We were right about GK Nyambura

GK Nyambura is back on our radar after she went out and got involved in a rather pointless fight with other revellers and at this point, we really do think her friends need to help her calm down and take stock of what she is currently doing with her life.

You see, it is one thing to go harass your ex-boyfriend and then start giving toxic advice on social media but it is quite another for you to decide to start brawling in the streets of Westlands because this is now something that directly endangers your life.

GK Nyambura

And I have to wonder whether or not GK Nyambura has any real friends because they need to stage an intervention to find out why she is always attracting drama to her person. This is not a good way to lead your life but what can you tell us Gen Z kids?

But let us also try and figure out why she is such a divisive and cantankerous spirit: and it all starts with her rather ill-advised attack on her former boyfriend. This was the first time we realised she is not exactly shall we say… Complete between her ears.

She had used social media and Edgar Obare to attack Omoke. When that didn’t work, she ended up at his house at 4 Am to start trying to vandalise his house. That didn’t work but because she faced no consequences, she has become even more brazen with her nonsense.

GK Nyambura is proof we do not hold women accountable

However, she is now playing a dangerous game. I understand that she had lost her phone and that really sucks but this is the point at which we have to ask whether she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that the people who had stolen her phone were the same people she and her friends wound up fighting. If not then GK Nyambura dragged unrelated patrons of the club into meaningless fisticuffs.

And what would have happened if someone had received life-threatening injuries? One of the worst things you can do when you go out is attempt to fight because all it takes is one punch for things to go all the way left. But I guess we aren’t here for that cup of tea. So let ignorance and toxicity continue to reign supreme.

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GK Nyambura represents the worst of what Kenya’s dating pool offers

GK Nyambura continues to exemplify how horrible the Nairobi dating market is for young men like me and my brethren. No, really, she is an example of the toxic females we have to bear with who act like their faeces don’t stink.

Daughter of Jezebel! GK Nyambura’s fan confesses to infecting ex boyfriend with HIV as payback

She is not only conniving but she also encourages women to be their worst selves because “she hates all men” and “men are trash”. This is misandry, but we will act like this mentally unstable lady is not doing anything wrong, right?

Can you imagine if a man were to go online to share and celebrate some of the BS she often champions on her social media account? I mean, for heaven’s sake, GK Nyambura is a complete menace who recently shared a post about how a woman set her ex-boyfriend up to be infected with HIV.

Why GK Nyambura is obsessed with Omoke

Not only is this sickening but it is an actual crime to knowingly infect someone with HIV and the fact that she shared this message she received as if to celebrate it is despicable. She is a despicable human being.

And the reason she gets away with doing things like this and even harassing her former cuddle buddy Omoke is that she has never been held accountable. She has never been held responsible and had her feet held to the fires that her actions cause. GK Nyambura represents women who think they can get away with murder because they are women. And so they keep pushing the envelope when it comes to how low they can stoop.

GK Nyambura is proof we do not hold women accountable

And to make matters worse, she is a feminist and identifies as one. This woke cult gives her a coven of fellow witches to who she retreats when she needs to charge up and come back with more could behaviour. And boy do they charge her up!


GK Nyambura is a representation of why only fools are trying to commit to Gen Z baby-gurls. Instead, you should do what Omoke did, eat it then yeet it. Smash and pass. Do not try and settle down with either this woman or her sisters because they will introduce hell to your life and at this point, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself because I have taken the time to warn you.

But then again, maybe you’re into average, overweight, entitled, toxic feminists like Nyambura which is why you will continue to suffer until the day you develop some sense between your ears.

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Why GK Nyambura is obsessed with Omoke

GK Nyambura is back on our radar once again and as with the last time, it has to do with her ex, Omoke. Why is that? Well, you can rest assured that it has nothing to do with him discussing her but rather her trying to inject herself into his life and consciousness.

‘His Watchman Made Me Scream Louder’- GK Nyambura Throws Shade At Ex-Boyfriend Omoke

You see, Omoke doesn’t really ever mention her unless her demons tell her to go to his house at 4 Am in the morning to do the sort of rubbish that saw her trend for days a few weeks back. She went to his house and broke his property and then started engaging his neighbours and watchmen in fights.

And while tongues were wagging, Twitter fingers a snapping and feminists were left scampering for any excuse to use to defend her, the main question that was left unanswered was why. Why is she always trying to inject herself into his life and consciousness? It’s because GK Nyambura is what you get when a woman who is a 5 on her best day sleeps with a man ascending his craft and getting recognition for it. And let’s make it clear, she is a 5 with youthful looks. Once she no longer has youth on her side, this will become apparent to lot of you thirsty men.

GK Nyambura is proof we do not hold women accountable

You see, for women, when they sleep with a guy who is a 7, they assume that that is the level they deserve. If they sleep with a man who is a 10, that becomes their new reality. This happens because they do not understand that once in a while a man will be in need of a slump-buster. A woman who can help him through his dry spell. And it gets even more complicated when that man doesn’t treat her like a piece of meat.


And I would posit that this was the nature of her interaction with Omoke. He is a video director of repute who is currently making money as he continues to master his craft. He is living the life and he is “the man”. GK Nyambura is also pursuing her own interests but she’s nowhere near the level of success her love interest has. And he was the best possible option she has ever had, In her mind, that is her new level and they were dating.

Wueh! YouTuber GK Nyambura says she visited ex boyfriend at 3Am to collect her clothes

I have a very interesting mentor who explained this to me by saying that because women have an abundance of choices, they do not understand “slump busters”. From the minute they wake up, they are drowned in options for coitus. But a lot of these are from the hoi polio. A woman wants the best possible option she has. Unfortunately, these guys are usually not interested in a long-term commitment. And when everything is said and done (read: post-nut clarity sets in), they are left feeling ashamed and they often dismount poorly. And indeed, hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.

That is why GK Nyambura came after Omoke and accused him of anything that came to mind. She was hurting and she wanted to weaponize social media and Edgar Obare against him. But she didn’t do this to completely destroy him. Chances are, she believes this was the only way for her to actually get his attention. She wants his attention even if it’s his annoyance and anger rather than watch him move on.

Why else do you think she recently went over to his house? And why else do you think she is still running her mouth long after she humiliated herself? It’s because she is desperate for his attention and she is going to try to get it by any means necessary.

I guess the value of this story is that I am telling you (if you’re a man) to become so high value that women fight to stay in your life. Nezt time we’ll take a look at the mistakes Omoke made and how you as a man can avoid finding yourself in a situation as toxic and dealing with a woman as batshit crazy as GK Nyambura.

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GK Nyambura is proof we do not hold women accountable

GK Nyambura for those of you who, did not know who she is, is a YouTuber and TikToker who makes content for “woke” Zoomers and confused Nairobi girls. That’s right, she actually gives relationship advice which I must clarify is some of the dumbest drivel you will ever interact with. No really, she tells her fans to sleep with all their ex-boyfriend’s friends as if that would hurt him instead of hurting their father.

Wueh! YouTuber GK Nyambura says she visited ex boyfriend at 3Am to collect her clothes

Anyway, Friday past saw her go over to video director Omoke, her ex-boyfriend’s house at 4 AM in the morning to essentially attack him. I want to be the first to go on record and say that I do not think they were even dating, that is a narrative she told herself about the fact that they were just engaging in coitus. But I digress.

Tbt: Nyambura exposes ex, Omoke

While at Omoke’s house, she broke what she had access to; his pots and plants. I shudder to think what she would have damaged had he allowed her inside. What we saw was her true toxic nature on full display. Yeah, I said it, GK Nyambura is a toxic woman who for a long time has not been held accountable and as a result, a lot of men are suffering silently.

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When she first realised that her f-buddy didn’t want a relationship with her, she accused me (sensationally so) of having infected her with an STD. When she was asked to produce the proof that she was infact treated for the infection, she went into a rather stupid soliloquy about how she would never put herself through the shame of making such a claim… Simply put, GK Nyambura did everything but address the question of proving her allegations.

Then she ran to Edgar Obare with even more absurd claims about how Omoke was a violent man who had forced himself on her… And again, there was no proof offered. We were just supposed to take her word for it. Sigh, here we have a woman who is literally playing at being Amber Heard and everyone is acting like this is a simple case of a woman scorned. How?

Take notes: Zari Hassan explains how most women end up in toxic relationships

GK Nyambura has effectively scandalized Omoke and committed libel against the man yet we are supposed to laugh about it and move on because “men are trash”? She also committed a crime when she destroyed his property but we are again acting like that was the action of a mentally balanced woman who “just wanted to talk to her ex”? At 4 AM?!

We need to stop giving such criminal-minded individuals a pass simply because they are women. As my mentor keeps saying, women aren’t children and it is wrong to infantilize them. Respect is usually founded on responsibility. And the reason the internet has reacted horribly to GK Nyambura’s antics is that she has not only acted like a child but has also acted like the worst playground bully, using rumours and gossip to tear down someone.

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And if you happen to be around personalities such as her, you need to cut them off immediately and conclusively. She is a horrible human being who derives pleasure from tearing down others. A true emotional vampire. Stop empowering and making excuses for scummy people.

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