Bishop Kanyari comes clean on why he gave actor Omosh money after praying for him

Actor Omosh and Pastor Kanyari gave Kenyans a reason to talk after following a viral video where the man of God was seen praying for Omosh.

Omosh Kizangila

From the clip Bishop Kanyari is seen casting out demons from Omosh who suddenly loses consciousness – then falls down while the Bishop continues to pray for him. Having seen size 8 pull the same stunt, there are those who obviously concluded that Omosh and the Kanyari were up to fooling netizens too.

However the Bishop has refuted these claims saying he actually met Omosh for the first time – that fateful Sunday. Speaking during recent interview, the man of God opened up saying;

Bishop Kanyari

Though I have meet many influential people, I have never seen Omosh face-to-face. My church is big as you can see and the worshippers are many so I could not see that he was among the congregants. I also have eyesight problem so I can’t see far.

Kanyari went on further to reveal the prophecy given to him by God about Omosh saying;

However, when I asked people to come forward, that is when I noticed him because I usually see him on TV. I prophesied that he will be a great actor then I placed my hand on his hand to pray for him as I have done for many people and he fell down.

Why he gave Omosh cash

On the same interview, Bishop Kanyari also mentioned about giving Omosh some money, but not for his acting skills but because he was a big fun.

I gave him KSh 7,000 that’s little money. I gave him that money because he is a person that I always see and he makes me happy because he is a comedian. I like how he reacts in his skits. I was happy to see him in my church for the first time and I thank God that I prayed for him.

Well judging from his current lifestyle as seen on his social media pages – I guess parting with 7k wasn’t such a big deal for the Bishop.

Pritty Vishy on why her mum still questions God for having blessed them with a younger sister

Pritty Vishy has turned her social media pages to her diaries, that is judging from how much information she keeps feeding her followers about personal life; and unfortunately there’s no one to tell her that such information should be kept off the online streets.

So far we’ve had her talk about her relationship with Stivo not forgetting other personal stuff about her mum, but then again – fame comes in all ways and if talking her people is putting food on the table then why not.

Anyway this past weekend Vishy unveiled a new photo introducing her youngest sister who she also says is gifted differently. Well, from her post, we understand Vishy’s baby sister was born with Autism; a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact.

However according to the socialite, this doesn’t make her look her baby sister any different.

Pritty Vishy with younger sister

Yes she’s my baby sister????and she is abled differently but that doesn’t make me feel she isn’t able.

 Mum questioning God

On the same post Vishy makes it known that her mum questioned God after realizing she’d given birth to a child with Autism.

Maybe because she knew how others would look and point fingers at her; mostly because they’re not educated on what Autism means and why it should not be considered as a mental disability….I mean, we’ve heard of Doctors and other genius people living with Autism, right?

When my mum knew she has AUTISM????????she questioned God????????not knowing she will be a blessing to us????????

However with time looks like Vishy’s mum made peace with her daughter’s condition; and is now comfortable raising her daughter without caring about being judged.


Kartelo steps out of his comfort zone, blesses fans with new entertaining content

Kartelo is one of those celebrities who don’t need introduction, I mean both him and Modesto have made a name for themselves through comedy, YT show dubbed Rieng radio and through music.

Tbt: Kartelo

However from my understanding, they may have lost touch with fans in 2020 after the Covid pandemic happened; and just like other youngins in the gengetone industry – they suffered a big blow (money wise) since there were shows, no sponsors and worse no savings!

Around the same time, Kartelo and Chipukeezy fell out…a story that’s yet to be told – since both parties remain silent about their lost friendship; but hopefully in future they might open up about it.

Back like he never left

Anyway with the struggles and a new mindset on how he will handle his finances – Kartelo is back featuring VDJ Jones and one Lucci Kingpin on a new jam dubbed Kwa news.

From the lyrics – you can tell they are singing about alcohol maybe not the best content; but again, they’re just using their creativity to givie fans what they want.

Apart from the eye catching visuals (no naked girls featured, thank God) the boys (allow me to call them that) got creative by including Mashirima Kapombe‘a name on the song…. and from the comment section fans loved this!

Having grown up in the ghetto it’s quit humbling to see how they’ve picked themselves up despite the setbacks; and are back to making an honest living through music. Checkout the new music below.

Njugush unveils old photo from back when he was a chick magnet, describes himself as ‘What ladies want’

We can all agree that Celestine Ndinda bagged herself a good man that most women secretly wish they had. Well, simply because Njugush is funny, humble, tall dark and handsome – or rather cute and above all….has never been dragged in any scandals painting him as a cheat.

Blessed Njugush 

Clearly these are qualities that make him a perfect chick magnet – and he knows it! Joking about this, the comedian recently unveiled an old photo captured back when he used to act as Njugush on TRHK.

If you remember the show well, actresses Jambi and Matilda were head over heels for Njugush – who on the other hand didn’t know who he wanted…but all in all – he kept these two glued to him throughout the show.

Reminiscing back when he was a chick magnet, Njugush unveiled the old photo to which he captioned;

What ladies want???????????????? This was one omy best scenes pale Ungwaro…… @njambitrhk x @starchebet

Njugush back when he was a hottie

Njugush and Abel Mutua quit TRHK

Despite this being one of the best shows produced in Kenya, it suddenly flopped following the exit of Njugush who was the main character and of course Abel Mutua who part of the production team.

Abel Mutua with bestie, Njugush

With these two out, TRHK somehow became basic – maybe because Njugush moved his projects online and was now entertaining his fan base with funny clips on social media and YT.

Wacha ikae! Oga Obinna forced to cut off his dad after years of trying to fix their strained relationship

Kiss FM presenter Oga Obinna is said to be a dad of many and why most tend to judge him is because he has had 3 baby mamas and 4 kids. To any woman, this would come off as a red flag but there’s also something unique about him.


Maybe Oga Obinna isn’t the type to settle down with one woman – stay committed for life; but all I know is that he is a good dad to his 4 kids. Unlike other men who run away from their kids simply because their dads took off too or even mistreated them when young – Obinna does the opposite.

Rumor has it that all his kids are enrolled in private schools, child support is taken care of and he remains present in his kids lives – something his own daddy never gave him. Speaking recently during an interview with Buzz central Oga Obinna opened up about his strained relationship with his dad saying; the old man never accepted him as a son and was always picking on him.

He was no father to me

According to Obinna, his dad preferred his eldest brother over him simply because Obinna was the trouble marker of the family. Opening up about his experience, the fella said;

I never had a father figure. I was the loud one and the noisy one. I used to think I was cursed because a mistake would happen, and my dad would beat me without finding out what happened. You will find that probably it was not me, but because he already beat me, so I would never snitch on the other person.

With the beatings and getting picked on getting worse, Obinna says the bitterness built up and he mastered the art of holding grudges till date.

I am the type of person who holds grudges. I can hold grudges over years. So when he kicked me out of his home, I held that grudge. When I came to Nairobi, did everything I did, and Obinna happened, I said I am not going to forgive him.

Cutting dad off for good

Having struggled to win over his dad, the two are back to square one – but this time around Obinna says he is done trying to make his dad accept him.

Speaking about what led to their fallout recently, the fella said;

A situation happened in the family Whatsapp group, and he came guns blazing towards me. I was not the one with the mistake, and he had heard stories from one side. I listened to the voice note and tried to explain to him what had happened. I even told him I was trying to remedy the situation, but he continued unloading and I also unloaded and told him, ‘listen ni**a, you were never there, and you are not telling me sh*t’. It was very bad and I was like ‘everybody back to their corner, don’t call me and don’t talk to me.’ So I decided to cut him off again and focus on my life. I blocked and exited the group, and we are back to where we began.

This however comes after the Kiss FM presenter had just built him a home and had gifted him a car – just as a token of appreciation to his dad – but then again, to his father’s eyes Obinna wasn’t good enough.

“I can’t wait to walk down the aisle again” says Maureen Waititu 2 years after ugly split from baby daddy

Social media influencer Maureen Waititu May have had the worst 2020 following breakup with baby daddy, Frankie Just Gym It but she remains hopeful and open that one day – she’ll bag a good man who will love her for who she is.

Tbt: Maureen Waititu with baby daddy

For a while now, rumor has had it that Ms Waititu is involved with a certain wealthy foreign man: however unlike her old self – this time around Maureen Waititu hasn’t introduced her man yet.

However thanks to a new post, fans believe this new man could actually be the one – that is because Maureen Waititu is already talking marriage. As seen on her post, mama boys captioned her latest photos saying;

I can’t wait to walk down the aisle again someday soon….

Hint hint?

Well, from the rest post you get to understand this caption was aimed at cracking a joke – but then again, how can this be a joke when all her age mates are already settled down and raising a family?

Ms Waititu

And hear those magical words… “This is your captain speaking “….????

I am not one to judge on how the lady should live her life but truth is – having been brought up by a single mum; I am pretty sure one of things she dreads is having to share the same fate as her mum.

But who said single parents can’t also be awesome guardians?

Nadia Mukami speaks on mental health weeks after giving birth, says motherhood is not easy

Singer Nadia Mukami once said she cannot give up on her singing career just because she had a baby. To her, both roles of being a singer and a mum are important –  but 2 months down the line the singer is realizing vitu kwa ground huwa different especially as a first time mum.

We’re not saying that she will quit her career but judging from how she responded to a fan asking about her mental health – we can assure you that Nadia Mukami has not had it easy for the past 8 to 9 weeks.

She made this known while responding to a fan who asked;

How’s your mental health?

And according to Nadia, all she can say is that she’s has tried protecting her mental health but truth is – handling newborns isn’t the easiest job on earth. Ms Mukami went on to mention there are days she could get overwhelmed by everything (I’m guessing sleepless nights and baby crying a lot) and at the same time had to battle with her mind – which kept questioning ‘whether she’s a good mum.’ She wrote;

Eh I have tried to protect it so much. Sometimes I was being overwhelmed and wondering if I am a good mum

Support system

No jokes. With newborns I promise you one not only needs just helping hand but extra pair of hands to help in the house and mind the newborn for the mum to get rest.

Luckily for Nadia Mukami, this is exactly what happened. Although she doesn’t name those who came through for her – we believe  her mum, Arrowbwoy and friends are the ones helping her recover from the baby blues.

But I accepted help as a new mum ndio nisichizi. If you get help from friends and family do not hesitate.

Noti Flow and girlfriend let fans in on their bedroom matters, here’s why they are addicted to each other

Noti Flow and girlfriend, King Alami are back after their short split – and from the look of things – it’s only sparks and happiness for the couple.

This was confirmed by a new post shared by King Alami talking about how amazing her girlfriend is when it comes to bedroom skills. Okay, not quite sure whether the information is relevant – but truth is, King Alami insnt ready to shut up about how good Noti Flow is – when it comes to satisfying her.

From the post, Alami made it known that in every session they have…she c*ms at least 7 times and I am here wondering….whaaat…weh wacha!

Not that I think it’s impossible but come on….they must be some using you know boosters? Considering how much Noti Flow likes to smoke marijuana.

When ur girl makes you c*m ????????????7times ????

Can you relate?

Noti Flow and Alami drama

Well, as you already know – Noti Flow and girlfriend have been sharing details of their relationship and private lives to on social media pages – and despite being in their late 20’s they prefer acting like teenagers online.

Anyway since this also helps put food on their tables – I guess it’s only fair if they kept entertaining their fans. And now that they’re sharing details from their spiced up sex life – I wanna bet that pretty soon, they might just film it to make extra Kaching now that life is getting more expensive. No?

Kamene Goro back on TV 5 years after she quit Ebru Tv

Before Kamene Goro made it in the entertainment industry she had worked as a news anchor at Ebru TV, but after falling in love and wanting to settle down at 23 years – she quit her job for a man who later dumped her without notice.

Kamene Goro with ex

Of course this was a big disappointment for the young lady who had just given up on her dreams just to be disappointed in the end; but good thing is that despite the betrayal she managed to pull herself back up hence landing at NRG radio.

However as you already know, Kamene Goro was later poached by Radio Africa – and I want to believe that this is because they saw her potential (in terms of creating traffic) especially since she can relate to the younger crowd which is their target audience.

Back on TV like she never left

Anyway – so after 5 years of not gracing our TV screens,media personality Kamene Goro will be making a comeback to our TV screen as the newest presenter on Radio Africa’s Kiss TV.

She revealed this in a post shared on her social media’s where she wrote;

Guess who’s back on TV @keepitkiss

Kamene Goro

Speaking about het come back now that she has a huge audience ready to support her TV show good vibes, Kamene said;

I haven’t been on TV for about 5 years and I trust that Radio Africa would be the one to bring me back. My show is called good vibes only and we be airing every Saturday night at 10:00pm and its just appreciating the best out of the pop culture. It’s about music, entertainment, celebrities… its having the conversation that inform their lives which re all about entertainment. We also ensure that we keep the good vibes going because that is all what Kiss TV is all about.

Among those who will be on Kiss TV is Kym Nickdee, Quellie Odero, Homeboyz radio presenter Charlie Karumi, his colleagues Lotan, Bill Mbote and Joe Saina.

Samidoh snubs his newborn love child with Karen Nyamu – Instead unveils adorable photo of his months old daughter with wife, Edday Nderitu (Photo)

Being a second wife or an unwanted wife must be really hard right? Imagine having to always play second position in a man’s life and problem is – there’s nothing you can do about it. Think I am joking? Well let’s ask Karen Nyamu then….

Karen Nyamu with son, Sam Junior

Don’t get me wrong, no one is bashing second wives, unwanted wives and side chicks having kids with married men.

Truth is, netizens have had to learn the truth about playing second wife positions –  judging from Karen Nyamu’s situation with Samidoh.
And most say it’s embarrassing, painful and worse – the situation belittles you as a woman.

Well despite being denied in public (not once or twice) Karen Nyamu now has to deal with the idea that baby daddy, Samidoh will never parade his two kids with her on social media as he does with his kids with wife, Edday.

Meet Samidoh’s 3rd born with wife

We say this after the Mugithi singer recently unveiled a new photo parading his months old daughter  to the world. As seen on the photo, his eldest son is seen carrying his baby sister and to caption the post, Samidoh wrote;

Big brother roles❤️

Samidoh’s eldest son with newborn sister

Although he did not mention which newborn daughter he was parading (we have to remember that both Karen and Edday got pregnant around the same time…) but since it’s Edday’s son carrying the baby; it’s obvious that the girl on the photo is Edday’s and not Nyamu’s.

I’d be lying if I said I know how polygamy works but what I know is that this did not settle well with Karen Nyamu. Wanawake ni wale wale.

But then again, what if the three have an agreement on which family should be paraded on social media….what if? 

Anyway since it doesn’t take a family therapist to explain Samidoh’s relationship with his wives – allow me to assume…it must really be hard!

However – I hear not all second wives, side chics get such treatment…there are those who get recognized and acceptance from first the wives and hubby.

“You are my source of joy” Sonko pours his heart out to baby Osinya as he turns 10 Years

Mike Sonko is one happy man to have been blessed with two sons 8 years ago, following a church terror attack that took place in Mombasa County. It was that year that he adopted Moses Gift Osinya and 18 month old baby Satrine Osinya – his two sons, his pride and joy.

Tbt: 18 month old Satrine Osinya with brother, Gift

Since then, Mike Sonko and his wife became guardians or rather parents to the boys who have since been living under their roof. Being a father of girls, we can say Sonko must have been excited to have sons who he hopes will follow into his footsteps and will carry on his legacy in the coming years.

8 years later and baby Osinya now turns 10 years – a healthy and handsome boy Mike Sonko refers to as an angel and a blessing. The father of many revealed this in a birthday post dedicated to his son where he wrote;

You came into our family 8 years ago as an angel and a blessing and since then, we felt that our family had become complete.

My source of Joy

In the lengthy post, the former governor went on pouring his heart out as he referred to the young man as his source of joy and pride. He wrote;

You’re a source of happiness to us and we always feel blessed and lucky having you around healthy and happy despite of what happened to you on the 22nd March-2014 when you lost your lovely mum to a terror attack and escaped with a life-threatening injury. We thank God for healing and protecting you and your elder brother who rescued you from a hail of bullets which were being sprayed by the terrorists inside the church.

And lastly,

As you turn 10 today, I want to wish you a happy birthday baby Satrine Osinya. Remember I love you so much and I want the best for you as you grow older.

Below are a few Photos of baby Osinya all grown up!

Photo credits
Photo credits

“I’m not giving you sh!t!” Sonko tells alleged baby mama demanding child support

Mike Sonko has come out to tell one of his alleged baby mamas sitoi hata bob (I’ll not give you even a shilling.) This is after she allegedly took him to court for failing to support their daughter.

From what we understand is that the baby mama is seeking Ksh 448,450 monthly child support for their 15 year old daughter; but problem is – Sonko says the woman is a serial con artist who has been doing this for years with her other baby daddy.

In a post shared on his page, the former governor however made it known  that he won’t be issuing even a cent to the lady; and if anything – he is willing and ready to take his daughter and raise her on his own.

Sonko baby mama drama


On the same post, Sonko went to mention that he already knows the money ‘child support’ will be used to sponsor her entertainment and drinking ways….something he won’t be doing despite having millions in his account. He wrote;

Hiyo part ya kutoanishwa pesa alafu anaenda kudunda 24/7 ndio hatutaelewana ata kidogo na sitoi hata bob. Hata mtoto awe si wangu amlete tu kwangu ata saii nitamlea vizuri.

Just to show how generous he is and how much he values children; Sonko asked other ladies having trouble raising their kids to bring them to him – since he can do this without any issues.

Na pia madem wengine mkifeel hamuezi cope up na kulea watoi msiwadhulumu kivyovote, waleteni kwangu nitawalea. It’s hard but fun being Mike Sonko.


Yvette Obura finally finds true love, shares glimpse of new lover (video)

Bahati’s baby mamma Yvette Oburabappears to have bagged a new man and unlike the other time she introduced a boyfriend (now ex) Ms Obura this time around isn’t showing fans her new man’s face.

However thanks to a new video shared on her page, the lady makes it known she’s currently in a serious relationship; and the fact that she’s ready to parade this on social media – means Yvette has finally found true love.

Bahati´s baby mama, Yvette Obura

She went on to make her new found love obvious by using Mariah Carey’s My All as her theme song on the video. We also understand this was a special moment for her and new bae  as they got away for the weekend…something she rarely does especially with her full time job and having to raise baby Mueni.


As of now, we cannot tell who the lucky guy is but all we know is that he is treating right, which explains the romantic video she shared on her page. To caption the post, he wrote;

Yvette parades engagement ring

Took a break from the normal this weekend and went for a staycation with my bestfriend.
????????????Thanks to @urbannvacations for organizing such an amazing stay.We loved everything ❤

Before this guy, Yvette had previously introduced a handsome fella called Trevor Nzomo who was set to marry her; but as you already know, things didn’t work out for them and had to part ways.

Months later, Yvette Obura appears to have found what she’s been missing. Ni kuoga na kurudi soko.

“I wish you nothing but a bad life, Idiot!” Ex Wife to Mejja as he celebrates birthday

Mejja’s ex wife Milly Wairimu is one bitter woman and at this point, I believe fans really want to know what led to their breakup cause damn – this lady is just too bitter!

Okay, I don’t know if you still check on your exes after a breakup but what I know is that ukisonga unasonga ukiendanga (you move on and never look back.)

However I feel that it’s not everybody who gets to enjoy a peaceful breakup. But the again why? If you’re dumped, shouldn’t you move on…let it go…why hang on to something that pains you? Where else…unaeza rudi soko (lakini Si pande ya vitunguu ama Viatu) and still enjoy life?

Mejja’s ex jilted lover

Anyway if you ever wondered what a jilted lover carries herself then allow me to explain what Mejja’s ex wife did on his birthday.

Well, as fans celebrate Mejja who turns a year older today (May 23rd) his ex wife has joined the bandwagon – but unlike the rest wishing his favor and blessing as he turns older; Ex Milly wishes him the opposite and is not afraid of putting it out there for people to see.

Milly Wairimu made this public in a new post where she shared an old photo with the genge artist to which she captioned;

Happy birthday idiot i wish you nothing but bad life i mean you have to pay for your wicked ways jibambe

Mejja with ex, Milly Wairimu

Is it just me or is Milly Wairimu taking things abit too far especially since she seems to be the one shading Mejja all the time – yet he still ignores and moves on like nothing happened?

Mmmh….clearly Milly Wairimu hawachiki anytime soon.

Trolls mock Vera Sidika’s two colour- skintone caused by skin bleaching

Vera Sidika has been bleaching her skin for over 6 years now and problem is – the melanin in her cannot stop multiplying no matter how much she tries to get rid of it.


Last time she made news about her skintone , Vera Sidika revealed she spends hundreds of thousands on her creams; but after seeing a photo shared by Mammito this past weekend, fans feel that Vera Sidika should accept her natural skin tone or demand her money back because the bleach isn’t just working .

With the photo making rounds on social media, fans saw an opportunity to not only trolled her for ‘plastic’ assets but for being fake; that is from her hair, skintone, implants on her bum and boobs. One of the trolls encouraged her to embrace her natural skintone saying;

Fan to Vera

Mammito steals show

Well…I don’t want to say Mammito did Vera Sidika dirty by posting the photo on social media…..women…. but again, if it were you would you hold back from sharing a photo where you look hot?

Brown skin girl Mammito looking like an African Queen

Maybe in Mammito’s defence – she didn’t notice since she was focused on looking at how stunning she looked on the photo. Her fans on social media also agree that Eddie Butita indeed bagged himself a stunning queen and the photos below can prove this.

Singer Zuchu involved in an accident

Singer Zuchu who is said to be ‘secretly’ engaged to Diamond Platnumz is currently nursing wounds and some body aches following an accident she was recently involved in.

The singer shared the sad news through her social media pages; where she also paraded her bloody knee while getting some stitches – but unfortunately avoided mentioning the nature of her accident.

Through a post shared on Twitter, the Sukari hit maker captioned her post;

  Nimepata ajali ndogo iliyo umiza goti langu jana siku moja kabla ya safari yangu kwenda kuperform Kwenye show Ya Muhimu kwangu nchini Nigeria. (I was involved in a minor accident that left me with a knee Injury yesterday night, ahead of my very important show in Nigeria). Canceling a show is one of the hardest decisions siwezi as an artist leo ndo nimejua .Nitakwenda hivyohivyo,

Zuchu in distress

In yet another post, the singer went on to reveal that it breaks her heart to share her struggles on social media – since it has never been her place to seek sympathy.

However this time around she had no option but to speak up about her current situation – that may keep her from performing for her Nigerian fans.

She went onto mention that for now, she’s determined to push herself – hoping she’ll perform despite her managing urging her to put her health first.

However, word on social media is that Zuchu has the Nigerian entertainment industry in the palm of her hands; and so far – majority of her fans and followers are from Western Africa.

Inooro TV’s anchor Ken Wakuraya accused of neglecting 6 year old love child he fathered with house help (Video)

After years of maintaining a low profile especially with many associating his name with RMS owned station, Inooro TV – Ken Wakuraya has found himself making headlines for the wrong reasons thanks to his baby mama.

Inooro TV anchor, Ken Wakuraya

Okay. On Sunday 22 May a certain lady reached out to FB blogger Wairimu Kimani hoping to get help now that her famous baby daddy had blocked her everywhere.

From the post shared by Wairimu Kimani, we understand that the alleged baby mama worked as a househelp at Ken Wakuraya’s home; and for some reason (God only knows) she not only worked the house chores – but she also worked the owner, Ken Wakuraya.

With all the baby mama and baby daddy stories we’ve heard so far  – I want to believe that there are 3 sides to the story. For this reason we get to highlight the baby mama’s side – where she claims to be the victim.

So according to the lady, Ken Wakuraya had tried luring her to bed a number of times but she always blew him off. However, one day – she ended up in his bed Willingly despite living with his wife under the same roof; and this how the pregnancy came about.

Like Peter denied Jesus, baby mama suffers same fate

With a baby on the way, the only way the lady was going to stay in Ken Wakuraya’s home is by terminating the ‘unwanted’ pregnancy……cause clearly he didn’t want anything serious with his house keeper nor the unborn child. Fun and games.

However, the lady went on to keep the pregnancy and was blessed with a special child, she named Jayden. From the video shared on blogger Wairimu Kimani’s page fans couldn’t help but mention the uncanny resemblance between Ken Wakuraya and his alleged son, Jayden.

Speaking to fans, mama Jayden is heard asking for help since her popular and rich baby daddy had cancelled both her and the boy. Not quite sure why it has taken her 6 years to expose the fella for neglecting the boy…but clearly there’s a lot not being said to complete the story.

Anyway watch the video courtesy of Wairimu Kimani.


20 year old Ssaru on how she remains afloat while other Gengetone artists complain of financial struggles

Rapper Ssaru is among the pioneers who came up during the Gengetone wave giving fans what they had been missing. Her unique sense of style and vibe contributed to her success in the industry and just like that – Ssaru was making money left right and center.

At 20 years she’s managed to bag a couple of millions and deals which explains why unlike other Gengetone artists complaining of financial struggles – Ssaru remains financially stable.

Well, for a woman her age – this is actually a big deal and a great example, for other artists to emulate. Anyway speaking to presenter Ali recently, the young lady opened up revealing how she has managed to remain afloat and her secret is letting her money work for her.


Ssaru – Everybody has financial struggles

According to Ssaru, having artists suffer financially is not something new. It is a problem that has been there for years, and the reason new age artistes are inheriting it; is because they never take time to learn from the mistakes made by fellow artistes in the past.

Having mastered this art, Ssaru says most of the money she makes ends up working for her.

One thing I did is knowing how to manage my finances. You may get 1 million today and think you’ve made it – but without investing it for more profit it’ll eventually run out, right?

Apart from that, she also avoids making bad financial moves – hence the main reason she keeps a small circle of go-getter friends who also positively influence her life.

I also checked on the company that I keep. You know to grow, you need people who can influence you positively and those who share the same vision as you.


Singer Jose Chameleone and brother, Weasel exchange passionate kiss on stage, again (Photos)

The Mayanja brothers are said to have developed a new habit of locking lips when fans are watching. Well thanks to a now deleted photo by Douglas Mayanja aka Weasel, we get to see Jose Chameleone kissing him on stage during their concert in Bujumbura, Burundi.

The Mayanja brothers

From the photo, the two brothers are seen locking lips – something that has sparked mixed feelings among their fans. There are some who claim this could be an Illuminati stunt that bonds these brothers together, while others feel that this was just a way to appreciate brotherhood.

To caption it, Weasel wrote;

Jose Chameleone and brother, Weasel kiss on stage

“Forever and Ever”.

First public kiss

Although the Mayanja brothers (that is Jose Chameleone, Weasel and Pallaso) have always been tight – fans still find it hard to understand why they find it necessary to kiss on the lips.

In November 2016 the same brother lovker lips again during a local concert in Kampala, leaving their fans speechless and some excited by the stunt. And in 2022 – Weasel once again stole kisses from his brothers and from the look of it / he sure did love it!

Anyway….just asking…when was the last time your family showed you some love? Ama ni life?

Senator Anwar’s girlfriend Aeedah Bambi rescues 8 year old girl from early marriage (Photos)

Aeedah Bambi and husband Senator Anwar have been laying low since her alleged fight with Saumu Mbuvi, ex wife to the Mombasa Senator.

However despite their silence turns out that the couple has been working on Aeedah’s foundation which focuses at empowering and awakening the youth from poverty in Africa. It also helps the less fortunate, mostly kids, young girls and women in our society.

To show one of her biggest accomplishments since starting this charity foundation, the mother of one shared a story of an 8 year old girl Samburu girl said to have risked facing FMG and early marriage according to her traditions.

From what Bambi says is one of her followers reached out with the heartbreaking story, hoping the girl would get help. Of course being a girl child mum, the lady through her foundation stepped in and did what any other able would have done.

I have a girl, 8 years old whom they want to marry off and to undergo FGM sooner if I hear. You know the Samburu traditions and the most hurting thing is that she is so young. I really wanted her to go to school. Does your organisation help in buying anything? If you could help me incur for uniform, and shopping, her parents are poor, just livestock keepers, I’m a student in my third year but I will be helping her where I can for now. She is still in manyatta but I wanted her rescued, even when if she can come to my place for now.

Aeedah to the rescue

From the IG stories shared, we understand Aeedah Bambi ensured the young girl had been enrolled in a secure boarding school; and was well prepared right before her admission.

Aeedah comes through for 8 year old girl
8 year old Girl rescued from early marriage

Well, despite the negative stories associated with her brand, clearly Bambi is doing something on the low by giving back to the society.

But again this being a political year – politicians and their wives continue to do the impossible kwa ground to win back some lost votes.

Wakushuka washuke! Bien hits back at hater after Azimio scuffle

Sauti Sol’s singer and spokes person Bien has made it known that the group is not desperate for on and off fans threatening to cancel them; following their scuffle with the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party over copyright infringement.

To him and the group, all that matters is that their work is respected after all the efforts they’ve put in their creativity. As seen on a previous post, we understand that the group asked the ODM Party’s officials for some compensation after using their extravaganza song during one of their rallies.

However with this request came mixed feelings from fans who called out the group for being selfish; and not recognizing that the ODM party was just showing their appreciation for good music.

Others, felt that the group needed to be appreciated in terms of money since they depend on their music to make a living. One gave an example of walking into a 5 star hotel, ordering the finest food and instead of paying – he or she compliments the chef with ‘good job’ as form of payment.

Bien the no nonsense

Well, unfortunately after Sauti Sol’s complaint – the group ended up losing about 2k subscribers on YT dropping from 905,000 subscribers to 903,000.

However Sauti Sol isn’t worried about losing subscribers. Actually they’re pretty much pleased to remain with loyal supporters who understand their music’s worth. Making this known to netizens Bien wrote;

  Time will reveal. Wale wanashuka washuke saa hii. Stage yao imefika. (Those of you who want to alight, it’s already time)

In yet another post, the singer pointed out that he understands the keyboard warriors he is fighting currently battling with. Using a photo, he described them using the meme below to which he captioned;

I’m unsubscribing @sautisol chilling in the crib

Call him mean or selfish, but according to Bien ‘appreciations like exposure or thank you’ doesn’t pay bills!

Ngumu sana! Anerlisa Muigai shows off hilarious dance moves & we can’t stop watching her shake (Video)

With everyone focused on whether Anerlisa Muigai will pay Ben Kangangi his Ksh 15 Million after he won the defamation case, Keroche heiress on the other hand appears busy doing other things.

So far she has not only flaunted her newly acquired Bentley but is also entertaining fans with her dance moves…okay struggling dance moves which she also went on to show off on her page.

As seen on different videos uploaded to her IG stories, Ms Anerlisa is seen Salsa dancing to a Swahili song. Okay – judging from how she moved back and forth – clearly Aner can’t dance to save her own life!

Happy and contented

Not quite sure why she felt the need to show off her moves…. I mean for years she’s carried herself as a sophisticated classy lady who doesn’t stoop low to commoners ways; but after losing the defamation case, she somehow found herself dancing on social media.

Some of her fans believe that the posts were aimed at proving a point – especially since word has it that auctioneers stormed into her lavingtone home on Wednesday, 18th.

But since they walked with nothing…. I guess the only way Aner could hit back is by dancing just to remind them how unbothered she is. No? Check her out in the videos below.


Eric Omondi to quit on landlord, flaunts piece of land he is set to build his own house after years of living in rentals

Before anything else, yes we would like to clarify that comedian Eric Omondi lied about owning a mansion in Karen; and I’m guessing by now – fans already know he cannot be trusted mostly because of his vipindi (stunts) on social media.

Although this stunts may be his art of survival on social media, many feeel that at 40 years, Eric Omondi owes himself some honestly, and I’m guessing this is why he came out clean about building a retirement home for himself.

Eric Omondi to finally build himself a home

He made this known in two social media posts where he flaunted his huge piece of land and on the caption he wrote;

That Journey of a thousand miles began today. And we are trusting God for the entire Process????????????Today is a very Great day!!! A memorable one!!! I want to officially call upon all/Any Architect/Engineers to help me come up with a Masterpiece for this House(We will shortlist and give the job to one). We are looking for a creative Masterpiece, A monument of sorts. If you are an Architect or you know one, this is your Chance. We need to launch a Presidential Palace by the beginning of 2023.

This new and legit big win for the comedian comes after years of living in expensive rentals apartments in some of Nairobi leafy areas. However with Eric Omondi already on the 4th flow, it’s probably the right time he also called it quits with Nairobi landlords.

Project Kick off

In yet another video, the comedian shows off as his foreman at work and as far we know is that they already fenced Eric’s property ahead of the main project.

Speaking about this, Eric went on to invite talented Architects looking to work with him in a post where he wrote;

Eric Omondi with foreman

Good Morning from location. We are building the official Residence of the President and we will do it together. Calling upon Architects to DM Me!!We are looking for a Creative Monumental and Presidential DESIGN. Leo tumemaliza the Initial fencing…Pole Pole mpaka tufike!!! #ProjectStateHouse

Well another job opportunity for young talents right there, but problem is – with all the scandals he has had, will Eric bag himself a trust worthy Architect?

Pendo speaks on failed engagement, says mzungu fiancé ghosted her without a reason

Singer or rather socialite Pendo is struggling to revive her music career, now that we all know Nairobi Diaries isn’t coming back.

Okay, for those who don’t know – Pendo shot into the lime light at a very young age. Back then, she used to roll with the big fish in the entertainment industry, from radio presenters to gospel artists and of course – she too was a star!

However at the time she was known for her partying ways if not her fights. If my memory serves me right, one of her former colleagues ended up nicknaming her ‘Conje’ like the boxer – simply because Pendo couldn’t stop throwing blows and punches at her ‘enemies.’

And now I’m thinking….why didn’t she use that opportunity to grow her music? But again – she was young and not so smart.

Clears air about engagement

Anyway now that she is back, the lady recently held a candid interview sharing stories from her past. Among the stories was her engagement that failed overnight after bagging a mzungu bae.

Responding to the question below;

In February 2019, you got engaged but broke up, what was the issue?

Pendo opened up saying she too doesn’t understand why her mzungu fiancé ghosted her after he proposed. According to Pendo, bae left for his country knowing very well that she still planning for their wedding….not knowing he had other plans in mind.

To say the truth, I have never understood. After Joseph Kner engaged me, he went back to his country and I was planning a wedding. I had fit my gown and everything was ready.


Later he denied the engagement and said we were acting and I even paid him to pretend.

But through it all – she managed to work on herself and well being hence her current happy life. The lass says she is happily dating some now and will not be making the mistake of parading him online like she did with her ex fiancé.

I’m really happy. I made the mistake of showing my man before but right now I want to keep it private.

Mmmh….let’s see how it works out for her now that she’s sober and ready to build from scratch.

“Jokes on me” Risper Faith throws shade at her small circle of fake friends

Socialite Risper Faith night just need to cut off some of her so called friends following an incident that went down this past weekend.

According to the socialite she’s always been the kind of friend who is willing to support her friends projects; however after this past weekend – she got to learn that not everybody you call a friend is truly rooting for you.

Risper Faith With her fiancé, Brayo

From her post, we understand that Risper had planned for a lavish intimate event allowing only close friends to attend. To her surprise – none of whom she considers as friends turned up.

Speaking about this, the mother of one uploaded a photo in the company of her husband and the only friend she currently has and captioned;

None of my “friends” attended my event na vile Mimi hu support watu????????????????????????????joke on me Thanks @biancah_ironlady , @brayo79 for supporting me

New life new friends

Before meeting husband, Brayo – Risper Faith had friends from all walks of life but after getting married and upgrading her lifestyle – of course she had to let go of some of her old friends.

Risper Faith’s mansion

Mainly because to elevate your life, sometimes you have to separate yourself…and this is what she did – however judging from the post shared above – chances are that she did not sieve all the fake friends the first reduced her circle.

But now that she see’s things abit more clearer – chances are that she might just turn to her hubby for friendship too.

Ex TRHK actress Nkirote opens up about life as a first time mum, flaunts adorable newborn daughter (Photos)

Nkirote who is popularly known from TV show The Real House Helps of Kawangare was recently blessed with her first born child – something she remains grateful for.

Being a first time mum for her has brought nothing but good memories that she continues to carry everyday of her life. As seen on a post shared on Mother’s Day just recently – the mum in town showed appreciation to her newborn daughter for making her a mum as she wrote;

Actress Nkirote

My 1st Mother’s Day and am super grateful for this beautiful girl that made me a mom.

Having lost her mum while still young, Nkirote says, now more than ever she appreciates her mum for the sacrifices she made just to give her a good life. As a new mum – she can relate with the kind of love a mum has towards her own children.

I still celebrate the woman who sacrificed a lot for me to be here even as she continues resting with the angles.
Happy Mother’s Day to all mother’s and all mothers in waiting,God hears your prayers❤️❤️

Happily married

Unlike her former colleagues who continue to grace our TV screens with new projects, Nkirote seems to have graduated to a family woman now that she is married.

And no…she’s not married to Crotus from TRHK.

Of course with a baby added to the equation, the actress might just need time before she makes a comeback to the limelight. But again, looking at how fast the film industry is growing – question will she be quick to adjust when she’s finally off baby duty?

Check out photos of the adorable baby below courtesy of the TRHK actress.