Meet the female hawker who was shamelessly dragged on a tarmac road by Kisumu county officers (Photo)

Kisumu county officers have left a bitter taste in most people’s mouths; after they were caught on camera harassing a mother – hustling in the streets of Kisumu as a hawker.

According to reports the lady was caught hawking at the wrong street come on; and this being a good opportunity for the county officers to use their officer ‘powers’ – they then opted to drive around with the old lady hanging on their city council vehicle.

Beatrice Atieno dragged on tarmac road by county officers

As seen on the video circulating on social media – the lady now identified as Beatrice Atieno Magolo, is seen holding on the moving vehicle; and the sad part is that the officers did not seem bothered; despite netizens screaming and asking them to stop.

Kisumu leaders step in

Although Kisumu City Manager Abala Wanga already met the lady to apologize on behalf of the city officers; he also promised to pay for the medical expenses at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital.

However, truth is that netizens are unhappy and disappointed with how county officers continue to harass hustlers knowing very well where the economy is.

Anyway below are just a few photos of the lady – a mother; wife and hustler who was treated brutally as seen on the viral video.

Hawker, Beatrice Atieno