“Nimemfunga na uchawi ya wabukusu” Risper Faith reveals secret behind successful marriage

Risper Faith recently decided to address haters claiming husband Brayo is a failure from the US; and apparently the money she keeps on her social media’s actually belongs to Mama Brayo and not Brayo himself.

In short, the guy is bum but good at showing off what belongs to his mum.

Lady Risper with her man, Brian Muiruri

However having heard such rumors spread about hubby; Risper for the time got to address the allegations through her Instagram Live; where she told off a certain follower for claiming Brayo is a failure who couldn’t get his life together while living in the United States.

Of course at this point Risper must have been really mad that Brayo’s close friends are using his past to attack his current lifestyle; but being the good wife she chose to fight his battles.

Risper weds Brian
Risper weds Brian

Brayo has kids in Atlanta

During the live, Risper also got to address rumors claiming husband has a kid or rather kids in Atlanta where he relocated from before coming to Kenya.

However according to Risper, these are just rumors aimed at ruining her marriage; but what they don’t understand is that she will never leave him whether the rumors are true or not!

At this point while still angered, Risper went on to give her reason as why Brayo will never leave her either saying;

Risper Faith With her fiancé, Brayo

Nimemfunga na uchawi za wa Bukusu

A statement she probably regrets uttering; especially with how most of Nairobi slay queens are known to use Juju to score wealthy men. I mean, look at Amber Ray and ex husband Zaheer; and now, Jimal is also said to be under her spell.

But oh well, si ni

“I will fight when it comes to my son” Willis Raburu’s girlfriend issues warning to critics insulting month old baby

It’s no secret that Willis Raburu has already moved on with Ivy Namu; following his failed marriage with Maryaprude.

Although there are those who feel that Willis may have moved on abit too fast; all we can say is different people -different healing process; so why prosecute and his new family for their happy family?

Willis Raburu and new girlfriend pregnant with their first child

Anyway seems like the bile targeted at Ivy Namu for ‘throwing herself’ at Willis; has now been redirected to her new born son who apparently is facing cruel comments from bitter fans.

Keep off my son

This was revealed by the month old boy’s mum (Ivy Namu) who has issued a stern warning to anyone who feels they can insult her baby. In a detailed post shared on her Instagram stories, Ms Namu wrote;

Willis Raburu introduces day old baby

I’m captain of the “don’t care what people say” battalion but when it comes to my son, I feel like fighting coz of how much it hurts.

She went on;

Social media has really given mean and bitter people confidence to talk shit about anyone or anything without shame or any shred of decency. Yaani grown folk take time out of their day to say shit about a baby it’s just so wild to me.

I know better

Well being a new mum and understanding the pain, sleepless nights, zombie mode lifestyle; and sacrifices she has made since her son’s arrival, I can promise you that Ivy is not joking about for her baby.

Anyway, with that out of her system Ivy Namu went on to conclude her post by saying;

And I know for a fact that such people can’t utter the same sentiments in person because they know they are on some bullshit.

And lastly,

Anyway, imma need to drop my habit of going through such nonsense even for once in a while. All it does is infuriate me and I know better than to engage such people. Haters gonna hate and potatoes gonna potate.

Lilian Ng’ang’a linked to another handsome man after downgrading ex husband, Alfred Mutua to friend-zone (Photos)

Lilian Ng’ang’a this last weekend gave many a reason to talk after announcing breakup with Machakos Governor, Alfred Mutua.

Having been been married for 10 years; the couple apparently decided to go their separate ways due to alleged personal issues.

Ex lovers: Alfred Mutua and Lilian Ng’ang’a

However word has it – that Mutua’s ‘obsession’ with chasing skirts may pushed his wife to walk away. But, sadly we cannot confirm the rumors revealed by some of Edgar Obare’s students.

According to some of the comments shared on Obare’s page; a few followers claim that people working under Machakos county know abit too much about Mutua’s scandals; but of course no one can freely talk about it.

Lilian Ng’ang’a’s alleged guy

Lilian Dumps husband

However after Lilian Ng’ang’a walked away, the move confirmed that there could have been trouble in paradise; which explains governor’s single state now that he is wifeless.

Among the rumors is that Lilian Ng’ang’a May have moved on with singer Juliani; who turns out to be actress Brenda Wairimu baby daddy.

Juliani and bestie, Lilian

But now, there is another new man being linked to Lilian Ng’ang’a; which leaves us wondering whether Juliani has being wrongly accused of being Mutua’s replacement.

From the photos shared, well let’s just say that Lilian Ng’ang’a indeed has improved her taste in men; that is in terms of dressing and even looks. If indeed the guy below is Lilian’s new friend, let’s just say there’s no going back!

Lilian Ng’ang’a and new bae?

Wedding bells! Harmonize’s ex lover engaged to handsome young model! (Photos)

Fashionista cum former Tz Actress Wolper will finally be getting married in her late 30’s.

This is after young model cum fashionista Rich Mitindo arranged a surprise party for his engagement with Wolper.

The party held in Dar Es Salaam saw Wolper’s close friends, like actress Aunty Ezekiel and others attend; and one thing these actresses have in common; is that they are all married to younger men, call them Ben 10’s.

Wolper Stylish engaged

From the photos shared by the couple; it’s obvious to see that the two love birds have been investing in their love; and now that they have a son together  –   settling down as a family might just be the idle idea.

Announcing the good news through social media; The young Mitindo shared photos from the engagement party to which he captioned;

Fashionista, Jacqueline Wolper Engaged

Upendo ni neno tu mpaka mtu aje na kuupa maana. Upendo wako unatoa picha nzuri ya maana ya mapenzi Ndo maana nikachukua uamuzi huu; nimekuchagua na nitakuchagua kila siku za maisha yangu NAKUPENDA @wolperstylish

Harmonize and Wolper salty affair

Well, Wolper’s engagement comes 4 years after Harmonize allegedly dumped  her for Italian billionaire daughter, Sarah Michelloti.

According to reports, Wolper wasn’t even aware that she had been dumped at the time; not until Harmonize started parading his Italian woman on social media.

While at it, Harmonize started using his online platform to embarrass Wolper for being basic; and I’m guessing this was to improve his numbers as an artist.

Anyway, as the story goes – years later it seems like tables have turned for the former ex lovers as Harmonize is now divorced; while Wolper is just starting a family of her own. Karma at play?

Police officers linked to the deaths of Kianjokoma brothers detained for 14 days – for their own safety

Word on social media is that the six officers believed to have had a hand in the murders of; Benson Ndwiga, 22 and his small brother Emmanuel Ndwiga, 19 in Kianjokoma, Embu; will remain in police custody for 14 days.

Kianjokoma brothers killed in Embu

This is after prosecutor Jacinta Nyamosi requested the principal Magistrate Daniel Ndugi to have; Corporal Benson Mbuthia, Corporal Consolata Kariuki and Constables Martin Wanyama; James Mwaniki, Lilian Cherono and Nicholus remain at Capitol Hill police Station to pave way for further investigations.

Speaking during the hearing, the prosecutor said;

This is a matter of public interest; and we need to show that there is a commitment by the Republic to fast-track the case.


These investigations are complex; and we need to give investigators time without interference

Safety for the alleged killers

Having been arraigned at Milimani law court; the Principal Magistrate Daniel Ndugi expressed concern over the safety of the officers; hence granting the request to have them detained for the next 2 weeks before another hearing.

Officers linked to the murders of Kianjokoma brothers

Ngugi said;

The court cannot close its eyes to the fact that the six are police officers; and can interfere with witnesses. The people of Embu and Kenyans want to know what happened to the two brothers.


The officers were arrested yesterday; and if they are released now there may be anarchy as Kenyans may react to their release. I, therefore, allow the application for their detention; at Capitol Hill police station for 14 days.

“Ilikuwa Mafight tu” Karen Nyamu’s baby daddy opens up about their toxic relationship

Ms Karen Nyamu has been making headlines for the wrong reasons; and the last time her name was making rounds on social media is after receiving a serious beating from second baby daddy, Samidoh.

However before Samidoh – there was one fine fella known as DJ Saint Kevin who is the father to Ms Nyamu’s first born. A few years ago the two were blessed with a fine baby girl; but unfortunately their relationship did not last for long.

Karen Nyamu’s daughter with daddy

Speaking to Radio Jambo this past weekend; the fine DJ Saint opened up for the first time about his relationship with Karen Nyamu. According to the fella, he fell out with Karen because being together was getting toxic and being a good dad; he didn’t want to raise his child in such an environment. He said;

Ilikuwa tu ni Mafight, mafight kila wakati and for me to decide to leave tulikuwa tumefika a point of no return.

He went on to add;

Every time was an argument na sikua naona kama ni fair kulea mtoi in that environment, so nika decide nimpatie space yake na mimi nikuwe na space yangu but it worked out okay. It was getting toxic; every day was basically a fight. But saa hii sisi ni maboys

Good mother and friend

Although his relationship with Karen Nyamu sounds like 90% of the relationships in our society; DJ Saint says his baby mama is good mother to their daughter and surprisingly a good friend to him.

DJ Saint Kevin

Unlike most modern men who would trash talk the mother of their children; DJ Saint went on to Karen by saying;

She is an amazing mother…hata akidate alikuwa ananiupdate. Unajua lazima ataniambia juu kama kuna msee anakuja kwa hiyo keja my kid is exposed to them.

Well who thought coparenting would be this easy?

Juliani romantically involved with Governor Alfred Mutua’s ex wife, Lilian Ng’ang’a?

Word making rounds on social media is that former Machakos First Lady, Lilian Ng’ang’a; recently dumped husband, Alfred Mutua for rapper, Juliani.

However we cannot confirm this, but all we know is that the Lilian Ng’ang’a; and Alfred Mutua are currently separated after 10 years being together.

The two confirmed the news through their social media pages where they announced their separation; but truth is – clearly Mutua wasn’t ready to part ways with wifey, but si ni life?

Anyway, with everyone talking about the breakup – Juliani has found himself in the middle of the drama; as he is said to be the reason why Lilian left husband without a second thought.

Photos of Lilian and Juliani

Most fans seem convinced that Juliani and Lilian are together thanks to a few of their photos shared on social media.

Well at first the photos seemed innocent until the birthday post shared by Lilian; where she was seen hanging out with Juliani.

Lilian Ng’ang’a posts new photo alongside, alleged lover Juliani


Juliani and bestie, Lilian

Edgar Obare’s student spills tea

Well, apart from the photos shared above, we also understand that Juliani; and Lilian have been going on public dates that is judging from reports shared by one of Edgar Obare’s students.

The student a few day’s ago went on to a share a post saying;

Obare’s Student

Although the lady did not get the chance to take any photos; Mike Sonko’s threat to ‘Msanii’ May have just confirmed the rumors.

“Kukula na Kukuliwa bibi ni normal” Mike Sonko’s comforts Alfred Mutua after separating with wife

Alfred Mutua and former Machakos First Lady announced their breakup this past weekend, leaving many talking on social media. Of course the breakup also gave bloggers a field day; now that everyone wants to talk about the divorce we never saw coming.

Anyway, so far we understand that breakup was mutual that is judging from what the former couple wrote on social media; but for some reason, fans feel that Lilian Ng’ang’a is the one who walked out, leaving Governor in denial!

Alfred Mutua and ex wife, Lilian Ng’ang’a

Well, truth is – there is no map around a relationship; and now that the Matua’s are no longer an item – let’s hope things will not get any uglier.

Mike Sonko with the advice

Now that the story is all over social media, the likes of former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko; decided to step in and share a few words of advice.

As seen on his IG, Sonko wrote a detailed post dedicated both to Mutua and ex wife saying;

Ex lovers: Alfred Mutua and Lilian Ng’ang’a

My fellow bloggers, can you keep off Governor Alfred Mutua’s private life? Kukula na kukuliwa is normal and part of life. Hata nyinyi mabibi zenu wanakulwa tu vile munakulana nje; but hawawezi kubali mujue vile tu nyinyi hamukubali wao wajue mukikulana nje.

To Ms Lilian Ng’ang’a

Being a man who has been married for over 20 years, Mike Sonko went on to remind Lilian of her role in Mutua’s life; urging her to get back with the fella. Sonko went on to add;

@ngangalillian, you are a strong woman and continue being strong especially during this difficult time when you are undergoing challenges. We say behind every successful man there’s a woman. You have been with Dr. Alfred since 2011 when I was elected as MP 15 years ago, meaning you met this guy before he became Governor. My humble appeal to both of you please, forgive each other and forget about what transpired in your lives as a family and just agree the devil is a liar and he has no place in your lives. This is all about the two of you as a family, so let people talk during the day but they will all go to bed at night and life will go on. I plead with both of you, sameaneni because hii ni mambo ya kidunia. Come on Lilian, think about it!! Naku Mutua ekana na maindu mainge eka na muka waku asyoke musi.

Mike Sonko to Juliani

Well, not to say that Mike Sonko threatened rapper Juliani; but as seen on his post – the former Governor went on to address a certain artist (Juliani) believed to be bedding Mutua’s ex wife; as he wrote;

Lilian and Juliani dating?

Nawewe msanii jipe shughuli ingekuwa ni mimi ati tume differ na bibi yangu alafu the first days of our divorce unadunda nae kunihurt hio sausage yako naeza kuikata into pieces na nijipeleke police station.

Too much pain to handle: Mother of the late Ndwiga Brothers breaks down during funeral service

The story of the late Dwiga or better known as Kianjokoma brothers from Embu has left many Kenyans on social media heartbroken.

From the reports shared online, it is believed that two brothers from a Embu were allegedly murdered by the police for breaking a COVID curfew.

Dwiga brothers

And on that dark Sunday 22-year-old Benson Njiru and 19-year-old Emmanuel Mutura; did not return home and two days later their bodies were found lying dead at a local morgue in Embu; which now brings us to their final resting place.

Dwiga brothers laid to rest

Well – time and time again you’ll hear people say ‘no parent wants to ever burry their own child.’ Well, this will only sink in after seeing how heartbroken Catherine Wawira, mother to the late Ndwiga brothers got during her sons funeral.

Judging from the photos making rounds on social media, we can’t really pretend to understand what Catherine Wawira is going through; but truth is, it’s clear to see that there is so much pain in these photos.

Dwiga brothers laid to rest
Mother to late, Dwiga brothers
Catherine Wawira, Mother of the late Dwiga brothers

“They want to sleep with their bosses” Man of God Jimmy Gait justifies brutality against Kenyan house-helps in Middle East

Earlier this morning Jimmy Gait held a candid interview on K24; and I am thinking, he either woke up high or is not in his right mind that is judging from what he said about Kenyan female house helps working in Saudi Arabia.

According to Jimmy Gait who has been a gospel artist for the longest time before his career faded out; says that most female househelps tend to forget their work positions and prefer throwing themselves to their Arabic bosses for ‘easy money.’

The veteran singer went on to explain;

The main reason you see some people get mistreated in the Middle East is because of indiscipline. Most Kenyan go there and they start doing immoral things that leads them to being mistreated.

Jimmy Gait

Justifying brutality against house helps

From the explanation Jimmy Gait gave, it appears that he blames the women for their immoral behavior; which should apparently be punished that is judging from the laws that govern Arabic countries.

Speaking about this, Jimmy went on to add;

There are laws in place that govern the agencies, the employees and the employers but in the case of indecency and indiscipline then someone has to face the consequences.


I just want to encourage Kenyans going to the Middle East to focus on their jobs.

Not quite sure why Jimmy felt the need to insult Kenyan women but clearly, he did not think through his words before uttering them; and we can say, he is the most hated man in the country  at the moment.

Zari Hassan’s golden advise to mums raising sons

I hear bringing up boys is actually harder than raising girls; but in all honesty – I bet handling kids in general is just handful and needs some kind of special discipline.

Anyway mother of 5 Zari Hassan has 4 boys in her care and thanks to a new post shared her page; we now understand why she is forced to be strict to her soldiers especially now that they are getting older.

Pinto with lady friend

The boss lady recently shared a post taking about the importance of raising responsible sons; and truth is – fans seem to agree with her. According to Zari, teaching boys to handle love with sensitivity is one of those things parents seem to overlook; forgetting that they are raising future husbands and future fathers.

Through her gram, Ms Zari wrote;

You are not only raising your son. You are raising someone’s husband and someone’s dad. Raise them well. #breakinggenerationalcurses

Zari with Pinto

Abusive relationships in the past

Being a woman who has been physically assaulted in her previous relationship with baby daddy, Ivan Ssemwanga; and being publicly embarrassed by second baby daddy, Diamond; Zari indeed has enough experience to ensure her sons future relationships don’t up like hers.

Zari Hassan’s boys

Well, judging from how her eldest sons portray themselves on social media; let’s say the yummy mummy is doing it right so far! And now with 18 year old Pinto about to start a life of his own, I’m pretty sure he won’t let his mommy down with online scandals.

Actress Brenda Wairimu spills the tea on breakup from Juliani

Brenda Wairimu and Hip hop artist Juliani had dated for almost a decade before they called off their relationship.

However, with this relationship came a beautiful daughter who they both love; and continue to hide from social media but we cannot blame them for this.

Brenda Wairimu’s daughter

According to the two parents, they prefer keeping their daughter, off social media; due to online bullies who pick on anyone and everyone.

Well, seeing how Betty Kyallo’s Ivanna has been trolled over her weight for the past few months; I guess Juliani and Brenda were not wrong to protect their daughter of 6 years.

Brenda Wairimu finally opening up

Away from that – I believe fans have been wondering why Brenda Wairimu walked away from Juliani; a dark, y’all and handsome man with dreadlocks and looks like we finally got our answer!

Happy old days: Brenda with Juliani

Just a few days ago Brenda Wairimu shared a tweet revealing why she never dates again; and from where I am seated – I think she is still bitter/hurt by a man she had a child with and was hoping to settle down with.

Through her Twitter handle Ms Brenda wrote;

Eating debonairs alone in an AirBnBand I remembered the time I found out I was being cheated on because we ordered Pizza and debonairs sent it over to her house instead and called to tell us????????????. Please don’t let me date again.

Brenda Wairimu’s deleted tweet

And I can’t help wonder whether Brenda was high at the time she shared the tweet; or was just in her feelings – since she deleted it later on!

Juliani apparently responds

Well, Twitter being a place of violence – baby daddy Juliani is believed to have responded to the tweet as she wrote;

When telling our stories hakuna mtu hujipresent kama villain

However in another separate Tweet, Juliani denied the accusations as he wrote back saying;

Well, all I can say is that coparenting has its moments especially when feelings are involved; and both Brenda and Juliani need to get their house in order!

Nime notice wase wana try ku connect my tweet na hio ya B! Mtangoja sana kuona niki fight mother mtoi wangu kwa hizi app

Rayvanny talks about marriage months after hooking up with 19 year old girlfriend

Rayvanny is really trying to keep his name relevant in the entertainment industry; and truth is, I’m not sure whether his fans still connect with his music life back in the day.

Being a celebrity he then has no choice but to find ways of to remain relevant; and I am guessing this is why his love life is currently out in the open these days.

Rayvanny and Paula

Well, fans are aware that the singer left his baby mama for 19 year old Paula; and although this might have been for his own peace of mind – there are those who feel that he is clout chasing on the low.

Rayvanny on marriage

With a new album dubbed Flowers (I bet you didn’t know this) Vanny has been trying really hard to get his numbers in check; and now we have a marriage announcement shared on his Instagram page.

Co-parents, Rayvanny and Fahyvanny

Just recently the singer through his IG page went on to post;

Cant wait for my WEDDING


Well, at 28 years and all that fame – I’m not sure whether Rayvanny is ready to settle down; I mean, he dated baby mama for 6 years without marriage – and after seeing Paula for a few months he wants to settle?

Anyway since this is his own call – lets see whether Ray will soon marry his new lover; or is just following into his bosses footsteps of promising marriage to each new lover.

Lilian Muli to self: “Never settle for an ordinary lover”

Media personality Lilian Muli is one of those ladies who have had zero luck when it comes to love. Yes, she has the looks, the body kinda and a lot of money but still – Ms Muli struggles when it comes to finding the one.

Lilian Muli

So far we understand that Ms Muli has been married before and divorced at a young age; and about 2 years ago she met a new man who is the father of her last born son – and like most love stories, the relationship ended up in tears.

Since then, Lilian has been playing safe when it comes to love; and from her social media posts we can tell that the lady is in that “I deserve more” phase. But hey it’s better late than never, right?

Letter to self

Anyway, a few days ago the lass shared a new post on her social media pages talking about the usual love stuff; and this time around phrased in a letter dedicated to herself where she wrote;

Lilian Muli with first husband

Dear Nzisa

Never settle for an ordinary lover, never settle for less than you deserve, you are so worthy of being loved so passionately and madly. You deserve to be loved as whole with all your imperfections and flaws.

Being one who has had struggles in terms of bagging a good man; Nzisa reminded herself that she deserves much more than the universe has been offering her.

She went on to remind herself;

you deserve someone who puts you first as if you were the only thing that matters, you deserve someone who will always choose to stay when you are on your lowest and you deserve someone who will always choose to love you even when you are not so lovable. Love Lillian Muli

Akothee’s advise to Nyota Ndogo on how to handle ‘Wazungu’ men

It is no secret that Akothee has had her share of white men; and the best part is that she doesn’t mind speaking about it through her social media pages.

So far, Akothee has two mixed boys from previous relationships with her European men; and although she may have been willing to stick with her baby daddies – Akothee is not the type to give up her peace!

Anyway, just recently the mother of 5 issued what looks like an advise to women dating white men in a post where she wrote;

For wome dating wazungus, you know I have been there ???? Don’t kill yourself with what doesn’t give you peace. You might end up into a deep rest (depression)

Nyota Ndogo and mzungu husband

So far we all know that Nyota Ndogo has been having issues with her white man; and chances are that stories about her failed marriage could be true; but at the same time she loves to clout chase too – so who knows?

Anyway with her marital woes all over social media: Akothee decided to offer more advise to Nyota Ndogo saying;

Inbox me for tips before you loose your head or end up in jail. But just know you have one life, take control.

Zari’s 18 year old son flaunts alleged hot girlfriend leaving many girls jealous (Photo)

Pinto Tlale is finally 18 years and unlike most teenagers his age; this fella is loaded thanks to all the money his late dad, Ivan Don left behind for both him and his brothers.

At 18, Pinto may however still need his smart mum Zari Hassan to manage; all his properties until he understands how to run the businesses left in his name.

Handsome Pinto

Away from that, we understand that unlike his parents; Pinto is a low key person who rarely parades his life on social media; but despite being low key – young girls can’t help but throw themselves at him in his DMs.

Sorry girls, Pinto is taken

However there is a new adorable photo of young Tlale in the company of a stunning Caucasian young lady said to be girlfriend.

Wait, we cannot confirm whether the two are like dating..dating or just friends; but all we know is that they look so cute together!

Pinto with lady friend

Again, if this is the lady dating Pinto then I guess the bar has been set a bit too high; for these young Instagram models slaying on, right?

Phoina’s betrayal leaves Anerlisa Muigai broken (Photos)

Anerlisa Muigai is for sure having a serious nervous breakdown and we can confirm this through the two posts she shared earlier this morning talking about sister’s death.

Anerlisa breaks down

This is the first time we have see Aner get so emotional and truth be told; I think it’s the ‘betrayal’ she got from a close friend that has left the Keroche heiress triggered and broken all at the same time.

Aner on social media rant

Earlier today Ms Muigai went on to share two angry posts where she mentioned that her sister was brutally murdered. And I bet the part that hurts the most is that the person Anerlisa accuses of the murder; was seen hanging out with one of her close friends.

Too much bitterness bottled up

However, truth is that Anerlisa seems to have too much going on with her life; and due to the social media pressure – she has been faking the happy lifestyle when in reality Anerlisa a mess – on the inside.

Losing her sister hit her hard and husband Ben Pol walking out also added injury to the insult; and now betray? Clearly Anerlisa needs physiatrist to talk to and not social media rants.

Phoina with Omari Lali

Anyway below are a few posts by Anerlisa that prove Phoina is was her last trigger to mental breakdown;

Samidoh spotted partying with friends hours after beating up baby mama like a burukenge (Photos)

Lately you’ll hear most women complain about men embarrassing them on social media; and clearly the girl child has done enough research to turn submit this study! And if you doubt this, ask Amira Marlow and all goat wives.

Samidoh and side chick, Karen

About 4 months ago Samidoh publicly denied having a romantic relationship with Karen Nyamu; a lady he had impregnated and even visited her parents to ask her hand in marriage like seriously; only to deny her after she outed their relationship on social media.

Samidoh with his bubbly and fun baby mama, Karen Nyamu

Like they say, Earth is hard!

Well… just like Judas did to Jesus – Samidoh betrayed Karen Nyamu infront of hundreds of thousands; but unlike Jesus,  Ms Nyamu seems to have enjoyed the betrayal kiss.

Like most side chicks she agreed to play by Samidoh’s rule of ‘low key relationship;’ which has now resulted to toxic love and another pregnancy!

Nyamu with Samidoh’s son

Life as usual for Singer Samidoh

Word on social media is that Karen is currently nursing some purplish black eyes; after receiving serious beating from Samidoh  right in front of her eldest daughter.

This information was shared by Karen Nyamu herself through a live IG session; where she paraded her bruises – to expose violent baby daddy; but also seek public sympathy. But Si uliambiwa ukakataa?

Samidoh wildling with wife, Edday

Anyway, while Karen locks herself indoors (due to the bruises; and pregnancy nausea) Samidoh on the hand is said to be living life as usual!

This was revealed by Edgar Obare’s students who ran into Samidoh at popular bar; having a few drinks with a lady believed to be in the music industry, Jamilla Twalib.

Apparently the two are working on an upcoming project (at a bar?) but again; life in Nairobi is all about the hustle, so who are we to judge?

“My sister was brutally murdered” Anerlisa Muigai finally opens up about sister’s death

Death is unfortunately a rite of passage for all human beings; but it hurts, and we get it that Anerlisa Muigai is still bitter about her sister’s death hence the latest post shared on her gram.

Well, turns out that the past few have been heavy on Ms Muigai who got to see one of her closest friends, Phoina hanging out with Omar Lali; the man accused to have had a hand in the murder of her sister.

Phoina with Omari Lali

Although the video shared by Phoina may have been for fun and giggles; now that Omar Lali has become a tourist attraction thanks to his looks; unfortunately Phoina didn’t consider the clip would add more injury to her friend’s emotional wound – about sisters death.

Yes, this may have been insensitive – but again, Aner is clearly blaming the wrong person about Tecra’s death.

Tecra Muigai and Omar Lali

Anerlisa Muigai on sister’s murder

For months the Muigai’s have kept silent on their sister’s alleged murder; and after the court ruled out that Omar was innocent – they had no choice but to let go.

However looks like Phoina’s video has brought fresh memories that triggered Aner to share new information about her sister’s death. Through her IG stories the Keroche heiress earlier today went on to post saying;

Sisters, Tecra and Anerlisa Muigai

Btw shit I’ll never get over is my sister’s death because I am sure VERY SURE she DID NOT fall on the staircase.

My sister was murdered

On the same post, Aner makes it’s obvious that she believes Omar Lali murdered her young sister; as she went on to give new information saying;

One thing people are not aware is that she was broken the hardest bone in a human body. That bone can only be broken by 2 things.

1.Serious car accident

2.Somebody using an object on you.

Akothee’s wise advise to Anerlisa Muigai about fake friends

Akothee is one woman who can write…I think in another life she would have made a good editor; if not a life coach who keeps fishing advises to fans on social media.

Anyway hours after Phoina shared a video hanging out with Omar Lali; a man said to have had a hand in the death of Keroche heiresses, Tecra Muigai – fans on social media could not keep calm.

Phoina with Omari Lali

The viral video was widely shared on social media and it actually got worse when Edgar’s students started discussing it.

I guess this is where Anerlisa Muigai (sister to the late Tecra) came across it; and seeing how close friend, Phoina was acting around Lali, she (Aner) decided to end the friendship with a post where she wrote;

Ex besties

Akothee’s offers wise words

Of course there are those who feel that Phoina is not to blame about the Lali issue; but again, I’m guessing her mistake was sharing the video online when everyone knows about the Tecra issue.

Anyway, seems like Akothee also came across the video which inspired her “fake friends” post. Although Akothee did not name any names; madam boss through her gram wrote;

Never get scared of malicious people. If there is something you can’t control is what a human being is capable of doing,
But you can control your energy by allowing malicious people practice their malice far away from you.


She went on to add;


????There are Toxic people within your circle,that drains you without knowing,
Characteristics of a TOXIC Friend .
1. Their phone calls starts with .
Eeee ,I have seen someone write some shit about you ,mmmmmm ( block this one is our to spoil your mood)
????A Friend if mine tried talk shit about you ,I blasted her ????
2. They will ignore your calls when they are busy,blue tick you ,but you can’t do the same to them , just one blue tick ,follows with another sentence ( anyway ,I saw something on social media and decided to check on you ????)
3. They will be unavailable when you are single , they will be at your disposal when you are dating , nonstop phone calls , with nothing to talk about other than , other pipo, ( avoid this person ,he wants to divert your attention)
4. They will bulshit any of your ideas and make you look like a lunatic,later they will copy ????????????????????????.
5. They never report things as they are ,they don’t start with a statement, first it starts with a laugh ,followed by mmmmmmm, you know ????, just work you up ????????????????????????????.
The moment they start with you know , run ,they are about to lie ????????????

Just live your life ,do as your heart tells you ????????

Let’s hope Anerlisa got the chance to read the message!

Karen Nyamu traumatizing daughter with toxic relationship

By now the Karen Nyamu story has been exhausted by almost every blog in the country; but looking at most of the comments left on some of her latest posts it appears that fans are actually worried about the little girl who watched her mum get beaten.

Karen Nyamu beaten by baby daddy, Samidoh in front of daughter

Well, they say single mums don’t know how to raise their well; or rather that they spoil them – and this could be true or not.

However, looking at Karen Nyamu’s situation, fans feel that she may have been a bit too selfish by putting her love life before that of her daughter.

Yes yes…it’s understandable that the lady has every right to move after splitting with her first baby daddy; but truth is, Nyamu exposed her daughter to violent man who witnessed her mother’s worst nightmare.

“My daughter is still crying” Karen Nyamu

The judgmental comments come right after Nyamu narrated how Samidoh attacked her right in front of her baby girl. The lass is heard saying;

Samidoh with Karen Nyamu

We have to teach this violent guys a lesson. I have never experienced this myself, me nasomanga tu hizi story. My daughter has cried and is still crying.

Although Karen may have mentioned this on a light note, of course the 7; or 8 year girl is old enough to recall what happened to her mum in a few years time – hence straining daughter’s future relationships.

“I am 3 months pregnant for him” Karen Nyamu reveals after receiving serious beating from Samidoh

Karen Nyamu must really be in love with Samidoh; and this can be seen in the moves she has since pulled since outing their relationship on social media.

What we know is that the two already have a child together, Sam Junior; and although Samidoh once denied her in public – looks like there is a second child on the way!

This was revealed by Karen Nyamu herself during a recent live IG session; used to expose baby Samidoh who allegedly beat her up like a dog on Monday, 9th August.

Karen Nyamu beaten by baby daddy

Although the live session left Karen looking too desperate; and needy – to a point of allowing a man to walk into her house and still abuse her; there are those who continue to sympathize with her.

Second pregnancy

Well…about the desperate part; clearly a second pregnancy for Samidoh who once embarrassed her on social media is what seems to have surprised many. Lakini wewe mapenzi.

Anyway, Nyamu says she is 3 months pregnant with her second child with Samidoh; and although he beat up like a burukenge – Karen insists that she will raise her kids on her own.

Samidoh on the other hand has proven that the ‘love’ he claims to have for his baby mama; is nothing but an obsession – cause who beats up their pregnant side chick?

watch video below.


Bitter or dramatic baby mama? Brown Mauzo exposed by ex wife for allegedly neglecting year old daughter

Most people will always accuse baby mamas of being bitter and dramatic; but truth is not all carry such pain – around unless triggered.

Mauzo with first wife

Well singer Brown Mauzo has found himself in the list of known deadbeat dads thanks to his ex wife; who claims that the guy is a seasonal father – and if I’m not wrong – his relationship with daughter is like that of a ‘car hire.’

The lady revealed this on her daughter’s IG page where she held a QnA; and unfortunately due to hurt emotions (denial) Mama Lareesa ended up embarrassing both herself and baby daddy.

This is after she went on to write;

For all those asking…yes his that kind of a father…one who pops up one day…n is gone for the rest of the year. I hope it answers your question.

Bitterness in denial

Judging from how she went on to talk about being legally attached to him; it’s obvious to see that mama Lareesa may still be in denial since Mauzo appears to have moved on with Vera already. 

Anyway talking about her Union with the guy; she wrote;

And yes he still my mothers husband (legally) so Vera is nyumba ndogo. But hio nyumba iko wapi?

From her tone – I bet Mama Lareesa still has to work on herself; that is if she wants the coparenting to work. But again, doesn’t Mauzo have other 2 baby mamas on the side?

Anyway – looks like Vera was the highest bidder and clearly Mauzo likes to be pampered! I mean, who doesn’t?

Kimeumana! Miss Masika throwing shade at best friend Amber Ray after alleged dramatic fallout

We have reason to believe that Amber Ray and best friend, Miss Masika could be having trouble in paradise; this is thanks to a new post shared by Masika.

Well, lately the two besties have not been hanging out like before; and having Masika post what appears to be a mockery meme might just confirm that the two are longer seeing eye to eye hence the shade.

The rumors have come up after Masika posted a meme of girls seeking help from what appears to be a witch doctor; and the caption read;

This time around lazima anipende

which is clearly shade being thrown; and the only person we have in mind is Amber Ray who is believed to use witchcraft to bag rich men!

Amber Ray exposed by former BFF

Masika exposing former best friend?

If this is true, then I guess Amber Ray keeps picking the wrong women to call ‘best friends;’ as Masika happens to be the second friend to expose her for using supernatural powers to get what she wants.

Amber Ray and Masika unfollow each other?

So far the two seem to have unfollowed each other on social media; but again, could the two be pulling a stunt on social media to remain relevant? Or is Masika just tired of her former BFF?

BFF’s unfollow each other?

But truth is – if Masika is willing to spill more tea on ex best friend; I guess Amber should be very worried by now!

I see why Huddah prefers rolling alone!

Zari Hassan eldest son turning heads on social media as he marks 18th birthday in style (Photos)

Zari Hassan’s eldest son, Pinto Tlale is officially 18 years and yes ladies…the young man looks like a snack!

His yummy mummy Zari this past weekend went on to celebrate her baby boy for the new milestone; in a loving message where she poured out her heart in a post where she wrote;

Tbt: Zari and Pinto

Help me wish my son a happy 18th birthday. Phew, only God knows how I prayed to be here this day. Being my 1st child I spent most of my days looking at you wondering what you will be like. And by God’s grace here we are. We are so blessed ????. Happy birthday and praying for many more blessed years of life ahead. I love you @pinto.tlale

Well, 18 does really look good on Pinto who has left most of Zari’s fans ogling at his fine looks; that is thanks to the new photos shared by the South African Socialite.

Pinto taking after his late dad

From the photos shared on social media, we can confirm that the older Pinto gets; the finer he continues to look and for some reason – he keeps taking after his late dad, Don Ivan Ssemwanga!

Although it is a-bit too early for the ladies to start shootings their shot now that he is legal; truth is, Zari’s fans clearly know nothing about boundaries! Anyway can we really blame them when Pinto looks this fine? Check out his amazing photos below.

Anwar’s new girlfriend engages senator’s ex wife in bitter war of words

For a while now both Saumu; and Aeedah have proven that their friendship will never be the same all because of Anwar; but such is life and a good lesson to most ladies who admire the two.

Anyway with the ‘husband’ snatching situation, the two ladies have lately been throwing shade at each other; and the latest fight has now proven that neither of two these two will be rainsig the white flag anytime soon.

Saumu and Senator Anwar expecting first child together

This is after Saumu went on an Instagram live to bash a certain ‘stalker;’ who she claims has been trying to make moves on her rich exes/friends. Judging from how Saumu put it, it was obvious that this message was aimed at Aeedah.

Clap back

Like I said, these two will continue with the back and forth until Anwar has his house in order; but as for now, Aeedah has decided to clap back following the accusations in a post that read;

And in another post, Aeedah went on to add;

Sometimes I wanna reciprocate people’s disrespect but when I look at their lifestyle and how life treats them…that is enough punishment.


With this, clearly….the war might just get nastier or the senator might end up not seeing his daughter due to the bitterness involved between his two women.