Willis Raburu’s ex wife, Maryaprude this past weekend left many on social media talking after revealing that she grew up as a Tomboy and at some point in her life – she really wanted to have her sex changed from female to male.

According to the lady, she started feeling this way from back when she was still a young girl and from what she says is that having to dress up in women outfits made her uncomfortable hence the boyish behavior.
Speaking about this to her followers on social media, Maryaprude for the first time came out to say;
I remember growing up, especially in my teenage adolescent years I always felt like I didn’t fit in as a girl or a woman.Girls dressed a certain way, talked, or expressed themselves in a particular way that I felt like I didn’t. So I thought maybe, I was supposed to be a boy because I preferred boyish clothes, hung out and was more comfortable with boys than girls, expressed myself in a boyish manner…
I started reading a lot and I found out that you can get sex reassignment surgery and change your gender. So that was my goal when “I grow up
Sex change
Well having also revealed that she had wanted or rather thought of a sex change, this leaves me wondering whether her behavior matches that of a man; and if yes – how is it that she fell or rather got married to Willis Raburu who we all know is a man and if I am right – was looking for a woman to settle down with when he came across Maryaprude.

Okay – because if Maryaprude now says she has always felt like she was born in the wrong body….does that make her a man or wo’manish? Because now I am starting to suspect that her marriage to Willis Raburu did not end because of obvious reasons…since clearly.. the man’ish character still stays even when grown up, right?
But again – with how senstive trandsgender topics are….I guess all we can say is hopefully Maryaprude will one day accept herself for who she is.