Renowned husband-snatcher, Hamisa Mobetto landed in South Africa and Zari and King Bae know no peace.
Soon after Diamond Platinumz cheated on Zari with Hamisa, the Boss Lady moved on with a South African tycoon, known to us as Mr M or King Bae.
The couple is said to live in South Africa but just 3 days ago, Tanzanian socialite, Hamisa Mobetto landed in the country.
This has shaken the two territories with many speculating that the commercial model is there to investigate on and take over Zari´s man.
Hamisa and her mother are allegedly in S.A on a vacation but her presence there is just wanting.
Zari and Hamisa are not quarreling one-on-one, they probably have better things to do.
Fans have taken over the stage and are battling Hamisa´s presence in the Boss Lady´s ¨territory¨.
The petite model might have gotten away with snatching Zari´s Simba but not with King Bae.
To slam Hamisa Mobetto, Mama Tiffah´s die-hard fans are now flaunting a high-end piano that King Bae has gifted Zari and her children.
The mother of 5 lovingly captions:
Babe watapata tabu sana ????????????????????
According to Zari´s fans, that should be reason enough to make Hamisa jealous and ward her off where she is not wanted.
Additionally sharing with masses that the video vixen is here on a mission to snatch Mr M from the businesswoman.
However, they issue a stern warning to Hamisa is she to attempt to make any of the alleged moves on King Bae.
Here are screenshots captured by ´Daily Active Kenya´:
King Bae has lived his life on the first lane whenever he spoils Zari Hassan from High-end machines to bouquets of roses and recently a new home.
That might have slowed down Mr M in terms of spoiling the Ugandan socialite but he is back and bigger!
He now gifts Zari and her children an expensive grand piano to soothe his Queen when the world is so noisy.
She flauntingly captions:
When Bae buys a piano
, look at me
Well, for those waiting to hear the price, wait for it!
Just not your ordinary kind of piano. King Bae has gone for a Schimmel grand Piano ranging from $22,500 to $ 30,000 roughly Ksh 2.25 Million.
When Simba is busy slamming his ex-wife, King Bae is taking advantage by distracting her with goodies.
Watch this space!