Singer Harmonize will not be ending his 2020 well; that is if the rumor’s circulating on social media are anything to go by.
Apparently he has a 0ne year old daughter with a side chick; Shanteel who got pregnant right after their hook up; and after 9 months she finally had a daughter who looks like her daddy.
Harmonize unveils 4 year old daughter’s face for the first time
Harmonize who now admits to neglecting his daughter a few days ago went on to share a long post talking about his love for his child. As seen on the post, Konde boy went on to issue an apology to the mother of his child; not forgetting his Mzungu wife, Sarah Michelloti.
What surprises many is that the Mzungu lady who dumped Harmonize through her IG; claims that the Bongo singer has no seeds to produce a child. According to Sarah, doctors already confirmed that Harmonize has low chances of fathering a baby; meaning that Zulekha is not the singer’s daughter.
Meet the side chick
Anyway as the drama revolves around Harmonize, wife and baby Zulekha – the main star of the show Shanteel seems to have been forgotten – yet she is the mother. Anyway below are a few photos of the hot side chick that has left Mzungu wife divorcing Harmonize now that a baby is involved.
Not quite sure how true Harmonize’s side of the story is; but since Shanteel claims baby Zulekha was fathered by Harmonize… then Sarah needs to explain how the young man cannot father children.
Checkout her photos below:
Harmonize’s Baby MamaZulekha Kondegirl’s motherHarmonize’s side chick
Singer Harmonize is in trouble now that his mzungu wife no longer invests in his career; and from the rumors making rounds on social media, this is mainly because of his rude attitude.
According to sources, Sarah and Harmonize fell out a while ago but have been trying to fix their union with no success. This is also because Harmonize cannot stop cheating on his wife with Tanzanian media personalities.
If you think it’s a joke, then now you can understand why he is now unveiling his 1 year old daughter; after months of hiding both the baby and baby mama. However on Thursday, 3 December – Konde boy went on to introduce his child in a detailed post where he wrote;
Harmonize with daughter, Zuu
Ukweli Humuweke Yeyote Huru….!!!! Haijalishi Ni Kiasi Gani ..!!! Au Muda Gani.
Ila Naamini Kusema Hili litafanya Moyo wangu Uwe Huru Na Nijione MUUNGWANA Mbele Ya Mungu Pamoja Na Wewe Unaesoma.
However turns out that Harmonize was really never proud of his daughter; a reason he went on to apologize for in the detailed post.
Baby Zuu with daddy
!! Pia MUUNGWANA Zaidi Mbele Ya Mtoto wangu Kipenzi My First Love (ZUU) ???????????????? Nianze Kwa Kusema I’M SO SORRY MY PRINCES???????? for NOT ever Been PROUD of You 4 ONE YEAR AND 7 MONTHS
???? Nisamehe Pia kwa kuto kuwa Na Time Hata Ya Kuja Kukuangalia Pale Ulipo Kuwa Unaumwa, kwa Kuhofia Kuvunja Mahusiano Ambayo Nayaheshimu Sana..!! Tumepitia Mengi na Naamini Kuchezea Wanawake Au Kubadili sio Sifa. Hili Swala Limenitesa Kwa Muda Mrefu, Hadi ikafika Pahala Nikasema Namuachia Mungu. Maana Wakati wake Sahihi Zaidi Hatimae Umewadia ???? NISAMEHE Mwanangu,kwa Kuto Pata Hata Usiku 1 wa Kulala Kifuani Kwangu Ukapata Hata Joto La Baba Yako ???? NISAMEHE kwa Kukufanya Ujisikie Mpweke Au kana kwamba Umekuja Kwenye Hii Dunia Kwa Bahati Mbaya na Kukufanya Usijione Special ????
Nisamehe Kwa Kuto Kukupa Huu umaarufu Ambao Nimeupata kwa Barakha Za Mungu tu na Sio Kwa Ujanja Wangu, Kukufanya Uishi kwa Siri Na Kuto furahia Neema Zangu.
In the detailed post, Harmonize went on to apologize for apparently keeping her off social media since he got her with a woman he was never in a relationship with. Through his IG Konde boy went on to add;
Harmonize unveils 4 year old daughter’s face for the first time
Huduma Pekee Nilizo kuwa Nazitoa na kila kitu Tangu upo Tumboni Mwa Mama Yako Mpaka Unazaliwa Hazitoshi Na wala Haziwezi Jenga Furaha Pasi na Uwepo Wangu Nitaiweka Wapi Sura Yangu Ukiaanza Kujitambua Na Ukagundua Kuwa Baba Yako Hayupo PROUD na Wewe Kwasababu Hayupo Katika Mahusiano Na Mama Yako Mzazi Yupo na Mahusiano Na Mwanamke Mwingine Na Anakuficha Kwa Kuhofia Kuyavunja Mahusiano Hayo Ya Muda Mwingi …??? (1)Hakuna Mwanadamu Alie Kamilika (2) kitanda Hakizai Haramu (3) Anaenipenda Kwa Dhati Ninaimani Atakubaliana na hali Harisi sitoweza Kukubali au Kushuhudia Damu yangu Inateseka You are my WORLD.
Lastly, the singer went on to mention that he hopes his wife will be fine with the fact that he has a daughter who he adores. He went on to conclude by adding;
Nakuomba Msamaha Hadharini Na Nakuahidi Kukupa MOYO wangu wote,Kwani Hukuja Kwenye Hii Dunia Kwa Bahati Mbaya Ni Mpango Wa Mungu I LOVE YOU MY FIRST LOVE PRINCESS Umenifanya Nijione Mtu Mzima. Nimejifunza na Natarajia Kujifunza Meng! Kupitia Wewe @official__zulekha_kondegirl NILIISHA SEMA PRIVATELY NA NASEMA TENA HADHARANI I’M SORRY TO YOU, MY WIFE (SARAAH) ninaimani Utalipoke Kibinadaam ???? AMEEN ????
Despite Harmonize maintaining a low profile about his daughter; his baby mama on the other hand is not about to hide anything from fans.
Harmonize’s adorable baby girl
The baby girl who is approximately 3/4 weeks old already has about 23.6k Instagram followers and just like any other celebrity baby, the page will definitely keep growing.
Anyway in the latest post shared on the girl’s social media pages we understand that she finally got the chance to meet her grandmother, Mama Harmonize.
Mrs Abdul Kahali see you soon, naenda kutuna na bibi yangu leo can’t wait to see you again my bibi
Harmonize’s daughter
This not only confirmed that the Kahali family is aware about their granddaughter but have accepted her into their family.
Harmonize’s Caucasian fiancé
Well, the Wasafi records artists is currently engaged to his Italian girlfriend, Sarah, who he is also said to have cheated on severally.
This time around he however made sure to have a child with his side woman and from the look of things… his family are ready for him to bring more than one wife home.
This is after his side chick Ashanti welcomed their first born a few weeks ago. Harmonize has however maintained his silence concerning the matter but his alleged baby mama has started spilling a few details through her daughter’s Instagram page.
With the stories spreading like wild fire on social media, Harmonize’s Caucasian fiancé seems to have come across the rumor.
In her recent post shared on Instagram, Sarah_Tz is seen telling Harmonize to explain himself about the baby girl said to be his daughter.
From the comment session, most fans went on to advise Sarah to accept Harmonize’s daughter since his own religion allowed him to have 4 wives if he pleased.
Harmonize’s adorable baby girl
Sarah’s miscarriages
A while back Mange Kimambi revealed that Harmonize’s fiancé had apparently suffered 4 miscarriages and has been having a hard time conceiving.
Well, now that her future husband has had a child with another woman will things change between the two?