Why Okari and Frankie moved on but Betty Kyallo and Maureen Waititu can’t

Denis Okari and Frankie Kiarie or as most of you know him, Frankie Just Gym It have two things in common; the first that they were blamed by their ex-wives, Betty Kyallo and Maureen Waititu respectively, blamed them for being the reason why their marriages failed.

Betty Kyallo repairing relationship with Denis Okari and we love it

The second would be the fact that after their partners dropped them, they both have moved on long before their partners did and for some reason, Kenyans decided that they had betrayed their partners for moving on.

betty kyallo

Denis Okari was blamed by his ex-wife, Betty Kyallo in the many interviews she conducted after their split but one that comes to mind is an interview she granted True Love. In that interview, she painted a damning image of the type of man and relationship she had with Denis Okari. From failed traditional weddings to an inattentive man.

Lessons we hope Denis Okari will teach Betty Kyallo about marriage

Maureen Waititu on her part framed Frankie Just Gym It out to be a man who couldn’t be bothered to help quell her insecurities. You see, in an interview on Radio Jambo with Japanni Massawe, Maureen claimed that Frankie Just Gym It (who is a good looking man and infact a Wafula Thundercock) would receive a lot of female attention and rather than silence her doubts, he would ignore the matter and Maureen’s feelings altogether.

corazon with frankie just gym it

Denis Okari was painted as a fatally flawed man whom no woman would love and I admit that I watched the whispers take a toll on him. He went missing from the public eye. Turns out he was working on himself. And along the way, he found a woman who has made him a very happy husband.
Betty Kyallo on her part has jumped from relationship to relationship, racking up the mileage points, all the while deluding herself that a high-value man would see value in her and wife her up.

Daddy duties! Never before seen photo of Dennis Okari spending quality time with daughter, Ivanna

Frankie Just Gym It picked himself up after being dumped and he went on to pick himself up and saunter right into Corazon Kwamboka’s arms. And he is clearly welcome and comforted there. All the while this has been going on, Maureen Waititu is clearly affected by the fact her ex-husband has moved on.

maureen waititu

So why have these men been able to move on so quickly? At a glance it would seem that it is because they were not the problem in their marriages. But I would go so far as to posit that Frankie Just Gym It and Denis Okari are clearly of far higher value than their partners on a relationship and dating scale. plain and simple.

Maureen Waititu: Revenge is a dish best served cold

Frankie Just Gym It is a good looking celebrity fitness trainer. Any woman would be happy to have him. And he doesn’t seem to be half as toxic as Maureen Waititu would have us believe.
Denis Okari is a successful media personality with an incredible career ahead of him and he has been taking care of himself. Clearly, any woman would have to be mad to pass up the opportunity to start a family with him.

frankie just gym it

This is a true world dating reality that shows the two celebrity women that the dating market has not reacted well to what they have to offer and we could cheat each other that this is the market’s fault but we understand basic economics.

Daddy duties! Never before seen photo of Dennis Okari spending quality time with daughter, Ivanna

Denis Okari and Frankie Just Gym It is basically so high value that the fact that they had messy divorces/ breakups, the fact they have chatterbox exes nd the fact that they have children did not dissuade their next partners one bit.

denis okari


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Frankie Just Gym It doesn’t owe anyone an explanation about Corazon Kwamboka

Frankie Just Gym It is currently the bad guy in many a narrative told by bitter Bettys who are upset that their own love lives are so deep in the shitter, they qualify to be used as the manure used to grow the food that feeds Nairobi.

Yup, we were right, Frankie Just Gym It played himself with Corazon Kwamboka

The focal point of all the diatribe is the fact that he and his new lady love, Corazon Kwamboka are expecting a baby. Frankie Just Gym It did not cheat on his ex, Maureen Waititu nor did he dump her. He was the one who was left and he is the one who had to move out of their hearth and home.

frankie just gym it

Frankie Just Gym It, was dumped and he elected to do what any sane man should do: move on. He has picked up the pieces of his life and he has moved on. He started seeing someone else and whether or not you agree with his choice, he has the right and freedom to make the choice. And he chose Corazon Kwamboka and everything was consensual.

Maureen Waititu’s reaction after learning about Corazon Kwamboka’s pregnancy (Photo)

So why then is Frankie Just Gym It being lampooned by Maureen Waititu’s fans? What the actual fluff is driving these bitter women?

frankie just gym it

The answer is that Maureen Waititu probably thought he would come back begging her to return. Also, the fact that these women have a dried and shrivelled up love life means that they had banked their hopes on Maureen Waititu and Frankie Just Gym It. And when that relationship went belly up like a dead dog by the side of the road, they were hurt. And now, that hurt is being compounded by the fact that he has moved on already and the woman he is now with is arguably hotter than Maureen Waititu.

Corazon Kwamboka thanks Maureen Waititu’s ex husband for impregnating her (Photo)

I would further wager, the fandom is upset because they know how hard it is for a woman with two children to move on to another meaningful relationship. Also, the fact that Maureen Waititu lost the Wafula Thundercock that is Frankie Just Gym It.

frankie just gym it

But at the end of the day, Frankie’s main focus is for him to create a fulfilling life for himself, then for him to be a great father to his children. And that is the only thing he has to focus on. Not your opinions and certainly not mine though I will admit that he completely played himself like a fiddle with his choice of partner.

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Frankie finally shares his side of the story after break up with baby mama, Maureen Waititu

Relationships are hard. Matter of fact, very hard and if you think otherwise then I can assure you that you have not fully invested your heart and time in your partner.

Anyway Frankie Just gym It who was popularly known for his ‘goals’ family shoots; with Maureen Waititu and their boys has opened up sharing his side of the story while on an interview with Edgar Obare.

Well, all we know is that the power couple broke up without any explanation; leaving fans depressed while others concluded that Frankie was the bad guy.

In December last year, Corazon was accused of having a hand in the break up; but thanks to Frankie, we now understand that Corazon had nothing to do with that.

Exes Maureen Waititu and Frankie

We met last year in July and we were going through tough times. We were from relationships and it was a sensitive time. We started talking and one day I sent her gym clothes from my brand ‘GYMIT’ so that she could try out…we had so much in common that things just like catapulted into something else.

Frankie’s side of the story

Speaking about his break up with Ms Waititu; Frankie went on to shield Corazon saying she had nothing to do with whatever happened between him and ex wife. According to the fella most fans saw what they (Frankie and Maureen) wanted them to see.

However behind closed doors things were totally out of hand. He went on to reveal that both him and Maureen agreed to the break up for the sake of the mental health for their boys.

Corazon Kwamboka with Frankie Just Gym It

We met after I and Maureen broke up and had nothing to with it. It’s just something we never planned we just fell into it. We had our differences and it’s something we tried to fix through our whole relationship. We were not happy and we figured it was best for us to go separate ways and the general public doesn’t see that.

well there you have it!

Maureen Waititu is devasted Frankie Just Gym It moved on

It is hilarious to witness just how devastated Maureen Waititu is about the fact that her former beau, the father of her children whom she kicked out of her life, Frankie Just Gym It, has moved on.

Yup, we were right, Frankie Just Gym It played himself with Corazon Kwamboka

This ofcourse brings into focus the uncomfortable question of whether or not the breakup was a manipulative play at gaining some sort of leverage over her man.

maureen waititu

When you think about how things played out and the reaction Maureen Waititu has had to the news that her ex has moved on, you cannot help but get a sense of feeling that the man, Frankie Just Gym It is a man who has finally broken free of some level of Jedi mind tricks.

Maureen Waititu’s reaction after learning about Corazon Kwamboka’s pregnancy (Photo)

Why else would the same woman who went around Nairobi declaring to all and sundry that she had finally gotten free of a relationship bedevilled by the issues infidelity brings up be so clearly gutted that the ex that they left behind is now moving on with his life? If anything, she should be silent. She should be happy that the man with whom she now co-parents is at a good place.

maureen waititu

Instead of that, we are met with passive-aggressive posts that read:

Corazon Kwamboka thanks Maureen Waititu’s ex husband for impregnating her (Photo)

Be still and know that he is God!

The rest of the post was a funny Gif that appeared as follows:

This isn’t the way someone who has moved on should be behaving. That is, if the person were not looking for a return. And that is why I believe that Maureen Waititu had it at the back of her mind that she was always just looking for a break which would teach Frankie Just Gym It his place in their relationship.

I have no regrets ditching Law to become a Socialite – Corazon Kwamboka articulates

That, however, seems to have backfired as Frankie decided to start a family with popular socialite Corazon Kwamboka. And you had better believe the song below has taken on new meaning for Maureen Waititu:

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Frankie vs Maureen Waititu: Corazon Kwamboka is the real winner

When Frankie Just Gym It and his immediate ex, Maureen Waititu were splitting, word went round and shocked Kenyans, how could a couple many had held in high esteem as their “couple goals” fallen from grace so quickly?

maureen waititu and frankie

This was a clear sign there were underlying issues that had been allowed to fester. Frankie Just Gym It on his side was largely silent about the matter while Maureen Waititu couldn’t hold her tongue, granting interviews willy-nilly and alluding to Frankie being the problem in their relationships.

Yup, we were right, Frankie Just Gym It played himself with Corazon Kwamboka

Then she went on to make grand claims and even grander gestures signifying the fact that she has moved on. These included her announcing that she had renovated her home to get rid of Frankie’s Feng Shui but now that it has been revealed that he has moved on and is expecting a child by Corazon Kwamboka, that facade has fallen right through.

maureen waititu wonder woman

And that introduces the biggest winner in this entire fiasco, Corazon Kwamboka. And Lily the Genie, as she is also known, is clearly a magic worker because a few days after they started dating… Let us just put it this way, Maureen Waititu, Franki Just Gym It will be seeing their blended family expand by two entire souls and one of them was conceived 6 months ago -right when mummy and daddy first started chilling together.

Maureen Waititu’s reaction after learning about Corazon Kwamboka’s pregnancy (Photo)

And for Frankie Just Gym It who had finally begun to enjoy the beauty of bachelor living once more now has to buckle up and get ready to be a father to an infant and beyond.
You can imagine a man who has gone through raising young boys from their infancy till they are now a lot more independent and then he came to the decision that he and his wifey, the mother of their children, should go their separate ways.

pregnant corazon kwamboka

Then after this, he had to endure being vilified and being shamed in all her interviews as she told a clearly lopsided account of what transpired. And after waiting to exhale, just when has begun to enjoy large gulps of that freedom air, he is now dragged back by his lack of foresight…

frankie just gym it
Fitness coach, Frankie Just Gym It

All the while as Maureen Waititu sits sobbing about how things have transpired, Corazon Kwamboka is giggling. She got what she wanted. She got a high-value man, she has locked him down with a baby and surprise, surprise, she miraculously beat “endometriosis”.

corazon kwamboka and frankie just gym it

Who is laughing now is probably Corazon’s ringtone!


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Yup, we were right, Frankie Just Gym It played himself with Corazon Kwamboka

Yeesh! That is what comes to mind when I think of Frankie Just Gym It. Why you ask? Because we foretold what would happen in the sense that we said that Frankie Just Gym It would play himself with Corazon Kwamboka.

And for the love of God I do not want to hear a hoot about her having changed who she was. Why you ask? Because Corazon Kwamboka according to her father is a lady of the night -just not a streetwalker. And don’t quote me on that, it is literally what her father revealed in an interview with The Nairobian.

If Frankie Just Gym It is dating Corazon Kwamboka, he has played himself

corazon kwamboka and frankie just gym it

Anyway, Corazon Kwamboka and Frankie Just Gym It have been an item for around six months and now, a bundle of joy is on the way. The problem with this incase you happen too be as dense as lead is the fact that these two barely know each other and they also do not understand how the other deals with stress.

Why Maureen Waititu hasn’t been able to move on from Frankie Just Gym It

corazon kwamboka

But who am I to poop over their whirlwind romance? They might just prove me wrong and turn out to be a perfect pair probably blessed by the heavens. Aye, Corazon Kwamboka will make a doting, beautiful bride and GFrank Just Gym It has won something akin to the lottery.

How Maureen Waititu´s baby daddy, Frankie Just Gym It marked Father´s Day (Video)

frankie just gym it

Time will indeed tell but I am not one to hold my breath when my brain tells me that logically, this is a terrible mix and we will yet be treated to one of the most dramatic episodes involving a celebrity couple.


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If Frankie Just Gym It is dating Corazon Kwamboka, he has played himself

The current dating rumour that has been fueling the mill is word that Frankie Just gym It could be dating Corazon Kwamboka. Yep, it would seem that after he and Maureen Waititu’s marriage went belly up, he decided to try out something new, something different and that was served up in the form of Corazon Kwamboka.

Dating Frankie Just Gym It? Corazon Kwamboka coyly responds

What is fueling the whispers is the fact that the two have been sharing videos and photos of each other participating in fun social media challenges.


There is also the fact that they had gone for a small trip (local tourism) together. And you can see why people are whispering about the two of them.

An item? Corazon Kwamboka and Frankie Just Gym It get cosy indoors during quarantine

But if indeed Frankie Just gym It is now dating Corazon Kwamboka, then he has downgraded. No, this doesn’t have anything to do with his ex Maureen Waititu but rather his current flame Corazon Kwamboka.

corazon kwamboka and frankie just gym it

You see, she is surrounded by the stench that is being a Kenyan socialite and the fact that her father, yes, her own biological father, granted an interview with the Nairobian and in it, he said he was aware his daughter was a trollop.

I have no regrets ditching Law to become a Socialite – Corazon Kwamboka articulates

Aye, so here we have a lad who is the epitome of physical crafting, having done the work to make his body a work of art, a man who has had to claw his way to the status he has, now dating a lady who is haunted by the phantom of rumours alleging she was selling her body.

frankie just gym it and corazon kwamboka on holiday

Let us assume for a minute that the couple will indeed make it to the point of seriously considering marriage. What will Frankie tell his parent about Corazon Kwamboka? Or what will his bride-price negotiating team not say to limit the financial ask?
And how about the even more poignant question of what will he tell his children when they come of age and begin using the internet?

I have no regrets ditching Law to become a Socialite – Corazon Kwamboka articulates

So here we have a man who is clearly hardworking and dedicated, dating and perhaps settling down with a lass who is plagued with the rumour of selling p-sleeve and making enough money out of it (if her father is to be believed to the point she bought a house for herself…

Frankie Just Gym It and Corazon Kwamboka hand-in-hand

One thing is certain at this point, Maureen Waititu should be laughing right about now because she was replaced by none other than Corazon Kwamboka. All we can hope is that he is simply scratching an itch, having fun and he will move on. If that is the case then we hope both Frankie Just Gym It and Corazon Kwambooka enjoy each other’s company completely.


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Why Maureen Waititu hasn’t been able to move on from Frankie Just Gym It

Maureen Waititu had the privilege of dating a guy who’s the quintessential Wafula Thundercock. His name is Frankie Just Gym It and he was the veritable Adonis. When they were together, Maureen Waititu would wash our social media timelines with photos and videos of them and their private family lives.

Maureen Waititu on anti-depressants to contain her mental health

Maureen Waititu and Frankie Just Gym it featured on everyone’s mental model of “couple goals”. They would work out together, they had beautiful babies together and they both espoused leading a healthy lifestyle. Allow me to go off on a tangent and explain what a Wafula Thundercock is. This is the type of guy who is six feet tall, has 6 pack abs a six-inch phallus, six-figure income and six hundred horsepower car.

Fans prove that Maureen Waititu´s ex, Frankie Just Gym It and Corazon Kwamboka are an item

But in the absence of all six, we shall settle for the three that make him qualify as “tall, dark and handsome”. Frankie Just Gym It is the type of lad a lot of women will be willing to risk it all for a night with.

Aye, so somehow, Maureen Waititu ended up with Adonis. And to her credit, after hearing their story, she stuck it out with him when he was just some chump with “potential”. So in that regard, she is a high-value woman. But whatever the case may be, Frankie pulled himself up by his bootstraps and elevated himself from the rest of mankind through hard work at the iron Temple in the Glorious House of Gains.

¨He was what I needed at that point in my life¨ Maureen Waititu does not regret falling in love with ex, Frankie

Last year, however, we were inundated with rumours that the pair had stopped seeing eye-to-eye with each other. The rumours persisted and eventually, it was confirmed that they had indeed broken up. The heavens broke asunder and the trumpets of the end of days began to trumpet, foretelling impending doom. And since then, Maureen Waititu has sung us the song of her broken heart. Really, Maureen Waititu has been crying on social media, first about love lost, then about being hurt and now she is telling us mixed rubbish about being strong and independent as she posts erotic photos meant to signal her sexual availability…

Maureen Waititu thirst trap

Good for her, she is getting ready to dive back into the sexual market place… Good luck with that. The biggest issue she will face is the fact that she hasn’t really gotten over her ex. And how do we know you ask? Because of the following factors.

¨The breakup was so tough, I sought mental therapy¨ Maureen Waititu opens up

#1. She is aware he is the ultimate dominant man she will get

Maurenn Waititu's ex Frankie Just Gym It

We could lie to each other about the amount but what we will not debate is the fact that whenever Frankie Just Gym It walks into a room, he is immediately the guy everyone notices. He dominates the room. And the women in that room cream their pants.

#2. Frankie Just Gym didn’t give her the satisfaction of seeing him pine for her

Maureen Waititu thirt trapping hard

Frankie Just Gym It didn’t mourn nor moan about the end of their marriage like Maureen Waititu did. Maureen Waititu has been bitching about being a single mother, being single after so many years of marriage and she even went as far as to complain about Frankie Just Gym It getting a lot of female attention like he can control the actions of others. Then she complained that he never attempted to make her feel secure about their relationship although his mental model should be build around her…

#3. Maureen Waititu knows Frankie has already moved on (hit it and quit it)

Corazon Kwamboka with Frankie Just Gym It during the quarantine

Remember seeing photos of Frankie Just Gym It chilling with popular socialite trollop Corazon Kwamboka? Aye, Maureen Waititu saw the photos too and guess what went through her mind? The fact that Frankie Just Gym It is already enjoying the freedom he has been gifted and he is bathing in female attention. In truth, who can blame him? Beauty is it’s own reward and his physique built by hard work and dedication is adored by women for simply being. All we can hope is for him not to be attempting the stupid task of domesticating this night nympho.

#4. Maureen Waititu knows she will not be the centre of attention and envy again

maureen waititu wonder woman

When Maureen Waititu would make an appearance while clutching on Frankie Just Gym It’s hands, she knew she was the envy of almost all of the women in attendance. She was often the only woman with a truly attractive, Wasfula Thundercock husband. Unless she lands such a physical specimen again, it is unlikely;y that she will find herself in so enviable a position. Mother Nature is kind to her daughter but Father Time isn’t and with time, it will become more and more difficult for her to maintain her own physical beauty thus decreasing the possibility of landing such a high-value mate.

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