Ezekiel Mutua Calls Out KDF After Video Showed Them Fighting Police Officers

The Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) CEO, Ezekiel Mutua, has expressed his concern regarding a widely circulated video showing a physical altercation between police officers and Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) personnel at the Likoni Ferry.

Mutua emphasized the seriousness of the situation, stating,

“When people in uniform, carrying guns, behave that way, it’s a cause for concern. We risk societal disorder if our disciplined forces don’t live up to their name.”

The disturbing video reportedly shows a KDF officer slapping a security guard and then assaulting a police officer who tried to intervene. Bystanders witnessed the incident, with one woman questioning the rationale behind the confrontation.

Read also; Pastor Kanyari Set To Put Dreadlocks, Believes He Will Look Handsome Like Tik-Toker Tizian

The Kenya Defence Forces acknowledged the incident and released a statement.

“To establish the circumstances leading to the incident, Military Police and requisite investigation agencies are currently handling the matter. The incident is highly regrettable. As KDF personnel, we are beholden to the core value of professionalism,” KDF said.

They confirmed an investigation is underway by Military Police and other relevant authorities to determine the cause of the altercation. KDF expressed deep regret over the incident and emphasized their commitment to the core value of professionalism.

Ezekiel Mutua Displeased With Viral Song ‘Yesu Ninyandue’

CEO of Music Copyright of Kenya (MSCK), Dr. Ezekiel Mutua, has voiced his displeasure over William Getumbe’s song “Yesu ninyandue.”

Since its debut, the song has drawn a lot of criticism from Kenyans who believe it to be rude and demeaning to Christianity.

Dr. Ezekiel demanded on Facebook that the music be taken down immediately from all digital media platforms, stating that it was insane and that he needed to have a chat with the content creators.

“My attention has been brought to the overtly blasphemous song by one of our local artists. That kind of content should be pulled down from all digital media platforms with immediate effect.

But more than banning such madness, I think we need a conversation with our content creators. It must be a candid conversation at all levels and sectors of society including the family, the community, and the country at large. We cannot allow this madness to become the norm. “

Mutua also counseled on cultural morals and how immorality for views has been normalized.

Such so-called artists come from families. Have relatives and close associates. You mean no one could counsel them and stop them from pushing that madness into the airwaves?

You see we have normalized immoral, bizarre, and obscene content and behavior to the extent that for one to get views on social media the easy thing is to do crazy stuff. They say when a dog bites a man it’s not news. News is when a man bites a dog. That approach to life is validated by the culture of anything goes. It’s given impetus by the broken value system where evil is glorified and good is mocked and degraded.

Our moral code is in tatters and we are staring at a crisis. The fact that a sane person can record and distribute such outrageous content speaks to who we are as a society. We are a sick society provoking the wrath of God. We have allowed indiscipline and blasphemy on our media in the name of freedom of expression.” Dr. Ezekiel stated.


Ezekiel Mutua Lashes Out At Sylvia Ssaru Once Again

Music Copyright Society Kenya (Chief) Ezekiel Mutua isn’t yet done with Gengetone sovereign Sylvia Saru nom de plume Ssaru.

Mutua has written an open letter to the star, addressing her for what he named as being insolent.

The MCSK supervisor said that he has forever been a promoter of clean satisfied that can be consumed by family.

“I have consistently maintained the point of view that content doesn’t need to be filthy to sell. Normalizing profanity and obscenity for the sake of distinction is a lack of serious of creative mind. I will continuously be consistent with my personality and will prompt the young with adoration and genuineness.

” Make content that can be consumed by family. The period of time for filthy substance is short. Eventually, happy ought to mean cash and that is where the purchaser comes in. Clean is cool,’ Mutua prompted.

As of late, Mutua censured Ssaru and Fathermoh’s melody ‘Kaskie Vibaya” saying it praises evil

Kenya (CEO) Ezekiel Mutua is not yet down with Gengetone queen Sylvia Saru alias Ssaru.

Former enemies, Ezekiel Mutua and Eric Omondi attack gospel artists

Dr. Ezekiel Mutua, CEO of the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK), is not pleased with gospel artists.

Since joining MCSK, he adds that the gospel performers have frustrated him the most.

Mutua went so far as to say that comedian Eric Omondi might have been correct in accusing musicians of being inactive despite having formerly been the face of the Kenyan music scene.

“Since I joined MCSK a year ago, the people who have caused me the most pain and frustrated my efforts to revive the music industry are gospel artists. I think Eric Omondi was right. Something is wrong. We have lots of performers and few real gospel artists. SAD!

It should be remembered that previously, in his rant against gospel artists, Eric Omondi had said,

“Where is Daddy Owen, Jimmy Gait, Mercy Masika, Alice Kamande, Gloria Muliro, Eunice Njeri, Bahati? The gospel music industry was the identity of Kenyan music and they have all fallen. The gospel music industry has failed us.”

Calling A Pastor ‘Father’ Is Actually Humiliating The Real Parents’- Ezekiel Mutua

A video of pastor Tony Kiamah of the KAG Rivers of God church preaching that pastors should not be called “father” or “mother” has gone viral, attracting mixed reactions.

In the video, Kiamah criticizes pastors who want their congregants to call them “father” or “mother.” He says that this is wrong because pastors cannot take the place of parents.

“There is no day your pastor can take the place of your parents until the sun rises in the west,” Kiamah says. “So do not call me father or mother. I am your pastor.”

Kiamah says that some pastors want to be called “father” or “mother” because they know that the word of a parent is not disputed. He says that this is a way for pastors to control their congregants.

“Some pastors deliberately want to be called father or mother because they know that the word of a parent is not disputed,” Kiamah says. “So when they say something, you cannot question it. But I am not your father. I am your pastor.”

Mutua Reacts

The director general of the Media Council of Kenya (MCSK), Ezekiel Mutua, has also weighed in on the issue. Mutua agrees with Kiamah, saying that pastors who want to be called “father” or “mother” are trying to deceive their congregants.

“Calling a pastor father or mother is actually humiliating the real parents and is a method used by deceivers to distort the authority of the parent,” Mutua says. “Your pastor is not your father or mother. They cannot and should never take the authority and role of a parent.”

The video of Kiamah’s sermon has been shared thousands of times on social media. Many people have praised Kiamah for speaking out against the practice of calling pastors “father” or “mother.” Others have criticized Kiamah, saying that he is being disrespectful to pastors.

The debate over whether or not pastors should be called “father” or “mother” is likely to continue. However, Kiamah’s sermon has sparked a much-needed conversation about the role of pastors in the lives of their congregants.

Ezekiel Mutua reaches out to Colonel Mustafa, offers help

For once we are going to be reporting about Ezekiel Mutua and supporting everything is saying and attempting to do as he intimated that he is trying to get in contact with Colonel Mustafa in order to offer help.

Ezekiel Mutua addresses being the “most hated man in Kenya”

Taking to his Facebook account this is what he said:
Someone, please inbox me Mustafa’s number. I have mad love and respect for people who face life head on and do what a man has got to do to put food on the table. There’s absolutely no shame in taking up a mjengo project to feed yourself and loved ones.

My mother also has cancer -Colonel Mustafa says as he confirms he’s a mjengo worker

Unlike other celebrities, mustafa has refused to wallow in self-pity and is not ashamed of his hustle. And by the way, mjengo is not necessarily for failures. It is a job like any other. But it takes courage for a celebrity of the calibre of Mustafa to take to such menial activities with pride. I love the positive attitude. This is the kind to be supported.

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Ezekiel Mutua addresses being the “most hated man in Kenya”

There was a time when Ezekiel Mutua was in charge of the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) and he was one of the most reviled men in the nation. That is if you go by what one of the local dailies wrote about him.

Mulamwah and Ezekiel Mutua finally settle their differences

Add to that the fact that online he would always be the butt of every joke as most people perceived him as not just sitting pretty on his proverbial high horse but he was enforcing his ethics on people who didn’t care for his standard of morality.

Ezekiel Mutua took to his Facebook account to recently to talk about a gala event he was invited to and to which he was the keynote speaker. When he spoke about the event, he chose to focus on the experience he had as a “moral cop”.

“Don’t be blinded by politics” Ezekiel Mutua speaks after Sauti Sol loses 2k YouTube subscribers

When I started the campaign for clean content and protection of children against harmful content in 2016, the media made it look old fashioned and archaic.
The nickname “Moral Cop” was meant to be a snide attempt to paint me as someone out of tune with the times. One national newspaper wrote that I was the most hated person in the country. Another did a headline saying “The train of morality derailed a long time ago. Mutua’s efforts are futile.” Gado, the then biggest cartoonist in East and Central Africa drew me numerous gory caricatures mocking me.
The media went on an onslaught against me and the Kenya Film Classification Board which I headed, twisting the campaign on family values and arguing that my strict enforcement of content regulation was bad for the Government of the day and unpopular with the youth. Even Trevor Noah, Africa’s most popular media personality, featured me negatively in his popular Daily Show program, projecting me as an incorrigible homophobe.
Years down the line, the campaign to protect children against exposure to bad content has become all the more popular. The debate on LGBTQ and the need to protect Africa’s culture, values and national aspirations has become more relevant. The need to change the African narrative and get the media to tell the African story has never been more urgent. Even more urgent is the need to develop and mentor young leaders who uphold values and stand unashamedly for their faith.
So on Saturday, during the launch of Beyond Sucess EQUIP at Safari Park hotel, I encountered youths from Kenya and across Africa who celebrated me for defying the odds and standing firm in defence of family values through content regulation. My keynote speech focused on the need for value based leadership that recognises excellence and diligence.
The ten minutes speech got a standing ovation and I ended up with invitations to speak at meetings in six countries abroad. Speaker after speaker said they knew me for my firm stand in defence of family and moral values. The youths aligned with the campaign and after Iepresided over the launch of the Beyond Sucess EQUIP program, it was difficult for me to leave as the youths wanted to take photos with me. I felt vindicated, knowing how only a few years ago the media vilified me and made me look like the enemy of the youth. They maligned me and nicknamed “Deputy Jesus,” in mockery of the campaign for clean content and family values.
LESSON: If you are a leader, follow your convictions and enforce the law without fear of favour. Do not do what’s popular. Do what’s right. Leaders are called to show the way. Do not seek to be popular. Seek to do what is right!
It seems he not only found his tribe but he has also received his bouquet from an adoring audience. I however wonder whether that is any consolation for a guy who was lampooned nearly every single day for doing his job.

For more thought-provoking opinion pieces, click here. And be sure to like our Instagram page.


Ezekiel Mutua Refutes Claims Of Being Sacked As KFCB Boss

Kenya Film and Classification Board CEO Ezekiel Mutua has strongly refuted claims that he was sacked by ICT CS Joe Mucheru.

The claims were made by Senator Mutula Kilonzo Junior on the night of 5th August. According to him, Ezekiel Mutua was unlawfully sacked by Mucheru.

However, Kilonzo did not give reasons to back up his claims.

”Ezekiel Mutua unlawfully removed by CS Mucheru as CEO after being lawfully appointed by the Board . Laws are mere suggestions for this administration”

Noting the issue, Ezekiel Mutua did not hesitate to address the same as he tweeted back saying;

”My attention has been drawn to reports on social media, to the effect that I have been fired as CEO of KFCB. PLEASE IGNORE such malicious rumours. I am not aware of such developments and there can be no grain of truth in them as there’s no vacancy in the office of the CEO KFCB.”

This comes at a time when Ezekiel Mutua is locking horns with Kenyan artists; after referring to them as ‘poor’ yet they pretend to be rich.

Comedian Eric Omondi had also threatened to have him sacked; with most netizens by his side.



“In a few years, you will be ashamed of your actions,” Ezekiel Mutua cautions Eric Omondi

The ongoing heated debate between Ezekiel Mutua and Eric Omondi keeps taking different dimensions.

This is following the KFCB Boss’ recent address in Mombasa, calling out the comedian for disrespecting the fact that children can get exposed to his kind of online content which is deemed ‘adult’ content.

Also read: Buckle up! Eric Omondi picks 10 finalists to face off in his new show dubbed ‘Wife Material’

Eric came out to address Dr Ezekiel clarifying that he did not deserve to get called out in that manner and especially since the moral cop had allegedly not contributed in any way in the entertainment industry.

Eric hits backs

In response to that, Eric compared his kind of ‘explicit’ content to the popular WWE wrestling matches that has apparently been;

“Kenya’s favourite TV program generation after generation played on the National Channel KBC for decades now. Lakini PRESIDENT akiunga na aonyeshe Misuli sasa inawauma…” Eric remarked.

Also read: “Don’t ever use my name again, you don’t know my story,” Eric Omondi claps back at Ezekiel Mutua

Ezekiel Mutua responds

“Celebrities have so much influence on our children and if we don’t raise this conversations our kids will grow thinking that being immoral is ‘cool’,” the Board CEO has stated.

Before clarifying that Eric Omondi is without doubt one of Africa’s greatest talents and Kenyan’s best” but the only problem the media chief-whip has with him is;

“…he needs to respect himself and obey the law. Let him use his talents to promote positive social values. Youths who follow him must not think that good comedy is nudity or vulgarity!”

Dr Ezekiel Mutua

Also read: “Are your parents proud of you?” Ezekiel Mutua calls out Gengetone group ‘Mbogi Genje’

Going ahead to forewarn especially the young and upcoming talents in the local space against the kind of content they choose to put up which they might end up regretting in their old age.

In his letter, he addresses;

“Dear young artistes, in another 20 years or so, the kind of content you are producing now for likes on social media and for fame will be consumed by your children. That time, you will be ashamed of yourself. Itakuaffect!!”

“Don’t ever use my name again, you don’t know my story,” Eric Omondi claps back at Ezekiel Mutua

KFCB Boss, Dr Ezekiel Mutua has not spared entertainers in the local scene taking advantage of digital media to push content he believes is explicit for children, especially the kinds of Eric Omondi.

During his recent visit to Mombasa, the moral police boss through a local publication, publicly addressed the rot in the entertainment space.

Also read: Video of Shakilla’s marriage proposal to Eric Omondi sparks controversy

The board CEO expressed deep disappointment with the fact that content creators had now put aside the stipulated TV and radio watershed period regulations.

And have instead migrated to social media where they are now dishing out all sorts of unfiltered content.

KFCB CEO, Dr Ezekiel Mutua

The censure

Directly hitting at Eric Omondi;

“In fact some people like Eric, unashangaa huyu ni mwendawazimu gani, ana heshima gani? Anajionyesha kwa video kwa njia ambayo haifai na yeye ni mtu mzima. All in the name of ‘President of comedy in Africa’,” he publicly censured the comedian.

“King of comedy, respect yourself, respect the children and do some of those things but with a disclaimer of parental control. Our job is not to monitor what adults are doing,” he categorically stated.

An address by the ethic board chairman that has caused a buzz online, attracting the attention of an including Eric Omondi who has since responded.

Eric Omondi responds

The 43-year old funny man is clearly irritated by the words of the KFCB Boss, clapping back in a long statement, warning;

“DR. Ezekiel Mutua. This is your last warning. This is not the way to address the PRESIDENT of an entire Continent.”

Eric Omondi

Before calling out Dr Ezekiel for always lashing out at entertainers while there really is nothing he is offering them in return.

“Stop using my name for these cheap PUBLICITY stunts????????????…I have never understood exactly what you do for a living. You have not helped the Entertainment Industry in any way.”

Categorically stating;

“Please Visit Eric Omondi Studios and see what we are about to do to help young and upcoming TALENTS. Don’t ever address me or use my name again. You don’t know my story!!! You don’t understand my process!!!”

Media ethics cop, Dr Ezekiel Mutua

A discussion that has since raised anxiety among the Kenyan public.

Ezekiel Mutua terms Anita Nderu‘s show as pathetic after an attempt to promote same gender relationships!

Ezekiel Mutua has finally addressed the Anita Nderu issue of promoting homosexuality through her cooking show as seen in her YouTube channel!

Through his Twitter handle, Ezekiel who is Kenya Film Classification Board CEO accused the lady of generating content that promotes homosexuality! According to him, this was pathetic and laziness of the mind since she could not come up with something that educates her audience.

Ezekiel Mutua bashes Anita

#anitanderu’s gay show was a pathetic attempt to promote homosexuality in the name of user generated content and freedom of expression. No brand worthy it’s name should be proud of this madness. It’s laziness of mind and lack of imagination to fall for such cheap gimmick!

No gay content

Although Ezekiel Mutua is not the only one complaining about the video shared by Anita Nderu; the Kenya Film Classification board CEO made it clear back in 2018 that no gay content should not be aired on our screens.

We have said no to this nonsense and have written to the NGO Coordination Board for investigation. We are firm on these issues, particularly where the content targets young children. No gay content will air on our screens under our watch. You can make all the noise to hell and back. I don’t care who is behind these groups.

Ms Anita Nderu

Anita however crossed the boundaries by allowing her two hosts to discuss their sex lives on her show; brought nothing but trouble and disgust to her camp.

Sodom and Gomorrah

So far the likes of  YouTuber Lisa Gaitho; and others have come out to strongly ‘rebuke’ Anita Nderu for pushing gay content through her show.

Looking at Lisa’s post, the you will realize that she chose to get spiritual while addressing this issue, she wrote;

  “I rebuke and come against this in the name of Jesus! its 5.30 a.m and the lord has me in tears because of the nonsense his children are being fed I declare every young and impressionable soul who watched this wickedness freed and covered in the blood of Jesus! the spirit of sexual immorality and perversion will not attach itself to your life in the name of Jesus! I cancel and uproot every seed planted by the spirit behind Anita Nderu and Co.

And since no one is ready to have Kenya as the next Sodom and Gomorrah; Lisa went on to tell Anita by adding;

Not only is this glorifying homosexuality that God hates,(the sin not the person and anyone dealing with this needs to take it to the feet of god to deal with, not accept and embrace it! That is not the tolerance Jesus was about.he loves you!your soul and spirit is precious to him,do not allow your flesh to blind and deceive you), it goes a step further and encourages other sexual perversions like threesomes! Sex is intended to be holy and glorifies God but the devil has made sure that it’s perverted since the beginning of time! Kenya will not be turned into Sodom and Gomorrah!!”

“My name has nothing to do with teenage pregnancies!” Singer Katombi claps back at Ezekiel Mutua

Kamba singer Katombi will not be blamed for pregnancies he has nothing to do with.

The Kamba singer came out to distance himself from the accusations linking his name; and band songs to teenage pregnancies in Machakos as reported by Kenya Film Classification Board CEO, Ezekiel Mutua.

According to Katombi also known as Alex Kasau, his name has nothing to do with what these girls are caught up in. He went on to add that in Kamba, Katombi means something different from the Swahili word people know. He opened up saying;

Singer Katombi

Kwanza kwetu sio Machakos, second nitawa katombi na mimi sio mswahili na katombi ama kutomba sio matusi kikamba.. utindaa ulikiliile band sya akamba niki.. we struggled to make these names known..

Don’t blame me!

He went on to claim that jealousy is the main reason why Mutua is picking on artists from Ukambani. He went on to write;

hizi nyimbo bado ndio zimefanya watoto pregnant kisumu, siaya, nairobi and the whole country? Kana wi director wausisya mbathi sya kikamba pekee? Kimena, kiweu na kiima. Typical mkamba. Shame on you.

Mutuma’s statement

In a statement released by Ezekiel Mutua throw his Twitter handle, he went on to blame certain artists for promoting sexual content through their music.

Media ethics cop, Dr Ezekiel Mutua

Among those he blamed is singer Katombi who he says sexualized his stage name using such a vulgar name. He went on to say;

The news about 4000 girls getting pregnant in Machakos County is shocking but not surprising. In 2017, a survey by KFCB on the effects of vulgar vernacular music on the youth captured this reality. Machakos County topped for vulgarity. Even the bands had sexualised stage names.

Why Ezekiel Mutua blames Kamba musicians for teenage pregnancies in Machakos!

Kenya Films Classification Board (KFCB) CEO Ezekiel Mutua has come out to blame Kamba musicians for their dirty content; which has contributed to about 38000 teenage pregnancies in Machakos county.

As reported earlier the girls said to be pregnant range from ages 15 to 14 years and below.

Although this comes as a surprise, Ezekiel Mutua already feels that this should be blamed on Kamba artists who promote sexual content in their music.

Through his Twitter handle, Mr Mutua went on to say;

Teenage pregnancies in Machakos

The news about 4000 girls getting pregnant in Machakos County is shocking but not surprising. In 2017, a survey by KFCB on the effects of vulgar vernacular music on the youth captured this reality. Machakos County topped for vulgarity. Even the bands had sexualised stage names.

Dirty content

He went on to blame these artists for promoting sexual content on the low using names such as Katombi (which is self explanatory) to other names like Maima and Vuusya ungu; which allegedly carry vulgar meanings in Kamba.

Kamba artist, Katombi

In the 2017 survey, KFCB raised alarm about how Kamba vernacular music normalised teenage sex and objectification of women. Most music had young girls gyrating and the bands had sexualised stage names such as Katombi, Maima, Vuusya ungu etc.

To make things worse, these songs also promote rape and instead of being criticized; they get massive airplay in most Kamba stations as they compete for traffic numbers.

The survey covered Seven Counties in Kenya but Machakos with bands like Katombi and Maima topped in vulgarity. Dirty music dominates most kamba vernacular stations with content that encourages sex with young girls, even rape. It’s time to stop this trend.

Kenyans on social media are however creating awareness on this to end since it appears like we are now fighting the wrong pandemic!

How much is too much? The Timmy- Rosa Ree duo “Vitamin U” that got Kenyans talking

When we thought we had seen it all from the Gengetone squad , then came the “Vitamin U” duo. Then Kenyans got excited. I mean we know that Timmy Tdat and Rosa Ree are a couple, and a raunchy one for that matter. They are also not shy to display their affection to each other.

Some say they are trying to ape  the superstars Cardi B and Offset. But well we don’t know and also remember this is Kenya Papi . We play morality cops.

How much is too much?

However, one asks how much is too much when it comes to affection and body show?

The couple Timmy and Rosa Ree have dropped a new jam dubbed “Vitamin U”, its a beautiful song yes, but the visuals eiiishh!!!

Roa Ree ft Timm Tdat

The nakedness put out in this video is tantamount to what some say too much skin for the eyes. Some likening it to shear pornography. You think?

Timmy  Tdat and Rosa Ree’s video is a bit too explicit, to the extent that Kenyans  have called it out as among those that should be banned. Should it

I don’t really know what happened this week, but this Friday seems to have had the worst release of extreme raunchy music.

To ban or not to?

Look at it this way the the song by Ethic also has its negatives that got the film Classification Board Chair Dr Ezekiel Mutua banning it.

Another in the same connotation is  Ochungulo Family’s song “Dudu” you see some girls chained on a leash like a dog. I mean how?

While it maybe true that some girls are letting lose in the name of working as “vixens”  but being put on a leash? Nooo!!! that is just too much.

Surely, what the hell is going on the writing of music?  The bull that runs around in the name of creativity is getting out of hand.

In my opinion Mutua might get out hand sometimes with the bans  but I advocate for it. On the other hand, too much explicitly should not be made norm!

Banning songs is just pointless

Every so often, you’ll hear that Kenya Films Classification Board (KFCB) CEO Ezekiel Mutua has banned a song for one reason or the other. The latest casualties are Sailors Gang’s Wamlambez and Tetema by Diamond Platnumz and Rayvanny. He restricted the songs from being played in public places and termed them as pure pornography.

Also read: Stop looking for content from new-age musicians!

I find this interesting because apart from the fact that you can’t really ban a song, it’s also just pointless because you end up making them popular. Think of it though, news about the ban was carried on the dailies and people who didn’t know about the song now know about it and probably went on YouTube to watch it.

Diamond Platnumz
Diamond Platnumz

Secondly, it’s really hard to enforce such a ban. Say you are caught playing the song outside a club, would you be arrested? And if you were apprehended what would you be charged with? Which law have you broken? You see, for such a ban to be effective, it has to be published in a gazette notice and I don’t think anyone in government is that idle.

The third reason is why now? I just kept wondering. Truth is Wamlambez and Tetema are not new songs, the former was released in April while the latter came out in February – which is six months ago. Say the song are dirty as we have been told, then why weren’t they banned as soon as they were released?

Sailors Gang
Sailors Gang

In my opinion, people should be left to decide the kind of songs that they want to listen to. If you feel that a certain song is lewd the truth is you don’t have to listen to it, no one will force you to consume it. The same way you should not stop people from listening to songs because you seem them in a certain way. Enough said.

As promised, Taka Taka singer Alvindo drops a more uplifting song dubbed “Boy child” after meeting with Mutua 

“Taka Taka” singer Alvindo has been trending ever since  regulatory board KFCB banned his song.

Alvindo met with the CEO of the body Ezekiel Mutua a week ago and they ironed everything out, agreeing that the video of Taka Taka shall be pulled down.

In the press conference, Alvindo also promised that his next music shall be educative and uplifting. After Taka Taka, the singer dropped “Kunguni”, a club hit that brought about mixed reaction.

“I want to apologize to my fans and to promise them a second release that will embrace moral values… I am sorry I didn’t intend to incite jilted men against women.

“If I release the next song, it will be a song with a message and one that sends a positive message to society,” said Alvindo last Thursday.


He has now released his new jam dubbed  ‘Boy Child’ which speaks about all the difficult things boy child is going through these days.

‘Boychild’ has been produced by Magix Enga at the Fast Cash Music Group studios run by KRG the Don, who took Alvindo under his wing after ‘Taka Taka’ went viral.

Listen to the song below:



Alvindo has released the video for ‘Taka Taka’ and it’s way better than expected

Singer Alvindo, has released the video for his first single dubbed Taka Taka. Interestingly, the video debuted a few days after Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) CEO Ezekiel Mutua banned the song.

In a statement, Mutua explained that the song had been restricted due to “its obscene and degrading lyrics that advocate for violence against women by equating them to trash.”

To some extent, I seem to agree with Mutua. However, I don’t think it really necessitated a ban because doing so only makes it popular. It doesn’t serve the purpose at all.


Alvindo and his manager KRG The Don knew this too well. As such, it does not come as a surprise that they hurried to release the video even after the song had been banned.

The video, which was directed by Deska Torres, has already clocked 72,000 views on YouTube two days after it was released. From the look of things, it will hit a million views in four weeks or so.

In as much as I don’t think the song is worth writing about, I really loved how the video brought the song to life with various scenes depicting what Alvindo went through in the hands of his ex.

Alvindo with KRG The Don

If you don’t know, the song is all about Alvindo’s ex girlfriend and how she put him through a lot and eventually dumped him. It is a diss track to his ex.

The video helps paint a good picture in people’s minds. As it begins, there a scene where Alvindo is visiting a witchdoctor to cast a spell on his ex girlfriend.

Also read: Alvindo’s ‘Taka Taka’ is almost hitting a million views but it’s still terrible

There’s also a scene that shows him working as a vendor at Burma Maket. As he leaves work, his girlfriend ambushes him and takes away all the money that he had made on that day.

The lass then meets up with another guy who takes her out on a date. The two are seen enjoying themselves so much so that you would think the lass is single.

The video features popular Kenyan comedians such as Eddie Butita, Shaniqwa, DJ Shiti. They play various roles and helped bring the song to life in the best way possible.

Watch Taka Taka video below and tell us what you think.

Ezekiel Mutua: Diamond is very much welcomed to perform in Kenya 

Moral cop Ezekiel Mutua has no problem with Diamond Platnumz and Rayvanny performing in Kenya despite their ban in Tanzania.

Mutua, speaking in a phone interview, said that Diamond might have angered Tanzanian authorities with his song “Mwnaza” but in Kenya, he hasn’t done anything and so he can perform.

“We are Kenyans, we are not Tanzanians but they have been banned to perform outside Tanzania so it is purely their decision. Have seen the board has written their statement, they have banned them from performing even outside Tanzania. Their statement says they will jail them for life if they fail to follow the order. I don’t think I have anything to say, we are not Tanzanians and they’ve been banned by Tanzanian government, if they perform its their own business, I cannot arrest them because they have been banned in Tanzania , I can only arrest them with the laws of Kenya. ” Mutua said. 

No offense

Mutua added that in case Diamond commits any offense while in the country, he’ll definitely get arrested.

”There is no issue, it is not me it is them But if they come here and commit crime in the event, we will deal with them with Kenyan law. It is not really our decision, we have nothing to do with it, whether they come or not, we are not involved in any way and can not stopped them from coming because of Tanzania. We can only ban them because of our laws here.” he added.

What a chameleon! Ezekiel Mutua is ok with gay CNN anchor speaking in church but can’t stand Kenya’s own self-confessed gay Joji Baro

Ezekiel Mutua and Joji Baro have clashed multiple times before because of his stand on homosexuality in Kenya. But you will be surprised to know the moral police is totally cool with foreigners who are gay who come to Kenya.

Also read: “You will kiss your job goodbye, gay sex workers provide services to so many lawmakers” Joji Baro tells Ezekiel Mutua

Joji Baro will probably not be welcomed at Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) leave alone given an opportunity to address faithful, because he is not white, he’s not rich and famous.

But JCC welcomed Richard Quest with an open arm, the openly gay CNN anchor was given a special seat close to the pulpit and yes, he also addressed the church.

Also read: When you are gay and rich even churches kiss your a**! Kenyans tear into Kathy Kiuna’s JCC for hosting gay CNN anchor


Moral police has come out to defend the Kiunas for hosting Richard Quest at their church. Kenyans however think Ezekiel Mutua is a big hypocrite.




Sorry, but you will have to put up with Ezekiel Mutua for another three years

Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) CEO Ezekiel Mutua is loved and hated almost in equal measure. But if you hate him, you will just have to put up with Mutua for another three years.

KFCB board of directors has renewed Mutua’s term as the Chief Executive for three more years, the moral cop will at the helm of KFCB until 2021.

Mutua was first appointed CEO in October 26th 2015 when no one knew about KFCB. Under his stewardship, KFCB became one of the most powerful government agencies.

Two mandates
Ezekiel Mutua
Ezekiel Mutua

Speaking during a radio interview after his term was renewed, Ezekiel Mutua revealed that the board gave him two mandates when he was first appointed in 2015.

The first mandate was to raise the profile of the board and to raise the revenue for KFCB. Mutua brags that he has achieved both mandates with a 99% success rate.

“When I was first appointed, the board gave me two mandates. One, raise the profile of the board. I have done that by over 99%. When I came in no one knew about KFCB let alone pronounce it properly in full. That has since changed. Even government agencies were contradicting our mandate and so I made sure I set up the structures. Two was raise the revenue and I have done that raising it by over five times,” said Mutua.





‘A person of sane mind wants to watch girls having sex with other girls?’ Ezekiel Mutua burns with anger after court lifts Rafiki’s ban

Moral cop Ezekiel Mutua recently took to social media to curse at people who are happy that the court has allowed lesbian movie Rafiki to be aired locally.

The KFCB boss had banned the film but the court suspended the ban for seven days so that the movie could be aired locally and be submitted for the Oscars.

“So I hear the High Court has temporarily lifted the KFCB ban on the homosexual film “RAFIKI” to allow it to be screened for seven (7) days to fulfil the requirements for nomination to the Oscar’s. Although we have not been served with the orders, we are meant to understand that the lifting of the ban is for seven (7) days and the screening is RESTRICTED to ADULTS only. After 30th of September 2018 the ban by the Board resumes as earlier announced.” he said on Facebook. 

He continued:

It’s a tragedy that anyone in their sane minds think that homosexual content is the one to market Kenya’s film industry in the global market. Films and art in general should reflect the dominant values of the Kenyan people. Homosexuality is not our way of life and is against our values. Anything that threaten or undermines the institution of family, which is derived from a union between two people of the opposite gender must be condemned.
The attempt to normalise homosexuality is akin to air-conditioning hell!”


Also on Twitter, the boss attacked NGO and other Western companies that he says are trying to push homosexuality to Africans. Here’s what he posted.


Maina Kageni, Mwalimu King’ang’i face possible disciplinary action from KFCB

Kenya Film and Classification Board (KFCB) is cracking the whip on errant media personalities who are violating rules governing the airing of content on radio and TV.

Moral police Ezekiel Mutua on Tuesday said KFCB was concerned with the increased adult content in free to air radio and TV stations in the country.

KFCB has already banned Fresh Fry and Marie Stopes advertisements on TV for containing sexual content and supporting abortion.

Disciplinary action
Moral police Ezekiel Mutua
Moral police Ezekiel Mutua

Several Kenyan radio personalities including Classic FM’s Maina Kageni and Daniel Ndambuki alias Mwalimu King’ang’i and Radio Jambo’s Joseph ‘Gidi’ Ogidi and Jacob ‘Ghost’ Mulee are being probed by KFCB.

The mentioned radio presenters are are facing possible disciplinary action over what KFCB terms as airing adult content during the watershed period.


Moral cop Ezekiel Mutua: Bishop Kiuna’s preaching made me cry. Reminded me when I stole bread and milk because of hunger 

That moment when the preacher touches your soul and you feel like he’s talking to you. Do you know that moment? Well, Moral cop Ezekiel Mutua recently found himself in this position while watching bishop Allan Kiuna preach on TV.

On social media, the Kenya Film Classification Board CEO explained how he was touched by the bishop’s preaching which reminded him of his tough life while in campus in Nairobi.

Read the post below:

“Today in my hotel in Kisumu, I watched Bishop Allan Kiuna preach on K24 and I found myself kneeling beside my bed and shedding tears. The good Bishop was speaking about a heart of gratitude. He spoke about remembering the things God has done for us and why it’s important to always take stock of His blessings in our lives.

“I don’t know why, but the sermon took me down memory lane – the hardship of my early childhood, the pain of growing up in a broken home, the missed opportunity in life when I was young simply because I didn’t have rich parents or a mentor. I remembered how I came to Nairobi for further studies and how one day I was so broke and hungry, I entered Jack & Jill supermarket and ate bread and drunk milk without paying. The tellers and watchmen accosted me and started beating me.

“I shouted at them to stop beating me for I was “a child of a very senior person.” I demanded to see the manager or the owner of the place. When a nice looking Muhindi came I told him my story and that I was genuinely hungry. I told him that I had a great future and that one day I will not only shop in his place and pay, but that will probably buy the entire shop. He ordered that I be served whatever I wanted and be let to go.

“Today as the Bishop preached I cried. I remembered how in 1990 with very good points, Kenyatta University Administration refused to change my course from BA to BED, even after I went on hunger strike to protest the admission for a BA, arguing that my points allowed me to pursue Education, which was my second choice after missing the cut off points for Law.

“I remembered how my roommate used to tease me that I was pursuing “Bachelor of Anything (BA)”, and how I once failed in Critical Thinking unit by Prof. Wambari in First year and was almost referred, only to make a remarkable come back in Second and Third year and end up with a Second Class Honours. I remembered how I worked for the Nation Media Group for nine years but could not afford a car even when my peers were making it a sport. I remembered how I had to pursue my Masters almost 15 years after my first degree and how I had to struggle with my PhD at night and during weekends, almost at 50. I remembered years of delayed blessings na kuonewa. I remembered many things. . . .

“But I also remembered how God has been on my side through it all. I remembered the unmerited favour. I remembered the many times I have literally screwed up and could have gone under, but God held me. I remembered how He has rescued me from my enemies and prepared a table before me, in their presence. I remembered that I am not worthy to receive the kind of love that He gives, but He still loves me, anyway.

“I am a man of many flaws. There’s still stuff I need to fix in my life. There is still more to learn, more to do and more to achieve. I may not be where I wanted to be, but I am where God wants me, and that’s good enough. I am grateful.
Thank you Bishop for the word. It is still reverberating in my mind!”


Muthoni Drummer Queen goes ballistic on Ezekiel Mutua

Muthoni Drummer Queen picked a fight with moral police Ezekiel Mutua following recent moved by Kenya Film and Classification Board (KFCB) to ban films and censor the creative industry.

Drummer Queen held a talk with industry stakeholders on  Saturday the 26th of May at Ukweli Café to discuss KFCB’s mandate.

“This is not the time to hide behind your apathy talking about ‘its Kenya’ ‘nothing changes’ ‘Ezekiel is a government guy with top level support so we can’t win.’ STOP THAT NONSENSE! That lazy defeatist attitude must go! This battle is for the ones who are doing it for real. Those whose livelihood comes from their creativity. It is not just film that is under siege, it’s all our creative outputs,” Muthoni tweeted.

Controversial cap 222

The rapper argues that Film and stage plays law – Cap 222 has not been updated over years. She claims that cap 222 is what Ezekiel Mutua exploits to crush the industry whenever he feels.

Follow Muthoni’s arguments in the tweets below:

Ezekiel Mutua: I agree with the Pope. I love gay people too

Moral police is known to have zero tolerance for homosexuality. Ezekiel Mutua however shocked many when he declared that he loves gay people.

Pope Francis has caused jitters following his conversation with Juan Carlos Cruz – a gay. Speaking to CNN, Cruz recounted the conversation with the Pontifex in which he told him God loved him the way he is.

“You know Juan Carlos, that does not matter. God made you like this. God loves you like this. The Pope loves you like this, and you should love yourself and not worry about what people say,” said  Juan Carlos Cruz.

Pope’s message to Cruz appears to suggest that the Vatican is supporting homosexuality. Kenyans have been asking Ezekiel Mutua to follow in Pope’s footsteps and extend an olive branch to homosexuals in Kenya.

Not gonna happen

The moral cop responded by explaining that he also love gay people just like the Pope, Mutua however made it clear that he won’t tolerate the act itself (homosexuality).

“I have seen people tagging me on the remarks by Pope Francis about God’s love for gay people. Well, I agree with the Pope. I love gay people too. But I love the sinner not the sin!,” wrote Ezekiel Mutua.


Rafiki director Wanuri Kahiu hobnobs around with legendary US director Spike Lee 

“Rafiki” director Wanuri Kahiu is enjoying the time of her life after her film was given a standing ovation in Cannes Film Festival.

Word also has it that the popular director has now been signed to Hollywood management and production company The Gotham Group.

“Wanuri Kahiu is a prodigiously talented and brilliant woman,” said Ellen Goldsmith-Vein, founder and CEO of The Gotham Group.

“As an advocate for Africans, especially young women, Wanuri has established herself as a major cultural force. That she refused to edit Rafiki in any way to avoid the Kenyan ban is a testament to Wanuri’s courage and commitment to her creative vision.”

Spike Lee

A moment with Spike

After movie was screened at the event, Wanuri and Patrician Kihoro were seen enjoying their night with popular US film director Spike Lee.

For those who don’t know who Lee is and too lazy to google, Lee is a legendary director that has made films such as “She’s Gotta Have It”, “Do the Right Thing.”  “The Original Kings of Comedy” “25th Hour, Inside Man, “Chi-Raq” and the upcoming film “BlacKkKlansman” that has been screen at cannes 2018 event.

Watch the clip below: