Karen Nyamu should not be worried about Samidoh’s other wives teaming up against her

So we have all been right to say that Edday Nderitu and Bernice Saroni have been ganging up against Karen Nyamu who they feel is not only a husband snatcher but a woman with maybe no morals.

Samidoh with his first wife, Edday

The two best friends proved this a while back in a post shared by Bernice Saroni where she took a swipe at side chicks who ruin other women’s marriages….to which Edday Nderitu responded by saying:

It all starts with a man who doesn’t respect his family, Then comes a side chick who thinks she is better than the wife, then comes children who suffer because of two selfish people and that’s why suicide in pre-teens and teens has increased.

And it was at this moment we realized that Edday Nderitu will never accept the fact that her husband Samidoh has Karen Nyamu as his second wife. Although on the response you can clearly see she blames men for entertaining side chicks…still, she also blames the women.

Why Karen Nyamu’s response was unnecessary

Well, being one who cannot keep calm after getting roasted online wait….actually no one roasted her. What happemed is, Edday Nderitu and Bernice Saroni just came up with a stunt they knew would get to Ms Nyamu….and look, they were right.

Anyway having seen her ‘cowives’ gang up against her – Ms Nyamu decided let me show these women that I am unmoved and shared the post below;

Which I now feel was uncalled for. I mean, why engage while she already has the man in her corner why care about anything else and I am sure she’s heard kelele za chura hazimzuii ng’ombe Kunywa maji, so why bother?

I mean, last we checked Ms Nyamu had revealed how she steps up to get tenders for Samidoh to give Edday and still….she gets mocked around..mmmh hapana haiwezi.

Willy Paul threatening his girlfriend’s boyfriend doesn’t make sense

Willy Paul is currently trending following an expose done on him by a fella accusing him of sliding into his girlfriend’s DM; and for a minute – we couldn’t understand why the said guy was overreacting and if anything –  he should have taken up the issue with his woman and not Pozee, right?

Willy Paul 

But just when we thought that was low, Pozee who we assumed would handle the matter like a mature man even made things worse by hitting back at his girlfriend’s boyfriend; and from the post share on his page – ill assume he threatened to have him shot.

This is after he posted a photo if a gun and on the side a box full of bullets….probably just to show how what he can do….but again – Pozee didn’t caption the post:

Pozee needs to change his strategy

Having been linked to so many women and even accused of rape – its funny that Willy Paul never changes his strategy on how he approaches women; or rather keeps going for the same type…lightskin, petite and pretty.

More of like a weird Jeffery Epstein in the making or something of that sort…. but whats more surpring is how he decided to go after the YouTuber….when he is the one on the wrong. Or wait, could it be that Pozee has real feelings for the lady?

But again….having realized that the lady had willingly shared her contacts with Willy Paul proves she hasn’t left the streets yet…..and maybe just maybe – the boyfriend should first put his house inorder.

Why celebrity kids follow into their parents footsteps while still young

How many celebrity kids do you know in kenya? Well I’ll say the Bahati’s especially Heaven and Meuni among others like Taiyari and Njugush’s son Tugi. Well these kids have been making money for their parents or probably collage funds since they were born and this is because they have parents who are popular.

Bahati with kids: Mueni, Heaven and Morgan


In Tz we have Tiffah Dangote – for sure – who has a whole lot of grown ups following her on social media; and judging the views, comments and likes – we already know that Tiffah will become a star like both her parents. Maybe a singer or a socialite but either way – she is definitely following into her parents footsteps.

Well since the kenyan celebrity kids don’t seem to receive the same attention as Tiffah….allow me to use the young girl as an example. I know there are those who probably feel she gets too much social media exposure (true) but the same exposure already has her making money and bagging deals….something most ‘normal’ kids don’t get.

Diamond Platnumz with Zari and their kids, Tiffah and Nillan

Train them while still young.

Also I have realized that unlike other kids, the young girl has the same confidence as that of her dad who fought his way up to the top; and having been a village boy with little education – his persistence and interaction with fans help build his career over the years.

Zari Hassan and the kids grand homecoming

So imagine, if Zari Hassan and Diamond Platnumz continue to support and push their daughterbecoming a super star? Tiffah would undeniably achieve alot more compared to what her parents. Why? Because the best investments are those you make on your kids as long as their is a goal to achieve and above all – teaching them the right principles. No?

3 obvious places kenyans are likely to spend their Hustler fund loans

I know its been tough for the past few years (since Covid-19) and many kenyans have been struggling financially which is why President Ruto launched the Hustler fund to help kenyans access loans which will help one way or another.

With the Hustler funds now accessible, there are many who rushed to apply with some hoping to set up small businesses; while others – lets just say they’re yet to know how to use these loans to help themselves.

Well i guess I will be talking about because clearly without a plan or vision, most will spend the money on:


With the betting sites ‘promising easy cash’ they easily attract people with gambling addiction (no matter how small it is) and this is how most will lose their money. They say a gambler never stops….so think about those hoping to double up their funds the easy way….does it ever pay off? Maybe once in a while….but kila siku si Sunday.


Singer patoranking tells you  she go whine well when she sees the cash….amd believe me women are naturally attracted to men with money and with hustler funds offering loans worth hundreds of thousands….especially now that we we are in December….i guess its Patek!


Did someone say ni drink December? Na kuna loans.…sadly to say that we all know Kenya is slowly becoming a drinking nation with many turning Sunday to a drinking day…i only see most people flexing with expensive drinks wajitreat after months of suffering. I know thats the mentality most broke people have….but truth is – as sweet as the loans seem right now, when it comes to paying them ni wewe na mungu wako.

Kenyans Curious As Video Of TV Girl Gladys Mungai Enjoying ‘Presidential Treatment’ Emerges

For the longest time we have had kenyans link female journalists to politicians and well….its kinda true especially after we all heard about that story where a certain politician repossessed a posh car he had gifted a popular female journalist…..just because the relationship was now over.

It happens and has been happening for the longest time which is why one Gladys Mungai has many on her page pointing finger after a photo she shared boarding a car believed to be belong to the kenyan government.

Of course there are those who quickly assumed she had bagged a new role in the new government since she captioned her post;

TV girl Gladys Mungai receiving presidential treatment

President treatment

Keep guessing

And well…there are those who assumed she now has a politician boyfriend funding her lifestyle. Well – I want to believe its a job because why else would she share such a post if she’s really seeing a politician, right? Not forgettinf how blogs dig into such stories.

Well speaking about this to a renowned blog, Gladys Mungai not only refused to share any details on whether she had bagged a prominent man or if its a new job opportunity she had been offered hence a ride in the government vehicle.

Truth is…whether a relationship or a job – we will still find out….maybe not now but definitely soon.

5 Hottest cross dressers in Kenya

Cross dressers and transgenders are often said to b the same thing but others insist they are different in that Transgenders are ‘women’ or ‘men’ born in the wrong bodies. Mostly men who feel they should have come to the world as women.

Cross dressers however nikama kina Eric Omondi and the rest who wear women clothing for marketing purposes or for comedy….but like i said – its confusing to figure out why men cross dress….or is it a fetish?

Anyway having said that, below is a list of well known male cross dressers in the entertainment indutsry who dress better than some of your women.

Dennis Karari

Dennis Karari

Although Dennis Karari started off as a Kienyeji cross dresser, we’ve literally watched him morphe into a classy sassy lady living like a socialite after her new man upgraded her lifestyle. However truth is, there’s still room for improvement for Ms Karari – that is looking at what other cross dressers are bringing to the table.


Ghai….do you know the first time i came a cross a photo of Kinuthia – i couldnt believe he is male. Yes…that is how good he is, he is good at dressing his bbw body and moves her waist better than most women out here. With that, i want to believe that he is among the hottest cross dressers in the country – because he already embraced the person he truly is.

Eric Omondi

Okay let us just say Eric Omondi is a low key cross dresser because of the many times he has stepped out in women’s clothings. I mean for a straight man – Eric Omondi really likes his diva side….and what better way to show her off than dressing up for the part, right? But anyway whether a fetish or a marketing strategy Eric definitely delivers well.

Oga Obinna

Let us just say Obinna is forced to cross dress inorder to push his music – since yall can’t go to his Youtube channel unless he teases you with cross dressing stunts. And although he is horrible at it – ill give him a 3 stars for the effort. No?

Latoya Johnson

Comedian Dave Chapelle will tell you that out of the LGBTQ community, the T people are the ones who face a tougher time the most. And believe me Latoya Johnson can tell you the same. However despite the hardships she has had to endure, one thing she has managed to do is love herself and doll up. This is why we now have her name among the hottest cross dressers in the entertainment industry.

Edday Nderitu proves she is still in love with Samidoh despite his many affairs

Aki mapenzi wewe…..this is literally one of the most over used lines by kenyans complaining about love but this time around, I am using it to show you that once youre in love – you fall so hard that you overlook your partners imperfections.

Don’t believe it? Well lets use Edday and Samidoh’s situation. As you already know – these two were said to have some marital issues after Samidoh was linked to Karen Nyamu….and although we all knew what was going on, Samidoh for some reason decided to impress his first wife Edday Nderitu – by publicly denying Karen Nyamu as he claimed he only has one wife.

Samidoh wildling with wife, Edday

This was however just after their (Samidoh and Karen) first child…and barely 6 months after denying her in public; Karen Nyamu came out to reveal that they were expecying baby number two. Yes, baby number 2 with a man that had just publicly denied her….and as for Edday – well i bet she just felt used or played by Samidoh…..but funny thing is – she stuck around.

Edday commitment to Samidoh

At this point i am left wondering is that Edday Nderitu cant get someone new or is that she is willing to put up with everything in the name of love….and that might just be it.

You know why, well despite her co wife Karen Nyamu jetting all the way to visit Samidoh in the Yuwes….and making sure Edday Nderitu was aware of the story through blogs – mmmmh Eddatmy Nderitu remains unmoved and her feelings for Samidoh unchanged.

The first wife made this known through a new comment she made while respoding to a post shared by their family friend, Bernice Saroni where she wrote;

It was an amazing 6 weeks tour full of fun and Adventures, thank you Waweru Uyu, for keeping us in check. Samidoh, it was great working with you, your such a vibe. All the best in UK and Dubai shows, Edday Nderitu your husband has been in safe hands, See you in Dubai on the 17th yacht party tufunge hii kitu

And to prove her love for hubby, Edday responded with;

Which I am pretty sure Karen Nyamu already saw….but having seen how she (Karenzo) responds to shade…..cant help but wonder which house Samidoh will be spending his first night after returning to Kenya.

I think y’all already know too.

Wema Sepetu is a good example of why women should not put off having kids for their career

Wema Sepetu has struggled to have kids for years now to a point she is only asking her God for just one. Just one baby that will call her mummy and a child of her own – but everytime she gets pregnant, the pregnancy somehow ends up with a miscarriage.

Wema with late boyfriend, Steve Kanumba

Well, from the latest stories – we understand that she blames her current young boyfriend Whozu for being the reason she lost their 3 months pregnancy; but again – didn’t she suffer a miscarriage at 3 months while pregnant with Idris Sultan’s twins? Its a cycle and for some reason she never gets to second trimester.

Miscarriages after abortions

Okay….at this point I am forced to remind you that in the past she had two abortions which I now believe are the reason she cannot get past the first pregnancy trimester; since the quack doctor who performed the abortion either tampered with her uterus or her womb isn’t strong enough to carry a child.

Wema Sepetu posing with friend’s newborn

Studies show that women who have abortions can develop a womb infection whixh then can spread to your fallopian tubes and ovaries causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) which then makes it more difficult to get pregnant and increases the risk of ectopic pregnancies…same same cause as Wema Sepetu’s situation.

Well with Wema Sepetu in her early 30’s- we also understand there is pressure to conceive and believe it or not….she is even willing to raise it as a single mother, something many other single mums out here would discourage her from doing…..but from the way she wants a child, i don’t think anything or anyone can stop her from trying over and over again.

Wizkid is right about hiphop and Khaligraph embrace the fact that rap is dead

Wizkid recently had an interview with Peoples magazine where he threw shade at hiphop artists saying the genre no longer exists; and if anything – Afro pop is the new in thing….something many agree with.

Photo credits

According to the star, people no longer listen to hiphop like they used to back in the day…and I am thinking its only because African music has found it’s place in the music market across the globe.

You see, as much as hiphop started off as a ‘western thing’ not many caucasians really embraced it since it was more of a ‘black thing’ but when you look at Afro Pop….youd be shocked by the number of both blacks and caucasians who listen and jam to it.

Rap music associated with ‘gangs’

For example, look at Wizkid’s music….actually look at Rayvanny’s music which tops on most European music charts….but have you ever seen a Khaligraph Jones rap song appear anywhere? Well maybe Octopizzo but either way, he hasnt yet hit global charts.

Anyway Wizkid having said that, we all saw Khaligraph respond by claiming that hip hop js still alive and will show everyone.

Okay okay….let me stop you right there. Lets take out the accent from all Khaligraph Jones music, add a little african vibe….would you still listen to him rap over and over again? Probably not….and you still wonder why Wizkid says that Hiphop is dead?

I mean he could have named the likes of Sarkodie and the rest….but he spoke his truth which is, rap music is now a forgotten genre especially since many link it to gangs….and from the documentaries you’ve watch – don’t you agree?

Why Eric Omondi keeps us guessing about his sexuality

Eric Omondi is a smart man. I know by now maybe you dont agree with me on that statement but truth is – Eric Omondi’s PR team is working overtime and whether you like it or not – this comedian will keep you saying his name every now and then – and look youre already doing it.

Anyway – despite having a girlfriend who recently suffered a miscarriage people out here have been asking alot of questions regarding his sexuality….like is he straight or gay man.

Well we can’t really blame them for feeling this way judging from the huge number of gay married men living with their wives (yes women) out here. Yes you read it correct, gay married men living with their wives….!

Which is which?

So yea, with Eric Omondi pulling transgender stunts online – you can’t help but wonder what category he falls under the LGBTQ community or wait….any other community because – is he straight or not…..and if straight – is there anything like a straight cross dresser?

Well that being a question he alone can answer, i guess what we can now do is accept and embrace the diva he is exploring for now. But again….this is something making him good money.

Battle of the sexes: Maryaprude transgender crisis

Willis Raburu’s ex wife, Maryaprude this past weekend left many on social media talking after revealing that she grew up as a Tomboy and at some point in her life – she really wanted to have her sex changed from female to male.

Ex couple; Willis and Maryaprude

According to the lady, she started feeling this way from back when she was still a young girl and from what she says is that having to dress up in women outfits made her uncomfortable hence the boyish behavior.

Speaking about this to her followers on social media, Maryaprude for the first time came out to say;

I remember growing up, especially in my teenage adolescent years I always felt like I didn’t fit in as a girl or a woman.Girls dressed a certain way, talked, or expressed themselves in a particular way that I felt like I didn’t. So I thought maybe, I was supposed to be a boy because I preferred boyish clothes, hung out and was more comfortable with boys than girls, expressed myself in a boyish manner…


I started reading a lot and I found out that you can get sex reassignment surgery and change your gender. So that was my goal when “I grow up

Sex change

Well having also revealed that she had wanted or rather thought of a sex change, this leaves me wondering whether her behavior matches that of a man; and if yes – how is it that she fell or rather got married to Willis Raburu who we all know is a man and if I am right – was looking for a woman to settle down with when he came across Maryaprude.

Tbt: Pregnant Maryaprude before stillbirth

Okay – because if Maryaprude now says she has always felt like she was born in the wrong body….does that make her a man or wo’manish? Because now I am starting to suspect that her marriage to Willis Raburu did not end because of obvious reasons…since clearly.. the man’ish character still stays even when grown up, right?

But again – with how senstive trandsgender topics are….I guess all we can say is hopefully Maryaprude will one day accept herself for who she is.

Kenyan men are a scam, Nasra lost her family for love

Comedian Nasra has not been having it easy for sometime now especially after disclosing the woes in her relationship; and the sad truth is – the fairytale she had been expecting ended in tears.

Nasra announces breakup

Well its not just not about the love she lost but the fact that she also lost her fathers love and approval after choosing to spend the rest of her life with Dorector Rashid who is not from a somali Community; something she now says forced her dad to cut her off for good.

Speaking to Mungai Eve on a recent interview – Nasra for the first time opened up about her relationship with her dad – saying it hasnt been easy all through as she was forved to choose between family and the love of her life….amd juat when she thought she’d made the right choice….her pillar of strength left her for another woman.

Mistakes women make when in love

Although Nasra insists that she did not rush into marriage with director Rashid especially since they had dated for 4 years….I feel like she played herself since – the relationship was already shaky from the beginning but still chose to get married anyway.

Not sure whether to call it Msiba wa kujitakia or just bad lack but all i now know is that Nasra regrets her decision…and now that she has to go back and seek her father’s forgiveness – will just make everything worse since it will only prove he was right from the beginning….and this is not the time to have something like that rubbed in her face.

Hottest bachelors of 2022

While the likes of Amber Ray are getting engaged after just a few months of dating, there are those who continue to lead ‘lonely’ lives ;and I am thinking it’s because dating has somehow become a full time job with too many requirements – and truth is….not everyone is willing to put up with that.

Well, seems like the pressure is everywhere even for our celebrities which is why i have come up with a short lost of some of our hottest bachelors who have chosen the single life….and for some reason its working for them.

Nick Mutuma

Nick Mutuma

Last I checked, rumor had it that Nick Mutuma had parted ways with baby mama Bridget Shighadi. The two somehow confirmed this by deleting photos of each other from their social media pages….and this not being the first time, chances are that Nick might not stay single for long…..because…we are sort of used to him and Shighadi having a back and forth type of relationship. But as for now – yea, the guy is definitely living life as a bachelor.

Frankie just Gym It

Frankie’s visit to Corazon’s hometown

Okay…..I’m assuming Frankie is single because the last time we checked…..Corazon Kwamboka had broken up with him and a few days later – a video showing him browsing on a certain dating app emerged online meaning – Frankie is out here searching after losing both his baby mamas.

Willy Paul

Having had his share of women….its surpring to see that Willy Paul hasn’t found himself a wife yet. Maybe….maybe because ladies out here have heard of his nasty past and probably fear getting involved with him…but since he is in his late 20’s chances are that he may not be in a hurry.

Nviiri the storyteller

Having had a nasty breakup with ex Elodie Zone, singer Nviiri the storyteller has been keeping his private life off social media – which makes it hard to know whether he is single or taken…but having not introduced anyone since then, its only fair to rank him among the hottest bachelors we have in town.

Daddy Owen

Daddy Owen with alleged girlfriend

I know we already said that daddy Owen amepata mutu but truth is, until he personally confirms this; we will continue assuming that Daddy Owen is available but only to a kienyeji lady since  that’s is what he said he is looking for.

Why most marriages don’t seem to work anymore

I always believe that when two grown-ups decided to settle down as man and wife it means they’ve done enough of getting to know each other – in depth – and never think for a minute one day we will get divorce.

However marriages these days seem to end as soon as they start for example, Anerlisa Muigai and Benpol, then there’s Nasra Comedian and Director Rashid who divorced as soon as they got hitched; and this leaves many wondering why these couples opt out so fast after we all saw how much they adore themselves….but again vitu kwa ground huwa different.

Well apart from the usual, Violence, Abuse and infidelity…below are some reasons i believe lead to quick divorce among newly married couples.


Most tend to think that kalove feeling will last forever hence rushing to take vows – forgetting they haven’t yet faced the downs of the relationship and whether or not they can handle each other at their worst. For this reason, youll find most walking out after the first real fight – simply because they never knew what they got themselves into.

Rapudo proposes to Amber Ray

Bad foundation

For every relationship built….it always has to start as a friendship which will gradually set a good foundation for whatever might come next. Without this….youll end up realizing even the person youre with is not your friend.


These are the unresolvable differences or irreconcilable conflicts between spouses that make it impossible to continue living together as spouses. You see as partners, a couple should be able to agree or disagree on somethings…but when you realize that you mostly disagree and there’s never a solution – this is when you find people parting ways.


Some will say a man who marries a woman who earns more chances are that they will separate and believe it or not – its true. Most men tend to feel ‘belitted’ when they bag an independent woman..amd with such issues and insecurities….the marriage slowly slips away just like that.

Comedian YY should not have apologized to Kenrazy and Timmy Tdat because he is right

YY recently issued an apology to Kenrazy after making hilarous comments about him and Timmy Tdat…and although the came out wrong and mean – truth is YY is one funny man.

Churchill Show comedian, Oliver Otieno alias YY

Like honestly YY is one of the most underrated comedian in the country…but the good thing is that – he has a loyal fan base, that keeps up with jokes on social media; which explains why he remains among the surviving successful comedians we have from Churchill show.

Anyway with his fun and jokes…..the comedian may have recently overstepped boundaries when he picked on Kenrazy and Timmy Tdat during an interview – where he was discussing Willy Paul’s expensive rate card……saying it’s the reason why most people no longer give him gigs like they used to.

However not to worry because…..

Kama tusipokuafford, tutaita Timmy Tdat na atakuja Hadi na Kenrazy na 40k.

Kenrazy in his feelings

Okay, like i said – the statement may have been mean but come to think of it, this is true in a way….yes?

Like when has the last time you played a kenrazy song or even read anything about him online (apart from that time he was said to be living in a studio) or name one latest project from Timmy Tdat? See, i am pretty sure you had even forgotten they are musicians, right?

So yea, tell me why you would pay them hundrends of thousands or tens of thousands to perform songs from 2012? I mean look at Tz artists….Diamond Platnumz ama tuseme Alikiba started his career around the same time as Kenrazy but till now he still releases new music….because anajituma and understands times are changing and has to keep up.

Which we cant say Kenrazy or Timmy Tdat have been doing….so why would YY apologize for speaking his truth?


Octopizzo trashing kenyan media is an obvious cry for attention

It’s been a minute since we heard about Octopizzo right? Or maybe it’s because fans lost interest in his beef with Khaligrapha Jones who also seems to have gone off the grid; now that Kenyans seem to be focusing on their problems and not what their favorite celebrities are upto.

Octopizzo makes history, becomes the first Kenyan rapper to make it to the Grammy Awards Consideration List

Anyway having also noticed that his fame is slowly fading away Octopizzo has decided to come after the media, accusing them of not supporting local talent and blaming them for them not talking about him.

Uuuh last I checked….the media talks about celebrities – like all the time – but they only do so when there’s something to talk about right? I mean why would they waste time on an inactive celebrity….will that help them money or wait……what are you doing about it as an artist?

TV and Radio play for musicians they like, watu wanapenda, these days if I want to listen to Kenyan music I stream. I don’t watch TV or the radio. That way I hear different sounds and maybe I can collabo with them.

Clout chasing

Although he may have a point about mainstream not playing enough kenyan music, you have to remember that its all about who ‘brings the most interesting content to the table’ because at the end of the day – both parties have to make money right?

And as you can see, Octopizzo put himself out there with his latest interview….and now most blogs are focusing on him and his projects hence making it possible to revive his brand – now that he had gone missing in action for a while.

Diamond Platnumz rejecting his son with Hamisa Mobetto will one day cost him

Singer Diamond Platnumz is good at what he does and as far as his music career goes – we can all agree that he remains the one super star from East Africa giving fellow artists a run for their money.

However despite all that success, Diamond Platnumz also happens to have a few failures in life that is – making babies and denying them during interviews. If you doubt this….let me remind you of the video he shared telling his son, Nillan and daughter, Tiffa that they were his only kids.

Well with such stunts, the fella has now exposed his kids to public scrunity and this is why two radio hosts recently decided to troll Hamisa’s son, Dylan; claiming he might not be the singers son and even had guts to drag in kenyan Singer Jaguar who they suspect might be the biological dad.

Hamisa defends son

From the posts shared online, its obvious to see that these said radio presenters went abit too far with the allegations hence forcing Hamisa to speak.

Hamisa back with Diamond Platnumz

Although she blames the grown men for discussing her son on radio – i honestly feel that she shoukd take it up with baby daddy, Diamond Platnumz who is the reason why people attack his kids on social media.

I mean, looking at other celebrity dads online, they all (apart from future and Eric Omondi) protect their kids from the public scrunity; but in Diamond Platnumz case – he willing hands them to wolves without a care in the world.

Problem is – I feel like he forgets that these kids are growing and will one day find out about their dad denying them. But again….his funeral, right?

Kamene Goro needs to heal from previous toxic relationships before talking marriage

Just like most women out here who have been in toxic relationships, turns out that Kamene Goro also has dark history with an abusive ex she claims used to beat her up like a thief.

Yes, you see that hot Kamene Goro who keeps turning heads….she too took some serious beatings from a man she was dating; according to her – she still chose to stay because everytime she would talk about it….she’d be blamed for it like ‘kwani ulimfanyia nini…’ a common questions asked to GBV victims.

Kamene Goro

We cannot fault you as a victim. What I want us to pick apart is how society makes it look like it is normal. What is it that you did? Sometimes, society gets you back to stay in abusive relationships and some parent also tells you to be calm in such relationships.

Kamene Goro goes on to add that after endimg things with the first guy, she hooked up with another pne who cheated on her 7 times…yes 7 times and guess what…she still stuck around. Speaking about this one said:

Kamene Goro

I was a very forgiving person until I found myself being cheated on seven times and I don’t know the other times.

Low self esteem?

Okay at this point im thinking…cheated on 7 times, beaten and still play house wife ama ni girlfriend? Aiii hapo ni ngumu.

But again, we can’t blame her because her first man reduced her to a drum which he would beat every now and then….plus I’m pretty sure there was also verbal abuse which might have messed with Kamene’s self esteem till date.

If i am right, this explains her choice in men and now that we know her current man, Dj Bonez started dating her while still married to his now ex-wife Eva Mkala alias Sasha – it shows iko kitu.

I mean her man is not only accused of cheating on his wife with her but has allegedly left his kids to suffer….yet she is comfortable living with the guy.

Okay…not that it’s any of my business…but makes her think he can’t do the same to her? Mmmh…but again like Andrew Kibe said and I am quoting “Kamene Goro settled” and maybe this will only stop after dealing with the pain she faced in her past relationships.

Why Frankie JustGymit takes pride in being a deadbeat dad

Frankie Just Gym it may not be making news like he used to but that doesnt mean he is not entertaining his followers on social media. If you follow him, i bet you’ve realize he likes making TikTok videos about baby mamas and deadbeat dads….and the funny part is – he enjoys them so much that he reshares the videos on his other social media pages.

Well the latest video, Frankie shows fans how he reacts once his woman tells him she is pregnant and….that is by dodging…a clip that left his following pointing fingers at him for being a toxic man. Yea, yea….its funny but at the same time offensive to his baby mamas especially since rumor has it that he is a deadbeat.

However despite knowing the clip would trigger a few single mums and dads out here, Frankie still shared it like it’s nothing. So what would explain the confidence behind this…..

Had an absent dad

Judging from his insensitivity, clearly we cabt hwlp but ask whether his dad was around while growing up; because if he was – i am pretty sure he would have learnt a few things from him like, how to treat his baby mamas and girlfriends – which Frankie the gymist seems to have failed despite having been in the game for so many years.

His women entertain his behavior

Well, we can’t just blame him without also looking at the women he is mocking. For example, Corazon Kwamboka went ahead to date and even have kids with the guy….knowing very well his other baby mama (Maureen Waititu) claims she gets no support from the fella. Maureen Waititu also fought for him like her life depended on it and yet – she was the bread winner in the family.

Friends with similar character

If Frankie really had friends who are responsible dads, don’t you think this would have rubbed off on him? Like they say….show me your friends and I will tell you the person you are….and clearly Frankie’s actions speak for everyone he associates with.


Like the clip shows….Frankie loses interest the moment he learns about any of his women is expectant.

Bags strong independent women

Looking at how hardworking Maureen Waititu is and how much millions Corazon Kwamboka made during her glory days….. I bet Frankie is always assured that his babies will be just fine – hence his behavior.

Why we might never hear Director Rashid’s side of story after ex wife Nasra accused him of cheating & moving on with another woman

Remember that time when Nasra announced she had parted ways with husband, Director Rashid? It was actually way before her miscarriage and i remember that after the announcemenr, the same Nasra came out claiming it was just a silly prank they decided to pull on their fans….but come to think of it – this was smoke from a little fire theyd tried to contain, but marriage ishachomeka.

Nasra announces pregnancy

Okay at the time Nasra was still the one sharing these personal information on social media but looking at director Rashid….he just maintained his silence the whole time and even after he was accused of cheating….Director Rashid just remains mute.

Well, when you see a man acting like Director Rashid has been acting – one has to wonder….was he really in love with her or …’clearly this man is fed up with drama’ hence his silence, right?

Nasra with husband, Director Rashid

Why Rashid maintance silence on divorce rumors

Avoid drama

You see unlike women who overreact and cause drama after a break….men actually prefer sometime off especially if the breakup happens during a heated moment.

This is why you might see Rashid holding back from announcing anything on his pages….simply because, chances are that he might not be done with Nasra….and to avoid looking like an immature man, he chooses to remain silent hence letting Nasra do the damage by oversharing.

Protect mental health

Whats better than to protect your own peace of mind? I dont thing there’s anything better than choosing yourself when things get toxic…and judging from how Nasra has been talking…..we can already tell why maybe Rashid isnt saying anything….more of like kibaya chajitembeza, kizuri cha jiuza…

Moved on already

Another reaaon I believe director Rashid remians silent on the divorce rumors is because he already moved after figuring out the woman he married wasnt what he wanted. Or maybe…because Islam allows a muslim man to marry upto 4 wives….maybe his new alleged woman has been in the picture the whole time but Nasra did not want to share.

Not compatible

Do you know that you can actually get over a person youve been in love with for years, the moment you move in and start living together?

It happens because this time around the fights will be in person and not texts….then you realize hapana, I cant do this and just like that you start wondering why you even rushed into marriage.

Cebbie Nyasego accepts Akothee’s apology but……….boundaries!

We all have that one sibling that gets on our nerves every now and then – but because they’re family – you can’t get rid of them or create more tension and I’m guessing this is what Akothee and Cebbie’s relationship looks like.

Akothee with sister, Cebbie

The two made this clear after their private affairs came to light…thanks to Akothee who outed her beef with Cebbie during a live session – a move she now regrets especially since it was done while angry.

From the live it seemed that Cebbie and her mum had ganged up against Akothee…who on the other hand couldn’t shut up on how she has helped her family – yet they still pick on her…but again – helping someone doesn’t necessarily mean you own them, to a point where you boss them around, forgetting they two have feelings. Right?

Cebbie accepts Akothee’s apology shingo upande

Well after the whole scandal guess who finally decided to eat the humble pie….yes Akothee who aplogized to her sister Cebbie for the drama….reminding her that they are blood but judging from the response she got – I don’t think this relationship will ever be the same.

You see, there is a way you can tell a person’s feelings from they express themselves on paper or word of mouth. And in this case to have Cebbie reply to anapology with;

Good morning.

Lemme put this here, I’m unable to reply to all the messages.

1. I appreciate your efforts of reaching out to me.

2. I also acknowledge with lots of Grace and humility that you genuinely pray for me and my family.

I thank everyone who takes their time to pray for my union. Marriage is sacred and fragile. I don’t take it for granted

Proves that indeed she is either fed up with her sisters shannigans or isn’t about to allow negative energy around her again.

But…. what’s better than choosing your own piece of mind? Nothing.

Again….seeing Akothee is now beefing with bloggers for writing negative stories about her – it only shows that she never takes blame for her actions….might be same…same case to thst of Cebbie.



Stevo Boy should quit romantic relationships and focus on his music

Stevo Simple boy started his career as a singer but immediately after he changed his management team, the young man turned to relationships and this is how we came to know about Pritty Vishy and the rest that came after.

And for this reason Stevo Simple boy started making news linking him to women and not hit songs like many had hoped. Not that the relationships didnt do him any good (clout) but many know him as an artist from the ghetto….and his dreams to become a big artist were valid.

Many supported his music but looking at his latest projects, we cant say they have anything to do with his career….for instance a few days ago he shared his opinion on dating older women to whch he said:

Yes they have money and that is why they think I can go to them. But the reason I do not want to be involved with them is that they will dump me if I go broke.

Maybe switch music for relationship coach?

This being his first interview in months, one would have expected to hear about upcoming projects…but no…Stevo chose to talk about his love life and ex, Pritty Vishy.

At this point i am thinking – what if she was his inspiration? What if she is the one that got away and Stevo has now lost focus? What if?

Anyway truth is…with the many opportunities music has opened for Stevo, how about he makes money and he puts himself first for once. Yes?

Bahati should blame himself for exposing his newborn to online scrutiny

Social media parenting is one tough job and last i checked – there are parents who support publicizing their kids online while others dont….but one thing they all agree to is parents using captions like “my mummy this….my daddy that…”

Okay maybe because it’s just obvious that newborns or toddlers can’t say such or even write at their young age but also because its just creepy. Creepy in that, it paves way for critics to attack a child without remembering – si yeye…its the parents.

Speaking of this, Bahati a while back shared a photo holding his newborn and on the caption he wrote;

I wanted to show my face But Daddy would not allow me ???? Who do you think Won this; Daddy or Mummy? ????

Yes a grown man or woman decided wacha leo niwabebe baby cause hamuwezi tell difference.

Critics come after Malaika

With the economy so hard and life just pissing everyone off…Malaika Bahati’s fans decided to pick on her following daddy’s caption on one of her photos.

Responding to Malaika Bahati…one fan sarcastically asked;

Haka kashaanza kula kavagara ni kakubwa

While another….

Haka kataanza kutu advice kuhusu maisha na insecurity ya Nairobi

And i am thinking wow….Bahati just gave critics something to keep them busy – but problem is, the child being refered to as haka ata hana ubaya.


But again, just like her brothers and sisters…Malaika Bahati also needs to start making for herself and what better way than to start online.

Amber Ray and Kennedy Rapudo’s relationship is an act

It’s been a while since we heard from the newly engaged couple Amber Ray and Kennedy Rapudo, right? I mean they don’t seem to be making news like they used to – and I am thinking its because Amber Ray is now off the market and won’t be entertaining us like before.

Rapudo proposes to Amber Ray

But again, Amber Ray remains undefeated as she has lately been showcashing her acting skills on social media and although she does this for marketing purposes – truth is the lady can act.

Well as seen on her latest post, Amber Ray seems to have featured Fiance, Kennedy Rapudo who plays the role of an insecure man watching his woman get some massage from a masseur and boy does he deliver the role.

Amber Ray getting married?

Relationship also an act?

With the two proving to be such good actors, there are are a few fans who have been dropping comments asking whether the relationship could also be an act….and I am thinking could it really be another project?

Well seeing that they had broken up after a few months of dating (keep in mind Amber Ray had just dumped Jimal at the time) and as soon as they got back,  Amber Ray’s sister announced about their engagement which the socialite later denied.

Amber Ray engaged

Weeks later Rapudo decided to propose to Amber Ray (that’s like after 5 months of dating on social media) and as soon as they got back from their birthday vacation….Amber Ray takes off her engagement ring claiming its too expensive….but if Rapudo could afford it, don’t you think he can replace it?

Anyway we can’t really judge but we also cant help but think….what if….what if they’re just taking us for a ride? Cause clearly Amber Ray taking off her engagement ring doesn’t make sense.

Akothee crucifies bloggers for her sins, says ‘Mtanilipa 300M’

As soon as I came across Akothees latest post on Instagram where she threatened to sue bloggers…immediately Jay Rock ft kendrick lamar’s certain song started playing at the back of my mind jamming to miss with that bullsh.t….cause someone is tripping.

Akothee performing

And nothing personal but is it just me or does Akothee always cast the first stone before she crying foul or rather portraying herself as the victim? Okay – you see Akothee is now complaining about bloggers writing negative stories about her on social media instead of focusing on her music or projects like they should.

But again, if the drama in her personal life is more interesting than her music, why blame the messenger delivering news. Right?


Anyway as seen on a new post the singer threatened to sue bloggers for Ksh 300M….a statement she put out shortly after claiming these same bloggers are broke keyboard warriors, poor at heart and bitter broke…..but still wants to sue them for Ksh 300M? Zima hiyo kitu.

Akothee brand depends on clout

Well, truth is – Akothee did not lie about bloggers not focusing on her music and she wasn’t also wrong about that broke part…I mean who isnt?


Most of kenyan bloggers are beggers per say ,poor at heart and bitter broke.. They will ignore your good deeds, your achievements and only look at how they can bring you down ,it fulfills their emptiness. I once refused to go for an interview with a certain blog ,when they said they wanted me to talk about my life ,to inspire peioke , ” “me Inspire people ???????? with 3 baby daddies & broken relationships?” And I told them I will come and talk about my business and my music career, that was the End of our engagement ????????????, they never post my shit and I equally don’t miss them ,I am a blogger myself .and I only blog about my life because I have one .


To All kenyan Bloggers ,This is your last day of posting rubbish about my brand ,tarnishing my name for your own gain. You will be forced to pay a penalty of 300M if you post anything malicious about my Brand . I don’t need you ,you need my content , period . Wacheni kunipost sitaki

But come to think of it, Akothee’s brand depends on the drama revolving around her. For some reason her fan base wants to hear about the famiky fights, the baby daddy drama, her life and kids….and not what song she just dropped or what mzungu she is currently dating.

If you don’t believe me….watch how the lady will make news this week compared to the past few weeks she’s been oversharing stuff about her new man.

Again….I don’t think Akothee should be pointing guns at bloggers calling them names – just to get their attention….wewe weka family drama and sit down we help you clout chase.

Nicah the Queen’s relationship with DJ Boyfriend, Slaver Don definitely headed for marriage

Nicah the Queen who is Dr Ofweneke’s ex wife seems to have found the perfect match for herself, DJ Slaver Don who she has been dating for about 3 years.

At first we all assumed its another come we stay marriage but theyve definitely proven us wrong as they continue to grow stronger in their relationship. Well i say this judging from what they share on social media and from what i have seen is that Slaver has also perfected the art of being a step dad to Nicah and Ofweneke’s daughters.

Okay, you see some single mums are picky when it comes to who they introduce their kids to and this is because there’s no way you will be introducing Tom, Dick and Harry to your children…and Nicah having girls, she must have definitely done some soul searching before investing in Slaver.

Nicah with her two girls

Step daddy duties

Well as Slaver celebrated his birthday this past weekend, I happened to come across some family goal photos of him and the now grown daughters of Ofweneke.

Judging from how he captioned the photos wjere he wrote;

We had really missed you


Tells you as a person that this is a man who has earned his seat at Nicah’s home and heart. Unlike other men who avoid dating single mums…Slaver has proven and accepted his woman and her girls as a package deal – which – like i said isn’t something most men do.

Slaver with Nicah and daughter

So marriage? Well, chances are that they will settle down as man and wife…..maybe not with a white wedding….(which is overrated) but maybe traditional union or at the AG.

Well last we checked, Nicah mentioned Slaver amd his family were in the process of meeting her family and this being months ago…..chances are that maybe they already sealed the deal. No?