Jacque Maribe did not have a good ending in 2021 especially after her rant concerning child support; after alleged baby daddy Eric Omondi stopped supporting their now 7 year old son.
Judging from how the child support scandal went down, we have reason to believe that – there are some unanswered questions between Eric and Maribe; but I believe they said it shall be resolved behind closed doors.

Anwyay barely two months after this, we now have Jacque Maribe gushing over friend; Dennis Itumbi who recently hangout with her dad, Mr Maribe probably just to catch up after a long time.
However, what seem to catch people’s attention is how Jacque captioned her post, with words that implied Itumbi is her man. She wrote;
Mr Maribe @maribewamwangi and his son in law @dennisitumbi no matter what anyone says, we remain family

Dennis Itumbi = Son in law?
Okay, I want to believe that the son in law was used as a polite gesture to appreciate Itumbi; for helping with her case in court.
But again, could it be that Jacque Maribe decided to settle for Itumbi after realizing how her relationship have been more of ‘character development classes;’ than a romantic affairs – I mean look at Eric Omondi and Jowie Irungu?