Alar! Photo from Hamisa Mobetto’s alleged first marriage surfaces online

At this point it’s either Hamisa Mobetto’s enemies are working overtime to ensure her down; or the young girl has a husband somewhere in Bongo town; that is judging from a new wedding photo shared by several gossip tabloids.

Hamisa Mobetto rumored to be dating Rick Ross

Judging from the photo, it’s clear to see that Hamisa Mobetto was dressed as an Islamic bride and the groom seated next to her; must have been the lucky fella to wife her for the first time.

Probably most will say that the lady’s face was photoshopped on the photo; but sadly this is not true as the lady seen on this photo is none other than Rick Ross; aka forever Rich’s new alleged bae.

Haters working on Hamisa Mobetto’s downfall

The photo has unfortunately surfaced just when Hamisa Mobetto is making headlines even on international blogs all thanks to Rick Ross.

For that reason, few characters from baby daddy, Diamond Platnumz camp (Juma Lokole) have been working overtime to make sure all Hamisa’s secrets are out in the open.

Hamisa with alleged first husband back in her teenage years

Anyway, as for now – chances are that the model was married back in the day by an average rich man; who left after discovering that she had potential to land even wealthier man. I mean, look at her now….isn’t she with Rick Ross?

Hamisa Mobetto finally addresses haters praying and fasting for her downfall

Lately Hamisa Mobetto has been dropping some hot photos and rumor has it that she may have constructed her body; which looks like fire for sure!

With the new look and being single after (breakup with billionaire Fred Vunja Bei) the former socialite has not been giving fans any room to breath!

Hamisa Mobetto turning heads on social media 

So far we understand that she has American rapper Rick Ross in her DM; and from his latest comment posted on her photo – Hamisa might just be headed to the States.

But again, with these rappers – let’s hope that she will not be expecting a wedding or a ring like she did with baby daddy, Diamond Platnumz.

Choke on the success

Anyway, fans have been congratulating her for building herself and toning down the baby daddy drama that had been dragging her behind.

With a focused mind, the lady now owns several businesses in Bongo, drives a V8 at only 27 years (not so sure about age) and has ambassadorial deals left, right and center!

Yes, success is what has been happening in her life and after years of being trolled, used and embarrassed; looks like Ms Hamisa has the last laugh.

Just to prove that she can now stunt on her haters, the lady recently posted a photo and captioned;

No longer shrinking myself to be digestible…. You can CHOKE ????

Well, that message looks like it was aiming at Juma Lokole and family…but hey – it is what it is!

Per person sharing: American rapper Rick Ross can’t keep calm after Hamisa Mobetto posts new hot photo (Screenshot)

Hamisa Mobetto is hot. Yes she is and good thing about her is that she has mastered the art of using her beauty to get what she wants.

Hamisa Mobetto

So far she has several businesses on the side and rumor has it that apart from the child support she gets from her two baby daddies; her rich boyfriend Fred Vunjabei also chips in to help maintain her lifestyle.

Now that she is living the life, Hamisa Mobetto  has started to glow more and we are not the only ones who have noticed this!

American rapper Rick Ross proved this by leaving emoji comments on Hamisa Mobetto’s new post.

Rick Ross wants in too

As seen on the post shared by Ms Mobetto – seems like the thick thighs she put on display could not go unnoticed by the rapper.

As expected the socialite pinned the comment on the post, and yes…bongo fans joined in to talk to their shemeji as most believe that Rick Ross has been sliding in Hamisa’s DM – but again who hasn’t?

Checkout the photo giving many sleepless nights on social media.

Hamisa Mobetto’s new hot photo

Hamisa Mobetto shares secret behind her success

They say show me your friends and I shall tell you who you are. Well, after changing the people around her, Hamisa Mobetto is said to be dining with the likes of Fred Vunjabei; a billionaire also said to be dating the former socialite.

Ever since the two became an item, Hamisa Mobetto started disappearing from social media; and we believe this is because she now has a lot of projects to focus on – and at the same time make money.

Hamisa Mobetto

With two kids to take care of, I bet the lady hustles harder than anyone else; and thanks to Vunjabei the alleged 27 year old lass is now focused on making her future better.

In a new post shared on her page recently; Hamisa for the first time opened up revealing that the tough bitter life she had been facing in the past has now left her looking at life different. This is because she has since become wiser and stronger as she wrote;

Kuna Wakati Kwenye Maisha Tunaweza Kukutana Na Misukosuko Ikatulazimisha Tuwe Tofauti Na Yule Tuliyetaka Kuwa. Kwangu Mimi Maisha Yalinifanya Niwe Ngangari, Nipambane Pale Ambapo Sikutegemea Kama Nitakuwa Na Nguvu Hizo, Nipambane Pale Ambapo Sikutegemea Kama Nitakuwa Na Ujasiri Ndani Yangu. Maisha Hayo Hayo Yakapelekea Nikuwe Kabla Ya Umri Wangu.

Strong and self made

According to Hamisa Mobetto – life has forced her to grow a thick tough skin enabling her to overcome whatever life throws her way. On the  same post Hamisa went on to add;

Former socialite Hamisa Mobetto

Bado Ninaamini Kwa Uweza Wa Mungu Nitafika Pale Ambapo Amenipangia Nifike, Kila Njia Nayopita Sasa Inanifunza Kitu, Na Bado Napambana Niweze Kufikia Malengo Na Ndoto Nilizojiwekea. Na Hata Wewe Mwenzangu Tulio Kwenye Safari Moja, Usikate Tamaa, Twende Na Mungu, Tutafika Salama. ????????

Although we cannot really confirm why the lady shared the post seen above; most Tanzanian tabloids are convinced that billionaire boyfriend – Vunjabei could be cheating; hence Hamisa’s ‘strong and self made’ posts shared on her page.

Hamisa Mobetto flaunts huge rock while announcing engagement to new boyfriend (Photos)

Hamisa Mobetto has finally bagged herself a man who is ready to wife her! The excited lady indirectly shared this news through her Instagram page where she flaunted a huge rock on her finger; and captioned the post:

Hamisa engaged

Forever ???? ???? @mobettostyles

And in another post she wrote;

I feel loved again ????❣️ (Kwa nguo za mahari day, Kitchen party send off and weddings basi fika @mobettostyles upendeze kwenye special day yako.❣️)

Well, after having 2 kids with different men – I’m pretty sure the young lady did not want to keep making the same mistake; hence the plans to settle down just in case she is looking for baby number 3.

Misa engaged?

For a while now, Hamisa Mobetto has been hinting about getting married to her new bae Fred Vunjabei; and alsthough he already has a first wife – Hamisa seems ready to step in as second wife since Islam allows a man to marry up to 4 wives.

Engagement or stunt?

However having seen her pull publicity stunts to keep fans talking; chances are that she could be engaged to Fred Vunjabei or to herself – I mean – didn’t her mentor Zari Hassan do the same with King bae?

Anyway, if Hamisa’s posts are anything to go by; then Harusi tunayo  or could this be the beginning of the end of their relationship with Vunjabei?

Hamisa Mobetto’s baby daddies caught on camera bonding like never before! (Photos)

Hamisa Mobetto’s heart must have been racing faster than a sports car moments after coming across photos of her first baby daddy, Majizzo; hanging out with her second baby daddy, Diamond Platnumz.

Judging from the photos shared on social media; we understand that the two media gurus met during the late Tanzanian president’s Magufuli’s requiem mass held this past weekend.

From the photos, the two men appear to be talking and unlike what was reporter earlier; clearly there is no beef between these two. In fact, according to gossip monger Juma Lokole – his boss Diamond Platnumz and Majizzo are actually very good friends.

Hamisa Mobetto’s baby daddies

Although rumor has it that these two are not in good terms with their baby mama, Hamisa Mobetto; they continue to support their kids accordingly.

So far Hamisa Mobetto remains unbothered as she has moved on with millionaire Fred Vunja Bei who allegedly treats her like a queen. Rumor has it that the business man paid for her body to be reconstructed; and yes, Hamisa’s new body is definitely banging!

Anyway, now that she has found happiness in a new man; I bet it’s time her baby daddies gave her a break to enjoy life as it is! Checkout the viral photos of Diamond Platnumz with Majizzo below.

Hamisa Mobetto’s baby daddies: Majizzo and Diamond Platnumz
Majizzo hanging out Diamond Platnumz
Diamond Platnumz with EFM’s owner, Majizzo

Ouch! Hamisa Mobetto responds to Wasafi FM presenter claiming she will give birth to a dog or hyena (Video)

Hamisa Mobetto has had her share of mistakes in the past; but just like everyone else, she is human.

However a few here and there keep hanging on to her past mistakes hence throwing quite hurtful insults to the socialite; and truth is this is getting out of hand in the name of loyalty to the WCB boss!

Hamisa Mobetto flaunts sleek Prado TX

This past weekend a popular Wasafi FM radio host was heard claiming; that the only thing Hamisa can conceive for her rich boyfriend is a hyena if not a dog.

Baba Levo who doubles up as an artists; and a close friend of Diamond Platnumz shamelessly trolled Hamisa Mobetto without mincing his words that were caught on camera. He said,

Mimi nasema, Freddy na Hamisa wakipata mimba watazaa mwehu ama mbwa (All I am saying is that – if Freddy and Hamisa conceived, then they would either have a hyena or a dog for a child)

Of course we understand that the guy owes Diamond Platnumz some loyalty; but hey – why stoop so low to abusing another man’s woman: especially now that she has found some happiness after the miserable life she went through with Diamond Platnumz?

Hamisa responds

With two absolutely beautiful and healthy kids from her previous relationships; Hamisa Mobetto has not hidden the fact that Baba Levi’s words heart her a-bit too much – forcing her to respond.

As seen on her page, Misa went on address Baba Levo saying;

@babalevo kusema ukweli umenikosea sanaaaah. Sijui nimekukosea wapi lakini sioni kama ni Sawa kuniingiza kwenye drama ambazo sizifahamu wala hazinihusu

Hamisa to baba Levo

In yet another post Misa went on to add;

Sidhan kama hayp maneno angeambiwa mama, dada au mke wako yangemfurahisha @officialbabalevo kwa namna yoyote ile umenikosea na sijapendezwa na kauli yako

Hamisa to Baba Levo

Well – lets wait and see whether the grown man who is also a father of daughters; will issue an apology to Misa and Fred Vunjabei.

“Humpendi mwanao alivyo?” Fan calls out Hamisa Mobetto for using too much filter on her daughter to her look lighter

Hamisa Mobetto likes to filter both her son and daughter whenever she shares their photos online. Probably because she wishes they were born light skinned like her; but I bet she forgets the fact that her babies have dark skinned fathers.

Of course it is no secret that we all know that she sometimes over uses the filters; but during this Christmas break, a bold fan went on to question whether Fancy is light skinned or has a dark complexion like that of daddy, Majizzo.

This is because most of the photos shared by Majizzo confirm that baby Fancy is actually dark; while Hamisa Mobetto on the other hand tends to post lightskinned version of her daughter.

Well, if you ask me, Hamisa Mobetto is not the only mother using filter on her babies; but come on…. why over do it when her father is proud of the daughter he has. Anyway, I guess this is why the curious fan went on to question Hamisa in the comment section where she wrote;

Hamisa Mobetto’s daughter with her daddy, Majizzo

pendok133; Samahani aunt khamisa fans uwa ni mweusi au mweupe mwanao sijawai jua rangi yangozi yake

Hamisa Mobetto claps back

Well like the wise men say, the truth hurts and unfortunately for Hamisa Mobetto; she did not like the idea of a fan asking about her daughter’s appearance. This can be seen in the rude response where Hamisa Mobetto went on to write saying;

Hamisa Mobetto’s daughter

hamisamobetto @pendok133 ni wakijani pendo …. haya ushajua sasa unataka uwe unamlipia ada ya shule au kununua nguo za skukuu?

Well, what do you think?

Hamisa Mobetto allegedly bags herself wealthy married man (Photo)

Hamisa Mobetto recently went on to flaunt her new found love through her Instagram stories; and although she appears to have bagged herself a rich man – fans believe that he is married!

This is after she captured his hand in one of her videos and looking closely, the secret boyfriend is seen wearing a wedding ring. Of course fans did not hold back from taking screenshots which have since been circulating on social media.

Tanzanian fans are however convinced that the lady is seeing a married man as she is known to pull such stunts; I mean, didn’t she bed Diamond Platnumz knowing very well he was with Zari?

Hamisa involved with married man?

Looking for second wife position?

Well being a muslim, Hamisa Mobetto is allowed to be married as a second wife; and seeing how most of her relationships have turned out – we wouldn’t blame her for settling for the second position.

She however introduced her new man just a few days after handsome ex boyfriend Emmanuel Alex got engaged to the same woman he had dumped – for Hamisa.

Hamisa with ex, Alex

According to reports the Hamisa and Alex have never spoken since their nasty breakup. But rumor has it that their relationship may have been engineered using black magic; hence there current hatred towards each other.

Anyway so far Hamisa Mobetto has been involved with media mogul Majizzo, Singer Diamond Platnumz; and American video vixen, Emmanuel Alex among other men we haven’t yet seen or heard of.

Top 5 female celebrities who have undergone cosmetic surgeries to enhance their looks

With  technology advancing every day, women now have the opportunity to alter their bodies however they want. I mean, one can buy from booty, breasts, waist, short toes to a fake smile; but this is only possible when a person has money.

So far we have had a few socialites in Kenya and Tanzania open up about their surgeries; while others continue to insist that their bodies are natural due to diet and healthy living. However for the likes of Huddah and Vera Sidika; we all know they paid to get their banging bodies.


Huddah Monroe pens advice to fans

Huddah claims to have only done breast surgery which was aimed at slightly increasing her boobs. However some claim that she also had butt implants but chose to go for a smaller size


Kenyan socialite, Vera Sidika

Former socialite Vera Sidika on the other hand has been quite open about her surgeries. She not only went for butt implants but also had a boob job. Others also believe that she may have been getting liposuction for her small waist; but the lass claims her veetox tea is the reason she slimmed down over night. But question is, why is it not working for her now?

Risper Faith

Risper Faith looking gorgeous after liposuction

After battling with baby fat for close to 2 years after her son’s birth; Risper recently went in for liposuction and judging from how quickly she has snapped back to her old size… I bet it’s okay to say that money can also happiness.

Wema Sepetu

Wema Sepetu´s massive weight loss, worries masses

Unlike Risper Faith who chose liposuction; word has it that Wema Sepetu travelled to India for Gastric bypass. Unlike other surgeries, Gastric bypass is surgery helps a person lose weight by changing how their stomach and small intestine handle the food one eats. Well, so far fans can see the results and from how skinny Wema now looks; but very few would want to try it out.

Hamisa Mobetto

Tanzanian model, actress and singer Hamisa Mobetto

Although Hamisa Mobetto has always had a petite waist and a bum; most Tanzanian gossip tablets claim that she also had cosmetic surgery to enhance her entire physical look. Judging from photos taken during her modeling days in Nairobi and those shared on her IG; well it’s easy to believe the rumor…. but as for now all we can do is speculate.

Wacha Mungu aitwe Mungu! Meet the young man who drove Hamisa Mobetto crazy back in High School (Photos)

Before the fame and money Hamisa Mobetto was just another ordinary girl living the usual life; and unlike now, back in high school Mobetto was not so picky in terms of who she dated.

This was proven in a few TBT photos showing the lass back in High school with her number 1 boyfriend. I’m guessing back then, Hamisa Mobetto did not need the make up to look beautiful and for those claim her figure was bought; then the photos might just prove them wrong.

Anyway in the throwback photos which emerge once in a while on social media show Hamisa Mobetto in the company of her boyfriend; and although he does not appear to have any money, the smile on her face confirms she was indeed in love.

Also read: Hamisa Mobetto responds after new found-friend, Wema Sepetu back stabs her during interview

Hamisa with bae

Hamisa Mobetto’s humble beginnings

From the photos it would take a specialist to see that Hamisa Mobetto indeed had a humble beginning unlike the likes of; Wema Sepetu, Vanessa Mdee, Aika Kenzo who went to international school back in the day.

However she seems to be smart as she used whatever she has to get where she is; and now Mobetto is ranked among the most successful media personalities we know in East Africa. But also thanks to baby daddy Diamond Platnumz; Hamisa’s brand also grew overnight.

Also read: Wema Sepetu indirectly reveals why Hamisa Mobetto will never be accepted by Mama Diamond Platnumz (Video)

Checkout the lovely photo with her high school lover below!

Misa with high school bae

Hamisa Mobetto responds after new found-friend, Wema Sepetu back stabs her during interview

Word making rounds on social media is that Wema Sepetu recently called out Hamisa Mobetto for allegedy discussing Mama Dangote on national radio, Wasafi FM.

According to Wema Sepetu, Hamisa Mobetto was not only wrong to discuss about Diamond Platnumz mum on radio; but also should avoid forcing herself on the lady.

Although this is something that should have been discussed behind closed doors; and since Wema says she is like a big sister to Mobetto, then advising her in private would have been better.

Also read: Drama! Wema Sepetu and former friend leave no stone unturned while insulting each other online (Audio)

Hamisa Mobetto and Wema Sepetu

Shortly after the interview, many fans went on to call out Wema Sepetu for back stabbing Hamisa Mobetto; just a few months after going public with their relationship. Wema on the other hand defended herself saying fans took the interview in a negative way; forgetting most heard everything she spoke about Hamisa.

Clap back

Of course Hamisa Mobetto also happened to come across the interview which had already started circulating on social media. If this did not teach her to keep her circle small; then I don’t know what will because clearly there is low key beef between the two.

Also read: Wema Sepetu indirectly reveals why Hamisa Mobetto will never be accepted by Mama Diamond Platnumz (Video)

However in a post shared on her IG just a few days ago; Hamisa Mobetto is believed to have clapped back at Wema Sepetu as she wrote;

I DO NOT FEAR BECAUSE I AM HIS #daughteroftheking #princess ❤️

Wema Sepetu indirectly reveals why Hamisa Mobetto will never be accepted by Mama Diamond Platnumz (Video)

It is no secret that there is bad blood between Mama Dangote and Diamond Platnumz baby mama, Hamisa Mobetto.

For years now the two have been fighting for that special spot in Diamond Platnumz and truth is, this artist will forever have his mummy around; and if I’m not wrong, Hamisa Mobetto might not make it to the list of potential wives in Diamond Platnumz life.

This is because first of all Mama Dangote dislikes Hamisa Mobetto to a level where she even ended up dragging Dylan (grandson) into the beef.

Ms Wema Sepetu

Also read: “Wanaumia mpaka wanaharisha” Zari Hassan claps back at fat shaming trolls

Well, as petty as it sounds I’ll let you know that we have witnessed Mama Dangote hate Dylan for his mum’s and grandmothers (Hamisa Mobetto’s mum) mistakes.

Wema weighs in

Since the beef has never been kept a secret; Wema recently went on an interview where she opened up revealing what grave mistake Hamisa made with Mama Dangote.

According to the Tz actress Hamisa Mobetto should have held back from discussing Mama Dangote during her media tour a few months ago. This is because despite the beef, at the end of the day the old woman still remains as Diamond Platnumz mother. She will not be going anywhere!

Hamisa Mobetto and Wema Sepetu

Also read: Zari Hassan cruelly trolled by Tanzanians over massive weight that has left her looking like Diamond Platnumz aunty

Speaking to a bunch of media personalities Wema Sepetu went on to explain the situation in a way that might just end her new found relationship with Hamisa Mobetto; but hey, at least she told her the truth, right?

Intimate video of Hamisa Mobetto and Otile Brown raises eyebrows

Otile Brown seems to have jumped ship to Tanzania after a cozy video of him and Diamonds baby mama, Hamisa Mobetto in Bongo land, leaked.

Otile flew to the neighboring motherland over the weekend for undisclosed reasons, where he was warmly welcomed by a dear Hamisa Mobetto.

Also read: “I carried 3 of Diamond’s pregnancies before having Dylan,” Hamisa Mobetto spills

Otile and Hamisas meet-up

In the series of online clips that have since gone viral, Otile is seen arriving at a posh bungalow before savoring a good hug with the petite lass. Thereafter walking into the house, with their hands locked.

Kenyan singer, Otile Brown

Also read: Otile Brown narrates how crazy fan punched him on the face during Live perfomance

While inside, the pair sitting pretty close in what looked like a studio, seemed to be enjoying their time around each other, sweetly lying close together and Otile’s arm around the irresistible beauty.

A video that has raised eyebrows on what might be going on behind the scenes, between two single celebrities who seem to be quite comfortable in each other’s company.

Tanzanian vixen and model Hamisa Mobetto

A section of fans were proud of the Coastal RnB artist’s moves, urging him not to ruin things this time round. Many believing they only deserve each other, with their looks complementary.

Could be a music video the two are working on or it could be something more than that. Tell us what you think:

“I carried 3 of Diamond’s pregnancies before having Dylan,” Hamisa Mobetto spills

Turns out that Hamisa Mobetto had conceived three times with Diamond before having their son Dylan on the 4th pregnancy.

Revelations that has left many in shock. Bearing in mind that these two were having a secret affair while Diamond and Zari Hassan are married.

Also read: I want for us to be united as we’ve all sired Diamonds children” Hamisa Mobetto to Zari and Tanasha Donna

During her recent interview with a Tanzanian publication, Hamisa first shed light on her rumored love affair with Kenyas Jaguar that allegedly bore them a son.

Hamisa Mobetto and Jaguar rumored to have borne a son together

Dylans DNA test

That is why Dylan is the only child of the singer who had a DNA test conducted on, to settle any differences. But according to the fashion model, Diamond was sure that Dylan is his, just that he needed to prove the public wrong.

“You need to know that before I gave birth to Dylan, I had already carried 3 pregnancies from Diamond.”

Co-parents Hamisa and Diamond Platnumz

Unfortunately, none of them got to see the light of day. Until a dear Dylan made it through successfully, standing as their first and only child.

“Ujauzito wa kwanza, tulisafiri nchi jirani, ukatoka kwa bahati mbaya. Ya pili na ya tatu, vilevile. Kwa hiyo Dylan alikuwa mimba ya nne. Ujauzito wote, tulikuwa pamoja na Diamond Platnumz,” continued the ravishing beauty.

Tanzanian model, actress and singer Hamisa Mobetto

After giving birth to Dylan, Diamond approached her and told her, things were getting tough on his side and even though it is not the right thing to do, they needed to do a DNA test.

“I told him it’s okay,” so Chibu booked an appointment with the hospital on one of the weekdays, had their DNAs taken and results came out.

“Results showed that Dylan was 100% his son so that was it!” affirmed the yummy mummy.

Hamisa Mobetto reveals why her friendship with Tanasha Donna ended overnight (Video)

Hamisa Mobetto has come forth to reveal that her friendship with Tanasha Donna began way before they both started seeing Diamond Platnumz.

Speaking during a recent interview with a known Tanzanian news outlet; the mother of two went on to confirm that indeed she knew Tanasha Donna from way back. However their friendship ended immediately after Diamond Platnumz started dating the Kenyan singer.

Diamond’s baby mamas:(from right) Zari Hassan, Hamisa Mobetto and Tanasha Donna

  We used to know each other before she started dating Diamond but when she was with him, we were not close and it would have been awkward anyway, but she’s a lovely person.

Also read: Tanasha Donna is getting exposed to reality by Tanzanians like we said she would

This not being the first time Hamisa Mobetto is speaking about Tanasha Donna; the Tanzanian business woman has always made sure to keep a positive vibe unlike the eldest baby mama, Zari.

Kids to meet soon

Despite both having had children with Diamond Platnumz; none envy’s each other but the two parents continue hoping that their kids will soon meet.

Speaking about a possible meeting between Dyllan and baby Naseeb; the mother of 2 said;

Tanzanian socialite and vixen, Hamisa Mobetto

Eventually they will meet, they are brothers so even if it’s not us, it was planned that they would meet. So when the time comes, they will.

Also read: “Pambaneni na hali yenu!” Bongo fans ruthlessly tell off Tanasha Donna and her management

With the kind of maturity Hamisa Mobetto has been portraying towards fellow baby mama Tanasha Donna and Zari Hassan; it is only fair to say that she is indeed over her relationship with the Bongo Star!

Away from that, turns out that her relationship with Ms Donna is not just based on the kids; but the two also speak quite a lot about business!

” I want for us to be united as we’ve all sired Diamonds children” Hamisa Mobetto to Zari and Tanasha Donna

Hamisa Mobetto has no bad blood with either Tanasha Donna or Zari Hassan since they all have thing in common; Diamond Platnumz!

Speaking to Tanzanian news channel Ijumaa Wikienda, Hamisa Mobetto made it known that she has been in effort to bring both Zari and Tanasha close. This is mostly because their children remain siblings despite the many issues surrounding their different relationships with baby daddy, Simba.

So far Hamisa Mobetto has managed to mend her relationship with Tanasha Donna; but when it comes to Zari things remain the same as the South African socialite remains bitter with Hamisa. Speaking during the interview, Miss Mobetto went on to add;

Diamond’s baby mamas:(from left) Zari Hassan, Hamisa Mobetto and Tanasha Donna

Also read: Tanasha Donna confirms rumored beef between her and fellow baby mama, Zari Hassan (Video)

“I love both of them. Even you can tell that I’m close to Tanasha and we consult each other on many issues as we run our different ventures to make money. I don’t have a problem with Zari; I want for us to be united as we’ve all sired Diamonds children, we’re related. Our children are from one family, why should we live hating on each other? Do we want our children to hate each other too? I don’t think it’s a good thing,”

Beef with Zari?

Although Hamisa Mobetto seems determined to fix her relationship with Zari; the mother of 5 has been making it impossible with her insults directed to Mobetto.

Also read:Why Tanasha plans to work on her relationship with ‘co-wives’ Zari and Hamisa Mobetto

So far Zari has not only called out Hamisa for being cheap; but insists that the young mum of 2 is a witch who ruined her relationship with Diamond.

However, speaking about his relationships a while back…Diamond made it clear that his religion allows a man to marry upto 5 wives. For this reason, no woman stole him from anyone. According to Diamond Platnumz all his wives remain equal to his eyes…I guess

Jaguar’s special message to Hamisa Mobetto’s son leaves tongues wagging!

This past weekend Jaguar decided to give fans a reason to talk and what best way than to wish his alleged Tanzanian son a happy birthday!

Well, just like Diamond Platnumz the Kenyan politician sent out a heartfelt message dedicated to baby Daylan! Of course Jaguar knew this would make him trend one way or another and I guess this how we also got our story.

Back in 2017 when Dylan was born, many went on to claim that he shared striking resemblance with Jaguar and not Diamond Platnumz. Many could have sworn that the baby boy was indeed Jaguar’s but with time he slowly started looking more like his daddy; but  a little more light skinned!

Also read: Aibu! Harmonize explains his entanglement with Wolper and former boss, Diamond Platnumz (Video)

Jaguar’s sons

Jaguar’s message to Dylan

Whats more surprising is that Dylan and Jaguar’s eldest son also look alike – but all in all Diamond remains the biological father to Dylan!

Anyway the Kenyan politician cum singer went on to comment under Mobetto’s post saying;

Happy birthday @deedaylan

Jaguar’s deleted comment

Also read: We’re pregnant! Harmonize and wife expecting their first child together! (Photo)

Although the comment was pulled down shortly after people’s started noticing; we can’t help but assume Jaguar knew what he was doing – and of course the clout chasing definitely worked!

Fans in the comment section could however not let this go as they trolled both Jaguar and Diamond Platnumz for allegedly having an interest in the same woman. But, truth is we really can’t pin Jaguar to Mobetto as they have never been spotted together whether in public or private.

However like they say, Nairobi is one big bedroom with untold stories that would definitely shock the life out of you!

Hamisa Mobetto proves her relationship with Diamond Platnumz will not be ending anytime soon (Photo)

Hamisa Mobetto is happy to be single and for some reason it appears that she has no plans of moving on with any other man if not her baby daddy, Diamond Platnumz.

Yes, she once mentioned that they would never get back together but looking at how she has been playing her cards for the past few months; it’s evident to see that Mobetto is still holding on to her man.

So far we understand that Diamond has been using Mobetto as his suit stylist; and everytime the singer steps out wearing any of her designs, he always makes sure to appreciate her!

Diamond Platnumz suit made by Mobetto Styles

“Hakika Ilikuwa ni siku ya Faraja… Shukran kwa vazi hili la pili @mobettostyles ….. @_esmaplatnumz & @msizwa23 WEDDING #EMWedding,”

Also read: Ogopa wanawake! Diamond Platnumz reveals why he will only settle down with one wife!

This past weekend we got to see Diamond Platnumz appreciate Mobetto styles for styling him; and since this was done on his official page, means he also pushed for her brand to get exposure!

Smart lady

Looking at how Hamisa has been handling co parenting, it shows that she is ready to use all opportunities handed to her by Diamond to make money. This could also be the reason why Diamond continues to support Mobetto as he sees potential of growth in her business!

Also read:Leaked details of Diamond Platnumz secret wedding affair emerge

Anyway as a thank you for always rooting and supporting her boutique, Hamisa thanked her baby mama by saying;

Thank You for your Endless support, Ubarikiwe zaidi na Zaidi ????????????????. Good News Sasa @mobettostyles Tunashona Suits za Kiume Classy & Unique .✨ Karibuni sana. kwa maelezo zaiid tafadhali Tupigie kwa Simu number . +255 677667788 @mobettostyles @mobettostyles ???? Tupo makumbusho opposite millenium towers,”

With such a relationship, do you think Mobetto will be having any more baby daddy drama? Of course not!

Take notes! Why Diamond Platnumz can’t seem to forget baby mama, Hamisa Mobetto

Hamisa Mobetto is the only baby mama who has managed to keep a positive relationship with baby daddy, Diamond Platnumz!

So far we have seen the Wasafi CEO get exposed by Zari for neglecting his South African kids; but never have we seen this drama with Hamisa Mobetto who seems to have perfected the art of ‘humbling‘ when whenever it comes to her son’s father.

Well barely a week after Zari mocked Hamisa Mobetto through a post shared by Idris Sultan; the young entrepreneur cum video vixen has gone ahead to prove why Diamond Platnumz will never leave her side despite their break up.

Speaking right after Zuchu’s event this past weekend; Hamisa Mobetto went on to share a few unknown details about her relationship with Diamond Platnumz saying;

Baby mama, Hamisa Mobetto

Kwanza Kabisa kila mtu inafaa ajue kwamba mimi na Diamond tunaonge sana, tunaonana sana. Nikiwa labda na wazo la Biashara ananishauri, akiwa na jambo lolote anaomba ushauri, kwa hivyo tunaona na kusapotiana hapa na pale.

Plans of settling down together?

Although settling has never been an issue when it comes to Miss Mobetto; speaking your journalists recently the mother of 2 went on to reveal that she cannot speak about marrying the singer or not – since she has no idea what the future holds.

However, we also can’t forget that these two celebrities have a child together; and judging from how Misa was grinding on Diamond during Zuchu’s event – let’s just say this is more than coparenting!

Esma with Hamisa Mobetto’s son, Deedaylan

Lakini swala la Ndoa ni kitu ambacho kiko very sensitive, unajua Ndoa inapangwa na Mwenyezi Mungu and I don’t know what the future holds. So sina jibu sahihi kwa hilo swali

Rumor has it that unlike other women – Misa is quite good at making her baby daddy feel special; and since she makes him feel like a king, then I guess this is why Diamond can’t let go!

Why Zari Hassan recently referred to Hamisa Mobetto as a witch! (Photo)

The thought of seeing Idris Sultan and Diamond Platnumz baby mama, Zari Hassan has left many excited after the two were spotted chatting on one of Sultan’s post.

Well, it all started after Sultan shared a post showing how baby mamas ask for child support; and to caption this, the fella went on to mention Zari Hassan hence catching her attention.

According to Idris, Zari seems to be using the same tactic while asking for child support from Diamond Platnumz; and to prove this works, didn’t Simba just gift her with a Bently just the other day?

Idris toying with Zari

Zari takes shots at Hamisa Mobetto

In response to the post, Zari Hassan laughed off as she teased Idris Sultan for mentioning the wrong person ‘her’; since he fears getting bewitched by Hamisa Mobetto who apparently begs for child support using such photos. Zari Hassan wrote;

Unamjua wakutag sema unaogopa uchawi

This comes as a big surprise since the two have not been mentioning each other for months now; but out of the blues Zari throws shade at Mobetto.

Zari attacks Hamisa

If you remember well, a while back mama Dangote and Diamond Platnumz went on to expose Hamisa for trying to use black magic to get her way into the Tandale empire. Diamond Platnumz also confessed about Hamisa’s witcraft when he sang Tunguli limenibamba! Adding that they really worked on him!

Just a few hours ago Diamond happened to share a photo promoting Hamisa’s clothing business meaning that Diamond is supporting all his baby mamas; but it appears Zari caught feelings hence her response to Idris Sultan’s post.

Payback? Hamisa Mobetto flaunts new ride days after Diamond gifted Zari brand new Bentley (Videos)

Last week, Zari Hassan was over the moon after Diamond Platnumz topped up for her new multi-million ride and Hamisa Mobetto has decided to equally splash money on her new sleek ride as well.

Walking on her toes, a dear Zari brought social media to a stand still with videos of her baby’s homecoming, with a red ribbon wrapped around it, just to say “Thank You”.

sante baba tee for the top up.

Thanking Diamond for ensuring the new kid on the block got home safely.

Also read: Diamond Platnumz confirms he’s taken, ready to settle down with new girlfriend

Hamisa Mobetto

Well, the singer’s other baby mama, Hamisa Mobetto decided to parade what she got, on her own, with a sleek brand new black Prado J120.

Taking to her Instastories, the lass flaunted her car upgrade with some hot pink cushioning on the inside gushing:

Can’t get enough

Hamisa Mobetto’s sleek Prado TX

Also read: Revealed! How Eric Omondi robbed Jalang’o his only chance at Kiss FM

Hamisa boasts of a Land cruiser Prado, solely funded and despite seeming forgotten by the Tanzanian crooner, she has proven she can still get what she needs because she can work for it.

The video vixen who doubles up as a model and businesswoman is living large, spending good money on luxury and living life like her last.

Also read: 8 times Mama Dangote has proven Princess Tiffah is her favorite grandchild

Have a look:

Well, there you have it! Impressed by her bossy moves, fans were quick to slam:

honey__frolante ???????? et Top up ,,hatusubir kuhongwa ndo TU show off????


maggioswry Huyu na wema ndo kiboko ya tukinao????????????????????????????????????


jaznimu ????????????????????????✅✅. Fit for the queen she is. Started from the bottom, here we are????????????


nash_bybee Alafu wala sio tajiri????????????????????????????

Hamisa Mobetto spotted getting cosy with Nigerian tycoon, raises speculations

We all attach different meanings to certain words, depending on the context, the relationship one has with the other party and based on our daily use of these words.

Tanzanian socialite, Hamisa Mobetto has found herself at a tight spot after her intimate online chat with popular Dubai-based Nigerian, Mustapha better known as Mompha.

Taking to her page, the video vixen spared the day to wish the Nigerian tycoon a happy birthday as he marked a new year in his life. Sharing:

Happy Birthday Boss @mompha
May The Almighty Continue To Bless You & Protect You forever ….❤️????????

Also read: Hamisa reveals she chose to feature in Kiba´s song and didn´t need Diamond´s permission

In response, the birthday boy sweetly expressed:

Thanks babe ❤️

To which Diamond´s baby mama replied:


Tanzanian socialite and vixen, Hamisa Mobetto

This raised eyebrows leaving fans speculating that these two had more than just some brother-sister love, hinting that they would make a good couple.

angel_mukash Huyu kwa hamisa ako sawa sio kutafuta bentens safari inaishia kwa bed ????‍♀️????‍♀️????????‍♀

Mompha is reportedly a playboy and one involved in controversies around money laundry and corruption scandals, back in Nigeria.

He is also a business mogul, with a wife complete with two kids: a son and a daughter.

Mompha´s wife and kids


This comes barely weeks after the young mother of two articulated that she was not in the business of settling with a man yet, since her main focus was on growing her brand and taking care of her two children.

I am single, I don´t have time to be in a relationship plus I have kids, I am very busy. I don´t think if I get into a relationship, I´m gonna give the person enough attention.

Mompreneur and singer, Hamisa Mobetto

Hamisa has been in on-and-off relationships with different men in her life, having had two baby daddies, the first with whom she sired her daughter with and the second being Diamond Platnumz who blessed her with son Dylan.

Whether she has changed her life with regards to settling, only time will tell.

Hamisa Mobetto opens up about motherhood like never before!

Hamisa Mobetto who is a mum of two has every reason to be grateful for having amazing kids who she single handedly raises back in Dar Es Salaam. Speaking recently during an interview with several media outlets; Hamisa for the first time opened up about motherhood – a topic she rarely discusses.

This was however during her grand event where she was announced as the new brand ambassador of ‘Sitetereki’ –  a maternal health platform in Tanzania. Of course as a young mum, there are those who have been looking up to her for guidance; and I bet this is why she chose to share her experiences at the event.

Also read; Rest in peace Mzee! Diamond Platnumz family in mourning

Planned pregnancies

If you think Hamisa got pregnant just for the sake of it; then you are wrong!  According to Hamisa both her children were planned for; and the fathers were ready to become parents at the time she was pregnant. However just like most women, love was not on her side.

Hamisa Mobetto

For this reason she has been raising her children all alone; but maintains her friendships with her baby daddies who she still communicates with.

 Mtoto ni mipango ya Mungu lakini pia sikulazimishwa. nilikuwa nipo tayari na kwa ratiba zangu nilishajua kwamba nitazaa mtoto kwa muda fulani; kisha nitarudi kwenye kazi zangu ndiyo maana watu wengine wanaona ni rahisi kufanya.

Not easy

Hamisa Mobetto went on to add that motherhood has not been easy for her; and unlike many believe bouncing back to the old body is not everything. Apart from sleepless nights, fatigue and many other problems she has sacrificed her own happiness to ensure her children have nothing but the best life.

Pregnant Hamisa Mobetto

Nimepata bahati ya kutizamwa, kufuatiliwa na kuwa na mashabiki wengi. Watoto wengi wa kike wananiangalia mimi na kudhani kwamba ni rahisi kuzaa mtoto; mwili umerudi na maisha yanaendelea na kuona mambo ambayo tunawaonyesha lakini ni vigumu sana kuliko wanavyofikiria.”

So far Hamisa has a daughter with Tanzanian millionaire Majay and a son with Africa’s finest Diamond Platnumz!

Hamisa Mobetto blasted for copy pasting daughter’s birthday shoot!

Hamisa Mobetto’s daughter Fantasy turned 5 years this past weekend; and due to the coronavirus quarantine regulations the little girl did not have her usual parties!

From the photos making rounds on social media; we understand that Hamisa Mobetto held a small party in her living room inviting a few friends and family!

Tanzanian socialite, Hamisa Mobetto

Well, as usual there are those who couldn’t understand why she chose to hold the party; when Coronavirus seems to have hit Tanzania differently!

Accused of theft!

Away from this; word making rounds on social media is that Hamisa Mobetto stole the goddess photo shoot idea seen on her Instagram page.

It turns out that she not only stole the idea but also the design used in making both her outfit and that of her daughter’s!

Hamisa denies copy pasting daughter’s photo shoot

The story which was first highlighted by one Tanzanian gossip tabloid provided proof showing complaints from the original creators of the goddess mother and daughter photo shoot.


On the post below, the complainant revealsed that Hamisa photographer bashed her after she reached out hoping to be credited.

However Misa’s team continued to insist that the photo shoot idea was not stolen but an original concept from the mother of 2!

Hamisa accused of copy pasting


Hamisa Mobetto claps back after being branded a home wrecker

Hamisa Mobetto is tired and fed up of being told she wrecked Zari and Diamond Platnumz home.

According to her, the relationship shared between her and the Bongo singer was real and not forced like most people tend to paint it out.

Hamisa Mobetto

However we are not quite sure how we would refer to a person sleeping with men in serious relationships; but as for Hamisa Mobetto she will no longer take the ‘home wrecker‘ title.

Just recently the model was forced to have a bitter exchange with one of her followers. As seen on the screenshot, the fan cake out bashing Hamisa Mobetto for wrecking people’s relationships. The fan wrote;


Akikucheat unaachana nae mjinga, weh mbona was uliingilia Mapenzi ya wengine, kumbe inauma eh!!! Fal Kwel

Hamisa Mobetto claps back

Hamisa on the other hand did not care much as clapped back asking the fan to take some water to ease her thirst; since it appeared that she was chocking from all the bitterness in her comment.

Tanzanian socialite, Hamisa Mobetto

Hamisa clapped back saying;

Ebu shushia na maji kidogo naona umekabwa

This is however not the first time Hamisa Mobetto is having an altercation with one of her fans over the Zari and Diamond issues.

Just a few weeks ago rumor had it that she was spotted rolling around in Diamond Platnumz car; just days before Tanasha Donna walked out on the singer.

According to several gossip tabloids; Hamisa Mobetto is known for sneaking into people’s relationships