Easy tiger, you’re almost there!
Singer Harmonize is so excited to have bagged Kajala back and for the past few weeks, his timeline has been nothing but posts of him and fiancé. Okay…he is a simp but I’m pretty sure he is what many women look for in their men.

For real…..time and time again Harmonize has proven that love is his weakness. When he falls – he falls hard. We saw him back when he dated Wolper Stylish….about his Italian wife – well he wasn’t all committed but he tried; and now that he has Kajala the singer can’t stop how much he loves her.
Wedding plans
For this reason, Harmonize has now revealed that he will be marrying the love of his life very soon. Although he didn’t not reveal the date or month all Harmonize said is that ‘wifing’ Kajala is like a dream come true.
This is because she’s helped shape him in many ways he cannot even believe and the fact that she also cares for him – makes him want her to himself for life. Celebrating her in a new post, Harmonize wrote;
Happy Bithday Love of My Life MISS BANTU ❤️❤️???? To Marry You I s s a Dream and we are Almost There inshallah????
Your Beautiful & Smart Woman I ever Seen You made me Shine Again KUKUPENDA & KUWAHESHIMU wanawake Wengine Ndo Kitu Nimechagua.
Promises never to cheat
Being an artist means Harmonize will also be exposed to many women in the entertainment industry and also from his fan base. However he assures Kajala not to worry since his heart chose her. He went on to write;
Yess Muziki Ni Kazi Yangu Na Mashabiki wakike Ndio Nguzo Yangu ila Sidhani Kila Mwanamke Anaenishabikia Basi Ananitaka Kimapenzi ???? Nimegundua Kundi La Mashabiki Zangu Wengi Ni watu Wanaojitambua NA Wanajua Maana Ya Maisha Ushabiki & Hanasa & Kazi Kaziyangu Haiwezi Badiri who I’m Nilijiweke Siku Nitakapo Pata Chaguo La Moyo Wangu Mtuu Aliejitoa Kupambana Vita Vyangu Sitojali Ni wapi Sangapi Nafanya Kazi Gani muuni Nitampatia MOYO natulia Zangu Finally it’s Here…!!!!
And just to show how bad he wants this wedding to happen, the singer concluded his post with;