Update: DNA findings reveal personal interactions between activist Chiloba and Odhiambo

Various items, including blood samples and swabs, collected from the body of slain LGBTQ activist Edwin Kiprotich, known as Chiloba, were presented at the High Court in Eldoret.

These samples, which also encompass materials from Jacktone Odhiambo, the primary suspect in Chiloba’s murder, were exhibited during the hearing presided over by Justice Reuben Nyakundi.


How Edwin Chiloba, an LGBTQ activist, died

Polycarp Luta Kweyu, the Principal Chemist at the government chemist in Kisumu, testified about the samples. He received the initial batch on January 11, 2023, consisting of anal swabs, fingernail clippings, clothes, including underwear and socks, as well as bed sheets from the crime scene.

Subsequently, on January 19 of the same year, Luta received an additional 27 items from the DCI in Eldoret, including those collected from Odhiambo.

Luta’s task was to establish the genetic relationship between the two sets of materials. His findings revealed positive tests for spermatozoa on stains from the cannula swab, boxer shorts, and red trousers. The male DNA profile extracted from these stains indicated a mixture of Chiloba and Odhiambo.


Why LGBTQ were absent from Edwin “Chiloba” Kiprotich’s funeral

Furthermore, Luta disclosed that the male DNA profiles from the bed cover matched seminal fluids attributed to Jacktone Odhiambo.

During cross-examination by Odhiambo’s lawyer, Mathai Maina, Luta clarified that Odhiambo was not presented at the government chemist during sample collection. However, the samples received were reportedly obtained from Moi Referral Hospital in Eldoret.

Due to the condition of some items and for convenience, Justice Nyakundi decided to relocate the hearing outside the courtroom for the display of the items.

After a brief break to acquire masks, the items, tightly packed and sealed in waterproof envelopes, were exhibited.

Odhiambo has pleaded not guilty to the murder of Chiloba, whose body was found in a metallic box dumped on the outskirts of Eldoret. Allegedly, the murder took place at Noble Breeze apartment, where Chiloba resided with the suspect.

The hearing continues.

Ezra Chiloba Suspended as Director General of Communications Authority of Kenya

Director General of the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), Ezra Chiloba, has been suspended.

The suspension was announced in an internal memo by the authority’s chairperson, Mary Mungai, on Monday evening. Christopher Wambua has been appointed as Acting Director General effective immediately until further notice.

The reason for Chiloba’s suspension was not immediately disclosed.

Chiloba was appointed as Director General of the CA in September 2021, after previously serving as CEO of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). He was set to hold the position for a renewable four-year term.

The suspension of Chiloba is a significant development, given his position as the head of the CA, which is responsible for regulating the communications sector in Kenya. It is unclear at this time how the suspension will impact the CA’s operations.

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available.

Ezra Chiloba resurfaces to give Kalekye Mumo a pat on the back

Ezra Chiloba was the reason why Nasa started the demonstrations against IEBC. Chiloba went underground after the heat became too much for him to stand.

Nasa accused Chiloba of being the architect of election rigging. The IEBC Chief Electoral Officer was forced to go on leave ahead of October 26th repeat presidential election.

Chiloba has also been mum on Twitter which is the play field of Nasa’s legion. The IEBC CEO resurfaced on Thursday night December 7th to give Kalekye Mumo a pat on the back.

Keep it up Kalekye

Kalekye hosted Octopizzo on her show Talk Central on K24 on Thursday night. Ezra Chiloba was impressed by Kalekye’s interview and he decided to send a shout-out.

Octopizzo during the interview with Kalekye Mumo on K24

The K24 presenter was wowed by Ezra Chiloba’s nod. Kaleyke shared screenshot of Chiloba’s tweet as she celebrated her good work.

“#Aboutlastnight what a show mpaka #Chilobae was moved ???????? thank you all for watching #TalkCentral and Incase you missed last night’s show catch up on YouTube ????” wrote Kalekye Mumo.


Eza Chiloba peeps through the window as police teargas Nasa supporters demonstrating against him (Video)

Ezra Chiloba, the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Kenya (IEBC) was at his office at Anniversary Towers when Nasa protestors tried storming into the premise in a bid to oust him.

Chiloba is accused of being the architect of August 8th rigged election and Nasa has vowed not to participate in repeat presidential election if the IEBC CEO is still in office.

Nasa has vowed to hold protests to force Ezra Chiloba and other top officials to resign for allegedly bungling the August vote. They also accused IEBC of failing to adequately address the concerns it had raised as irreducible minimum, protesting that the commission was proceeding with business as usual without any accountability.

Nasa Protestors have today poured out in the streets to demonstrate against Chiloba, the protestors attempted to access IEBC headquarters at Anniversary Towers but police dispersed them using teargas.

Chiloba was keenly following the whole drama through the window at his office. Watch the video below:




“Dear Ezra Chiloba, the constitution is very clear” Rich lawyer Donald Kipkorir tells Chiloba what will happen to him if he refuses to step down

IEBC Chief Electoral Officer Ezra Chiloba is under pressure to quit following claims that he orchestrated the rigging of August 8th presidential election.

Nasa has even threatened to boycott October 17th repeat election is IEBC retains Chiloba and a team of other officials said to have been involved in the tampering of results.

Flamboyant city lawyer Donald Kipkorir has since written an open letter to Ezra Chiloba giving him free constitutional advise that could resolve the impasse if the IEBC CEO heeds to it.

Donald Kipkorir

Below is Kipkorir’s open letter to Chiloba:

Dear Dr. Ezra Chiloba, When Baba Says Go, You Will Go

Prof. JB Ojwang, Justice of the Supreme Court, taught me Constitutional Law at the University of Nairobi, and one of his pet topics was Extra-Constitutional Power. He taught me that power was not derived from the Constitution only; that other persons with charisma derived theirs outside it. You may hate it or disbelief it, but it is undeniable that Baba is the most charismatic leader alive in Kenya (DP is close second). Charisma originates from the Greek word, Khàrisma… gift of grace .. Max Weber, the German Polymath said that Charisma rests on true devotion of the person’s followers. Baba derives his power outside the Constitution.

Many times, Baba has said so and so MUST GO, including my Nation’s first leader, President Daniel Arap Moi. When he told Issack Hassan, then IEBC Chairman, to go, I advised him to go and he refused. But finally, he left.

The Constitution is very clear: it creates the offices of the IEBC Chairman in particular & the Commissioners generally. The Constitution gives powers to the Commission to conduct Elections. The Secretariat which you head isn’t a creature of the Constitution. You and your officers don’t have security of tenure. Your employment is subject to The Employment Act. The Chairman has all right to dismiss or suspend you. For now, you may countermand the Chairman orders. But your disobedience of the Chairman is self-serving and short-lived. No other employer will trust you.

But as for Baba’s demand that you go, you must go. You may delay. You may prevaricate. But as sure as the sun sets, you will go. So, don’t scuttle the Elections of October 17. The Presidential Fresh Elections between Baba and Uhuru Kenyatta will be held when you are gone. Be an honourable man and GO! You will thank me in future.
