Zari Hassan introduces son’s girlfriend months after he came out gay

Zari Hassan is desperate to have her son one day settle down with a wife and have kids. I mean, don’t all parents what that for their sons?

However in today’s world things have changed. There are men who find love in each other – same as to women – hence the LGBT community which Raphael, Zari’s openly admitted to he part of.

Just to show how serious he was, Raphael came out during a live IG session confirming that he was a proud gay man. But being a minor, his mum quickly countered the video by claiming her son was just being a rebellious teenager and that nothing about his statement was true. Zari playing the mum card right there.

Also read: Zari Hassan’s second born son comes out, declares he is gay! (Screenshot)

Raphael comes out

Zari unveils son’s girlfriend

Having been put in such a position as a parent – of course Zari went in all out to protect her son against his own statement. Speaking about the issue, the mother of five said;

Also read: Zari is barking up the wrong tree as pertains to her son being gay

He has a girlfriend, he is tired of old women who keep texting  and asking him for money, he is tired of it. Maybe it was a good thing to say he is gay. Now you all will chill and leave him alone.

She further went on to deactivate his account hours later.

Well, one year later and Zari Hassan is proud to introduce her son’s girlfriend and to my surprise she even blessed the couple. Mmmmh mama’s working overtime to prove a point right?

Also read: Zari Hassan’s son turning out the way he did should not shock anyone

To caption the post, Zari wrote;

God bless you guys rose ???? ????

Such a cool mum huh? I can bet that most African parents would never catch themselves pulling such stunts for their 14/15 year olds….they’d actually rebuke the demon of hormones running in your veins.

Weezdom warns ex girlfriend against using his name on interviews, tells her to move on

These Nairobi relationships never last especially those publicized on social media. If you remember well, about a year and a half ago Weezdom and Mylee were an inseparable couple. These two were all over each other, setting couple goals for the ‘youngins’ and hanging out with the cool kids of the industry.

Bahati and Weezdom with their beloveds

With their love blossoming like wild flowers, fans predicted that this would end in tears – especially with Mylee talking marriage few months after dating. Actually what I remember is fans telling her the relationship will end in tears (obvious red flags) but being head over heels – she literally laughed it off saying;

 To those people saying it will end in premium tears, it will end in ruracio, marriage, and healthy kids. Tears will come from you after missing a plate of food at my wedding.

Also read: Weezdom and girlfriend back together months after parting way

Well, barely a year into the relationship and Weezdom was already getting played (allegedly) by the lass. From what we heard is that Mylee got abit too generous akagawa to one of Weezdom’s friends.

Weezdom fed up with ex girlfriend

Anyway since the breakup, Mylee has been quite chatty  about her past relationship – and Weezdom now says it’s time for her to keep his name off her mouth.

Weezdom and girlfriend

Also read: Weezdom and girlfriend end relationship for the 3rd time, it’s just not working

The guy told off his ex in a public announcement shared on his page where he said;

Somebody Tell Mylee Staicey that God Gave Me The Grace To Make You All Know Her.. Na Mimi Ni Mike Sonko Wa industry???? Naishi Na Evidence ya Kila Kitu kuhusu Relationship Zangu So aache Kiki thru my Name.. Staki tuhaibishane????
Wishing Her All The Best.

From what I see is that the only way Mylee will keep her name and businesses afloat is by opening up about her past with Weezdom…but the sad is part is where she uses his ‘short comings’ to entertain fans.

But since two can play the game (According to Weezdom) let’s see what happens with the receipts he claims to have on her.

“I will not raise an illegitimate child” Says singer Samidoh

Lately I feel like I’ve been writing more about breakups, deadbeat dads and baby mama drama leaving me to wonder whether this is a sign.

Like… a sign to venture into counseling cause clearly there’s good money in therapy judging from the number of people breaking up and divorcing. But let me not lie, once I learn how to figure my own sh!t out – I might give this field a try.

Also read: Samidoh replaced already? Karen Nyamu caught on camera kissing new man (Photos)

Anyway back to the usual break ups and drama from your favorite singer Samidoh and baby mama Karen Nyamu who have now given fans a reason to talk thanks to the videos on tiktok pages.

How it started

Well the latest drama was sparked by Karen Nyamu who shared a clip talking about what happens to a man and woman after a break up.

Karen Nyamu

Though it’s in kikuyu – Karen is heard saying that once the breakup happens the woman goes her way and for some reasons ends up gaining favor (maybe from the universe) while the guy ends up miserable and alone.

Also read: Karen Nyamu allegedly dumps Samidoh for ‘cheating‘ on her (Photo)

Mmmh I know y’all are saying Ooliskia wapi at the back of your minds…but lol you can thank me later.

With this video, fans quickly linked the shade to Samidoh since he is the guy Karen has been seeing a while back.

Samidoh hitting back at Karen Nyamu?

Having come across the clip, Samidoh hit back a few hours later with a video and judging from the music he was singing along to -trust me this was directed to an ex….and yes, you guessed it right – Karen Nyamu.

Well the Kikuyu lyrics talked about a man putting up with a stubborn woman who he has been avoiding (drama issues) but then – she keeps pushing his buttons to see whether he can break. He however makes its known (still on the song) that there is nothing that can be done for him to allow her back to his life.

What made the video obvious that he was talking about Karen Nyamu is the caption where he wrote;

Ndi kurera shifta


Which I’m told means ‘i will not raise somebody else’s kid’ and now question is….which of the kids is he talking about? The year old baby boy or the one on the way?

Alaaar! DJ Shiti’s baby mama reveals the amount of money comedian sends as child-support

For the past few days DJ Shiti and his ‘wife’ Fash Hussein have been entertaining their fans with their family drama and I would be lying if I said we don’t enjoy watching all this from the sidelines.

I mean, if not for these two would I be here telling you how ugly their breakup and baby upkeep issues?

Also read: DJ Shiti’s baby mama spills dirt on comedian, accuses him of cheating on her and neglecting their daughter

Comedian DJ Shiti accused of neglecting daughter

Anyway a few days we reported that Fash Hussein is now claiming her baby daddy DJ Shiti is a deadbeat father to their child, Mariam. The revelation was however made a few months after  the couple parted ways following a misunderstanding – and now that they’re not together why not say it like it is, right? Digital love.

Fash on why DJ Shiti is a deadbeat

Well for a minute we all assumed the reason Fash Hussein is exposing DJ Shiti is due to their ugly breakup tuseme tu ukweli but turns out that she had her own ‘valid’ reasons.

Also read: DJ Shiti and girlfriend welcome bouncing baby girl (Photo)

DJ Shiti

Well, with Shiti denying claims of being a deadbeat dad – his baby mama has now shared a screenshot showing the amount of money the comedian sends for his daughter’s upkeep.

From the Mpesa screenshot, Shiti whose real names are apparently only sent Ksh 150 for baby…wait what? Na hii economy alafu ikupate na Fuliza..machooos but don’t get it twisted I’m just reporting not taking sides…Lakini Shiti!

To caption her post Fash wrote;

Tangu lini was 150 inalea mtoto???mchawi ni Wewe!!!! Jiheshimu.

Judging from how the baby issue is ongoing – all I can say is stay tuned because this pull and push will keep recurring for a while.

Maureen Waititu shares health update after being hospitalized

Media personality Maureen Waititu is on the mend after she recently fell ill and was rushed to hospital. The lass shared a photo of herself in a hospital bed with an IV in her hand and from the way she appears – mama boys wasn’t really her usual self.

Maureen Waititu

On one of the photos we noticed that Maureen Waititu had a bandage on her hand (just from the wrist to palm) which leaves us wondering what happened.

However on the second photo shared on her feed, Waititu explained her current situation saying that she has been well for the past few days. Being a celebrity – she just shared a short update however chose not to disclose her illness to fans. She wrote;

Maureen Waititu

Mama isn’t feeling too well- in very good hands and great care. Will be taking a little time off to recuperate and rest.????????

Maureen Waititu bedridden

This comes as a surprise to fans especially with how active she has been on social media for the past few days.

Maureen Waititu with their sons

On Valentines Day the lady shared a photo celebrating the lovers day in the company of her youngest son and today – she’s struggling to regain her strength after the short illness.

Well, with baby daddy busy with his new family can’t help but wonder who is looking after the boys now that their mum is not feeling well?

Kenyan men step up their game during fancy Valentine’s Day party

How was your valentines Day? Maybe how you expected it to turn out or you realized that you’ve been a character in his/her game of love? Well mine was…. it was just another normal day with the same old routine.

However while most of you were crying for having been toyed with – men from the Uasin Gishu County decided to bring their A game on Valentines Day as seen on the news.

Unlike other years, 2022’s Valentines Day ‘men’s conference’ was held at popular joint Rupa’z Fun N Fitness Center to highlight GBV – a topic that needed to discussed in depth, especially with how young lovers have been handling their relationships issues.

In the 2021 GBV was one of the most reported cases recorded in the country and seeing the direction most couples were headed, indeed something had to be done.

Rekindle your love

From what we have learnt is that Benjamin Zulu was the keynote speaker at the event that saw both the young and old attend.

Of course this being a special day to all lovers, Rupa’z Fun N Fitness Center made sure to create the perfect environment for their their guest and looking at photos from the venue… let’s just say this was the perfect setup for these couple to rekindle their love.

The Olympic size pool was decorated with red balloons, while the restaurant and candy shop gave the couples the perfect place to dine. Those who arrived early had an opportunity to enjoy a spa date in the steam room and Sauna while most men couldn’t hold back from exploring the barbershop.

Massage and Spa area

This being the first event that saw celebrities and politicians attend, we understand that the organizers aim was to give men a chance to spark the light in their relationships. Rupa’z Fun N Fitness Center team on the other hand intend to host more events in a bid to solidify unions in the country.

I know I can go on and on about the men’s conference but how about I paint it for you in pictures, right?

Mwalimu Rachel and DJ Pinye confirm they are a couple

Radio Queen Mwalimu Rachel is taken. Yes, she is in a very serious relationship with one DJ Pinye, the same DJ who recently revealed that he is not married out of choice.

However looks like love finally found him and now more than ever – the 50 year is not afraid to parade the woman he is seeing. The two confirmed their relationship with a lovey dovy video shared on their pages respectively singing along to You are the reason.

Also read: The Sailors vs Mwalimu Rachel debacle is a lesson

DJ Pinye confirms relationship with Mwalimu Rachel

On one of the videos, Mwalimu Rachel wrote;

Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.
#TheBeginning #ValentinesDay2022❤️


New couple in town

It’s the little smile at the end for me ☺️❤️ Be somebody’s reason this Valentines Day. Happy Valentine’s

DJ Pinye gashes over Mwalimu Rachel

DJ Pinye on the other hand could not let Valentines Day pass without appreciating his woman on his social media pages.

Just like girlfriend, DJ Pinye captioned his video;

Also read: What Mwalimu Rachel told Sailors after crawling back to her in 2021

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength. Loving someone deeply gives you courage.????

Judging from how they act around each other proves – they indeed found what they’ve been missing in each others arms.

But again, cant help but wonder what happened to Mwalimu Rachel marriage, wasn’t she a married woman?

‘Nothing goes unpunished’ Michelle Ntalami promises her exes on Valentine’s Day

Isn’t it funny that most people are reminded of their single status on Feb 14? Like you live the whole year alone not committed to anything or anyone – then boom Valentine’s Day comes around and you’re reminded of your painful past, hence experiencing bitterness. Funny huh!

Well, I’m sure you’ve been there or know someone who has had such an experience – but all I know is that, it’s never that easy. Media personality Michelle Ntalami might have explained this better with her latest post – where she talks about her painful experiences – now that she is single.

Also read: Michelle Ntalami Declares Interest In Men After Breaking Up With Makena Njeri (Screenshot)

Michelle Ntalami with ex Makena Njeri

As seen on the detailed post, looks like Ntalami has a serious problem with people who go around breaking other peoples hearts. From what she says is that these people have no shame nor remorse which leaves her baffled. She wrote;

Also read: Makena Njeri Speaks After Michelle Ntalami Accused Her Of Infidelity


It really baffles me how someone can live happily with themselves knowing full well that they’ve caused another so much pain. Or live with themselves knowing they have destroyed someone’s relationship, and have shame or remorse.

Hope in Karma

Well, judging from how quick ex, Makena moved on after their ugly split on social media; Michelle Ntalami may have hit back with this post which reveals that she still awaits for Karma to play it part.

This became clear after she went on to conclude her post saying;

This world is full of deceit, but God never sleeps. Nothing done with an intent to hurt, use or betray is ever blessed



Mejja trashed by ex girlfriend following bitter breakup

Don’t you just hate it when a happy relationship ends in tears? It hurts, I know and I’m guessing this is why most females take it upon themselves to expose their exes for the bitter part of the relationship – now that things are over and of course hakuna kurudiana tena, right?

Genge rapper Mejja

Also read: “My father was a sperm donor” Mejja opens up

Well it’s true and thanks to Mejja’s ex girlfriend I’ll get to help you understand what I’m saying. So, Milly Wairimu who was Mejja’s ex has come out to expose the singer for putting her through a tough experience in their relationship that she now regrets ever meeting him.

As seen on a post shared on Instagram, Ms Wairimu wrote;


Manze najua mnapenda uyu msee but manze kenye alinipitishia????????????????! Idon’t think any human deserves it! But maybe one day ill talk about my story.For now
Napendwa vizuri call me mrs B????

Also read: The advice Mejja gave is great but it is too old fashioned to work

Mejja’s ex cries foul

Although Milly Wairimu doesn’t regret that they’ve separated she goes to trash him for not being man enough yaani hatoshi mboga. Alaar.

#uyubazuu wenyu hatoshi y’all can judge me i know him better Hawezi????????????
Bazuu wa uduu???????????? But kama celeb ako tu sawa100% But ikikam ni familia Chorea???????? Still will always be his biggest fun though musically otherwise i wish i never met him.but i want to be better not bitter????

Well chances are that Mejja may have hurt her in the worst possible way…but imagine if every woman was to trash their exes on social media? Wouldn’t this be one bitter world?

But now that she got the ball rolling about her past…let’s see what else she will end up sharing cause clearly, she pulled an audience.

Corazon Kwamboka unveils daughter’s face for the first time, she looks like daddy (Photo)

Corazon Kwamboka and Frankie Just Gym it make the most beautiful kids. Truth is, yes there are those that don’t like the couple following Frankie and Maureen’s ugly split but it’s now time to move on cause clearly – these two found happiness in each other.

Frankie shared family photos

Also read: Corazon Kwamboka steps out to party 12 days after C Section surgery, leaving Frankie with the babies! (Photos)

So far the couple has a 2 year old son and were recently blessed with a daughter whose name we are yet to know. Anyway, it’s has since been three months after baby girl was born and unlike their firstborn – Frankie and Corazon have been keeping on the low until Valentines Day when they finally unveiled her face.

As seen on Corazon Kwamboka’s page, she proudly paraded daughter to the world; and this day being special to lovers and loved ones around the world….she went on to appreciate both daughter and son saying;

The sunshine that makes my day, the reason I wake up every time I stumble. With you around, there’s a reason to believe life is full of blessings and miracles. Thank you for making me experience love like never before. My Valentines.

Also read: Corazon Kwamboka Successfully Gives Birth To A Bouncing Baby Girl (Photo)

Frankie and Corazon’s kids

Daddy’s girl

From the photo shared above, it’s only fair to say that baby girl took after her papa – which is not bad since the prettiest girls take after their dads, right?

Anyway with celebrities unveiling their baby daddies, baby bumps and photos of their kids…what are you doing on this special day? Ama it can never be you?

DJ Mo and Ringtone Get in Heated Confrontation During Size 8 Event

Word making rounds on social media is that Ringtone and DJ Mo almost exchanged blows during Size 8’s album launch. From the stories circulating on social media is that Ringtone may have sparked the ‘right’ with his running mouth.

According to reports, Ringtone was heard bad mouthing Size 8 while speaking to journalists at the album launch; and from what he said is that artistes should be given more respect compared to that given to preachers… only because the only people allowed at the event were preachers.

Also read: DJ Mo explains exactly what happened to his crossover 101 job at NTV after cheating exposè

Ringtone and DJ MoOf course DJ Mo couldn’t have him speaking in that manner at the event – especially since he was just a guest and a disrespectful one for that matter.

DJ Mo to the rescue

Well, being the good husband he has lately become – DJ Mo interrupted the interview but judging from his approach, this almost become a real physical fight.

Also read: I’ve Grown Up A Lot By Living With You- DJ Mo’s Message To Size 8 As She Celebrates Birthday

Size 8 and Ringtone

From the viral videos making rounds on social media, looks like Ringtone was also ready to exchange blows while you can hear DJ Mo asking bouncers to remove Ringtone from the premises before he (DJ Mo) does something he will regret.

Not sure why they both felt getting physical would help solve their issues faster, but at least now you know even men of God also chose vayolence at times.

DJ Shiti’s baby mama spills dirt on comedian, accuses him of cheating on her and neglecting their daughter

Didn’t DJ Shiti and girlfriend Fash Hussein welcome a baby girl less than 2 years ago? Well, despite sealing their love with a child – word making round social media is that theirs trouble in paradise.

Shiti’s girlfriend welcomes baby girl!

Also read: DJ Shiti and girlfriend welcome bouncing baby girl (Photo)

This is after Fash Hussein (Shiti’s ex) decided to hold a QnA session giving fans a chance to dig deep into her ‘marriage’ and being one who is bitter, probably hurt and a little disappointed by her choice in men – she spilled the dirt in her marriage tsk tsk as if the followers would help solve her problems.

But I guess this a price most young marriages are currently paying cause damn…nobody respects their own privacy anymore.

Comedian DJ Shiti

Shiti’s baby mama shares dirt

Also read: “I am my family’s last hope” DJ Shiti reveals

Anyway as for the dirt shared by Fash Hussein, we understand that she accused DJ Shiti of cheating on her with multiple women – adding that he could even bring others to their marital home. Alaar Shiti ataambia watu nini…

Fash revealed this while responding to one of her followers who asked:

Did he ever beat you or cheat on you. Why did you leave?

To which Fash wrote:

Too much cheating…brought others to our home.

DJ Shiti’s baby mama Fash Hussein

Another fan asked whether the two talk or even have a coparenting relationship:

How’s the relationship between you and him?

And just like that, Fash branded her daughter’s father a deadbeat…a statement uttered while angry or probably just fed up.

Apparently, deadbeat dad.

And just like that – we gained access to Shiti’s matrimonial home and from where I stand, things

Kishash hitmaker quits making music

Lil Maina is one of those unique artists who started small but ended up attracting a huge crowd than he expected.

So far Lil Maina is not only known for his funny clips – which he often features both his grandparents (granddaddy always keeps me entertained) but also through his music which has now put him on top charts.

Lil Maina

His latest hit Kishash however turns out to be the last song he will be releasing as an artist but the sad part is that – Lil Maina is calling it quits just when we thought the Kenyan music industry got a savior.

Announces retirement

The young man made his exit from the music industry known while responding to a QnA post from a fan who asked;

Dropping any song this year I want u to drop another banger for me coz am finishing highschool

To which Lil Maina said;

I stopped making music

Lil Maina

Not quite sure how truthful his response is – but it’s only fair to say that his music targeted preteens to young adults meaning – out with old in with the new. But again, if he says he achieved what he wanted, who are we to force music on him?

Yummy Mummy forced to explain herself after implying women who use sanitary pads are ‘Cavewomen, yuck!’

Ex Ebru Tv presenter Joan Obwaka Murugi alias Yummy Mummy has found herself in trouble with netizens following a post where she talked about her menstrual periods. Well, not as yuck as it sounds but her words may have had some bad effect on her followers.

Well, it all started with Joan sharing her experience with liposuction and from what she said is that of now she cannot use tampons or a Cup for now due to the surgery – hence being forced to settle on pads like a cavewoman.

Also read: What influencers should learn from Yummy Mummy’s beef with Edgar Obare

In her own words Joan wrote;

Because I can’t really bend, I won’t be able to use a cup or Tampons. I’m  going to have to use pads like a cavewoman???? yuck

Yummy mummy

Well, being one who is known for her sharp mouth – fans feel that her statement was no mistake nor was it taken out of context as she now claims people are twisting their words.

Yummy mummy defends herself

Having seen how netizens reacted to her post, as usual Joan Obwaka/Murugi Munyi quickly released a new statement explaining what she meant by ‘Cavewoman.’

According to her, the words she used only described what she felt – and did not mean to drag other women into the whole ‘cavewomen yuck’ statement. In her long statement, Murugi wrote;

Also read: Yummy Mummy invited the audience into her marriage and now is reaping what she sowed

Not quite sure why the YouTuber often finds herself in trouble with her followers but so far, she has been branded as a mean woman who feels superior over other human beings.

But again, let’s just say she doesn’t know how to handle herself with the same class she sells to her fans. No?

‘He apologized’ Arrow Bwoy confirms his friendship with Jalang’o remains intact

Singer Arrow Bwoy says he is not the type to hold grudges. For this reason, he decided to forgive Jalang’o for outing Nadia’s pregnancy without their permission way before the Kiss FM presenter apologized to them in public.

Well, if you remember a few weeks back – Jalang’o unapologetically conformed that Nadia was indeed pregnant; and to top it off, he even went on to advise her against hiding it…yaani mimba haifichiki.

Also read: “Nadia awache Kuficha mimba” Jalango confirms Arrow Bwouy and girlfriend are expecting first child

Arrow Bwoy with Nadia Mukami

Speaking to his cohost Kamene Goro on that fateful morning, Jalang’o for some reason outed the secret saying;

Nadia pia awache kuvaa ma sweater wacha mimba itoke.


You know they visited me at home and see I am telling you. It’s true! I think they want to do a baby bump shoot.

Arrow bwoy on Jalango’s apology

Anyway speaking during a recent interview, Arrow Bwoy pointed out that Jalang’o has always been a friend and although he may have crossed the friendship boundary – they still got to work things out.

Also read: “That was low and disrespectful” Nadia Mukami tells off Jalang’o

Jalas is a friend, someone who has supported me from day 1. We still talk but he crossed his boundaries at that time.

On whether Jalang’o later apologized after this incident, Arrow Bwoy said;

He apologized and said sorry for what he did. I don’t like keeping grudges nor do I burn bridges.

Well, at least these two didn’t blow things out of proportion because of a pregnancy reveal.

Mapenzi ya msimu? Jimal moves back in with first wife, Amira

For a while now word has had it that Amira is a single mum coparenting with ex husband, Jimal Rohosafi. But ooliskia wapi?

Turns out that Amira’s public announcement about her single status was a move made while angry – throwing things out of proportion – cause we just realized husbae has been spending some quality time with her in their Syokimau home.

Also read: Amira jumps right back into the dating pool after ugly split from hubby, Jimal (Photo)

Jimal and wife, Amira

Well, could be coparenting – but from what I know the screenshot shared below says something quite different from what Amira had been preaching a few months ago. Remember her long post on ‘dont link me to Jimal bla bla bla we done’ post that read;

PSA!!! Am addressing this for the very last time!! Stop associating me with Jamal. You need to stop dragging me with every issue that you see out there, we’re no longer together. Am not his wife, he is not my husband, am not his problem, he is no longer my problem. Im only responsible and answerable to my kids!! KIELEWEKE

Also read: What Amira and Michelle Ntalami have in common

On and off affection

If indeed they are back together, then trust me we wouldn’t be shocked since – well, Amira keeps taking him back after his fair share of fun with other females. She said it herself.

Jimal spending quality time with Amira

As of now, it’s only fair to say Jimal has two wives and is not planning on letting either go. But their love could also be based on business – I mean, lately Amira seems to be making news more than Amber Ray, so why not make use of the fame?


What Bien Aime thinks of his wife, Chiki Kuruka

Bien Aime is one of those tall and handsome men most ladies eye but unfortunately – he is taken and yea – he wants his status to remain that way since he married his best friend, Chiki Kuruka.

He confirmed his love for his wifey remains strong after sharing a new post where he gushed over his love for her. Although it took a valentines Day challenge for him to speak about his feelings for wifey – let’s just say his words confirmed that he chose right.

Also read: ‘The Lord is with me’ Bien Aime on quitting ‘Jaba’ and other bad habits

Bien with wifey, Chiki

Anyway speaking about his wife in the video shared to partake in the #lovemore challenge, Bien nominated his wife Chiki since she is;

‘the person who has impacted his life in the most extraordinary yet unexpected way.’

Qualities of Bien’s better half

Having been married for 2 years after close to 3 years of dating, Bien now understands his wife more than anyone else and I guess this is why he said;

Also read: “To say I love you is not enough,” Chiki Kuruka’s open letter to renowned photographer who hooked her up with Bien

Sauti Sol’s Bien Aime

She has been the cornerstone of my music career, So loving, assuring, generous, patient, and much more. She deserves the world and more, I pray for abundance and all the good things money can’t buy. #Love with a difference, #Love more

Aren’t they just the perfect match?

Cartoon Comedian shares screenshot of threats received from singer who allegedly hired goons to beat her

By now you already know Cartoon Comedian was recently beaten by a couple of goons hired by a ‘certain singer’ she has been trolling on social media for a while. According to Cartoon, the said artist is talentless and has been forcing matters with this new found career.

And just like that netizens were quick to link Diana Marua as the said ‘singer’ – probably because of all the shade Cartoon has been throwing her way. This can be seen in posts and videos where Cartoon mimics Diana – and come to think of it, the trolls kinda sound personal.

Also read: Cartoon comedian beaten black and blue by goons allegedly hired by Diana Bahati (Video)

Cartoon comedian beaten

Anyway, after having enough of the young lady’s stunts and ‘mockery’ – looks like something got done but problem is…. instead of shutting Cartoon’s mouth – she just got louder with a new video where she talks about the beating.

Threats involved

I am not really sure whether the whole story is genuine considering how much the Bahati’s like to flout chase; but again, do you think Cartoon would have inflicted such pain on herself…wait, especially around her face area? No don’t think that’s possible.

Anyway with this new video – the comedian now says she has been sent a message from the said singer threatening her even more.

The screenshot reads;

Tuheshimiane if you don’t take that post down within 24 hours we’ll have a serious problem.

To which Cartoon responded with two texts but deleted one…but the one left read;

I’m allowed to speak my own truth!


But why hide the phone number? Anyway – the story could be true but there’s also a 50% chance that its a music project.

Nviiri’s ex girlfriend proves age is no barrier after buying first home at 25

YouTuber Elodie Zone is a proud owner of a beach house she recently purchased with her hard earned money. Maybe. But all we know is that Elodie now owns a beautiful house which she calls home only at the age of 25 years.

Being one who enjoys entertaining her fans on social media, Elodie Zone shared a photo of her property and as for the caption – the vlogger talked about the challenges that pushed her to becoming a better version of herself saying;

YouTuber Elodie

Bullied in high school.
Depression for 10 years.
Attacked on social media countless times for rumors.
0ksh in the bank account.
Physical abuse in relationships.

Okay okay, about the physical abuse in relationships – we only know of one – that time she was dating Nviiri…and no it was no fairytale.

Also read: Elodie Zone flaunts new boyfriend weeks after breakup with Nviiri the story teller

Elodie Zone parading beach house


Well, the list is to show you some of the things she has had to put up with over the years and now – finally the Almighty has blessed her.

Also read: “If I ever lose this battle, just know I tried” YouTuber Elodie Zone on mental health issues

The 25 year old vlogger went on to add;

College drop out.
Black sheep of the squad.
Watch out for people that bounce back from everything that was meant to destroy them. Those are Gods people. They are not to be messed with #25 #myfirsthome #beachhouse #meditation My #2022 has been the first chapter of a book I can’t wait to read! ????

Below is a photo of the beach house.

Elodie Zone flaunts beach house


Cartoon Comedian displays injuries received from serious beating (Photos)

Cartoon Comedian might end up trending thanks to a new video where she talks about being beaten by goons hired by a certain celebrity. According to the lass, the beating is a result of her trolling a certain untalented rapper that can’t seem to get her bars and rhythm right.

Cartoon beaten

Well, being one who follows both ladies on social media – it’ll only be fair to say the rapper Cartoon is talking about could be Diana Marua. It has to be – asking how? Well, I’m thinking hours before she received the beating Cartoon shared the post below to which she captioned;

Also read: Cartoon comedian beaten black and blue by goons allegedly hired by Diana Bahati (Video)

Real bosses don’t force talent…na msiseme nimetaja “mapenzi tight”

Cartoon comedian

In the comment section, fans advised Cartoon not to pick it n Diana Marua Bahati – since the rapper was clearly ignoring the trolls. However, little did they know what would happen next… Kichapo cha mbwa!

Swollen face and black eye

In the video footage she posted of herself, the comedian can be seen with bloodied black-eye and a swollen face. Before this, Cartoon had posted a photo of showing her swollen face to which she jokingly captioned;

Also read: Diana Marua Signs 1st Artist Under Her Own Record Label

Cartoon comedian beaten by goons

Comments fupi fupi…lets keep it short.

At first she did not specify who had caused the violence, though netizens speculated it was probably a violent boyfriend; only for cartoon to later share a video explaining why she was beaten.

From what she says is that her smart mouth rubbed a certain untalented rapper the wrong hence black and blue beating from goons hired to attack her.

But so far she remain unmoved since they only hit her with a torch bursting her cheek open…but next time she advises the goons to carry a gun..that of course will scare her. Alaar, hamuogopi?

Anyway….something about this fight seems personal. Right?

Cartoon comedian beaten black and blue by goons allegedly hired by Diana Bahati (Video)

So we have reason to believe that Diana Marua and Cartoon comedian don’t like each other. Actually, it’s the other way round if you ask me. This is because, Diana Marua has been feeling some type of way thanks to Cartoon comedian who keeps basing her comic content around Diana B.

Also read: Diana Marua Signs 1st Artist Under Her Own Record Label

So far we have seen Cartoon comedian indirectly throw shade at Diana B’s struggling vocals – but again, don’t all comedians do this?

However, judging from Cartoon’s latest video showing injuries received from a serious beating; the comedian makes it known that Diana B doesn’t appreciate trolls and if you do so – then there is a price to pay.

Also read:“The truth shall set the innocent free“ Weezdom weighs in on Willy Paul and Diana Bahati’s scandal

Cartoon comedian beaten

And now I’m guessing the swollen face amd black eye on Cartoon’s face were the price she paid for her videos on Diana B; which explains why fans are now leaving nasty comments on Diana Marua pages.

Cartoon Comedian not ready to back down

Anyway, although the Cartoon doesn’t specifically point out that it’s Diana Marua she is accusing of sending goons to beat her up; the fact that she said;

Yaani ju tu yakusema mtu hana vocals, alinitumanishia watu wanipige. Is that right really? Juu tu yakusema mtu hana talent. Juzi tu nimepost mtu hana talent. Amenitumanishia watu waniharibu sura.

confirms that yea – it’s your favorite rapper Diana B.

At this point it’s hard to tell why the these two can’t seem to stand each other on social media but were not complaining since it’s showbiz.

But again, out of everyone that has picking on her for the past few years, why is it that Diana Marua decided for attack Cartoon comedian? Maybe cause she’s young? Or is just an easy target considering she’s just starting up?

Willis Raburu opens up about divorce from ex wife, MaryaPrude’s – says he tried everything to save marriage

Willis Raburu and ex wife Maryaprude are legally divorced after 2 years of marriage. Their divorce however came as a big surprise since it happened only a few months after Maryaprude gave birth to a still baby.

With the whole grieving process, looks like both Maryaprude and Willis lost the passion and love they had towards each other hence settling for divorce. The media personality confirmed this through a recent interview where he opened up about his divorce from Marya.

Also read: Husband & Wife- Juliani Shows Off Ring After Wedding Lillian Ng’ang’a (Photo)

tbt: Maryaprude and Willis Raburu

According to Raburu – divorce was the only solution to his marriage with Maryaprude. This is because before deciding to part ways, he tried talking, therapy, going to church but still it did not work. And for the sake of their mental health – divorce then became the last option.

Speaking during recent interview with a vernacular TV station Willis said;

It was very difficult because when you decide to settle on divorce, it means you have tried so many other things like talking, therapy, tried going to church…But when it reaches a point where all your misunderstandings are pointed towards hurting your partner then it’s better to just stay as friends.

Toxic relationship?

Although he did not make it obvious, something about Willis Raburu’s statement says his relationship with Maryaprude was slowly getting toxic. And being the man in the relationship – Willis was forced to bottle up emotions which later came out and as you can see – it didn’t end so well.

Also read: Governor Joho’s 32 year old hot wife files for divorce, says she’s done holding on

Ex couple; Willis and Maryaprude

Bottling a lot of issues in marriage is not healthy. Men are told they need to be strong and not cry but in reality, I was sad and crying on the inside. When I left the house I used to cry as well.


You can only be strong for so long as it is assumed men should be. But it reaches a point when you have had enough and can’t take it anymore. And when you reach the end, you start to be resentful towards your partner as they are towards you.

And if you thought divorce is an easy process where you pay up lawyers and let them handle the whole process on your behalf….guess what it’s actually a nightmare that Willis Raburu says he cannot wish on his worst enemy.

Divorce and child loss is something I wouldn’t wish even upon my worst enemy,

Alaaar! Pregnant Karen Nyamu distances herself from alleged bae she was spotted kissing

Politician cum lawyer Karen Nyamu is back to making news and this time around, she’s not trending because of lover/baby daddy Samidoh but because of a new fella she was spotted smooching recently.

At first, fans felt that the photo was shared to hurt Samidoh for the on and off relationship he had with Karen Nyamu – but turns out that the politician didn’t even know how the photos  made it online.

Also read: Samidoh replaced already? Karen Nyamu caught on camera kissing new man (Photos)

Anyway, with everyone concluding that the new guy is definitely dating Karen Nyamu – the politician cum lawyer on the other hand has come out to strongly disagree being involved with the guy. Actually what she denied was the kiss, but not the relationship.

Addressing rumors linking her to the kissing photo – Karen said;

Ni story mumekosa. If this is how you kiss then mko chini tu sana.


Wife number 2

Clearly this wasn’t the plan especially after the many months she has been trying to get Samidoh to wife her – then a photo of her kissing a man that is not Samidoh emerges online? I mean, how will she explain this?

Also read: “I am 3 months pregnant for him” Karen Nyamu reveals after receiving serious beating from Samidoh

Anyway in her defense, Karen says this wasn’t a kiss – maybe a small smooch – actually forced  if not caught by surprise that is judging from her facial reaction.

But something tells me she wasn’t expecting the guy to kiss her infront of a camera man…unachoma…but like I said, Karen Nyamu has a lot of love and affection to offer to these fine young men.

Samidoh replaced already? Karen Nyamu caught on camera kissing new man (Photos)

Karen Nyamu seems to have bagged herself a new man. That is judging from two new photos making rounds online. In one Karen Nyamu is seen kissing a new man believed to be new bae while on the second pic – man’z appears quite comfortable half-leaning on Nyamu’s huge bump. Alaaar.

Karen with the boys

Also read: Karen Nyamu allegedly dumps Samidoh for ‘cheating‘ on her (Photo)

With this, I bet you’re wondering how the politician managed to bag herself a new man despite the huge bump – yet you can’t get a text back, right? You’re not alone.

Well the secret is in your bank account…. how much is in your name? Or rather can the woman you’re dating support you if you went broke today or – can she even get you government tenders like Karen did for Samidoh and Edday a while back? Think…

Samidoh wildling with wife, Edday

Also read: Co-wife conflict: Karen Nyamu calls out Samidoh’s first wife for being jealous of her success

Anyway not to judge but truth is, fellas also want to bag a woman who can take care of them. Whether money-wise or just emotional support. And in this case Karen Nyamu has both to offer especially the love which may explain the kissing photo.

Karen Nyamu dumping Sammidoh or having fun?

Anyway at 7 months pregnant I belive that Karen Nyamu is already struggling with fatigue, sleeplessness, heartburn, swollen feet, moodswings, loss of appetite…. alafu you think adding a heartbreak to the list won’t trigger her to move on? Blame it on the high hormones.

Well as of now, we cannot confirm anything about the rumored relationship but the kiss.

Also read: “I am 3 months pregnant for him” Karen Nyamu reveals after receiving serious beating from Samidoh

However if we were to judge them from the body language seen from the photos shared below…. one would easily say Karen Nyamu is looking for a man to call her own and since Sammidoh keeps playing games and denying her in public…. then what’s the point of holding on when she can cut and replace?

Karen Nyamu beaten by baby daddy in front of daughter

Lastly, hopefully the photos won’t cause another black eye…. remember a few months back when Samidoh confronted Nyamu about a guy she was seen with in Mombasa hence beating her black and blue? We wouldn’t want that. But si alisema ni job?

Here are the photos:

Karen Nyamu with new bae?

Alfred Mutua over the moon after spending time with ex wife and kids in Australia months after Lilian Ng’ang’a dumped him

Well, well, well…looks like Governor Mutua has lately been making time for his kids – which his explains his recent trip to Australia where both his ex wife and the kids reside.

The Governor made this obvious with his latest where he couldn’t stop talking about his visit, and as you know Kenyans on his social media’s couldn’t let him off so easy. Anyway flaunting his well spent holiday in Sydney, Governor Mutua wrote;

Also read: Lilian Ng’ang’a reveals how ex, Alfred Mutua recently tried to buy her love with expensive gifts

HOMEWARD BOUND after spending quality time with my amazing loved ones. As a friend of mine called prof says once in a while it is good to “eat life with a big spoon.”


Now, time for siasa moto moto za maendeleo chap chap.

Mutua flies to Australia to visit family

Back to wifey after breakup with Lilian Ng’ang’a?

From the comments a few of his fans couldn’t help but point out that this latest move comes after  Lilian Ng’ang’a walked out on him. Actually most felt that this wasn’t a genuine visit – but another stunt to see whether his family will take him back now that he is on his own.

Also read: “We have had issues over the years” Lilian Ng’ang’a shares news details as to why she dumped Governor Alfred Mutua

Lilian celebrates Alfred Mutua

But again, we can’t really blame him considering most men his age are already committed in long term relationships with wives from back in the day; and since he may have gambled his away….I guess loneliness might be all he has left.

However, family remains family no matter what, right?

Governor Joho’s 32 year old hot wife files for divorce, says she’s done holding on

So word making rounds on social media is that Governor Joho’s hot wife identified as Madina Giovanni Fazzini has filed for divorce at Mombasa Chief Kadhi’s Court.

Madina to allegedly divorce Governor Joho

The Italian-Somali lady filed for divorce after 11 years of being married on paper and from what she says – the marriage cannot be saved at this point. Madina went on to make it known that since their separation they’ve both moved on; and the only remaining thing is the divorce bit.

Tbt: The Joho’s

Pleading her case on the affidavit now making rounds on social media, the hot mother of two said;

Joho’s stunning soon to be ex wife

I am clear and unequivocal that our marriage has broken down irretrievably with no chance of revival given we have both moved on over the years.

Time to move on

From the rest of the points offered to plead her case, looks like the lady feels that there’s nothing left to salvage since the governor moved out in 2013 and has been living on his own since then.

Since the respondent Joho moved out of our matrimonial home in June 2013, the substance of our marriage has dissipated and has no basis to be sustained from a legal and social standpoint.

Joho’s ex wife, Madina


It is obvious that there is no hope or possibility of reconciliation or compromise of whatsoever nature or kind between myself and the respondent.