Why KDF has postponed General Ogolla’s memorial service

The memorial service for the late Chief of Defence Forces Gen Francis Omondi Ogolla, initially planned for Friday, April 26, at the Ulinzi Sports Complex in Lang’ata, has been postponed.

In a joint statement with the late Gen Ogolla’s family, the KDF announced the postponement, citing a desire to organize the event more effectively. A new date for the memorial service will be communicated in the near future.


Just who was the late Gen. Francis Ogolla?

The statement expressed gratitude for the support received during the state funeral on Sunday and acknowledged the immense influence Gen Ogolla had as a military leader, patriot, and family man.

Gen Ogolla was laid to rest at his home in Ng’iya, Siaya County, on Sunday, in accordance with his wishes. The burial ceremony was attended by close family, friends, military personnel, and government officials, who paid their respects and honored his memory with a 19-gun salute.


“Young man, please don’t be irritable with us.” Oburu Odinga probes the son of Gen. Ogolla

President William Ruto, First Lady Rachael Ruto, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, and Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale were among those who laid wreaths at the gravesite.

Gen Ogolla, along with nine other military officers, tragically lost their lives in a helicopter crash in Elgeyo Marakwet County on Thursday, April 18. He is survived by his widow, Aileen Kathambi Ogolla, and two children.

The CDF had been on a mission to visit troops deployed in the North Rift under Operation Maliza Uhalifu when the helicopter accident occurred.

Joel Rabuku, the late CDF Francis Ogolla’s son, is trending. Here’s why:

Joel Rabuku Ogolla has recently gained significant attention in social media circles. He is the surviving son of the late Chief of the Defence Forces (CDF) General Francis Ogolla.

Rabuku’s prominence surged last Friday when he appeared alongside his family members to receive President William Ruto, who visited their Nairobi home to offer condolences.


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Since then, Rabuku has been trending at the top on X, just a day after his father was laid to rest at their Ng’iya home in Siaya.

What has propelled him to prominence?

In the lead-up to General Ogolla’s burial, Joel has been a symbol of resilience and composure within the family amidst their loss.

He has been vocal, making profound statements about his father, even boldly urging mourners not to mourn his father’s death but to celebrate his life.


“Young man, please don’t be irritable with us.” Oburu Odinga probes the son of Gen. Ogolla

Joel was appointed as the family coordinator for the funeral arrangements led by the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF).

During the funeral on Sunday, he addressed mourners, dispelling rumors of any tension between his father and President Ruto, terming their relationship as cordial.

“People should stop that talk. These guys were friends at State House,” he said.

Joel recalled how his father would mention having fruitful discussions with the President during their meetings.

“He would tell me he had a very good meeting with the boss, without divulging details. It wasn’t just with the President but also the Deputy President. They developed a strong working relationship to safeguard the country. They became like brothers,” he added.

He expressed disappointment at those speculating about his father’s death, particularly calling out bloggers for insensitive posts about the helicopter crash.

“Bloggers, you’re too quick to post pictures. I was informed by my mom that my dad had gone down, and 10 minutes later, I see a helicopter burning. What does that imply? Of course, he’s dead,” he questioned.


Just who was the late Gen. Francis Ogolla?

Addressing Senator Oburu Odinga’s comments, Joel urged for patience in allowing investigations into the crash, emphasizing the importance of uncovering the truth.

On Saturday, Opposition leader Raila Odinga echoed the need for thorough investigations into the crash to dispel rumors.

Joel’s emergence has stirred both support and criticism, with some defending him and others condemning him.

“Our people tend to politicize everything and create unnecessary divisions. It’s called a siege mentality, a tactic used for ages to manipulate Luos politically,” remarked X user Samson Ogola.

“Now you understand why Oburu felt compelled to dismiss Joel, even though Joel knew the late General better than Oburu,” Ogola added.

“Joel Ogolla’s brief moment of fame following his father’s death is over. He can return to wherever he came from,” another user commented.

General Ogolla was laid to rest on Sunday in Siaya, with the funeral led by President Ruto.

President Ruto: I didn’t want my daughter to speak or be present at the funeral for General Ogolla.

President William Ruto reflected on the profound influence the late Chief Defence Force General Francis Ogolla had on numerous individuals, including his own family.

Addressing the funeral service at Senator Obama Primary School on April 21, President Ruto shared a touching anecdote about his daughter, Charlene Ruto, who was deeply moved by General Ogolla during his tenure.

Recalling an amusing incident, he recounted his attempt to dissuade Charlene from attending the burial.


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“When my daughter called me last night expressing her wish to attend the burial, I told her, ‘Charlene, there is no way you are going, and there is no way you are going to speak anywhere.’ But as fate would have it, she found her way here, and before I knew it, she was at the microphone. That’s how influential Gen Ogolla was,” President Ruto remarked.

The head of state also mentioned how he initially suggested to his wife to focus on other engagements, but she opted to attend the burial instead.

“Again, I had suggested to my wife that since we were occupied yesterday at Lang’ata, maybe she could attend to other matters today.”


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President Ruto emphasized the significant loss felt by the nation, stating:

“General Ogolla was influential not only to those he worked with daily but also to those who understood his contributions to our country. Many may say various things because they do not comprehend what those of us who closely worked with General Ogolla know about his dedication to our country. I am certain the general here knows that we have lost a remarkable man, and I wish we could all honor him with a dignified sendoff.”

Kenya’s First Daughter, Charlene Ruto, delivered a poignant tribute to General Ogolla and conveyed condolences on behalf of the nation’s youth.

Sharing the platform with General Ogolla’s daughter, Lorna, Charlene extended heartfelt sympathies to the family, stating: “Our heartfelt condolences to the family of General Ogolla from the young people of Kenya. Kenya has lost a CDF, and as young people, we have lost a mentor and a champion.”


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Reflecting on her interaction with the late General Ogolla, Charlene recounted their conversation from last year.

“I met him last year, and he spoke highly of the Africa Youth Climate Assembly and inquired about how we could promote environmentalism and climate action within the defence forces. Perhaps we still need to do that in his honor,” she expressed.

Charlene also shared the contents of the general’s final message to her.

“…I recently read his last text to me, and it deeply moved me. He was truly our champion. May he rest in peace,” she concluded her address.

“Young man, please don’t be irritable with us.” Oburu Odinga probes the son of Gen. Ogolla

Siaya Senator Oburu Odinga has urged Joel Rabuku, the son of the late Chief of Defence Forces Francis Ogolla, to cooperate with investigations into the military plane crash that claimed 10 lives.

Speaking at the ongoing burial ceremony in Siaya County, Odinga stressed the importance of allowing the government to conduct thorough investigations as promised.

He echoed the concerns of many leaders from the region who have experienced untimely deaths, underscoring the need for transparency regarding General Ogolla’s tragic demise.

“We seek the truth. We have lost numerous leaders in our area under suspicious circumstances, and we are cautious. We demand answers regarding the demise of our son. Young man, please be patient with us. We seek the truth. When Robert Ouko passed away, the authorities convinced his family to dismiss our inquiries. So, young man, please be patient and let the investigators carry out their duties,” Oburu stated.

Additionally, Oburu conveyed former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s condolences, noting his absence due to being out of the country.

General Ogolla lost his life tragically in a military plane crash in the Kaben area of Elgeyo-Marakwet County, alongside nine other KDF officials on Thursday, April 18.

During the memorial service held on Friday, Joel encouraged mourners to celebrate his father’s life rather than mourn his passing.

He shared that his father had always prepared the family for his eventual departure.

Joel urged attendees to embrace joy, highlighting his father’s cheerful nature and emphasizing that General Ogolla would have wanted to see people happy rather than sad.

“I see many sad faces, but my father would wonder why people are sad, especially since he had prepared us for this day for a long time. You should be a bit happier because, as a family, we rely on his faith, our faith, and that of Jesus Christ, which was his cornerstone for everything,” Rabuku expressed.

General Ogolla was laid to rest today at his family home in Mor, Alego Usonga, Siaya County, in accordance with his wish to be buried within three days.

He was also buried without a coffin, in accordance with his wishes.

Celebrities from Kenya honor Gen. Ogolla

Kenyan celebrities have expressed their condolences following the tragic passing of General Francis Ogolla, who lost his life in a helicopter crash along with 11 other individuals. Currently, two survivors are undergoing treatment at the hospital.

In response to the President’s announcement regarding the General’s demise, several Kenyan celebrities took to social media to honor his memory. Here are some of their reactions:

Chipukeezy: My heartfelt condolences to the families and the entire KDF fraternity for the tragic loss of the courageous Four-Star General Francis Ogolla, who dedicated his life to serving our country.

Njambi Koikai: This is deeply painful. Rest in eternal peace, General Francis Ogolla, and all the other brave members of our security forces who were aboard that ill-fated helicopter.

MwalimChurchill: Rest in peace, Chief of Defence Forces, Francis Ogolla. Thank you for your outstanding service to our nation. We salute you.

Charlene Ruto: General Francis Ogolla was more than just our Chief of Defence Forces; he was a true advocate for young people and had one of the kindest hearts. I’m still in disbelief over what has happened. Rest in eternal peace.

MCA Tricky: Farewell, General, our beloved CDF. Rest in power.

MC Jessy: Rest well, CDF. May the Almighty God grant you eternal peace. Amen.

Michael Gitonga: Farewell, General! I will always remember the valuable lesson you taught me about “The last instruction.” Your calm yet resolute demeanor will be dearly missed. Just yesterday at Bomas, I escorted you to your rightful place to receive the Commander-in-Chief. Rest in peace, General Ogolla.

Babu Owino: May you rest in peace, CDF Francis Ogolla. Your untimely death has left us in shock and sorrow.

Just who was the late Gen. Francis Ogolla?

President William Ruto appointed General Francis Ogolla as the Chief of Defence Forces in April 2023, as part of military leadership changes.

Gen. Ogolla succeeded General Robert Kibochi, who retired upon reaching the mandatory exit age of 62.

President Ruto, as the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, promoted Gen. Ogolla to the rank of General before his appointment.

Before assuming this role, Gen. Ogolla served as the Vice Chief of the Defence Forces. He began his military career as a fighter pilot in the Kenya Air Force after joining the military in April 1984 and being commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in May 1985.

Gen. Ogolla is a distinguished graduate of École Militaire de Paris and the National Defence College of Kenya. He holds a Diploma in International Studies and Military Science from Egerton University, a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Armed Conflict, and Peace Studies (First Class Honors), and a Masters of Arts in International Studies from the University of Nairobi.

Throughout his illustrious career, Gen. Ogolla held various significant positions, including Deputy Commander of the Kenya Air Force, Base Commander of Laikipia Air Base, Commanding Officer of Tactical Fighter Wing, Chief Flying Instructor at Kenya Air Force Flying Training School, and Operations Desk Officer at Kenya Air Force Headquarters.

In July 2021, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General and appointed as the Vice Chief of the Defence Forces.

Beyond his military duties, Gen. Ogolla is an avid golfer and enjoys reading. He is married to Aileen and has two children.

As the Chief of Defence Forces, Gen. Ogolla serves as the principal military adviser to the President and Cabinet. He upholds the Tonje Rules, which ensure a rotation system for leadership roles among the Army, Navy, and Air Force branches of the Kenya Defence Forces.

His extensive training includes courses in fighter and instructor piloting with the United States Air Force, as well as expertise in imagery intelligence, counter-terrorism, and accident investigation.