Mulamwah explains why he has been absent on social media

Comedian Mulamwah has been off social media for a while now and truth is, the online platform hasn’t been the best place for his since his breakup with baby mama, Carrol Sonnie.

Actually he went from being a star to a deadbeat dad or rather a petty man airing his private life to the public. I’m not sure whether his fame was affected by the fact that Carrol Sonnie accused him of being a deadbeat or the fact that he couldn’t just shut up for a minute.


Wait…remember when he denied Keilah too? I guess it’s a whole lot of reasons but either way he still maintains a strong fan base on his socials. Anyway just incase you hadn’t noticed yet – your favorite comedian Mulamwah has been missing in action for a while now and now we know why.

Mulamwah under the weather

Well, turns out that Baba Keilah has been feeling unwell for a while now – however he didn’t mention what he might have been suffering from.

Been sick, feeling a little better now. Mungu ni mwema

However with the change of weather and lots of flu going around – chances are that he may have caught the bug.

But now that he is back to being active online – I guess all is well for the Milele FM presenter.

Cartoon Comedian reacts to Boda Boda man asking for her hand in marriage

Cartoon Comedian was making headlines a few weeks ago after bloggers found her alleged boyfriend’s social media. The reason many felt the guy was dating cartoon comedian is because his page was filled with ‘couple goal photos’ of both him and the actress; but unfortunately, just like Jesus faced denial from Peter….so did the guy. But it’s never thaaaat serious… soko ngumu.

Comedian Cartoon with alleged boyfriend

Anyway with everyone learning about her single status, a man by the name of Ken Mbole has submitted his request to bag Cartoon comedian; and looking at the paragraph he wrote – man’s in love with the celebrity.

According to the guy, he has been admiring the lady since she was in nursery school…wait he said i have been your secret admirer since you were in nursery school and I’m here thinking mmmh maybe they went to the same elementary school right? Cause if not…..damn that’s creepy.

Cartoon Comedian

Dear sweetheart #Cartoon_comedian.

I want to take this Golden chance to express my feelings to you. Honestly I have been your secret admirer since you were in a nursery school. Last year I sold my bodaboda and two goats, I came to your work place with roses worth 5230 but my efforts were thwarted by the tight security bouncers.

I want to marry you

Okay wait….I don’t know if its just me – but boda guys from my area would never sell their motorcycles for a lady ata wacha, give you a lift…bure? Alafu pesa yamafuta atoe wapi??

Let’s move on. Anyway while still professing his love for the lady, Ken Mbole dropped the final bomb with;

I have resolved to reach you through media Since all my DMs expressing my love to you and seeking your hand in marriage have always gone blueticked on messenger.

Unfortunately for Ken Mbole, he didn’t get the response he might have hoped for, as cartoon wrote; Napendwa Mahali – but at least he finally got her attention, right?

Lakini madem wa mnatakanga nini?

NRG radio presenter forced to come out clean about sexuality

Natalie Githinji from NRG radio has never really come out to talk about her private life; something that has now left most of her fans wondering whether akona mutu and if yes, is it male or famale?

Okay seeing how she’s tight with bestie King Kalala – a fellow NRG presenter; who we all know is a tomboy – I guess this is why netizens are now asking questions about Natalie Githinji’s sexuality.

Natalie Githinji with bestie, King Kalala

Well finally we’ve come to know what Natalie Githinji likes and unfortunately for the ladies hitting on the petite lass – turns out she is straight and likes men. The radio presenter who doubles up as a content creator revealed this while responding to a QnA post where a fan wrote;

Are you straight azin do you do galz coz I like you

Photo: Courtesy

Natalie Githinji turns down female crush

Well as already mentioned, Natalie Githinji denied having any romantic feelings towards the female gender but confirmed she is straight.

Responding to the QnA the NRG presenter thanked the fan for ‘wanting her’ but turned her down since she wasn’t interested.

no I don’t do girls…..but thanks…????

Yvette Obura questioned for handing over daughter, Mueni to Diana Bahati who is now raising her – ‘How do you live with yourself?’

Yvette Obura’s daughter with Bahati is currently said to be living with her other siblings at a new mansion purchased by singer Bahati who is now running for the Mathare parliamentary seat.

Bahati roughed up by goons

Having had the baby girl when they were both young has forced the two to stay in each other’s lives; and although it hasn’t been an easy journey – finally the blended family is starting to become one.

Well for this to be possible – looks like Yvette had to let daughter Mueni Bahati move in with her dad and step mum; a decision many continue to question (okay I know everyone is) but thanks to a confident fan, the question we had all been waiting for was finally dropped under one of her videos.

Yvette Obura with daughter, Mueni Bahati

As seen online, the fan wrote;

Sometimes I wonder, how can you live without your child?

Live your life, leave mine alone – Yvette Obura

Well, I know many are wondering how Yvette sleeps at night without knowing how her daughter is (don’t say FaceTime…it’s just not the same) or how school was…not helping with homework or even just serving baby her favorite meal. It’s just too hard to even think about it.

However as for Yvette, having Mueni at her stepmoms (amazing stepmom btw) is not a problem. Actually it’s not anyones business judging from how she responded to the fan.

Don’t tell me how to live my life

And I know we’re all asking the same question but as you can see….Yvette won’t be explaining herself to anyone. But can’t help but wonder how she does it….right?

“Give me one night & you’ll be begging for more” Creepy Willy Pozee promises Jovial despite rejection

Singer Willy Paul has been chasing Jovial as seen on social media but judging from the way he is approaching her – I guess maybe Pozee Hana lugha siku hizi. Actually – he sounds more like those Facebook wababaz always texting “send me photo with bubiz” ewww creep.

Anyway as seen in previous posts, we have reason to believe Pozee either has a crush on Jovial; or the two are creating hype for a new project – hence the drama.

Whether a project or not – one thing is for sure, Pozee has a problem. Not that I have psychology or anything – but looking at the comments he’s been leaving under Jovial’s photos you can’t say he writes them while sane. Like come on…how do you promise to force yourself on someone who already said no?

From where I come from we call them rapists, creeps and the thought of it actually gives me goosebumps!

Pozee getting creepier

Well if you think I’m judging the singer harshly, below is a screenshot of a comment he left under Jovial’s latest post; again – he promises sex in a creepier way leaving me wondering whether Pozee is an addict….I mean, even dogs have a mating season.

Maybe I should come slowly Janet…if you know me well then you know how much pride I got in me. So far me to come here and ask you out aaaaaah. Just say yes! Let me show the other side of life take you to places you’ve never been before.

And lastly….(somebody stop me before I say creep again) Pozee wrote;

I know it’s cold out here I got the skills to warm your heart. Just give me one day, one night and you’ll beg for more.

Mmmh maybe it’s a song? Maybe it’s just Pozee being himself? Maybe.

Otile Brown feeling unappreciated

Otile Brown has lately been maintaining a low profile unlike other years where he’d be making news for both right and wrong reasons.

However, after his breakup with Ethiopian girlfriend, the fella then decided to stop publicizing his private life on social media. So yea it’s either projects or beef or better… inspirational posts.

Well, thanks to a new post we want to believe that Otile Brown feels that we’re living in a generation where no one wants to appreciate each other for their efforts.

Him being a singer -I’m thinking maybe he feels his music isnt receiving the recognition it needs – simply because no one cares. He wrote;

See how we sacrifice so much just to please the world people that don’t even care….

Which is true….imagine how much time he spends writing and composing a song – the budget the music costs; and when released – netizens try to pull it down by criticizing it and  the media on the other hand – doesn’t give it sufficient air play.

Not cool

Of course even you would be disappointed. But then again – Otile goes on admit that he is aware that most people from this generation have mental health issues; which is why he no longer cares about some of the shade he receives from haters.

Its a depressed generation with fly pics & fake smiles. Be happy for you.

Judging from the hashtag we also believe this post was aimed at promoting his latest song Celebration where he talks about the importance of knowing your worth, celebrating yourself and doing what makes you happy.

Mmmh clever way of marketing his music right?

“Tafta size yako” Jovial dismisses Willy Paul after singer confessed undying love for her

Singer Willy Paul recently left a thirsty comment under Jovial’s post talking about nikikushika nitaku…. message only a teenager on social media would find cute.

At first we couldn’t really tell whether this was geneuine or a way of creating hype for a project they’re set to drop; but having seen Jovial’s response after Pozee’s comment – mmmh chances are that this is not a clout chasing stunt.

Anyway responding to Pozee’s offer on how good he can love her, Jovial on the other hand said;

Mi sio size yako! Tafta Size Yako!

And to respond to the shade thrown his way – Willy Paul not not only brought his douchebag character onboard but made it seem like he promised to have Jovial whether she liked it or not.

Again, let’s keep in mind about upcoming projects cause come on who publicly writes

Boss wacha kiburi hio kitu sio Sabuni….anyway let’s we kama sitakufinya soon.

Pozee accused of taking advantage of ladies

Judging from his response after Jovial told him off, we can clearly see that Pozee is the kind of person who doesn’t like his ego getting bruised especially in public.

I mean how do you promise to force yourself on a woman? Isn’t no enough? Anyway looking at the likes of Diana Bahati, Lady P among others who have accused Pozee of forcing himself on them – they all say he always gets his way even if it means by force.

“It’s over” Baha’s eldest brother announces breakup with girlfriend

Mapenzi ni ngumu. Best believe it! Just because love looks beautiful and feels right – sometimes it can make you look like a simp. We’ve seen it happen time and time again and if you doubt me – look at the likes of Jimal Rohosafi, Samidoh and all those men popularly known for their love lives. They’ve loved. Simped and Lost.

Mungai Munga with ex bae, Aisha

Anyway as Kamene Goro rejects Stevo and Jimal Rohosafi kinda throws shade with I don’t live for nobody posts….former Machachari actor Baha’s brother Mungai Mbaya is busy announcing his breakup on social media. Well maybe because he is a known rapper and talented songwriter with a huge following always keeping an eye on his relationship with Mo Aisha.

Well after years of dating and even starting together but due to unknown circumstances lost their weeks old baby…Mungai Mbaya now says his relationship with the young Somali lady is over. He revealed this in a detailed post saying;

 Aiit so check it, shorty and I broke it off recently. Some of y’all may have realised. Some of y’all on some Stevie Wonder s***. I chose to address it coz I’m getting tired of all the questions in the DMs. We straight tho, got nun but love for her, pretty sure she feels the same way. S*** just played out differently than we hoped.

Mungai Munga and girlfriend in mourning

Hanging on to the memories

Judging from the post, Mungai Mbaya goes on to reveal that them parting ways doesn’t mean they have bad blood between them ooliskia wapi. He went on to add;

We’ll always be Baba N Mama Lyric. And I personally appreciate all the support y’all gave us through our most trying time. Love y’all so much for that…

Mungai Mbaya

But then again – these two no longer follow each other on social media and want to insist everything is fine kwani wanatubeba aje… I mean, some of us have there before.

Anyway looks like imepata new candidates… well if it’s not working, why keep pushing for a toxic relationship?

Kamene Goro family zones Steve Simple boy, says he is not her type

Kamene Goro says she woke up to find messages or rather tags on her WhatsApp leaving her wondering who had died. I mean, apart from the work WhatsApp messages she wakes up to not forgetting maybe a ‘morning bae’ text from her man….Kamene couldn’t understand why everyone was on her case.

However after going through the texts she realized Steve Simple boy is the reason everyone was tagging her. Well, from what we’ve seen and heard is that the artist confessed his love for the Kiss FM host; also went on to praise her for her ngongingo…whatever that is.

Unlike most women who would be flattered by this, Kamene wasn’t. Actually, she feels that this is another way of clout chasing now that his name is everywhere. Speaking to Oga Obinna on Kiss FM during their morning show Kamene opened up saying;

I opened WhatsApp and I had been tagged in different groups. I was like ‘who died?’ Then I saw Stevo Simple Boy has professed his love for Kamene.

Not my type

The radio presenter went on to reveal that although Stevo Simple feels this way he needs to know things just cant work out between them. Not because he is not loveable but because he is not her type….adding maybe back then he would have qualified to date her but as of now – she likes her men tall and unfortunately he is not.

Stevo na waresh

Lastly Kamene Goro family zoned Stevo as she described him as a brother. Ouch.

I am Stevo’s biggest fan but let it just remain there brother. He is not really my type. He is not my type. Maybe he was my type back in the day but for now, no, I like them very tall nowadays

But again…Stevo just proposed to alleged bae. And the clout chasing continues.

Papa Shirandula’s Njoro takes a swipe at his first wife by introducing toddler son & second wife son to the world (Photos)

Weuh…life out here is hard and not that we’re not used to it by now – but weuh the dating life is only for the chosen few; or for couples who have been together for years and are now bored with each other but can’t leave.

As we know comedian cum actor Njoro from Papa Shirandula once revealed he is married to one wife who responsible for their two eldest sons; and judging from how he carried him back the  – we were convinced that this guy would never do his wife dirty.

Tbt: Njoro introduces son

However thanks to a new post shared by Njoro himself we now understand that the perfect husband has another out here.

Not that this is something new in our society but being a father of two grown boys – no one ever thought Njoro would want to go back to handling toddlers…maybe as a granddad but I guess he settled for daddy instead.

Njoro introduces young family

Anyway in a post shared on his gram this past weekend, the actor introduced a young boy who he says is his son and to caption the post – Njoro;


Comedian Njoro

My son, from church, with love second wife!!!! Here in rimuru my second home
!! Pliz be true

Introducing his girlfriend, Njoro shared another post with unknown lady to which he captioned;

My girlfriend

Diamond Platnumz allegedly lectures Rayvanny like a small boy before allowing him to walk out of Wasafi Records

For a minute we all assumed Rayvanny’s exit from WCB records was a smooth transition to NLM which he now owns after years of working for Diamond Platnumz company.

Diamond Platnumz and Rayvanny

From what we’ve heard is that Rayvanny’s exit from the team was part of the growth he needed to make changes in his life. Of course this means starting up something under his name which in future will go to his kids; but now rumor has it that things didn’t end as smooth as earlier believed.

Apparently just like Diamond Platnumz did to Harmonize and Rich Mavoko – Rayvanny faced the ugly side of his former boss who apparently lectured him like a small baby after agreeing on his exit.

Rayvanny begs Diamond not to ruin relationship

According to Baba Levo – who is quite known for his big mouth, revealed that Rayvanny did indeed did suffer some embarrassment after Diamond Platnumz – who was clearly disappointed by the exit – yet he’d helped Vanny Boy’s career through out the years.

Mmmh let’s just say it’s more of suffering loss in business then making it personal to appoint there’s bad blood. Speaking to journalists about the exit, Baba Levo said;

He wanted to have the freedom. Rayvanny paid a lot of money to ditch Wasafi because of the contract termination.

Baba Levo however made it known that unlike the other (Harmonize and Rich Mavoko) apparently Rayvanny kept begging Diamond Platnumz not to ruin their work relationship; but Diamond Platnumz being himself, chose to do something what he does best and that is getting paid for any terminated contracts before they expire.

Again at this rate – Baba Tiffah might end up being friend less cause weuh…you ditch his recording label – he does away with the friendship. Who would even imagine at some point in life he was best friends with Harmonize?

Harmonize spills his latest wedding plans to fiancé, Kajala

Easy tiger, you’re almost there!

Singer Harmonize is so excited to have bagged Kajala back and for the past few weeks, his timeline has been nothing but posts of him and fiancé. Okay…he is a simp but I’m pretty sure he is what many women look for in their men.

Birthday week for Kajala

For real…..time and time again Harmonize has proven that love is his weakness. When he falls – he falls hard. We saw him back when he dated Wolper Stylish….about his Italian wife – well he wasn’t all committed but he tried; and now that he has Kajala the singer can’t stop how much he loves her.

Wedding plans

For this reason, Harmonize has now revealed that he will be marrying the love of his life very soon. Although he didn’t not reveal the date or month all Harmonize said is that ‘wifing’ Kajala is like a dream come true.

This is because she’s helped shape him in many ways he cannot even believe and the fact that she also cares for him – makes him want her to himself for life. Celebrating her in a new post, Harmonize wrote;

Happy Bithday Love of My Life MISS BANTU ❤️❤️???? To Marry You I s s a Dream and we are Almost There inshallah????


Your Beautiful & Smart Woman I ever Seen You made me Shine Again KUKUPENDA & KUWAHESHIMU wanawake Wengine Ndo Kitu Nimechagua.

Promises never to cheat

Being an artist means Harmonize will also be exposed to many women in the entertainment industry and also from his fan base. However he assures Kajala not to worry since his heart chose her. He went on to write;

Yess Muziki Ni Kazi Yangu Na Mashabiki wakike Ndio Nguzo Yangu ila Sidhani Kila Mwanamke Anaenishabikia Basi Ananitaka Kimapenzi ???? Nimegundua Kundi La Mashabiki Zangu Wengi Ni watu Wanaojitambua NA Wanajua Maana Ya Maisha Ushabiki & Hanasa & Kazi Kaziyangu Haiwezi Badiri who I’m Nilijiweke Siku Nitakapo Pata Chaguo La Moyo Wangu Mtuu Aliejitoa Kupambana Vita Vyangu Sitojali Ni wapi Sangapi Nafanya Kazi Gani muuni Nitampatia MOYO natulia Zangu Finally it’s Here…!!!!

And just to show how bad he wants this wedding to happen, the singer concluded his post with;


Stevo Simple Boy finally builds parents a home after bagging half a million deal

Stevo Simple is one happy man now that his parents have a roof over their heads after he build them a new home after receiving half a million from popular betting company.

Stivo Simple boy


The singer who has lately been making headlines for his music not forgetting former relationship with Pritty Vishy revealed this while on an interview with Mwafreeka on Ikonini podcast.

According to Stevo, the betting company paid him the huge amount to which he decided to do something small for his parents now that things are looking up. Well looking at his previous lifestyle you can understand why it has taken him that long – but it’s better late than never, right?

Anyway speaking to Mwafreeka about this project, Stevo confirmed his former management Made in Kibera paid him the said cash following the agreement they had with the betting company. He said;

Walinipea half a million. (Yes they paid me)

When asked whether his management gave him the full amount, Stevo said;

Eeh nilishika alafu nikajengea wazazi nyumba ushago. (Yes they gave me half a million and I used it to build my parents a home)

 Stevo Simple Boy’s management

The new development comes months after he quit his first management claiming they had stolen Ksh 500,000 – and from the latest news looks like he changed the tune.

Anyway now that he already moved to Men In Business who are currently managing him; we’ve not only seen Stevo bag good collaboration but have seen him go international with one of South Africa’s top artists, Ntosh Gazi. See God.

Watch the clip below courtesy of Ikonini podcast.


All grown up! Zari Hassan’s shares new photos of son, Nilan – proves baby daddy & family wasted money carrying out DNA test

It’s no secret that Diamond Platnumz mum has always had her doubts about Nilan – a rumor that widely spread across social media pages and later we saw how the singer’s mum would favor Tiffah and Naseeb Junior as she believes they’re the only kids her son hers.

Although we didn’t expect such especially from a woman her age, however judging from how some Tanzanians reacted on social media – this didn’t seem like something new with their mums, grandmothers or sisters.

Actually they’re used to having meddling females in their families – something Tanasha Donna also said after her breakup with Diamond Platnumz. If I remember well – she said Sanura Kassim (Diamonds mum) controlled everything including their relationship and she couldn’t take it anymore.

Grown Nilan looking like daddy – Diamond Platnumz

Well I’m not sure how many women would put up with such and seeing that all his baby mamas left and moved on – I guess Diamond Platnumz can blame his family for that too.

Anyway it’s been almost 5 years since Nillan was born and for some reason – many have been claiming the young man looks more like Zari’s late ex husband, Don Ivan; however I’m sorry to disappoint you because – Nillan is Diamond Platnumz photocopy.

Well maybe not back then…but now that he is all grown up the young boy looks like his Tanzanian dad. From the eyes, the facial expressions and the LIPS! Y’all Zari never played the singer as alleged and the photos below can show the resemblance between Simba and Nillan.

Huddah now eyeing her ex sugar daddies young sons, says she’s done dating older men

Socialite Huddah…scratch that I meant former  socialite Huddah Njoroge is done and dusted about her affairs with older men. The beauty mogul revealed this recently in a post where she said I’m done with their raggedy a$$ now that she finds their sons more attractive.

I mean, who ever thought this day would come? Like Huddah dumping her rich old men to be with their younger sons? Does this mean she’s made enough money to stunt on her former lovers or is that she knows in future the young men will have good inheritance? Honestly….don’t know and – I’m not bothered.

Anyway speaking about her new interest in younger men, Huddah shared a post saying;

You thought they won’t grow up? I’m in the club with the M*fakaaass right now all asking for pu$$y????????????????????????


Some dads must be so ashamed that their sons are boyfriends and their daughter daughters baby moms to some boys they took their gal friends from.

Karma at it’s best

With all the experience she has had with older men since late 2000’s I’m pretty sure Huddah knows what she is talking about. If I’m not wrong, chances are that one or her younger boyfriends suffered this ugly fate at some point in life; when she (Huddah) dumped him for an older babu bae.

But that was then. All Huddah wants now is the younger version of what she used to date back when hustling for good money. To our surprise she’s actually not ashamed of it, that is after she wrote;

I can’t believe some of my sugar daddy sons are sooooo fucking fine. I didn’t even know how he had a son????????????.


I don’t want his raggedy @ss no more. I want the whole family at this point.


Not sure why the change of heart (maybe because she’s wealthy) but from where I’m standing it looks like payback.

Imagine…imagine everything she went through with the older men…disrespect, sometimes violence – maybe physical or mental abuse and being degraded as a human. I too would want to hit back….

Anyway to the sugar daddies who did her wrong back then – Huddah had this to say now that she’s done with that chapter of her life.

Heaven & hell is on Earth! Do what you’d like your kids & family going through 10 years from now.

And yea…it’s clearly payback!

“The mum disappeared on me” Man claiming to be Nandy’s biological dad emerges 30 years later

Singer Nandy has a lot on her plate at the moment with the all the wedding hype, pregnancy, beef with Zuchu and now – a man claiming to be her biological dad just surfaced.

Believe it must really be hard for her but I guess this is the price she has to pay for being a celebrity. Anyway with the wedding already done and sealed – a man claiming to be the singers dad has come out to claim his daughter especially after he was not invited to the wedding.

Speaking to popular Tz media outlet the fella explained that he believes Nandy is his child since he never got see her since the mum eloped while still pregnant for him.

Mimi naitwa Charles Godfrey Mfinanga, mama yake(Nandy) tulipotezana akiwa mjamzito. Nilikuwa mtu wa madini, sikuweza kumtafuta na wakati huo mwaka 1992 hakukuwa na simu kwa ajili ya mawasiliano.

Nandy’s sister with her husband

He went on to add that Nandy’s aunt (sister to her mum) is the reason why he lost his wife and never got to meet his daughter.

Mimi na mama yake Nandy hatukuwa na tatizo lolote isipokuwa dada yake alimuonea wivu wakati nipo na yule mama. Akamtorosha/kumpoteza kama mfanyakazi akampeleka sehemu ambayo sijui

Nandy’s Roots

Well, having seen the likes of Baba Diamond Platnumz emerge to claim rites over their grown kids – years after they had walked away; Nandy’s dad says he is not looking for money or acceptance but wants his daughter to know his side of the story.

Nimeona nijitambulishe anikubali au anikatae lakini ajue kwamba mimi ndio baba yake wa kumzaa kama ana mwingine ni wa kumlea


Nachotamani kumwambia Nandy ni kitu kimoja, mimi sijawahi kumuona, kama ametambua kuna Charles Mfinanga zaidi ya mimi awe huru nampa baraka zote lakini ajue ni damu yangu.

To conclude his interview Mr Charles Mfinanga said;

Nandy ni mtoto wangu kwa sababu aliondoka na ujauzito.

“It’s not rivalry it’s JEALOUSY” Akothee reveals as beef with sibling escalates

Lately singer Akothee has been throwing shade through her social media pages talking about why minding your own business as a person is important. At first it looked like she was just doing her regular thing until todays post where she called out one of her siblings for envying her.

Although the sibling she threw shade at is not named – netizens in the comment section believe she is beefing with her younger sister Cebby. Not quite sure where but rumor has it that chances are that the sisters are beefing because of wealth.

Apparently one feels jealous of the other sister’s success and instead of accepting the little offered to her by the rich sister – she (the jealous one) goes on to bad mouth her.

Last time, the two sisters were said to be beefing over the same issues and barely a year since that incidence they’re back to it again.

Akothee speaks

If not for the post shared by singer Akothee where she wrote;

Well there are those siblings who will constantly hurt you, cause you pain and feel like nothing happened. Cease & desist. Guard your peace ✌???? Sijataja mtu

And respond to a fan who jokingly wrote;

Sibling rivalry it’s especially women????????

To which Akothee responded saying;

No nothing like sibling rivalry it’s Jealousy. Call it by its name.

Well, I guess this is another story of Joseph and his brothers relived again.

Couple goals! Harmonize celebrates fiancé like a Queen ahead of 39th birthday (Video)

Harmonize has been crying and begging his ex girlfriend Kajala to get back with him after their untimely breakup.

Word has it that the breakup was caused by Kajala’s daughter – who at the time was dating Rayvanny and since Harmonize and the former WCB singer weren’t in good terms….Kajala allegedly decided to sacrifice her happiness for daughter to be with Vanny boy.

Well if you ask me, I don’t really know how things later turned out between Paula and Vanny boy but all we know is that Harmonize finally bagged his woman back. As soon as the two rekindled their old flame – Harmonize did not waste time and proposed to Kajala who in turn said yes. Mambo ni haraka haraka.

Birthday week

Anyway with that said, we also understand Kajala will be marking her 39th birthday in a week and to celebrate her Harmonize is doing everything in his power to spoil his queen.

Birthday week for Kajala

As seen on his social media pages, looks like he took her to a posh game reserve for a safari tour and the photos/videos shared also reveal Harmonize coughed some huge amounts to give his lady the special treatment.

Well if this is what he is doing for her birthday, imagine the wedding. Watch the beautiful video below.


Beef brewing between Pregnant singer Nandy & Zuchu over multimillion deal? (Voice note)

Ooh its been a minute since we saw some drama from bongo land and thanks to Esma Platnumz netizens are back to snooping around Tz entertainment news.

Well, having come across her (Esma) voice note this morning – honestly my day hasn’t been the same…like people out here are wilding and problem is – everyone is acting like its normal…ama niko Dunia ingine?

Anyway enough on Esma Platnumz –  I’m sure she’s still cuddling the wild man that recently gave her a taste of heaven. That is from what she said on the audio currently circulating online.

Also read:

Esma Platnumz wilding out here

So back to Nandy and Zuchu. Well word making rounds in social media is that Nandy and Zuchu are currently beefing over a certain deal from Guinness TZ. However not quite sure why since we all know Zuchu apparently turned it down because of her religious believes hence leaving room for another top female artist to step in.

Jealously or pettiness?

Well since word has it that Zuchu was Guinness Tz first choice and not Nandy – there’s now an audio of the pregnant singer seeking help from Influencer/ gossip monger Mwijaku asking him to help kill the rumors.


Judging from Bongo 5’s reporter – apparently Nandy wanted wachafue tarnish Zuchu image and brand her a liar…which is kinda weird since we all thought they’re friends. Wait…wasn’t Zuchu among those who celebrated Nandy on her wedding day not forgetting the friendly messages? Who saw it coming?

Anyway…good thing is that at least with all that bad blood…these two ladies are clearly running showbiz business in Tz with their music.

Sodom & Gomorrah lifestyle? Diamond Platnumz sister leaves tongues wagging after private voice note leaks

Weuh. I just had to start this article with that opening because waaaaah – people out here are wilding without any fear to a point that they can call up a friend to tell them about their (not so normal) sexual ways.

Again, we are not judging anyone for their choice of lifestyle – so yea don’t get it twisted. Anyway Esma Platnumz seems to be the latest celebrity to land on Mange Kimambi’s page and from what was shared – allow me to say weuh one more time.

Esma Platnumz with her mum

Call me old school or whatever but judging from Esma Platnumz audio – I can bet y’all listened to it with your jaws dropping at one point. Speaking to her friend Dida who also happens to work for her brother, Diamond Platnumz – you can hear Esma narrate how one of her lovers ‘did her’ and from the sound of it – Esma saw and felt sparks she’s never felt before.


God of Karma at work?

Anyway this comes a few years after Esma Platnumz and some of her close relatives exposed Hamisa Mobetto for trying to bewitch their brother Diamond Platnumz.

Actually things got so bad that Mama Diamond Platnumz turned against her grandson Dylan simply because his mum was Hamisa Mobetto.

Well, it must have really stung especially with how they rejected the young man making him feel like an outcast by his own aunty (Esma) and grandmother, Mama Diamond.

But now with Esma audio finally circulating online – fans are convinced this is Karma at play for how Esma treated her ex best friend back then. However if this is what Karma looks like…then weuh.

Again…could this be the reason her husbands were quick to leave her?


“I’m done dating” Saumu Mbuvi quits trying to find love

By now I’m sure you know that Saumu Mbuvi is a mother of two beautiful daughters however remains a single mum in her late 20’s.

This is because her relationships with her baby daddies didn’t turn out as expected and being a governors daughter; trust me all the Brayos, Vokes and Jonnies have refused to try their luck for obvious reasons and of course we can’t blame them.

Saumu with Senator Loitiptip before breakup

With the dating pool looking not so pleasant for her, looks like Saumu Mbuvi has now given up on finding true love, simply because she can’t seem to find it anywhere. Although it’s not the first time she’s saying this, we can’t help but wonder what the problem is….I mean can you be rich and this beautiful – yet still so unlucky that your own money can’t buy you a man?

Im not dating again until God himself come sit on my bed & say “my homeboy tryna talk to you”

Beautiful but unlucky?

Okay….I’m thinking…imagine if Mike Sonko was your dad. All that money, wealth and everything money can buy, would you ever look so desperate for relationships? Why? How now? For what?

But then again, we’re all wired differently and to some relationships are basically what they were created for. To them marriage is a rite of passage…lazima apate mutu probably to keep off the nosy aunties asking ukona watoto wawili na hauna bwana? Like come on.

Anyway…we’re all hoping Saumu Mbuvi finds love soon because damn that’s all she talks about.

Georgina Muteti finally unveils photo of months old daughter & she looks like daddy, Khaligraph Jones

Khaligraph Jones and wife, Georgina Muteti have a months old daughter -a well kept secret they finally got to reveal at their own time. For once, no one had information on the pregnancy and although Khali has friends in the industry – none of them pulled a Jalango on his wife, Georgina.

Khaligraph Jones with girlfriend, Georgina Muteti

Anywya a few months after they welcomed the baby, Georgina Muteti is already parading her baby’s face on social media. Well having seen how celebrities hide their newborns identity (face) in social media, Khaligraph’s wife sees no point in doing this. Wondering why?

Well, all her babies look alike – like you can see Amali’s baby pics and think it’s those of the second baby (son) or actually the last born daughter who is just months old. Khaligraph Jones family literally look like him and as for the babies – they resemble each other.

Baby mama drama

With the Jones announcing the arrival of their 3rd child, his baby mama on the other hand is dragging the rapper to court for allegedly neglecting their son.

This is something that has been happening for years now & although Khaligraph Jones is aware of his other child – mmmh (from what we’ve seen) the fella barely cares what his baby is saying about him online.

Khaligraph Jones son

Not that we support such stunts from grownups putting a child through mental torture and rejection – but can they for once focus on the child and not the bitterness? I mean, it’s not like they’ll get back together either way.

Why you will never see Mejja flaunting his wealth & personal life on social media

Gengetone king, Mejja has come from far that is judging from his recent interview with presenter Ali. The guy not only talked about his humble background but his journey throughout the 10 plus years he has been representing Genge music.


Just like most, the beginning was tough but after sometime his music started to pay off. However you have to remember that although he was getting major air play – behind closed doors his bank account was still suffocating.

Years later, the artist has a testimony of how his career picked up – making him one of the most recognized singers in East Africa.

Why Mejja never boasts

Speaking to presenter Ali, Mejja also got to reveal why he has never shared photos of his wealth or private life on social media; and turns out it’s not something new since he learnt the importance of privacy when still very young.

Mejja trolled by ex online

According to Mejja, his grandma is the reason he does not boast about his achievements or why you’ll never see him posting things like food online.

Apparently back in the day, he was once punished by his grandma for eating outside while others watched and her reason for this was; hujui nani amelala njaa na unamringishia chakula. More of like kuonesha mungu tumbo yako.

Although he was young, Mejja says he held on to these words till date; and most importantly has learnt not to parade his life for other peoples entertainment.

Well, I guess also seeing how his ex girlfriend acted after their breakup months after he’d introduced her online; chances are that Mejja finally understands why his grandma was harsh on him back then.


Willy Paul using upcoming artists to build himself? Former Saldido international signee spills hot tea on former boss

Klons Melody who was signed under Saldido international a recording label owned by Willy Paul called it quits 4 months ago to work as an independent artist; and of course – we knew something was up but unfortunately we couldn’t pinpoint what the problem was.

Through his Instagram page, Klons went on to announce the exit saying;

Klons Melody

  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for always putting me in your prayers, wishing me well in my endeavors, and welcoming me into the industry since I started my music career. I would have wished to meet each one of you to say thank you, but I believe Time will come Through God’s Guidance.


I wouldn’t end this before thanking my Former Management @saldido_international for the opportunity they gave me to work under their management. It was such a wholesome experience.

Spills details

Four months later, Klons Melody held a candid interview with Presenter Ali revealing his reasons as to why he left. Well according to him Willy Paul has never paid him any royalties since his he started working with the singer – that is since 2017 to March 2022.


Actually during the first years Pozee had turned him to a tea boy…like, despite being at Saldido as an artist, Pozee gave Klons the responsibility of making tea for guests visiting the studio. And still no payment.

As the years went by Klons realized he wasn’t going to get anything yet he has bills to cover. Pozee on the other hand kept ripping him off through some of the songs i.e Odi Love which has over 2 million views not forgetting the other songs recorded under the label.

Forced to start a fresh

Anyway having described Willy Paul as a man quick to anger…. Klons also says he might have left the recording label but this was after Willy Paul started giving him attitude; and even went ahead to lock him out of the studio by changing all the locks….more of like akufukuzae hakwambii toka.


Diana Bahati shares biggest stress now that she’s pregnant with baby no. 3

Diana Marua is happy to have another baby on the way. So far she has 4 of them but only two are biologically hers while the other two are from her husbands previous relationship but either way the rapper still considers all as hers.

The Bahati’s expecting 3rd baby

If you ask any of Diana Bahati’s fans they’ll tell you that this lady has the purest heart only because she’s managed to bring her people together making the perfect blended family. Unlike most step mums, we often seen Diana Bahati bond with not only the kids but her husband’s ex girlfriend too.

Anyway with that said, Diana B has another one on her way and from her latest post we believe she’s currently stressed with what name she’ll give her unborn baby; now that she named her firstborn Heaven and son, Majesty. To her it’s tricky finding a suitable name that will fit proper and match with names she gave her eldest kids.

After Heaven and Majesty my biggest stress right now is giving my third baby a name????A day at a time…. I’m enjoying every little kick????????Thank you for all your comments on our Reveal. We love you right back.

Too blessed to be stressed about anything else but a name

Well, I also pray that you’ll be blessed like Diana Bahati that the only thing that stresses you or your wife during pregnancy is small small things like names.

Normally most pregnant women stress about hospital bills, proper healthcare, Diapers, baby clothings among other things – but not a name. However as you can see, it’s the other way for Diana B.

Anyway let’s wait and see what name they’ll settle for.

Ringtone is desperate to find love: ‘I am hoping I will get someone to love me’

Ringtone is one of those artists we have had in the game for the longest time…and although his music career hasn’t hit that much, he continues to fight for his spot in the entertainment scene and yea – he ain’t stopping anytime soon.

Ringtone with bestie, Ezra

The singer recently revealed he’d quit making gospel music and was now part of the secular music industry as he plans on releasing love songs…keep in mind…not gengetone. Songs that can be played at a wedding ceremony or something like that.

Well with his embarking on this journey, Ringtone recently revealed his latest stage name….and waah enyewe people are hustling out here but back to the singer’s new stage name which is Ringtone Blington KE adding;

My expensive pieces of jewellery will be my identity. I am an expensive artiste and Kenyans want to see me perform for them.


Just research and see where I have performed before. I used to perform in church and crusade concerts, but I have not performed in clubs


Desperate to find love?

With the new stage name already revealed, Ringtone says he will also be dropping his first secular song this week; a song he hopes will help him bag a woman who will finally love him for who he is.

The song is called ‘Mpenzi pamoja’. I wrote the song and I am hoping I will get someone to love me since I am now singing love songs.

And come to think of it, how comes Ringtone rarely gets linked to scandals concerning girls; I mean, apart from the alleged baby mamas he’s said to have – have you ever heard of him linked to any ladies around? Mmmh….slate too clean to be true?