a quote which read;

“You’re going to make it . You and your family will be just fine. Just stand and let me fight this battle -God.”

Cathylene Maribe and her sister Jacque Maribe
Cathylene Maribe and her sister Jacque Maribe

Joseph Irungu AKA Jowie was a church choir leader- neighbors

As more information about Monica Kimani’s alleged killer Joseph Irungu alias Jowie comes to light, the more Kenyans realize he’s a total scam.

Many have tried digging Jowie’s past now for sometimes but they have gotten nothing much. However, Daily Nation managed to trace his home, which is Nakuru and found out that the he was a staunch christian as a younger man.

He attended Agape Church situated in Pangani estate off the busy Kanu Street in Nakuru and even founded the choir called christened Agape Stormers.

“It is true he was a member of this church and a staunch choir member. I knew him personally and I was shocked when I learnt that he has been arrested in connection with the murder of a young woman in Kilimani, Nairobi,” said one person who spoke to the newspaper. 

Irungu is the second born child in a family of two boys and two girls. Many friends said that he was a very disciplined young man but they lost touch with him after he moved to Dubai then Afghanistan.

“I don’t know much of his present lifestyle. However, during our good times he was a staunch church member at Agape Church and a superb vocalist in the church choir,” said a close friend. He was such an amazing young man who was musically correct and with superb vocals. I was shocked when I saw his photograph in the newspapers as the main suspect of the murder of a girl in Kilimani,” the neighbour said.

“The last time I saw him in Nakuru was in 2015 and since then I have not heard of him as we never communicated again,” said another close band member.


Other neighbors remembered him as a talented musician who had some amazing vocals.

“He was an inspiring musician. He was a vocalist, and an instrumentalist in the church ,” said a friend who teamed up with Mr Irungu to form a band that entertained residents in Nakuru and Naivasha towns.

“Irungu is one person who never missed going to church. His absence was easily noticed,” said another friend with whom they played music together in the church. I was shocked when I saw his photograph in the Daily Nation as the main suspect in the murder of a girl in Kilimani estate in Nairobi,” added another. 

‘He wanted my sister but she didn’t pay attention to him’ Monica Kimani’s, brother speaks 

A family member of the slain 28-year-old Monica Kimani has come out to share that she had a boyfriend though Joe Irungu was interested in her.

George Kimani, brother of the late Monica, shared that her sister had rejected Irungu’s advances and frendzoned him because she had a Sudanese boyfriend.

George also said that the two had been speaking mostly on Facebook and Instagram for sometime before finally met recently at Westlands, Nairobi after she came back to the country from Sudan.

“The two were mutual friends and mostly communicated on Facebook and through Instagram. There was nothing intimate; Irungu admired my sister but she did not take him seriously as she had a boyfriend,” said George Kimani.


Monica’s dad, Bishop Paul Kimani Ngarama, has also come out to share that he has forgiven those who murdered her daughter but his wife Miriam Kimani said she cannot forgive her daughter’s killers.

Screenshots: When Jaque Maribe promised to never leave her boyfriend no matter what happens

Jacque Maribe has been trending for the better part of yesterday after her boyfriend Joe Irungu was linked to the Murder of Monica Kimani.

Irungu was arrested yesterday arrested murdering Monica in her Kilimani Luciane Apartments.

According to reports, Maribe confessed that he drove her boyfriend to Nairobi West hospital on Friday with a gunshot wound. Irungu later reported the matter to Langata Police station.

Irungu and Maribe have been together for almost an year now and he even proposed in July in a hyped event that awed many online.

Jacque Maribe with her son
Jacque Maribe with her son

Ultimate test

But now the two are facing their first ultimate challenge as a couple. In July, after the proposal, Maribe promised to be with Irungu no matter what happens and now the time has come.

Here’s what she said then:

“We’ve been together for a while now, We’re growing stronger everyday now, It feels so good and there’s no doubt, I will stay with you… As each morning brings sunrise, And the flowers bloom in springtime, On my love you can rely, And I’ll stay with you… Oh I’ll stay with you through the ups and the downs, Oh I’ll stay with you when no one else is around, And when the dark clouds arise, I will stay by your side, I know we’ll be alright, I will stay with you…”she said. 


Photos of Joe Irungu showing gunshot wounds while wearing a bad-boy face leaves many angered

Joe Irungu was recently arrested as the main suspect after Monica Kimani was killed in a her house in Kilimani last Friday.

Police managed to trace his phone data which shows he was at Luciane Apartments where Monica lived.

He told police however that he was shot while dropping his girlfriend Jacque Maribe at her Royal Park Estate residence where three men on a motorcycle were waiting at the gate.

Maribe also confessed to police that she drove Irungu to Nairobi West hospital on Friday after he was shot. Neighbors, however, have said they didn’t hear any gunshot and police couldn’t find catridges at the scene.

Thug face

A photo leaked online by Irungu who is a trained mercenary working abroad has left many rather unimpressed because of the face he had when taking the picture.

Kenyans were quick to conclude that Irungu’s “bad boy face” in the photo is a clear sign that he doesn’t care and he’s a true thug.

Here are the photos.

Jacque Maribe confesses driving boyfriend to hospital after he was shot

Citizen TV news anchor Jacque Maribe was yesterday taken for questioning after her boyfriend Joe Irungu was arrested as a murder suspect of Monica Kimani in Kilimani.

According to reports, Maribe confessed that he drove her boyfriend to Nairobi West hospital on Friday, with a gunshot wound. Irungu later reported the matter to Langata Police station.

Irungu claims that he was shot by unknown people on Friday morning, as he dropped his girlfriend at her Royal Park Estate residence where three men on a motorcycle were waiting at the gate. Neighbors say they didn’t hear any gunshots.


Irungu told police when he tried to establish what their mission was there, one of them shot him on the left side of his chest. The bullet exited to the back as the attackers allegedly escaped on a motorbike. They did not steal anything.

Irungu was taken in for questioning after his mobile phone was traced to Luciane Apartments where Monica lived. Maribe and Irungu have been together for almost an year now.


Jacque Maribe and Mike Sonko raise eyebrows as they sit dangerously close to each other (Photos)

Nairobi governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko doesn’t mind ladies invading his private space, he loves to sit dangerously close to women.

In January 2017, Sonko caused a stir on social media after he was seen in a tight squeeze with an unknown lady at Kameme FM.

Also read: Mike Sonko causes a stir at Kameme FM studio as he makes a ‘dangerous’ move on a lady (Photos)

Tight squeeze with Maribe

Photos of Mike Sonko and Citizen TV’s   invading each other’s private space have raised eyebrows on social media.

Most people think the posture was inappropriate for the Nairobi governor:





Itumbi: Jacque Maribe even knows my parents but we are not dating 

State House Digital Director Dennis Itumbi has been forced to clear the air, yet again, that he’s not and never has dated Citizen TV news anchor Jacque Maribe.

Speaking to Classic 105, Itumbi had a lot to say:

“I have stated this, and Jacque herself has also stated this for the longest time now, that we are not dating. People have always believed we are dating.

“The proposal was actually to say, ‘We told you we are not dating’. So, is Jacque my very good friend? Yes, she is and I am her good friend. She is a person I can call any day, any time when I am in a problem and she will help me out immediately,” he said.


“I am the kind of friend she would call when she has a puncture and she even knows my parents and I know her parents and friends. She knows where I live and I know where she lives but we are not dating. I think we dated more on the voices of print media and on the radio airwaves more than we actually had interacted. I am very excited that she said yes to the [proposal] and we will support her all through her marriage process from traditional marriage to the wedding. She is a very good friend. I met her in the media when I was working for People and she was at K24. That is how our friendship grew.


Dennis Itumbi: I’ve kissed two or three beautiful women but I’ve never dated, I discovered dating very late 

Dennis Itumbi still insist that Jacque Maribe and him are only good friends. This despite the fact that the two have kissed in public, shared love poem and even pulled out romantic surprise on live television.

Jacque recently accepted a marriage proposal from a man called Joel Irungu. And most people concluded that the Citizen TV reporter was only friend-zoning Dennis Itumbi all this while.

Also read: Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe clear the air on their relationship after the marriage proposal

In an interview with Word Is, Itumbi asserts that he will wholeheartedly support his friend Jacque Maribe through her traditional and white wedding.

“I am very excited that she said yes to the [proposal] and we will support her all through her marriage process from traditional marriage to the wedding. She is a very good friend. I met her in the media when I was working for People and she was at K24. That is how our friendship grew,” said Dennis Itumbi.

Dennis Itumbi
Dennis Itumbi

Itumbi also disclosed that he regrets discovering dating very late. He said that he had kissed women before but never dated because to him dating was something more intense.

“I discovered dating very late and I really wish I had done that early in life. Today I would be a father of seven children. Something I would have done better is dating. I have kissed two or three beautiful women but I have never dated because to me that is something more intense,” said Dennis Itumbi.


Brain cell 1 and 2? Is this how Jacque Maribe’s new man apologized after his video being drunk like a fish at Koroga? 

From the look of things it seems Jacque Maribe and her new fiancee Joel Irungu are the new Vera Sidika and Otile Brown.

The two lovers have been advertising especially, after Joel proposed.

The Citizen TV employee recently took to Instagram to share a surprise gift her husband to be sent her, some cute pair of heels, that every girl would dream off.


The gift comes just days after Irungu caused tongues to wag after he was seen wasted in a video that has since gone viral. Jacque’s fiancé attended Koroga Festival over the past weekend and he guzzled plenty of booze. Many claimed that he’s embarrassing his wife and should handle his liquor.



Jacque Maribe’s fiancé loses dignity in a drunken stupor (Video)

Netizens are no longer holding Jacque Maribe’s fiancé Joel Irungu in high regard after he was seen uttering incoherent words in his drunken stupor.

Joel Irungu recently proposed to the Citizen TV reporter ending years of speculations about Jacque and Dennis Itumbi’s alleged romantic relationship.

Also read: Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe clear the air on their relationship after the marriage proposal

Party animal

Joel Irungu caused tongues to wag after he was seen wasted in a video that has since gone viral. Jacque’s fiancé attended Koroga Festival over the past weekend and he guzzled plenty of booze.

In the video, Joel Irungu makes a joke about a marriage proposal. He is seen struggling to remove a ring from a box only for him to pull out a piece of chicken saying that it was his way of proposing.




Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe clear the air on their relationship after the marriage proposal

They have kissed in public, shared love poem and even pulled out romantic surprise on live television, but interestingly Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe have never been lovers, at least that’s what they claim.

The two decided to address claims that they have been dating right after Jacque accepted a marriage proposal from another man called Jowi.

Jacque Maribe and Jowi during the proposal
Jacque Maribe and Jowi during the proposal

The conversation between Itumbi and Jacque began after netizens started making fun of Itumbi for being used and dumped by the Citizen TV anchor.

People create their own facts

In their conversation on Instagram, Itumbi and Jacque went to great lengths trying to assert that they have always been just good friends.

See the conversation below:

Jaque: @dennisitumbi thanks, Dennis. I hear you are allegedly serving pilau soon and? that you were allegedly linked to me.

Dennis: Jacquemaribe am telling you. Niko kwa Line-up au sio?

Jacque: @dennisitumbi ebu we ask @jowie.jowi at this rate but??? seriously when will this joke that we were apparently a couple ever end?

Dennis: @jacquemaribe when people create their own Facts, believe them and keep a story going, so convinced about our alleged love and now its end…you just smile and live on. Now the current narrative is that you dumped me…if that is what it takes for people to let go of the false hype. So be it. Let’s accept you dumped me buddy. Now, let us do justice to the moment. Congratulations my Friend. It is about you. Congrats. I salute!