Amira denies getting back with husband, Jimal

For a minute we all thought that Amira had gotten back with husband Jimal; after he broke up with Amber Ray. This assumption was made after a video of Amira and Jimal were seen enjoying each other’s company in a video we assumed was shot this weekend.

However turns out that this was a major Tbt shared by unknown sources; that may have wanted fans to think Amira is back with her husband.

I mean, with the video out no one would have asked questions especially now that Amber already confirmed that she broke up with Jimal.

Talking about the video in the comment section, Amira left a comment saying;

Video za 2018 mnapost sahii

Amber confirms breakup

Anyway, whether it was taken in 2018 or not…we can now confirm that Jimal and his nyumba Ndogo Amber Ray are no longer together; and the sad part is that Jimal is currently ignoring Amber Ray despite all the love they shared. Ouch.

The lady confirmed the breakup through a QnA session where a fan wrote;

Amber with hubby

  Are you together with Jamal, if not what happened?

To which she responded;

No, Not anymore

Tables turning for Amber

Well, if indeed the break up is real and not staged; the. I guess Amber Ray and Jimal has their fan while it lasted but runout has it that they secretly dated for months before their private relationship was exposed on social media.

During this time, let’s just say Amira was not only going through a hard time; but was also getting publicly embarrassed and going through depression.

Jimal and wife, Amira

However turns out that despite all that pain, husband was still calculating on how to get back with Amira; and I guess this is how the tbt video has found itself on social media.

Jimal is that you?


Harmonize denies wanting to get back with mzungu wife

A few day’s ago singer Harmonize issued a heartfelt apology to his mzungu wife; months after he walked out on her after falling out of love, 4 years later.

Harmonize and fiancée Sarah

This move not only painted Harmonize bad but it also pushed away some of his fans; (females) who couldn’t help but pity Sarah who was left high and dry by the singer.

Harmonize also moved on a-bit too fast, another obvious reason that confirmed Sarah wasn’t the only one; and after a year of choosing a free life – the singer recently decided to apologize to his wife following his mistakes.

In his post, Harmonize wrote;

SORRY & SORRY & SORRY ???????? I’m sorry is the only Word I can use to the one of Beautiful Woman ???? Alienipatia Miaka (4) Ya maisha Yake Nami Nikampatia (4) Yangu Tulipitia Mengi Ila itoshe Kusema Nilizingua Sanaa ..!!! Mpaka Mungu Alipoamua Kuniletea Mtoto Wangu wa Kwanza @zuuh_konde Na Ndo Ikawa Mwisho Wa Safari Yetu Ya Pamoja Yeesss KUTELEZA KUNATOKEA Naa Muungwana Huomba Radhi ???? ila Ningeonekana Mjinga Zaidi Ningeendelea Kumficha Mtoto Wangu …..!!! LOVE & RESPECT ???? AND THIS ONE IS FOR YOU


We’re never getting back together

Well, with such a heartfelt post most fans felt that Harmonize was now back to his senses and was ready to get back to his wife.

However turns out that the post was just an apology and not request for his wife to come back. He brushed off these rumors through his IG story where he wrote;

Sihitaji mahusiano mapya wala ya zamani. I just made things clear, and to appreciate the woman who was there for me tukapitia mengi, kuachana sio vita. Single 4 ever ????

Alar, alar! Senator Anwar Loitiptip’s alleged side chick leaks his ‘nasty’ private chats online

Ogopa Nairobi should already become a slogan because damn, this city is sinning more than Sodom and Gomorrah! Asking why?

Well, remember Anwar who was ‘married’ to Saumu Mbuvi before he replaced her with a close friend, Aeedah Bambi?

Aeedah, Saumu and Senator Anwar

Yes him. Turns out that way before his marriage to Saumu failed badly, the senator was seeing another lady on the side; and boy did she bring out the wild side in him as seen on the private chats shared by blogger Obare.

Judging from the WhatsApp conversation; we can tell that the senator is freaky and has clearly refused the ‘marriage kind’ of loving; since the ‘street loving’ keeps him entertained and wanting more.

I was using him too

According to the side chick who remains anonymous for now, she claims her aim was to come out of the relationship with something; and being as smart as she is, a baby wasn’t going to be it since she already knew her position.

Talking about it with the blogger, the lass wrote;

The screenshot

Well, if you think that what she had to say was mean, then wait till you see the screenshot she shared showing how Anwar talks.

The post read;

Well, is this the same man Aeedah Bambi and Saumu Mbuvi were fighting over? Kanairo.

Willis Raburu’s girlfriend explains why their baby was born out of wedlock

Women always have this idea of a perfect life where it includes marriage before babies; but the reality is, you’ll only find such scenes in movies; or wait, even movies are now avoiding to give their viewers such expectations as times have changed.

Willis Raburu’s new girlfriend at her baby shower

Anyway Willis Raburu and his new woman Ivy Namu have become the talk of town after their baby boy was born a few weeks ago; although this is a good thing – there are those who feel that Raburu may have acted desperate as he moved on really fast.

But again, why wait when time waits for no man; and again, didn’t he bag himself the perfect match, months after breaking up with ex wife, Maryaprude?

Willis Raburu sheds off 16kgs

I mean, things weren’t working between them, so why hold on?

Ivy explains why baby came first

Anyway, although Raburu’s relationship with Ivy Namu remains private to fans; the lovely new mum in town recently gave fans a chance to ask a question or two about her life.

With such an opportunity,  Raburu’s fans swooped in with serious questions such as; why they decided to have baby out of wedlock to which Ms Namu responded by saying;

Willis Raburu with son

Cause it’s my life & I do what I want, when I want and how I want.


Also hii life haina manual or one size fits all formula please

Saumu’s ex husband Anwar Loitiptip allegedly beating up his new woman like a Burukenge

Word has it that we were right, Aeedah Bambi’s relationship with Senator Anwar is turning into a battle field; and unfortunately she is the one on the losing end considering her battle is with a man.

Well, after a source revealed that she has been receiving blows from Anwar, the lady has been making sure that there is no evidence to confirm the rumors; but again thanks to those who around her we have more details to the toxic relationship.

Aeedah Bambi
Aeedah Bambi

According to a source that recently reached out to Edgar, we understand that Bambi has been facing the wrath of her new man; simply because he cannot stand the fact that she has been coparenting with Steve Oduk. The father to her 4 year old daughter.

New details on broken relationship

Well, from the post shared by Edgar, we’ve been made to understand the so called couple have been having regular fights; and at some point things got so bad to a point where the senator pulled a gun on the mother of 1.

Anwar Loitiptip accused of assaulting Aeedah Bambi

The source goes on to paint Anwar as an insecure man; who had been hoping Aeedah would cut off her baby daddy since he (Senator) is handling the 4 year old as his own.


In yet another post, the source confirmed that the Zanzibar trip we all saw Aeedah flaunt on social media; was to mend their relationship’ after the beating she received during Bahati’s event in June.

When asked why Aeedah continues to put up with this life; the source responded by saying;

Maybe the public eye. I hope she gets the confidence to walk away from an abusive partner.

It’s however funny how things have turned upside down barely six months after she snatched him from Saumu Mbuvi; so could it be Karma or the God of Saumu playing his part?

‘Real men don’t beg, they provide:’ Anerlisa Muigai hits back at ex husband with cryptic messages following exposè interview (Screenshots)

Things between Anerlisa Muigai and Ben Pol will continue to get ugly; as long as the two parties continue to throw shade at each other on social media.

Anerlisa and Ben Pol’s marriage ends in tears

Just a few days ago Ben Pol held a candid interview with Sky from SnS media; where he opened up about his union with Anerlisa and at some point Ben Pol went on to disclose that after they parted ways; he doesn’t see himself ever getting back with the Keroche heiress for unknown reasons. Ben Pol said;

Judging from the rest of the interview, it was obvious to see that Ben Pol was concealing a little more information; but being a gentleman – he probably opted to leave some information out instead of washing his dirty linen in public.

Ben Pol and Anerlisa Muigai

Anerlisa Muigai with the shade

Well, hours after the interview ex wife Anerlisa Muigai also decided to ‘speak’ but as you all know; Anerlisa Muigai is all violence and a lot of shade.

Responding to her ex husband’s interview,Anerlisa shared a post that read;

Never trust your tongue when your heart is bitter.

And another post read;

People who are intimidated by you talk bad about you with hopes that others won’t find you so appealing.

Aner hits Ben Pol below the belt

Well, having proven that she can be mean and spoilt at the same time; Anerlisa shared another post where she threw shade at ex husband for apparently begging and letting her handle all the bills. Wow.

According to Anerlisa,

A man is supposed to provide & (protect) Not (beg)& collect

From the posts above, it’s clear that Anerlisa is attacking her ex husband who she claims is bitter; but with her savage posts directed towards him all the time – isn’t she also bitter?

Prof Hamo gives second wife, Jemutai gift worth millions months after deadbeat dad scandal (Photos)

About 3-4 months ago fans bashed Profesa Hamo for neglecting his children with comedian Jemutai. The story highlighted by popular blogger Obare quickly started making rounds on; and without thinking, Hamo came out to deny the allegations; only for his statement to push Jemutai to spill more tea.

With the scandal getting worse each day, Hamo requested a DNA test for the kids; a move that confirmed that their was insecurity; among other untold issues in the so called relationship he shared with Jemutai.

Couple: Hamo and Jemutai

Luckily for Jemutai, the DNA came back 99.9% positive that Hamo was the father. Long story short, this also helped fix their relationship and in a few weeks after the exposè; Jemutai and Hamo got back as a couple and the two are currently making lifetime plans.

Land for his second family

Hamo confirmed this with a few post shared on his Instagram page; where he flaunted a photo of Jemutai holding a title deed of their  newly acquired piece of land.

From the caption, we understand that this is where Hamo will be setting up his second home; and since his other family in Nakuru already has a home – it’s a win win for the polygamist.

Profesa Hamo with wife, Jemutai

Through his IG, Hamo wrote;

I know we’ve been through alot but it’s not how we start but how we finish that matters; it took time for you to believe that I wanted my family to be together and happy; it’s still work in progress but this is a start. I can build a house,you’ll definitely make it a home.

Hamo with second wifey Jemutai

Meet stunning man that has left Betty Kyallo acting like a teenager high-on-love (Photos)

The weather has not been good for weeks now and while the rest of us depending on heaters, hot water bottles and duvets; Miss Betty Kyallo is just enjoying good heat from boyfriend. But don’t get me wrong, we actually like this for her.

Emotional BK

Ever since she divorced ex husband who doubles up as baby daddy, Dennis Okari; the former news anchor built a wall for everyone who came in after failed marriage. Of course with her guard up – Ms Kyallo’s relationships could not last for long – and I call that the rebound phase.

However it’s been almost 5 years since she called it quits with a man she loved and wanted a family with. But si ni life?

Can your man even?

Anyway, it appears that after the many years, Ms Kyallo had finally found a good enough man to love and parade at the same time; and his name is Nick Ndeda.

A handsome loaded lawyer with looks of a fine dark stallion (wa Zari kando) and one that also has killa taste when it comes to authentic fashionable suits; and his smile makes everything look so good even with the smokers lips. No? Oops.

But again, Betty’s happiness comes first and now we want a second born for baby Ivanna!

Betty Kyallo confirms romantic relationship with hunk beard gang, Nick Ndeda

About a week ago we did a story on Betty Kyallo visiting lawyer cum actor, Nick Ndeda; and for some reason…I ended up addressing the wrong Ndeda.

Nick Ndeda

And turns out that there are actually two…that is the former Kiss FM presenter that we all know; and there is the beard gang one giving many women sleepless nights – but Betty Kyallo already bagged him.

Well now that we know the difference – we’re happy to announce that Betty Kyallo is head over heels in love with tall dark; and handsome fella – and the world has to know!

Announcing the new relationship in town, Ms Betty on Wednesday, 20 July shared a lovey dovy post to which she captioned;

One Month in and Waaah the warnings I’ve gotten. Weeeuh. Mara it’s the sun, water, gym. Be careful baby. It’s rough out there ???????????????????? I’m too happy. Even the sun is an enemy… utachomeka “our wife”????????????@nick_ndeda

Head over heels

Since the post is self explanatory, I guess we now know that Betty was not visiting Nick Ndeda for random hook ups; but was there as his official girlfriend – and damn is she feeling lucky!

Betty Kyallo babying new fling, Nick Ndenda

Well after sampling an Arab swahili man Betty moved to a somali man then an Ethiopian one; and now, Ndeda who is from western region.

Anyway, now that it’s known that the two are an item…let’s see how far they will go.

Alaar! Ben Pol reveals why he can never get back with ex wife, Anerlisa Muigai (Video)

At this point, Ben Pol has confirmed a rumors that has always been directed at Anerlisa Muigai; that she is controlling, spoilt and above all – very very selfish!

Not my words but clearly it’s all starting to make sense. Well, just recently Ben Pol who is known for hit song Roho Machine and of course his title as Anerlisa’s husband has come out to talk about their ongoing divorce.

Anerlisa after rumored failed marriage with Ben Pol

Speaking to Sky of SnS – the humble Ben Pol shared a little information about their divorce; but being protective – he chose not to expose his ex wife.

However judging from his tone, it’s obvious to hear that Ben Pol was with holding a lot; and unlike other men all he wanted was peace.

Battle with depression

At some point while talking about the break up Ben Pol went on to reveal that he got into depression; which affected his mental health and entire life routine.

Singer Ben Pol looking skinny after breakup

For example – Ben Pol would have breakfast at night, lunch at midnight and supper in the wee hours of the night. Call it confusion.

This also affected his well built body as he lost so much weight; and looking at him – it’s evident to see the physical changes on Ben Pol.

Missing ex wife?

Having put up with tantrums, unnecessary on and off breakups, being controlled and threatened; Ben Pol says he is done with his marriage with Anerlisa for good.

Ben Pol files for divorce from Anerlisa Muigai

The singer revealed this after Sky inquired whether he had any romantic feelings towards his ex wife; to which Ben Pol said;

Ahhh…mimi namuombea tu heri kwa Mipango yake; lakini ukizungumzia eti kumzimia…ah hakuna kitu kinaweza tokea kati ya mie na yeye. Nadhani labda nazinguka sana, lakini nadhani nina haki ya kusema kuwa sina hisia wala simfeel kabisa.

Sad part is that Aner’s exes always tend to run away from her despite all the money and fame she has; but clearly something about her keeps chasing these handsome men away…so let’s just call it beautiful but unlucky!

Maembe ya msimu? Amber Ray allegedly dumped by Somali sponsor, Jimal

We have been made to believe that socialite Amber Ray is back to the streets; after Jimal Rohosafi decided to go back to his first family.

This was revealed by a close source who reached out to Edgar; for the new fresh tea in town. Apparently Jimal walked out on the lady who can’t seem to listen or rather obey her husband.

From the post, we are made to believe that Jimal got tired of Amber Ray’s dress code; and  ratchet ways…remember the pillow grinding video? Yes, even that one!

And being a Muslim man, of course there are things Jimal wouldn’t want his wives exposing on social media; but Amber Ray ni nani?

Amber Ray returns to the streets

As seen on a screenshot shared by Edgar, his informer went on to write;

Edgar! Truly mangoes are seasonal???? Jamal dumped demakuku and went back to his wife Amira. Damahens has been begging Jamal not to leave her but he blocked her kila mahali. She is trying to reach him through his friends but akijua ni demakuku anakata simu.

The informer went on to add;

Jamal himself permanently deleted his Instagram account. He is literally begging his wife Amira to forgive him. ???? He is catching up with his sons, Earth is very very hard. My ID should not be anywhere near this planet if you ever post.

Amber allegedly dumped

Well, the math doesn’t really add up if you ask me; and chances are that this could be a PR stunt to help clean up after Jimal’s mistakes of publicly embarrassing his first wife.

Something about the whole sudden change of mind doesn’t really make sense; but again, Jimal and Amber Ray live for clout – so who knows!

Jimal Rohosafi’s sudden exit from social media explained

Word on the streets is that your favorite polygamist Jimal Roho Safi has decided to take a break from social media; days after his first wife exposed him for having loans; and his alleged 3rd wife deleted his last name from her IG.

However, according to new information shared by Edgar Obare; we understand that his wives are not the reason he quit social media; but his fear for being exposed by one of his colleagues identified as Beth Mbuitu who claims to have been assaulted by Jimal – but through his cousin.

According to the lady, her former boss Jimal is one toxic man who is not only a narcissist but a bully who mistreats all his employees. Speaking about this with the popular blogger, Beth wrote;

Jimal’s wives scandals costing him

The new scandal comes days after his first wife Amira exposed the fella for living a fake lifestyle; which is apparently supported by loans and other people’s money – madeni.

Karma catching up? Well, it’s actually surprising to see how fast Jimal’s fame has come to an end; but truth is – most fans feel that Karma may have caught up with him unawares; hence the quick exit from social media.

Jimal deactivates IG page

Call for help? 26 year old Vanessa Chettle’s latest photo leaves netizens worried about her drug addiction and mental health

Vanessa Cheruto aka Chettle should be in the same league as Vera Sidika, Huddah or even Risper or Corazon.

This is because about 6 to 7 years ago, the lass was the hottest thing in the market don’t get me wrong; but Vanessa was the youngest socialites rolling with the likes of Joe Muchiri, Prezzo and very wealthy sponsors.

Vanessa with her firstborn and boyfriend, Maina

Not the kind of lifestyle I’d be advocating for, but truth is – back then she would have built herself; by making good use of the money she made from her ‘sponsors’ and events she regularly hosted.

But at such a young age, I bet all Vanessa wanted was human hair, good makeup, expensive things not just hennything; which are clearly not the best investments in life.

Vanessa needs help

So far I have written enough articles highlighting on her current lifestyle; and judging from the latest photo she has shared on her Instagram; let’s just say that today we shall not critic nor bash the lady since it’s clear that Vanessa Chettle needs help.

Although she claims to be making money through farming; her stories are beginning to sound like they’ve been inspired by jaba aka Miraakama wale wasee wa story za Jaba.

Vanessa Chettle in need of help

From her latest photo Vanessa Chettle is slowly starting to look like a serious washed up drug addict; and from where I stand – the lady appears to have lost her beauty due to all the smoking…and so are her teeth which have discolored.

Turns off comment section

Well, since it’s obvious that everyone has noticed the changes in Vanessa Chettle; fans in the comment section went on to encourage her to seek help from her dad and sisters.

Tbt: Vanessa Chettle

However in turn, Chettle decided to turn off her comment section to avoid being told the truth; and clearly this mother of 2 is not at a good place.

Hopefully her eldest sister, Francene who came into the limelight courtesy of Vanessa’s fame will step in and return the favor now that baby sister is at her lowest.

“They insult and call me old” Anerlisa Muigai talks about life after divorcing Ben Pol

Anerlisa Muigai has not been having a good year. Well, it all started with a few issues with her marriage to Ben Pol; and later on resulted to a bitter divorce that has clearly left Anerlisa facing the wrath of Tanzanian fans on her gram.

Ex husband cum lover Ben Pol

For months now, Anerlisa has made it known that she has haters looking to tarnish her name; and the sad part is that former best friend, lover and ex husband Ben Pol is one of them.

The Tanzanian singer made his ‘dislike’ towards Anerlisa very public after he threw shade telling her; that all she has is money – and nothing else to offer.

Ben Pol to Anerlisa

Wait…. is he saying that money is bad or just sad that it’s in Aner’s account and not his?

Anerlisa addresses relationship with Tz fans

Anyway as seen on a new post regarding her relationship with Tanzanian fans; Aner made it known that all she gets is insults and back lash from these people.

So far all they have managed to do is through harmless insults like being called old; among other insults – but never has she thought of hitting back. Smart.

According to Anerlisa, she prefers keeping her mouth shut as she hopes to one day expand her business to Tanzania saying;

Tanzanians always like to abuse me and call me old. But I let that slide because one day I would like them to support our business. Still got love for yall.


But again, at least they know she is good at getting her money at the end of the day.

Veteran journalist Catherine Kasavuli reacts to Kamene Goro’s ignorant joke on mental health

There is nothing funny about mental health and although Kenyans on social media will joke about anything; at least the celebrities are expected to act more sensitive when it comes down to such matters.

Well, a few days ago Kiss FM’s Kamene Goro shared one of the most unfunniest memes we have since come to see; and this was on mental health. As seen on the post, Kamene’s meme read;

Mental health na hamna akili

Of course when posting it, Kamene Goro was sure fans would find it funny; only to realize that she was on her own. I mean, many people out here are dealing with money related (which she can’t relate with;) and others facing worse situations; only for Kamene to prove how ignorant she can get.

Kasavuli responds

Well, having come across the various stories highlighting Kamene’s ignorant mental health; the veteran news anchor has also come out to speak.

This is probably because back in her days journalists (whether TV or radio) strictly followed the Media ethics; that teach respect for life and the rule of law and legality.

Speaking about the post, Kasavuli wrote;

Yesterday I literally cried when I saw someone joking about #mentalhealth.

These aren’t things to joke about, until it hints home, it hits so different. Ask me.


Lets use our platforms regardless of size to raise positive awareness.

Although no one is perfect… I’m pretty sure back in Kasavuli’s time…journalist weren’t getting hired for their foreign accents like those of today.

‘Ati bibi ya Muislamu gani?’ Fans react to Amber Ray’s suggestive video grinding on bed pillow (Video)

If Amber Ray had an onlyfan account; I’m 100% sure that; the lass would be hitting good numbers in terms of views and cash too.


Well, this is because she enjoys to shake her bum bum despite some of her fans saying she has a stiff waist; but let’s just say it ain’t easy to whine with all that big behind which keeps getting in the way.

Away from that, after bagging Jimal – we all assumed that Amber Ray would settle down and quit the street life; but no – not Amber Ray!

Just a few days ago, the lady shared yet another thirst trap video showing fans how she rides her man; and although the video has been keeping the male species busy through this cold weather; fans can’t help but pity Jimal.

Please excite us with knowledge not sexual videos

With the video making rounds on social media; most Muslims fans decided to call out Amber Ray on her b*llsh*t for disrespecting husband and son so openly.

According to some, this kind of video is only meant for her husband’s eyes only; but again, Kizuri cha jiuza, kibaya cha jitembeza.

Those wondering about her teenage son, Gavin wrote;


‘Kajala ni mama mjinga’ Socialite blasts actress for encouraging teenage daughter to date Rayvanny

Mange Kimambi has been insisting that it’s time former actress Kajala was told off for using her young daughter, Paula Kajala to get money from male celebrities in Bongo.

In short, the mother of one allegedly pimps out her 19 year old baby girl; who is currently dating Rayvanny…. talk about Uswahili.

Harmonize with Kajala and Paula

Anyway after fooling everyone that Hamisa Mobetto was responsible for hooking Paula up with Rayvanny (during the Harmonize/Rayvanny scandal); turns out that Kajala is the one pushing her daughter to the WCB artist.

Addressing this in a long post shared by Mange, the socialite based in the states wrote;

Paula Kajala

Kwa vile mmeomba sana , haya ngoja ntie neno. ???? Kajala wewe ndo mama mbovu Tanzania nzima. Yani wewe hujui maana ya kuwa mama. Na kwa sababu hii huyo mtoto 10 years from now atakuwa ulipo Wewe sasa hivi. Maana unampitisha mule mule ulipopita wewe. Yani kila mistake uliyofanya wewe kwenyw maisha yako ndo unampitisha na mwanao.


I’m not saying mimi ni mama bora. Mimi nna issue pia na binti yangu aliekuwa UK though we are both trying very hard to make things better. Ila wewe Kajala humlindi huyo mtoto na evils of this world ila unamshika mkono na unam lead towards evil

Addressing Paula Kajala’s naivety

Although many have been calling out Paula Kajala for breaking Rayvanny’s Union with baby mama, Fahyma; Mange instead insists that this girl should not be blamed as she has no one to guide her;


Paula sio wa kulaumiwa mimi pia nishapitia hiyo age ya kupenda mwanaume kupita kiasi Ila kilichofanya baadae nkarudi shule na kumaliza chuo ni sababu nilikuwa na mzazi ambae hakunisapoti hata chembe kwenye huo upumbavu.

And in conclusion, she added;

Seriously I feel so bad for Paula.Hana mtu wa kumprotect na kumlead hapa duniani. Hata kama huyo RayVanny akimuoa so what? She is too young for marriage. Huyo RayVanny atamchoka tu baadae.Then what?

Vera Sidika hints about possible ‘breakup’ with hubby

A few hours ago, Singer Brown Mauzo shared a post saying he would address the nation; on Friday, 16 July but about what?

Vera Sidika and Brown Mauzo

Being an artist, of course many felt that he was preparing his fans for a new project; and being one who is still struggling to get his views up – the singer definitely needs to use controversy to help sell his projects.

He wrote;

I will address the nation tomorrow at 10am???????????? truthabouteverthing

However, we cannot  tell what the plan is; now that Vera Sidika has joined in the mind games; by sharing a post warning hubby, Brown Mauzo not to address the nation.

Vera Sidika hints about trouble in her marriage

In her post, Vera Sidika makes it look like there is trouble in paradise; but again, she also loves to clout chase – meaning this could also be one of those stunts.

As seen on the post, Vera wrote;

Dear men, while you were undressing her, y’all were alone. Nobody was enjoying the sweetness with you. So don’t even think of addressing the nation when things go south.

Risper Faith opts for Gastric bypass surgery after failed KSh 500k liposuction

Whether Risper Faith likes it or not; truth is – she needs to reduce the amount of Junk food she keeps consuming in her day to day life. Why?

Well, after spending half a million on cosmetic surgery Liposuction – Risper got back her 28inch waist; which unfortunately lasted for a few weeks before all the fat cake tumbling down her belly.

Risper after liposuction

I’m pretty sure with a 28inch waist; the lass did not think that consuming unhealthy foods; would bring back her old 30 something inch waist that came after pregnancy.

Risper looking pregnant at Vera Sidika’s gender reveal

This past weekend the mother of one left many talking; after appearing to look pregnant while at Vera’s gender reveal party.

If you ask me, Risper’s belly actually looks bigger than that of Vera; which explains fans thought bibi ya Brian is heavy with child.

I don’t know who needs to hear this (mostly Risper) but liposuction; is done by disciplined people willing to give up their bad eating habits; and above EXERCISE!

Opting for gastric bypass surgery

Anyway now that she wants to go back to her skinny body; Risper Faith recently reached out to fans asking about Gastric bypass surgery. She wrote;

Risper Faith

Well, unlike liposuction – gastric bypass surgery is a whole lot of complicated surgery. I say this because – judging from how Wema struggled with her health to a point of almost dying; means that this surgery is just too risky.

But again, being a stay home – with a babysitting schedule and series to keep up with….why not just workout?

‘Mbwakali’ hitmaker Msanii foreman gifted brand new sleek machine worth Sh 3.5m by American girlfriend (Photos)

If your girlfriend is still giving you socks, vests, belts, shoelaces or worse coming over to make you birthday dinner; using ingredients you bought with your own money…kindly send her a link to this – because clearly, she does not understand her job.

Msanii Foreman

Women out here are setting standards and prove this; Kenyan artist Msanii Foreman popularly known for hit song Mbwakali featuring Ssaru is the new owner of a sleek
Ford Edge (a Robust SUV) that she recently bought him.

Sources close to the singer claim this is a birthday gift to her man; who will be celebrating his birthday this coming weekend.

The said vehicle is said to cost Ksh 3.5million and if thought it’s a temporary- allow me to say this…. the ride is in Msanii Foreman’s name!

Can your girlfriend even

Well, true love does exist and who knew guy like Foreman would one day own such an expensive ride; after growing up in Rongai – where life back then – was just all about poverty!

Msanii Foreman enjoying soft life in the States

However, lucky for him – Msanii Foreman is currently eating life with a big spoon in the States where he lives with girlfriend. Talk about blessings on blessings!

Anyway check out the luxurious vehicle he has been flaunting on his WhatsApp status. Sema lane!

“Yes I have loans amounting to Ksh 320M” Jimal Rohosafi confesses shortly after wife exposed him

Jimal Rohosafi Marlow has been making headlines thanks to his 2 wives; Amira and Amber Ray who can’t seem to see eye to eye.

Well we cannot blame them because he decided to wife a neighbor – of all people, a neighbor; and truth is – his actions brought nothing but enemity between the former Syokimau wives.

Jimal’s wives

However, word has It that Amber is now living in Kilimani so as to avoid more drama between her and Amira; and judging from the few photos showing Amber’s house – let’s just say Jimal is coughing good money to pay the house rent.

Speaks about lifestyle and loans

With all the drama sounding Marlows family, Amira made the mistake of disclosing some sensitive information about her husband.

Opening up to blogger Edgar Obare, the hurt; or rather bitter first wife went on to confess that Jimal is not as rich as he claims. According to Amira, Jimal’s lifestyle is financed with loans and debts – adding – everything we see on social media is forced.

Jimal explains himself

Well, if you thought Jimal was going to deny this then you are about to get shocked. Turns out that Jimal is actually proud to admit that he has loans not 1 or 2 but 3. Speaking to word Is just recently, the fella said;

Jimal Rohosafi

“I will not lie, I take loans to finance my businesses. Every businessperson in this country that has a humble background, you have to take a loan to raise yourself to go higher. I owe Sh150 million in loans to a bank and another Sh80 million and another bank I owe Sh90 million.”

Justifying why he is not afraid to admit about the huge amount he owes the banks; Jimal went on to add;

If you owe three banks that amount then you have a good income to sustain those loans. A bank is not your mother’s house to check in and they will just front you the cash. They have to look at your net worth, assets and then decide to give you a loan.

Humble background

For those who are not aware of Jimal’s background, the guy says he build himself from the ground up; and will not let the noise dim his shine.

Tbt; Amira with Jimal

I came from nothing. I was a makanga. No one raised me from there. For me to be where I am with what I have right now, I did not get it from anyone.

Eric Omondi’s hot ex fiancé Chanty spotted hanging out with popular hunk politician (Photo)

Chanty has been missing in the entertainment scene since calling off her engagement with one, Eric Omondi.

Ever since then, fans on Sidika media have distanced themselves from her; but I bet, she prefers it this way unlike before when fans and bloggers were all over her.

Eric Omondi with ex, Chanty

A few months ago we however met the handsome mixed race fella – she moved on with after Eric Omondi; and for some reason -fans who had followed to keep up with the local comedian’s ‘wife’ ended up unfollowing. But ni life!

Chantal with bae

Chanty and Hon Alinur spotted together

Anyway, Chanty has once again tongues wagging after she was spotted hanging out with yet another popular face in Kenya, Hon Alinur.

Alinur with Chantal

From the photo I believe that Hon Alinur visited Chanty’s bakery store Rimini by Mondo Pane at Gigiri to show some support; but fans in the comment section seem to believe that Alinur might be pulling a low key ‘Jimal’ move.

Others congratulated Chanty for making good use of her beauty; (bagging wealthy man) but we can’t really link the two together since it’s obvious Alinur was supporting a small sisters business; but again, these two definitely know each other!

Alleged side chick sends Frasha’s wife message about ‘their Fisi husband’

An upcoming artist identified as Phieso Afficial has left many talking; after disclosing details of her affair with veteran genge rapper, Frasha.

As seen on the many screenshots taken from her IG stories; (before deactivating her account) we understand that she painted 45 year old Frasha as abusive man who beat her up – after suggesting they use protection.

Phieso the young lady who has exposed Frasha’s Fisi ways

Well, this sounds absurd especially with the rise of HIV/AIDs in our community; and Nairobi being one big bedroom – I guess playing safe might just be the new in-thing among the youths.

But Frasha allegedly did not like this idea.

Phieso to Frasha’s wife

Now that her relationship with Frasha has ended in tears after the beating; Phieso decided to send Frasha’s wife a message where she wrote;

  Aki nahurumia bibi yake mbaya. But si ni life. Y’all at home thinking ua men are faithful but “nasema woi woi woi jua ni kubaya”

Phieso to Frasha’s wife

Not quite sure why she felt the need to drag Frasha’s wife into the mess; but like the proverb goes – hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

It’s also sad to see the veteran rapper involved with small girls (with nothing to lose) willing to drag his name; in mud after years of low key, scandalous and successful free career.

But again, we live to learn!

Ouch! Akuku Danger tells off Vera Sidika after she painted him as a man with fetish for pregnant women

For the past few days Vera Sidika and comedian Akuku Danger have been throwing shade at each other because of 5k.

Well, Akuku Danger claims that Vera Sidika owes him 5k balance; for the services his team provided during her recent gender reveal bash that went down in Karen.

According to the comedian, the former socialite paid 10k before the event; and the remaining balance of 5k was to be paid after the ceremony- but unfortunately Vera has been dodging his calls and texts.

Vera Sidika claps back

With this exposè, Vera Sidika on the other hand accused Akuku for being greedy; since he her dad had already paid him early in advance.

According to Vera, the extra charges Akuku is claiming she owes him came after he walked into her party; and realized how expensive the event looked – and just like that he started asking for more money. Really Vera? Really…

To make matters worse, the lass went on to gather more information against Akuku Danger; and this time around she accused him of wanting her; but because another man beat him to it – he is now throwing indirect tantrums.

To prove her theory, Vers shared some of her images where Akuku Danger had photoshopped himself into. And went on to write;

They say when a man wants you, hell look for all means to get your attention. Now I get it!!!

Akuku’s savage response

Well, judging from the back; and forth it’s surprising to see how determined Akuku was to continue arguing with a pregnant lady; who’s clearly high on hormones – and one thing for sure is that he isn’t ready to let this go.

Responding to Vera Sidika’s allegations on him wanting her, the comedian wrote;

Afadhali ni Nyonge, tie yangu niende nitafute kazi ya kufanya

Okay, okay…chances are that someone may have been robbed or is trying to rob the other one; but question is – why argue with a woman full of pregnant hormones and unstable feelings?

Maybe talking to Mauzo would have been better – because at this point, Vera and Akuku are just getting too emotional. No?

Jimal Rohosafi speaks after wife exposes his alleged fake lifestyle

It must be really hard for Jimal Rohosafi now that all the slay queens in Nairobi know; that his lifestyle is financed through loans and as Amira puts it, madeni ya watu.

Jimal is clearly bored from this photo

Well, not to judge but this information should have remained in the family; because at the end of the day bad mouthing him wouldn’t have tamed Jimal; who is already symptoms of boredom from his first marriage.

However, we also can’t blame Amira for her actions as hell hath no fury like a woman scorned; and since she was bitter – Amira ended up disclosing this information to blogger Edgar Obare.

Unfortunately for her, the blogger who was meant to keep this information private; sadly spilled it all on his social media pages.

Jimal speaks

Well, having come across the stories and screenshots of his wife exposing him; Jimal in turn decided to speak – but as usual he did not explain himself.

Jimal however went on to share a post that read;

 Sometimes the best response is SILENCE.

Jimal’s post

Although Jimal didn’t choose to explain himself; the post above may have been a sarcastic way of saying ‘believe what you want.’

Jimal and Amira’s toxic relationship

By now even a blind man can see that these two are just too toxic for each other, and unless they both give each other space; the disrespect and humiliation on social media will not only get worse; but someone will end up mental health issues – all in the name of perseverance.

“Hana kakitu, ni maloans tu” Amira exposes husband, Jimal

They say a wise woman will protect her family; but at times it’s better to speak up rather than silently die in an abusive home.

Well, seems like Amira had been fed up with her husband’s abusive (mentally and physically) marriage with Jimal; forcing her to open up about unknown information about her marriage.

Jimal and wife, Amira

Although she may regret serving the tea in Edgar Obare’s DM; fans have come out in large numbers encouraging the young mum to protect her mental health for the sake of her two boys.

This is after she revealed some of things she allegedly puts up with from Jimal i.e death threats, physically, verbal abuse and public disrespect from the man she married in her teenage years.

Tbt; Amira with Jimal

He is broke

Well, let’s just say that some of the information like (broke husband) came out due to the bitterness she feels; but this also confirms rumors claiming he is struggling to maintain his lifestyle as he lives on loan. Wrong move.

As seen on the screenshot shared by Edgar, Amira is seen saying;

He’s not even rich. He lives on loans na madeni ya watu.

Amira exposes broke husband

But again what has been said cannot be taken back, but the good thing is that fans continue to encourage Amira not to give up; since life has both its ups and downs and so far things are looking up for her.

Let’s see whether Jimal will respond after his wife’s confession to Edgar Obare.