Battle of the sexes: Maryaprude transgender crisis

Willis Raburu’s ex wife, Maryaprude this past weekend left many on social media talking after revealing that she grew up as a Tomboy and at some point in her life – she really wanted to have her sex changed from female to male.

Ex couple; Willis and Maryaprude

According to the lady, she started feeling this way from back when she was still a young girl and from what she says is that having to dress up in women outfits made her uncomfortable hence the boyish behavior.

Speaking about this to her followers on social media, Maryaprude for the first time came out to say;

I remember growing up, especially in my teenage adolescent years I always felt like I didn’t fit in as a girl or a woman.Girls dressed a certain way, talked, or expressed themselves in a particular way that I felt like I didn’t. So I thought maybe, I was supposed to be a boy because I preferred boyish clothes, hung out and was more comfortable with boys than girls, expressed myself in a boyish manner…


I started reading a lot and I found out that you can get sex reassignment surgery and change your gender. So that was my goal when “I grow up

Sex change

Well having also revealed that she had wanted or rather thought of a sex change, this leaves me wondering whether her behavior matches that of a man; and if yes – how is it that she fell or rather got married to Willis Raburu who we all know is a man and if I am right – was looking for a woman to settle down with when he came across Maryaprude.

Tbt: Pregnant Maryaprude before stillbirth

Okay – because if Maryaprude now says she has always felt like she was born in the wrong body….does that make her a man or wo’manish? Because now I am starting to suspect that her marriage to Willis Raburu did not end because of obvious reasons…since clearly.. the man’ish character still stays even when grown up, right?

But again – with how senstive trandsgender topics are….I guess all we can say is hopefully Maryaprude will one day accept herself for who she is.

Why most marriages don’t seem to work anymore

I always believe that when two grown-ups decided to settle down as man and wife it means they’ve done enough of getting to know each other – in depth – and never think for a minute one day we will get divorce.

However marriages these days seem to end as soon as they start for example, Anerlisa Muigai and Benpol, then there’s Nasra Comedian and Director Rashid who divorced as soon as they got hitched; and this leaves many wondering why these couples opt out so fast after we all saw how much they adore themselves….but again vitu kwa ground huwa different.

Well apart from the usual, Violence, Abuse and infidelity…below are some reasons i believe lead to quick divorce among newly married couples.


Most tend to think that kalove feeling will last forever hence rushing to take vows – forgetting they haven’t yet faced the downs of the relationship and whether or not they can handle each other at their worst. For this reason, youll find most walking out after the first real fight – simply because they never knew what they got themselves into.

Rapudo proposes to Amber Ray

Bad foundation

For every relationship built….it always has to start as a friendship which will gradually set a good foundation for whatever might come next. Without this….youll end up realizing even the person youre with is not your friend.


These are the unresolvable differences or irreconcilable conflicts between spouses that make it impossible to continue living together as spouses. You see as partners, a couple should be able to agree or disagree on somethings…but when you realize that you mostly disagree and there’s never a solution – this is when you find people parting ways.


Some will say a man who marries a woman who earns more chances are that they will separate and believe it or not – its true. Most men tend to feel ‘belitted’ when they bag an independent woman..amd with such issues and insecurities….the marriage slowly slips away just like that.

Comedian YY should not have apologized to Kenrazy and Timmy Tdat because he is right

YY recently issued an apology to Kenrazy after making hilarous comments about him and Timmy Tdat…and although the came out wrong and mean – truth is YY is one funny man.

Churchill Show comedian, Oliver Otieno alias YY

Like honestly YY is one of the most underrated comedian in the country…but the good thing is that – he has a loyal fan base, that keeps up with jokes on social media; which explains why he remains among the surviving successful comedians we have from Churchill show.

Anyway with his fun and jokes…..the comedian may have recently overstepped boundaries when he picked on Kenrazy and Timmy Tdat during an interview – where he was discussing Willy Paul’s expensive rate card……saying it’s the reason why most people no longer give him gigs like they used to.

However not to worry because…..

Kama tusipokuafford, tutaita Timmy Tdat na atakuja Hadi na Kenrazy na 40k.

Kenrazy in his feelings

Okay, like i said – the statement may have been mean but come to think of it, this is true in a way….yes?

Like when has the last time you played a kenrazy song or even read anything about him online (apart from that time he was said to be living in a studio) or name one latest project from Timmy Tdat? See, i am pretty sure you had even forgotten they are musicians, right?

So yea, tell me why you would pay them hundrends of thousands or tens of thousands to perform songs from 2012? I mean look at Tz artists….Diamond Platnumz ama tuseme Alikiba started his career around the same time as Kenrazy but till now he still releases new music….because anajituma and understands times are changing and has to keep up.

Which we cant say Kenrazy or Timmy Tdat have been doing….so why would YY apologize for speaking his truth?


Octopizzo trashing kenyan media is an obvious cry for attention

It’s been a minute since we heard about Octopizzo right? Or maybe it’s because fans lost interest in his beef with Khaligrapha Jones who also seems to have gone off the grid; now that Kenyans seem to be focusing on their problems and not what their favorite celebrities are upto.

Octopizzo makes history, becomes the first Kenyan rapper to make it to the Grammy Awards Consideration List

Anyway having also noticed that his fame is slowly fading away Octopizzo has decided to come after the media, accusing them of not supporting local talent and blaming them for them not talking about him.

Uuuh last I checked….the media talks about celebrities – like all the time – but they only do so when there’s something to talk about right? I mean why would they waste time on an inactive celebrity….will that help them money or wait……what are you doing about it as an artist?

TV and Radio play for musicians they like, watu wanapenda, these days if I want to listen to Kenyan music I stream. I don’t watch TV or the radio. That way I hear different sounds and maybe I can collabo with them.

Clout chasing

Although he may have a point about mainstream not playing enough kenyan music, you have to remember that its all about who ‘brings the most interesting content to the table’ because at the end of the day – both parties have to make money right?

And as you can see, Octopizzo put himself out there with his latest interview….and now most blogs are focusing on him and his projects hence making it possible to revive his brand – now that he had gone missing in action for a while.

Kamene Goro needs to heal from previous toxic relationships before talking marriage

Just like most women out here who have been in toxic relationships, turns out that Kamene Goro also has dark history with an abusive ex she claims used to beat her up like a thief.

Yes, you see that hot Kamene Goro who keeps turning heads….she too took some serious beatings from a man she was dating; according to her – she still chose to stay because everytime she would talk about it….she’d be blamed for it like ‘kwani ulimfanyia nini…’ a common questions asked to GBV victims.

Kamene Goro

We cannot fault you as a victim. What I want us to pick apart is how society makes it look like it is normal. What is it that you did? Sometimes, society gets you back to stay in abusive relationships and some parent also tells you to be calm in such relationships.

Kamene Goro goes on to add that after endimg things with the first guy, she hooked up with another pne who cheated on her 7 times…yes 7 times and guess what…she still stuck around. Speaking about this one said:

Kamene Goro

I was a very forgiving person until I found myself being cheated on seven times and I don’t know the other times.

Low self esteem?

Okay at this point im thinking…cheated on 7 times, beaten and still play house wife ama ni girlfriend? Aiii hapo ni ngumu.

But again, we can’t blame her because her first man reduced her to a drum which he would beat every now and then….plus I’m pretty sure there was also verbal abuse which might have messed with Kamene’s self esteem till date.

If i am right, this explains her choice in men and now that we know her current man, Dj Bonez started dating her while still married to his now ex-wife Eva Mkala alias Sasha – it shows iko kitu.

I mean her man is not only accused of cheating on his wife with her but has allegedly left his kids to suffer….yet she is comfortable living with the guy.

Okay…not that it’s any of my business…but makes her think he can’t do the same to her? Mmmh…but again like Andrew Kibe said and I am quoting “Kamene Goro settled” and maybe this will only stop after dealing with the pain she faced in her past relationships.

Why Frankie JustGymit takes pride in being a deadbeat dad

Frankie Just Gym it may not be making news like he used to but that doesnt mean he is not entertaining his followers on social media. If you follow him, i bet you’ve realize he likes making TikTok videos about baby mamas and deadbeat dads….and the funny part is – he enjoys them so much that he reshares the videos on his other social media pages.

Well the latest video, Frankie shows fans how he reacts once his woman tells him she is pregnant and….that is by dodging…a clip that left his following pointing fingers at him for being a toxic man. Yea, yea….its funny but at the same time offensive to his baby mamas especially since rumor has it that he is a deadbeat.

However despite knowing the clip would trigger a few single mums and dads out here, Frankie still shared it like it’s nothing. So what would explain the confidence behind this…..

Had an absent dad

Judging from his insensitivity, clearly we cabt hwlp but ask whether his dad was around while growing up; because if he was – i am pretty sure he would have learnt a few things from him like, how to treat his baby mamas and girlfriends – which Frankie the gymist seems to have failed despite having been in the game for so many years.

His women entertain his behavior

Well, we can’t just blame him without also looking at the women he is mocking. For example, Corazon Kwamboka went ahead to date and even have kids with the guy….knowing very well his other baby mama (Maureen Waititu) claims she gets no support from the fella. Maureen Waititu also fought for him like her life depended on it and yet – she was the bread winner in the family.

Friends with similar character

If Frankie really had friends who are responsible dads, don’t you think this would have rubbed off on him? Like they say….show me your friends and I will tell you the person you are….and clearly Frankie’s actions speak for everyone he associates with.


Like the clip shows….Frankie loses interest the moment he learns about any of his women is expectant.

Bags strong independent women

Looking at how hardworking Maureen Waititu is and how much millions Corazon Kwamboka made during her glory days….. I bet Frankie is always assured that his babies will be just fine – hence his behavior.

Cebbie Nyasego accepts Akothee’s apology but……….boundaries!

We all have that one sibling that gets on our nerves every now and then – but because they’re family – you can’t get rid of them or create more tension and I’m guessing this is what Akothee and Cebbie’s relationship looks like.

Akothee with sister, Cebbie

The two made this clear after their private affairs came to light…thanks to Akothee who outed her beef with Cebbie during a live session – a move she now regrets especially since it was done while angry.

From the live it seemed that Cebbie and her mum had ganged up against Akothee…who on the other hand couldn’t shut up on how she has helped her family – yet they still pick on her…but again – helping someone doesn’t necessarily mean you own them, to a point where you boss them around, forgetting they two have feelings. Right?

Cebbie accepts Akothee’s apology shingo upande

Well after the whole scandal guess who finally decided to eat the humble pie….yes Akothee who aplogized to her sister Cebbie for the drama….reminding her that they are blood but judging from the response she got – I don’t think this relationship will ever be the same.

You see, there is a way you can tell a person’s feelings from they express themselves on paper or word of mouth. And in this case to have Cebbie reply to anapology with;

Good morning.

Lemme put this here, I’m unable to reply to all the messages.

1. I appreciate your efforts of reaching out to me.

2. I also acknowledge with lots of Grace and humility that you genuinely pray for me and my family.

I thank everyone who takes their time to pray for my union. Marriage is sacred and fragile. I don’t take it for granted

Proves that indeed she is either fed up with her sisters shannigans or isn’t about to allow negative energy around her again.

But…. what’s better than choosing your own piece of mind? Nothing.

Again….seeing Akothee is now beefing with bloggers for writing negative stories about her – it only shows that she never takes blame for her actions….might be same…same case to thst of Cebbie.



Bahati should blame himself for exposing his newborn to online scrutiny

Social media parenting is one tough job and last i checked – there are parents who support publicizing their kids online while others dont….but one thing they all agree to is parents using captions like “my mummy this….my daddy that…”

Okay maybe because it’s just obvious that newborns or toddlers can’t say such or even write at their young age but also because its just creepy. Creepy in that, it paves way for critics to attack a child without remembering – si yeye…its the parents.

Speaking of this, Bahati a while back shared a photo holding his newborn and on the caption he wrote;

I wanted to show my face But Daddy would not allow me ???? Who do you think Won this; Daddy or Mummy? ????

Yes a grown man or woman decided wacha leo niwabebe baby cause hamuwezi tell difference.

Critics come after Malaika

With the economy so hard and life just pissing everyone off…Malaika Bahati’s fans decided to pick on her following daddy’s caption on one of her photos.

Responding to Malaika Bahati…one fan sarcastically asked;

Haka kashaanza kula kavagara ni kakubwa

While another….

Haka kataanza kutu advice kuhusu maisha na insecurity ya Nairobi

And i am thinking wow….Bahati just gave critics something to keep them busy – but problem is, the child being refered to as haka ata hana ubaya.


But again, just like her brothers and sisters…Malaika Bahati also needs to start making for herself and what better way than to start online.

Amber Ray and Kennedy Rapudo’s relationship is an act

It’s been a while since we heard from the newly engaged couple Amber Ray and Kennedy Rapudo, right? I mean they don’t seem to be making news like they used to – and I am thinking its because Amber Ray is now off the market and won’t be entertaining us like before.

Rapudo proposes to Amber Ray

But again, Amber Ray remains undefeated as she has lately been showcashing her acting skills on social media and although she does this for marketing purposes – truth is the lady can act.

Well as seen on her latest post, Amber Ray seems to have featured Fiance, Kennedy Rapudo who plays the role of an insecure man watching his woman get some massage from a masseur and boy does he deliver the role.

Amber Ray getting married?

Relationship also an act?

With the two proving to be such good actors, there are are a few fans who have been dropping comments asking whether the relationship could also be an act….and I am thinking could it really be another project?

Well seeing that they had broken up after a few months of dating (keep in mind Amber Ray had just dumped Jimal at the time) and as soon as they got back,  Amber Ray’s sister announced about their engagement which the socialite later denied.

Amber Ray engaged

Weeks later Rapudo decided to propose to Amber Ray (that’s like after 5 months of dating on social media) and as soon as they got back from their birthday vacation….Amber Ray takes off her engagement ring claiming its too expensive….but if Rapudo could afford it, don’t you think he can replace it?

Anyway we can’t really judge but we also cant help but think….what if….what if they’re just taking us for a ride? Cause clearly Amber Ray taking off her engagement ring doesn’t make sense.

Nasra, divorce can feel devastating but here are 5 tips to help you move on

Breakups are tough nut believe it or not – divorce is worse and I say this judging from what i have personally seen from – my divorced relatives, friends and from celebrities on social media.

So yea, I totally understand that comedian Nasra is currently having rough after parting ways with the love of her Rashid Abdi; who she had exposed for moving on with another woman – shortly after Nasra suffered a miscarriage.

Throwback: Nasra with ex husband, Director Rashid

Okay, having him move on so fast painted Rashid Abdi like the villain and of course – Nasra’s fan base threw stones and sticks at him; but then again – no one is perfect right?

Plus – having not heard Rashid’s side of the story means there is more to the story than what Nasra has been sharing on social media….and until we learn the real story – I have come up with 5 tips to help the new divorcee move on and focus on herself…..just like Rashid is.

Nasra announces breakup

Practice acceptance

You see, when getting married one never thinks ‘we will get divorced someday’ right? But it happens to some couples and whether you like it or not – the moment the other party feels uninterested you cant force them back. So yea, youre allowed to hurt and feel betrayed….but in the end you have to remember is that acceptance is a bridge that leads to peace.

Embrace the many mixed feelings

Youre allowed to feel everything at once. The pain, betrayal, heartbroken and the fact that he never loved you like you wanted.

The moment you tell yourself its okay…or it will be okay – those feelings start to slowly slip off and before you know it – you’ll be happy again. Like I said…embrace them inorder to work on them as time moves on. Remember you owe yourself some happiness!

Cut communication

Nasra on breakup

Okay by now i am sure both Nasra and Rashid have had heated conversations on text and if i am not wrong – even thrown some insults around. It happens, but at this age – its better to cut off communication to protect your peace. I mean, there are no kids involved right? So why deny yourself some peace by ghosting?

Reach out to loved ones

Although relatives sometimes tend to take sides…find one to you can connect with, one that understands your pain – but again remember not to over-share; or paint your ex as an evil being cause mambo huenda yakabadilika (by reconnecting again) and i am sure – you wouldn’t want your family looking at him in a certain way…..simply because you shared too much unnecessary information on him.

Go out

Having Nasra discuss her ex husband online means she’s still cooked up in the house wallowing about the breakup; but again this won’t help. So how about stepping out for coffee? Night out with friends? Call it a short term distruction from reality…but it works.

Reconnect with yourself

There’s no denying that marriages change people and you only realize you’re not the same person you used to be after getting dumped or lose a partner.

So how about some soul searching to help find yourself? What you like, your goals and what you left pending before you found your better half?

I know applying this in your life is harder than we can imagine…but think about it this way……you’re a catch and atleast you tried and didn’t work out. So it’s time to put the same effort on yourself.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero’s Sunday service at Kasarani stadium proves Kenyans are desperate for God’s touch

Pastor Ezekiel Odera of New Life Church in Mombasa city has been the talk of town since saturday thanks to his crisades that saw kenyans travel from different parts of the country all in the name of ‘kurudishiwa Nyota walio Nyang’anywa na adui’ and judging from the photos…..seems like many kenyans feel that someone ‘bewitched them’ which explains why they turned up for prayers.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero’s
:Photo credits

Saturday prayers

My sources tell me that on Saturday – the preacher spoke on broken marriages and mpango wa kando that has many women and men living in pain. From his prophesies….the preacher spoke destruction that is ‘women who have stolen other peoples husbands and are expecting children out of wedlock should die’ and i am thinking…..okay wait…

The God from my Bible isn’t one of vengeance and as a human or rather a vessel of God…(no matter how many miracles you’ve performed… human, on whose authority are you passing judgement?)

Pastor Ezekiel Odera
:Photo credits

But again…the said pastor has ‘restored‘ marriages etc….amd having his church service air on National TV means many kenyans have witnessed him perform miracles; and having faced difficukt time since Covid-19….most have turned to God for breakthroughs.

Sunday prayers

Well…i know some of the readers probably follow him or actually believe in him – but remember this is my opinion on the services preacher Ezekiel Odero held during his visit to Nairobi.

Okay apart from those seeking prayers for broken families….I also learnt that there are those who had their ailing relatives discharged from hospital and taken to Kasarani for prayers….only for them to be returned back to the same hospitals they’d been discharged – hoping the pastor would heal them.

Crowd attends Pastor Ezekiel Odero’s Sunday service

Well, not that i am here to attack men or women of God….but of you ask those who attended or even watched the service live on TV… chances are that youll learn vitu kwa ground ni different and just as you were born alone….in this life, it’s you and your God.

Churchill Show moving to TV 47 has doomed it

Remember back when Churchill show was one of the biggest local televised show in Kenya? For once we had something we all took pride in that is – original content from comedians who delivered jokes we could all relate with….but for some reason we no longer hear anything about the show like we used to.

Okay – we can blame that on growth or maybe cable TV since everybody seems to have moved to the netflix and chill….but again we also blame Daniel Ndambuka for terminating his contract with Nation Media and moving on to TV47….a TV network that is slowly growing with a lot of potential.

Churchill show

Churchill losing audience

However – as much as the TV station is showing potential, there are many who feel that Churchill made a bad move by relocating his show to network that many haven’t yet discovered.

I mean, his audience – (that is from kids to grandparents) always knew what station airs the show and what time….but if you ask them now, most probably dont even know the show still airs.

Well without his old audience – I guess Churchill is now targeting people who watch local TV or rather people from mashinani….but truth is, with how everything is changing…chances are that he either adjusts to the Gen Z style or allows a younger comedian to fill in his shoes because mmmmh, time to catch up is running out.

Why Eric Omondi will never make a good dad

Eric Omondi has so many roles in this life of sin…from the president of comedy, comedian, friend and brother but none beats the title of dad. Out of all of them, i can say that he less appreciates his role as a dad that is judging from what Jacque Maribe about him not supporting the young boy.

Jacquee Maribe unveils never seen before photo of son as a newborn

Well a few months back, Eric Omondi got involved in an online fight with Jacque Maribe – allowing a huge audience into their private lives….and as soon as the heat went up – Eric Omondi mentioned he had requested for a DNA test – meaning he had doubts about being the boy’s father.

Okay….we can’t blame him for this since he also mentioned Jacque maribe was seeing people on the side and the fact that shes denied him a DNA test shows iko kitu. Tafadhali watu wa kupima DNA na macho, msishout.

Eric Omondi with Jacque Maribe and son (left) Sam Ogina

Eric Omondi as a dad-uncle

Okay back to my point….you see ever since Jahari was born weve never seen a daddy son relationship between the two. I guess the only time the 3 stepped out as a family was at Jahari’s school and that time Bonfire adventures took them on a family vacation – to help market the travel and tour company.

But apart from that, I guess Eric continues to live his life like a man with no kids….a lonely life and now that his girlfriend suffered a miscarriage please dont shout Karma because Eric really wanted another baby……but then again – if he cant take care of the one he had with Maribe – what makes us think he can take care of others?

Anyway his life, his choice…..but before I conclude this…..ever noticed that Eric Omondi has never had any baby mama, pregnancy scandal his entire career (well apart from Maribe) – ama nizime laptop?

Sammy Boy’s viral videos show that Kenyan men have no right to question what women do for money

Sammy Boy who is popularly known for making his money through Forex trader has been setting standards for young men with his lavish lifestyle and i can tell you many admired him and kept following his every word, advise – until a controversial video of him surfaced online.

Sammy Boy with alleged male lover exposed

Well, well – they say kujituma na working hard will get to where Sammy Boy is… which is not a lie because you can imagine that before getting to where he is today, the Forex trader once sold his body online to make quick cash.

Yes, as seen on the video – Sammy boy is seen naked in the company of another man and in others he is seen with females….something that has now left kenyans online assuming he is gay and also ‘prostituting’ online. Okay that was obvious and he admitted….but then again blamed it on poverty.

Men judging women on prostitution

However now that he has made it….or let me generalize all men. Okay, you see when such men get money and are stable enough to live lavish lifestyles….you find them judging women who sell their bodies to strangers for a living.

For some reason, if this was a woman i.e the former socialites that gave us sleepless nights for years….wait, did I hear someone say Huddah and Vera Sidika in the back? No sir – we are not naming names today but my point is – these women continue to be judged and hated by society for doing the same thing Sammy Boy did.

Whats worse is that maybe….just maybe – this scandal will last for a few days before they forget about it; but if it were a woman – youd never hear the end of it right?

So yea….some of these businessmen you see online or influencers living lavish lives didn’t necessarily need to work hard for their success…but smart. However you choose to look at it is upto you – but truth is, even women do it to get out of poverty. So why judge?

If Nikita Kering is a lesbian, Kenyans should support her

Nikita Kering has everyone talking after using a rainbow emoji to caption one of her latest posts; and as soon as it uploaded on Twitter…KoT could not keep calm as they pointed fingers “another one….we found another one” as if they are alien species on earth.

Well, for starters we cannot confirm whether or not Ms Kering is gay, bisexual or super straight – but someone once said all women have a bi-sexual trait hidden somewhere inside them….and i am thinking this could be true – I mean, look at Anita Nderu who came out using the rainbow emoji (just like Nikita kering did) and later on married a caucasian man.

Anita Nderu´s tweet

Mmmh wondering why? Well – i hear caucasians dont judge their bisexual wives, its actually a way to strengthen the marriage.

Kering in the rainbow society?

Well as you have probably already seen on social, seems like everybody is now asking about Nikita’s sexuality – now that she hinted to be gay.

Nikita Kering

Come to think of it, Nikita has never been linked to any male celebrity or been spotted in the company of a guy we’d say is romantically involved with her….so what are the chances?

Anyway whether gay or not – I guess we are living at a time when the LGBTQ community is slowly getting accepted in the community; and whether you like it or not – they too are human, with human needs and as much as different as they are from yours….this doesnt make them any less special.

Diamond Platnumz needs to stop being a mama’s boy

Singer Diamond Platnumz has been trying to convince us that he has a romantic relationship with Zuchu….but ubaya ni he doesnt understand weve also evolved after the pandemic period – and unlike back then when he would lie and pull stunts on her, this time around were woke….. And can see through his stunts.

Tbt: Diamond Platnumz with his mum and step dad

So with that, all I am saying is that we Diamond Platnumz is single and has been on his own for a while now – and this is because most women he seems to approach tend to dislike his meddling mum who cant keep her nose off his private life.

I mean, Wema Sepetu complained aboit her and so did Zari Hassan, Official Lyyn, Hamisa Mobetto and so did Tanasha Donna…actually it was worse for both Hamisa and Tanasha who were forced to give back gifts they’d been given by Simba.

From what Tanasha Donna said is that her new Prado was given to Mama Diamond Platnumz after she ‘walked away’ and for Hamisa Mobetto….well her son got rejected from the Nyange family as mama Diamond Platnumz felt he was a ba$t*rd son to simba.

Hamisa with Diamond Platnumz sister and mum
Hamisa with Diamond Platnumz sister and mum

Diamond Platnumz mum will make son a single for life

Although i know we all feel that Diamond Platnumz should keep his mum off his relationships – we also have to understand that the two share an unbreakable bond of single mum and her son.

I mean, all sons get attached to their mums especially after they’re abandoned by their dads….which explains Diamond Platnumz situation but again – he seems to have given his mum too much power that she gets a say in whoever he dates or wants to marry.

However – we can’t say mama Dangote is that bad towards all her sons girlfriends – I mean, she liked Tanasha Donna and now likes Zuchu….which mean chances are that she knows whats best for her son.

Again – we’ve also established that Diamond Platnumz always goes through his mum and so will all his women….meaning a mama’s boy will always be a mama’s boy.

Beautiful but unlucky: Why Anerlisa can’t find a man to settle down with

32 year old Anerlisa Muigai recently announced she wants to start her own family before hitting 35 years and I am thinking – in order for that to happen, she needs a man to be in the picture.

But having dated several guys whom she introduced through her social media pages – the relationships always tend to end in tears. Howeber out of these handsome men – Anerlisa managed to turn one,Benpol into a husband but again the marriage lasted less than 3 months.

Funny part is that before they decided to wed – life seemed like a whole fairytale….they actually almost convinced me that true love does exist…but after the wedding….mmmh i went to thinking that true love is just a kenyan magazine. If you gerrit.

Don K – the married man who almost left his wife and kids to marry Anerlisa

Anerlisa Muigai type: Young and broke

Okay while her agemates are focusing on older men – it is no secret that Anerlisa likes them young and the younger they are – the more broke they likely must be.

So imagine Anerlisa coming from a family that owns Keroche breweries and the kind of money she has gotten used to over the years….do you think shed make a submissive wife to a man she knows depends on her money to pay their bills?

Anerlisa’s loyal ex boyfriend who loved her despite the weight

Wait wait….there’s actually a time she came out complaining about a boyfriend expecting her to give him money…can’t work and won’t work.

So yea – with that we not only see through her toxic traits – which explain why her youngin boyfriends always tend to leave her high and dry despite all that money she has.

However if she serious about wanting a family of her own – then maybe she should try caucasian fellas….because black men… men will never let a woman walk all over them because she pay his bills.

So i guess we wait and see how long the new boyfriend will last this time around.

Obinna wasting his money away by releasing music no one listens to

Okay – before anything else, did you know that apart from being Kiss FM’s radio host Obinna is actually a comedian and wait for it….an artist! However dont ask me what type of music he makes because just like you and I….cant say i even know one.

But from what i have heard is that the comedian is a singer who has been in the game for the longest time; and although he has a few fans here and there – his music isnt just getting sufficient air play even at Kiss FM – where he works.

So far I have also learnt that Obinna recently released a number of songs that would would make an album or two….and the bitter part is – his target audience remains unbothered yet he is dropping a new song everyday week.

Comedian Oga Obinna
Comedian Oga Obinna

Channel his money to kids upkeep

Well having also noticed that almost all artists in the game are struggling with their music….one would have assumed that Obinna would channel his money towards child support since he has several baby mamas out here.

But again…everyone is different and this is why Obinna is using his new money from Kiss FM to shoot expensive music videos; that you’ll either get to watch kwa mix flani ya DJ ama kwa club when everything else sounds good when intoxicated.

Mmmh lastly….could Obinna be using his music to clean…..ama wacha tu, ill end up giving you a good example like KRG….then watasema tunahate.

Tanasha Donna thinking she dumped Diamond Platnumz is just hilarious

Tanasha Donna is very attractive and I can tell that when she enters a room – her presences is noticed immediately but even with all that fineness; Diamond Platnumz couldn’t find a reason to chase her after she decided to come back to Kenya.

Diamond Platnumz replaces Donna with look alike

From what I remember is that Diamond Platnumz moved on as if nothing happened; and Tanasha having left his home made her feel like she had dumped the WCB CEO who we all know likes to trigger his women into leaving by starting affairs around.

Rumor had it back then that just like Wema Sepetu, Zari Hassan and Hamisa Mobetto – Diamond Platnumz handled Tanasha Donna the same way by replacing her with Patricia Aika Matthyse who is producer ‘P Funk’ Majani’s daughter.

Well, with the photo shared above – i guess its only fair to see that inorder for Dimaond Platnumz to get rid of Tanasha – he had to cheat with someone of her caliber (in terms of looks) and Tanasha being one with a big ego….she left in such a mess that her Prado was repossessed by Diamond Platnumz.


Again we also heard that Tanasha Donna was ready to marry Diamond Platnumz to a point she converted into Islam (Bi Aisha) but the funny bit is that she wasn’t ready to share him – knowing very well that Muslim men are allowed to marry upto 4 wives.


And Diamond Platnumz having bagged another finer girlfriend to the picture….is the reason our Kenyan girl continues to feel like she left Diamond Platnumz hurting but her case is no different with….if you can’t take the heat, then get out of the kitchen.

Diana B is proof that prostitutes can make good wives

Alot has been said following Diana B’s video where she confessed to having different men cover her bills; and knowing how these men in the streets operate – it means for every bill paid, she gave herself away….something many term as prostitution.

Diana Marua past catching up with her

Okay, if I am wrong correct me – but what do you call a person that exchanges sex with favors? Yes…a prostitute and unfortunately what Diana B thought was a testimony has now left her looking like a professional sex worker using her body and looks to get what she wants.

But then again….i am not here to look down on her or any other person (male or female) in the same line of business. Prostitution has been there from time immemorial…. and maybe just maybe – they should finally legalize it as a legit business…yes?

I mean, if it pays your bills then why not, right? People will talk whether good or bad but bottom line is…opinions don’t come in currencies.

No doubt that Diana B is fully committed to Bahati

Anyway while at it, I have realized through Diana B Marua that the said prostitutes actually tend to make good wives when they find a responsible man to settle down with.

And I am thinking this is because unlike most of you who have had it easy, the likes of Diana Marua have had to struggle through life, dealing with different partners just to makes ends meet; sometimes having to deal with empty promises and getting used by older men – which might also explain why she opted to settle down the moment she saw potential in Bahati.

Diana Marua with the boys club

I known there are those who say Diana B could have done better (considering that she was linked to Wanyama and other big names) chances are that by the time she ran into Bahati…she must have seen it all and having seen the ugly side of life and rich men – what she can now do is remain a good wife, a good mother and partner to Bahati who in-return pampers her and doesn’t have to force her into weird sexual acts just so she can make some money.

Tbt: Young Bahati after meeting Diana Marua

Now tell me what woman wouldn’t want that kind of life after years of dealing with different men – who I also hear tend to pass you to their friends just because they can.

Karen Nyamu should be applauded for Samidoh’s recent growth in life & success in music

Karen Nyamu is not a new name in the entertainment industry but I bet most of you came to know about her after she opened up about her involvement with Mugithii singer Samidoh.

Karen Nyamu aka Karenzo

However at the time many branded her a side chick, home wrecker, mal*ya and this was so bad to a point where some fans threatened to cancel Samidoh….and him depending on his fans support, Samidoh for a minute decided to deny Karen Nyamu in a statement where he distanced himself bla bla bla saying he only has one wife etc….and then boom he had a second baby with her.

And I am thinking…this married man came out to deny Ms Nyamu after their first child together – a stunt that convinced many that his involvement with her was a mistake…and might have even been baby trapped – but then again, baby number 2? Wait….there is no way a man will make a ‘mistake’ twice with a woman he sees no future with, right?

Karen Nyamu with son, Sam Junior

Actually most tend to flee after the first baby, but Samidoh stayed…and even gave her another baby… you cant tell me this man doesnt know what he is doing.

Samidoh was right to stick to Karen Nyamu

Anyway speaking of their involvement, did you also notice that Samidoh has become so big in the entertainment business; to a point he is overshadowing the likes of your favorite gengetone artists, akina Nadia and the rest….something that happened after Nyamu outed their secret relationship on social media.

I hear his US gigs were overbooked and this is why Karen Nyamu jetted into the Yuwes (as she put it)…. and this is because fans wanted her present, to them there is no Samidoh without Karen Nyamu; and although yes we applaud wife, Edday Nderitu who has stuck with Samidoh from day 1…truth is, she has played her part well but for some reason Samidoh needed a woman who can challenge him, create controversy around him…i mean his good boy image wasn’t doing much, but with the new him – ata Europe ataenda.

All in all is – if a man can maintain two wives or more without favoring one over another, let him try his luck….you never know what the cowife will bring to the table.

For instance….Karen Nyamu once revealed she gives Edday Nderitu government tenders (through Samidoh) which have helped her in so many ways including expanding her businesses and being independent….so now tell me why Karen Nyamu shouldn’t be appreciated for involvement with Samidoh?

Saa zingine a blessing will come through a painful experience and in the end you realize, it was actually worth it.

Shakilla makes come back by exposing thirsty DM from Andrew Kibe

There is something about the new age celebrities in that, no matter how hot or handsome you are – you cannot survive in the entertainment industry without good content to attract an audience. If not, you become more of a one hit wonder and just like that you’re forgotten….doubt me? Ebu ask Shakilla.


You see the last time we talked about her – word had it that she had beaten up one of her Nigerian boyfriends after he dumped her for someone knew. With that, its only fair to assume she lost a number of fans…i mean who wants follow a toxic person when life is already hard as it is.

Anyway the said socialite then disappeared for a while until this past weekend when she decided to unveil an old DM she once received from Kibe – who by the way….sorry to say had no shame hitting on a teenager (Shakilla was 18 at the time)…talking about a pantiles situation.

Shakilla back with the clout

Well having sent the DM in 2020, Shakilla recently made it seek like Kibe just hit her DM as she shared the screenahot online saying;

Yall are Simpson this the same guy talking trash about me on YouTube but wanna hit my DM

But like the swahili say – Njia ya muongo ni fupi and just like that….instead of fans attackinf Kibe they turned against Shakilla calling her out for picking a fight with the content creator over a weak moment he had back in 2020 when thanks to her tweaking videos.

Whats actually worse is that many are pretty sure Andrew Kibe isnt the only man that left a thirsty DM at the time; because if you remember well – Shakilla was parading her body on social media like her life depended on it….then 2 years later she reacts to a mess she created? They say respect is earned and however you carry yourself is how you be carried by everyone you associate with.

Anyway below are a few comments from fans reacting to Shakilla’s post.


Kennedy Rapudo confesses he proposed to Amber abit too early into their relationship

Kennedy Rapudo who is popularly known as Amber Ray’s boyfriend is proud to have bagged himself a woman like her. She not only caught his attention but captivated his heart to a point he decided to make their union official and as far as we know is that theyll soon be walking down the aisle as man and wife.

Amber Ray engaged

However before that i guess they will use the time the now have to know each other better and hopefully by the time things will manage to stay the same but again…life is no fairytale and we all know that.

Anyway having proposed a few weeks ago during a birthday getaway – Kennedy Rapudo has shared a few photos from their engagement night; and from his caption – the fella poured out his heart to Amber Ray as he referred to her as his soulmate in a post he wrote saying;

We must have been soulmates in the past for we just clicked so easily to be engaged so fast. Heres to love and friendship.

Enagement photos

Well, having his fiance reveal the reason she will not be wearing her engagement ring around and having Rapudo also share photos from their engagement means the two had missed the attention and like the rest…..they had to give fans somethig to talk about.

Anwyay below are just a few intimate photos from their big night.

Catherine Kamau on why she backed off her weightloss journey

Catherine Kamau is among the few celebrities that have opened up about their struggle.with weightloss to a point they opted for an easy way out that is – gastric bypass surgery or rather swallowing a ballon to lose weight.

Catherine Kamau pregnant

Well having had her second baby 13 years since her first born – of course her body wasnt ready for the many changes that came with the pregnancy hence her struggle to shed off the baby fat. And again, being a celebrity especially an actress – one can imagine the pressure she was putting up with in terms of image.

I told them (the hospital), I wanted to lose weight but not this much coz I still want to be a curvy girl.

Catherine Kamau with her son, Leon

For this reason she went in for weightloss journey and barely 6 months into it and Catherine Kamau has called it quits. Speaking about this, you’ll be surprised to hear that the surgery worked so good for her – to a point she felt she was shedding off wanted weight hence quit.

Catherine Kamau weight loss

Speaking about this for the first time – the actress says her main reason for intragastric balloon placement procedure is because she wanted to attain a certain figure for a role she had just landed in an acting gig.

Catherine Kamau shedding weight

However with time, she started losing more than she hoped hence having the ballon removed for good and replaced that with gym work out sessions to help tone and sculpt her body.

I realised that my body would shrink and I might not look like the same person. I would not look nice. I talked to them and they told me after a month they would incorporate movement and change my diet so I don’t end up losing so much and look saggy.

KRG the Don finds himself new wife barely 6 months after divorce

Word making rounds on social media is that KRG the Don…call him Bughaa is no longer a single man nor is he searching for love since he already bagged himself a new wife after his divorce with Linah who is the mother of his two known sons.

From what we heard is that Linah Kiruthi decided to walk away from her marriage following unresolved issues between her and Bughaa….and just like she bacame a single mum of two and her friendship with the guy also went out of window as soon as she exited the relationship.

Anyway having divorced for less than 6 months, Bughaa is said to have remarried….new informtaion from his PA who went on to claim that:

Najua mambo ambayo public haijui, Mzee ana bibi ameoa ako na bibi nyumbani, Sitasema anaitwa nani kwa sasa, because of her own security.


Well having his PA ‘dish out’ such personal information only means two things….either its a clout chasing stunt or Bughaa might have to change the people around him since they cant seem to keep his personal information on the low…..but again cant say hatuoni handwritting ya Bughaa mahali.

Anyway, if indeed he is married, then it must be the petite lady he stepped out with a while back just after his breakup with Linah…..and again – chances are that the lady had been in the picture all along right? I mean who marries someone you’ve dated less than 2 months?