Churchill steps in to intervene after Jemutai and baby daddy, Prof Hamo air their dirty linen in public

Comedians Jemutai and Professor Hamo had apparently been seeing each other on the low; and to our surprise, the couple even has 2 kids already- meaning this was serious than we actually thought.

Mother and comedienne, Jemutai

The only problem is that after the fun and games – prof Hamo aka Herman Kago; decided to walk out of his second family with Stella Jemutai Koitie living them in debt, stranded and worse – his two children hungry.

With the story already out courtesy of blogger Edgar Obare; let’s just say Kenyans decided to have field day with the stories circulating all over social media. Of course the accused party Prof Hamo also came across the deadbeat dad story; and as expected he decided tell his side of the story.

In a now deleted post, Hamo wrote;

Jemutai claps back with Oreo story

Unfortunately, having been the one to suffer with the kids and being evicted with no where to go; of course Jemutai clapped back with unknown stories about her baby daddy – leaving many quite surprised.

Hamo accused of being a deadbeat

According to the lady – Hamo has been neglecting his children for a while now; and the last time he visited them – all he brought was two Oreo biscuits for the kids. The angered mother of two wrote;

Churchill speaks

Seeing that this family issue was going to ruin both Jemutai’s; and Hamo’s (mostly) careers; the veteran comedian stepped in to help these two not to destroy each other in broad daylight.

In a detailed post shared on his Facebook page, Churchill wrote;

We have had a long cordial talk with Hamo and Jemutai and agreed to deal with the matter privately and find an amicable solution…in the end the kids have to win. Have a blessed Sunday.

“I need space and privacy” Ben Pol speaks after divorce turns ugly

Tanzanian singer and actor Ben Pol is allegedly going through a tough time after choosing to divorce Anerlisa Muigai.

Although we are not aware as to why the perfect match decided to part ways; word has it that there were red flags way before the wedding even went down. However, having met a man who can love and treat her like a princess; Anerlisa Muigai fell in love and along the way decided to become a wife to the Bongo singer.

Anerlisa soon to be ex hubby, Ben Pol

Unfortunately the union was only temporary and what’s more surprising is that Anerlisa has already started to move with Ommy Dimpoz; the man allegedly warming her bed for the mean time.

Anerlisa fed up

Well, since most break ups end up getting ugly; Anerlisa recently confirmed that she is on her own – and wishes not to be associated with anyone (Ben Pol and Ommy Dimpoz) for the sake of her peace mind and sanity.

Ben Pol mocking Anerlisa Muigai?

Ben Pol press release

In a new post shared by Ben Pol’s management; we believe that the singer is facing a hard time with ongoing divorce process.

Ben Pol and ex, Anerlisa

For this reason, his management has asked fans, bloggers and news outlets to give the young man an easy time; by respecting his privacy and space.

Headline: Ben Pol’s divorce proceedings are ongoing. At this time, Ben Pol would like to confirm that his divorce proceedings are in progress at the primary court but have not yet been finalized. These proceedings are a very private matter and he will not discuss any details out of respect for all parties involved. He kindly asks that space and privacy be given to him and his family during these challenging times.

The management went on to add;

He appreciate everyone’s understanding and takes this opportunity to thank his family, his friends and his fans for their ongoing support. Ben Pol’s Management

Mr Seed weds baby mama, Nimo Gachuiri in low key white wedding (Photos)

We have reasons to believe that Mr Seed is officially off the market after walking down the aisle with the mother of his child; and long term girl Nimo Gachuiri.

The two love birds shared a similar photo shot from the alleged wedding; and truth is, Mr Seed looked fresher than we have ever seen him before. He is seen dressed in a Boggi blue pinstripe Classic suit; and his dreadlocks well arranged unlike his usual shaggy style.

To caption this stunning photo the popular singer wrote;

Agreeing to be my woman has been the BEST love journey. I couldn’t imagine living the rest of my life without you.
Thank You for marrying me.
Till Death Do Us Part. To all who stood with us in this and played a role in making it a success God Bless You.

Marketing New song?

The only problem we seem to have with this alleged wedding is that the brides face remains hidden; which only means the lady seen playing bride is not Nimo but a video vixen maybe.

Mr Seed releasing New song?

But being Mr Seed’s ride or die partner, Nimo played along with the wedddinf photo which she shared on her page; and went on to caption;

Love is a beautiful thing for sure ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Well for obvious reasons this is definitely a song and not a wedding, but well played Mr Seed; Well played!

Mzazi Willy M Tuva opens up about rejection and betrayal from his first love (Video)

Love is a beautiful thing and Mambo Mseto East Africa’s presenter Willy M Tuva can tell you this for free. According to the guy – he first felt ‘love’ in class 7 after coming across a beauty identified as Saddah.

From how Mzazi Willy M Tuva describes her;  there’s no doubt that she was stunning something like Nurulain – an Angel that fell from heaven. For a class 7 boy or rather Child to see such beauty means that this was love/crush at first site.

Mzazi W

Having met during music festival for a poetic competition; Mzazi says that he made it his goal to bag this young lady despite his young age. However, having grown up in Lamu his task to win this young girl’s heart was not so easy.

This is because male and female children are prohibited from mixing following the Islamic teachings practiced in the coastal region; and despite being Christians who were born and brought up in Lamu – Mzazi could not escape from this culture practiced by their parents and ancestors.

The rejection

According to the radio presenter, Saddah was not an easy catch as she always played hard to get. This however never stopped him from chasing and wanting her to be his woman.

From class 7 to his high school days, Mzazi kept chasing the young lady; and somehow he managed to win her over. Probably because he proved himself by the consistent chase; love gestures (letters) and the fact that his eyes were only focused on Sadah.

To cut the long story short – Mzazi opened up to reveal that despite his efforts to study hard and settle down with Sadah; another man came into the picture and married the love of his life while he was in Campus for his media and communication studies.

According to Mzazi – losing his first love could have been contributed by Saddah’s  single mum; who probably wanted her daughter to settle down with a stable man (truck driver)  who would also provide for their family.

Radio Mogul, Mzazi Willy M Tuva

The lesson

As painful as it was for Mzazi to lose Saddah; the now family man says he got to learn the importance of patience, persistence and perseverance. For more details, watch the video below courtesy of his YouTube channel.

Beautiful but unlucky? Meet the handsome men Anerlisa Muigai has dated in the past (Photos)

All I know is that Anerlisa Muigai is good catch! She is hot, smart, creative, stunning and not just beautiful and above all; this lass is loaded. Like seriously loaded which makes her more attractive to men looking forward to dating.

However problem is, despite all her good qualities – Anerlisa Muigai always ends up with men that don’t appreciate her for who she is.


Or wait, could it be that she is toxic from all the money and power she has? Who knows…but as for now let’s just say that there are two sides of a coin.

Anyway so far Aner has introduced a couple of handsome men as her boyfriends; but unfortunately most of these relationships ended way before they started.

Despite it all, allow me to also mention that she has good taste – all of them look like eye candies!

Anerlisa Muigai’s exes

Well, after conforming that her Union with Ben Pol is over; it’s now our honor to add him to the list of men that have dated Anerlisa – but for a short while.

Below are just a few photos of the handsome from Ben Kingangi to Don K, Ben Pol and the new rumored boyfriend Ommy Dimpoz.

Anerlisa with ex boyfriend, Stephen
Ex Stephen – the man that proposed but never wifed her
Don K – the married man who almost left his wife and kids to marry Anerlisa
Ben Kangangi – the self made millionaire who came up from nothing to something
Anerlisa’s loyal ex boyfriend who loved her despite the weight
Ex husband cum lover Ben Pol
Ommy Dimpoz allegedly seeing Anerlisa Muigai

Keroche heiress distancing herself from new alleged lover?

Keroche heiress Anerlisa Muigai has finally confirmed that she is now a divorced woman; or rather is currently in the divorce process as she recently signed the separation papers from singer Ben Pol.

Tbt: Anerlisa weds Ben Pol

This however came shortly after the Bongo singer blasted her for being unhappy; and at the same time dragged fellow singer Ommy Dimpoz into the whole mess.

According to a post shared by Ben Pol we understand that he accused Ommy of warming his ex wife’s bed; and God having created man with jealousy – it’s obvious see that this deeply hurt Ben Pol.

Anerlisa Muigai’s wedding day

Not involves with anyone

However now that Anerlisa is no longer Ben Pol’s wife; the lass see’s no use in being dragged into unnecessary drama. For this reason the Keroche heiress made it known that she is now a single woman; and will not tolerate any gossip shared by her former in laws.

For some reason, she also indirectly distanced herself from Ommy Dimpoz by asking fans and bloggers not to associate her with anyone. Anerlisa wrote;

I do not wish to be associated with

And if this is not enough, the lass announced that she will be focusing on her career and peace of mind.

My focus right now is my career and my peace.

“I signed whatever was needed to be signed” Anerlisa Muigai confirms divorce from ex hubby, Ben Pol (Photo)

It’s over and done! After weeks of rumors claiming that Anerlisa Muigai and Ben Pol were getting a divorce; turns out that it was true and the divorce process has been completed.

Anerlisa and Ben Pol to divorce

This comes hours after Anerlisa Muigai was linked to yet another Tanzanian artist; Ommy Dimpoz – who is said to be the new man warming Ms Anerlisa Muigai’s bed.

Through his gram, bitter Ben Pol not only threw shade at Anerlisa for being rich but lonely and desperate at the same time.

Exes: Anerlisa and Ben Pol

Some people are so poor. All they have is money

The singer went on to link the Keroche heiress to Ommy Dimpoz saying;

Malengo yako ya mwaka ni kufanya collabo na Fally Ipupa na kumzalisha “A” kizazi unacho?

Anerlisa speaks

Well, with the rumors of Ommy Dimpoz warning her bed; the lass now wishes not be associated with her ex husband, Ben Pol.

This is probably because he has no say in her life; which she remains in control of. In a new post shared on her IG page, Anerlisa indirectly announced her divorce by writing;

Kenyan-Tanzanian duo, Anerlisa and Ben Pol part ways

Inwould like to make it clear that I signed whatever was needed to be signed; and I do not wish to be associated with anyone. My focus now is my career and my peace. AM

“I always dreamt of marrying you” Says Comedienne Nasra Yusuf’s husband in touchy message

There is no better feeling than being chosen and appreciated by the person you love the most. However men from this generation barely claim their women; but thanks to Director Rashid’s latest post dedicated to his wife – we are now convinced that not all men are the same. Lol.

This is after Rashid poured out his heart to comedienne Nasra Yusuf who he refers to his rib, the love of his life and above all; the woman chosen by his heart!

Nasra with husband, Director Rashid

The post aimed at celebrating the new milestone in their lives caught most of their fans by surprise; but mostly I think it’s how Rashid played with his words while appreciating his wifey.

????????Huwa namshukuru Mungu siku zote kwa kunipatanisha na huyu malkia @nasrayusuff …. Moyo ulimkubali asilimia mia tena  bila hofu yakuwa yeye  tu ndio anafaa kuwa mke wangu..

God given wife

In the same detailed post, Director Rashid revealed how he always dreamt of marrying Nasra; a God given wife – and just like that his prayers were answered on Sunday 25th April.

For that reason, the young man concluded this post by adding;

Newly weds: Nasra and Rashid

ALHAMDULILLAH hiyo ilikuwa ndoto na sasa imetimia ???? Nakupenda sana mke wangu na naahidi kukutunza milele in sha Allah……  #Nasrashid sasa imeunganishwa kihalali hakuna wakutenganisha hii neema ya Allah


Bahati reveals why he struggles with Self-esteem issues

Singer Bahati has always been trolled and picked on by former gospel singer Willy Paul; and I’m guessing this is because Pozee could smell Baha’s low self esteem from miles away.

Singer Bahati TBT

Actually, not just Pozee but even ruthless fans looking to feed their egos by giving the young singer a hard time. However over the years, Bahati has managed to fix this self esteem issue slowly by slowly; and if you ask me – his humility may also be the reason why he triumphed – making him one of the richest local artists we have in the country.

Bahati with Harmonize

So far he has a lovely stable family, home and a couple of businesses bringing him good money; his wife on the other hand is beauty that compliments him wherever he goes.

How the self esteem issues started

In a detailed prayer post shared on his Instagram page; singer Bahati thanked the almighty for his family saying;

Bahati’s family

Dear God; if I have Ever Been Ungrateful… Forgive Me. In My Life I Never Dreamed of Having Such a Complete Family.????

Gospel star, Bahati

And for those wondering why Bahati has always been soft ‘mtoto wa mama like’ and for the luck of a better word – a wussy. He explained by adding;

I grew Up in an environment that filled me with so Much Low Self Esteem and at times I Never Saw Myself as anything in this World.???? The Same Ghetto Kid is Before Your Presence this Morning Just to Say Thank You Jesus for Everything ????????????


She made a beautiful bride! Churchill show’s Nasra Yusuf weds the love of her life in glamorous colorful wedding

Comedienne Nasra Yusuf is officially off the market after exchanging vows with the love of her life Rashid: on Sunday 25th as revealed by both the newly weds.

Through her Instagram page, funny girl Nasra Yusuf shared one photo from their wedding; and went on write an exciting caption which read;

Nasra Yusuf weds the love of her life, Director Rashid

Oh yeah guys,on the 25th of april 2021 I got married to my best friend!!!????????????????????????????????????????

Alrhough details od the wedding remain unknown to the public; the groom on the other hand showed his appreciation to his new bride by writing;

????????Huwa namshukuru Mungu siku zote kwa kunipatanisha na huyu malkia @nasrayusuff …. Moyo ulimkubali asilimia mia tena bila hofu yakuwa yeye tu ndio anafaa kuwa mke wangu.. ALHAMDULILLAH hiyo ilikuwa ndoto na sasa imetimia ????
Nakupenda sana mke wangu na naahidi kukutunza milele in sha Allah……
#Nasrashid sasa imeunganishwa kihalali hakuna wakutenganisha hii neema ya Allah

Meet Nasra Yusuf’s handsome husband, Director Rashid

Congratulatory messages

Sinve this was a private wedding due to the strict instructions given by the law to avoid the spread of Covid 19; it seems that only family was in attendance.

However their friends came through by sending the couple touchy congratulatory messages through their IG pages.

MammitoeuniceCongratulations to the newly wedded @nasrayusuff @rashidyabdalla

Honalinur: congratulations siz

Sammie_kioko: congratulations Blessings

Terencecreative: kila la kheri katika ndoa yenu

Pascal Tokodi ????????????????????????????????????????????????

Haiya! Zari Hassan’s new boyfriend ‘Thee Stallion’ reveals why he is fed up with Diamond Platnumz fans

Zari Hassan’s life changed the minute she started dating and Diamond Platnumz. This is because her life was now exposed to ruthless Bongo fans who enjoy trolling and larking; just to keep their lives entertained!

Deapite breaking up with the Bongo star, Diamond Platnumz – the same fans refused to let go of Zari Hassan; as most continue to dig deeper into her life.

Zari with bae, Dark Stallion

So far we understand Zari’s eldest sons still blame her for exposing their private lives to these people; and the latest victim happens to be Thee Black Stallion – who cannot stand the harassment he continues to suffer in the hands on these fans.

‘I can’t deal’ Black Stallion

As seen on one of his IG stories, the handsome Nigerian man complains about the number of DM’s he receives from the Tanzanian fans; looking to find out more about him.

According to the fella, in a day he receives close to 30 messages; and I’m pretty sure most of them are usually about Diamond Platnumz and Zari getting back together in future. To caption the screenshot, Black Stallion wrote;

Imagine 30 people per day. SMH

Zari’s man complaining about messages from fans

Not quit sure why he is complaining with such a small number in his DM; I mean, the late – Ivan Don was said to be receiving about 1000 message trolls in a day; and he never complained.

But come to think of it, Zari is still a star….he should have expected worse trolls!

“My mum got married today” Former Tahidi High actor OJ celebrates his 60 year old mother

The beauty of love is that it knows no boundary nor does it recognize age. Well, we have confirmed this after coming across new wedding photos of mama OJ aka Dennis Mugo who got married on Tuesday, 27th April.

According to OJ who made the announcement through his Instagram page; the former actor celebrated his 60 something year old mum for finally settling down with the love of her life. From the photos, it’s also clear to see that this was a low key white wedding; that saw close friends and relatives attend.

Dennis Mugo, better known as OJ

Through his IG page, the former actor shared a couple of photos and a video from the wedding ceremony to which he captioned;

My mother got married today she kedo 60. Love such a wonderful thing. #nevertoolate. cheers mama ????

Never too late

Well, clearly it’s never too late to late to find love nor settle down and indeed mama OJ set the perfect example choosing to formalize her Union.

Friends of OJ could also not hold back from celebrating their ‘mum’ for the new milestone. A close friend of OJ, Abel Mutua also wrote a congratulatory message saying;

  This is beautiful!!! Wishing them a wonderful and fulfilling life ahead

I guess it’s congratulations to Mama OJ and her person! Checkout the photos below.

Mama OJ weds the love of her life
Mama OJ finds love at 60

Per person sharing? Anerlisa Muigai allegedly involved with Governor Hassan Joho’s close friend after breaking up with Ben Pol

Mlisema ni hitting with bare knuckles? Anyway, rumor making rounds on social media is that Anerlisa Muigai may have found some refuge in Ommy Dimpoz after hubby, Ben Pol decided to file for a divorce.

Anerlisa and Ben Pol to divorce

According to reports Anerlisa’s recent visit to Bongo was not to meet up with soon to be ex hubby; but probably was for her to sign the divorce papers since they got married in Tanzania.

For a minute, Anerlisa tried to make fans believe that she was with Ben Pol – until the guy shared a post throwing shade; and truth is – this was definitely aimed at Ms Muigai. He wrote;

Some people are so poor. All they have is money

Ben Pol mocking Anerlisa Muigai?

Ommy Dimpoz accused of bedding Anerlisa Muigai

Just when we thought Ben Pol’s post was bare knuckles punch; the Moyo Machine hit maker went on to add more juice by revealing Ommy Dimpoz relationship with Anerlisa. Weuh.

Well, if the now deleted post is anything to go by; then I guess it’s true that Anerlisa is currently in Bongo with Mr lover man, Ommy Dimpoz; a good friend of Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho. He wrote;

Malengo yako ya mwaka ni kufanya collabo na Fally Ipupa na kumzalisha “A” kizazi unacho?

Ben Pol to Ommy Dimpoz

Not sure whether this is Ben Pol acting jealous, fighting for what’s his or just being mean to both Anerlisa and Ommy Dimpoz.

But hey, they say – you replacement is never too far; just in the same circle!

Just like a fairytale: Pascal Tokodi reveals how he met his wife, Grace Ekirapa

I should have said just like the movies because clearly Pascal Tokodi’s revelation on how he met his wife, Grace Ekirapa; sounds like something out of an American movie!

As his young wife celebrates her 25th birthday; the popular actor shared a heartwarming message where he not only appreciated his wife; but also revealed how he met her.

Pascal Tokodi sweetly adores Grace Ekirapa

On a certain 4th , You walked in a certain Java,????, It was my first time seeing you in person and I remember staring at you as you looked for a place to sit. You should have seen how wide my smile was when you chose the seat next to me.????

Judging from Pascal’s post, we can confirm that these two were indeed brought together by fate; and what’s more interesting is that they are a perfect match! If you disagree –  argue with your inner self!

Grace Ekirapa aka Mrs Tokodi

Pascal celebrates wife

Although Pascal makes this meeting sound like a movie script and him being an actor; truth is – it must have felt special for him to come across such a beauty; who he later got to settle down with. Narrating his detailed story Pascal went on to add;

Tokodi And Ekirapa-IG

You ordered Pancakes, pulled out your laptop and started working, I on the other hand sat there looking at you wondering how I was going to make the first move, for a guy who usually has a lot to say , I was speechless that day, you must have noticed cause you looked up and smiled at me , I smiled back and that was the beginning of everything for me.????

Special kind of love

Although they don’t make men like Pascal Tokodi no more; at least we now know why Ekirapa keeps glowing on every photo she posts.

Anyway to celebrate his wife’s birthday, Pascal wrote;

As you turn a year older, I want you to know that you are cared for and loved,You’ll make a wonderful mother and I can’t wait to make you one.???? You are my person. This is Always and Forever , For People Like Us!!! Would you look at that. Enjoy your Day baby, I love you.❤️ @graceekirapa

Harmonize’s Caucasian wife bags herself new cute mzungu boyfriend (Photo)

Harmonize’s ex wife Sarah Michelloti is done with black men. At least for now – especially after ex husband she embarrassed her on social media by dating Kajala; and in less than 3 months – we got to learn that Konde Boy was also bedding his girlfriend’s daughter, Paula Kajala.

Harmonize with his exes; Paula Kajala and mother, Kajala

With all this drama Sarah Michelloti decided to distance herself from the Konde boy saga; and although many were convinced that she would get back with the bingo singer – turns out that they were all wrong.

Deletes post

Well, just a few hours ago the Italian lass introduced her latest catch; and judging from the photo – the man seen with Sarah also happens to be a white man. What happened to – once you go black you never go back?

Harmonize and ex Italian wife Sarah Michelotti

Unfortunately shortly after introducing the new man in her life, Sarah Michelloti pulled down the post; but thankfully we managed to get a screenshot shared by several Bongo gossip tabloids.

Judging from the photo – we cannot really tell who the guy is but chances are that he is also an Italian man. However, what matters in this case is that Sarah has finally moved on; or at least is trying to get over Harmonize  – but one step at a time.


Hamisa Mobetto shares secret behind her success

They say show me your friends and I shall tell you who you are. Well, after changing the people around her, Hamisa Mobetto is said to be dining with the likes of Fred Vunjabei; a billionaire also said to be dating the former socialite.

Ever since the two became an item, Hamisa Mobetto started disappearing from social media; and we believe this is because she now has a lot of projects to focus on – and at the same time make money.

Hamisa Mobetto

With two kids to take care of, I bet the lady hustles harder than anyone else; and thanks to Vunjabei the alleged 27 year old lass is now focused on making her future better.

In a new post shared on her page recently; Hamisa for the first time opened up revealing that the tough bitter life she had been facing in the past has now left her looking at life different. This is because she has since become wiser and stronger as she wrote;

Kuna Wakati Kwenye Maisha Tunaweza Kukutana Na Misukosuko Ikatulazimisha Tuwe Tofauti Na Yule Tuliyetaka Kuwa. Kwangu Mimi Maisha Yalinifanya Niwe Ngangari, Nipambane Pale Ambapo Sikutegemea Kama Nitakuwa Na Nguvu Hizo, Nipambane Pale Ambapo Sikutegemea Kama Nitakuwa Na Ujasiri Ndani Yangu. Maisha Hayo Hayo Yakapelekea Nikuwe Kabla Ya Umri Wangu.

Strong and self made

According to Hamisa Mobetto – life has forced her to grow a thick tough skin enabling her to overcome whatever life throws her way. On the  same post Hamisa went on to add;

Former socialite Hamisa Mobetto

Bado Ninaamini Kwa Uweza Wa Mungu Nitafika Pale Ambapo Amenipangia Nifike, Kila Njia Nayopita Sasa Inanifunza Kitu, Na Bado Napambana Niweze Kufikia Malengo Na Ndoto Nilizojiwekea. Na Hata Wewe Mwenzangu Tulio Kwenye Safari Moja, Usikate Tamaa, Twende Na Mungu, Tutafika Salama. ????????

Although we cannot really confirm why the lady shared the post seen above; most Tanzanian tabloids are convinced that billionaire boyfriend – Vunjabei could be cheating; hence Hamisa’s ‘strong and self made’ posts shared on her page.

“Huyo ni mtu wa mkono kama Nyinyi!” Netizens react to DP William Ruto’s meeting with local artists (Photos)

Truth is we all want Kenya to be unlocked especially now that hunger seems to be killing most Kenyans than Covid-19 is. With no jobs, food and most Kenyans drowning in debts; the Vice President William Ruto, this past weekend decided to host a few Kenyans celebrities; to talk about how he can help them since they depend on music, acting careers to make ends meet.

Willy Paul, Khaligraph Jones, Jalang’o among others meet Vice President, William Ruto

Of course this meeting was to show that despite the hard times we are facing; there is still hope as the Vice President took off sometime to sit; and talk with these celebrities despite his busy schedule.

The rest of Kenyans i.e mama mboga, waitresses; and others got to learn about the meeting later on thanks to photos shared by the likes of Jalang’o, Khaligraph Jones and others. For some reason, turns out that most Kenyans felt that this was more of a comedy show – rather than a light at the end of the tunnel.

Vice President addressing Kenyan artists

Netizens react

Looking at Jalang’os comment section – it’s clear to see that most Kenyans were not impressed by this meeting; and others went on to write insist that President Uhuru could have been the right person to sit down with.

DJ Joe Mfalme, Jalango and Pierra Makena at Vice President’s home in Karen

Well, this is probably because he is in-charge and instead of ‘wasting’ time with PR stunts; they should have thought this through first. Below are a few comments from Kenyans who cannot help but call out the PR stunts

Nadia Mukami kando! Tina Brown ready to give Kenyan artists a run for their money with her angelic vocals

So far we continue supporting the Kenyan music industry and although there are those who claim that we have no talent; wait till you hear the likes of Ssaru, Nadia and now Tina Brown with angelic voices; but unfortunately don’t get enough support from home.

Tbt: Avril and singer Marya back in the day

With Amani, Avril and singer Marya already retired; new faces such as Tina Brown are now representing the music industry – and thanks to her latest project; were are now convinced that indeed the Kenyan music industry is about to change for the better.

This after hearing how angelic her voice can get while hitting both the high and low notes when it comes to her music. The latest song dubbed Nipe mkono talks about love and ways to carter for your mum; and judging from how women from this generation act – let’s just say they need this new song in their playlist!

Tina Brown’s talent about to change the music industry

Home of talents

With artists complaining about the lockdown – others like Tina Brown prefer investing in their music to keep fans entertained.

Singer Tina

Anyway below is the high quality new video about to take the entertainment scene by storm.

Kupendwa raha! Guardian Angel’s aged girlfriend continues to show why the singer remains addicted to her love

Guardian Angel a while back introduced his new found love; an older woman with zero drama but affection and for some reason we believe that she treats him better than his mama would!

Yes, this is because she takes care of his needs, stomach and of course loves him like he was her own. Well, I hear men love that and clearly there is no where Guardian Angel will be going especially now that he bagged himself a woman and a half!

Guardian Angel serenades lover with romantic words

Just to prove how much she loves him – 50 year old Esther Musila recently shared a touchy post; where she poured out her heart to Guardian Angel saying;

Guardian Angel receives heartwarming message from girlfriend

I don’t think you’ll fully understand how you have touched my life.  I don’t think you could ever know how special you are. You changed my life without even trying, and I don’t think I could ever tell you how much you mean to me.

“Life without you would be empty”

For those in struggling relationship with younger women – guess what… Guardian Angel is living the life! His girlfriend went on to prove this by adding;

I can’t imagine what things would be if I hadn’t met you.  Thank you my love for gracing my life with your lovely presence and for adding the sweet measure of your soul to my existence. I ???? you. @guardianangelglobal#mysuperstar???? #mancrushmonday

Judging from how most women complain about their men on social media; and with the rise in domestic violence in our society  – indeed Esther Musila counts herself as a lucky woman! Kupendwa raha!

“The thought of becoming a mum again scares me” Amber Ray reveals

Socialite Amber Ray is a proud mum of a handsome son identified as Gavin. Rumor has it that she was blessed with her son after a short term relationship with a certain Makanga (tout) back when she was still a young naive lady.

Just like most relationships – Amber Ray did not last with her handsome tout; and in a few months she was raising her son on her own. According to Amber Ray, life back then was extremely difficult but despite it all; she always found a reason to keep going whenever she looked at her son.

Amber Ray and handsome son, Gavin

It has however been 11 years since she decided to raise her baby on her own; and boy – is Amber proud of the far they have since come together. This past weekend the mother of 1 went on to show some appreciation to both her child; and younger sister as she wrote;

11 years back, a day like this I was so tired and my belly so big wishing @Gavinclassic would just pop out, but damn I miss feeling you playing inside my tummy. I was so poor then and days used to feel like years but somehow you brought sunshine in my life and we survived. Yaani I’ve gone through thick and thin with youand through it all you have been so patient with me. Indeed you are a blessing to be in my life.

Amber Ray with son

Baby number 2

In another post – Amber Ray went on to mention that having Gavin at a young age was the best thing that ever happened to her. She went on to mention that if she knew what she knows now (barring kids at a young age) Amber would have 6 kids after Gavin.

TBT: Amber and son, Gavin

If I knew life will turn out like this, I would be having 6 kids by now. But now, after 11 years the thought of becoming a mum again scares me to death.

Just to prove how much she spoils her son and younger sister; Amber concluded by adding;

Anyway, I still have two more years to convince myself. April is the most expensive month for me. Imagine my sister’s birthday on 25th and my son’s birthday 26th can someone please kidnap me today alafu no one wants presents ati wanataka pesa sema kujiongelesha.

It’s a baby boy! Pregnant Kansiime shares stunning photos from her lit baby shower

Comedienne Kansiime is really excited about her pregnancy and so are her close friends.

After years of being called barren, the funny lady put these rumors to rest a few days ago after unveiling a photo of her baby bump to which she captioned;

Comedienne Anne Kansiime

I have been looking for the perfect way to break it to you my dearest Ninjas that soon my Kantu @skylantagram and i shall have a little Ninja added on to our family and i thooooought and thought, what better way!!? ????

Baby shower

With a few weeks to go before baby boy arrives; Anne Kansiime’s friends recently held a lit baby shower for the comedian’s soon to be  son.

Of course with such friends, Kansiime got to receive beautiful gifts and a party that created happy memories which she will hold on for life.

And there’s no time to spare as we make way, make way for the little ninja to arrive????????????????????????Our cool Antiz are already inline to receive him.

“My son Gift, I am so proud of you” Mike Sonko praises adopted son after completing his O-Level education

Mike Sonko must be the happiest dad in town now that his adopted son; Gift Osinya just cleared his high school education at Lenana School.

This being a major milestone for the young man he has been raising and mentoring since 2014; the former governor could not hold back from celebrating the young man’s progress in life.

Tbt: Gift with his brother, Satrine

If you remember well, the Osinya brothers (Gift and Satrine) were adopted by the popular politician; after their mum was shot dead by terrorist at a Likoni church; leaving behind Gift and 18 month old baby Satrine.

Blessings in disguise

However despite the pain, emptiness and grief mama Gift left behind; this sad situation was reversed to be a blessing for her two sons – who are currently living; and dining with a family (Sonko’s) that adores them like they are their own blood.

Sonko’s wife with her boys

Just to prove how much Sonko loves his eldest son; he went on to celebrate him in a detailed post where the fella wrote;


When terrorists struck at the Joy Jesus Repentance Church in Likoni, Mombasa County on the ill-fated Sunday of 23rd March, 2014 taking away the life of Mama Veronica Atieno and leaving a bullet lodged in the skull of her 18-month old son, life seemed hopeless for the two little boys she left behind.

Narrates 2014 incident

Since many are aware of how Sonko ended up with the Osinya brothers in his custody; the former Nairobi Governor for the first time gave his reasons for adopting them by saying;

Tbt: Gift joins Saint Mary’s Academy

The heartbreaking picture of Gift Osinya carrying his injured younger brother, Baby Satrine Osinya, went viral, and I was deeply touched by the plight of the two little boys who had lost their mother in the most cruel way, as many Kenyans were.

The former governor went on to describe these boys as a blessings; and his biggest achievement as he has been able to educate another generation with a bright future ahead. He said;

Alongside mobilising resources to facilitate the treatment of Baby Satrine, I offered to adopt the two young boys, and since then, I have witnessed God’s miracles unfold right before my eyes. Gift and Satrine have been an immense blessing to me and my family ever since, and it’s been with great joy that we have watched the two grow into fine, young men with a promising future ahead of them.

Proud dad

Since his biological children are all girls; Mike Sonko remains grateful to have met these two boys who are now identified as his children. And just like any other parent showing his children love; the politician had this to tell his eldest son;

Sonko’s happy family

So, today was again a moment of great joy and a big milestone for us as a family when Master Gift Osinya completed his KCSE at the Lenana School. My son Gift, I am so proud of you, and truly grateful to God for the blessing you have been in our lives.

He added;

I pray that the God of Daniel, Meshack and Abednego who saved your life, and that of your younger brother Satrine, will forever walk before you and with you at all times as you enter the next phase of your life as a young adult.

And lastly to all the fans who supported them; Sonko had this to say;

For all those who have been standing with us in prayer and words of encouragement, may the God of Jabez continue expanding your territories.

“Kifua yako imejaa mafuta” Akothee savagely insults fan who criticized her ‘bad’ music

Akothee has always been a no nonsense and if anything – she remains unapologetic for her actions or rather stunts seen on social media. So far we have seen the singer call out critics on her page; and the latest one involves a fan who called her out for bad vocals that allegedly contribute to Akothee’s bad music. Ouch.

Akothee TBT

Well, this comment did not seem to impress Akothee who would opted to turn the other chick; but being her usual self – the singer decided to slap back and man was she mean. In a now deleted post, Akothee is seen throwing heavy insults at the fan saying;

Me on a Thursday googling Aisha????????????I don’t feel bad when such idiots pull stunts on me. I feel embarrassed ???????????????? wewe pia kuja uimbe na hiyo kifua yako imejaa mafuta tuone kama sauti itatoka.

You’re a pig

Just when you thought 2021 was going to change Akothee for the better; turns out that she actually got worse – that is in terms of insults. Apart from calling out the fan for her fat body; the singer compared her (Caroline) to a pig saying;

Na ata sijasema umezaliwa china manake macho kidogo kama Vile nguruwe hivi, sijui waniona ama waona pia lako tu ????????????????. Hata hivyo hayanihusu mimi macho yako yakuonee upendacho; na sikio lako umelifunika na weave ya kobole ishike adabu madam Caroline. Tuheshimiane na corona.

Akothee vs fan

Not quite sure whether this helped Akothee feel better about herself and her music; but truth is that this fan clearly hurt Akothee’s feelings.

“Marriage is not easy” Vivianne shares relationship advice that are actually worth taking

Singer Viviane has opened up to talk about marriage and relationships in a new post shared on her IG page. Being a married women, she of course understands one or two things that a young couple would learn from her about surviving a marriage.

Singer Vivianne with husband

Well, just like most married couples we’ve heard say that that marriage is not easy; turns out that this is a concept Viviane also agrees with and to confirm this, the singer shared a few tips she believes would help a couple live in harmony while still married.

Anyone who is honest will tell you that marriage is no joke. However the truth remains to be that God can make anything work. The secret involves mainly surrendering to His ways and He will reveal himself to you.

Invest in the friendship phase

According to Viviane, building a good foundation as a friends always comes in handy during a relationship or marriage. This is because after the love starts to fade – then you’re able to remain as good friends in the end. She went on to say;


Some of the things that I can bear testimony is that you and your partner must work on being friends. That even as you both develop individually you respect and genuinely care about one another’s personal well being.

And with the rise of domestic violence in the society especially now that the economy is really bad; Viviane went on to add;

I do understand that the current times are hard for many couples but I’d like to challenge you to try be good friends to each other. True friendship is sweet and emits joy.
Thought to share this today.
Mshinde fiti from @samwestke and I ????????. #ViviLove

Thirst trap! Joey Muthengi sizzles in bikini photo that will leave you fantasizing

There is no doubt that Joey Muthengi is one of the hottest female media personalities we have come across in the kenyan media industry. She is not only a beauty but I hear her personality actually matches her looks; and boy is this rare to find.

With all that beauty, fans have been hoping that she soon finds a man that will marry her; but question is – who said she is in a hurry to settle down?

Joey Muthengi

Away from that, Joey Muthengi has just unveiled a never seen before bikini photo leaving her male fans dropping thirsty comments below the photo.

Well, we cannot blame them as Ms Muthengi looked sensational in a multicolored Ankara bikini; which appears to have a lingerie look – allow me to call it saucy.

Joey Muthengi looking saucy in bikini

Why is Joey Muthengi still playing single?

Looking at the photo shared above we cannot blame fans for always asking why she is single; yet her body looks better than that of younger girls; and of course the flawless face too.

Besties: Willis Raburu and Joey Muthengi

Well, unfortunately since she is a conservative lady – it might just take us a little bit longer before we meet the lucky man financing and loving this beautiful lady.

Like mother like son: Actor Pascal Tokodi shares never seen before photo of his stunning mum on his 28th birthday!

Pascal Tokodi recently turned 28 years and to mark this special milestone in his life; the fella for the first time unveiled a tbt never seen before photo of his hot mum – as a way of showing his appreciation for the far he has come.

Being one who has always been conservative – the new photo of his mum left his fans talking on social media; especially since he has always preferred to keep his family on the low. Introducing his mum to his online family, Pascal captioned the post;

Tbt: Pascal with his mum

And In the end , it’s not the years in your life that counts, it’s the life in your years!  Happy birthday to me ????

His mother’s son

From how Pascal Tokodi holds his mum in the photo shared below; I can assure you that he is indeed his mum’s son. The two also happen to share a striking facial resemblance and indeed, the apple never falls far from the tree.

Pascal with his hot mum

Well, it’s not everyday we get to meet the hero’s that gave birth to our popular local celebrities; but at least we have finally met Pascal’s mum who doubles up as Grace Ekirapa’s mother in law.