Huddah faces the wrath of Kenyans for her cruel and heartless comments about dead Nasa supporters

Former socialite Huddah has proven to be one outspoken women and from her posts on social media there is no doubt that she says what she wants– not caring how this will affect her followers!

A few hours ago, she posted some shocking posts talking about how Nasa supporters dying at demonstrations should not be mourned for by their families but instead their bodies should be left out in the streets to be eaten by dogs.

Also read: “They should let their bodies get eaten by dogs” Huddah Monroe gets insensitive as she mentions what should happen to those young men dying during demonstrations!

Not quite sure what triggered her to say such things but one thing for sure is that she pissed off some Kenyans on social media who could not believe what she had written for the public to see. One of her post read to say:

“Personally, I think nobody should Moirn the death of anyone who dies at a demonstration the familes should not even bury them, they should let their bodies get eaten by dogs. Msiba wakujitakia haumbiwi Pole”
Anyway a few Kenyans on twitter decided to respond and this is what they had to say;

Shots fired! Vera Sidika threatens to expose the number of men Hamisa Mobetto has slept with in Nairobi

The kitchen is getting hot and I am not sure between Vera Sidika and Hamisa Mobetto who will withdraw as it seems both the ladies are out to tarnish each other’s names!

It all started yesterday after Hamisa Mobetto snapped a video of Vera Sidika in a friendly way before Miss Vera Sidika came out firing guns claiming that the socialite was out to ruin her friendship with Zari Hassan.

Hamisa Mobetto and Vera Sidika's beef
Hamisa Mobetto and Vera Sidika’s beef

Also read: You are as fake as your t*ts! Hamisa Mobetto blasts Vera Sidika for insulting her children

According to Vera Sidika, her friend’s enemy is also her enemy and was not happy to see Hamisa Mobetto snapping  her video like they are close. This came as a surprise since the video posted actually looked harmless but from Vera’s reaction – she was not ready to get involved with the lady who had stolen her pal’s (Zari) boyfriend.

Hamisa Mobetto however responded telling Vera Sidika to stop pretending since she was the one who had been looking for her all along trying to befriend her.

Vera on the other hand has come out to threaten Hamisa Mobetto for stepping her toes. Through her snapchat, the Kenyan socialite wrote saying:

Vera Sidika's post
Vera Sidika’s post

And there we have it…more drama on the way!

Huddah Monroe mourning the loss of her aunt who passed on yesterday

Death is something we all dread but it is something that every human being will have to go through since it is part of the life cycle.

Former socialite Huddah Monroe is currently mourning the loss of one aunt who passed on yesterday as revealed through her instagram page where she made the announcement.

Also read: Are you a man depending on your woman to pay your bills? This is Huddah’s advice to you!

Though she did not reveal what caused the lady’s death, she expressed how sad and shocked to have received the message. She also went on to add that she prays that God’s comfort will help her family get through this hard time.

Huddah's post
Huddah’s post

Huddah also did not mention anything about the funeral plans but since she comes from a Muslim family, her aunty might have already been laid to rest.

We from the Ghafla team send our heartfelt condolesences to Huddah and her family as they go through this trying time.

Are you a man depending on your woman to pay your bills? This is Huddah’s advice to you!

Huddah Monroe is a woman who has always made it clear that she cannot involve herself with a broke man who cannot afford to pay her bills.

Well, the lady seems to be mobilizing women to do the same judging from some of the stories she shares on her social media pages. A while back she came out to make fun of men who depend on their women to sort them financially.

Also read: “A man is yours when you are with him” Huddah taking shots at ex-friend Zari Hassan?

Just like most women she opted to share a funny meme which carried the information she meant to send her to her fans who later revealed that she was right.

Huddah’s post

Anyway…despite knowing that women often appreciate men with money – it also comes out in a mean way as most men don’t mind being involved with women who have no jobs. Could this be double standards?

“A man is yours when you are with him” Huddah taking shots at ex-friend Zari Hassan?

Meanwhile while everyone is talking about Hamisa and Diamond Platnumz….seems that even Kenyan celebrities are also interested in the tea judging from Huddah’s post.

Through her gram stories the now business lady who is having the time of her life in South Africa wrote saying;

Huddah’s post

A man is yours when you are with him. When he is out he is ours! We share???

Well, without even asking we all know that this was definitely directed to Zari who once called her out for sleeping with Diamond Platnumz about 2 years ago.

However with all the efforts that Zari has been making to keep her man off other women skirts, the singer has proven to be one man who cannot be tamed.

Huddah’s post

Anyway, I guess this is the time the likes of Huddah will continue firing shots at Zari who is now facing a lot of issues with her relationship.

8 popular women Diamond Platnumz is said to have been with (Photos)

Now that it is obvious Diamond Platnumz aka Chibu Dangote is not a man who can sticks to one woman – I have compiled a list of celebrity females he’s believed to have slept with and dated during the rise of his career.

Well having enough money in the bank has caused him to get away with a lot of things but his lucky strike might just be wearing off now that he has more than 5 children out there but only accepts 2 who he fathered with Zari.

8. Vera
From what I hear is that Diamond Platnumz might have been sexy involved with the lovely Vera Sidika during the Wasafi beach party that went down a couple of months ago. However since non of them came to address the rumors, let us give them benefit of a doubt just for now.

7. Hawa
If you remember well, before Diamond Platnumz became famous he released a song dubbed ‘Nitarejea’ that he featured a lady called Hawa. However what many don’t know is that he fathered her 1st child who he has refused to take care of the little girl.

6. Huddah
Back in 2015 word had it that Huddah slept with Diamond Platnumz right under Zari’s nose when they were in South Africa and knowing the type of lady Huddah is – she confessed about it through her social media pages leaving many shocked.

5. Jokate
Back in the day Diamond Platnumz had a fling with Jokate Mwegelo who later dated Alikiba making the two men continue to dislike each other to date!

4. Wolper
If you didn’t know, yes…Diamond Platnumz dated this actress before dating Wema Sepetu back in 2014 then later this actress went ahead to date his friend ‘Harmonize’ before breaking up a few months ago.

3. Wemasepetu
I need not explain there case as we all saw their bitter breakup back in 2015.

2. Zari
The Tanzanian star dated Hassan after publicly dumping Wema Sepetu. She has how given him two children but the man is still making more kids out here.

1. Hamisa
Well, meet the mother of his 2nd born son.


oops! Huddah suffers wardrobe malfunction embarrassing herself on her Instagram

Business lady cum socialite Huddah Monroe is currently having the time of her life in South Africa where she aims to open a new cosmetic shop that will see her products in the SA market.


Apart from this the lady definitely had to spend some fun time with her South African friends who are currently hosting her for the short time she is in SA. The lady has not only been cruising around with some of the best yachts but also hitting popular clubs where she needs no introduction since she is a star.

However she unfortunately suffered a wardrobe malfunction that left one of her nips out which later caused a stir online as fans rushed to criticize her sense of fashion. But judging from her reactions the lass seemed unbothered as the photo was taken randomly thus catching her of guard.

This is however not the first time she is pulling such a stunt on social media – plus haven’t we seen worse pictures of her before? Anyway check out the photo.

“I am not hiring socialites or models, I want a Gay assistant!” Huddah Monroe tells her fans

Huddah Monroe is now handling a make up which has seen her drop her previous ‘business’ that she was popularly known for.

The lady no longer refers to herself as a socialite but a businesswoman who is going for – that is judging from how her make up line is doing in East Africa.

With so much to handle she recently revealed that she was looking for an assistant who would help out when she is overwhelmed with work. Huddah revealed this through her Instagram stories but what caught my attention is the fact that she was specific on the person she wants!

Huddah’s post

Huddah announced that she needed a gay assistant and not socialites or models who were emailing her for the position. She went on to add that he needs to be Kenyan and surprisingly she managed to get 3 people to play for the position.

Huddah’s post

The lady has always been open about her affection towards the gay community and if I am not wrong she actually has a couple of gay friends who she rolls around with.

Huddah’s post

We are not sure why she specific on the person she wants to work for her but the good thing is that her business has created job opportunities for the young people.

Huddah’s post

Huddah Monroe planning to hold a party after her Instagram account got verified

Huddah has finally been verified on Instagram! The lady shared a screenshot through her gram to announce the good news as well as reveal that she will be having a party to celebrate this before heading to the Tekno concert that will be going down this coming weekend.

The excited lady went on to express how happy she was since many pseudo accounts had been confusing most of her fans and even at times landing her into trouble when people are doing exposes.

She wrote to say:

Those fake pages were killing me! LETS CELEBRATE tomorrow ? reserve your tables asp! Kesho issa serious turn up – B!+Che’s will be believers.

From how she has been moving, we are not shocked that her Instagram page has now been verified even at 1 million followers.

Will Vera Sidika get to her level?

Joe Muchiri attacked by Huddah’s fans after making this nasty comment about the lady

For starters I am shocked to see that Joe Muchiri is still salty with Huddah. These two popular names clashed a while back and looks like their beef is not over judging from the comment left by Joe Muchiri under Huddah’s photo shared by American rapper Rick Ross.

Well according to the media personality, he sees Huddah as a gardening tool and for this reason he wrote to say Ho*es recognize ho*s sparking a fight as Huddah’s fans rushed to defend her on the photo.

Joe Muchiri’s comment

From the comments most seem shocked with the fact that Joe Muchiri had the courtesy of writing such things under a woman’s photo when he appears to look like a gentleman minding his own business.

Anyway below are some of the comments that have definitely left Rick Ross’ Instagram notifications popping.

Huddah Monroe’s reaction after Rick Ross posted her photo on his gram

She might have started off as a socialite and a video vixen but Huddah Monroe has now graduated to a wealthy businesswoman trying to make her money the right way.

Huddah now owns her own make up line and has also landed a couple of jobs as a brand ambassador putting her name out there. A few hours ago, she uploaded a photo to announce that American rapper Rick Ross had shared one of her photo on his Instagram page.

Judging from her caption, it is clear to see how excited the lady was as she went on to describe herself as a boss now that she is dinning with big shots in the entertainment industry.

Anyway, below is the photo shared by the American rapper:

“I don’t do women” Huddah Monroe responds after people question her sexuality

Bad girl Huddah knows how to attract attention her way and for now she wants to talk about her sexual orientation since she has been receiving a lot of direct messages on her social media pages asking whether she is also attracted to women.

Through her social media pages, Huddah addressed this issue by posting a photo which she captioned


Continue reading ““I don’t do women” Huddah Monroe responds after people question her sexuality”

Ready to be the president’s wife? This is the simple,decent and beautiful photo of former socialite Huddah

Hours after President Uhuru Kenyatta was announced as the 2017 election winner, Huddah the stargirl came out to publicly say that she was ready to become the president’s second wife.

This was however not shocking as Huddah has always been the kind of lady to say what she feels like and whatever time. What I don’t know for sure is if she has already made a move or is waiting to see if the president might ‘holla’ (mmmmh her dreams are valid too, right?)

Anyway away from that…Huddah has left many ogling her latest photo that has definitely brought out the best in her. She is seen covered in a red scarf and her innocent face is something you cannot over look.

Through her Instagram page Huddah admitted that this certain photo had a unique look and for this reason she was planning to have it frame! Check it out below;


“Watu wakienda Canaan, mimi naenda Gatundu” Huddah publicly eyes Uhuru Kenyatta hoping to be his second wife (Details)

Huddah Monroe mistress of trades and controversy is no longer hoping to settle down with any average man but the current president Uhuru Kenyatta as revealed in a post shared on her Instagram a couple of hours ago.

Huddah hanging out with Raila

From the post it is clear to assume that the lady voted for Uhuru Kenyatta and her excitement cannot be concealed as she openly says that she will be heading to Gatundu (where Uhuru comes from) when others go to Canaan.

Huddah’s post

The captioned of her steamy videos to say;

Wacha nidance coz hatujui mahali Uhuru yuko, yet mimi nimeamua, watu wakienda Canaan. Mimi nitaenda tuu Gatundu….???. Mtasikianga tu “they married, and lived happily ever after” #secondwife #oldhabitsdiehard

At the same time the lady continues to preach peace especially now that everyone is eager to see who will be announced as the next president voted in by Kenyans in this past general elections.

Take notes! Huddah reveals why she would ‘slave’ for the man who will wife her

Most of the time we hear Huddah saying she will never get married as she is not ready to get attached to one man all her life.

But just like any other woman, she needs company which she can’t buy and obviously dreams of meeting someone who will complete her.

In a recent post shared on Instagram, the lady admitted for the first time that she would literally slave for the man that will win her heart.

However, this came as a surprise as she had previous claimed that she often leaves a man the moment she gets fond of him.

Anyway, as much the business cum socialite claims she is better off without a man there is no doubt that deep down she dreams of having a loyal man who will be the father of her kids and the post below proves it!

Huddah reveals what she regrets most in her life and it is the only common thing she shares with Vera Sidika!

Huddah reveals what she regrets most in her life and it is the only common thing she shares with Vera Sidika!

Kenyan socialite and businesswoman Huddah Monroe is among the new age women most young girls look upto and admire in our society. She started off from a humble beginning and within a short span of time the lass become a celebrity.

For this reason it has become a bit hard for her to settle down with one man since this would affect her business. She has however dated 2 to 3 guys we know or have heard of but her relationships never last for long.

She opened up about her private life through her Snapchat page just recently where she admitted that she is not cut out for relationships like most ladies. Huddah went on to add that she regrets dating because most of her relationships end up being bitter when she calls it quit.

Her confession comes a few weeks after her archenemy Vera Sidika also came out to reveal that she had been in an abusive relationship with her ex Nigerian man, who she now regrets ever being with.

This is how long controversial Gospel singer Ringtone will be fasting and praying for Huddah to get saved

No matter how hard we try to keep off Ringtone’s rants on social media, the singer always finds a way to keep his fans and the media talking and this time around he seems more interested in catching Huddah’s attention.

Through his instagram page the singer announced that he will be fasting for 21 days inorder for Huddah to get saved. He will also be praying for her as he believes that she needs Jesus in her life. He wrote saying,


This is however not the first time the singer is pulling such a stunt. Last year he went ahead to ask his fans to help him propose to Tanzanian singer Ray C as he was ready to make her his wife only if she agrees.

However, this time around he seems more interested with Huddah’s salvation but this is a topic we are pretty sure will interest the popular socialite. Let us wait and see what she will say about this>

“I never slept with Zari’s man when she was with him” Huddah finally speaks out, but what does she mean?

Huddah has given her fans something to talk about after she came out claiming that she never slept with Diamond Platnumz as many believe.

The business lady cum socialite revealed this through her Instagram stories where she went on to say that she never sleeps with married men. Before all this she started by joking about how restless married men get after having sleeping out with their side chicks simply because they are worried about getting back home to their wives.

This was followed by her confession where she came out clean claiming that of all men she had been with Diamond Platnumz is not one of them. Her statement however left me questioning what she really meant as she wrote saying… “Even allegations that I slept with Zari’s man when she was with him are all lies”….so what does it mean? Did she sleep with him when he had not met Zari or what?

Anyway checkout her posts below;

Here is her confession;

Noti Flow takes shots at Huddah for copying her swag but fans end up trolling her, now this is funny!

Rapper Noti Flow might be among the top stylish female rappers we have in East Africa but not everyone seems to agree with her way of thinking. A few hours ago she went ahead to call out Huddah on her Instagram saying that the lass copied her outfit something that has left fans trolling her.

She shared a photo collage of Huddah and herself showing that she wore the look-alike outfit first and wrote saying;

“These B*tches be copying my swag I wonder if I can copy some of theirs ? Ain’t nobody slays like #queennoti doe ?? ”

However fans could not agree with her caption as some went ahead to shut her down saying she is not in the same level as Huddah. According to them Huddah is an international hustler while Noti is just a local lady who hustles but doesn’t have money to show for her hard work. They wrote saying….

sweetangel1940: “Noti I won’t lie to u ,just stick to hoeing in inter continental and giving bl*w j*bs to white men but never in ur dream think uko league moja na msee ka huddah ,b*tch the furthest you’ve gone in ur life is tz,I have the same shoes ur wearing bought them for 3k,shut ur mouth u have never worn any design label in ur life ,just shut and stick kwa lane yako ya kuvuta ma Bhangi”

vennabosset: “Viatu ratchet sana.. All over town? wig ….nay… Dont ever try to compare uaself with huddah aki.. Endelea na mtumba zako za beba na soo pole pole”

stolen_princes: “Honestly noty @notiflow you are ratchet, you don’t know class??? stick to your thing but cause it’s seems like deep down you wish to be huddah, yall know she the one who is king in this game”

pashua_shii: “I like you noti but pls don’t even go thea Huddah n you is like juu na chini her copying you b*tch your tripping”

” FIDA is a motherF@#ker! Where were they when my mum was being battered” says Huddah

Huddah is not happy with FIDA and according to her, they are just a name with no action. As far as we know FIDA Kenya fights for women who are physically abused and those with dead beat dads who never help their children.

But socialite Huddah ha come out to call them out for not helping women in the society. The socialite went on to ask them where they were when her mum and friends were being accused by their partners.

Huddah's post
Huddah’s post

According to her, they often tell these ladies to go home and back the next day when they know that they will not help them. This comes after a South African socialite by the name of Karabo Mokoena was recently killed and burned by her boyfriend who had been abusing her for a while and since no action was taken against him, he ended up taking the lady’s life.



Huddah compared this situation to what has been happening in the country as most ladies hide in their abusive relationships as no one is out here to help them.

We cannot confirm whether what she said is true but at this time and age it is important for everyone (not only the ladies) to understand the importance of walking out of abusive relationships. As hard as it sounds, the only way to walk out alive is understanding that it never gets better after the first physical fight.

Huddah shares photos of the ‘mabati’ house she was raised in, who knew she would one day own a penthouse?

Everyone has a past that they look back and reflect on and so does Huddah. She is among the popular people who dominated the entertainment industry out of no where. The business lady cum socialite has however been open about the struggles she faced before she became the person she is today.

From what we know so far is that she grew up in a slum-like area and together with her mum they lived in a mabati house which they both called home.

Also read: After fighting over Huddah Monroe, Prezzo and Colonel Mustafa are on a collision path again because of Michelle Yola
In her recent Instagram stories the lass shared photos of the ‘estate’she called used to live in and seems like she really had a humble beginning which she is not afraid to talk about.  She went ahead to urge young girls to work hard for their money since nothing comes easy.

She now lives in her own penthouse (so we hear) and things for her family seem to be working out just fine. Checkout the photos of her ‘mabati’ house below:

“Meeting her was the worst decision watu wangu” Huddah’s ex lover spills details about their past relationship

Though not many know where Huddah emerged from, we have heard stories that she started knowing men at the tender age of 15 years and since then she has never been the same. Well, she obviously had to find a way to survive and make ends meet since she came from a poor family but look at her now.

Just like most young ladies she also got to date guys in the past and one of her old boyfriends has come forth to reveal how the lass broke his heart when he jetted off to the US for greener pastures.

Also read: After fighting over Huddah Monroe, Prezzo and Colonel Mustafa are on a collision path again because of Michelle Yola

The guy, Selemani, says he had fallen in love with the lass and was even planning to settle down with the lass but all this changed when he flew off and Huddah officially became a socialite who was now dealing with sponsors.

According to his post Selemani says he jetted off in 2011 and since she couldn’t wait for him she found other partners and he also did the same as it seemed realistic.

However, he is back and since he knows they can’t get her back together his post has now left many wondering what his aim was since they both moved on with their lives. Anyway he describes her as the lady who broke his heart and for some reason regrets meeting her. He wrote,

We grew up in different estates and as childhood friends,Huddah used to be this gal who would mingle with everyone,so respectful but Kama kawaida mtaani stories emerge about someone just to tarnish his/her name My dad resigned from the Kenya Defense Forces and flew to the USA so we had to be left behind before he could settle and carry us along. My mum also a soldier at Karen Barracks where we have International Peace Support Training School obviously would not be around…This provided a nice ground for Huddah and I to spend time and nights together, of course her mum wouldn’t refute this affair…mother’s wenye mna madem mnajua how it feels for your daughter to be katiwad na jamaa mwenye ako na Roots za majuu. One fine morning,I got a call from a +1 number and it was dad.He wanted me to go to Nyayo house and start the process of *PASSPORT* Application. By how he had stayed in the USA for 4 months.So we got up and prepared ourselves to head to town

While in the queue, I met my high school guy Vanessa who had since joined the Kenya Navy..he also wanted to get a Visa where he also left the armed forces and headed to a country in Europe. Huddah didn’t like the idea of waiting for me so I allowed her to go to Tahiti and wait for me as I did my stuff. Joining the Army wasn’t my thing because my dad,mum,older brother were soldiers,and my youngest bro was attending the Catholic Seminary and he is now a priest in the KDF. We caught up with Huddah baadae and she was a bit drunk,so I hired a cab to take us home. Fast forward,my process took a while so I flew to the States on 7th July 2011.I couldn’t believe that I had left Huddah alone,and moreso on the palms of the upcoming mafisi guys in our mtaa. She escorted me to the airport and we departed. *THE SHOCK*

I started getting calls and messages about how Huddah had changed her lifestyle after about 3 years of my stay,ako na gari,ooh sponsors,ooh amehama,oh investments,ooh Selemani utaweza kumuoa na vile anadeal na high profile guys? Wah this felt like a deep arrow into my heart..of course nikiwa USA nlikua nasmash pia but sio vile..I knew something was amiss,I couldn’t concentrate in school….I was feeling that I need to be in Kenya so soon..but dad didn’t give me a nod. I used to follow Kenya’s buzz news na nlikua mshaanza kuona Huddah na kina Verah Sidika wakianza usocialite….I couldn’t believe my eyes,dame tulikua na so much vision together,why didn’t she tell me this nikienda hatastick namimi?

Anyway I can’t control her life…came to Kenya in 2015 and I made sure that I met her… meeting her was the worst decision watu wangu. Those guys who say that you can’t cry for a lady….mko so wrong. Vuteni stools na sofaset so that I can pour my heart out…Huddah my best pal…sawa tu.

Huddah Monroe leaves Timaya broke after his recent trip to Kenya, this is how he blew ksh. 800k in just 3 days

For those who understand Huddah’s hustle, I am pretty sure you know that she talks and breaths money. So far she has made it clear that she does not waste her time with people who cannot help her build or rather give her money.

She is widely known in Africa and I hear Nigerian men cannot keep their eyes off her. For this reason, Singer Timaya got to spend his time with the lass during his recent visit to Kenya and word has it that he actually blew around Ksh 826,400 in just three days thanks to Huddah.

Huddah hangs out with Timaya
Huddah hangs out with Timaya

Also read: This is why Huddah Monroe regrets why she bought VIP ticket to watch Victor Wanyama live in action against Chelsea
Well, of course he had to carter for the services offered by the former Kenyan socialite but seems that he bit more than he could chew.

Apparently as reported by the Nairobian the Nigerian singer had to borrow a loan of Ksh 413,200 to help clear the bill at the hotel after running dry in his pockets after three days of entertaining Huddah in his hotel room.

It is no secret that it takes a lot of money to maintain a lady like Huddah and Vera…but will Timaya ever dare hit up Huddah again? Well who knows!

This is what revealed about wealthy men that should really get Kenyan women to be on the lookout (VIDEO)

Always expect Huddah to spill out all the juice whenever she’s bored like she did recently while in the states.

She’s currently in Beverly Hills undergoing surgery and that’s when she shed insight on how exactly it is to date a wealthy man.

Also read: Vera Sidika takes a swipe at Huddah after she goes to Miami for surgery and in the process reveals how she hates her body(VIDEO)

I suggest all Kenyan ladies to stop doing whatever they are doing and listen to this.

All Kenyan ladies want to fall in love or get involved with wealthy men but things are always as rosy as they seem on that front and trust Huddah to know, she has had her fair share.

According to her, Wealthy men are very inconsiderate bastards who will toy with you and make you do anything just for their own selfish gains.  Apparently they only think about themselves and ladies should very weary when getting involved with them.

She however doesn’t advocate that women stay away from them, she insists on a game plan which she shared in this long snap which we compiled in a video:


“I could’ve died but I’m well now” Huddah talks about the cosmetic surgery that almost cost her life

Seems that the only thing that can scare Huddah is a cosmetic surgery gone wrong as revealed in her latest post shared on Instagram. Well, this is not something to joke with and many ladies can tell you this especially if you have watched botched before.

Anyway, the lady who is currently in Beverly Hills for once has admitted that she could have died after one of her silicone implants had some complications. Though she looked happy and partied like a rockstar, Huddah is the only one who understands the pain her faux boob was causing her. This was however the main reason she decided to jet off to Carlifonia where she met professionals who fixed her breasts.

Knowing how expensive the surgery is, I can’t help but wonder whether this is why she had to sell her Range Rover to afford the surgery? Anyway, through her Instagram page Huddah wrote to say,

Got complications from a previous cosmetic Surgery I had (story for another day) and I am pleased with my Doctors who have done incredible job on me….. I can’t be more thankful! I could’ve died but I’m well now ?.?????????? Cc @drjlayke @drpay of the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery group for making me feel amazing and confident once again! I would definitely recommend them to anyone!

Huddah's original post
Huddah’s original post