I once heard someone say divorce cases turn ugly when the two parties start talking properties and kids. Well, i guess its because of the bitterness the ex couple builds during that breakup transition and luckily for Harmonize – he will only be battling his ex wife for property and not kids.
Being an Italian tycoon’s daughter – i can bet on my breathe that the guy would have lost custody of the kids with or without the best lawyers. Anyway rumour has it that his ex wife, Sarah Michelloti recently returned to Tz where she has been vacationing and appearing in court to have her divorce from Harmonize settled.
Well…like i said, she’s in court and the same time is vacationing in Zanzibar which means she is not worried nor bothered about the case since shes winning. Rumor has it that she is asking for half of Harmonize’s wealth….which apparently rightfully belongs to her.
Demands her property back
However the only mistake she made was have the properties in Harmonize’s name…aki men can confuse you…but either way it’s no problem for Miss Michelloti who happens to have the transactions on record.
Like i said….a tycoon’s daughter.
Anyway as of now Harmonize needs to get himself a good lawyer who will see him through this because damn…its about to get nasty between him and Sarah.